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€ NOVELS into FILM & Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1957 HG 730 B655 (© 95 Te Joes Hpi Pre Bulbine 8 Dien lo Gre Bin by OnfrdUaivsiy Pros anon Prine he Und Se of Aria ‘yt Wile aa rom cho Lary of Omg Cag Card Number 5840 “eee! Preface ‘youngest of he ars. Cerin ithe young af temas ar Hing oe bot dnovered clase he horel ele p> ra ges nd even wating school of ei, the nr ene pers ha become more std moe inset on scam eo Srous recognion, Now tht terion fo Become the pete, then a one som mare nd mallow realy to cee Specaity, adutconsdention ste igo ook askance the ibcrance a younger Box Bact ofthe cinema’ comperstve Jou, esther hs been tempred to tet ie ike » edging, resin ts eapailcs hy the send of older, more all Simal ar& The fms penn cla to stacomy far 00 ote {on pase of a iometre bawling The rmpatio o jg by Oded standard hr been Further engoned by the fins Surface borrowings from other dacs, Besa the fen the craonl ars like teresting eel, ovetap sta namber OF pointe tenpation af st gine, seems wndestandsle ‘ke the drama he fn avis, verbal, sod url medio proentd befor theater aiiene Le the el sls Iyron movement andre. Lie the novel weal presents frre depicting charters in see of conics. Like pine 1 BS The Limits of the Novel and the Limits of the Film in 1915, D. W. Grifth is reported to fave sid, "The tsk Ts eying to achieve is ove ll o make you see” Whether oy 2 the sateen coincides lost exactly with { evecrp fom Conrad petace to Niger of she Nercists pubs Teed seen yeas carl "My tsk whieh Lar ying em acieve in by the power of the writen Worl, to male you bear, to make hi fel ie, before al, to make you ste" Aside from the Yong syntiteal resemblance, the coineencs is remarkable in sage the poins at which la and novel both joi and part ‘sings On te one hand, tha phrase “to make you see” asus ip betwen crstive are and receptive a0- ior met her in 4 common snenios. ‘One mayo dhe ote ily though the eye or fail Crongh the ia, And between the percep ofthe visa ‘age ad the concee of the mental image ies the For ference Freween the two medi, Ler ote The Re ofthe Atmicen Fi (New York, 90), Ds 1 SINS Goal Arar (Ne Yeh p Because novel and film are beth orgasio—in the sense that aesthetic judgments ace based on total esas which inlude both formal and thematic conventions —we may expeet 0 find that differences in form and theme are ineparble from dilfer- fences in media. Nos only are Conrad and Grifith rfeving #0 ferent ways of secing, but dhe “you's” they refer vo ae dit ferent Strctures symbols myth, value which night be compre hensible to Conrad's relatively small middle-las reing public ‘would, conceivably, be incomprehensible to Gifts ns pbc Conversely, stimuli which move the eis of Grif’ aodince to teas, will utrge oF amuse the progeny af Conta’ "you." The seeming concurrence of Grit asé Conrad splits apart under aalys, and the two ans turn in opposite diceions. That it be hr enh ey of he fl laos btw ee sd flm: overly compat, secre hele "Oh the face of lx aon exited from He Be- _ginning. The reciprocity is lear from slnove any pone of view: ‘the numberof films based om novela the snr fom fini ua lent of erature; the effect of adapeaons on reading, box office ‘exis for ned poe mers aware by an fr she Hol “The moment che film went From the animation of sills cling 4 sory, it was ineviable that ton would ome the ore co be Ininced by sory deparments. Before Ghia yea an dito tor was over, be had adapted, among others, Jack London's Jase ‘Mest (For Love of Gold), Tolsoy’s Resurrection, and Cases Reales The Closer and the Hearth, Sengei Esenstein's x, “Dickens, Grit and she Film Today." demonstrates how Gift found in Dickens hin for smart every one of his major innovations. Puteuae pasage ae cited to ile the dissolve, the superimpeased shot, the closeup, the pan indicating that Grif ths interest in cera forms an his toot in Vietoran ideals provided a les pare of the impulse fr echnical and tora con= From such beginnings, the novel began sil unbroken tadi- Sere Blonsen, Fie Frm rink Joy Layda (New Vary 96 Ph, pass "cob pes. Limits ofthe Novel and tbe Film 3 on of spun conpicuosly on sory enfeece bles. The fresh reeord fis ever been adoquarly kept Various counts Tet ony tase oper eet of tol mudi prodecton 2% A fd RICO, Parone and Univeral motion pore aay re ers ti abot one sted o a fallen sr cee vcd tom nos Colon sore ss) [Skule more eompreent ey nd ao coma mrseuisetmeen py and eg 8 72 Bet were dened fom nove Horne Powscrnake! Fe Fe a a Vecsey (Jes) that of 43 Foe Syn poucton or saggy ta han TSP leaded from moves? And Temas MPyer Fcc efte Ne Fart Tes th ey UA gin! seep, teaching anew tow in Holywood, segtcne nlygu cee ofthe source material ofthe 35 Fae ced bythe Produ Cos fein 1955" AD rete odlenions mst be mae in tes cats, he ESE"Rikcin and Ponderaker repore thet the pecetge of ied fr fgg rue ws mh igh han forlowbodget pets "The anys Cm appa of is work shows song and sca eres for ne desed fom novel ine whieh p= SOLE among op guy protons ied worl for Sey Tali long tis Acne Awad Fee Fc epee oul of Diy Pry’ pl of 30 129 ere hd been wong tent for mae Se ec yes Binh eer wns conte the bat sera Gone Gb rhe Wind he besten fi andthe bk a orgealy bth wee sore, Teche of Cone TH USE ih, Pn bok wn dinero, Caesty Este, Holy: The Dr ary ec, opine : BP To, stn prs fhe Te fle ne i te in DS Pept or tran Sgvows oe were ded fom cae vet 6 9) gt Frm se pie of view of emai ce CS Te ates hs haat Be 4 overs isto rita it the nd apy meg of comme ad aie Invests Fo when, sme five yers str, Fe rpoted Vari Ising of Hollywood "al sie money makers Mise Michel's tle Stood ee fal others with easg of some 3.5 lon. More import ofthe tn os lable ln pepor Sve had en aaped frm novel The hgh Br led novels hich have been nancy an aol scent my De more omprebensble when we remember how frequently Plier ‘ree winner, fom Ace Adame to All th Kings Men, hve {ppesrd in heat form" "fet atone lne of inftnce ran from New York polishing hous to Hollywood sda anther ine my be observed Tanning the the way: Magaet Farrand Thorp eepors hat when Dri Copperfield appeared on les