Net Help For Chalan

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Mayank jain 10 months ago

Hi Amlan, I am having 2 form 16 from 2 employers and no TDS deducted from previous
employer(employer1 for 2 months) and i have not provided information of previous employer in second
company. so form 16 from second employer does not deducted tax for first employer. Now i want to pay
tax for first employer of about 4500 rs, which chalan to use and how to fill the same in 2nd sheet of ITR
excell utility. A minimal info is suffice. Thanks Mayank
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Engineer Amlan Dutta 10 months ago

Say First Employer is Reliance and second employer is LNT ....your question is that Reliance did not
deduct TAX and LNT did you figure out that tax liability is more you wanna pay extra tax (1)
Use challan 280 to pay the extra tax and fill the tax details in schedule IT of the same TDS schedule (2)
In the TDS schedule , schedule 1 is for TDS on salary ...put entry for both reliance and LNT ...adjacent to
reliance , put taxes deducted by Reliance ,....adjacent to LNT , put taxes Deducted by LNT say they each
deducted 100 Rs total TDS deducted is 200 Rs on salary income Say you figure out that tax liability
as per income slabs is 300 Rs use challan 280 to make the extra 100 Rs payment challan 280 ,
select self assessment tax (since tax is being paid after finance year 2013 14 ends else same tax is called
advance tax ...also select code 0021 since you are a individual(Not a company ) Once you pay the taxes
(online or offline --i have videos for both ), you get a receipt which mentions the BSR code , challan
number etc etc ...put this details in Schedule IT (it is there in the TDS schedule of ITR 1 and covered
seperately in different ITR's) Once you do this , then sum total of TDS and IT is 200 +100 = 300 ....which
is income tax as per slabs.... Hope this helps ...i have tuts which cover all this practically...visit my
facebook page and post your query for the tuts ...and i will give
you links to direct tuts so that this thing already clear becomes even more clear ...feel like helping me now
...go help others and in that way you help me ! Peace , Amlan

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