MATH 101 (Logic and Set Theory) 26 May 2015 Review Questions For The Final Exam Prof. Virgilio P. Sison

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MATH 101 (Logic and Set Theory)

Review Questions for the Final Exam

26 May 2015
Prof. Virgilio P. Sison

1. Give a direct proof of validity.

All members of the Alumni Association are professionals. However, not all Jaycees are professionals. Therefore,
some Jaycees are not members of the Alumni Association.
2. Let A and B be propositions. Prove that if a contradiction is derived as a consequence of A B, then A
logically implies B.
3. Consider the set Z of integers.
a. Show that the natural order on Z does not well order Z.
b. State the Well Ordering Principle.
c. Give a well ordering of Z.
4. Prove the following.
a. Every well-ordered set is linearly ordered.
b. Every subset of a well-ordered set is well-ordered.
5. Consider the set Z of integers, and let m be a fixed positive integer.
a. Define the relation of congruence modulo m in Z.
b. Prove that this relation is an equivalence relation.
c. Prove that the set of residue classes modulo m is a partition of Z.
6. Let R be the set of real numbers. Consider the function : R3 R defined by (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = x3 . Prove that
is surjective but is not injective.
7. State the five Peanos Axioms on the natural number system.
8. Use the Principle of Mathematical Induction to prove that

(3i 2) =

n(3n 1)

for all natural natural numbers n 1.

9. Let C be the set of complex numbers, and R be the set or real numbers. Prove that R R and C are equipollent.
10. State the Continuum Hypothesis.

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