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Vocabulary Test 1 7, FILCH (A) hide (B) swindle © drop (D) steal (E) covet . URBANE (A) crowded (B) polished (© rural (D) friendly (©) prominent DECANT. (A) bisect (B) speak wildly (©) bequeath: () pour off ®) abuse verbally |. ANTITHESIS (A) contrast ) conclusion © resemblance (D) examination (©) dislike . HERETICAL (A) heathenish (B) impractical © quaint (D) rash ) unorthodox . COALESCE (A) associate ®B) combine © contact (©) conspire ©) cover CHARLATAN (A) clown B) philanthropist, © jester (©) dressmaker ©) quack . GAUCHE, (A) clumsy (8) stupid © feebleminded ©) impudent © foreign VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTELD TO RAISE YOLK GHE SCORE 8 4 ‘9, REDUNDANT (A) necessary ) plentiful (©) sufficient (©) diminishing (E) superfluous 10, ATROPHY, (A) lose leaves (B) soften (C) waste away ©) grow (E) spread Vocabulary Test 2 1, RESILIENCE, (A) submission (B) elasticity © vigor (@) determination @) recovery 2, ANALOGY (A) similarity (B) transposition (© variety () distinction (©) appropriateness 3. FACETIOUS (A) obscene (B) shrewd (© impolite ©) complimentary ©) witty 4, DIATRIBE (A) debate (B) monologue © oration () tirade (©) conversation 5, MALEDICTION curse ®) mispronunciation (© grammatical eror (D) tactless remark ) epitaph 6, AGGREGATE (A) result ®) difference © quotient (D) product © um 7. APLOMB (A) caution (B) timidity (©) selfassurance (D) shortsightedness, (&) selfrestraint 8. THERAI (A) curative (B) restful © warm (D) stimulating (E) professional Tic TRANSMUTE (A) remove (B) change (© duplicate (0) carry (6) explain 10, ATTRITION (A) annihilation (B) encirclement (©) counterattack (D) appeasement (6) wearing down Vocabulary Test 3 1. TRUNCATE (A) divide equally (B) end switlly ©) cutoff (D) act cruelly ©) cancel 2. OSCILLATE (A) confuse B) kiss © turn (D) vibrate ©) whirl 3. INOCULATE (A) make harmless (B) infect © cure (D) overcome ©) darken 4, PERUSAL, (A) approval (B) estimate (©) reading (D) translation (©) computation 424 © GRUBER'S COMPLETE GRE GUIDE 2012 5. QUERULOUS (A) peculiar () fretful (©) inquisitive () shivering © annoying 6. AUTONOMY (A) tyranny (B) independence (© plebiscite () dictatorship 7, MACHINATIONS, (A) inventions (B) ideas (© mysteries ©) plots () alliances 8, SCHISM. (A) government (B) religion © division (D) combination ©) coalition 9, PUSILLANIMOUS, (A) cowardly B) extraordinary © ail (D) evikintentioned ©) excitable 10. TERMINOLOGY (A) technicality ®) finality (© formality (D) explanation (©) nomenclature Vocabulary Test 4 1, STIPEND A) increment (B) bonus (©) commission (D) gift (©) salary 2. LITIGATION (A) publication (B) argument © endeavor ©) lawsuit ©) ceremony 10. FIASCO (A) disappointment (8) turning point © loss (D) celebration (©) complete failure ‘VAGARY (A) caprice (8) confusion (© extravagance (D) loss of memory () shiftlessness ;. GRAPHIC (A) serious B) concise © short () detailed ©) vivid . CONNOTATION (A) implication ®) footnote (©) derivation (D) comment © definition . TORTUOUS (A) crooked ®) difficult © painful (D) impassable ©) slow .. FULMINATING. ) throbbing (B) pointed © wavelike (©) thundering (B) bubbling . CIRCUMVENT. (A) freshen (B) change © control (D) harass ©) frustrate CARTEL (A) rationing plan (B) world government © industrial pool ©) skilled craft ©) instrument of credit Vocabulary Test 5 1, PROLIFIC (A) meager (B) obedient © fertile () hardy (€) scanty 2. ASSUAGE (A) create (B) ease (© enlarge (©) prohibit (©) rub out - DECORUM @) wit (B) charm (© adornment (©) seemliness (©) charity |. PHLEGMATIC ) tolerant ®) careless © sensitive () stolid ® sick 5. INTREPID (A) quickwitted ®) brutal © fearless ©) torrid ©) hearty 6. ACTUATE A) frighten ®B) direct (© isolate () dismay ©) impel 7, MOUNTEBANK A) trickster B) courier © scholar @) cashier ©) pawnbroker 8. LACONIC (A) terse ®) informal © convincing (D) interesting ©) tedious 9. BOORISH A) sporting (B) tiresome (© argumentative (D) monotonous: (E) rude 10, ERUDITE (A) modest ®) egotistical (© learned (D) needless ©) experienced Vocabulary Test 6 1 ACRIMONIOUS (A) repulsive (B) enchanting © stinging (D) snobbish (E) disgusting . EMBRYONIC (A) hereditary (B) arrested © developed (D) functioning (E) rudimentary |. INEXORABLE_ (A) unfavorable (B) permanent © crude (D) relentless (©) incomplete |. PROTRACTED A) boring (B) condensed ©) prolonged ©) comprehensive ©) measured . OBSEQUIOUS, (A) courteous (8) fawning (©) respectful © overbearing ©) inexperienced . LOQUACIOUS (A) queer ©) logical (© gracious ©) rural ©) voluble VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED 10 RAIS. YOUR GRE SCORE © 7. PUGNACIOUS (A) bold B) combative (©) brawny (D) pug-nosed (E) valiant 8, ASTRINGENT A) bossy (B) musty (© flexible (©) corrosive (E) contracting 9, ESCARPMENT A) threat ®) limbo © cliff () behemoth (©) blight 10. AMENITIES (A) prayers @) ceremonies (© pageantries (D) pleasantries (E) social functions Vocabulary Test 7 1, DEPLORE (A) condone (B) forget © forgive (D) deny ©) regret 2, BANAL (A) commonplace @) flippant (© pathetic (D) new © unexpected ‘ABACUS (A) casserole (B) blackboard (© slide rule (D) adding device (B) long spear 4, SEISMISM (© volcano (D) earthquake 5. AMELIORATE (A) favor (B) improve (©) interfere (D) learn 6, CHARY (A) burned (8) careful (©) comfortable (D) fascinating (E) gay 7. CORPULENT. (A) dead B) fat (©) full (D) organized (B) similar 8, ENIGMA (A) ambition (8) foreigner (©) instrument (D) officer (©) riddle 9. INEPT (A) awkward ®) intelligent © ticklish (D) tawdry © uninteresting 10, INVETERATE, ) evil (B) habitual (©) inconsiderate (D) reformed (&) unintentional Vocabulary Test 8 1, OBEISANCE (A) salary (B) justification © conduct () deference © forethought 2, PEDANTIC (A) stilted B) odd (© footworn (D) selfish ©) sincere 430, ¢ GRUBER'S COMPLETE GRE GUIDE 2012 3. PETULANT 9. FINITE @ kay Vocabulary Test 9 () impure (8) loving ©) firm © patient 1. INVARIABLE © minute (©) peevish (A) diverse ©) limited ©) wary @®) eternal @) unbounded (© fleeting 4. PROCLIVITY ©) inescapable 10. ANARCHY (A) backwardness ©) uniform (A) laissezfaire @®) edict (B) motormindedness © rainfall 2, VORACIOUS (©) pacifism ©) slope (A) excitable (©) lawless confusion @) tendency (B) honest ©) seltsufficiency (© greedy 8, TRENCHANT ©) inclusive (A) keen © circular Vocabulary Test 10 (8) good 8 ie oO wine 1, DISCRIMINATION ©) subterranean ®) protest ee © debate ®) insight 6, VAPID ©) harden © caution (A) carefree ©) consolidate (D) indiscretion ® crazy ©) distortion (© insipid 4, PLAGIARIZE (©) spotty (4) annoy 2, INVECTIVE ©) speedy @®) borrow eae (© steal ideas ©) geal 7. PROGNOSTICATE ©) imitate poorly {© solemn oath (A) forecast ©) impede eo reais (8) ravish ©) verbal abuse © salute 5. CORTEGE ©) scoff (A) advisers Soros ® succeed ) official papers {Bostic (© saves @) serene 8, PROPRIETY (©) retinue (©) pompous (A) advancement ©) personal effects ©) skilful (B) atonement © allergic © fitness 6, ANTIPATHY () sobriety (A) sympathy Dene ©) use (8) detachment & injury (© aversion ®) contortion 9, PULCHRITUDE (D) amazement © suffering () beauty © opposition ©) convulsion ®) character ©) aggravation © generosity 7. DEMUR (©) intelligence (A) object 5. DILETTANTE () wickedness (B) agree @) epicure (© murmur ©) dabbler 10. SCRUPULOUS () discard © procrastinator @) drunken (©) consider (D) literary genius ®) ill © playboy (© masterful 8. PARAGON ©) exact @ dummy 6. PROVISIONAL ©) stony ® lover ) military © image @) tentative ©) model (© absentee © favorite ©) democratic ©) appointed 7, CONDIMENT (A) ledger ®) ore (©) telegraph device (D) musical instrument ©) spice 8, RECALCITRANT. (A) insincere ) obstinate © crafty (D) conservative ) reconcilable (©) praise (D) last word (&) exact meaning 10. ACCOUTREMENTS (A) sealed orders (B) equipment © cartons () correspondence (©) financial records Vocabulary Test 11 1. HYPOTHESIS (A) assumption (B) proof © estimate (D) random guess () established truth 2. ALACRITY (A) slowness (B) indecision (© caution (D) promptness () fearlessness 3. JETTISON (A) throw overboard (B) dismantle © scuttle (D) unload cargo (©) camouflage 4, VACILLATE (A) glitter (B) swerve © surrender ©) soften () waver ‘VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUN GI: SCORE #40 5. ASTUTE (A) shrewd () futile (©) potent (D) provocative ©) ruthless 6. PROVISO (A) final treaty (B) condition (©) demand (D) official document () proclamation 7. MACABRE (A) gruesome (B) meager (© sordid ©) fantastic ©) cringing 8. AUGMENT ) curtail (B) change (© restore ©) conceal ©) increase 9, INTEGRAL (A) useful ®) powerful (© essential (D) mathematical @) indestructible 10, IMPUNITY (A) shamelessness (B) power of action (©) selfreliance (D) haughtiness () exemption from punishment Vocabulary Test 12 1, LATENT (A) inherent @) lay (© dormant (D) crushed (©) anticipated 2, OBDURATE (A) patient (B) stupid © rude (©) stubborn @ tolerant BELLICOSE, (A) boastful (B) warlike (C) sluggish (D) fantastic (&) oriental 4. ARROYO A) cliff (B) plain (© ranch (©) gully (B) cactus 5. AUGUR (A) enrage (B) foretell © suggest (D) evaluate (©) minimize 6. CONTRITE A) infectious ®) worried © penitent (D) sympathetic ® tolerant 7. PETULANT (A) silly (B) gay © sarcastic () officious © quarretsome 8. PAEAN (A) prize (B) song of praise (© decoration () certificate (6) story of heroism 9. EXOTIC (A) romantic ®) exciting (© wealthy ©) strange © tropical 10, ARCHIPELAGO (A) slender isthmus @) long, narrow land mass (©) string of lakes () high, flat plain (©) group of small istands 482 © GRUBERS COMPLETE GRE GLIDE 2012 9, BFRONTERY 7. GLB Vocabulary Test 13 () bad tate yea () conceit @) delightful (© dishonesty © dull (A) hesitate ©) impudence (©) fluent ®) lie © snobbishness ©) gloomy (© protest ©) ramble 10, ACQUIESCENCE 8, PAUCITY ©) remain silent (A) advice (A) abundance (B) advocacy (B) ease 2. INCREDULOUS © compliance © hardship (A) argumentative (©) friendliness ©) lack @) imaginative ©) opposition ©) stoppage © inditferent ©) itreligious 9. LUCRATIVE () skeptical Vocabulary Test 14 (A) debasing a @) fortunate 3. E : (©) influential amuse mice ©) monetary appease ty © profitable © embroil © reeettions ©) pity ©) resthal 10. INDUBITABLE ©) reject © tuthil (A) doubtful 4. CONANT ®) fraudulent . © honorabl (A) afraid oN baal Caen eas ©) tt © undeniable () ignorant $ oe cat © optimistic © aay Vocabulary Test 15 5. DISSONANCE Ce aiaenen 3, PSEUDO 1, CONNIVANCE one ) deep (A) approval (© discord (B) obvious ©) collusion ase (© secended © cont posi provoking ©) permis and ©) spiritual Ore 6, IMMINENT eas 4, FLOTSAM 2. SAVANT. @®) distinguished a A) diplomat (© impending ee @) inventor ©) tervtying Oe eee (©) learned man efaten (D) shoreline (©) thrifty person © wreckage ©) wiseacre 7. TORSION (A) bending sc AwE 3. INCIPIENT. ®) compressing bared (A) beginning © sliding @) deplorable ®) dangerous ©) stretching © odd © hasty © twisting eee (©) secret © striking ©) widespread 8. ACCRUED oD alae 6, NEFARIOUS 4. VIRLE ®) incidental ies (A) honest (© miscellaneous ene ®) loyal (D) special © negligent © manly ©) unearned ©) shortsighted ©) pugnacious ©) wicked ® virtuous 5, ASSIDUOUS (A) courteous ®) diligent © discouraged () frank ©) slow 6, CATACLYSM (A) blunder (8) superstition (©) treachery () triumph (©) upheaval 7, AUSPICIOUS: (A) condemnatory (B) conspicuous (©) favorable (D) questionable ®) spicy 8, SATIRE (A) conversation (B) criticism © gossip (D) irony ©) jesting 9. VERNACULAR (A) common speech B) correct usage (© long words ©) oratory ) poetic style 10, EMOLUMENT. © liabilities () loss ©) output Vocabulary Test 16 1. TURGID @) dusty (B) muddy © rolling (©) swollen ©) tense 2, EXPUNGE (A) clarify ®) copy © delete () investigate © underline VOCABUI X ‘OCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR GRE SCORE #433 3. ETHNOLOGY 10. . DEDUCI (A) causation (B) morals (©) social psychology (D) study of races ©) word analysis, A) diminish ®) infer © outine @) persuade (B) subtract ;. PANORAMIC (A) brilliant @) comprehensive © prety () fluorescent © unique . IGNOMINY (A) disgrace (B) isolation (© misfortune (D) sorrow © stupidity . RELEVANT (A) ingenious @) inspiring (© obvious (D) pertinent ©) tentative . GAMUT (A) game (B) range © tisk (D) organization © plan . APPOSITE (A) appropriate B) contrary (© different (©) spontaneous ® tricky AMBULATORY (A) able to walk @) confined to bed (© injured (D) quarantined @ suffering from disease Vocabulary Test 17 5 DISPARAGE (A) belittle (B) upgrade (© erase (D) reform (E) scatter . LIMPID (A) calm @) clear © crippled () delightful ) opaque . DERISIVE (A) dividing ©) furnis (© reflectin (D) expressing ridicule © suggesting . DEBILITATE (A) encourage ©) insinuate (©) prepare (D) turn away (©) weaken . OPULENT. (A) fearful (B) free (©) oversized (D) trustful () wealthy ;. BLANDISHMENT @) dislike ®) flattery (© ostentation ) praise ) rejection 7. CRYPTIC (A) appealing (B) arched (©) deathly ©) hidden ® intricate .. RAUCOUS, (A) harsh ®) loud (©) querulous (D) rational ® violent 434 © GRUBERS COMPLETE GRE GUIDE 2012 9. AVIDITY 7. RECOMPENSE 5, TRUNCHEON (A) friendliness (A) approval (A) baton (B) greediness ®) blessing ®) canopy © resentment © sift © dish (©) speed (D) prayer ©) gua © thirst ® reward © rejected food 10, EPITOME 8, BEATIFIC 6. SEBACEOUS (A) conclusion ) giving bliss ) fatty @®) effort ®) eager ®) fluid © letter © hesitant © porous (D) summary () lovely (D) transparent ©) summit ) sad ©) watery 9. SANGUINE 7. DILATORY Vocabulary Test 18 @) limp A) hairy (B) mechanical ®) happy-golucky 1. HIATUS o> ae i. ruined ® a ©) stealthy ©) wellto-do ee 10, SURCEASE 8, EBULLITION oleae (A) end A) bathing @) hope ®) boiling 2, PLENARY A isicla cee D eee oe ©) sweetness ©) returning © full . (D) rewarding ©. RELEGATE © untrustworthy Vocabulary Test 19 ® bah lepri 8. CAPRICIOUS 1, SENTIENT © designate (A) active (A) very emotional ©) report ©) fickle ©) capable of feeling ® request (© opposed © hostile (D) sheeplike (D) sympathetic 10, RECONDITE ©) slippery © wise ee nce 4. SPECIOUS 2. OBVIATE © explored (A) frank (A) grasp ©) exposed (B) particular ) reform ©) uninformed © deceptive © simplify ©) suspicious (©) smooth ©) vigorous ©) make unnecessary Vocabulary Test 20 5. EXTIRPATE 3. PERUSE 1. REDOLENT (A) besmirch (A) endure (A) odorous ®) clean ) perpetuate @®) quick © eradicate © read © refined ©) favor (©) undertake ©) repulsive ©) subdivide © urge ©) supple 6, EQUIVOCAL 4, RANCOR 2. DISSIMULATE (A) doubtful ) dignity A) confound ®) medium @) fierceness ©@ pretend (© monotonous © odor © question ©) musical ©) spite ©) separate ©) welt-balanced ©) suspicion ©) stain 10, .. SUBLIME (A) below par (B) highly praised © extreme (D) noble ©) settled . VIXEN (A) fever 8) quarrelsome woman (© sea bird () sedative © squirrel . SEDULOUS (A) deceptive ®) diligent (© grassy (D) hateful ©) sweet VITIATE, (A) contaminate ®) flavor (©) freshen ©) illuminate ©) refer . CURVET (A) come around ®) follow © leap ©) restrain (©) warp . ADVENTITIOUS. (A) accidental B) courageous © favorable () risk-taking (E) expected ). ANIMUS (A) animosity B) breath (©) faith ©) light ©) poison DESCRIED (A) hailed ®) rebuffed © recalled ©) regretted © sighted VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR GRESCORE #435 Vocabulary Test 21 1, ADULATION (A) approach (B) echo (© flattery ©) gift ©) imitation 2, SUBSEQUENTLY ) continually (B) factually (© farther (D) incidentally © later 3. EXPURGATE (A) amplify B) emphasize (© offend @) purify (©) renew 4, LIAISON (A) derivative ©) liability © link (©) malice © officer 5. SEDENTARY (A) careful (B) inactive © notched (D) pleasant © uneventful 6, LASSITUDE (A) childishness (B) energy (©) ignorance (D) languor () seriousness 7. ALTRUISTICALLY (A) egotisticaly (B) harmflly (© harshly (D) highly © unselfishly 8. PERFIDIOUS (A) ambiguous (B) flawless © perforated (D) treacherous © trusting 9, CONSUMMATE (A) achieve (B) devour (© effuse ©) ignite ©) take 10, MUNIFICENTLY (A) acutely (B) awkwardly (© cruelly @) generously ©) militarily Vocabulary Test 22 1, LUGUBRIOUS @) calm B) doleful © tepid ) wan © warm 2, DISCONSOLATE (A) desolate ®) emotional © incorrigible ©) gloomy © sad 3. COTERIE (A) clique @®) cureall (© expert judge ©) forerunner ©) society girl 4, CONDUIT (A) doorway (B) electric generator ©) power () screen © tube 5. SHIBBOLETH (A) a friend in need B) lonely home (© personal complaint (D) reason for action © watchword 6, EVANESCENT @) colorful (®) consecrated © converted ©) empty © vanishing 446 * GIRUBER'S COMPLETE GRE GUIDE 2012 7. PARSIMONIOUS 8. KEN 3, CONDIGN ) cautious (A) acceptance (A) deserved ©) ecclesiastical ©) belief ®) hidden © luxurious (©) dune (© perplexed ©) stingy (D) knowledge ©) pretended ®) unique (E) woody glen ©) unworthy 8, MACHIAVELLIAN 6, GERMANE 4, EPHEMERALLY (A) cunning (A) diseased (A) enduringly ©) humble ©) foreign ®) lightly © kingly © infected © openly (D) machinetike (©) pertinent ©) suspiciously (©) saintly ©) polished ©) transiently 9. COMPENDIUM 5. HISTRIONIC (A) amplification (A)- authentic (B) appendix (B) appendectomy (B) hysterical (©) expansion (C) complication (© reportorial (D) paraphrase (D) rejuvenation () sibilant (©) summary €) repeal €) theatrical 10. MEGALOMANIA 8. CHIMERICAL 6. URBANITY (A) desire for beauty (A) clever (A) aggressiveness (B) mania for sympathy (B) imaginary (B) mercenary © miserliness © experimental (©) municipality (D) passion for grandeur (D) foreign () rustic ® pity for the poor © provisional ©) suavity . 9. DULCIMER 7, TRUCULENT Vocabulary Test 23 A) dolly (A) rambling ®) doublet ®) retenting 1, TORPOR © duenna © savage (A) cyclone ) gadget (D) tranquil B ten ©) musical instrument ©) weary (C) sluggishness (D) strain 10. SARTORIAL 8. INVEIGH ©) twisting (A) disheveled (A) allure (8) frozen ®) entice 2. ESOTERIC © satirical © guide cautiously @) clear ©) tailored ©) originate ®) external ©) warm ©) speak bitterly © popular (D) secret 9. DESULTORY ote Vocabulary Test 24 ® delaying disconnected 3, SUPERCILIOUSLY 1. VERTIGO © flagrant (A) critically (A) curiosity ©) insulting (B) disdainfully (B) dizziness © irritating (©) hypersensitively © enlivenment . ©) naively (D) greenness 10. INGENUOUS (E) softly (€) invigoration ie clever naive 4, ABSTEMIOUS 2, DEBACLE, © ignorant (A) ceremony (©) native ®) collapse ©) unkind © dance (D) deficit ®) dispute vocaBu THATS ILARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUN GRE SCORE #487 Vocabulary Test 25 % EEREFT PIPALEAATIVE ae (A) boring 1. CUMULATIVE tame @) callous . leprived -) (A) additive ©) enraged (©) permanent ® camsy ae (D) softening (© cumbersome () unyielding ©) incorrect eae 10. meena 8, FOMENT condense (A) curb 2, EPIGRAM oan @®) explode (A) chemical term © exnlzin (©) exclude @®) exclamation eae () turn into wine © outer skin oe © instigate © ay avin 9, PREDACIO (E) tombst 7 US, one Vocabulary Test 26 (A) beautiful 3. GESTICULATE @) incongruous (A) dance 1, EMOLLIENT (©) peaceful ®) digest easily (A) comical ©) preying © ridicule (B) despicable ©) valuable ©) travel (© enthusiastic (©) use gestures (D) raucous 10. RESILIENT ©) soothing (A) thrifty 4, BEGUILE. (B) elastic (A) benefit 2. NOSTALGIC © timid ®) bind (A) expressive ©) fragile © deceive @®) forgettul ©) unsociable ©) envy (© homesick €) petiti (D) inconstant a ° aa Vocabulary Test 27 8, AVID (A) eager 3. EXPIATE 1, BLATANT ®) glowing (A) atone for (A) clamorous (© indifferent ®) die @®) conceited ©) tax (© hasten (© prudish © potent ©) imitate (D) reticent © make holy © unsuited 6, LABYRINTH ) laboratory 4, PARADOX 2, ADVERSITY ®) maze (A) accepted opinion (A) advertising © path @) axiom 8) counsel ©) portal (© contradiction (© criticism ®) room ©) enigma (©) misfortune ) pattern €) proficiency a ae Ere oa make new is 5. ARCHI 3. CADAVEROUS ® obliterate (A) bowman (A) cheerful (© restore to solvency (B) original model (B) contemptible (©) slacken (© public records © ghastly ©) surge back (©) roguishness © star 8. PODIUM (A) chemical e 6. MUNDANE ic dais vement (A) deformed foot specials @) tree i ® eee (© rough-shelled © fein a tearf ‘mannequin Roman infantryman a Lier ® model 438 + GRUBERS COMPLETE GRE GUIDE 2012 5. PERSPICACITY (A) clearness (B) dullness © keenness (D) vastness €) wideness 6, EXTRANEOUS (A) derived ®) foreign © unsuitable (D) visible ©) wasteful 7. PAROXYSM, A) catastrophe (B) sudden outburst © illusion () lack of harmony ©) loss of all bodily movement 8. SAPIENT A) discerning ©) foolish (©) mocking (D) soapy ©) youthful 9. FLACCID (A) flabby (B) golden © hard ©) strong © wiry 10. IMPECUNIOUS @) frugal ®B) guiltless © miserly () monied () poor Vocabulary Test 28 1. ABDUCT (A) ruin (B) aid (©) fight (D) abolish (©) kidnap 2. DEMERIT (A) outcome (B) fault © prize @) notice (E) belief 3, MUTINOUS. 