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Za INSTRUCTION BOOKLET PAI PLEASE READ THE ENCLOSED ‘CONSUMER INFORMATION AND PRECAUTIONS BOOKLET CAREFULLY BEFORE USING ‘YOUR NINTENDO” HARDWARE SYSTEM OR GAME PAK. Contents How 10 Start the Game 2 Beginning the Adventure 39 ‘The Menu Screen 10-15 The Battle 16-20 21-26 Kalpo 2732 To the Anilion’s Nest 33:36 To Mi, Hobs 37-38 To the Casile of Fabul 39.40 Toumey to Mysidia To Mi, Ordeals Homeland Baron To Torvia The Crystal of Earth ‘The Island of Agart Underground Adventure fem List How to Start the Game Parts of the Cor troller yuan ten read Futon“ Auten Baton Feunon Select Button Stat Buon New Game / Continu Starting a New Game Place the Final Fantasy Il cartridge property in your Super NES and tum the power on. The tile sereen shown om the Ieit will appear, Press dhe A Buon, and the Save screen shown below will appear If you wish to arta new game, place the cursor on "New Game" at the top, and press A begin, The opening sequence will If you wish t continue a game, press the 4 Buuon upddown 1 place the cursor on i the data of your choice, and press A. You should periodically save your game in case itis accidentally tumed off. You can continue the game from where you have last saved it The Story Begins Fivo Airships spood across the sky. The Red Wings, the air force of the Kingdom of Baron headed by Captain Cecil. are on thelr way Back to Baron after completing & mission in Mysidie, Cecil reflects back on an event which took place only hours ago. Although it was the King’s order, Cecil and his men feel guilty about taking the Crystal from the people of Mysidia. Bui Cecil reminds them all that they ae the proud and mighty Red Wings of Baron. Still questioning the royal command, Cecil bringe the Crystal to the King of Haron. He 7 stants to leave, bur decides to ask the King of his imentions. Accused of disloyalty, Cecil is removed from his post inthe Red Wings and ie ordered 0 £0 huat the Summoned Monster i the Misty Valley to the northwest of Baron. Kain, the captain of the Dragoons, tries to defend his frend. But be too, is ordered to po with Cecil to fight the monster, and w deliver a package to the Village of Mist Cecil apologizes to Kain for involving hi. But Kain does not blame him. ~The King will eturn you dhe Red Wings after this mission, says Cecil before parting. 2 a EI Take a Look Around i the Caste ‘Wak rou in to cast. reer, sae front of nieve ae nue Simi aat he sen coror a ae oes dt ns ge, Sot es To move the floor above, stand en an ascending staircase. A. descending sttreae wal take you ai oan - Es tothe fone below. ‘nl do tng ont sbout he gona veh ba ane ‘hs and mont asians of Cd Sora Talking to People ‘When you want 10 get information from peo vv Se Hag RMI Ne ett ee I Walking Baton: A message will appear on screen as To make your character walk. press the shown in the phot, # Button up. down. ght. of Ye 10 the = dixection of your chores. Sometimes, The Hero's Actions Make Things Happen ‘other manipulations are necessity. In this game, your actions determine tho progress of the ory Now davelopments wil to pace as You teen © Entering/Exiting Rooms spel massaye, or ontsra spec ates” Normally, you are able te emter rooms ose, the White Morrieg comes adits by walking right thraugh the door. aaa wr time or Cer © beans However, some rooms are sedled. You Fs chldhood [Gurror tothe hago ot Sweetheart appears ict one he \ill fe able to enter these rooms as the Sheps, ‘Siig Haste, story progresses. Doors with a Switeh Hore eee RE aes ° These doors can be opened ty standing in front of the switch and pressing A, Search in a Chest Lato a ight whan ‘When you search a chest, pot, ora shelf, See eg you may discover treasures. Stand ia ‘oom. She con Front ofthe object you Wish to search, eine eon in, a fad press the A Bution Saye The savers Fy 2 Fa 3 Alter he opening message, Ceci! wit appear ouside the Caste of Baro, From here, you can move the charac ter with your controller. Firs, let's visit the Town of Baron by the Caste Towns play an important role in the progress of the story. Well explain the things you can do in towns here In the jovns, there are Inns wo recover your HPs, as well as Sheps which sell ‘weapons, armor, and items to equip your ‘ef before starting on your adventare Training Room an Hem Shop ‘Weapon Shop Armice Shop 6 Training Room The Training Room is where you'l acquire the knowledge you need for your adventure. Be cure to visit it before you start on your journey. Training Rooms exist not only in the Town of Baron, but in most towns, You will learn how to battlo mon: sters. Listan well, and make sure you undersiand'the battle sys: tom. You will loam about the use of the controller in tes game, You can give a new name to the characters you control. Rofer to ‘Renaming Characters* on page Sor deta You will find Inns and various kinds of r Renaming Characters Sheps: ‘Shops in the towns. Use these us needed. he A During the game, you are able to change Inns Tem Shops the charactors nernes a ou wish: When ee you tik fo Namingyvay who appears in Sey mio ms pelo eal ela ite coeled een ify want o changes mane you fo, ‘um, tad 9 es ‘illest your select "Yes" and press A. Then follow the procedure below ms . SOT ery Want Changed. Press the + Buiton righi/of.. The character Will rae hisher hand to indicate the selee ‘ion. Conf the selection, and press A. How to Buy and Sell When you uk he soplarper ovis tbe cones a windy ill tyendlpayng he bay Sl and “Bx cmminds See he Remit Sour choke and ftlow the procesres described oe ee Next. ete now “me ems ia yu When you have entered 4 name, press the ‘aay ems 308 somes we Button left to move the cursor to the lef Wn, The oer orn Pcie window. Select "End!" and press A. Repeat hee ind pos Again. the same procedure for any other characters. iter a Now Name. sce the cursor on "ABC" and press A. The cursor will move to the alphabet window. Select cach leter with the cursor, and press A. You may enter up to 6 leters in a mame. Press the B Button 19 cancel alter mY ty ce te “ sctire re wil Namingway Can Change Character cee er Names aes an sar ‘Roan press Tester eae pn yu ces rs He-can be fount in Trtnng Foor ard Sher. and oer unexoacted seven i efem, ‘This command displays the os inventory f the Heme i 1 party's possession. You may v Using teens and equipping weaponvarmor while you're travelling Discard," "Sort" ot i all done on the Menu Sercen, It displays various information Change" the om of your > about your party. Here, wll explain now to read the Mena Screen eholce. There ae a6 alse in dnd we the commands” Pash X 10 open and B10 close the Mer the list, which let_you pee carry 46 items including F)—_weapons/armor. Up to 99 of How to Read the Menu Screen ae