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Looking for the answer to Art Abstracts?

The answer is Leonard Goods Portrait of

Oscar B. Jacobson.
In 1947, Leonard Good painted a portrait of his mentor, Oscar Brousse Jacobson. Good
had been a painting student at the University of Oklahoma in the 1920s, and Jacobson
later hired his former pupil to serve on the School of Art faculty in 1930. By the time
Good executed this portrait, Jacobson had overseen tremendous growth of both faculty
and students at the School of Art and had helped to establish the OU Museum of Art in
The portrait may have commemorated Jacobsons recent retirement as Director of the
School of Art in 1946. Surprisingly, Good did not paint Jacobson from life but instead
used a 1940 photograph. The photograph, which may have been taken by Good, had
appeared in the Daily Oklahoman to promote the November opening of Jacobsons
annual exhibition that year, and it depicts Jacobson sitting before his painting Lake Isabel
in June. As such, Good acknowledged Jacobsons long career as a landscape painter and
his deep affection for the wilds of Colorado.
The painting was eventually acquired by Cedric Marks, another alumnus of the School of
Art, and he later gave the portrait to the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art.
Please join us Thursday for A World Unconquered, an exhibition celebrating the work of
Oscar B. Jacobson. For more information about the opening, please visit our Facebook
event page.
Leonard Good (U.S, 1907-2000)
Portrait of Oscar B. Jacobson, 1947
Oil on canvas, 23 x 17 inches
Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, The University of Oklahoma, Norman
Gift of Cedric and Daisy Marks, 1984

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