10. (A) silent (B) oceangoing (© rebellious (D) miserable ©) deat . NEGLIGENT (A) lax (B) desperate © cowardly () ambitious (©) informal ;. CONTEST ) disturb (B) dispute © detain (D) distrust ® contain . QUERY @) wait ®) lose © show (D) ask ©) demand INSIDIOUS, (A) treacherous B) excitable (© internal (D) distracting ) secretive PALPITATE (A) mash ©) stifle (©) creak (D) pace ©) throb ). ANIMOSITY (A) hatred (B) interest (© silliness (D) amusement ©) power EGOTISM (A) sociability (B) aggressiveness (©) self-confidence @) conceit €) willingness Vocabulary Test 29 CALLIGRAPHY (A) weaving: () handwriting (©) drafting (D) mapmaking ®) graph making . SYNCHRONIZE (A) happen at the same time ©) follow immediately in time (©) alternate between events (D) postpone to a future time (E) have difficulty in hearing |. SEMBLANCE (A) surface (B) diplomacy © replacement (D) appearance ©) confidence . WISTFUL (A) winding (B) mutual © exciting () rugged ©) yearning . CURTAIL (A) threaten B) strengthen (© lessen ©) hasten ©) collide . NOXIOUS (A) spicy B) smelly (© foreign (D) noisy (©) harmful . PAUCITY (A) fatigue (B) scarcity (©) nonsense ©) waste ©) motion 8. JEOPARDIZE (A) soothe ®) cleanse © enjoy ©) reward ) endanger 9, INTREPID (A) exhausted (B) moderate © anxious (D) youthful © fearless 10, TREACHEROUS (A) ignorant 8) envious © disloyal () cowardly (©) inconsiderate Vocabulary Test 30 1, UNSAVORY. (A) unfriendly (B) joyless (© tactless. @) colorless (©) tasteless 2. HEARSAY (A) testimony (B) argument © rumor (©) accusation ©) similarity 3. HAMPER (A) restrain (B) pack © clarity (D) grip ©) err 4, BEDLAM, (A) inadequacy B) confusion (© translation ©) courtesy ©® curiosity 5. INFALLIBLE, (A) negative B) unfair © essential ©) certain © weary 6. CONTEND A) solve (B) observe © outwit ©) encourage © compete ‘VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR GRE SCORE + 439 7. AMOROUS (A) shapeless (B) helpful (© famiiar ©) loving @® solemn ‘8, ALLEVIATE A) reject ©) ease © imitate (©) consent © elevate 9. NEOPHYTE (A) participant ®) officer (© beginner ©) winner © quarrel 10, SOLACE, (A) comfort (B) weariness (© direction (D) complaint ©) respect Vocabulary Test 31 1, ULTIMATUM (A) shrewd plan (B) final terms (© first defeat (D) dominant leader (&) electric motor 2. GIRD (A) surround ®) appeal © request () break © glance 3, WANGLE (A) moan @) mutilate (© exasperate (D) manipulate © triumph 4, PROCUREMENT (A) acquisition (B) resolution © healing (D) importance © miracle 5. CULMINATION (A) rebellion ©) lighting system © climax (D) destruction (E) mystery 6, INSUPERABLE, (A) incomprehensible ) elaborate © unusual (D) indigestible (E) unconquerable 7. CLICHE (A) summary argument (B) new information (© new hat (D) trite phrase @®) lock device 8. CONCESSION (A) nourishment @) plea (© restoration (©) simitarity (E) acknowledgment 9. INSIPID (A) disrespectful ) uninteresting (© persistent (D) whole © stimulating 10, REPRISAL (A) retaliation @®) drawing © capture @) release ®) suspicion Vocabulary Test 32 1. DUBIOUS (A) economical ®) welkgroomed © boring () discouraged (©) uncertain 2, ATROCIOUS (A) brutal ®) innocent (© shrunken (D) yellowish @®) unsound 406 GRUBERS COMPLETE Gite GUIDE 2012 EARTH ue Vocabulary Test 33 oN) woaty (A) speed eee (©) omen 1. CONTROVERSIAL (© afecton ©) pride (A) faultinding ©) wea (E) excuse ®) ary ) warmt © debatable - 4. VINDICATE ©) ugly | 10. MEDITATE (A) outrage (E) talkative 9 rest ®) waver @ swe (© enliven 2. GHASTLY Coa ©) justify (A) hasty O) make © fuse @) furious ®r (©) breathless (©) deathiike 7 Gh scruse ©) spiritual Vocabulary Test 34 @) discharge © inflect 3. BELLIGERENT gran (D) appropriate A) wortdly ) inactive © distress ®) warlike @) alert (©) loudmouthed foteda 6. FACTION (©) furious ©) difficult ) clique ) artistic (©) scornful @®) judgment © truth 4, PROFICIENCY ST MANDATONT (D) type of architecture (A) wisdom ieee ©) health (B) oversupply ote (© expertness lorena 7. INCLEMENT ©) advancement (0) strategic (A) merciful ©) sincerity ® unequaled @®) sloping (© harsh 5. COMPASSION on (D) disastrous ) rage oni ©) personal @) strength of character belie © forcefulness namie 8. SPURIOUS ©) sympathy ©) seconde A) concise © uniformity ® hen @) false (© obstinate 6, DISSENSION cone ©) sarcastic (A) treatise ON name @) severe @®) pretense teen © ter © ative out 9. SUBSERVIENT ©) lineage OD oeeage (A) existing ©) discord aes ®) obsequious (©) related 7. INTIMATE 5. ARBITER (©) underlying (A) charm (areas ©) useful (B) hint (B) judge © disguise ue 10, IMPORTUNE ©) frighten ©) tee urgeon (A) aggrandize © hum ome (B) carry (© exaggerate 8. BERATE aoe ®) prolong (A) classify (A) boredom ©) urge ®) scold oer (© underestimate © offensive anguage (D) take one's time a ©) evaluate ©) entanglement 7. DISCRIMINATE () fail ®) delay © accuse (D) distinguish (E) reject 8. DERISION (A) disgust ®) ridicule © fear (D) anger ©) heredity 9. EXULTANT (A) essential @®) elated © praiseworthy (©) plentiful ©) high-priced (© apparent (D) standard ©) ornate Vocabulary Test 35 1. ABHOR A) hate ®) admire © taste ©) skip © resign 2. DUTIFUL (A) lasting (B) sluggish (©) required (D) soothing (©) obedient 3. ZEALOT (A) breeze ®) enthusiast © vault () wild animal ©) musical instrument 4. MAGNANIMOUS (A) high-minded B) faithful © concerned (©) individual ©) small VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR GRE SCORE. #441 5. CITE (A) protest ®) depart © quote ©) agitate E) perform 6. OBLIVION (A) hindrance (B) accident © courtesy (D) forgetfulness ©) old age 7. CARDINAL (A) independent @®) wellorganized © subordinate (©) dignified © chiet 8, DEPLETE (A) restrain ®) corrupt (© despair (©) exhaust ©) spread out 9, SUPERSEDE (A) retire (B) replace (© overflow ©) bless ©) oversee 10, SPORADIC (A) bad-tempered @) infrequent (© radical (D) reckless (E) humble Vocabulary Test 36 4, NEUTRALIZE (A) entangle @®) strengthen (© counteract (©) combat © converse 2, INSINUATE (A) destroy B) hint © doweong (©) accuse @) release 3. 10. DIMINUTIVE (A) proud ®) slow (©) small (D) watery ©) puzzling . PLIGHT (A) departure ) weight © conspiracy (D) predicament (&) stamp 5 ILLICIT (A) unlawful (8) overpowering © illadvised () small-scale (&) unreadable . BENIGN (A) contagious B) fatal © ignorant (D) kindly © decorative 7. REVERIE (A) abusive language {B) love song (© backward step (D) daydream © holy man ;. APPREHENSIVE (A) auiet ®) firm © curious (D) sincere ©) fearful . RECOIL @) shrink B) attract © electrify ) adjust (©) enroll GUISE (A) trickery @) request © innocence (©) misdeed ©) appearance 4426 GRUBEN'S COMPLETE Git GUIDE 2012 Vocabulary Test 37 9, PUGNACIOUS 7. LOATH (A) sticky avis 1. ACQUIT ye? (8) worried (A) increase une © unwilling (B) harden eta ©) ready © clear Some ©) sad (©) sharpen ; ©) sentence as OMe 8. INVENTIVE oat (A) aimless 2, DEXTERITY oes B) clever . swallow up (©) moist ae ©) dismiss ra ®) skill tae © false (©) insistence ©) nearby (D) embarrassment ©. LITHE © guidance Vocabulary Test 38 A) tough 3. ASSIMILATE (B) obstinate (A) absorb. 1. BOUNTY, © flexible @B) imitate (A) limit ©) damp (© maintain (B) boastfulness. ©) gay ©) outrun (© cheerfulness €) curb () reward 10. VACILLATE (E) punishment (A) waver 4. DESPONDENCY B) defeat () relief 2. NOVICE © favor (8) gratitude (A) storyteller ©) endanger (© dejection @) iceberg ©) humiliate () hatred © adolescent ©) poverty (D) mythical creature . ©) beginner Vocabulary Test 39 5. BUOYANT (A) conceited 3. BOLSTER ~ (®) cautioning (A) contradict oe (© youthful B) insist ® eamy ©) musical © defy owe ©) cheerful (D) sleep. 0) breil ©) prop ©) daring 6. CULINARY. €) objectionable (A) having to do with cooki 4, MOBILE 2 ® pertaining to dressmaking (A) changeable oe © fond of eating (8) scornful ote = ena (©) loving money (©) mechanical ai eta ©) tending to be secretive ©) stylish without fal ® solid ©) in secret 7. CAPRICE ©) in summary (A) wisdom 5. CREDULITY m1 @® ornament (A) prize ao © pillar ®) feebleness ® inform (©) whim © balance ®) observe ©) energy (©) laziness © permit ©) belief ©) attract 8, DETERRENT ©) disobey (A) restraini 6. DOLDRUMS ®) cleansing (A) charity 4. ACCLAIM © deciding ®) curing agents co discharge ©) concluding © contagious disease can ©) crumbiir ©) low spirits " () places of safety ie divide 5, TURBULENCE (A) treachery @) commotion © fear (0) tiumph ©) overflow 6. DEFER ) discourage (®) postpone (© empty (D) minimize (©) estimate 7. ADAGE, (A) proverb (B) supplement © tool @) youth (©) hardness 8, ENSUE (A) compel 8) remain ©) absorb (©) plead ©) follow 9. ZENITH (A) lowest point ®) compass (© summit ©) middle ©) wind direction 10. HYPOTHETICAL (A) magical B) visual (©) tworfaced ©) theoretical ©) excitable Vocabulary Test 40 1. IMPROMPTU (A) offhand ®) laughable (© fascinating (D) rehearsed © deceptive 2. CHIVALROUS (A) crude ®) military (© handsome (D) foreign © courteous ‘VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS 3. 