a ay ens ey Be ‘ You can nou arma ane pry merits at a garce on he Meru Seisem, Gnece taen and away bo eware of Ihe curen pay cerston. Vou nan ako ube to eprmarsf ota more deaied Use rd fematon ard oe ferent actors cee cnr on oan re ll Ce eee ea eyeenceeeeees = ceata pees ater Character Commands Stanspuryetteduwe Mekethe satar wisbmo tgs at ae a eorten Snabe en pew Fic senlcaae te eh econ ot ih cocci iprorie ‘Sea hon Money in SAS eee Possession Sort one Teaming WP ceszac ent it ane ly ed std sep Character Graphios ee Sa eerie eeelge en es am 6c) See mon a i - Magic The Magic Spee cach fats cote ae oe te Categories ae! Whe Movie, “Bisck. cie, aad Motor Calling Magic ice eerie aug ie ude net sandy ge (White/Black/Call/ New spells are entered into the ‘magic ist as you acquire them. Wish to use, then place the cursor Rearrange the spells as you ‘on the Spel of your choice and wish for handy use. press A twice, 2 Equip ‘Weapons and Armor have no effect nies you are eaulpped ith thet, Select this command, and specity the character dis her fen cguipment. Then, sees the ‘neapor of sem you wish to change The'item ist vil appear beneath the window. Choose a new weapon! armor ae press A This is the command to check the status of esch member in your purty. All he information you need to know trom current Lavel, HPs, and MPS to ability ratings ate shown. Grasp the capacity and cha acteristic of each member to get the ‘est out of hinvher, Som ef Name, Oesupaton Low Ge ae Carona ‘Gite Mentainun MP Experian, ‘Shi Sipotonne rence ee Loa How to Read the Status Screen pidieoercontions ne. Stake Soreen FOE varias rane MEER normsinars ctv he ata pone snetpon youre ‘oepancr cr Sesheeiets By intcchanging two characters, you Suieshing the Order inchange me oner of you pany. otha Tlowever, te diflecice sony beowecn Front jow and reny row. There te mo Sue in stching tao members the Same row. Alva change members in differen row, I's eawer fo atack in font, bt yeu are more prone to damage frre: The ter fow is sfer rom stack hut you must stack with Magic or Bow and Ariow. Charactrs vith low Ps and Defense eatings should be Placed in there, 6, Chi This & the command to a formation, There are 1W0 types of forma: lion:theee persons inthe front, wo i the back: or, v0 in the front, three in the ack. Place the carsoe on "Change" and press A to select formation, Use along With the "Fomn” command 19 create the best formation ge Mana Gow at Ar ie te a J. Custom ‘This command allows you to customize the playing environment from battle ‘mode t0 window color, The "Custom" command is described below. “a Hattle Speed ‘The speed of bate: can be set at 6 different levels Battle Message ‘Changes the speed ofthe messages during battles Sound Lets you solect Stereo or Monoral Window Color You can create your own window ‘olor by adjasting the R (red), (green), oF Biblue) gauge. Place the CCusor On RIG/B and move the scale toward the right to make the colar stronger. Experiment to discover the color of your choice, Place the . Cursor on ihe gauge ‘and press the + Button Bight color nate S. Save ‘This Is the command to save the game at any time. You can save up to four game daca, Tis cornmand can be used only on the fells ‘and in special areas in the dungeons. It is wise to save the game ‘often. f fee semen Gos Battle Systeme | [Xo0 Tine hauls Syste) the base “The new ATB system introduces the ele ment of time into battles. Unlike conven- tional battles where you input commands for all pariy members um by-tur, the AT characters are given commands individually, based on their Agility rat ings. Te commands are immediately executed, a5 the baile progresses with ‘out interruption for cammand inpat. Also, the enemy will strike ‘without waiting for the player to mske his command. How to Read the Battle Screen Sema est soeat ome ‘Setoon and teuet ui How to Battle ‘The basic sequence of abate i as follows: ‘When you encounter an enemy, the sccen changes automatically fo the Batlc Sereen. When a character blinks, itis hishher tui, Selects eemmand with the Button anv press A 2. The Character Exceutes the Command The charactor caries out the command, You my input a com: ‘mand wile the enemy or ally is making an attack. The enemy will continue to attack even when you aterit, so you must make a quick decision whea selecting a command. If you need time t© think, press the "Start" Button 10 pause, Be Defeat the Enemies The battle is over when you have defeated all monsters, collected the Experience points and GPs. Keep pressing A to return to oral sere. ‘The Battle party is defeated when everyone's HPs deop to 0 and ‘when all members ae petrified and unable © fight. Once the par~ ty is defeaied you must start over from where you saved the game, 0 alivays be careful curing hates, ” Explanation of Battle Command: ‘Lets go over the seven types of asc battle command 1. Fight ‘The moat simple attack is withthe weapon in your hand or with a bare fst. Therefore, you can only ‘ack one monster at atime. Ite monster you have selected is defeated before the character has 2 hance t0 spe, he/she will 200- ‘matically attack another enemy. ‘ays ake dwt ta (You can also change weapons.) Nise gnlyou se note ble Mio av acy the bak 2. Magic Use the various Maule ies ihe Spells o altack an enemy te to and recover party members. ‘There are four categories of : Magic: White, Black, Call, and Ninja. The command ‘sed will vary depending fon the Spell. You may also Selectihe character sek — LT octtoy we 18 3. Mem Tis is the command 10 use Items for attack or recovery. Select “em,” and the list of those ftems in your posses: sion appear, Place the cursor fn the Item you wish 10 use, and press A. The entire list ‘can be seen by pressing the Buon up and down Weapons Gan ine Changed During a Battl Use the Hien" command to change weapors at ary te dung a You don't bave to fight every time you encounter an enemy. Tes also essential to tun fiom encmies especially when the party condition is low. ‘The Retreat” command is nat shown on the screen. Just keep the L and R Butions preted simultancoasly to escape. This is the command to switch the front and rear rows of your pany formation. Press the + Button let when the command window is displayed. The ‘change” command will appear. Press A to execute. ‘This change is only etfective dhring the bat. ing on the Jom Misty Valley lies to the northwest of the Kingdom of Baron. (On the sereen, the top is nowth, bottom is south, right ast, and left is west. I's not very fas. Cecil and Kain cannot use Magic, so stock up on recovery items such ay Tents in tho Town, ff Baron to make it through the jours. oP This isthe command to defend yourself without making an attack. It will inerease your defense rating until your next