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REG. NO. : 214-11-14-12363-2151

National Institute of Construction Management and Research

School Of Distance Education, Pune

You are a Project Manager on a Site where work for
3 k.m Long tunnel has been undertaken. The site is remote and takes about 2 days travel to
nearest town .Supervisors, technicians and skilled workers are engaged in dangerous /
hazardous work. Absenteeism due to sickness, quarrels, drinking are adding to less output of
work and chances of accident on site are increasing. Management has urged to do something
so that time target can be achieved. Discuss how will you tackle the problem and increase the
output of work.

Introduction of Main Problem

1) Reduced Productivity/ output due to absenteeism
2) Risk of missing contractual deadline
3) Poor Resource Planning
4) Absenteeism due to Sickness, Quarrels and drinking
5) Team building
6) Accidents at Site.
7) Technical problems.

Reasons of Various Problems.

Poor Resource (Manpower and equipment) planning

Un-Hygienic surrounding & Temporary Accommodation

Lack of Medication/ Rehabilitation

Poor motivational policies

Lack of safety policies

Poor complaints/ issue redressal system

Availability of Alcohol.

Storage of Materials.

Lack of repair, maintenance and spares

Technical Issues water seepage, soil condition.

Needs and Their Fulfillment on Site:

Proper Resource Planning

Adequate resources is of prime importance to ensure completion of the project in

time. The required type, number, competent personnel and equipment help in
executing the project in time and meet the contractual requirements. Depending
on the schedule for the project, ensure the required manpower is available to
execute the assigned tasks in time. Prior to start of the project review the contract
thoroughly to understand the required skills for the manpower. Ensure prior to
start of the work the required manpower and equipment are mobilized as per the
plan. In case if required resources are not available due to prior commitments,
arrangements shall be made to source them. Organizational process assets such
historical information on number of resources, issues etc for past projects shall be

verified and lessons learned to be implemented to derive the plan. The site shall be
divided in to logical sections and each section shall be controlled by a supervisor or
foreman. He should ensure daily site plan detailing the activities to be executed is
prepared and necessary instructions are provided to the manpower. The project
schedule shall be monitored to verify the progress and incase of any negative
trends forecast for additional resources required to bring the project on track. The
additional requirements shall be communicated to head office to arrange for this.
The human resource plan detailed the roles and responsibilities, site organization
charts, staffing management plan shall be prepared. A manpower histogram
showing the required personnel for the lifecycle of the project shall be generated.
The supervisor shall monitor manpower histogram and shall ensure the required
resources are available. While preparing the histogram ensure factors such as
absenteeism, termination, leave, holidays etc are considered while concluding on
the required manpower. A sample histogram is shown below


Organization chart showing the roles, responsibility and authority is available

in the construction site. Ensure clear line of communication is shown to avoid
conflicting directions.

Understand the contractual requirements and scope of work to classify and

categorizing labour requirements and various jobs by level of skill,
responsibility, nature of work etc.

Determine the duration of each job or task at every stage of project.

Interview and select the personnel adequate to the work and acquire the team

Implement proper recognition and reward system for the site personnel.

Adequate controls are in place to monitor the progress and performance of the

Adequate Hygienic Surrounding & Temporary Accommodation

The anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of those environmental

factors or stresses arising in or from the workplace, which may cause sickness,
impaired health and well-being, or significant discomfort among workers is of
prime importance to ensure a healthy and productive workforce.
Prior to start of the site activities due importance is to be given for the type of
accommodation, location of accommodation, daily travel distance, availability of
daily necessary amenities etc. In the remote locations having good arrangement
of food, dining and entertainment will ensure happy work force and will
increase the productivity.
Good hygiene results in:
Improved worker health and increased life expectancy
Reduction in the number of people who have to leave employment early

through injury or illness

Lower social and healthcare costs as well as maximizing worker potential
Workplaces continue to expose workers to health hazards and the associated

risks will always need to be properly understood and managed. With good
occupational hygiene science and practice, occupational health risks can be
eliminated or, at the very least, brought under control.

Lack Of Medication/ Rehabilitation:-

Healthy environment leads to efficient workforce with increased productivity.

During the review of the contract necessary attention should be put on the
necessity of the medical facilities with in the camp. Looking at the location of
the site a medical clinic with required medical kits at the work location will
ensure immediate medication and reduce absenteeism due to sickness. The
necessary hazards involved in the work need to be assessed and important

medic supplies and emergency kits shall be made available in the clinic.
Depending on the workforce a doctor with a nurse shall be made available in
the clinic. An ambulance at the clinic will be of added advantage to transfer
the workmen met with serious accident. This will reinforce a sense of
confidence in the workmen and will resolve the reduce absenteeism, manpower
turnover and will increase productivity. The doctor shall ensure the necessary
medicines are always in stock to counter any epidemic or handle emergency