sere the Jean forthe book svar ogre forthe Cevlind Public Library ordered 138 ne ‘pie thatthe fm premier of The Goad Ear booed sas of {hac book tooo pr wel; and tat ore cops of uterng Heigherhave been tl sine the novel wae screened than inal he previous ninery-two years of entence, Jerry Wal conn {his puter by punting oot, ore preci, tat fer he fim’ {pearance the Pocket Book edition of Waring eighssld Boson cop, vartots eons of Pride and Price reached {ind of ilon copiy snd tals for Lovr Horo reached 1 The apentne, in 1996 of such fins ax Moby Dice So0"War and Pee sccompeed by special ein sls of he ‘vel, hs conic this prem. ‘Bot when Je Pal Sure suggest hat for many of se read ea with he Gu War and ta oth a yp oe seen eh te a omnes mech umieray oe Tie neds whe Gone the ‘Wiad From Esto Ber, Des tthe Se The Rate, Qua ale "Amang ter fined Pale Peni The Goad Bon, Gone ‘a te Win, The Le Guorge ley, Toe Yeon, The Ore of Wah 4 Bal Yor sd, The Maen Amro, Se Big, o> by he Bride of San Lat ey, ee dee Bhry Wil Sat hd Pt Ro» ry 9 Limit ofthe Novel andthe Film 5 ex the Bok appears ra more flesh commentary” on Eetimts helsing of veya cogent dinedon. Qos thc aly ave very Hele fo Jo with gute changes: They {Slur ating about be maonl procs eralone how tig {Eta eaef fm veson of ole cha ae ee es TRipt‘rhey merely cela te fcr of rcproiny they donot TEEN Te Toptentone for eahetce."They. provide saa, cst dis. Hence, rom sch infomation the pre ature OF he ation cannot be deduced Sich satemens a “The film tue tthe pif the Boks seine hw yc he nove eo by esl god fn’; God hey charged he Pepa far andar rane ae peed om ean Surin whch Sarthe motaoal proces These andar rolelves snd jgnents sme, among eter tings «separable ‘Shen which nay be detached and reproduced a he sapsot ‘produce the Hien that neldens an caret a ton are ‘Skrchengebl wth ines n haactess fn th ly hate onl hs norm and theft deve ste pr hat devine Ste perisibl for vey defined reaes-cngenis of length 2 aio, papa hae fhe rion ‘Thveary ceecly with the epee” on ae forthe origi chat ‘lng bbros does noe cea the quay of he Sy STtcver oe my tisk ofthe owe beth suc Hers te TStthowa wc whic mt be conceled from the pb "Whee common tl thee spo he ck of aware ett matador publ the emer one oes rom agieeo {Sr of fd, bu relay homogencos conventions o aneter ‘fat changes areal the moment one sbandos the gabe for the rove wodiom Fy tliat recog tat Pov! and fm represen diferent aesthetic om each ther bale from reece “te fin become deren bing nthe sae sneha =e core png boc irene ing fom he ise rent ‘Sth floats eh rns oy that As beter a Jean Pal Sue, Whe Us re? ane. Berard Frechonan Ne ook no) vos 6 wovets wero rnuat ‘worse than novel Bas itis to pronauace Wright's Jonson's Was Building beter or worse chan Tebuikowsky's Suan Late, Inthe last anys, each is autonomous, and cach ie characterized yy ‘nique and specie propersics What, then, ate thee properties? Artest pst of ot dnon ofthe two mea aye ela Lh rape pons of erg Tho mln eee ‘ree Roget Manvel logy shows" have been pe Cccoptd with indy hy hd ec gate For te Ameri lm begin as gege and eid ior: Sol nvarene te py aps slo e en ‘hat Arezn love of ino sd pled Erin Poy, inhi prepve any on maton prs ben sete 0 he Impact of hee og nthe so tS Te gi of he Hi scoring to Poo, sgge wo fond pe om Hin hat he pina Ee of enjoyment of mein fisura was rea pene inert in ee ject ate Bue the str dg ne tha things tee ay ater Sings hey a wo send Ne Pees ate ed ete gh nse at age novel. Fore tars delgie in anism escbing ety ftough cscs othe ZDatope he nko, an hcl sess, Ween peal ic nt gh «ay eng fs ote ing tay. Bue whe pec thee age apparel Hy Jaga on src thy exe wees "The second fat we ae founded, Peoiky gue ni that fins... ce orgially a produc of a genuine foliar. At the very beginning of things we find the Simple recording of ‘movement, galloping hors, ralfoad trang, feengines, port ing events, srect scenes. And these fs were orginally pro= it, rise, Landen 9), ps1, nice et Sit et bt il Me Ps peor, i a Limits of the Novel and the By duced by people who did noe cam to he arits, and were en= joyed by people who did no claim to be arcs and who would have been mich offended had anybody called them ar-lovers They were taken by photographer who were anything. bat “direcor,” and were‘performed, when it had come 9 the ‘making of narrative films, by people who were anything bat Ae oreo aes Sea ea ona ae toe ee renee ‘ofthe pi-throwing genre; (3) scenes represented on mildly foci pla py ETT dale ol Sat Su inet, ge vce gm in ee ne oot poche se EEE Kp i proficay histories, regio tae and manifeoes, Thee i no such Si siden : ‘Asoo icy aries bec, weshal aso sen the fil cst apprehension cnsaiy diven back to epistenolgy Shee the munpolion of a sim nthe fim and vert ‘runipulation inthe novel oth pensppose spectre ion Eons forced to move beeweesubjeceand bec. Where Radolph’ Amicin, he prycoiogee analyzing th fm beat from ogitne prensey Bain Mie, te cre aralying the towel fe compocd to end with therm. Early bi book, Ar Tin sayy le tone of she authors Fondant pines Mae tues jose as mocha sts ies pe of meri ie 207 thing ee inthe worl and tha the only way ro underand oe SBrowarefrom te snplet forms of story prycholegel ip Son and to gard snl and aodsory at inate ors of Secng and hearing Edwin Nui toward the end of is "Toe Stractre of the Nove Sins tat in trying 0 escran Zensons for patios ltation nee novel he Was even "at lent t-te mitten af our vaion ofthe world. We se ehings In GF Tne Space, Calg» Wemny expect, the Sieh olen pve yo te “The novel imprecise boundaries hve mde ees relent 12 ctasly wih abut asoranc, and have even doomed to fare those cies who have atempred see dfnidon.F- M. Forster {cognate problem whan he quotes Cheval’ definition of the vel“ fon om pro dene cern een” a as {hatte wil couder as 4ore any fettous prose ee 0.000 ‘Corda= Forster is ware tha one mist begin somewhere nd be- hose the point a which one gis ea conerac, the constuct ‘econ mave. Cet cones dicore te oven mach the Same way ht novels Gore igen both eases one can hope to cach burs small fragment of the whole. Yer when Foner {as by doabing that ewe such» ing as + ciel