tar, Press right on the + ution to display “Pars,” and This ts the Misty Cave This is the first dungeon you must pass ‘rough o reach the Village of Mist. Save the game before entering, © be prepared for unknown dangers, ae we Mist Fills the Cave The cave js filled with deep mist. As you \yalk around, you will hear a voice call, "Turn back.” This is the voice of the Summoned Monster which guards this cave. If you tum back row, yeu must ‘obey the King’s order. Gather up your ‘courage and search for the ext. ‘Treat Your Wounds with a Cure Reware of Atineks from Behind? Enemies don't always attack from the front, Once in 2 while they ‘attack from behind, The members in the rer row will be in danger & the formation is reversee, Use the "Change’ command to switch . ' Normal, Terts and Catirs cannet be used inside « durgeor. Use positions teem Cie i recover HPs you have btn bates This is the command 9 take time out during a battle Press the "Start" Buon any time during a battle. Press ‘Start again to continue action. 20 2 Cecil, The Dark Knight, formerly the Captain of Red Wings, excels in combat ability. He Should be able to defeat monsters with a single blow. Bailes should be quite easy with the Support of Drageon Kain, ee Kain, a Dragoon of the Kingdoo of Baron, can make a "Jump Attack." This causes great dam. Age fo the enemy since he is immune 10 enemy tacks while he is in the air Don't Miss Out on Treasure Chests! 4 you cortiue on you jury, you ‘nee rary Chon nada casi hd gungeare wach sorter vlosbie ‘Search allcomat ona every Fost Thiele an imporan ley Near the exit of de dungeon, you will hear that voies again. The Summoned Monster must be close by. At this point, you should have gained a Level. Go outside the eave ‘once to recover HPs and to preparation for the battle against the ; Sumtmonsd Monster "save," in = Save Often to Take Advantage in Battles Senay so cana "Sie nace nae hrf, amas eS witha Tower Gaon bekre sang nt Yoe ene x sth Button t0 display The amount of damage rece x Peas] [Near the exit of the dungeon, the Summoned Monster will speak to you, You mast answer har by selecting "Yes" or "No." If yon select "Nos" you cannot go any further. When you select "Yes," the mist will gather and material ize into the Summoned Monster Then the bute begins. IT your HP is runing tvs, select "No" and use a recovery item before fighting The Summoned Moasiee is the Mist Dragon ‘who guards the Misty Cave. The Mist Dragon from time to tne tins welt into mist I you attack then, you will recelve a couierattack Defend yourself for a while and wait until it turns bsck into a dragon, Press right on the Parry,” then press A to select the character Will be Fessened, Once the mon: er has changed back to a dragon, concentrate on stacking. Watch your HPs as they continue to battle, You ere sure to Win. ce oe Use a Cure During Battle! you ose at of HPs ding com al tele th ent commatt ang tee a "Cure® to recover youre You mit not receive atecks wt [eeaeirsg a Stten tom A Tough Battle Won After the long hard battle, you have finally defeated the Mist Dragon and acquired a huge amount of Experience and Money. And Now, On to the Villaue of Mis Leave the dungeon through the exit guarded by the Mist Dragen. Walk along the mountains to the east (shown on the right of the screen). You will so0n see the Village of Mist. You can now ‘deliver the Package as ordered by the King. Mist, the Village of Callers ‘You have reached the Village of Mist. The residents here are Callers ‘who can summon monsters with thelr mai The Package Opened liself? Upon entering into the village, a strange thing happened. The Package beeen to shed light Suddenly, countless monsters’ sprang out setting the whole village fon fire before Cecil and Kain's horified oyes, delivered caused the peaceful village to down, Meeting a Girt Cecil and Kain find a young boside her mother lying on the ‘ground. You vill discover that the Mist Dragon was « monster sum- moned by her mother. When a ‘Sunimoned Monster i defeated, the Caller who summoned st aso Toses her life. The git is shocked to find ‘out that they were the ones who defeated the Mist Dragon The two men try 10 save the gitl from the burning village, But the irl blames them for the loss of hor ‘mother, and is too enraged t listen She too summons a monster In hopes of avenging her mother. The Summoned Monster causes aa ‘earthquake and the ground splits, Swallowing Cecil and Kain. AU the Sue time, the surrounding moun tains begin to crumble. Where Am I? Where's I Cecil wakes up to find Kain gone and = the girl from Mist lying on the ‘ground hurt. Cecil pick’ up the gin and starts to walk toward the desert. The road to Mist has become blocked @ OD by the earthquake, He heads (0.4 vile ge in the desert oasis The V ge of Kaipo in th Desert Oasis Kaipo is found beside sn oasis in the mice of the desert. The peuple here enjoy a pros pperous life and are kind and helpful taper son in need. In preparition forthe adven ture ahead, get yourselt equipped at the ‘Weapon anki Armor Shops in Kaipo. girl to an Inn, The innkeeper fees that she is hurt and pro ides them with a room inthe back. As the girl wakes up, Cecil ties 10 apeak to her, but she remains silent During the middle of the nigh, Ceci is awakened by the sound of (beds betey bad ea ie elas Been cee eg They demand that Cacil give the gil to them. Cecil fights them t0 protect the girl Attack the soldiers in the font first. The Officer Will retreat once all the soldiers are defeted, The itl reconciles with Cecil for hav ing protected her from the soldiers, She i Rydia the Caller who joins Cecil om ths journey. She pains the ality to use Witlte and Black Magic, 2s well as Monsier Calling Magic as she rises i level Purchase Equipment for Rydia ie ool Ree a Besoats he essa cpa oe Ze re 28 There's Valuable Information in Kaipo ‘Yu wt coter ny moor pegs roman ve, Tako ane silagers You wil tad ot fat Se gre being card fr Pore ‘Say he is om Barer. Cou be Pasa? Lats go see her at ote Ot imronses, Ccifinds Rosa et the house nthe noroast sete dae le iy Heel urea femahigh leo Oaythe ton Shrhubyco cv ie ness: Whets can Caclgat i ‘This dungeon is found to the nomheast of Kaipo. An eight legaed monster is said to inhabit this place. Hut the Sandruby te ‘beyond this dungeon. To safely get teu, you must fust get Rydia to advance in Level! Seve your dats bofore entoring the dimacon. That way, even if the party is lefeated inside, yout can Sart over atthe enance. The monsters you encounter inne are stronger than the ones ia the elds This dhungeon is complicated. Youll discover many Chests containing powerful wespors and armor rot sold in Shops. Be sureto open all the Chests. There are len passages ad oom here I you sce a suspicious spot, check