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How to ask for something Expressions colleague + acustomer + supplier 2 Talk about the last time you asked these people for these things. Did anything Unusual happen? ‘What did he say about 701. Usten fo the conversation and answer the questions. {| 1 Who are the speakers? 2. What do they ask for? 3 Who is polte? Who makes demands? Why? Speaking 1 Make a sultable request for the following “» 2_Listen to four conversations role-playing situations. Try fo use phrases from situations 1-4. Compare them fo your Expressions ond the Language box. Your requests. teacher will respond fo your requests. 1. You ordered twenty colour cartridges for your printer, Unfortunately, you received black cartridges instead. Call the supplier and ask them to correct the order. 2. You ask your boss if you can have the moning off next Friday because you need fo sign some papers at the bank, 3. You xk for @ return tran ticket to Oxford at the tickst office. 4. Your colleague keeps forgetting to finish the report you have both been working Con.it needs fo be sent to head office oda. You call him fo help him remember ith people Es fo) S deali a business one : one 2. Look at the extracts from'the conversation. Complete them with the phrases used for asking for something. i 1 Hello. to Susan Crawey, please, 2 Would you aduplicate? speck me 3. Now we'd poy for the computers. 4 Doyou wot Until next month? i 5 We poy before the end of June. 6 Itwe Payment by then. we'll have fo send someone round fo pick up the computers. 3. Look at the extracts in 2 again, Mork them pollfe (P) or demanding (D). Then explain your decision to your teacher. inguage box ‘can use would lke in diferent ways fo ask ple for something: Id lke @ cup of tea, please. Ii lke to phone home, i you don’t ming, We'd Ike you to send the cheque today. following vers can also use the verb + + infinitive pattern. |We would ask you to pay in full by 15 May. We have waned them fo pay promptly. ember to use -ing after Would you mina Would you mind opening the window? So) real ed Writing 1 You have recelved the following note from your boss. White an email fo the travel agency requesting information for his trip. Look Look again at listening script 1.1 and 1.2 on page 111. Find other examples of these structures. Lesson record Srewwords _S.usefu phrases ftom this lesson from this lesion (Jeers eee es eee deal How to make a suggestion 3. Would you like to be a consultant? nsultants are people who borrow fh and tell you whi Expressions Bruston Bicycles and Cycling Accessories Lid Is in trouble. Sales are 15% down on last ‘ear. Iris losing clients. Three of is best sales People have lefi the company in the last two months. To find out what's going wrong Bright Ideas Ltd, a business consulting group, visited the company a few days ago and made the notes below. Read the notes and then discuss the different problems with your teacher. In your opinion, which are the three most important Issues, ond why? BRIGHT i is, and then walk off with th Robert Townsend source: ipa rcinyquote.com/quctes/quotesti! ‘erounlaS ind ll too many consultants, when asked, hat is two and two?” al atch nat do you have in mind: Norman R. Augustine seuce: hp: /fenww bainyquote.com/quores/quotesiny ‘eneys204561 Speaking 1 sales ana Production ~ only monthly meetings ] 2 seat? moe given men inkorwation | 3 products cldrFashiownd ” design anager left a yar ago - aoe +f company deem" ine Saternet at all SF name oF company) 6 sales manager carcisiy overtorked ~ covers national and Sxport sales” mo aznikane F Siu Barton ~ managing director “79 spars a, son Of Reader B cepuasion For top qpality, but delany OF up £0 a month in eleres Writing ith people ES > is 1. Your fiend comes to you with the following problems. Make two suggestions in each case. Use as many different ‘expressions as you can. “| frequently travel to Germany but I don't speak a word of the language.” “[ just feel I’m going nowhere in my job.” “| often forget things like meetings and phone numbers.” . : “I feel so tired and ‘My car's always overworked.” breaking down!” business one : one 1. You ate not happy withthe following five things. Tell your teacher why you are not happy and ‘what you would change if you could. Make {wo different suggestions or proposals about: 1. the organization of your classes (days. time, ete) 2. the place where you work 3. the work timetable or calendar that you hove 4. the TV programmes in the country where: you live 5 the traffic and / or parking problems in the city where you live. 2. Explain the reasons behind your proposals. Find out it your teacher agrees with you. ‘Choose one of the topics and write on email to an appropriate person, containing your proposals, 2. Usten to the presentation that one consultant from Bright Ideas gives to the management of Bruston. He mentions four of the problem areas. Which ones? 5 Now listen again. Ths time complete the spaces with the words the man uses to make his proposals. 