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Running head: The Instructional Plan and Presentation

The Instructional Plan and Presentation

University of Phoenix
Kathleen Byrne
Patricia Loupa
August 25, 2014

The Instructional Plan and Presentation

PRESENTATION: Getting to know Saugatuck and Douglas
TO: All Front Desk/Reservation Employees, Housekeeping, and Maintenance of Americinn
Hotel and Suites, Douglas, Michigan
BY: Kathleen Byrne, employee of Americinn Hotel and Suites
DELIVERY MODALITY: PowerPoint Presentations, hand-outs, on-site training (restaurants,
stores, tourist sights and attractions), and Google Maps
LENGTH OF TRAINING: 6 weeks, March 1 April 15, 2015
1. Know all local restaurants by name, location, directions, and food served (be able to
make good recommendations).
2. Know all tourist sites by name, location, directions, and what there is to do at the site.
Know all Lake Michigan beaches and state parks in the area.
3. Know all pertinent local information: pharmacy, grocery store, liquor stores, gas stations,
hospital, immediate medical care, police station, etc. One must know name, directions,
and what services are available.
GOALS: Customer name brand recognition of the Americinn brand, guest loyalty of the
Americinn brand and Americinn Hotel and Suites in Douglas, Michigan, guest acceptance of
Americinn brand and Americinn Hotel and Suites in Douglas, Michigan.
We are going to learn everything about Saugatuck/Douglas. Did you know
Saugatuck/Douglas winter population is 3,000 and the summer population is 30,000? Americinn

is going to create customer name brand recognition, guest loyalty, and guest acceptance (return
guests) by training its employees to be a walking, talking reference guide on the area. When the
2015 tourist season ends on Labor Day weekend, 2015, we will be the front runners in guest
loyalty and acceptance at Americinn!
I realize we have many employees who do not live in the local area that is not an excuse.
In the past these employees have struggled with giving directions, recommendations for
restaurants, bars, beaches, etc. Up to this point it has been known around the Douglas hotel as
the, Kathy factor. Ask Kathy, she knows where everything is, cannot be an employee
response. There are 21 shifts per week and I only work three or four of them.
I have made arrangements with all the local restaurants for Americinn employees to enjoy
a complimentary meal. Each employee will receive one free meal from each Saugatuck/Douglas
area restaurant. I have also arranged for one free admission for each Americinn employee to
experience the Saugatuck/Douglas tourist destinations.
Get ready for a learning experience you will never forget!

Know all local restaurants by name, location, directions, and food served (be able to
make good recommendations) Project based and collaborative learning.
A. Visit all Saugatuck/Douglas restaurants
a. PowerPoint presentation on all restaurants in the area presented by
b. Know all local restaurants by name, location, directions, and food
served (be able to make good recommendations) Project based and
collaborative learning. Retrieve menus by visiting all restaurants
c. Talk to the management/owners of all restaurants while visiting.
d. Learn all menu items
e. Quiz on menu items to be given by instructor

B. Dine at three Saugatuck/Douglas restaurants - Project based and

collaborative learning.
a. Write 300-500 word paper on dining experience (describe meal,
atmosphere, and service)
b. Present to your co-workers a PowerPoint presentation with all
information regarding the meal, the restaurant, the location, the wait
staff/service complete with pictures of meals, restaurants, and
identifying location markers outside of restaurant.

Know all tourist sites by name, location, directions, and what there is to do at the site
Project based and collaborative learning.
A. PowerPoint Presentation with handout on all tourist destinations in the
Saugatuck/Douglas area by Kathy Byrne
a. Visit all tourist locations designated in handout in groups of two



(groups will be determined by instructor).

b. Present to your co-workers a PowerPoint presentation with all
information regarding the meal, the restaurant, the location, the
wait staff/service complete with pictures of meals, restaurants, and
identifying location markers outside of restaurant.
Present to your co-workers a PowerPoint presentation with all information regarding
the meal, the restaurant, the location, the wait staff/service complete with pictures of
meals, restaurants, and identifying location markers outside of restaurant.
Know all pertinent local information: pharmacy, grocery store, liquor stores, gas
stations, hospital, immediate medical care, police station, etc. One must know name,
directions, and what services are available Project based and collaborative learning.
A. PowerPoint Presentation with handout on all local information given
by Kathy Byrne
a. Visit all pertinent local places designated in handout.
b. a brief description of each place with detailed driving