equp- ‘Rash Aram ens. M Seng da FD Aero oie alee : “Stanin ube Sac fe Ne! Oe Yad 9s 8 SEs Apr of th Need lew Sane Limits of the Novel ard the Fil 9 net" es ot Jacounting the vn of islets He ismerly Tae tS vor thr tons Tv comprebensvees crm ree sg thc nove agin sd spi, a Soetnes ot Seo When itn tte ho ie oe See One types of went, an Hen James sve “ecine the "loa cepaation” whi “are mde By ees and ae eg ot Eonenc, nd ep ches ot of ome rae Te Mal que rtcocs? they ste emcee not Sa ore seen feo ith the resuptions Sree ws Lind ecm which cs the ede ay ait Pi ho onan he cmp crit They ae Fea ay aprochy they te mecly coreg the rrr och modem erticim comes clos odespairs not onky ean Ma uaderemats Throogowe Form of Moder Fe sae se te election feria eon eed by Wik oo Mee tbnipe ene Sako ey erg sav ug the moment fol ers 5 broghe to ea a oat beth ord and erica Allen sa pwc al te Sore” By showing ew rae otek agnen men rendee wih pede Ener ars pl spl rom Which ord te eae ys on zomment one pesos fe Seer an tne mtn ofthe verbal pros se. sr than 0 pose ing ops etrage pin has con- oe ce opps tendon hs been pel of rey sa a of te nel cine cept. acd wh ne aos eee orl be nen force tod few modes of seen hem And, nsw ee fa ec end eT cit perp ae ski pai he novel is pspoiy# we be, Me. Bach 2 eh Mf pas Tine bythe hey ofthe nove ony he wate beeen ope eens. a swine oft coving eden even eT ae engi Te rec rmon sos reese ong evra Ts dt of Fito Sot pv 2Hhny Feta oR a of le on Wane ices ep ys in medial romance. The Isin noel the egnate of he Eng Ih word mene Show” and sgn new Kind of sect tarnive eaming toe both ee an ue Th the novel "Couches hero legend acne csrcne and ser ural the other The chet cnr nar Henry iin deci ing Joep Andrews" pce of wing wes have fend tobe Hn wtp nearing “ac france ea come ehe oon a prac’ Ifthe fection of Stee! Rishon ware be made vicious the ele Tune had to be ince in onder core pound pha, obolte ess an fae deo, "Ata enty ler, new sol etis a {ania otis str In hay of. Beye, whch opened the third and conceding numberof ts Reo Parsice (Septem bers, go)Dalse syn, dono seve the poreayl of moe ern sciy tobe posible the sree met ofthe ert of the mvencnth and eghtenh ccnnnic"= Dngsing be tween the erator of mgr. exenlied by Vicor gn and the ltrcie of ides, erempled by Seed, Bale cose Himsa an exponent oferty exec, combing te est Torte ofthe onc andthe Westone dyn ofthe eh. Tn America, with the appearance of The Hone of the Sever Gables, Harborne wene tat pce hill a oe en of the towels signal polaty of roman ané novel Renoneing the novel which pessoa avery mime felty =< the probable nd ornary cure of mans experienc” Hewhome ens his book ss “omanc," which emperco ead the erith ef he han hes” and fry igh to prsone i rath nde cunts co rest extn ofthe witer's own cos Ing o reton” iy te eneneth cntry, afer the exhilarating discovery tie conciousness and the unconsiogy poend hitherto nde any Lev The Novel” Dic of Word Ltrs, Je “TS (Sew Vor 1), . ‘in Relig Jong nies Landon 95). SHonaré de ae "ASudy of M. Bel The Chaveree of Par, sens © K. Seat Manse Laon, 10). Ph Limit of the Novel and the Fi 14 cot nen nw er bp ee eng at ee a roe ol tg cto ee Pee se Se et aes oh Se ore pm ne On A ‘hae ale mc pl vy eer, Dr rela pean ioe cee ere es Andeé Gite, Th Counter ea. Doty Bay (New York, TeMk Sts, “Teshiqa a Dicowery Form of Mor Flin, ne ‘the nove, he Limitations of language become ental preaecupa | Tanguage cannor convey non-verbal expvienes being see sireand liner, i exnnoe expres sinutancons experienc, being ‘composed of Separate and dive unit it cannot reveal she Umbroken flow of de proces of living. Renry camor be e% | pres or conveyed ony the sion of c= Sear eae ae Seacsacete iets sr ucn ot Pig Bg is ee coh Sey eS hs eo am Me sein Deen pte somes ems ftom iene eee crm cranes om orn ee pate pon seat te es et oe ae sens ee th rere os Span = sem ge ead Fey of in em ee PA, A, Meni, Tie ad he Nove (London, 195) Lins ofthe Novel and be Fm 33 Ponctire ralty the moment they are applied. So that cvenerest~ eee eee = SE eens Fr eophrsing Hay Levin's observation that bees the novel a eeead arom ta diery whlch elas tion gene i eb ny Hee yeoman io, ems! fee cre epee goer en SPB moa tare nf one Sin (gy ssh ferent poins. Where che fl has not yet begun to quston its shiity to render certain pes of pyc! and even pychological ‘rely, the novel is mo longer so eonfdent In Menilow’s the novel “fie ens to rele reaity a fully a ca, 2d she ding of te, es ve he ing of ‘The ln: Rew Materials Such dfernces a we have akeady noted inthe two media ‘ecme een more obvious when ie examin ore deal he pec properesof xt The fim aod onthe opie pee ple known te penince af von After expsu the een of the eye retin the image of» plete spprsionly 1 Of 4 second longer than the duration of aco contact. The pence ‘wasapled in the oi setrope, for example, where apres were arin frewhesing de. When the dae wa revoied 2 gen ‘peal the he theough the apres would ser to be coe vows. A sre of separate Hage, ran behind the aera, ‘wold eee the ilason of constant tion, The pine at ‘sine th tame from the fara ofthe skodcon tthe Splendor of he widesren In the ovis theater we se i ares Tachof th ine: Our ye lite gy "The sen in wat made op of seu rms ined on all of celoid st» endrd rte of sen rest te foe. Sound ls, even four fame e+ fee persed on before {he ens ofthe sudard projector Aeshna, te eye recies he Aision of nonral movement. The serge fim rane abo 2 simaes and nears aboot 7.00 feet alge sgh ioc ely rs hare vaed frm ite sso fe ole toa uch oo fet or more. Falegth fils ace made ep of hao OF Iapo foo eh, hatin he ae ca verge etre be four rel The sandr width of te film sip ir 35 ln s subandad with of ms popu for noncmnerl ‘te Tonratins in steep fms hae set of frien expe Limits of tbe Newel and he Fil 35 sents with 65 and 65 mam. Ee, which may very wel render the ‘conventional mechanics alles (ste Jame. Limbacher= sory, “Widesereen Chronolgy,” li iw Review (October, 195s], P. «3M. Whatever the sandareof the fre, however, es highly rable the the S's bse materia wil remain ote meshn- ‘aly xed tan those ofthe mor rion st ‘Beyond thee lnitatons, however, the camera