1. Fist of ol, we a change to the company’s name. 2 We to.a more, international name. 3. Secondly, we'd lke to new sales stat 4 We three new sistant staff - people with languages and experience. 5 Ourthird ostble use of the Intemet as a marketing tool for your company. 8 Finally we serious and immedicte measures to reorganize the production side of the company, the \guage box verbs that are often used for making jestions or proposals are suggest and 1d. Look at the following examples: We recommend changing the dates. We recommend that you change the name, We suggest using the Internet, We suggest that you use the Internet. }et expressions: How about changing your job? Have yau considered changing your job? What if you change / changed your job? We'd ke to propose that you invest €9,000. Kk 3k again at listening scripts 2.1 and 2.2 on ge 111. Find all the examples of suggestions. ‘The consultant and the sales manager go fo lunch. Listen to thelr conversation. What problems does the consultant mention? The consultant uses the following expressions. Listen again ‘and complete the sentences below with his suggestions. 1 Have you the name? 2. You've got big problems there. making meetings more frequent? 3. And, wel, don’t realy know how i out 4 How do his job? 5 Lot's look really old. anew designer? somebody younger to some of your products you employed ee 1 Lesson record 1 1 3 new words 3 useful phrases t || fom tis lesion irom slesson I pete ae ae rT eS sun 2 I aie 3 E ' Pee 1 ae 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 eas 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 See aS oe = ne ‘business one : one 2 a fe) o for c= LS ing wi deal How to react to suggestions ls in c loud + They artive late and leave early + They never retum Items they borrow, + They use bad language all the time. + Their only subject of conversation is thelr chien. + They waste time and never get anything cone. + They smoke continuously. + They never pay for drinks or meais when you go out. 2. Which of the habits do you find most annoying? 3. How could you deal with these colleagues? Writing 1. Read the following email and suggest ways the supervisor could deal with the problems in the department. Role-play a conversation to follow the emall, with you ‘as Charlie and your teacher as Sam. 5 as | Hi there Sam, Sorry to say the situation in the department is geting out ‘of hand. Everyone is frustrated with the new software because no one knows how to use it propery. Two colleagues are sill smoking at their desks despite the new legislation and the others are fed up with it. And Richard and Sally have split up so the atmosphere’s. uunboarable. Any ideas as to what | can do? Charlie AEE 2. Reply to the email with your own ideas. business one : ono: Expressions 701. Listen to four situations where someone is making a suggestion, Answer the folowing {Questions for cielogues 1-4 by filing in the columns in the table, 1 Wnts me annoying habit? 2. Whot I the suggestion? 3 Is the suggestion accepted v) or rejected (x)? fo Eran Language box ‘When we react fo a suggestion, we offen suggest specific action, of propose a possible atterative for action. Look at the expressions used fo react fo the following suggestion: Everyone in the office seems a bit down. Why don’t we all go out together? That's « good ides... We could have dinner and then go out dancing .- Let's start planning it ight now. It would be even better ifthe company oid for a party! Shall we put up © poster? Hint ‘Yau can use the folowing sxprossion to tak ‘bout iting stucins: 1 con't stand it any longer! ve had enough (ot)! , Eve Is driving me crazy. ‘Hes always shouting and swearing, Speaking 2° Look at the extracts from the four 61 Usten to conversations 1-4. Match each one with a comers sa PsceCun leaner eset tae tne uot pct for easing te 2. Yourteacher wil sugges way fo deal wh he a situations. Respond in an appropriate way. 1 No ota eee eee) 2 Naim wes such a good idea, She is the boss ' 3. Ok that ‘i | suppose, 4 What Ido that next time he cals, Look Look again at conversations 1-4 in listening script 3.2 on. pages 111-112. Find more expressions used to react to suggestions. 1 Lesson record 1 Shaill is used with we and /, especially in British 1 3new words 3 useful phrases: I ish. offen used fo make suggestions 1 ffomtnsiesion fom this eon 1 jong wih of ce : ' Shall we leave now? alee Yes,let's / let's go. a 2 a me Mt en we reject a suggestion, we normally give Is = 3 —— 4 ero 2 Things to remember Men. 'm not 20 sue about that. 1 ! It might make tings worse 1 ; Il think people woul preter ¢ bonus fo @ 1 I right out 1 -1 1 ee . 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 lt business one : ono °

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