10. HAVOC (A) festival (B) disease (© ruin (D) sea battle ©) luggage |. REJUVENATE ) reply ®) renew © age () judge ©) reconsider . STILTED (A) stiffly formal (B) talking much (©) secretive (0) fashionable ) senseless . SOLILOQUY (A) figure of speech ®) historical incident (©) monologue (D) isolated position ©) contradiction ". AFFABLE (A) monotonous ®B) affected (© wealthy (D) sociable (©) selfish . NEBULOUS (A) subdued ®) eternal © dewy (D) cloudy ©) careless ). STEREOTYPED (A) lacking originality @ illuminating (© pictorial (D) free from disease © sparkling ‘STUPEFY ) lie (B) talk nonsense (©) bend ©) make dull ©) overeat {UARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR GRE SCORE #448 Vocabulary Test 41 1. SUPERFICIAL (A) shallow (B) unusually fine © proud (D) aged (€) spiritual 2, DISPARAGE, (A) separate B) compare (© refuse (D) belittle (E) imitate 3, PROTAGONIST (A) prophet (B) explorer (©) talented child (D) convert (©) leading character 4, LUDICROUS (A) profitable (B) excessive (© disordered (D) ridiculous ©) undesirable 5, INTREPID (A) moist ®) tolerant © fearless ) rude ©) gay 6. SAGE (A) wise man (®) tropical tree © tale @) era ) fool 7, ADMONISH (A) polish. (B) escape (© worship (D) distribute (&) caution ‘8. BESET (A) plead (B) perplex (© pertain to (D) deny ©) deprive of 444° © GRUBERS COMPLETE GRE GUIDE 2012 °. 10. FIGMENT (A) ornamental openwork (B) perfume (©) undeveloped fruit (D) statuette () invention GUB (A) dull (B) thin (©) weak (D) fluent © sharp Vocabulary Test 42 1 FORTITUDE (A) wealth (B) courage © honesty (D) loudness: ©) luck . ABOLITION ) retirement (B) disgust © enslavement (©) unrestricted power €) complete destruction . EPITOME, (A) pool ®) summary © formula ©) monster ©) song MAIM (A) heal (8) disable © outwit (D) murder ©) bury . CRESTFALLEN (A) haughty B) dejected (©) fatigued (©) disfigured ©) impolite . CUISINE (A) headdress (B) game of chance © leisurely voyage ©) artistry © style of cooking 7. CENSURE (A) erase 8) build up © criticize adversely (D) charm ©) help 8. DEVIATE (A) destroy (B) lower in value (© invent ©) stray ©) depress 9, SWARTHY (A) dark-complexioned (B) slender © grasscovered @) springy ©) rotating 10. MERCENARY @) poisonous ®) unworthy (© serving only for pay (D) luring by false charms © showing pity Vocabulary Test 43 1. ACUTE (A) keen B) bitter © brisk (D) genuine ® certain 2, CLIENTELE (A) legal body: (B) customers (©) board of directors. (D) servants ©) tenants 3. SUCCUMB (A) follow (B) help (© respond (D) yield (E) overthrow: 4. SLOTH A) selfishness B) hatred © laziness ©) misery ®) slipperiness 5. INFRINGE (A) enrage (B) expand © disappoint () weaken @) trespass (B) immature (© weird (D) unrestrained ©) insincere 7. SUBMISSIVE A) unintelligent (B) underhanded © destructive (D) enthusiastic (©) meek 8. PEER (A) ancestor (B) teacher (©) judge (©) equal ©) assistant 9. EULOGIZE. (A) kill ®) apologize © alorify ) soften © imitate 10. INNOVATION (A) change ®) prayer © hint @) restraint ©) inquiry Vocabulary Test 44 1, EXHILARATION (A) animation B) withdrawal (© payment ©) suffocation ©) despair 2. RASPING (A) irritating ®B) scolding (©) fastening ©) sighing © plundering 3. PROPONENT ) spendthrift B) rival © distributor (D) advocate () neighbor 4, REDUNDANT (A) flooded (®) dreadful © aromatic 5, BEGRUDGING (A) humid ®) envious (©) living in seclusion (D) involving a choice €) aimless 6, EMPATHIZE (A) cheapen (B) underestimate (© charm (D) sympathize ©) forgive 7. PRUDENT. (A) lighthearted (B) eager (©) cautious, ©) insincere (©) fast moving 8. OMNIVOROUS. (A) devouring everything ®B) many-sided © powerful (D) living on plants ©) all-knowing 9. APPEND. (A) rely (B) recognize (©) arrest (©) divide ® attach 10, STRATAGEM (A) sneak attack ©) military command © thin layer (©) deceptive device ®) narrow passage VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR GRE SCORE #485 Vocabulary Test 45 1, COLLABORATE (A) condense (®) converse (©) arrange in order (D) provide proof © act jointly 2, FUTILITY (A) uselessness, (B) timelessness. (©) stinginess (D) happiness ) indistinctness 3. INTACT (A) blunt @®) fashionable (© hidden ©) uninjured (©) attentive 4, FERVOR (A) originality @) justice © zal (©) productivity ©) corruption 5, UNERRING (A) modest @) illogical (© ghostly ©) matchless © unfailing 6. REFUTE (A) polish (B) disprove © throw away (D) break up ©) shut out 7. CONSENSUS: (A) steadfastness of purpose (B) general agreement (© lack of harmony (D) informal vote (E) impressive: amount 8, COMPLIANT (@) tangled (B) grumbling (© selésatisfied (D) treacherous © submissive 9% 10. ACCESS: (A) agreement (B) rapidity (C) welcome ) approach ) surplus PRUDENT A) wise B) overcritical © famous (D) dull ©) early Vocabulary Test 46 1 APPEASE, (A) attack () soothe © pray for (©) estimate ©) confess . RUTHLESS (A) senseless ®) sinful (© ruddy ©) pitiless © degrading }. MUSTER (A) rebel (B) mask © gather (D) dampen © grumble |. EXECRATE (A) embarrass @) desert © omit ©) curse ®) resign 5. KNOLL, A) elf (8) mound © bell (D) development ®) technique 3. IRATE (A) evil (B) wandering © repetitious (D) colorful © angry 146 GRUBER'S COMPLETE GRE GUIDE 2012 7. GRIMACE 5. ELICIT. 3. FIDELITY (A) peril (A) draw forth (A) happiness (B) subtle suggestion @) cross out ®) bravery © signal (© run away (© prosperity ©) wry face ) lengthen () hardness (E) impurity () revise © loyalty 8. ACME 6. JUDICIOUS 4, DIFFUSE, (A) layer (A) wise (A) explain ®B) summit (B) dignified (®) scatter (©) edge (© lighthearted © differ (D) pit (D) confused (D) congeal © interval ©) respectful ©) dart 9. COVENANT UNSCATHED 5. AGGRESSIVE (A) solemn agreement (A) unashamed (A) disgusting (B) formal invitation (B) uninjured (B) impulsive (©) religious ceremony (© unskilled (©) shortsighted (©) general pardon (D) unsuccessful (D) coarse-grained (©) hiding place (€) unconscious (E) selfassertive 10. APPALL 8, CHIDE 6. AMASS (A) honor (A) misbehave (A) accumulate (B) decorate ®) cool (B) encourage (© calm © select © comprehend (D) bore (D) conceal (D) blend (E) dismay ®) scold (E) astonish ae 9, CHARLATAN 7. DIABOLIC Vocabulary Test 47 @) scholar (A) puzzling {B) acrobat (B) uneducated (©) quack (© ornamental IN ok (D) faithful servant ©) fiendish ce to heart aa @) anticipate © fast talker ©) spinning (© bring down on oneself ae te - 10. DISBURSE 8. FORBEARANCE ©) impress by repetition (4) remove forcibly rejection ic ‘twist (B) forgetfulness 2. CAUS amuse © sensitivity @ olen (D) vary slightly (D) patience ©) puzaing ©) pay out © expectation © biting 9. TAINT tees Vocabulary Test 48 (A) snarl (B) infect 3. DILATE 1, PARAMOUNT © unite (A) retard (A) equal (D) annoy ®) fade ) supreme © list (©) wander (C) well-known D) expand (D) difficult 10. DISGRUNTLED ©) startle (©) ready (A) untidy ©) rambling 4, APATHY 2. BROCHURE © disabled (A) fixed dislike (A) heavy shoe () cheating ®) skill (B) weapon ©) displeased © sorrow © pamphlet (D) lack of feeling (D) trite remark (©) discontent @® ornament Vocabulary Test 49 1. PLACID (A) apparent 8) peaceful © wicked (D) unusual ©) absent-minded 2, EVASIVE (A) emotional ®) effective (© destructive (D) empty ©) shifty 3. CHAOS (A) complete disorder (B) deep gorge © challenge (D) sudden attack ©) rejoicing 4, DESPICABLE (A) insulting (B) ungrateful (© contemptible (D) unbearable ) jealous 5. DERIDE (A) question ®) ignore © mock ©) unseat ®) produce 6. ELUDE. (A) gladden @) fascinate © mention (D) escape ©) ignore 7. MUTABLE (A) colorless ®) harmful © uniform ©) changeable ©) invisible 8. INDICATIVE (A) suggestive ©) curious © active ©) angry © certain VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR GRE SCORE. #447 9, LEVITY (A) cleanness (B) tastiness, © deadlines (D) sluggishness ©) lightness 10. EXCRUCIATING A) disciplinary ®) screaming © torturing () offensive (©) outpouring Vocabulary Test 50 1, PRECEPT (rule @) disguise (© refinement (D) hasty decision (©) delaying action 2, HOMOGENEOUS: (A) numerous (B) healthful © similar (©) assorted ©) educational 3, ARCHIVES (A) public records (B) models, (© supporting columns (D) tombs (©) large ships 4. INFAMY (A) anger (B) truth (© disgrace (D) weakness © excitement 5, IMPINGE (A) swear (B) involve © erase (D) encroach (©) beg 6, DEPOSE (A) lay bare @) deprive of office © empty (©) behead ® blemish 7, OSTENTATIOUS (A) unruly (B) showy (© varied (D) scandalous © probable 8, CONCLAVE, (A) private meeting ®) covered passage © solemn vow (D) curved surface © ornamental vase 9. FRAY (A) combat ©) trickery © unrealty (D) madness €) freedom 10, OBSESS (A) fatten ®) beset (© make dull () exaggerate ©) interfere Vocabulary Test 51 1. CHAFE (A) pretend (B) joke (© drink deeply (D) irritate ) lose courage 2, MISCONSTRUE (A) hate ®) destroy © misbehave ©) misinterpret ©) misplace 3, PHILANTHROPIST (A) student of language ©) collector of stamps (© lover of mankind (D) seeker of truth (©) enemy of culture 4, CASTE (A) feudal system (B) division of society (C) political theory (©) method of punishment ©) monetary system 44N 6 GHUNERS COMPLEHE GRE GUIDE 2012 5. CHASTEN 3. MALIGN ee aes Vocabulary Test 53 (B) engrave (B) prophesy (©) attract (©) entreat 1, EQUITABLE (D) trick (D) approve (A) charitable (E) laugh at (E) praise (B) even-tempered (© tworaced 6. CONDUCIVE 4, IMPOTENT (D) undecided (A) pardonable (A) unwise ©) just (B) identical (B) lacking strength (C) incidental © free of sin 2, AFFRONT (D) helpful (D) without shame (A) quarrel (E) exceptional (E) commanding (B) fright (© denial 7. SUBORDINATE 5, SNIVEL ) boast (A) hostile (A) crawl ©) insult (®) inferior @) cut short © separate © whine 3. EPOCH @) earlier (D) doze (A) heroic deed ©) adaptable © giggle @®) legend © witty saying 8, SUPERFLUOUS 6. SOJOURN (D) period of time ) inexact (A) court order © summary (B) excessive (8) nickname (© insincere (© temporary stay 4, RETRIBUTION (D) excellent (D) slip of the tongue (A) donation ©) unreal ©) makeshift @) jealousy (© intense emotion ‘9. WIELD 7, PLATITUDE: (D) slow withdrawal (A) protect, (A) home remedy © punishment (B) handle ®) trite remark (C) postpone (©) balance wheel 5. ABASE ©) resign (©) rare animal (A) forgive () unite ©) protective film (B) degrade © attach 10. GARISH ‘8. CONCORD (D) take leave (A) showy (A) brevity ©) cut off @) talkative @®) blame © sleepy (© kindness 6. CAREEN ©) thin ©) worry ) celebrate ©) vinecovered ©) agreement @®) mourn 9, ABOMINABLE © ridicule E D) Ture Vocabulary Test 52 (A) hateful oe ©®) ridiculous 1. MEANDER © mmtamed 7. CONVIVIAL (A) grumble 2 eee (A) formal (B) wander aimlessly ast a gay (© come between rotating (D) weigh carefully a ree a (©) well informed © or i te eae 1 i 2, DESTITUTION ot eee 8 area trickery - 7 pl ® fate * ) attention to detail (®) crumbling © lack of practice © roundabout ©) recovery ©) unchecked (E) extreme poverty ©) defensive 9% DOCILE (A) delicate ®) positive (© dreary (D) obedient (©) melodious 10, VESTIGE (A) bone B) test (© entrance (D) cloak ©) trace Vocabulary Test 54 1 IMPEDIMENT (A) foundation B) conceit © hindrance (D) luggage ©) instrument . ADHERE, A) pursue ®) control © arrive ©) cling © attend }. COMPOSURE (A) sensitiveness. (B) weariness © stylishness (D) hopefulness, ® calmness - PROVOCATION (A) sacred vow. B) formal announcement © cause of irritation ©) careful management ©) expression of disgust . SAVORY A) thrifty ®) wise © appetizing ©) warm © uncivilized . CANDID (A) hidden ®) shining (© straightforward ) critical ©) warmhearted VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR GRE SCORE #449 7. ECLIPSE (A) stretch B) obscure © glow (D) overlook © insert 8. CORRELATE (A) punish (®) wrinkle (© conspire openly (D) give additional proof ®) comect systematically 9, INFIRMITY (A) disgrace (B) unhappiness (© rigidity (D) hesitation (E) weakness 10, PALPITATE, A) faint (B) harden © throb (D) soothe ©) taste Vocabulary Test 55 1. DEBRIS (A) sadness (B) decay © ruins () landslide © hindrance 2. CONSOLIDATE. (A) show pity @®) strengthen (© restrain (@) infect ©) use up 3, STAMINA. (A) flatness (B) clearness (©) hesitation (D) vigor @) reliability 4, FACET (A) phase (®) humor © story (D) discharge ®) assistance 8, INANIMATE (A) emotional (B) thoughtless (©) lifeless (D) inexact () silly 6. CALLOUS (A) frantic (8) misinformed (© youthful (D) impoli (E) unfeeling 7. ENHANCE (A) sympathize B) act out (© weaken (D) make greater (E) fascinate 8, DISREPUTABLE, (A) impolite (B) bewildered (©) debatable (D) unavailable (©) shameful 9. SEDATE (A) sober (B) seated (© buried (D) drugged ©) timid 10. LUCRATIVE (A) lazy (B) coarse (©) profitable (D) brilliant (©) amusing Vocabulary Test 56 1. IMPRUDENT (A) reckless ®B) unexcitable © poor (D) domineering (E) powerless 2, DISSENSION (A) friction (B) analysis (© swelling (D) injury: (©) slyness 450. © GRUBER'S COMPLETE GRE GUIDE 2012 3, DISCONCERT 9. IMPASSE () separate Vocabulary Test 57 acme (8) cripple ®) stubbornness (© lessen 1. COLOSSAL © ciisis, (©) upset (A) ancient ©) deadlock ©) dismiss ©) influential © failure (© destructive 4, RUDIMENTARY () dramatic 10, ABSOLVE (A) discourteous © huge A) forgive @®) brutal ®) reduce © displeasing 2, EVICT © mix (©) elementary @) summon ©) deprive ® embarrassing ®) excite © detect (© force out 8. AUTONOMOUS ©) prove = (A) self governing ©) draw off Vocabulary Test 58 ®) seltimportant © selteducated 3, MISCHANCE ©) selfexplanatory (A) omission Be OM (©) seléconscious @®) illluck A habitual © feeling of doubt ®) clumsy 6. ASCERTAIN ©) unlawful act (© hasty (A) hold fast © distrust Oy ®) long for © uneducated © declare 4, FELON () find out A) criminal eau ivale ©) avoid @®) fugitive pe fetecma © traitor (B) dictate terms 7. LITERAL ©) coward © overturn @) flowery © loafer () find fault (B) matter-of-fact ©) hesitate © sidewise 5. CENSURE , (D) well-educated (A) empty 3. ZEALOUS ® firsthand ©) criticize A) serious © spread out ®) speedy 8, OSCILLATE (D) take an oath © flawless A) please (©) omit () necessary @®) swing ©) enthusiastic © purify 6. IMPLICIT (©) saturate (A) unquestioning 4, AROMATIC (€) harden (B) rude (A) shining © relentless @®) precise 9. CONCISE (©) sinful © ancient (A) accurate ©) daring (D) fragrant (B) brief © dry © sudden 7, SLOVENLY ©) similar () sleepy 5. RETROSPECT © painful ® tricky (A) careful inspection © untidy @) reversal of form 10. CONSTERNATION ©) moody © review of the past @) restraint ©) cowardly () respect for authority B) close attention ©) special attention © dismay 8, EXTRANEOUS () selimportance (A) familiar 6 WHET ©) acknowledgment (B) unprepared (A) bleach © foreign ®) exhaust ©) proper © harden ©) utmost ©) stimulate €) question VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR GRE SCORE #451 7. CONTUSION 5. PROPRIETY 3, REGIME (A) puzzle (A) success (A) ruler ®) shrinkage ®) cleverness ®) military unit © bruise © nearness (© form of government (D) uncleanness ©) security ©) contagion © fraud ©) suitability ©) guardian 8. COMPATIBLE 6, UNWITTING 4, LACERATED (A) eloquent (A) undignified (A) unconscious @) adequate ®) unintentional @) stitched © overfed © slack © slender (©) comfortable () obstinate (©) raveled ® harmonious © unaccustomed ©) mangled 9. CALLOUS 7. ATTRIBUTE 5. AMISS (A) secretive (A) quality (A) friendly ®) unruly @) tax ®) faulty © gloomy (© desire © tardy ©) unfeeling ©) aw ©) central ©) hotheaded © final sum ©) purposeless 10. REPUDIATE 8, SCRUPULOUS 6, INDOLENCE (A) reject scornful A) poverty @) revalue @®) clean ®) laziness (©) repay (© frightening © danger ©) forget ©) doubting ©) truth ©) forgive ©) conscientious © attention 9, USURP 7. PRECARIOUS, Vocabulary Test 59 (A) lend money @) trustful B) replace om (© murder previous » ae () surrender © oar @) intellectuals ©) seize by force ue © slaves ‘8, CONNOISSEUR ©) laboring classes 10. meee (A) investigator ©) landowners ®) stopping (@) government official > REOUIS © strain © pretender + REQUISITE (D) leavetaking ©) critical judge 7 nee © unwillingness (E) portrait artist © liberal a 9, HILARITY necessary st (A) wittiness ©) majestic Vocabulary Te @) disobedience © mirth 8. TENACIOUS 1, RESOLUTE () heedlessness (A) violent (A) determined ©) contentment ®) given to arguing ) vibrating (©) slender (© irresistible 10, EMIT () holding fast (D) elastic (@) overlook ©) menacing @® demanding (B) adorn © discharge 4, SCINTILLATE 2, CRYSTALLIZE () encourage (A) whirl (A) glitter ©) stress ®) wander @) give definite form 10 © scorch © chill ©) sharpen (D) sweeten © sparkle ©) polish vigorously 452, © GRUBER'S COMPLETE GRE GUIDE 2012 Vocabulary Test 61 1. DYNAMIC (A) specialized ®) active © fragile (D) magical (©) comparative 2, ACHILLES’ HEEL (A) source of strength ©) critical test (©) hereditary curse (D) vulnerable point (©) base conduct 3, AD LIB (A) cheerfully (B) freely © carefully (©) literally (©) wisely 4. DECRY (A) baffle (B) weep © trap (D) belittle ©) imagine 5. RAVAGE (A) ruin (8) tangle © delight ©) scold ) crave 6, RENDEZVOUS, (A) surrender (B) appointment (© souvenir (©) hiding place (E) mutual exchange 7. SKULK (A) trail (B) shadow (© ambush (©) lurk ® race 8. PLETHORA (A) formal farewell ©) exclusive group (© abundance () conclusive argument ) good taste 9. NUPTIAL. (A) moonlike (D) matrimonial (E) blessed 10. BALKED (A) swindled (B) thwarted (© enlarged (D) waved (©) punished Vocabulary Test 62 1. AD INFINITUM (A) toa limit (B) from eternity (© occasionally (©) endlessly ©) periodically 2. EXTRICATE (A) disentangle (B) die out (O praise () purity (©) argue with 3. SQUALID A) dirty ®) unresponsive (©) wasteful (D) stormy ) congested 4. COERCE (A) coincide (B) strengthen (© accompany (D) compel ®) seek out 5. INTER (A) bury ®) stab © change (D) make peace (€) emphasize 6. CRESCENDO (A) increasing volume ©) decreasing tempo © abrupt ending (D) discordant note (©) musical composition 10. INDISCREET. (A) unpopular (B) embarrassing (© disloyal (D) unwise (©) greatly upset . UNWIELDY (A) stubborn B) unhealthy (© monotonous (D) shameful (©) clumsy ). ENVISAGE, (A) plot ®) conceal © wrinkle (D) contemplate ©) sneer INTERIM (A) go-between (B) meantime (© mixture (D) hereafter ©) period of rest Vocabulary Test 63 1 |. DISHEARTEN (A) shame ®) discourage © astound ©) disown © cripple - COMPONENT. () memorial (B) pledge © convenience (©) ingredient €) similarity }. LURK (A) stagger ®) tempt © sneak ©) grin ©) rob . GRUDGING impolite ®) dirty © hoarse ©) alarming © unwilling (A) likeness (B) noise (© foundation () glance (©) error 6. NETILE (A) irritate (B) catch © accuse () make ill () fade away 7. TREMULOUS, (A) slow B) high-pitched (© huge (D) shaking €) spirited 8, TERSE (A) delicate (B) nervous © mild (D) numb ©) concise 8. AFFINITY (A) solemn declaration @®) indefinite amount (© natural attraction ©) pain © wealth 10, VOLATILE, (A) disobedient ©) changeable © forceful (©) willing €) luxurious Vocabulary Test 64 1. HOMAGE (A) welcome (8) honor © coziness (0) criticism ©) regret 2, DISPERSE (A) restore (®) spread © grumble @) soak ® spend VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR GRE SCORE ® 454 3. 