free to use slow endless visa vr: Te this prine tht te emer, Insel of enti’ fm sprocketed in place announces ial a are ietsument, The comere can ge anyerhere sex anything. in the natural word, Paced in fron oft chavc, can effects nm ber of diortion without even moving Bepnning with two-inch Teng the ermerman en shoot the crc ini entiesy and end ‘with foryinch lene hich reveal no more than a notce pinned {fo the doot. The Gwoiach lene mart nearly comespond 0 the | ‘ion offen eyesight and may therefore be wa «norm, Lents of Is than tro inches dire space by erending and ageing dane a thot wong ed of elope: Temes of more than ewo inches dort space by reducing and com presing dance hough he aging end. Gas cn be ‘educate he otins of acne as cen Be edt ie the Hon of loking trogh + hele or ear or ated rch, Sometings the le sere to give bled oF wey ‘Fc Even immobile, she cera maker pace plate Moreen, however te comers cove, zd in m0- tity a abit to see nected afc. ACs pun the fm els evhioreal dep nence rw che cet Foi, she camer can we over a hundred ie of pas, 0 ean the eyes on snare weil ve ulooms {de on ces up hones neo windows move ona rack slang {loping onenen; tke now eon the Felgen apne an op skcrpes by pivoting verealiy an tipo by Fry Koco. bd sch: dace bck ‘Sisy, on dre ght to fra deired mood deepen state hii uns phy coor, nn i dy fain defined elds int sharp ones John Howard Lawson ee Phe thes copies by eigen tnt oe igh paern 5 [clay tthe composion, which innever sai, compen i! le 16 wavens isto uum 1 not merely commentary on the seton. Thee ia lunging dhynunicreltionhip brea each pepo object nthe scene the camera"? Tin when the camera sing theoogh the «Sow 9 fd the seping man ine bese of od) nd Sou, "te esramen foe sting” Likes precocious eh, however, he camer an become offen Sve throngh sheer vost. Has Writes coeec hen he 9) Shue "the good eameraman i x sparing posible he Se OF Shore Sona" The tehgon of te eaners fate all been eeolved by the demands of men making ns fora specie ent Comey the appara He aes the “The danger ofthe runaway cme never psssmply beens che camer dows ot crak oe hind the lene eres rin ‘iretng ie mend and often thle vision. An ts th i roar iran to hi nstroment at we ms ol Forte enter of thes ugly ereave pre ‘nthe face of to be sre, he cers aprosinuts on ary perception It she nial prt of oar bavngr,” YS TEs Lindgren, to look one momar one thing athe net Imoene a anorher searing othe dion in which out ate tion arated In oder t ster ove ww, mere movement of the eyes icine. Bu somtines ve ti dr ead, oF ore ic por down, Sometine the inple for movement wanstrsd to dur whale body, and, eo gees purtaar angle f von, = Shi sound or wine thi stv nd ere mana of teeing Lindgren argc, "ithe kone, noe erly ofthe Hay of ling, bof th whole eeigu of fine repe V1 Paorkin segs the sme thing i i oxo, “The Jes of the camera reper the eye of the observes"™ But Bas ohn Homed Lawson, Theory aad Tebniae of Planing nd Scremartng (New ose.) 38 ‘halite “Hanlin Camcn® Foner so be By (hate Davy sn Lort Dos London 13) ‘Sra Linen The drt of te Fle (ond, So 3. ATL Pedra Fim Pena, ane or Mane (sed, 19). mri Limits ofthe Novel andthe Ft 17 Wright, the Brith photographer, pines out Padovkin and Lindgren uhimarsly Go, the esenily nada departure of eye from camer: Fine an foremost we mst renenber tha the camera does not {er thngs in tcsame wy the man eye. The bran behind Sour ef sles the pomts of empha nh eae before you. You eat look sta ew’ and sse nothing bat onewinbell, oF Jou can lok tan cry eld and sce nions of corte aes BP geases, Norso te cer. The on soley records on @ Serined pice o sl ply the amount of ig of difer Jpg values thar pases through No anoune of ehiaking onthe Par ofthe canranan sil achive any ether ephasi: Ot of Pepi lance tw not pk veto erent. Yoo, a4 eto, have go to strore to pec xe esmera in such away arte plc ron vil how gre the mp you quire in yl sari meri yo i tr ore non Fe tee, Ieper te i ite ie eo ee nant aa rel the psp feng Having Fund the seri pS txve naire of meion pcre, Grifth went on ro discover {sgh he camer, aliade of ways in whi tn ende spat movement through exciting wus yeaa. In aso me she Inve, the parle developmen, the ere lng show, she fase-ot th fade, she dive, te fshack al boone ron ron crancy in edingcechniqes ‘Once in tcc covered thc he stripe of id were shee elmer and once Sirectosnerype ee car's ‘atraliie eye to jn the fn ways contrary tre, the _tmode of tation om one ho to he nest bee sl mporane. Spat ersstion, the cae of eng, becom n Raymond St “Grenades pha, the gammar ofthe Fn And he principle cet aay wi nine Lindgren gies athe man sign ‘Phe normal method of ranston from shoe mo shoe wien 2 scene is by mest of 2 ext which gives the efece af one shot being jostently replaced by the next, The normal meted of ‘tamstion from one seene fo another is by mean of te mx oF Alsolve which is always ssociatd with & sense of the passage ‘of time or ofa breakin tine, A sequences nomnally punetated by a faded atthe begining and a fade-out at the end. THE fade may be quick or stow according tothe ematona mood of the fil ae the momen ic occur nd to the degre of emphasis which the diector desies to give ehe pause a chat particular poines™ Where Lindgren satement has the materoffaemess of asini= luted tradition, Padovkin’ adumbration has the sng of 2 mani- eso: "Team tha every abject, aken froma given viewpoine and shown om the Seen fo spectators sa dead jer, even though jhss moved before the camer... Every objece mast by eng. ‘be Browgh upon the serecn so that sal have nor photographie bur einematgraphieewence.