Motivational Policies :-

Motivation is the driving force behind human behavior. The Motivated

employees are asset for an organization. They help in increasing the
productivity and complete the project in time and within the allocated budget,
There are various factors involved to motivate. Because of the distinct nature of
human being it is not necessary than a motivational factor used to motivate a
particular employee will motivate another. Management needs to understand
the various motivational techniques available and employ them to reward the
employees in return for the work done. The motivation helps in:
Higher efficiency of employees
Reduce Absenteeism
Reduce employee turn over
Reduced accidents
Good relations
Reduce wastages and breakdown

Lack of Safety policies:-

Safety is a critical item on all construction projects for multiple reasons

including protecting the welfare of employees, providing a safe work
environment and controlling construction costs. As a means of reducing the
risks associated with construction, safety can significantly impact the overall
cost. A dedicated Commitment to safety helps ensure project success and can
impact the bottom-line considerably. Since the site condition is remote and
work involves dangerous and hazardous environment site management shall

implement various safety procedures like hazcom, respiratory protection,

confined space entry, competent person and other programs that control the
causes of injuries. If the contractor is successful in preventing these injuries,
overhead costs of insurance and hidden costs of accidents are significantly
reduced, helps in completing the project in time and bringing profit back to
the organization. A good safety program with written procedures,
specifications and engineering that documents safety requirements and
details how employees will work to a specific standard of safety will be of great
benefit. The commitment to comply the safety requirements from the top
management will reinforce a discipline with the workforce and help in
reducing the accidents. The care to the life of workforce reinforces a
dedication in the personnel to put in their efforts in completing the project
safely. Dedicated safety personnel on the site will reinforce commitment to

safety and ensure discipline to follow the safety requirements. Pictures and
demonstrations of work tasks are often more effective than written
documentation. Having the information translated in both English and other
languages is also important if the contractor truly intends for the program to
be understood by all employees in todays diversified workforce.

Complaint And Redressal system:-

The possibility of deficient services is quite inevitable with respect to the

location of the site. The site management would have put a lot of efforts to
ensure the best of services are made available to the workforce to keep them
happy and satisfied. But times there might be issues which might not be
known or addressed and would cause serious consequences affecting to lower
productivity. A good complaint redressal system if implemented would help in
knowing the grievances of the work force and take timely action. This will have
double benefit to the project with reducing the stress on the workforce and
increase in dedication. A grievance or complaint log to be generated and all
grievances shall be recorded and timely action shall be ensured. The whole
exercise shall be monitored and controlled by project manager or his designee
in site.

Consumption and Availability of Alcohol:-

The work pressure and personal matters play a major role in the life of people.
To counter the problem or relive the stresses alcohol becomes a medium of
stress reliever. The effects of alcohol leads to reduced concentration in work,
daily conflicts and absenteeism. It can be a major cause of accidents in the
site. A no alcohol policy can help in reduction of accidents, however still will
cause absenteeism. To counter the threat ensure adequate recreation facilities
within the accommodation camp to ensure workmen are involved in these and
avoid getting distracted to other means of stress reliever such as alcohol. In
addition to these provide additional security measures to catch offenders
bringing alcohol illegally.

Storage of Materials:-

Site lay out plays an important role to improve the efficiency of movement of
material in turn increase the productivity. The material storage area shall be
planned in such a way that the storage area size and location is

identified upfront depending on the work area. The storage area shall be
designed in such a way that the area is properly identified, clear access for
movement and handling facilities are planned. The bill of material required to
complete the work shall be available in the site. The material requisitions shall
be raised as per the project schedule. The receipt of the material and storage
shall be monitored and controlled. A dedicated preservation team shall be
available in site to protect the material from degradation and prevent from
rusting. The storage area shall be demarcated properly, lighter materials shall
be stored inside covered stores and bigger heavier materials shall be stored
outside. The materials shall be issued based on the material request from the
supervisor or the foreman. The records of the issue shall be maintained to
keep track and control. The day to day material such as hand tools, bolts,
electrodes, drill bits, machinery spares shall be checked and sufficient stock to
be maintained to avoid stoppage of work.

Lack of Repair Maintenance spares:-

The right inventory of spares for the maintenance and repair of the machinery
is important to ensure there is no stoppage of work. The site location were in
availability of spare at the same moment of with in some time is not possible.
The maintenance manuals of the machines shall be available with the
maintenance personnel. The list of spare required shall be prepared and
required quantities shall be available in the store. This will help in ensuring
the momentum of the work with minimum chances of break down on
machinery. A preventive maintenance program shall be prepared for the
important equipment such as tunnel boring, earthmoving equipments etc.

Technical issues:-

The nature of the work to be carried out will have inherent issues and a
thorough review of the contract and specifications will be of great help. The
site management shall ensure that issues such as water seepage, loose rock,
land sliding are verified thru review of site conditions, soil reports etc.
Adequate measures such as proper drainage system, grouting, cementing etc.
shall be in place to avoid any issues.

Suggestions Method for Hygienic factor.

