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1. Put the verb between brackets in the right tense

1. You get annoyed if I (not tell) ____________________ the truth
2. I wont give it back unless you (promise) ____________________ to
behave yourself
3. If it werent so crowded, Brighton (be)____________________ an
interesting place.
4. We would never have asked you if we (not think) ___________________
youd agree
5. Put the kettle on now if you (want) ___________________ some tea
6. If you follow my advice, you (manage) ___________________ all right
7. You were a fool if you (believe) ___________________ her
8. If Id thought more about it, I(find) _________________________ the
9. People notice you if you (dress) _____________________ expensively
10.If you dressed expensively, people (notice) _________________
2. Transform into a conditional sentence (1st or 2nd type)
1. I feel very tired, so I wont come out with you
If I didnt feel so tired, I would come out with you
2. He doesnt know he is here, so he wont tell him to go away
3. The weather is very cold, thats why I dont go to the beach
4. I cant stop working because I dont have a lot of money
5. I cant come out for a walk with you because Im very tired
6. She doesnt love you, thats why she is so horrible to you

7. Pollution is increasing because there are many cars
8. The climate is changing because there are few trees

3. Choose the right option

1. If John (were/would be) here, he (knew/would know) what to do
2. Do you think it (were/would be) a good idea if I (phoned/would phone)
the police?
3. What (did/would) you do if you (won/would win) a million pound?
4. If I (had/would have) more time I (learnt/would learn) either karate or
5. If you (changed/would change) your job, what (did/would) you do?
6. Today (were/would be) Sunday I (were/would be) in bed
7. I (went/would go) and see Jake tomorrow if I (knew/would know) his
4. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verb in brackets
1. If he (run) ......................... hell get there in time
2. If you (finish) ................................ dinner Ill ask the waiter for the bill
3. I (meet) ............................... you at the airport if knew you are coming
4. You can camp in my field provided you (leave) ............................... no
5. If the fog (get) ...................... thicker hte plane may be diverted
6. If someone tried to blackmail me I (tell) ................................ the
7. If you (not have)............................. a permit you couldnt get a job
8. If you (look) .............................. for Peter youll find him upstairs
9. Were going by air and I hate flying. If we (go) ....................................
by boat Id feel much happier.
10.I would be very grateful if you (make) ................................. the
arrangements for me

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in

brackets to make first or second conditional sentences
Example: 1 If children watch violent television programmes, they will
become violent
1. If children............................... (watch) violent television programmes,
they will become violent
2. Young children would learn to speak better if
they ................................. (watch) less television
3. If you dont get nervous before the exam, you .................................
(have) any problems
4. If you ............................ (be) rude to your sister, she wont help you
5. If Karen ............................ (give) up smoking, shed feel better
6. If he is still ill tomorrow, he ............................ (not/play) in the match
6. Complete the questions
Example: 1 If it rains this weekend, what will you do?
1. If it ........................ (rain) this weekend, what will you do?
2. If it is hot tomorrow, what ............................ (you/do)?
3. If you ............................ (win) the lottery, what would you do?
4. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where ...............................
Now answer the questions. Write as many answers as you can
1. ...............................................................................................................
2. ...............................................................................................................

3. ...............................................................................................................
4. ...............................................................................................................

7. Transform as in the example

Example: He doesnt ask me, so I dont help him
If he asked me, I would help him
1. I dont have a lot of money, so I don travel round the world
2. George lives in London, so he doesnt see the Eiffel Tower
3. They are very hungry because they dont eat nothing
4. Im late. I cant find my seat
5. It is raining. So I cant go out tonight
6. I cant understand. Please explain how the machine works
7. It is very cold, so we cant wear a swimsuit
8. John has two brothers, so he hasnt any brother-in-law
9. He hasnt got a car because he cant drive

10.I havent a boyfriend. So I cant get married
8. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in
1. I would buy (buy) this computer if it werent so expensive
2. If you .............................. (go) to England, youd improve your accent
3. You can stay here longer if you ............................... (want)
4. We wont come along to the party if we ..............................
5. If I ..................... (be) you, Id apologise to them immediately
6. If I had five million euros, I ............................... (not/know) what to do
wih the money
7. We .............................. (not/catch) the train if we dont hurry
8. If Paco ........................... (have) a temperature, he wont be able to
come along to the beach
9. .................................. (you/babysit) for us if we asked you to?
10.Dont eat hat fruit if it..................................... (not/be) ripe

9.Finish the sentences taking care to use the correct tense (first
and second type)
1. Well





2. The





3. If







4. If



5. Try





6. If




7. If




8. If







9. If






















photographs ................... .................................................

10. Put the verb in the correct form

1. I (give) ____________________ you a cigarette if I had one, but Im afraid
I havent
2. This soup would taste better if it (have) __________________ more salt in
3. If you (not go) _________________ to bed so late every night, you
wouldnt be so tired all the time
4. I wouldnt mind living in England if the weather (be)
__________________ better
5. Id help you if I (can) __________________ but Im afraid I cant
6. If I were you, I (not marry) ___________________ him
7. We would happily buy that house if it (not be) ________________ so
11. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form
1. If you (find) ______________ a skeleton in the cellar dont mention it to
2. If you pass your examination we (have) __________________ a
3. What (happen) __________________ if I press this button?

