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Indias Green Industrial Policy

Pursuing Clean Energy for Green Growth
Ashwini K Swain

Keeping with the global trend,

India seems to be executing a
Green Industrial Policy that
seeks to prioritise production and
consumption of clean energy.
Will it lead to green growth and
sustainable development?

The views expressed are personal.

Ashwini K Swain (
is at the CUTS Institute for Regulation and
Competition, New Delhi.
Economic & Political Weekly


MARCH 1, 2014

he current global financial crisis

demands swift action by governments to support, restructure and
sustain industrial activities. Simultaneously, addressing the global climate
change requires significant modifications in industrial incentives and regulations. Both the events have forced the
state to bring industrial policy back to
the core of policy agenda. Consequently,
the new industrial policy called green
industrial policy (GIP) seeks to make
industrial growth green, inclusive and
economically dynamic.
GIP, seeking to develop new industries
and adopt new technologies, involves essential policy changes. It is different

vol xlix no 9

from conventional industrial policy in

two ways: first, it requires different policy
instruments; second, it involves stronger
state engagement in markets. Under GIP,
states seek to promote sustainable patterns of production and consumption by
pricing resource consumption and promoting efficient technologies through
market transformation.
There is a global upsurge in adoption
of GIP by both developed and developing
states. The underlying rationale for its
adoption is to create globally competitive domestic firms, while it promises a
range of spin-off developmental and environmental benefits. Considering the
fact that energy is a major input for industrial process and major contributor
to industrial emissions, GIP seeks to
tame energy consumption and hasten
the development of low-carbon alternatives to fossil fuels. Will the alleged GIP,
with its emphasis on clean energy production and consumption, lead to green
growth and sustainable development?


Bundling Policies and Interests

Keeping with the global trend, India
seems to be pursuing the GIP, particularly since the past decade. India is not
only a major emerging economy with
high industrial growth prospects, but also
a major consumer of energy resources.
Consequently, production and use of clean
energy have rightly been prioritised in
Indias GIP for achieving the goals of
green growth and sustainable development. India has been promoting renewable energy (RE) as an alternative to
fossil fuels to meet rising industrial
energy demand, and energy efficiency
(EE) measures to tame the demand.
The country has set a target to raise its
RE capacity to 74 gigawatts (GW) by
2022, including 22 GW of solar capacity.
With a renewable installed capacity of
27.7 GW (13% of total installed capacity),
the country is already a global leader.
Over the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period
(2012-17), it aims to install 30 GW of renewable capacities with a federal outlay
of around $4 billion. The country has
certainly set an ambitious target for RE
development. The private sector has a
strong role to play in executing the plan;
in fact, much of RE development so far
has taken place with the private sector.
Nearly one-third of the planned investment in infrastructure sectors over the
Twelfth Five-Year Plan period has been
earmarked for the electricity sector; about
half of this investment is sought from the
private sector. The state has been engaged
in setting up a favourable policy environment, with complementary policies, regulatory interventions, incentive mechanisms
and research and development (R&D)
support, to facilitate RE development.
While wind constitutes a large share
(about 70%) of Indias existing RE installed
capacity, considering the potential of solar
energy, the country has developed a
strategy to tap it. A national mission the
Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) has been set up to facilitate
solar energy development to achieve
the target of 20 GW grid-connected and
2 GW off-grid solar capacities by 2022.
The state has made several policies to
mandate and incentivise RE production
at national and sub-national levels. Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) is a key

policy to create demand for RE. Each

sub-national electricity regulatory commission has set a specific RPO for the
utilities in their respective states. The
national target was set at 5% for the
financial year 2009-10 and was to be
increased by 1% each year for the next
10 years, with the aim to procure 15% of
consumable electricity from RE sources
by 2020. The policy also makes a provision for solar-specific RPO set at 0.25%
in 2012, to be raised to 3% by 2022.
The Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)
programme is being implemented to
penalise the utilities that fail to meet
their RPO; they have to compensate by
purchasing equivalent RECs (Charnoz
and Swain 2012).
To encourage private sector engagement, the state has made provisions for
capital subsidy and interest subsidy for
setting up RE production units. RE generators have the choice to trade electricity
at a preferential tariff or to trade RECs
separately after selling the electricity at
a competitive tariff. In addition, the state
is providing tax benefits to both generators and manufacturers on import of RE
technology (e g, solar panels) and additional support on R&D. Simultaneously,
the state has enforced local content requirement (LCR) raised to 75% in the
second phase of the JNNSM to promote
growth in domestic manufacturing.
India has an equally ambitious target
for EE, with a target to save 10 GW by
2014-15 and, thus, avoid 19 GW of additional generation capacity. The National
Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency
(NMEEE) has been set up to facilitate
the process with mandatory provisions
and incentive mechanisms. The perform,
achieve and trade scheme targets energyintensive industries, which account for
60% of Indias total primary energy consumption, and are required to meet a
certain level of EE in a specified time
period. Those who achieve EE gains
beyond their target are rewarded with
energy saving certificates (ESCerts); those
who fail to meet their target can buy
ESCerts to make up the difference, or
pay a penalty (ibid).
With the launch of the scheme last
year, India has become the first developing country to adopt market-based

