Chicken Balmoral

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Chicken Balmoral.

Serves: 4
4 to 6 tablespoons Scotch Whisky
250g haggis
salt and pepper, to taste
4 skinless chicken breasts
16 rashers smoked, back bacon
1. Preheat the oven to 170C, 325F, Gas Mark 3.
2. Grease an ovenproof baking dish.
3. In a bowl, combine the whisky and the haggis, season well. Divide
into four and form each into a sausage shape. Set aside.
4. Butterfly your chicken in the following way. Put your chicken breast
on a chopping board and, with your hand flat on top of it, use a
sharp knife to slice into one side of the breast, starting at the thicker
end. Be careful not to cut all the way through. Open the chicken
breast out and beat them to flatten. Place the breast on a piece of
Clingfilm twice the width of the breast, fold the Clingfilm over the
breast and beat with a rolling pin. You should flatten it to about the
same length as the bacon rashers. Repeat with the other breasts.
5. Lay 4 rashers of bacon, slightly overlapping on a sheet of Clingfilm.
Lay one flattened chicken breast out on top of the 4 rashers of
bacon. Place a haggis 'sausage' at the edge of the breast. Carefully
roll up to form a parcel using the Clingfilm to help you. Take care to
keep the haggis enclosed within the breast. Once rolled into a tight
parcel, remove from the Clingfilm and secure with kitchen string or
cocktail sticks and arrange inside the prepared baking dish. Cover
with tin foil. Repeat with the other breasts.
6. Bake for 25 minutes.
7. Remove the tin foil and return to the oven for a further 10 minutes.
8. Once the bacon is nicely browned, remove from the oven and allow
to rest for a few minutes.
Serve hot with your choice of vegetables and top off with Whisky Cream
Sauce (recipe below).
Whisky Cream Sauce.
300ml (1/2pt) whipping cream
2tbsp wholegrain mustard
salt and freshly ground black pepper
2tsp heather honey
2tbsp whisky

1. To the baking dish you cooked the chicken in, add the whisky over
high heat.
2. Flame the whisky to burn off the alcohol. Take care whilst performing
this step!
3. Once flames have died, add the cream, mustard and honey, then
4. Reduce heat to medium and simmer till the sauce has been reduced
by half, or to your desired consistency. If your sauce goes too thick
you can loosen the consistency with some stock or milk.
5. Season to taste with salt and pepper, then add a small handful of
chopped fresh parsley if desired.

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