5, 10. RATIONAL (A) resentful B) overjoyed © sensible ©) reckless ©) apologetic |. RECLUSE (A) schemer (8) criminal © miser (©) adventurer (©) hermit COMPLACENCY (A) tenderness (B) admiration (© dependence (D) unity (E) selfsatisfaction . MENACE @) kill ®) threaten (© waste () indicate B) tease DUPE (A) combine B) reproduce © fool ) grab p) follow .. ABATE, (A) surprise (B) desert (© decrease (D) humiliate ©) pay for ). CONGENITAL (A) existing at birth ) displaying weakness (© related by marriage (D) overcrowded ©) unintelligent INSURGENT (A) impractical (B) unbearable © overhanging (D) rebellious © patriotic Vocabulary Test 65 1. CONJECTURE, (A) work (B) joke ©) initiate (D) add (6) guess 2. DAIS (A) platform (B) easy chair (© waiting room (D) ornamental pin (©) figurehead 3. IMPETUS (A) deadlock ®) collision (© warning (D) wickedness (E) stimulus 4, INTROSPECTIVE (A) lacking strength (B) practicing self-examination © highly critical ©) intrusive © lacking confidence 5. DEIFY (A) describe B) disobey (©) make presentable (D) worship as a god ©) challenge 6. AGGREGATION (A) method ©) irritation © prize () collection © blessing 7. EXALTED (A) honored 8) underhanded © funny ) conceited ©) secondary 8, POTENTATE (A) slave ®) soldier © adviser (©) informer ©) ruler 454 © GHUBERS COMPLETE GRE GUIDE 2012 9. INTIMIDATE 7. SHREW 5, FLAMBOYANT (A) frighten (A) moneylender (A) scandalous (B) suggest (B) fortuneteller (B) showy (© dare (© ebronic invalid (©) nonsensical (D) border upon (D) unruly child (D) manly (E) befriend €) scolding woman. (E) temporary 10. SARDONIC 8. STALWART 6, ECCENTRICITY (A) decorative (A) diseased (A) overabundance (B) polished (B) feeble (B) self-consciousness (©) strange (©) needy (©) adaptability (D) fashionable (D) sturdy, (D) publicity (E) sarcastic ©) truthful oddity 9. APOGEE 7. VINDICTIVE, Vocabulary Test 66 (A) rate of ascent (A) gloomy (B) force of gravity (B) cowardly B (©) measuring device (©) vengeful ink ©) expression of regret ©) cheerful © me ©) highest point © boastful Sa 10, BANTER 8, GRAPHIC ) investigate (A) tease playfully (A) vivid a (B) strut boldly (B) harsh-sounding (© ruin (C) free from error 2, DISCRETION ree fi ) special privilege ore ©) dignified () individual judgment ieve © pliable (C) unfair treatment " 9. PLACARD (D) disagreement tee Vocabulary Test 67 (A) poster @) souvenir 3, GRAPPLE 1. REPRESS (©) soothing medicine (D) exact reproduction (A) dive sharpen (ie (shan aaeoo, (© handle (©) repeat (D) fit together (©) disgust 10. PUTREFY © fondle ©) grieve —— 4, LAUDABLE 2, BREACH © ro (A) brave (A) obstruction ©) neglect ®B) comical ©) violation © argue © peaceful (©) anticipation () praiseworthy ©) accusation ®) conspicuous ©) decoration Vocabulary Test 68 5, LONGEVITY 3, DILIGENT 1. GRANDIOSE (A) wisdom (A) hesitant (A) selfish ©) length of lite (8) prosperous ©) thankful © society © offensive © quarrelsome (D) system of measure (D) industrious (©) elderly (E) loudness forward = ©) impressive 6. BLANCH 4. CONCOCT 2, INCONGRUOUS (A) destroy (A) devise A) indistinct (B) drink (B) fink together ©®) unsuitable © whiten (©) harmonize © unimportant ©) feel (©) meet privately ©) illegal © mend ©) sweeten © inconvenient 10, .. PRONE, (A) disposed (B) speechless (© tardy (D) two-edged ® quick |. EMISSARY (A) rival @) secret agent (© master of ceremonies ©) refugee © clergyman INVALIDATE, (A) turn inward ®) deprive of force © mistrust ©) support with facts ©) neglect |. CLEMENCY A) purity ®) timidity © courage (D) simplicity (€) mildness . UNSCATHED (A) uninterested (B) unsettled (© unspoken ©) unharmed ©) unknown . RELINQUISH (A) shrink from ®) take pity on © yiela ©) lessen (©) recall ). ALLAY. (A) offend ®) suffer (© resemble ©) assign ©) calm ANIMOSITY (A) liveliness ®) worry © it wil ©) regret ©) sarcasm VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR GRE SCORE #455 Vocabulary Test 69 1, SOLICIT (A) request ®) worry (© command ©) deny B) depend 2. PERTURB (A) pierce ®) filer © calculate (D) agitate © disregard 3. JAUNTY (A) bored B) envious (© quarrelsome () chatty ®) lively 4, DRIVEL (A) shrill laughter B) foolish talk (© untidy dress () waste matter © quaint humor 5, FRUGAL (A) sickly @®) sparing (© slow ©) chilled © frightened 6. OTA (A) first step (B) sacred picture (© ornamental scroll (D) crystalline substance ® very small quantity 7, POACH (A) squander @) trespass © outwit (D) bully © borrow 8, DEFECTION delay @) slander (© respect (D) desertion (©) exemption ® MASTICATE (A) chew @®) slaughter © ripen (©) enroll ©) tangle (© calendar (D) similarity (€) disagreement Vocabulary Test 70 1 DILEMMA (A) punishment ®) division in ranks © ability to detect (@) perplexing choice (E) word with two meanings . CELESTIAL () musical (B) heavenly (© stately (D) unmarried ©) aged ). MILITANT (A) political (B) mighty (© aggressive () peaceable © illegal |. EMINENT (A) noted ®) moral © fature (©) low ® unwise ;. PERCEIVE, (A) resolve B) observe (©) organize () stick in ©) copy down ;. IDIOSYNCRASY (A) stupidity ®) virtue (©) personal peculiarity (D) foreign dialect, ©) similarity 456 © GRUBER'S COMPLETE GRE GUIDE 2012 7. EDIFICE, (A) tool (B) large building (© garden (D) mushroom () set of books 8. SEEDY (A) dishonest ®) helpless © vague (D) nervous (©) shabby 9. SUPPLANT (A) spend ®) unite © recall (©) replace €) purpose 10. DESIST (A) loiter B) stand © hurry (D) stumble ©) stop Vocabulary Test 71 1. GIRD A) stare ®) thresh © encircle (D) complain ©) perforate 2. BIZARRE (A) charitable B) joyous (© flattering (©) insane ©) fantastic 3. PERENNIAL, (A) superior (B) unceasing © notable (©) shortiived ©) authoritative 4, PROGENITOR (A) genius ®) wastrel (C) forefather (D) magician ©) publisher 5. EMBELLISH (A) organize (B) involve © rob () beautify ©) correct 6. IMPLEMENT (A) carry out ©) fall apart © give freely (D) object strongly ©) praise highly 7, INSUBORDINATE (A) unreal (B) disobedient © inferior () unfaithful (B) unnecessary 8. ITINERANT (A) small (B) intensive (© repetitive (D) wandering (E) begging 9. ADVERSITY (A) misfortune (B) surprise © economy (©) publicity ) warning 10. DISSIPATE A) explain (B) puzzle (© rearrange @) envy (E) waste Vocabulary Test 72 1. VALOR (A) courage (B) honesty © beauty (D) alertness (E) modesty 2, DISSUADE (A) offend ) lessen (© advise against (D) spread out ©) separate ®B) upright (© welkinformed (D) self-centered (©) artificial 4, COVET (A) take for granted B) keep secret © disbelieve () steal ©) long for 5, 30SE (A) forbidden (B) expanding (© talented ©) wordy ) opinionated 6. FLIPPANT (A) fishlike (B) anxious (© frivolous (D) savage () shy 7, ACCLAMATION (A) seasoning (B) applause © slope (©) harmony ©) collection 8. INCITE ) include (B) destroy © withdraw (D) arouse ® perceive 9. FINESSE (A) end (B) skill (© habit ©) expense (E) vanity 10. TANTALIZE (A) prevent B) protect © rob ©) predict ©) torment Vocabulary Test 73 1, INSOMNIA (A) boredom ) loss of memory (C) seasickness (D) sleeplessness (©) lonesomeness >. FEASIBLE, 3 6 (A) enjoyable ®) juicy (© regrettable (©) responsible (€) possible BLURT A) brag @) utter impulsively © challenge (©) shout angrily ©) weep noisily |. ALIENATE ) advise ®) entertain © forgive ©) sympathize with (©) make unfriendly STARK A) barely ®) offensively © uselessly ©) completely © artistically NONCHALANCE A) refinement @®) foresight (© air of indifference ©) lack of knowledge ® lack of common sense GRIT (A) honesty @) reverence (© trustworthiness ©) cheerfulness © bravery MEDIATE (A) make changes ®B) argue earnestly © consider carefully ©) propose hesitantly ©) reconcile differences VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR GItE SCORE. #457 9. 10. DE FACTO (A) commercial (B) economic (©) in reality (D) unnecessary ©) the following IRREVOCABLE (A) unreliable (B) disrespectful © unforgivable (D) unalterable © heartless Vocabulary Test 74 1 6. ABYSMAL (A) bottomless ® ill (©) forgetful (D) unoccupied ©) slight .. PREROGATIVE, (A) forewarning (B) formal investigation (© privilege (D) reputation (E) opening speech .. ILLUSTRIOUS (A) believable (B) unrewarding © cynical (D) decorative ®) famous INTERMINABLE (A) scanty ®) secret (© openfaced (D) endless (&) stationary . FRANCHISE, (A) secrecy @) right to vote (© imprisonment (0) freeforall ©) avoidable tragedy LINEAGE (A) brilliance (B) ancestry (© narrowness (D) straightness © ceremony 7. RECIPROCATE (A) reconsider (B) refresh (© repay (D) recall (E) recl 8, REBUFF (A) send back (B) make over © snub (D) defend (&) remind 9, CLANDESTINE (A) unfriendly (B) fateful (© unified (D) secret (©) argumentative 10, LETHARGY (A) unnatural drowsiness: (B) excessive caution (© lack of consideration @) vice ) foolishness Vocabulary Test 75 1, ACCREDITED, (A) obligated (D) quickened (©) confessed 2, ADHERENT @) clergyman ®) critic © executive (D) supporter €) journalist 3, WHEEDI (A) mourn (B) coax © revolve (D) hesitate ®) entertain 4, CIRCUITOUS (A) electrical (®) watery (© roundabout () forbidding © tender 45K © GRUBER'S COMPLETE GRE GUIDE 2012 5. DESPOT 3. KINDLE Ahey (A) murderer A) relate Vocabulary Test 77 (8) impostor (B) pass on (©) invader (C) pretend 1, APROPOS (D) avenger (D) arouse (A) witty, ©) tyrant ©) punish @) forceful (C) nearly correct 6. DETER 4. POMP. (D) richly decorated A) hinder (A) splendor ©) tothe point (B) mistake (B) illness (C) neglect (©) hopefulness: 2, INIMICAL (D) injure (@) apple (A) speechless (E) restore (E) posture (B) unfriendly (C) unnec ily rude 7. UTILITARIAN 5. TINGE io Poor