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Please hang in there Mistress Diana! A woman said
I cant! She exclaimed
I can see a head. Another woman said. Youre doing just fine Milady.
Just a couple more pushes. Please Mistress.
Im trying!
Thats it, thats it! Shes out.
A baby cried. Diana could barely breathe.
Mistress, are you alright?
YesI think so.
Congratulations, Milady. The woman said
Is it?
Yes, Mistress. The second woman responded. You have given birth to a
beautiful baby girl.
A girl?
She began tearing up and smiled.

May I?
Of course.
She placed the baby the Dianas arms. She cuddled her and stared into her
shinning eyes.
Magnificent Milady.
You now have three wonderful children.
And I am grateful to have them.
The door opened.
Your Majesty. A girl said. One of your sons is outside waiting.
Please, send him in.
As you wish.
She closed the door.
This way please. She said on the other said
Okay. Thank you.
The door opened again. A tall; blue-eyed and dark-haired male walked in
with nothing on but silk shorts and silver bands around his arms. The women
became flustered and couldnt contain themselves. The mistress smiled.
Girls, could you please wait for me outside?
Yes, Mistress. They said
They opened the door and closed it behind them.
Hello Mother.
Good morning Rudy. How was your trip? You look so much more mature than
He sighed and sat down on the chair beside her.
It wasnt a pleasant sight Mother. I visited the planet Kareena in the Sufflur
System, but it was all in ruins.

Yes. Bodies of men, women and children floated all over the place, and the
entire planet was destroyed.
Do you know who was responsible?
Not yet, but I have some people looking into it. Luckily, they werent still
there, or wed have a full-scale war to fight.
Indeed. But never mind that, come and see your new baby sister.
She showed her to him, and his face lit up with joy. The baby opened her
eyes and gave him a big smile that made him weep.
Shes beautiful Mother. Truly a sight to behold.
Yes. Yes she is. Which is why we will celebrate her birth today. Gather
everyone in the crystal garden.
By your command.
He walked over to the door and stopped.
What is it Rudy?
Its justwhat are you going to name her?
Oh. Well, Ive been thinking of names for quite some time now.
Ive chosen the name, Rebeca.
Thats a beautiful name Mother.
He walked back out and shut the door. Diana placed Rebeca in her little bed
and got dressed for the ceremony. She removed her clothes and unbundled

her hair, which stretched all the way down to her feet. Her body glistened
with reflecting rays of light. When it dissipated, she was equipped with a teal
and yellow silk robe. Its length covered her feet, and its long sleeves covered
her hands.
You may enter girls.
Yes Milady.
They surrounded her.
You look beautiful as always Mistress.
Thank you.
Is there something going on?
Yes, there is. Today we will celebrate the birth of my daughter, Rebeca. Now,
please bring her to the garden without delay while I prepare.
Yes Mistress.
In a flash of light, she disappeared. The women grabbed whatever would be
needed for Rebecas care and made their way to the garden. Behind the
palace, the crystal garden shinned, with multiple crystals of multiple colors
flourished and expanded in width, length and shape. Diana appeared at the
center of it and waved her arms as if she were doing a dance. With every
form of movement, the transformed. The earth was raised and water was
created from the atmosphere. Fire emerged at her fingertips and wind
carried flower petals around the area. In a matter of minutes, Diana created
a work of art for her people to behold. Her personal aides came and were in
awe by this magnificent sight.
Oh, Milady.
Thank you. Today is a special day.
We have brought Rebeca and placed in the sacred cradle.
Thank you.
She took a deep breath and smiled. Long and shinning white wings appeared
on her back, in which she used to fly high into the sky. Flying past the
atmospheric line, she didnt seem fazed the harsh conditions of space. She

spun around and flew all around the asteroids. With the field of floating
rocks, a shining rock appeared with a multicolored trail of light. Diana
stopped herself and watched as it came closer.
Hello there.
A pink and orange light appeared around her left hand. With it she made a
fist and punched the incoming space rock; shattering it. Its fragments
scattered across the field, and Diana attempted to use them. Shed located
the smallest fragment she could find and brought it back with her into the
atmosphere. The people had already gathered in the garden and waited for
their leader to appear. Entering the atmosphere, she became encircled by
fire as her speed increased. The colonists pointed at the sky as they viewed a
giant fireball heading towards them. Rudy stood as the rest of them
scattered. He smiled and walked up next to the cradle. The fireball made
contact with the ground, but the fire scattered and lit the crystals; leaving
only Diana. Everyone stood in awe.
Hello, my children! She exclaimed
The crowd cheered for their mistress. She whistled and the wind circled
around; carrying the flower petals into the sky. Diana smiled as everyone
cheered for her performance. She looked at Rudy and raised her eyebrows.
Wait, you want me to-?
She nodded and he laughed. Both of them jumped to opposite ends of the
stage and fired multiple blasts of strange energy. With each clashing blasts
came fireworks that made the crowd wild with awe and excitement. Rudy
and Diana laughed and smiled, and then Diana went back to the center
stage next to the cradle. She raised her arms and the crystals blazed with
light that calmed everyone down.
Thank you to everyone who came to this sacred place. Today, a baby girl is
born and carries my blood within her.
Their eyes widened.
Naturally, you are all my children, but since she is of my own womb, it
should not be a surprise that we celebrate her today. Today she creates a trio
with my other two children, Rudy and Alex, and I couldnt be happier.