i out, The ance to hidden paseages and rooms are siighly diferent om surtounding walls Look Gueully 0 fi them, 29 ‘strange old man stands in the middle of the dungeon, This od man seeins to be Tella the Saxe, you heard about in Keipo, who went looking for Anna He is Tellah indeed, the great Wizard of Mysidia, and hell Join the party when you talk to him, He had once been able to tse numerous White and Black Magic Spell, but because of old age, he has forgotten some of the most powerful ones. He might be able 10 recall some Spells by cence With Tell, you now have a party of three. He is a powerful member, having command of hoth White and Black Magic and will be able to suppor’ Ryd well, However, since shis party will depend heavily on Magic watch Your remaining, MPS a you proceed. ‘Camping in the Dungeon! Ina epecil fold witin tho aungecns, you cat utp Tent ard Gabine, and “Save” the F, Gara. Make ill use ofthe special asf ‘imate tings ses deen dungeon * ou ca Gt Equip Yourself with Weapons/Armor in the Chests < Fg It you dlecovor a weapan of frtnor in a Chest ry 4 oP 30 wi te Sosa i eaera tee Sermo cam ie ae Sass am eee tenan iisieer Gergen Sees = te Be prepared to confront the eigh!-legged monster in the second dungeon. Have you advanced enough in Level? Inside this dungeon, you are suddenly carried down a waterfall, Below, there Treasure Chests. Open all the Chests. They Contain powerful weapons and armor. The eight logged monster is hiding in a suxpicious spot Under the waterfall. Don't go near it until you have recovered your MPs with Magic oran ten, a The monster slows down when it loses most Of ts wetacies. Then it should he easy to finish ie off But watch ‘out for Rydia and Telish’s remaining MPs. When you win the bat te, you will be able 1 exit the dungeon and go on io Damcyan This is the Boss Monster. It inhabits the Water tothe Magic of Li is mow eftocv Command Tellah vo use Lit Ha Ryoia Ieama Li?” if be hasnt, Cone back again ster she has mien in Level or ane her use the Sta, Used an Tem, tas the same fet of Li ‘The monster ose its tentacles ay it eesives damage. Wid Li Atacks used in ain you Shouts have mac cticalty meaning i damage sine Hs fentacies represent Is vitality. : Dameyan is « beautiful nation cated in the middle of the Dameyan Desert. ‘You wil se the ‘aslle of Dancyan a8 seen a you come out of the underground Inside lives Prince Edward, a and some young man disguised a = ‘orn © ‘Ashe party is about to reach the cs, somthing strange appear ver tip botzon Is the Red Wings The cate nas tontende By he time Cocl and ie frends ave, the cast es demol ished and nany people ae re Inside the castle, they Find many soldiers I ‘on the floor injured Ascending the Sairease, they discover a wounds) co girl Tellah shouts a the sight of her yas Tella daughten ‘Tellah_ rushes to Anns, ‘Then, Prince Edward comes into the room. Tellah is enraged at Edvard, But upon bearing the truth, Tellah rushes font af the Castle Dameyan goes to find Golbez and ‘avenge his dasghter 32 Edward feels deep sorrow in having fost his beloved Anns. But encouraged by Cecil and Rydia, he decides to join them in the search for the Sandruby ‘Though Edward was the crown prince of Dameyan, he despised his royal blood, and chose fo travel many lands as a Bard. During his travel, he had met Tellans daughter Anna. He is extremely talented as a musician, and the melodies he plays on his harp destroys monsiers. However, he is not very stiong, and automatically escapes fom the sene of bat. tle with the "Hide" command whenever his HP gets low. He can ‘use enough damage to enemies with fis harp from the reer row, Since his Atack and Deferse raings are not high, keep Edward in the rear row A New Way to Travel ‘Yu wi ootan a Hovercrat in Daryan. With the caption of wnt, the veticl revels evoryanare init sh rei are over uc hiatal ees whch ann sot Shrtho seven f you lok caretly. You Go et fefcounter enemies when you ate "ding io [ivororaft To got on, lace the characte ot he Faweat ara'rese & ater vou x ‘iage of fap ca 66 rosea ne ie watt eving to i dotgeon aoa tuna orc {o’Rapo fo got fests end Equgsten’ br Edward "Boat vga io Boy reeny fone. 33 The Antlion’s cave can be reached by overeat teyon the Slows the note ast of Dumsyen, Deep win the Hollow Of this eaves the Anton = fare the Sandruby &» {nse yost fing specal srong paring ina field. Watch Ria and hand Hest ihe ‘You'll recognize the Antlion’s dungeon by the enormous bowls shaped nest. Take the passage leading t0 the center. Edwant noting the Anion i & tame crealure, goes to get the Sandruby. Then stxlenly two antennae emerge from the ground. It's they ‘Antlton, bt he's not the same! The Aalion has tumed vicious! The Antlion resembles a huge insect, He is a dangerous enemy with a strong defense. But the Sandruby ean only be found here. You have na choice hit 1 fight 4 Dont attack the Anton with weapons. If you use a Weapon, the monster will counterattack and severely demage Rydia and Edward whose Levels are still loa Make Rydia attack with her Summoned Monster. This i ‘whore Rydia can demonstrate her powers ako abit of saving your deta whe Levels are 2 fn, Bus Yu wi we tb say on, he te See Pecan Se yas oain on tn Tont will be enough. Carry plenty in stock. ~ ies) a5 Once you have the Sandeuby, ride the Hovercraft back (0 Kaipo, where Rosa awaits. In Kaipo, go 10 the house and youl find Rosa lying in bed. Talk to her (approach and press A), and an item window will ‘open at the boltom of the screen. Use the Sandruby on Rosa by selecting the it, and pressing A You will obtain important informa tion from Rosa after she regain Besides the Crystal of Fire i Dameyan and the Crystal of Wate in Mysidia, there are (wo athe tals; The Crystal of Air abel, and the Crystal of Earth i Trois. Fabul isin danger next 2 King of Baron hav assigned ‘nan called Golber to the Red Wings. Rosa joins the party, and the four travel to Fabel Rosa wile alate in he pay Rl wav an apprmice, White Wizard Ay Baron, and « master with the Bow andl ae SEA" with te bale com Wen erat of Mo 100 pr Rona il bean implant mon Aa oem be poly wih Mag pariipl In con on ell ‘Amn Hone et Deter so ranged Bow an 36 Head by Hovercraft for Mount Hobs {o the east oF the Antlions cave, AL the base of Mu. Hobs, set off the Hovercraft You will be able 1 ener the mouniain by appresthing the path, The road leading to the mountain is Sil blocked with ee. I only Rydia ‘would cast the Spell of Fire. But Ryda has a fear offre from the mem- ‘ory of her village being bumed. This fear becomes inspiration for courage as Rosa speals io het. Rydia gains the ability to chant the Spell of Fie, She thas now learned the Magic of Fize, and tho obstructing ice melts away. Now, proceed over the meuniain and