anal (A) practical (A) mold (E) hopelessly sad (B) widespread (B) draw forth (C) inexpensive (© color slightly 3. SORDID () praiseworthy (©) sketch A) biting © fortunate ©) create ®) filthy rc , 8. INCREDULITY 6. RECOIL ' peer @) forgetfulness (A) steer ®) sickly ) faithlessness (B) link up (© immaturity (C) put down 4. CATACLYSM. ©) disbetiet ©) serape (A) severe criticism ©) unreality (©) shrink back i gorge *) launching device 9 eee 7 re () unconsciousness creep folent uj Cis Weep ougiy ©) violent upheaval (C) fatigue (© repeat 5. FETTERED () permit (D) suppress completely (A) stricken ©) forbid (€) falsify (B) scolded 10. TIMOROUS: S eee ® neccesary €) loosened (©) afraid EI © wi c © Go entrance © briet © positive (B) selfishness © tr Vocabulary Test 76 ° a) contol ® corey ry les ie ad ©) thoughtfulness y 1. BRAWN. © vigorous 7, REPLETE (A) boldness () defamatory ) filled (B) muscular strength ee @®) tarnished © rustiness © golden ©) unruliness iS Tecate ©) economical 7 ; prose (E) protective covering @ renting ©) wrecked 2, STALEMATE © poetic imagery 8. TREED ) athletic contest \D) samara ie @ met ®) complete defeat Sree ®) cornered (© deadlock © followed ©) storm ©) searched (B) refusal to fight ©) scented VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO HAISE YOURE SCORE #459 9, DERISIVE 7. INCESSANT 5. VERBATIM (A) hereditary (A) even. (A) out loud @®) rebellious @) illegal (© fragmentary © dirty ; ©) scornful (©) continuous (D) elegantly expressed (E) determined (©) loud (E) using too many words: 10, TEMPER ‘8. PRATTLE, 6, GRUELING (A) decorate (A) sell (A) exhausting, (B) annoy (B) storm (B) surprising (C) blame (©) babble (© insulting (©) postpone (©) explain (©) embarrassing ) moderate (E) keep (E) boring 5 9, PERVERSE 7. CREDIBILITY Vocabulary Test 78 (A) contrary (A) freedom from prejudice (B) rhythmic (B) religious doctrine (C) imaginary (©) capacity for belief 1. RESIDUE > cee (D) questioning attitude (© reminder © set cae ©) debt 1 . )PRIATE, ©) sample sea iaee a bea spute © storehouse @®) prey ®) compliment aa (© initial (© take possession of 2, BUNGLE () request (D) give thanks (A) complain ©) output (E) draw near to ®) approach i oe - Test 79 9, EXONERATE iandle badly st (A) overcharge © tak beastly Vocabulary Te: @) merck (© leave out 3. ADVOCATE 1. PATERNAL (D) free from blame ) flatter (A) generous ©) serve as a model (B) caution @) aged © recommend © fatherly 10, BLAND (D) take an oath (D) thrifty (A) flattering ©) charge © narrowminded @) foolish (© successful 4. CALAMITOUS, 2, CALIBER (D) soothing (A) disastrous A) gaiety © sharp a inexperienced B) quality (C) hard-hearted © hope ©) scheming (©) similarity Vocabulary Test 80 ) slanderous ©) politeness 8. SILT 3, PARADOX Perham (A) filin (A) virtuous man Hs stieess @) cast aside (B) equal rights ota © move about (©) seeming contradiction (D) ancestor ©) pick up (D) complicated design © present © help forward @) geometric figure 6. FUTILE 4. DISPEL eae ) violent @) punish @ mood (B) one-sided ®) excite (© great dismay ie a S da (D) keen enjoyment st false alarm ©) useless ©) misunderstand ® So GRUBER'S COMPLETE GRE GUIDE 2012 3, 10. .. ASTUTE, (A) shrewd (B) inflammable (© defiant (D) out of tune (©) bitter . DISCREPANCY (A) variance (B) disbeliet (©) feebleness (D) insult ) forcefulness . COPIOUS. (A) copyrighted ) tricky (© abundant (©) complete (©) sincere . ADVENT (A) approval (B) opportunity © welcome () recommendation () arrival IMMINENT (A) about to occur (B) never-ending (© uptodate (©) inconvenient (©) youthful - RANKLE (A) spread around (B) seize quickly © crease () search (E) irritate deeply ). INJUNCTION (A) exclamation (B) rebellion © directive ©) crisis ® illegality DEFT ) critical B) conceited (© lighthearted ©) skillful ©) tactful Vocabulary Test 81 1 HEEDLESS (A) unfortunate ®) expensive © careless (D) happy () weatherbeaten . IMPEDIMENT (A) obstacle (B) base (C) spice (D) mechanism (B) footstool - QUAVER @) launch (B) quicken (© sharpen (D) tremble ©) forget |. SHACKLE, (A) hide ©®) glide © anger () quiet ©) hamper . LOWLY (A) idle B) silent © humble (D) sorrowful © solitary . CUBICLE @) wedge ®B) puzzle © tiny amount (D) unit of measure ©) small compartment . ARRAIGN (A) debate (B) accuse (©) excite (D) cancel €) protect ;. OBLIVIOUS A) unwanted (B) disorderly (©) unaware ©) sickly ©) evident ® 10. PROFOUND (A) plentiful (B) beneficial (© lengthy () religious ©) deep WAN (A) pale (B) humorous © pleasing (D) watchful ©) lovesick Vocabulary Test 82 1 HAUNT (A) contain (B) give up (© expect (D) stay around (©) extend greatly .. UNMINDFUL (A) unaware (B) illogical © unaccustomed (D) unchanging ) inefficient }. EMANCIPATE, (A) change B) overjoy © bring forward ©) raise up ) set free - LOL, (A) find B) respect © lounge (D) steal ©) trap - SUBSEQUENT (A) later B) lower © thick (D) secret © light ». CRUCIAL (A) reverent ®) decisive © tiresome (D) dangerous ©) rude 7. REBUKE (A) prove ®) dislike (©) overwork (©) swallow © criticize 8, CLOISTERED (A) uneasy ©) agreeable © sincere (©) regretful ©) confined 9. DRONE, (A) beggar ®) nightmare © queen bee (D) humming sound () delaying action 10, PEDESTRIAN (A) clumsy @) senseless (© curious (©) learned © commonplace Vocabulary Test 83 1, DAWDLE (A) hang loosely (B) waste time © fondle (D) splash ©) paint 2, ANGUISH, (A) torment B) boredom (© resentment (D) stubbornness © clumsiness 3. IMPARTIAL, ) unlawful (B) incomplete © unprejudiced (D) unfaithful ©) unimportant 4. FORESTALL, A) press B) preserve (©) prevent ©) boil ©) restore ‘VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR GRE SCORE #46! 5. EFFRONTERY (A) boldness. B) agitation (©) brilliance ©) toil (©) talkativeness 6. EMBROIL, (A) explain (B) entangle (© swindle (D) greet © imitate 7. INCANDESCENT (A) insincere () melodious © electrical (D) magical ®) glowing 8. STENTORIAN (A) extremely careful @) little known (C) hardly capable (D) rarely reliable ® very lotd 9. RENEGADE (A) retired soldier @) public speaker © complainer (0) traitor ® comedian 10, INTERMITTENT (A) emphatic @®) stormy (©) hopeless () innermost © periodic Vocabulary Test 84 1, INTERLOPER (A) thief (8) intruder (©) translator () inquirer @) representative 2. SCATHING (A) bitterly severe (B) hastily spoken © ee (D) ilbadvis © easily misunderstood 3. 10. ACRID (A) abnormal (B) gifted (©) insincere (D) drying ©) irritating . TALISMAN (A) peddler (B) mechanic (©) charm (D) juryman (©) metal key . DISPATCH (A) stir up (B) leave out (© glority (D) persuade (€) send away ;. BOOTY (A) navy (B) arson © police (D) voyage ©) spoils 7. DEMURE A) unforgiving B) outofdate © modest (D) uncooperative (E) overemotional CRUX (A) great disappointment (B) supporting argument (© debatable issue (©) critical point ©) criminal act ). AGGRANDIZE, (A) enlarge (B) condense © astonish ©) interpret @® attack SUMPTUOUS (A) dictatorial ®) topmost (© radiant (D) luxurious ®) additional 42 GRUBER'S COMPLETE GRE GUIDE 2012 Vocabulary Test 85 7 . VERSATILE (A) lonesome (B) backward © talkative (D) brave (©) allaround . FORTHRIGH A) frank (B) joyful (© imaginary (D) conscious. (©) preferred . TUSSLE. (A) meet (B) struggle © confuse (©) murmur (6) practice |. CLARITY (A) loudness. (B) certainty (© clearness (D) glamour (E) tenderness 3. ASSESSMENT (A) appraisal (B) revision ©) property ©) illness ®) warning CLIQUE (A) social outcast (B) ringing sound (© headdress (D) exclusive group (©) tangled web NEGATE (A) polish to a bright shine () find quickly (©) make ineffective (D) file a protest (B) take into consideration . IMPEL (A) accuse ®) force © encourage ©) prevent €) pierce 9, CONSTRAINTS (A) group processes (B) new laws (© doctrines (D) current news ) limits 10. ORTHODOX (A) accepted (B) flawless. © contradictory (D) dignified ©) extraordinary Vocabulary Test 86 4, COUNTERPART A) hindrance (B) peace offering (© password (D) balance of power ©) duplicate 2. LOW-KEY (A) official. ®) secret (© restrained (D) unheard of ©) complicated 3. STIPULATION (A) imitation ®) signal © excitenient (D) agreement () decoration 4, ANTITHESIS (A) fixed dislike (B) musical response (© lack of feeling (©) direct opposite ©) prior knowledge 5. TRANSITORY (A) shortlived (B) delayed © idle (D) unexpected (E) clear 6, ENTRENCHED @) filled up (B) bordered by (© followed by (D) kept down © dugin 7. LOT (A) name (B) right © folly (D) fate (©) oath APPREHENSION (A) gratitude (B) requirement © apology () dread ©) punishment 8, 9. AMENABLE (A) religious (B) masculine © proud (©) brave (©) agreeable 10, AFFLUENT (A) neutral (B) sentimental © wealthy (D) handsome © evil Vocabulary Test 87 1, VELOCITY (A) willingness (B) swiftness (© truthfulness (D) smoothness (€) skillfulness 2. ENVOY (A) messenger (B) assistant © planner ) expert (E) leader 8. AUXILIARY ) reliable @®) mechanical ©) sociable (©) supporting ©) protective 4. PINNACLE A) topmost point @) feather (©) fastener ©) card game ©) small boat 5. BOORISH @) shy ®) rude © thieving ©) cunning © foreign 6. ENCOMPASS @) include ®) measure © attempt ©) direct (©) border on 7. LURCH, @) trap (B) brake © stagger () waste time ©) laugh noisily 8. EFFACE (A) rub out (B) paint red (© build upon (D) stay in front ©) bring about 9, ABOUND (A) do good (B) store up (© runaway ©) stand firm (E) be plentiful 10. THWART (A) avoid (B) accuse © suffer ©) block ©) serve Vocabulary Test 88 1. PRUNE, (A) cut off (B) expect (© put away (©) lay waste ©) remind 2. AMIABLE (A) active ®) good-natured © religious (@) changeable © absentminded ‘VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTELD 10 RAISE YOUN GIL SCOML © 408 a 9. 