She began to cry, making everyone else tear up as well.

She is my first daughter, so I want to make this celebration special for her,
even though she may not be able to remember this. So now, I will present
her first gift to her.
She opened her hands and put them together. When she pulled them apart,
a bright pink light lit up the entire garden. A string appeared to be wrapped
around it, so Diana placed it around Rebecas neck, allowing her to teethe on
This is my gift to you Rebeca. An amulet made from the fragments of a
comet. Along with the light it already possessed, I have also put my own life
energy into it, so that when youre close to me, it will glow.
As she said, the amulet began glowing with both a pink light and a white
As of this day, my daughter is now a proud citizen of our planet, Minotia.
May she live a long life and remain with us forever!
The crowd cheered once again for their mistress and now her daughter.
Diana snapped her fingers to make stairs appear. One at a time, the citizens
walked up to give their gifts to Rebeca and just to see her cute little smile.
Rudy. Diana said telepathically
What is it Mother?
I dont sense Alex anywhere in here.
Then that means he mustve not heard about the ceremony?
Clearly. Hes probably in the Cave of Knowledge again. Hes always trying to
learn something new.
What do you want me to do?
Go and get him from the caves and bring him here. I want him to meet his
sister before the day ends.
Okay. Im leaving now.
Thank you.

Rudy disappeared without making a sound, but Diana could see as the petals
scattered due to his shifting.
Thank you all for being here. Now, we begin the feast! Let the true
celebration begin!
The crystals glistened. Dianas personal aides began their dancing ritual and
everyone proceeded with the feasting. Meanwhile, Rudy had already made to
the knowledge caves. They were caves made of coal surrounded by a moat
of boiling magma. With no bridge, Rudy had no choice but to jump across the
moat. After successfully making it across, stalactites broke off from the
ceiling and almost crushed him.
Whoa, that was a close one. We should really do some maintenance around
He ran into the cave.
Alex. He whispered as he jumped around small magma passages. Alex.
A young boy with silver hair and green eyes pulled an orange crystal from
out of the ground. He closed his eyes, squeezed it and was covered in orange
Wow. So thats how they did it.
Alex. Rudy whispered again
Time to move on.
The boy dropped the crystal and ran around the corner. A vine emerged from
the ground and pulled it back in. Minutes went by and Rudy passed by and
saw a hole in the ground, and it seemed to be freshly made.
So this is where he pulled out the knowledge crystal.
He touched the hole.
Hmm, its not that old from what I can tell, so he mustve been here not too
long ago.
The knowledge crystals are crystals of all shapes, colors and sizes that are
each filled with memories. Anyone is allowed to check them out or use them,
but Diana and Alex are the main ones who go. Each crystal can hold only one

memory from only one person, but each can be moved, overwritten or
deleted by anyone.
This ones white. The boy said
White crystals were specially designed to tell a story and are filled only by
Diana herself, so they are very special. The boy grabbed it and squeezed it.
It showed Diana and a man fighting together in what seemed to be some
kind of battle. They smiled and were inseparable.
Then one day, the man turned evil and they were forced to fight one another,
shattering their bond forever.
I cant believe Mother used to have such strong ties with this guy.
He dropped it and walked away, but then the white light turned black and
dimmed the room.
Wait a second.
He walked back to it and tried to touch it slowly, but
That cant beWhen he tried to touch it, it sharpened itself and pricked him.
His blood dropped on it and the spikes went away. At the same time it
shattered the crystal and turned the boys eyes pitch black.
What is this?
He started seeing strange images at astronomical speeds. He found himself
outside the planets atmosphere and in space. He was see-through like a
ghost and didnt know what was going on.
What is this? Where am I?!
Ships appeared around the planet and began firing at it.
Whatsgoing on?