Good hygiene will ensure healthy and happy workforce. There is a range of
different types of accommodation at different stages will be required during the
execution of project. Specific issues may arise in relation to this.
The following suggestions shall be considered to ensure good hygiene.
The accommodation shall be planned depending upon the number of the

work force.
The number of persons in a room shall depend on the size of the room.
Daily cleaning shall be ensured in the rooms and common areas.
Provision of laundry services shall be ensured in the accommodation

camp to ensure clothes are washes daily.

An adequate supply of drinking water meeting the local regulations shall

be made available. This will ensure prevention of water borne diseases. A

check on water quality shall be carried out at regular intervals to

monitor and control the quality of drinking water.

Daily checks shall be carried out in the rooms, common areas, offices to
ensure cleanliness.

Ensure preventive measures such as fumigation and pest control in the

premises to keep away from rodents, pests etc.

The cleanliness in the canteen kitchen shall be ensured to avoid breeding

of pest, virus.
The raw food shall be stored in refrigerated temperatures to ensure the

food is not spoiled and protect from bacteria attack.

Proper ventilation and lighting shall be ensured to allow fresh air in the

Adequate number and quality of toilet facilities shall be made available

for the workforce.

The waste shall be properly segregated and disposed off as per the local

government requirements.
A team comprising from safety, medics, middle management shall be

formed to carry out monthly checks to ensure the required cleanliness is

Proper drainage system shall be ensured to avoid accumulation of

stagnant water, there by avoid spreading of diseases.

Suggested Methods on Motivational factors:-

Motivation is the act of getting someone to act on a situation. The motivation of

employees help in achieving personal goals as well as organizational goals.
There are different methods of motivation theories available, however what

motivation will help will encourage employees will differ from person to person.
The more motivated an employee is, more likely they are to have organizational
commitment and identify themselves with in the organization. The different
theories of motivation are available, however a combination of these theories
may be required to motivate employee.
Following methods can be used to motivate the employees:
1) Communicate with employees

Communication is a very basic point, but employee communication is

overlooked in too many organisations. Employees need to know that they
are valued, understood and perhaps most importantly, listened to. If an
employee has a concern or some other issue that may prevent them from
working productively, they need to know that communication channels
are open.

2) Reward strong performance

Initiate a reward programme for the employees who are doing great
work. This can be in terms of extrinsic rewards - such as additional pay,
benefits or opportunities for promotion - or intrinsic - through simple
gratitude and recognition for a job well done. Employers need to gauge
which type of reward is appropriate in each individual situation, based
upon overall aims and the expectations of staff members. But equally,
businesses need to ensure they do not over-stretch their budgets and
create unrealistic expectations where pay and benefits are concerned.

3) Involve employees in decision making

Involving employees in decision making processes can also help identify
potential managerial talent, which could help grow the organisation in
the future - as well as keep hold of talented individuals. Delegating work
of this nature can also free up time for people higher up the company to
concentrate on value-adding tasks. The recognition of suggestions and
new ideas provided by the employee will help in improving the way the
organisation works to the employee. An open forum for innovation not
only makes employees feel they are more involved in the company, but a
great new idea may unlock addition additional value for the enterprise.

4) Offer training and development

Providing training and development will help employee learning new
skills and gaining experience which will stand them in good stead in the
future and help in constantly developing in the workplace. The support
in the professional development of the employee will help him in
achieving their ambitions, otherwise employees may feel that they are
stagnating in their current role. This will increase the employee turnover
for the organization and inevitably add to business costs.

5) Define the employees' role

Opportunity to move up the ranks and better themselves within the
company will help in motivating the employees. A well-defined job
description, and understand the role they are working in will help the
employee while they are working. Employees need to understand how
the job they do contributes to the overall goals of the organisation, and
where they fit into the bigger picture.

Recommendation to Management:The project is of complex nature and completion in time is essence. The
location of work along with hazardous work conditions may lead to
absenteeism, labor turnover etc. To ensure the work is completed in time
following recommendations are given:
a) The project objectives shall be set prior to start of the project and

discussed with the team.

b) The project shall be divided in phases which will help to monitor and

control project effectively.

c) The project schedule shall be prepared considering all the key activites

and contractual milestones shall be highlighted. This shall be discussed

with the site team and key milestones shall be placed in offices to plan
actions to achieve forthcoming milestones.
d) Employ team building activities to ensure the team effort is maintained

during execution of the project.

e) Human resource plan shall be developed considering the activities and

duration of the activity. Ensure the required resources are available on the
site to execute the project.

Ensure monitoring the progress of the project by conducting progress

status meeting. Review the progress and identify constraints if any. In case
of any downward trends actions shall be in place to bring the progress
back to track.

g) Looking at the site conditions ensure the accommodation and daily needs

of the workforce are taken care to the satisfaction.

h) Incentive schemes such as monetary rewards, suggestion schemes, and

higher responsibility are implemented in the project.


Implement monthly inspections of the camps, kitchen and medical

facilities, Site storage areas, washrooms etc.


Monitor the safety statistics and ensure the safety policies and
requirements are followed.

k) Administer change requests for any increase in the scope of work and

redefine the baseline.


Ensure the quality requirements for the project maintained.

1. Project Management Professional

2. Papers on safety and Hygiene.

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