*" I by "dead objec” in this eon- test we understand “dead” to mean lacking i significance with, respec ta ol strucare, js a phrase decached from a poet ri pe Lis of he Novel end she Fim 19 fs dea, then Podovkin will nt sts be onerating is ese Jad ive rencober the te analogy s pety i figurative and ot irl, the the domain of the in il remain atenoro0s Ta'hi brllandy poncesig work on fm sewsety Vacel Tnday grasp the diferene fry: "A Is of words making + pacman cof pore eu era omg er Wa perfume or itn to aa" teddies "Whe owees, Pos inst withow esevaon ha he qui ofthe Hn dector consis ao of rel process pen Rn rest space ond sal tne but merely of thane pices of ele Invtarhich tose proceses have been recorded—dhen aesthetic ‘Soph torn ditoron. So elesng ws the discovery of ‘rp’ Yormatve pinche te hye of moneage ended foobar te photographie demands ofthe nial shat Ts coming nergy clr tot in adn to pce inthe ance the pcograph st be gate sown neg. Sov he shor be ncgeted no age strata, the shot {elf muse be rcopitable a copy of psi ely. The sled Jp Cir Kane mse fst be recogizable va sled before ican ecomased tthe fanatic comer of at works upon te wn IF enema eye can ik diese spi ages, he ies thepees muse be mnttlomly arenged. Like mia aot Beppe nos hae the proper tinbreBfore the entire sequence SAE Eng: Bren thoug te phorographic age i difereor in Say ron de object records, Pnoi’s observation that Tiare work with in she Al ply! roy secs Righty WERE or hough iis tee tara he ajc and prom a {hem cn be nrengd ns sors of ways “here no renin tna from the” — : “ey ein in his deasson of lm metaphor, sgt the sume chihe Ning tha te sound-fim fs0 sesory 2 medi eat ARR, Se belong ogtir abstract and nor mares canoe TeaR togethers ger ones: “Juss ging death= PESH Doe nt fil appenr a5 symbol but an ata par of {Sinan skeleon, se coanection heeween we objets shown eal Lindy. Tbe dno the Ming he (New Yet, pam om afl sinutoneoualy never ves metaphorical but alays at ‘nce rel and onsogies" Like Pansy, roi geen that here sa photographie tern n the fm which escape ‘ble and which maker meaporinpoble enc in a hy Esteli Even Thies Mann, whose ges he fim in other respec, suppre the noon totale ny 5 ‘wll acenped fo lng artist rare of sere an eal whieh ee to fe and ely Any dnesion of sing, chen, romsin at et pial ate af the shoes ‘bliin represen ely. The Ale spa redo “Iva modied by rato demands ‘The Trope in Language “ye lm hen making tape he erecting ees fee to work wh ends aft ofp aly, terse 09 {Be ote hn Mend ons oss dpende emt on + symbole nein that ends bean te prsver a he Symbol perp." Perks wahing ber lees is ‘oe dieenc been anoage nd phregnpedigetian ‘opal of ach matin sity render cary ope, Eig Men ame pf re wordsymbol mae be ane in ages of tings, figs ‘nde prc Whe Se on recomey to ise rogh yen engage ms Fiero throwgh the screen of conceal appskenson. And the oncepn pce, hough lid to nd ofa king ts pon oF Seqarre fom the eee ree ifeen ae emp ney sere wy of eppitening the unvene. "Te incon arc on fort genes dierene which son ai'he wy dows the Ine rom the eda ago handle tropes, fo bhai ener see of conscious Gn Aram more frogs and imgnnon), to ete rope ‘ethos of func eorscaon, ttt and oper “The ngs ope bse ove pe ay of rendering he sarin ps {ome Ma "On he in” Pas Mane an Or Per, oe nl eluoeere dees Yolotnch Limits ofthe Newel andthe Fim 20 shock of rsenlns, By jnapsing solr gules inven ‘Toso things langue geste revenge on the zpparent di ster ot fe Te binds ogetber a world which cos some and Sheer shot ote rine nd. Modern thei of sym Sole taking destnste ht we neces se remblncs in {SeSvet diary perro. Arsin poi ou aes on ea ong, dec per ave abe complein every del "very She nancies clumsy child seb of man fe consi Phat eve dn, comaand a eth ay be ul of expen and anger smusenent fee 2” And of bse top Joc fsck proces: the rind sees remblances nthe di arte sooo of ibe avin and angry face. “Sma are Ings and cope proces in Sding resect th cic like Cant ron id tei ale see tmzond the metaphor. The diference beeen te rit Bhucine meaphos andthe oeinary mind whieh ties ob Je Sete Truly frm he cs hat the art as Ns net mach ‘fee Where the engiie mind nds common esis oles wlorem and elt om dogy te maker of topes Bs common ‘Pai slings arora ouageous fori iteray Wopen, $a Nee are deingihed Sem copie lasicaon, He, by {Ber veka ongine and second iy Kind of comoute er sre Sor ones the power ofthe rope beens Susie sneer betas sty to compound tf wow drag Se meanings Vigna Wool, coneasiag the novel and rE posal sive to the niga power ofthe Faure of BE The inges os poe she tli ar compacta ¢ hove eeTalpgations of which the vss only the mes obvious: ‘Hen the snpls image my loves ke ed ed roe, has ExSiy tpn Jane press with mpresons of moire Ed Sana the Bow of erineon andthe safes of peta ee by mined sod sung spon te it of «rhythm which Pr ne voie ofthe poson andthe heen of the tore. ‘Autti which i acest ro word spd to words alone, the ‘Vigna Wool "The Movin and Resi” Ne Repel, (A pou fesse cele Asner ne ae rt ee eens eee ea wept itn erie eiea indore Pete ee eee aene Se eee tareee Seen +s soon 3 he cose and tried to sand erect, he had tore ‘on trembling limbs (like those aged arehbichope who hare noth ing slid on them excepe their meilic crows.) and had ‘wavered ashe made his way along the dict. summie of his ‘ighty three years, si men were perched on giants, ome fines ales than church spi, cobsly roving and fly Senge and peslous th they sede gf i Mee Caney Ge a? fm See 5 1 “eta Pas “The Pat Reed” Rene f TH ‘eans, Frederick A. Blomom, » (New York, 1932), 122 : ae Limits ofthe Novel andthe Film 23 “The images of metalic coos, en on ts, in tm tke than Sede aper an sl growing, depend for he eect precely Gh eta heya ot be take erally The geal of 2s nits copa oes 0d yeas the senbanet FSch yokes the things mgetir. Tn te proces anew ting it CEL roids rier in octogenarian por in sls ‘Snore noch ennsp ie tel noely and become babi, ra ches Soar ste conceal ppl and gu so ce ate foe! popery of te sop stance on {Ripert renva ea, then of poke symbole ning ER pec oii ater an co sa acy. Com Vertis er! ey he tpi oul ey i Te reget ips apr Virginia Wools formulation, "Eye an See ont ucicly they any 0 work in bet 2 Se ign concidng tate Festa conversion Sa cil nig! ae Gros both The der ‘ats he cn eis 9 stobbom any ro novels the sont te uvergee at medio anche oS, Bese ne Wes us a fa on and erry charac ar iseparble Fee A angoage which forms ham, the exeralzaon of sch rant eeencane darting. The deinoin beween the cee he comes to ws tvnigh ste of langage and Serko comes oo inl ages ay accu, pr tach prstet dine ffm commen i- bas ft lng Thonas Craven Pr‘eng DeMille butcher. see Poe Pightened People hy F- Amot