head forthe est AU the summit of Mt Hobs you wll ce arnan fighting monsters single handedly with karate ‘Win quick movements and skill he defeats the monsters one by on) ‘Who it he? Fabul isa beau nation in dhe mille of ashe.” Inside the caste, you can buy ‘weapons and armor, and stay at an In Drop into the stores a prepare tbe the ining ttle azaint Baro” Slee Rose ; and Rydia wont participate in he bale, Covi and the party joins tbe man cee fn bite gaint the Mom Bomb. oan Athough it does seam to be . After recovering and equipping yourself Serioas enemy. it transforms an pact Knee Fabal a B explodes into sia sal! Bombs, Re King wail ali the danget sad ak damaging the party severely. Ceci fore, AYes" ax "NO command However, the mon. will appea. If you ave Ao reay (0 ih ser does not tans. Select "Nos and come back 9 oe the King form sfier that, so afier you areal st Solect "Yes you should be able ‘war against Baron troops will Degin. nook as battle at Fabul will begin with the bombing by the Red | Wings. ‘mh pay muse fight ott enemies they raid the castle | Fishing without Rosa or Ryda san be move difficult than you imagined. All you ean do is Fight ‘on, and watch your remaining FAs. Bur monsters come one after another. Beware! 38 cil and his friends have beon cornered in the Crystal Room, Then the docr opens, and Kain, who was missing since the ict ‘dentin Mist, enters. But Kain i 10 longes (Cecil friend. Cecil was defeated by Kain ‘and the Crystal i3 taken. Now, Golbes fappears hefore them. With his amazing Dower he easly defeats the oder two, and takes Resa as hostage Cecil realizes he will need an Airship to fight Baron, He goes back to Baron to. ask for cooperation from Cid. the Airship Engineer, The King of Fabal rewards them with a ship forthe aid in the battle. Als, he prosents Cecil withthe Sword of Black which can slay an enemy with a single iow. ‘Outside: the Castle of Fabul. a ship awaits you in a harbor wo the right, That i the ship given to you by the King. Approach the wast to get on board. When everyone js sboacd, Yang's wife will ome see them off. Now, youre off 10 Baron. The acem joumey is sae and pleasant until siddenly, the sea becomes rough. Out of the ‘higlpool emerges the Leviatan = dhe master of the sea, The ship is Swallowed up by the water and Cecil wakes up on a beach to find Io's alone, 40 Stranded on the beach, Cecil walks some distance 10 find a town This s Mysiaia the very lovin Cecil had taken the Crystal away from, ‘This town is the center of all Magic. It is the town Cecil rided atthe beginning ofthe story. Teis also Tella’s home town, The residents are sll wizards, and naturally they hold bitter fee ings against Cecil, While talking 10 the town folk, Cecil gets tured into a toad, It Scents he is rally unwanted around here. Now, talk to the wizard again, to get changed back. The dancer in he cafe turns Cecil fate 4 pig. You cant jude a person By their appsarance. Think twice Refore you strike up a conversation. Ifyou. are made into a pig, talk to the dancer again, Walk into the building on the north: ‘eige of town. The town Elder is hore. Try 10 take him listen to you, At first, the Elder rejects Cecil. ut soon he'll show some understanding and tell him that in forder to defeat Golbez, Cecil must go to Mi Creal to bocome a Paladin. Palom and Porom, [RB Bh tic trin wizaras are oxtered by te ekers to beep SSeS oy eye on Cecil, Palm uses Black magic, and Porom uses White Magic. Neat, go to the Weapon end Armor ‘Shops t© buy equipment for the tins. The people of the town ‘wont trust Cecil until he becomes a Paladin. Also, most of the weapons sold hore are for Paladins, which Cecil, the Datk Knight ISumable use. 4 He can ase Black Magic. She is quite Magic, but since he is mature for her age, just an appreniice. he knows and scolds Palom for his rude- only a few spells. Hea fresh ress, The "Twin" Attack made mouthed kid but his Magie is by the two children isextre quite seta powertul BEEN Fob sisi ens Unie her brother, Mande Mya) faa antl Wh Walking along distance from Mysidia, you will sce ‘2 mountain surrounded by a forest. This is Mt Ordeals where Cecil becomes a Paladin. You can cnter the mountain by approaching the road into it However the road is Blocked by buening fie. Here, Palom per- forms his magic of Ice to extinghish the fire. Once the fire 1s Ou Deal for he tp of the mountain Halfway up the motintain, you wall meet an ald friend, Tella, who had gone to fight Golbe7 alone. Tella has advanced in Level, and he now joins the party. ‘Armember with high MP is much in need ee, Zombie Monsters Have A Weakness Too teen ees eens te e e a 8 cs 3 2 e There are two Special Felds on this punta. Always save your game ‘when you roach these points, Tents or Cabine are a necessity. if you dorit have any, eo back t0 the town once 1 shop. Also You'll find many Chests here, Dont fail fo open all of them, our data when you're at the Special Field in the Summit. When you start to cross the first bridge, Milon, one of the Four ends ‘of Elements stand before you. He's not Tike the other Boss Monsters, Beware of his sens, Milon enters accompanied by his Zombve. Since the Sword of Black is ineFec- live against the Zombie, have Cecil attack Mil ‘The other members should use Fire and Cure Spells to attack the Zombie, while recovering their wn HIPs, Stns fier defeating him, go back to the Special Field to recover your HP/MPS, and save your dala before going any fther. Aer saving, continue your journey. When you have crossed the tbrdge, Milon will appesr again. But this time. he hax become Stronger and will ack ffom the rear. Be careful when fighting him. Palom and Porom should attack with their magic, while Tellah recovers the member, Tho Cave of Ordeal is lined with mirrors. A mysterious voice calls out, "Cecil Son.” What does this mean? A svord descends slowly from above. Cecil takes the sword and he is transformed into a Paladin. Another version of Cecil appears, disguised asa Dark Knight, challenging him to a hate ‘Although the Dark Knight will atack, dont make any moves. If Cecil counteritacks the bale will ver end. Duting the Ordeal to become a Paladin, he must withstand the aticks from his other self rz Winning the battle against himself: Cecil has proven to be « Paladin, They climb down the mountain. Now with his mask removed, Cecil cannot be equipped with his Dark Knight gear. Instead, he can equip the ‘seapons and armer ofa Paladin, His ‘Vitality bas increased, and he can now ‘ise White Magic. With the "Cover" command dlusing battles, he is able ta shield another party member whose HP is running low ‘Travel South from the Mountain kot mtg nh nt See vans aaron eee eccrine aac ite ay sR KORE Wr rat an ed nota Ve aera here: Sen easter ate Pree