mechanisms to trade EE. Simultaneously,

the state is using market transformation
strategy to promote production and use
of energy efficient appliances in designated sectors. While manufacturers are
being incentivised to manufacture superefficient appliances, products are being
labelled to raise consumer awareness
and demand (Swain 2013). The Standards and Labelling Programme being
implemented seeks to raise consumer
awareness and demand for energy efficient
equipment. The Super-Efficient Equipment Programme is a rebate programme
that incentivises leading manufacturers
to produce super-efficient equipment on
a large scale and market them at a competitive price. Both the programmes,
implemented by the Bureau of Energy
Efficiency, aim to hasten energy conservation while giving a boost to the manufacturing industry.
The Indian approach seeks to ensure
domestic energy security and dynamic
industrial growth catering to domestic
developmental needs, while accruing
mitigation co-benefits to address the
global call for climate action. Unlike in
the past, when the state retained control
over the market, under the GIP, the state
seeks to actively engage with the market
by creating a favourable policy environment. Realising the limitation of state
capacity to implement the strategy, the
state is seeking to build non-state (market)
players and offer incentives to hasten
the process (Harrison and Kostka 2012).
An initial high capital subsidy to generators and enforcement of LCR to kick-start
the solar industry, and setting-up a market
for energy service companies are two
good examples.
The Way Forward
Indias GIP holds good promises for
green growth and sustainable development. Achieving the JNNSM target will
result in mitigation of 95 million tonnes
(Mte) of CO2e annually by 2022. Simultaneously, NMEEE has potential to achieve
mitigation of 98 Mte of CO2e annually.
While promoting dynamic clean energy
industries, GIP is expected to reduce carbon
intensity of Indian industries. Clean energybased industrial growth is expected
to be inclusive by promoting regional

MARCH 1, 2014

vol xlix no 9


Economic & Political Weekly


development, employment generation and

improved energy access.
Though India has ambitious targets,
and the right policies and incentives in
place, it is too early to make any judgment on the outcome. Yet, two fundamental challenges weigh upon Indias
GIP, viz, finance gap and lack of market
transparency. While access to private
finance is crucial for development of the
clean energy industry, current interest
rates remain too high and financing
institutions remain reluctant to invest. A
comprehensive financing strategy optimising various funding sources is a key
prerequisite for scaling-up the clean energy industry. Prevailing lack of market
transparency in the sector may result in
rent-seeking and market distortion. A
study by the Centre for Science and
Environment reveals how a major conglomerate has subverted rules to acquire
a stake in the JNNSM much larger than

Economic & Political Weekly


MARCH 1, 2014

allowed legally (Bhushan and Hamberg

2012). The state needs to provide realtime, credible and usable information
that the public can trust and use to hold
it and private actors accountable. Simultaneously, the state needs to strengthen
the monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure that rules and norms are
not disrupted.
Addressing these challenges, which
are not insurmountable, will largely depend on state-business relations, private
sector capacity, bundling of interests and
policies, and creative manoeuvres taken
by the state. Much depends on the extent
to which the private sector shares the
state goals, and the way they are organised
and their capacity for collective action.
At the same time, the state needs to build
the confidence that private activities will
be supported not frustrated and rentseeking will be avoided. The process will
shape, and be shaped by, state-business

vol xlix no 9

relations and build new forms of developmental coalitions. Since the policies
are not self-implementing, independent
electricity regulators would emerge as
key facilitators (or blockers). The regulators have key roles to play in implementing these policies and would affect
the pace and pattern of transition. If
successful, India could lay out a path
for green growth in other developing
countries too.
Bhushan, C and J Hamberg (2012): The Truth about
Solar Mission, Down to Earth, 15 February.
Charnoz, O and A Swain (2012): High Returns,
Low Attention, Slow Implementation: The Policy Paradoxes of Indias Clean Energy Development, AFD Working Paper 125, July, Agence
Franaise de Dveloppement, Paris.
Harrison, T and G Kostka (2012): Manoeuvres for
a Low Carbon State: The Local Politics of Climate Change in China and India, DLP Research Paper 22, June, Developmental Leadership Programme.
Swain, A (2013): Taking Energy Efficiency to the
Market, Business Standard, 7 March.


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