Robinson, One roe i exer wasps any one chat from page ro Tad hopete prc him eitly athe novel reated fim se eli ube ke ise cn rely real = a em, The Dib ol eS ed Lod a em ne Cre a A ee peta ‘ie SSCS bar ts or scp mee For tie eee een bar, Fel eres ing seen screen performance which really end truly porsyed his vous caracer ashe new en UY Ealing: The Cinematic Trope IF the fil is thus severly cect jn rendering. gu tropes (spite dalogue which willbe dacs preety) ay thinugh the proces of edeing, dscovered » metpore ay” all isiown. We have already noted how the spt Iiberon of {he cinema wat unig schievermene Buti eng, combine ing the ieegecy of ehe shor withthe wal rithm ofthe #= ‘ec, gts the dire he chats signa “The fis hing tobe ober aout the technic of editing” Lindgren observers the lord he lover sow eld for hs powers of selection” Since the compete acon of #8 given scene mde up ofa lage numberof roving component {he directer must coment chose which deal wil enphae at given momen Selection, however con go mach frie than this ‘Thoogh edting, the Fier can Sninae fnennges inreralyeonceate on sigifcae desis, ordering bit des fn rman wi th cee ie ois ae or example, Padovin ps the prob of presenting aan fling fom’ window fe roe figh The dro, n soe would tke one shor of aman falling oma window isch ay thatthe nee Gino whch eal fas) oe ise on he see thea shoe af the sre man fling from 2 sigh hight fund, Jeined together the sos wold give the desde Son of continous fl Ts preci shi technique thae Gath ‘ved in the Babylonian eps of Ileance, which Padova tad seen and admired. The camry shou be note, has ot fled rte dior ha sted ope [ross length intervening pstage ro be ile in by he tind of te speeutor. This extardnary power a sggeston 8 indeed unique nthe drama are oe comertPadorin ‘wars oo call sich apres» tick eb etd of mie representation exely coresponding to the ciinaon of yo the vides afi from second ace apo the sage" The ‘method corrspods roughly tthe temporal gap beeen one Limits of the Newel end the Fil 35 el and another in Renan frescoes depicting the les of “ine exepe tat inthe fl the acto seme contin incinerate tra, ten, the method of comectng the Sm sie becomes the tne formative foneton. For the #0 Sips joined togeter, become artim gosh thing whch eter Tithe sas hos been independ. Ths the exence of that ‘toch aud cong of Ehemtes which weave come volvo ‘Given the trnstion, the slionship becwsen. shots at the cence ofthe centre process high degre of dping ms Sher inthe ting. Lang sos most doves with lose Shots There must be # lial eonneedon berween the shot, nd of vaual momentum, or tatfereace We sees man dost to co asec Ins lve op, we i face eit in oreo, We tor inmedicely to sone roo hi Acar is bes dows Sra snl ld We acepe the insntncoge shift bees, terated we ae inthe aut of the horror, we ate proplled ‘ual toch ex signican Sei Dierent pts of vew most thes be cally bended to sogge a ondndou aon. ulling he evgn oot of tidal stripy, always thinking lsial the Smear may talent endl pail comin Eom He may for camps ne conta ronially. When Alec CGnaes, in be Promoter, achieves sci timp by dancing Sth the Coots of Ch the lm toa soe of ges tt eying in esilee Ie the exe day and the “cer” ther si cepuity hs meal a thei ing ttchen, Or the decor my to whe he Feldoun brother eal parle edng’ wif 0 Tak her std jelous, seen ing witha wing over We ‘von oe where he hen i en meling advances ‘SSoreary. The dnector may tc ayn. In Shite the shooting ‘oun of workers poncroed hy show ofthe saugiter of Sear na siockytd 10 The Bue ng, its red with cone Somme aetry a2 4 kind of lemon the opening see, Drafear Unat coor ata caged canny. Later having dewored set co Lola «maieallsnge, be watches pigeons fog p “unst «clock whine bxoe goes ominoaly ma he pusge Jog an ery Felis, Dyn oh Fl Nee Yah 93), pu of vine, And the height of his degradation, the Profesor crows ike cock The posit for ple comet ike the, a Aisinet tro vera redone of the sun eles, is wnprese= ented nee ars “Row kind of eeltionsipterwcnaniete ad inninae ob jece springs up, a relationship which lccomes the key em plastic {Rug Bndnin poi ove que cogent the eelaortips tesveat buman tage ar, for Se ox parts amined by coh eat iy won Noone ees om convertion th objec, a tars Wynn ators rao ects Bo pe ne terete mecha, ‘Wishin he comport of the faethe uatspmsiton of an and eee become crc. “The performance of acre ‘rare acer and ble upon Te wl shay ofthe most Yrrverfol methods of fine consracton’ We have nly 10 Jk of Chapin go se the prince in operation. ‘The dancing rollin The Gold Rs, the suppl cane, the gine dace in The Gres Dictator the testing mactine tn Modern Ties the lower ind dens in Monde Verdons, heen stn Linelg@t—ehese fre only klae examples of Grp endo fact for invent ing ue rclavonye i ject He ae om orman = on ‘Renppts andthe iat come ainarThe pring othe teal in Pie Petmhay comes ave nd the aia becomes Inite The confoson dynes the relionsip 9nd he din on between nun and objet oleate. Nan snd objet B= come iechangedie nd the iene othe anit a a fer. Cerny hs econnts ors good part of Chapin’ sie ‘Not only fas the fm dcovered ne ways orendermessings by Finding slants bens ste snd nrimate ob Bee the Rutan phytognomy fast har bn recovered. $0 pervaie hs been the power of the ces-op to convey emtion Eh n "Der Sihibr” Motch” Bia Balas places te fim 0% Pein 5A sling acon of ie phones apt sp tnday pi cae so tw cng a a Limit ofthe Novel andthe Fy 29 a pa with he invention ofthe pening pres. The maod of eon fepine meaning by fal expreson, a method which according {Wills fel ito desverde With the ven of printing, hw Been ‘Reid by the sneapysiognomy” of the sen tage: The Exe becohes another in of ec in pce» tersin on wich ‘Ray he ens dias brad snl, snd sometimes more ie {ene Physigguny pesnps the domain of nonverbal experience: “The gestae of Fool smn at noe intnde o convey concepts “vite can be expres i word butch nner experince, seh TFneadonlenoions wich wold wil main unexpressed when tveryhing tot cn be od as Bee ok" ‘ata ons ae not mare ages expresing our thoughts an elingy, bat in any os thie» pris ming forms belts hell face noe only render ier unteconded ‘Xperience buts create he condone fornew experiences to hv ne being fan, “the Biers the pois for ‘Seton, ila wide the spin evn expres” I Bas SeEeee Tarn ealng for an “enyelopedia of eompantve gee ‘Ssugys he a ase daw tenon to the nprecetented posi Tans abe home fice. Ths pois hve given sie 3 holy diferent lind of acting. ‘The merdrame of the home ceashes pemit the reading of he grestex cnt in the sree Miche ofa eye. Undestement Becomes the ey 0 Fn UEisuaaton The sil of Mine Falcone face in Depa Te Pasion of Joe of Are oF of Giles Masina'sin Pallas Sods woud have brn competes to ayone in the drat at efore 1900, a else then, Padoiaighe when be sy, he insted depiy nbc Gti here ian ent of ptesp. SEG cree cement ves the event shown ft Sl SetaCpy selecting and combining, by comparing and cons Ny teking dance sat eates,phomgrphed images of Ae Sep inbeded deat” low the Hi-make, hough ei Jie to Believe = unsocy cinematic equivalent of the erry ope ie li, Thay of Fm Eth Hoe Now Yak 193 ne 28 Novis miro sis Sound ix Bang she emphasis so fr has been on spatial movement donot ‘mean to overlook the faneson of sound in ediing Teen only Uo empbasve tat sound ser tote moving image, Oe ines, ose url effects tke thei place oe sepaate nes I thectsenble which edng exes, Jn arth fie eet it frre by imitwing the Sxed frame of the sage, the Ast sud fs ered by imaing esa lage, Sond ny ike he cary lent roused coy toy andi he pov, ere Elst aed to dt Intligent exis were quick to tsk his Taal and some even argued agi the sound tk eal AN a ‘hey saves on he ination of x materials and every sh in eatin (ite pining per of Paris grein elie xr) ror be seconpanid by an asthe laws Dut ehe sete Toss ws temporary and the flim Iered the proper ns of #5 New Simension. "Ore ean lagi?” woes Petey, “sa, when the ‘exvesen of Alia began to psine thir beflos in are Color ined of merely incng the conto, she more coer tive cavemen foretold the ent of panclihie ae: Bot palcolthic tment om, ands wil the ovis” eae in pone René Cis inal rina to snd, So = plied ws bythe en disnanc th Clie for ime sexosly omidred abandoning the fim forever von en afer he reigned hil fo the ineviablny of the soundac, = Georges Saou! tlk, Git rtized the medium: In Son lt Toi de Pari, "The gls-pael door tha sane t before erin ofthe characters are about o spe rin his epee someding of $ symbol” Notun che ecent Les Bells de Nic does Csi sr to secptsymbolealy this entenced ness of he sent i= CGairs poor composer resets 4th of cosine no 07d repesenrve of dordred word by reteting ine» word of denn. In is drea-worl, the soda hag he, che tenor-munager ofan opera hoe sxepting the yong hero 0p "Salvetiveeomptres singing her actors aga coe sng “fa more gery onthe exe. But gral te dreams becom Trani and ciaefal, the sounds ore hash tan any inthe hero waking hous And when he awake highly sebeved t0 Limits ofthe Novel andthe Bm 29 sr pes rb emg gpg ot se fin oe Sri ot ssi ge emer te pe Brine, ering pel wf onder Fe caters a tn in a of me ae ely i nn eh son trope ee loge sor ar ohh hs ne rao fo as oma oom at an ea Sig oo Harboe eo eee Tei ceo mone oe eco meee gts wet ae Se pee a Serpent gh ona ow ery Renn nd sewed 30 NOVELS zo ritae tends to overlook the photographie dermnds of he indivi tine however, we Semper he a of St ‘onsyachrnizaion (Esann vod hie own cr By 39 ‘honing speech and imagen Alevender Ness, hk Second fn he sree ean and har stood guide mi Sens finbt. In Alesander Nek the comers treks song Es ‘wastes of ce. Br the Proof score suggesting qt mins [epursins, adambates the coming Dae ofthe Tee In 2b Noon he these la red daring ra ie care over ino the marine como. mening the coming dsr, he ley cote The tnd se to rennet, ment on ante te fins val ieges “Tat the fl word on sound ht yt en pronoced is indied when we conta he sal work of vara lm dee tors Dscusing hs sceaio for Av American Tragedy (hich Frrnoune past im for but never screened, suscing the nelodraraie version dicted by fst von Stermberg i093!) ensen sayy Andy, "The er materi ofthe sound fl of coune, the monologue” But sacha cee tour de fore 3 ‘The The, which sbandons dilgus ciel, sens torte he cx for movement, mse onvetal sound ees athe fmblens of bjerive meade Bewesn thse exvency i tKe ‘ombistion which Lavience Olivier cas Inthe sound tack of ‘aiee: Soneines Hamlets voice rendered neon n+ logu:somernes when hs emtins bast oe sarily in spalen sollogay Arne, the words ae sychronned with fe pie ™ lpm te oar nce shey merely accompany the face of the Inter Sofie i to sy tha dita, roe movolgc s0ond ffs, msi are ulmstly determined by and therfore s- sete rane of evel col, ie stezescpie fm the talkies opened pe einen pos Bat ech innvation hs conformed och fd to pictorial seqirements Someries the innovation hae beat Sct speed n Madr in, Chapn ep nese {ied wap fom king shen king Gi na sibs psp ‘Ate ining Henry V in technicolor dd Hein lak ind white ‘What the dimension of sound inples for the fins aby Limite of he Novel andthe Fil 31 to render experiential sme we snl sein our disewsion of time ta space inthe ew medi The Novel Diferences in the sw mei of ove and i enna lly caplain ferences in conte For each meio presppons 2 SEI Gheug often fterogenmus and oveoppng, rience “Thon demas condion and shpe are comene Because the Tuning power of reader and mote-goer ha, perhaps, been to ‘ken pleted in consideration of he fed novel i ees Special emphasis ere ‘When Sr, spesking of esracrs, pons ut Hat, bya reversal when "carers ofthe imaginary objec, ks ne [Rane ‘Hhov') belavier wich exces my indignation or eee, bat ‘Ty indlgnation and cucon which pve consstncy and objective tu hs Behn he ashing int the peta can {ap nate le nse mh rape Bu sry of sates proves anything, tis thats ven see of my, sym, Sonvenings uae sty all pesto a si all flnces On the grer han, according to Saree one “ese wit fours puble and without a myth—withos a certin pale “Chih hve ercuntanss have mad witout soar nyth "Tinernure which depends to tery greve extent pon the Ge rand ofthis pic” fe follows, een hat in society ke os, TRypere weave cotclos of epson i ine (Crugh our Mae corel ast) a well npc, Hear aged the sk of Song and sang commana sybile