4. I should have voted for him if I (have) _________________ a vote then

5. If you go to Paris where you ______________ (stay)?
6. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose)
7. The flight may be cancelled if the fog (get)_____________ thick
8. If the milkman (come) ________________ tell him to leave two pints
9. Someone (sit) _________________ on your glasses if you leave them
10.You would play better bridge if you (not talk) _______________ so much
11.What I (do) ______________ if I hear the burglar alarm?
12.If you (read) ______________ the instruction carefully you wouldnt have
answered the wrong question.
12. Complete
1. If you dont eat, youll get thin
2. If



get tired
3. If you ....................................................................................., youll
get thirsty
4. If you........................................................................................., youll
get wet
5. If I ..............................................................................................., Ill be
6. If......................................................................................, Ill be very
7. If ............................................................................, it will be very bad
for the country
8. If.........................................................., it will be very good for the

13. Pon el verbo entre parntesis en la forma verbal adecuada

1. You (see) ......................... better if you (light)............................ the
2. If they (listen)........................... to such a loud music, they
(get) .................... deaf

3. Peter (drive) ........................ a car if he (be) ......................... 18 years

4. They (play) ....................... football If they (have)..........................
some time
5. If she (sing) ......................... marvellously, she (go)....................... to
6. They (come)................... here if they (can) ........................
7. I (not ask) .............................. someone to do it for me if I
(know) ...................... how to do that
8. If the children (like) ......................... playing basketball, they
(be) ..................... playing the whole day
9. If you (travel) ........................ to Greece, you (see) .........................
beautiful buildings
10.If you (smoke) ................... so much, they (get) ............................
very ill
11. Would you (buy) ........................ that car if you (can) ......................?
12.I (write) ..................... a novel if I (be) ........................ good at writing
13.She (like) ..................... living in Cuba, if she (be) ................... rich

14. Termina las frases

1. If I were
2. If I were the Prime
Minister .................................................................................
3. If I study at
university ...........................................................................................
4. If I found a
5. If I were 21 years
old ...........................................................................................

6. If I had a

15. Traduce
1. Te importa si uso tu telfono?
2. Si vas a Egipto, treme un recuerdo
3. No comprar nada si no me das dinero
4. Esta tarde iremos de compras si no llueve
5. Si quieres, puedes venirte conmigo
6. Si pudiera trabajar en otra cosa, sera taxista
7. No quiero irme a casa de Juan si t no vienes
8. Si sacas buenas notas podrs estudiar en la universidad
9. Si yo fuera t, me ira a Londres
10. Si haces los deberes te doy un caramelo

14. Traduce
1. Si no te llevas paraguas, te mojars
2. Compraramos un coche nuevo si tuviramos dinero
3. Si tuviera 6.000.000 viajara por el mundo
4. Yo en tu lugar, no le mentiria
5. Si alguien le molesta, se enfada
6. Si vas a Madrid, tuerce a la izquierda

7. Si hablaras despacio, todo el mundo te entendera

8. Si no trabajara me ira de vacaciones
9. Si no deja de llover, nos ahogaremos
10. Visita el Museo Britnico si vas a Londres

15. Traduce
1. Si supiera chino viajara a Pekn

2. Si fuera ms alto, jugara al baloncesto

3. Si no te vas a la cama temprano, maana tendrs mucho sueo
4. Si bebes, no conduzcas
5. Si te encuentras con Tom, avsame
6. Si no pudiera jugar al ftbol, jugara al tenis

16. Traduce
1. Si te hubieras levantado temprano, habras llegado a tiempo
2. Si nos hubiramos conocido antes lo habramos pasado bien

3. Si hubiera sabido que t no venas, no te habra esperado

4. Si no hubieras vivido en Canad durante un ao, no podras hablar
5. Si te hubieras casado con Margaret, habras sido muy feliz


1. Complete with was / were

1. At 700 I ___________ at the cinema. At 800 I _________ in the park with
my friends
2. Where _________ you at 400 in the afternoon? I ___________ at home
3. Yesterday she __________ very ill. So, she couldnt come to my party
4. The children ____________ at school at 1200
5. When we ___________ 10 years old, we ____________ very poor
6. There _______ a book on the table. Now it is not there.
7. The boy in red ____________ with my sister at classroom
8. It __________ very cold last night
9. Mary ________ afraid of dogs when she _________ a very little girl
10.There __________ many people at the park yesterday

2. Finish the sentences with your own words

1. They were....
2. I was...
3. The cat was...
4. My parents were...
5. You were...
6. Philip was...
7. That man was...

8. We were...
9. Kate was...
10. Sharon and you were...

3. Translate
1. Yo estaba en la cocina ayer a las 900 h.
2. Dnde estabas? Estaba en el comedor
3. Yo era muy feliz
4. Nosotros ramos muy jvenes hace 10 aos
5. Haca mucho fro la pasada noche
6. Yo era rico cuando tena 15 aos
7. Eras t un maestro?

8. Francis fue actor
9. Estaba lluvioso ayer
10.Yo tena prisa
11.Nosotros estbamos en Madrid el mes pasado
12.T no estabas en el parque hace una hora

4. Transform into past the following sentences in present tense

1. Children are asleep

2. George is very interested in football
3. Are you cold?
4. Sorry, Im late

5. Where is my sweater?
6. They are not hungry, they are thirsty
7. Im in a hurry
8. You are afraid of spiders
9. We are 20 years old
10. She is very pretty

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