10. IMPROVISE (A) object loudly () predict (C) refuse support (D) prepare offhand ©) translate CONNIVE (A) cooperate secretly (B) enter quickly © pause slightly (D) push unexpectedly ©) need greatly . GAIT (A) turning over and over (B) passing in review (©) manner of walking (D) fundamental atitude ®) crowd of spectators 3. BOTCH (A) weep ®) rebel (© resent (D) blunder ©) complain . DEVOID OF (A) accompanied by B) in the care of (© without ©) behind (©) despite PANG (A) feeling of indifference (B) sense of duty (© fatal disease (D) universal remedy ) spasm of pain ‘TEDIUM (A) bad temper (B) boredom (© warmth (D) abundance (©) musical form INTIMATE (A) hospitable (B) well-behaved (© familiar (0) plainly seen ed Vocabulary T st 89 DELVE (A) hope for (B) believe in (C) set upon (D) take into account ©) dig into ». SHROUDED, (A) found ®B) torn (© stoned (D) wrapped (E) rewarded . EXPLOIT (A) annoy (8) join (©) use (D) mix up ©) set free | RUT (A) fixed practice (B) honest labor (© useless regret (D) happy home (E) vain hope . CONSTITUENTS (A) tradesmen (B) students (© voters () judges ©) ministers . REPREHENSIBLE (A) distracting (8) blameworthy © glowing (D) frightening ©) truthful HAZARD A) confuse ®B) avoid © resign (D) chance ) overlook . ROBUST (A) bragging (B) huge © sincere ©) upright ©) sturdy 464 GRUBER'S COMPLETE GRE GUIDE 2012 9. PIECEMEAL, 7. MUDDLE 8. DANK (A) on the spur of the moment (A) saucy remark (A) moist (B) bit by bit (B) confused mess (B) unhealthy: (© over and over © delaying tactics © smoky (D) as a matter of course (D) simple truth (©) frozen ©) from first to last ©) great outery © cloudy 10, INSCRUTABLE 8, ADULTERATE 6. EXPRESSLY (A) disorderly (A) grow up (A) definitely (B) shallow (B) push ahead B) regularly (© unwritten (© make impure © quickly (©) painful (D) send away (D) safely ©) mysterious €) die off ©) loudly . 9. CONCEDE 7 Vocabulary Test 90 @) gain B) join ©) force (©) disregard NI Dn (©) struggle ©) distke @) prod ©) admit ©) display o a 10, PLIGHT 8, TOKEN © command (A) final decision A) timely @) spy system @®) minimal (© plant disease © sift > foie () bad situation ©) imaginary teiewened © listening post © eniorced (© sunny 9. DECADENCE hace Vocabulary Test 91 @ fe esoing lasty retreat 3, HUMDRUM 1. BURLY (© seltassurance (A) false (A) useless (D) period of decline ®) vely ®) wild eed (© uninteresting ©) strong ©) mournful ©) easy 10, ALACRITY (©) disappointing ©) medical io eagerness Joy 4, RATIFY 2, DEBASE, © criticism (A) create (A) call to mind ©) milkiness ®) revive (8) send from home © fullness (©) deny © rely upon ©) confirm () take part in . 5 ©) displease ©) reduce the value of Vocabulary Test 92 5. HORDE 3. STANCE, 1, CLAMOR, ® cord performance (A) magic spell ©) famews B) defense @) loose garment nonbeliever (©) length © poisoned arrow ©) choir () posture (©) loud noise ©) warrior ©) concentration ©) deep-sea fisherman 6 eS 4 ara ms 2. CONVENTIONAL unwise inexper @) fearless ®) appeal io ac (© straightforward © strain © foolish (©) unappetizing ©) loosen ©) kindly ©) unyielding ©) demand © usual VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR GRE SCORE. © 405 3. INDISPUTABLE 9, ASSIMILATE Die Vocabulary Test 93 pees @B) undeniable () absorb (©) indeticate 1, INTANGIBLE © poke () indescribable (A) incomplete ©) copy ® unconcerned ©) expect 4, PUNY 10, EXHORT (A) weak (A) annoy ®) humorous ®) deduct (© auarretsome 2. COMPLIANT © enlarge quickly (0) studious ) yielding (©) urge strongly © innocent () standing @) stick out (© admiring 5. FACILITATE trust . (A) make angry @ pati Vocabulary Test 94 ®) copy (© make easier 3, ERADICATE ages (D) joke about A) exclaim A) spout ©) decorate @®) heat up @®) trot (©) break out © joke 6. REPULSE ©) plant ©) judge A) force ©) eliminate © leap B) disown © restore 4, ABYSS 2, MOLEST (D) repel (A) great ignorance (A) disturb © indicate @) evilman @®) reduce (©) bottomless pit (© submit 7. CHARISMA, (©) wide sea () delight A) happy feeling © religious sign © urge B) quality of leadership ©) Greek letter 5. CRITERION 3. TURMOIL ©) deep hole (A) standard () conclusion ©) contrary view @) award ®) reversal (© achievement (© meanness 8, RIGOR () objection D) confusion A) padding © claim ©) mistake ®) mold © liner 6. IRREVERENT 4, ORDINANCE ©) building (A illogical (A) trial ©) strictness (B) unimportant (B) law © Violent © right 9. NoxIOUs (D) disrespectful (©) fault (A) harmful © unafraid ©) property ©) lively (C) uncertain 7. SALLOW 5. LATERAL (D) unprepared (A) temporary (A) financial © calming (B) animabike ®) lingering ©) stupid (© of the past 10. ENLIGHTEN (D) dean (D) from the beginning @) please ©) yellowish ® tothe side @) put away © instruct 8, RENOUNCE 6. PIGMENT ©) reduce A) proclaim A) light €) criticize (B) approve B) pillar © sive up © aye (D) guarantee ©) weed © speak plainly © book 466. * GRUBER'S COMPLETE GRE GUIDE 2012 7. CONCEPT 5. RUSTLE 3. INDICTMENT (A) desire (A) steal (A) accusation (B) thought (B) instruct ) publisher (© solution (©) strive (© announcer (D) method (D) bend (D) conviction ©) experiment © tax © tial 8. ORNATE 6. HAPLESS: LACKLUSTER: (A) elaborate (A) optimistic (A) sparkling @®) original ®) uncounted ®) tender (©) systematic © unfortunate (© misty (©) unbecoming (D) simple (©) uninspired (E) obsolete ©) unyielding ©) disobedient 9. BEGRUDGE 7. UNPRETENTIOUS 5. CONDOMINIUM, (A) roar mightily (A) loyal (A) new type of metal B®) walk ‘swiftly (B) virtuous (B) noisy celebration (© give reluctantly © modest © individually owned i) await eagerly (©) fair apartment (E) seek desperately €) extravagant (D) important decision 10. REPOSE_ 8. BUOY emma (A) task (A) wet 6. INCUMBENT ®) calm ®) dry up (A) office holder © strain (© rescue (B) lawyer ©) fact () sustain ite | u © politician €) surprise ©) direct (D) green vegetable a PAnAGONT ©) sacred honor Vocabulary Test 95 (A) weak pun 7. POLARIZATION B) even distribution (A) performance in cold 1. BOLSTER (© geometric figure weather A) reinforce ©) moralistic story (B) point of view (B) thicken ) model of excellence (© change in opinion © uncover 1 (D) division into opposites ©) quote a Pe ) cultural bias sa conf eam ®) native ‘8. GENESIS 2, INFRINGEMENT (©) poor (A) wisdom (A) old age (D) unconcerned B) origin @) added benefit ©) wrathful (© classification © protection (©) humor © violao © night ©) fireproofing Vocabulary Test 96 = ‘9. DIMINUTION 3. AGILE, 1, PROLOGUE. (A) devotion (A) colored (A) stairway @®) difference (B) healthy ®) introduction © difficulty © dull (© conversation @) decision ©) false () reading ©) decrease €) nimble ©) extension WAR} 10, ey 4. DIVERSIFY 2. ACKNOWLEDGE A) sorrowful A) fix (A) propose @) lary ®) vary ®) strangle © unfriendly © correct © convict (D) cautious (©) relieve () advance ©) hopeful ©) explain © admit VOCABULARY 1 BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR GRE SCORE © 467 oca 9. RAN Vocabulary Test 97 ae "HALLOWED sacrei a aoe it ae (A) smooth © flims © deep (8) moldy ® oH (D) permitted > loose (E) costumed I © delicate caren 8. GUISE ® ao (A) ability 2, SUCCULENT (B) direction ) literal ies © mult ©) defy @®) tardy ® ax (D) appearance © yielding iad (©) mistake (D) sportsmanlike ‘rum ju °. ® juicy Vocabulary Test 98 “ ation 3. LACERATED (B) reversal (A) bright 1. TOPPLE (©) swelling @) gaunt (A) drink () suffering (© punishable ®) choose (©) commotion ©) torn © stray ©) tied () stumble 10, REMINISCENT ©) overturn (A) amazed by 4. SUBSIDE. (B) obligated to (A) pay in full 2. PREVAIL (©) suggestive of (B) become quiet (A) preview (D) under the control of KO freuen snort (B) question © careless with 2 rush around relax send fort )) triumph - * © restore Vocabulary Test 99 8. ACQUITTAL A) setting free 3, CREDENCE 1. REMIT (B) agreeing with (A) cowardice (A) promise © holding forth @) size @) injure (D) getting up steam (© belief © send ©) appealing to higher ©) variety ©) profit authority © nobility ®) menace 6. APPREHEND 4, DIVULGE 2, PANDEMONIUM A) inform (A) send A) wild uproar @®) resound (@) shrink ®) diseased state © frighten © despair (© contempt (D) squeeze (D) separate (D) luxury: © seize © reveal ® gloom 7. IMPERATIVE 8. MISGIVINGS 3. EJECT (A) unbiased (A) cheap gifts (A) expose (B) obscure (B) feelings of doubt B) exceed © repetitious (© added treats (© extend ©) compulsory (©) false promises ©) expel © unworthy ®) slips of the tongue ©) excite 8. SUBSTANTIATE 6. ACCLAIM 4. TALLY (A) verify (A) find (A) load ®) replace ®) restore @®) record © influence © praise © hunt ©) condemn ©) judge ©) play (©) demand ©) move ©) accept 468 © GRUBER'S COMPLETE GRE GUIDE 2012 5. DEVASTATE (A) cough 8) ruin (©) chop (D) point ©) swell 6. MAUL (A) trap ®) cuddle © carve (©) throw (E) beat 7, ANIMATION (A) liveliness (®) automation (©) carelessness (D) dispute (B) exchange 8, SMOLDER (A) show suppressed anger (B) grow up quickly © find easily (D) report back () become weary 9. PROTRUDE (A) make a fool of (B) fall into © putdown (D) thrust out () steer clear of 10. BENEVOLENT (A) profitable (B) sociable © wealthy ) receptive (©) charitable Vocabulary Test 100 . UNOBTRUSIVE (A) annoying (B) unquestionable (C) inconspicuous (D) united ©) healthy . SCRUTINY ) signal B) plot (©) delay (D) investigation €) announcement }. HEINOUS ) evil (B) permanent (© unreasonable |. GARRULOUS (A) confused (B) eager © panting ©) talkative (€) informal . CONVERSE (A) junction B) poetry (© ancestor (D) follower ) opposite 6. 9. 10. MALEFACTOR (A) fugitive ®) joker © showoff () evildoer ©) daydreamer . MARTIAL (A) heavenly ®) keen © warlike (©) tremendous (©) masculine . RETORT (A) answer B) jot © retire () recall ®) decay ‘VIGILANCE (A) lawlessness (B) funeral (© watchfulness (D) processional ©) strength LESION (A) dream (B) group © justice ®) style ©) injury

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