characters who nest ‘come part ofthe esperece of every indo who iso eke Paine ein Hf ae ely Tole che ee Mion of plology se "hor branch of the humanies wich TERE or dalermtn ihe manera of he ines eof No, period penom sf as thi fe monifers ee an esas pp. Dane 52 Novets nero rune gg" follows tae inguin says dors Herts Hi eng aymte kre hh nly eg te ie dons, ae were, become compchesile to pares idence ™ B "The preci conor sch approved myehs in rte need roc concern us ere beyond on ning what any namie of Ie fy Miro hae aed pened thatthe re ofthe nel "Sincdes withthe edvcatnafrion of lcrcy, ee the ogi perfecon of printing, an te cone aseesaney of the middle case The catoience has le othe Fesaeenes inthe Werem nove of rotpeoblems derived rom te cones fd adjusemene Between Drottnt ei grounded in Joieo~ Christm religion, and the eof a middlesins socket funded ‘on an india organization of pendacton. Water one wes the tectnique of a Kenneth Dorie n searching ot the acl ‘inal eters of ingen leary enpresion, of «Perry ile in explening the hitory of iden ina relively homogeeoas ‘ure ie New Eland ofan FO, Mathiesen in ringing the resources of hitory,lingwage and pyialogy eo beat othe texte of given novee—one fds curing aga and gun, er the ap of confi brween good and vin the get epposions Ince the Indiv and mock, sin and morality, nd abd hear ft and spi One nce nly to race recreate to the novels typologiea cheaters —the sure, the wig Che Feonsensman, eh eo the ai the ena the eneeprevie the landed sistcran, the tenugrowor and Iw-enforer—0 Find ommon patterns of spproval and dasppoval In spite of inten bi amblgiondifernces every Kind of diistenes"™ in our lingiti spel vo one another, she novel as retained a complex Sur common body of trees eins and atten whi ate characte of ile-chsrefacton Ifa Mendis phos, ve the mont independent water" gapped othe sul 0 hs Sines wih oop Stel e's esl to expecta che ‘ove wil se notations which re eompecesbieo his endes nd tay especialy wil pi ims agin smne saring Pew Sac Limits ofthe Novel andthe Fle 33, experiences which are ening the public drm, One ffs at Soran dace for ap hot sae ws "Ps mac econ of te bonds Hereen soi and imagine son Tend ness upp to th wie of sp eg ernore w aa “nsinen” Divi Date ssn Bite te ms sgleae moder tn “wero 2h ‘tempest ajasmencoseee terre snd acerain seo rn. Seoul tat and cere even soporte dee Aiton af Team a "connec or fom Se genom v0 the net atthe eciee of ere tte aging digo of fi nic ineatond apron be ee ae ‘Sfemany ilerenes ewe ren ea erie ery Swen the pentonens apeeent beats them He a Sos at even Sheugh etre, ed of reece Teh et Yremur ae te te i, aye "an ee pat {Tite re msomes hatin he wedy sje of tern 0 ie eearycomentons change with expres and tha jo mse tnertre fied fe apply eaten andar od mn fr crane we Jue tt bore coup by the eedo BPS age Marlon or Fe Ci by Singers Peyhoy. See feat jinn ich wacom papel eg erprpty coming in Dig the onl speach SOAR" ctu ie rhe bong, the crc, othe iw "testes a nique pase of haan experince an contol 1S pSSeTWy of pedometer dt corporte TRL Padang dip, whe ponding tothe al or Nor Tr Eah vaeatog pend Comma sco ‘taco fife lege bet mre che nt 1a in sand adope nam co pel forms Once We tee ipa fac ee bogie ew ar ny belong 050 psn iste Nod nde Modes Word eg. 9 pus kets og: Ce Fe Fs of Ne ei aes eS Joie ey sak ete ces let Wa wane Corn ay La tated as metry Swen ne 34 Novets msTo Pitot ciety and yee le sutonomovs within its owe lint, and are m0 Tenger postled hy che polity of soil and formal ert." The Film wth on nck yt pe Hie Stn pans fe rl etn (arpa ey el fem ss. cre ni etre i) er Itmbin thee ee tp re egnaer he Dns of eee Sept fei tots ge). Eco tun otis crs yf vets ich ita aod pope eg ale "epic as omece aye Halyrod ened ip mo mes pastes pak na oe ctomes pre in meh an is pi erp hy cs cme vvng sn we Sey Melty taunt dd Sr ore Sera fee tener ee pre e ee a aS aE aloe Te sai ve bth ees ey vee SERRE Rech ag yak ie hrf Lar Pn ei iy oer os CSUN pt Drie ae ie Tobey il pss er oe es YG Sela als re tt er noite ie po. ate wate Seto otter ee i et die Sy hw ae me es i ca cae a Stree Sete sitar ea a Limit ofthe Novel and tbe Fil» 35 fave complied lite ono a all content, sens, seen {ircoly proportional o ones Ick of texinng i jon producton ‘Tas debe to, beh for the anit of ais schol- amo fm rexareh ad for he neglect of scenarios 2 2 akpendene art oun Mj tu Margaret Kenroy points scrim cercen wring “is mo moves work of Gera than Bie ips tars pudding both che rane ad the wahepge a recs more undnendsiBte conrad. Tors generated by te exigencies of the marke andthe tendencies GP'S mean. ake the problem ‘more complicaed than thi [Gn he one hand, wend the ciborate appre ofthe sei ne ovthea mace of the production crew he RECS of hee tothe estes of 2 mat andes, the profi mesre the Hint snd otic cenochip posed by state and industry. pane oer hand, tein thing oftheir, 22 gens ofthe sereen forthe feewhesing plate inagin Seat enone of fo any ind frig cove, the neh and cores mbjece mare offer bythe fs heeogencos as SeE de alapaiy of thar atience ro shemai and formal em, On the one hand acteprce ofthe mst implausible iraerie hehe insience am sna ey ro reals d= RS otiary confor of rable onventon ae all but FE te when che conventions tenes conic. Ths mg of aarretion ths pol of opposite tendencies, hs bath srengsh= caer eskoned the form inception ust 2 ep behind SRL "Sed aometines overeating hn has been the shaping He ef coor and adic Tn the fm, more chan in any of REO sam the olga f soi ares evident nthe al ‘work. ‘Discly and indict, the structure of the film hasbeen com aitoned by.» carefully supervised concent. This control is ot pring ince ig tins has always ratd the lm 9» com- Biedigy As enly a 1905-16, Prench Path chen the world leader pes aeuncel field, formed an aliznce with DuPont, wich had in the dtl eminence in 1935 ehrough war munitions eon- tracts with England §* Marae Kenedy, The Meche Mise (Londo, 195), ows p 36 ovate ino espe field ten pt yi a yo ee avin tales te pane e Se Se oe oe FHlllyweed ever sicee The conor, in he expe retitions gees oo eas eons 2 cee a 9 er eee eee "For moe deed sales of Sn Sancing ad i fet on fim pro