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Learning styles are the general approaches that students use in acquiring a new

language or in learning any other subject

Learning strategies are defined as specific actions, steps, behaviors used by students
to enhance their own learning

Visual learners prefer to learn by reading and watching demonstrations. They enjoy
lecture courses more when they take many notes to study after class

Auditory learners prefer to learn by listening and discussing. They enjoy reading more
after they listen to a background lecture on the subject matter

Kinesthetic learners prefer to learn by being physically involved: doing

/handling/manipulating things. They prefer to learn by experimenting on their own, they
benefit most from listening to lectures and reading textbooks when they understand
how these activities benefit them in their experimentation

Primary goal is something you hope to achieve in the future

Intermediate goal is a goal that helps in accomplishing primary goal
Current goal is a goal that leads to accomplish intermediate goal
Steps for achieving goals

Write primary goal

Make an effective plan that is expressed in intermediate goals and current goals
Schedule the exact times you will accomplish your goals
Do your best to achieve goals. Dont be discouraged by obstacles
Monitor and assess your progress in achieving goals
Revise your intermediate goals and current goals when necessary

Writing goals: positive and measurable +realistic

Realistic goals:

you have the abilities needed to achieve the goal

You have enough time to achieve the goal
You are willing to pay the price necessary to achieve the goal
You are in control of the circumstances necessary to achieve the goal

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