the & Buen to gat os Cheba Hwan ‘Gay Dy tse Wie Groots wit reve yout SEL Fost inronte earch Wak at ewan, and poss A. smets he hosotos “Use ite Care nd tho Bip Cnscab wil show tse He wl hee Hers fr you, Yeu cn ove of fete Seu wah But onesyou et he ‘foge, Pew 3 hina again. ey Ss 7 [Upon retuming to Mysidia, go see tho elders right ‘ava. You will bear about the Legend of Mysidia, 1 Legendary Sword, a d Sacred Light ‘When you tell bim about the plan to get an Aiship in Baron, he will open the seal ‘of the Serpent Road lend to Haron, Palom and Porom will also accompany you Pross the switch on the wall, and enter the building. Stand in the enter of the cirele which leads {othe Town of Baroa through the route under the sea, Of cours, ‘you may come back to Mysiia by this road. Is Cecil fully equipped with Paladin gear? TP ot, get equipped: Listen to the town's people tack homme in Baron, "What they say will he different from before. You will Fearn that the King has recently hired astrange man Late go see him athe Tt. Peon In the Cafe at the ln, you will fr Yang sitting atthe table in the back. He has besa missing Since the ship was wrecked by Leviatan. When, {You speak to Yang. he soldiers tance by will attack. Ay soon as you defeat the soldiers, Yang will aitack you, “He had been a friend once, bu now yeu must fight He will come to his senses when you bear him 1 = During the battle, Cecil's blows make Yang come to his senses. He reponts of his actions while under evil control and rejoins the party. He also has the Key of Baton, so you can enter Weepon and Armor Shops now. o The Key of Baron Opens the Be ‘Yang has practically no equipment, Buy new weapons and aemor for him. To the Czas Water Way ‘The locked door on the left-hand comer of the town can now be opencd with the Key of Baron. ‘The passage to the Castle of Baron leads from here. Use the Key inthe same way you used the Sandraby on Rosa, Downstairs is tie Old Water ‘Was. OF course, monsters will atack you here Many of the monsters here Weaken to Lit Magic. Watoh MPs closely. ax you use the Lit Spells of Tellan and Palom. This dungeon tas imany hidden passages. Try all the walls to discover « hidden pas Sage where you may find a ot of tems. rough the Old Go Around the Moat into the Castle = The Water Way takes you to the northem side of the moat around the castle, You will find the CGistle entrance 10 the left, Whet! you enter, you Will notice « strange si inside. Not a seul is to tbe seen, You don't know what awaits you ahead Go to your room, an recover hefore you go any =" funtes, Cecil's room is on he third Foor of the ‘West Tower ofthe Castle of Baron The € 4 Guard Baigan J ‘When you enter the central court, Baigan will appear. He acts friendlier than before, and decides to join Cecil's party. But Palom and Fe Porom suspect something is wrong. 8 Fi Ta, Bi Palom and Porom saw through his disguise Baigani was also under Golbezs command, He ‘uaasforms himself into a monster Baigan now transformed, attacks them fereciously. He is actually three monsers in oneithe Body, Left Arm, and Right ‘Arm. The Body casis the Spell of Wall immediately after the hatle begins. Your rage tack will bounce back, damaging your party. Palom and Peron cant use their Twin Attack, so it will be an cexiromely dificult baile Revisi ing the King of Baron After you have defeated Baigan, enter the royal quar- fers to ace the King sitting on his throne. He does not answer when you speak to him and suddenly changes into a monster. The King was the Fiend of Water in disguise, Kainazzo, a turtle-ike mon: ster, He controls water and raises waves, Whea he is ‘endangered, he hides in his shell to recover. To avoid his wave attack, hullify the Barrier of Water vith Lit Magi ero Cid, the Chief Engineer of the Rea Wings, is Cecil's old. friend. According to him. an Auship is con tcealed somewhere in the Castle of Bao, Lead by Cid, the party ruses te the Airship and falls into a tap. They are focked in small room, and the walls start closing in.on them, While inside the small toon, the lovable twins, Palom and Porom cast the Spell of Stone and tum themselves info stone. The walls sop. Iris sich asad way co part ‘After the sad paring with Palom and Porom, Cid joins the party. Cid is ‘srong for his ge and uses his tools attack. Since he is poorly equipped at the beginning, look for items Cid c ‘equip when You acquire the Airship. He is powerful enough to fight in front. Wal reece Now th bar gone and you will abet 3 there Rng o Bifon” isin carey to what Rig eye “Ts isthe tying ship erastad by Ci, re Baroran ergiser hie said fo have ranged ie word. Alnougy I ato fana‘on lovel ground, he potential Ure faakos up or te ncomeienoe. The Red dt to so a0 phy a pact ‘iship: Pace te character on the Ahi, ‘aa pres Ato tke ft The A Buten 283 id Tor lenang. A tie al oad fer Varateg. Wats he shadow of the ArsHb, ova fi eau fo the pease you wish 1S lard. are pres A 4 Fa ze (Cuts Airship Enterprise takes off trom the Castle of Baron through a cloud of dust. It will be an indispensable vehicle needed forthe progress ofthe story from here on Just as Enterprise takes off, a Red Wing Airship approaches flying a'white lag. Mt stops nex! to Enterprise and stretches a plank. "Who should appear on the plank bat It is Kain, responsible for having taken Rosa away. Kain says to the surprised Cecil, "Rosa's life will be spared in exchange for the Crystal of Ear in Toroia” He then leaves without heating Cecil protest, and flies away in his Airship. Cecil still cannot believe Kains betrayal. But now: he had to g0 to Toroia to get the Crystal fof arth. Here, Cid will teach you how to plot the Airship. Listen ‘carefully, and head northwest! ated to the northwest of Baron is Toro, ind of Water which is considered to be the most beautiful country: Its a nation of Women governed by eight Clerics who are Sisters, The soldiers are als won [Because the nation i surtounded by foress, it might be dificult finding a ploce to land the Airship. Place the shadowt on the spat to lower right of the caste (0 the right Of the town) for landing, «First, walk straight into the castle and see the ight Clerics. Listen to all eight, and remem- her what they say. They don't have the Crystal of Each, The Dark Elf tas stolen i ‘The Cave of the Dark Elf is on an island to 4 the northwest of Torpia, but itis all forest here and therefore, impossible to land 09 withthe Aitship. Locking around the castle, you will find a vacant prison cell now used, for sting their treasute. I will not open without the permission of the Clertes, You will obtain that permission when you have retrieved the Crystal of Barth ‘Through the let exit of the central cour youll find & room, "An old friend is lying in fed. Iris Edward, who