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Matrices, Vectors and Applications Homework

Section 4.1 General Vector Spaces and Subspaces

Problems 2, 5, 6, 8, 13, 18(a, c), 19(a, c, e, f, g), 20(a, b, c, e), 21(a, b, c), 22(a, c)

Vector Spaces
2. (a) Let fx=x+2 and gx=x2-1. Compute the functions f+g, 2f, and 3g.
(b) Let fx=2x and gx=4-2x. Compute f+g, 3f, and -g.

5. Prove that the set W of all vectors in R3 of the form a(1, 2, 3), where a is a real number is a vector

6. Let U be the set of all vectors in R3 that are perpendicular to a vector u. Prove that U is a vector space.

8. Is the set of 3×3 symmetric matrices a vector space?

13. Consider the set of polynomial functions of degree 2. Is this set a vector space?

Subspaces of Rn
18. Consider the sets of vectors of the following form. Prove that they are subspaces of R3.

(a) (a, 3a, 5a) (c) (a, b, a+2b)

19. Consider the sets of vectors of the following form. Determine whether the sets are subspaces of R2
or R3. Give the geometrical interpretation of each subspace.

(a) (a, 0) (c) (a, 1)

(e) (a, b, 0) (f) (a, b, 2)

(g) (a, b, 2a+3b)

20. Are the following sets subspaces of R3? The set of all vectors of the form (a, b, c), where

(a) a+b+c=0 (b) a+b+c=1

(c) ab=0 (e) ab=ac

21. Which of the following subsets of R3 are subspaces? The set of all vectors of the (a, b, c), where a,
b and c are
(a) integers
(b) nonnegative real numbers
(c) rational numbers

22. Are the following sets subspaces of R2? The set of all vectors of the form

(a) (a, b2) (c) a, b where a>0

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