Antrhopogenic Greehnouse Effect Questions: Knowledge and Understanding

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Antrhopogenic Greehnouse Effect Questions

Knowledge and Understanding
1. Carbon moves in a cycle between living (organic) and inorganic forms. Processes that put
carbon dioxide to the atmosphere are called carbon sources. Processes that remove carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere and store it are called carbon sinks.
Name the important processes (1,2,3) or forms of carbon (4, 5) in this diagram:
1. ________________________ _________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
5. __________________________________

2. a) What are the 2 major carbon sinks shown in the diagram?

b) Explain how do the worlds oceans act as a carbon sink.
3. a) Are all greenhouse gases pollutants? Explain why or why not.
b) Why were anthropogenic greenhouse gases not a major problem until recently (i.e. after the
4. What evidence have scientists given as the reason for their conclusion that:
a) Average global temperatures are increasing?
b) Human activity is the major cause of global warming?
Thinking and Investigation
1. All over the world, forests are being cut down to supply paper and wood products. Land is
also cleared to make room for farming. Explain how deforestation affects the level of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere without directly releasing any greenhouse gases.
2. When atmospheric CO2 is absorbed and dissolves in the ocean, carbonic acid forms. This
process is called ocean acidification. The increased ocean acidity can result in the
breakdown of sea creatures shells, which are made of calcium carbonate:
acid + carbonate

salt + water + carbon dioxide

Draw a diagram to show how this process could result in a positive feedback loop.

3. Examine the graph of atmopsheric

carbon dioxide levels to the right.
a) What is the general trend that you
observe in this graph?
b) What is the annual cycle?
c) What is the most likely cause of the
general trend?
d) What is the most likely cause of the
annual cycle?

4. a) List 1 activity you did today that contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.
b) List 3 other specific human activities that contribute to climate change and identify the
greenhouse gases these activities produce.
1. a) How have peoples lifestyles changed since the Industrial Revolution (1800)?
b) How have these changes impacted society and the environment?
c) What lifestyle changes do you think would be the most difficult for people to make in order
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
2. What changes to your own lifestyle would you be willing to make to reduce greenhouse gas

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