had been missing since the encounter with Leviatan, Exwatd ‘wants 1) come with Cecil. He still blames himself for the loss of Tellah’s daughter, Anna. When Ceci tetls him about Dark EI. Badward gives him an ier called Twin Harp ‘which allows people to talk long distance Only Baward Knows how to use it The Town of Toroia is just as beautiful as the Castle. In the Cafe there is a club for rmemiters where You can Watch slage dane ing. However, the place is extremely capensive and does not relate w the story. So, there's no need to buy a membership In the northeast carver of the town, there is a Chocobo farm. Here, they keep « new breed of Chocobo, the Black Capeebo, nev seen before in Chocobo Forests Black Chocotos can fly, although the ones here ean. There are many hidden passages and items in this town. Check the pots and shelves iside houses, as wel as the grass and water to discover tems. Now that you have the Airship. go back 0 the towns and villages you have passed through, in case you have Inissed something. “The toms pogo wil gv you portant ‘Hlormaton® rae the Galt EW ear ‘The Airship cannot be used to reach Cave Magnes. Walt 16 the north of the Caste. On the northern tip of the continent is a small forest ‘where the Black Chocobo lives. Catch a Black ‘Chocobo in the same way asa regular Chocobo, When you catch il the sreen switches showing the Black Chocobo in the alr carrying the party on its back. It can be conuolied with the Bute, However, it can only land in forests, The Black Chocobo does not yun away when you get off. However, you ride st a second time (by placing the character on itand pressing A), it will automatically Ay back Wo the forest oe You have reached the Dirk Elf cuve on the Black Chocobo. When you sep inside, you are immobilized ‘powerful magnetic ei seert to exist Within ti cae, You wont be aD tosh kes. Mont ofthe es he pa Oy cqanpes wal oe enters ctl eo teed Op Hee However ange Cle arts, Romore Magic may be used. as always, 0 the combst wil tend by Telish and Ya You have never been unable to equip powerful weapons and armor. Try puting Cecil with his High HPS and knowledge of White Magic in the rear row, Cecil can equip & Bow and AT%, $0 Tel be able to attack from the rea a8 nel, A Special Field Means the Boss Is Near? Get Back the Crystal of Earth Inside the Dark Els room. you encounter him right away. Datk EI seen to have stolen the Crystal for his oom purposes, and will 10. sake a deal, A battle will begin as soon as you finish talking. Within the force field of the Dark EH, the party is unable to use their full sirength. In contrast, Dark Eis magic powers increase which renders severe damage to them. Cecils party falls one by one. "If only 1 could use my sword!” Then, Edwards Twin Harp reas. In Toroia, Edward hears Ceeil's cry. iarely able to move, Edward tiesto gt his Harp, He doesn Tet he Govier stop him ard eramls t his Hap. He begins 9 play Softly. When the Twin Harp began to play Edward's song, the Dark If begias fo suffer. The force which had consiicted them is gone Equip yourscives now!” Cecil and the party eqquip their metal weapons and mice to attack the Datk Elf. Attack With (he Most Powerful Weapons! When the Dork Elf receives a certain amount of Damage, he will reveal his true identity and tur him self into the Dark Dragon. The Dragon is several times stronger than the Dark EIf and has much vitality. Tteould be a tough battle, The Dark Breath it aes is much more damaging than the continuoa: tick of the Dark FI. Unless you recover if good ‘iming with Tella's magic. you could lose the battle, Return to Toroia Afler Retrieving the Crystal of Earth With Edwaxe's nelp, Ceci is able to defeat the Dark Dragan and retrieve the Crystal of Earth Retum to the cave to collect all the items you weren't able to during your Fret visit. With 4 sword, there no need io fear the cave_monsters, Once outside the cave, hop o® the Black Checobo waiting ouside, and oo the ‘Chocobs Ferest. Retum to Toroia to daliver the Crystal 1 the eight Cenc. Kain's Voiee from Somewhere... Bring the Crysial of Farth to the Clerics when Golbez’s voice is heard He will tell Cecil to. got on the Enterprise with the Crystal. The Clerics understand and cooperate, allowing Cecil to take the Crystal with him, Sinan ce tae Sees eee ol Ree es ieee - 57 Cecil and his fricads bourd the Airship outside the Castle. Then, the Red Wing Airship will come to guide them 1 the Tower wher= Rosa is being held prisoner The 10 Airships takeoff into the sky Kain and Rosa are nownere to be seen. Then, Golber’s voice is heard, He says, if Cecil can find eis way 10 him, he will rewm, Ros. “The monsters of the Tower ae far more powerful than the ones you have ever seen. Maay of the Chests contain weapons, but some times monsters are hiding in them. ‘Try to open all the Chests before confronting Golbez. You will not be able to enter this Tower ‘apni, So dont forget to Save data before going wo Golber cil and his friends finally find Golbez. Suddenly, Tellah yorope forth ro avenge his daughter. Telah uses all 2 Spells he knows to attack Golbce, but doosn' succeed Tellah's magic has no effect on Golbez. Then, Tellah tures his HPs into MPs and performs the magic of Meteo. Even other fell to the force of Meteo. ‘Tellah defeats Golbee Golbez has received much damage Cecil rushes forth to steke. But a ream of lignt from Golbe7s finger {ip repulses him, prompting him to fall the ground, Golber approached Cecil with the intention fo Finish him off. Sunprised at what he sees. he stops, and does pot strike, "Who are you?” Golber gives ap fighting Ceci feeat with Kain. But the shock of “ella Magic pulls Kain out of the hypnotized ‘ato. Golbor ‘escapes alone, a8 Nees Ces rT Tt Pry 1} a a a C Merce Exhausted From His Last Battle... Tellah who saved the party from many’ crises wid is sneat powers, as used Up his las drop of eneray. Now he has ‘Bone to his daughier Anna. ‘Talk to Kain Talk to Kain who lies unconscious. He seems 10 have regained sanity from the shock of Tells Meteo, He offers to take them to Rosa. Dragoon Kain becomes & powerful member ofthe party. Ceel rushes over 10 Ros, Saved Rosa in the Nick of Time Cecil has finally ound Rosa, ‘The moment he saves Ross, the huge be falls, missing her nairowly. Ceeil and Rosa embrace. pents his past eetions and with Resa’ encouragement, he des Fight with them Valvalis is Behind Them TPhough he lost ‘Tellan, Cecil is able to save Rosa and Kain. ‘They san to Feave the Tower and suddenly Valvalis. the Flend of Al stands before tbem, Kain can use his powers io te fullest. against ‘his monster, Damage cannot be made wile the menster is boing transformed int a tomado, Kain’s Jump Aitack can nulify the tor- nada, Once Valvalis comes oat of that