1. Overhead projector
2. Projector marker
3. Transparent map images
4. Laptop
5. Google Maps
6. Google Earth
7. Laser pointer
8. Menus
9. Rack cards for tourist destinations
10. Saugatuck/Douglas city maps
11. Blank maps with streets of Saugatuck/Douglas
12. Handouts for each objective
13. PowerPoint presentations for restaurants, tourist locations, and pertinent
Project based learning - a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills
by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a complex question,
problem, or challenge.
Collaborative learning - Collaborative learning - a situation in which two or more people
learn or attempt to learn something together.
Both types of learning will be demonstrated in the objectives.
As stated earlier, the training program will take six weeks. Training will begin on March
1, 2015 and conclude on April 15, 2015. All Americinn, Douglas, MI employees will be required
to take the training. The manager and assistant manager will participate in the training, as well as
the design and final approval of the curriculum.
The training will take place in the meeting room at Americinn, and at stated tourist
destinations, restaurants, and predetermined local businesses. The Americinn employees must

have a full understanding of the Saugatuck/Douglas area at the end of the training. The
employees will be tested with map identification, quizzes (menu items, tourist locations),
employee made presentations to the other employees, papers detailing and identifying
predetermined tourist locations, stores, dining experiences, and restaurants.


PowerPoint Presentations of Saugatuck/Douglas area by Kathy Byrne to all employees,

including General Manager and Assistant Manager.

Maps of Saugatuck/Douglas area with identifying markers
Google maps (aerial and street view) of Saugatuck/Douglas area
Visit all restaurants in the Saugatuck/Douglas area (predetermined by instructor)
Visit all tourist areas in the Saugatuck/Douglas area (predetermined by instructor)
Visit all pertinent local businesses in the Saugatuck/Douglas area (predetermined by

Visit ice cream and fudge/candy establishments (predetermined by instructor)
Employees prepare informative papers, PowerPoint presentations complete with pictures
and maps, map identification, visual identification to be shared with other employees at a
round-table in the meeting room.
All Americinn employees, as of February 28, 2015 (front desk, housekeeping,

maintenance, general manager, and assistant manager) will be required to take the training. Each
employee will be eligible for one absence but the work must be made up on his or her own time.
I believe that interest and commitment will come because of the nature of the instruction.
The instruction will be informative, yet fun. Who doesnt like free food? I will talk the training
program up with blast emails, informative signs on the employees bulletin board, and periodic

handouts beginning February 15, 2015. The last handout will be on February 27, 2015 with a
follow up email.
The criteria will be met in full by following the goals and objectives listed above. The
goals state: Customer name brand recognition of the Americinn brand, guest loyalty of the
Americinn brand and Americinn Hotel and Suites in Douglas, Michigan, guest acceptance of
Americinn brand and Americinn Hotel and Suites in Douglas, Michigan. The learning objectives
are individually stated in phase II of the instructional design. Each objective will be met through
the implementation of the instructional design.
I will create blank maps for evaluation purposes. I want to make sure the employees can
locate all businesses in the Saugatuck/Douglas area. Most evaluation tools will be employee
generated (papers, PowerPoint presentation). The evaluation tools will be fun and informative for
the employees!
While preparing this instructional design, I mentioned what I was doing to Paul Cook,
Chairman of the Board, of the Saugatuck/Douglas Convention and Visitors Bureau. He asked me
for my final presentation to present to all of the Saugatuck/Douglas motels, hotels, and bed and
breakfasts. It should be a crazy, busy time for me personally. I will have to prepare all the
materials for each presentation, and make sure the presenters know the material inside and out.
The Saugatuck/Douglas Convention and Business Bureau are willing to pay me for my services
and furnished materials.

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