Sate, stack with the whole party After they defeat Valvalis, the Tewer begins to shake, ‘They must hurry and eceape. Rosa performs the Spell of Exit” The party is eatTied out of the ‘Tower and finds itsel in Ceel's room. 60 With Rosa's Spell of "Exit Cecil and his fiend’ are transpened 16 Cecil’s room in the Castle of Baron, But now, Golber has all four Crystals, It worries Cecil ‘yhen Kain begins #9 speak, “The Crystals in Golbez’s possessio fare Crystals of Light" According {0 Kain, four other Crystals exist in this word. ‘Then Kain shows a Tem called the Key of Magis ‘Tho Four Members Are Attackers ragon Kas socal a Garaget ine enemy Hom this pariy Rain stud be Bandai he re As Cid says, “The Enterprise is waiting outside, the Castle of Baron by remote Sontrol” Get on board, to search for the entrance 1 the Undergrosind World, It won't be far when you Fad the spot © use the Key of Mazina, Kain says, "Tho passage to the dexground World will open whe Key of Magma is used some. where.” But whete? They remember a ‘illage with an unusual Hoad for the Island of Agart on the Airship. Us easy to find. Fly straight south from Baron, However, get ROS ‘equipped frst and uy. Here, Professor Kory will tell you about the ‘mean, You can look through the telescope, Many Hints Here Te information you receive at thie village i very important. Dont flo hear everything, for it has 10 do with the development of the The ancestors of the people here were powerful Dwarves from the Underground World, They have come Neve through a great hole on the mounintop to the non. But that hole isnt there aymore Listen to the eldest wornan of this village. She confirms that the Key of Magma will indeed open the way to the Underground. Bottomless Well in the Center of the Village ‘Speak to the man standing in front of the well. Hei tell you it isthe Ancient, Boxtomless Well, now cashed, Stand in front of the Well and press A. ‘A ssindow opens at the bottom of the Screen, Select "Magma" with the ‘cursor, and press A again. When the Magma Stone is thrown into the well, the earth begins t0 tremble with’a big sound. Smoke begins 0 come out from the Mountain to the north of Agart What is happening Outside the Village ‘When the earthquake stops, go out of the village. A huge hole has opened lip cn top of the northern mountain, Fly'the Airship over the hole. and Dress A ia enter. But dant be hasty Go back t9 Toroia to get a large stock of fee Arrows, You will be encoun tering many monsters of fire from here on Adventure Leads You Underground When you have entered the great hole of Agari, the Airship will automatically take you through the Underground World. 1 is a buming world without a ince ‘ora blade of grass. Hore, the Airship cannot travel over magma, 6 BI nin) Its the Red Wings again, but they are not after Cecil this time. A ‘yar has slready begun with cannenbails shooting all acound. The Red Wings are ina battle agains a Tank Cecil and his party sre caught in the midst of Fire. They hurry to excope, but ths Airship is sos, A few shots hit the Enterprise, di fling the flight They make 2 close landing. fading themselves in froat of 2 gigantic sc, This must be the Dwarve's Castle. Let's ask the King for hep. There are Weapon and Amor Shops inside with useful items Faqhip the party here and start cn a joumey ta discover what penis wall Ceci aa his friends, 66 Item List Tre is the information on Items in the game to guide you in your adventure ‘Noval These ae sy ma ier ane tet ¢ Recovers IP fx party oi Eel Cuca Revove Hs of party somber ic, diam, inte wet aps Zane Merstes ued Reunets Hrs ata yny mem tect igh: Cox Secs aunt Zombie Master edt ——Reoorer MP, Efet, ow Used 09 Owe panon 0 ihe? Recovers Mi. Effi, high: Used on ne person or Recover alleondton excep Swoon Un on the ils ond Special Fields in dungeons ‘set on te eld ant Speck Fics ia danas, Cama Calle Big Choccbo. Ces where ently TkH Esa lees (enamel Ge pupae mp. Sem Gea lean dot iontew Pet Sore” Set Gomer sine peng Sininby Avene dsr fre Mazen tee ‘ihr empl sm wk sf once an wea eat o ‘Sw cot Kaigts ‘Shales 10 Wa dares Do Dukses 20489 dante Dk ies 30 S08 death ieee Leged 104s poner ° Lt 99S Se per b Ate Te eee ie PD Daim §5 We ena bb fe te te eb 0x Kopin 3S Mi be PD Mon The Sears Dragon sap ase fr ari asc Sams Mink onige ee GRC Sh Pas Sra aoe ae Wad 33 ae = ae Fine) af Dom. blz 73 Mc Dew. a a i a a B Gungu—92 Ne b Holy 100 $8 poner — api > Arashave great dessins fs hie weigh sadn, Fnoae a Dyut @2ooe z DRDCL Isin0 Cpe Se gies DEBE 8000 Posen 95 ths DRD.EN Rivee “2 i ” ot Bowstave lw neste, Neck R's An” oman o make is, Soe stad PSE DRED NC 230 3h Geral DECRNBLCA TON soe si DRCENAELC 20) oe feral DREBNRDLCK 300) Esenow S735 sen 2 OKCIONRALO, Samer Mb seal DREINEBLCH Ar are wif the Bow an ane concede sn Vu oe th stack iors oe DRC RARELCH 10 Holy 004 ss power unde spats BE Wh BLCHOO He (soe e DECRIED 30 ke 1S 08 ee DeCDAMBICN 3) Lie |S fining michaesDKC WA BIChSO Beis 8 daha PREB.WRBICHEO Soe ot 08 DEC RAMBICS 3 ue 33 te hme DRemAnbLcr 0 Gam i 0% cham gts‘ DRCBANBLCK 110 Semis iO SDRC WNBICH foe 1508 dtagoes — DRCBIWNBLCH = Whine the wna afte experenced Cle: Cm tack fy er whoa loarg ete Wig as hint oe aie Md Se com Bie 10 Qe gtr. tnd © tow Manet eS% fe, Bind © he Kae 5 shor ie eng ant ew n peruse Sons cena ees Sher 30 Oe Spi DEDCRBLN 300 Asan 2k DRDCBILN Mac” 38 78% sence ican DKDEB.BIN Stu apne swords, Only tu Nea 6 oe : Me Milde 32 oe = N 7090 Loop a0 a Shon Nuh ak She aoe Merisne 53 Se Ne Meme 65 WR ee Ai nemntnon eon einen Boomerang 20 se aera 7 fulioon 4035 N Shanken — 30 og x 20m 69 ‘Choa ow in ck powcr, a aes gh A raton pci efls a a a Kec 9 wee KN 0 Twit 0 Sve ander mahincs KN S80 Gum 9 Se cham ns KN Ponen 9 Opie ky Cathw ome "Sess KX Hammers re vey the Chit Held ith bot ar Soni Te a ase side nachins oh 00 Eh 18 mane h Black Magic canton thous weapons Wh wd in atc, bigs ts et of sack — a a a aaa Ra Tae Sate re mites CS 2 Fane Red > 8G tow esa 50 Change 1s Sh Cap See Se SRI sow ‘White Marie Was on nese weapons. Forms Wate Mage wnensiod ae ee Son ResWa te faa Pesws 0 Sic Base lunes’ RCSWA Powe 3) Oh as cst ese = CS By laying harp, yu av phys ad me damage oe ny. 70. Armor “The Shield cam eld no hand. Sore hurts gap iron : DDN Jor Stags Dk 2m lc DK ‘ Pats P 70 Siver EDC iam Fie lee DDE 20 i fire DED 10000 Dianna turer KD 1300 ro potieaion —DEDCh 29000 Samra 5 DKDeh Dinges Trees. PRD Cal ° Cotes we iced under Homes td eae wearcns Se aoa — 7 cand alee DK 430 Lear 2 aleeepDK 330 Ges 3 CSWaRLL 700 re DREDG 130 ian — ally 110 shade R 0 i DK gap Wart 3 “SPWhalL 2) Nie 5 Black é fain 7 Tare 1 Daamond 5 sphere Dagan Cae ‘These enor cme ia ps tobe worm of uth hands Ln icles Rings nd Brain oe ion z Shudow 3. 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