The planet cracked and exploded. He heard the cries and screams of people,
and then nothing but the ships engines.
No. He sadly said. Mother and Rudy areHe heard maniacal laughter behind him and turned around. A shadowy;
hooded figure emerged from his shadow and wouldnt stop growing. He
landed on a platform and ran away from him. The figure laughed and all you
could see were his razor-sharp teeth.
Who are you?!
He just kept laughing.
You cant stop me. The figure said. No one can.
He took a couple more steps back and tripped.
You and all of your loved ones will perish by my hands.
What are you talking about? Who are you?!
Say goodbye!
Stop it! He shouted
He opened his eyes and Rudy was standing right beside him. Alexs eyes
overflowed with tears.
Rudy? He sniffled
Finally. You have to come with me right now. Mother is expecting you.
I was just looking at crystals.
Mother wants you there for the christening of our baby sister.
I cant. Look.

He pointed towards the crystal he assumed was still black, but when they
looked, it wasnt anymore.
Oh no.
You can see it.
You shattered one of Mothers crystals? What the hell were you doing in
I swear it wasnt a normal one. It was black.
Black? Really?
I not kidding around. Im serious.
Come one. We have to go to the ceremony.
But we could all be in danger. You have to believe me.
Were already in danger because Mother wanted us there an hour ago. And
youre in even more trouble than me.
ButNo buts! Were leaving, now!
Rudy grabbed Alex and pulled him outside of the cave. They rushed to the
ceremony where everyone still seemed to be having a great time, but, Alex
still couldnt just forget what he saw.
Alex, Rudy, finally.
Sorry were late Mother. He was deep inside the caves when I finally found
Rudy pushed Alexs head down and made him bow.
Thats alright. Im just glad that you two are fine. Now, come meet your
baby sister Alex.
Mother carried Rebeca to Alex and placed her in his arms. He couldnt help
but smile at her sweet face. Rudy walked away and Mother followed him. Not
to their knowledge, something occurred outside of their planets asteroid

field. A portal opened and multiple space cruisers emerged. An even larger
command ship halted in the center of their armada.
Lord Zakuto, weve arrived. A soldier said
Have we really? Because you seemed to have the wrong planet last time. I
would hate to add anymore scars to your body because.
The soldier appeared to have many scars around his face. He gulped his
saliva and waited for his commands.
You need not worry this time Milord. Theres no doubt that that is the one
were looking for.
The master turned towards the planets position.
Aha! I guess you were right this time. There it is, Minotia: the planet known
mainly for its crystals. Ready the troops and surround the planet. We attack
when the moon is full.
Yes Milord!
The ships mobilized and surrounded the planet as ordered. The masters
flagship activated its heaviest cannon, while the others stayed put. The sun
was finally almost finished setting, but the party went on. Rudy was about to
leave when Diana stopped him. She put her hands on his shoulders and
stared straight into his eyes.
Leaving so soon?
He turned.
Im sorry Mother, but I just dont feel like celebrating anymore.
Well, Im sorry you feel that way. Are you sure you cant stay longer though?
Youre still only a child, and yet youve helped me out the most around here.
Mother. Im not a child anymore. Im 18 years old.
Well youre still my child.
He turned his head and she kneeled down.
Listen. Im sorry that your parents passed away because of that massacre.
But when Id decided to take you in, I accepted you into my family. Even Alex

accepted you, stranger, into our family, so why havent you accepted
Because I know whats true and whats false. I know Im not really your son.
My parents died protecting me because I was weak and useless.
No you werent.
I was. And when you and your comrades raided the planet, you found me
and took me in because you felt sorry for me! You didnt really love me!
She was shocked by his words, and he looked down.
Im sorry. I didnt mean that.
Yes, you did. But thats okay. I forgive you.
Im nothing but a selfish brat.
No youre not. Youre wonderful, and I appreciate you.
He began to cry and clenched his fists.
Which is why I have a gift for you.
Yes. Hold out your hand.
He held out his hand and she dropped a vial in his palm.
What is this?
Its a vilethat contains my blood. I want you to drink it.
What? Why?
Because, I want you to be a part of my family for real.
If thats what you want.
He started to tear up again.
I want you to be in my family now. When I pass on, Ill need someone like
you to watch over Rebeca and Alex.

Really? Me?
Yes. And once their powers start to bloom, theyll need someone like you to
help them through it.
Outside the planets gravitational pull
The ships are ready Master.
Good. Begin the air strike.
By your command.
The ships fired at the planet after surrounding it, but a white barrier
absorbed the blasts. They fired missiles and heavy cannon fire, but nothing
happened to the shield. Multiple explosions occurred, and Diana felt the
shockwaves as well.
Somethings here.
Someone evil has come to take away our peace.
Her wings emerged and she took to the skies.
Go back to the palace and make sure Rebeca and Alex are there with you.
And tell everyone to go back to their homes!
He nodded, and then he ran back to the garden. To save time, Diana
teleported outside of the barrier. She was shocked at the sight of how many
ships there were.
What is-?
The flagship fired their heavy cannon blasts and managed to make a hole in
the barrier. The smaller transports swarmed and tried to make it through the
atmosphere. Diana fired her energy blasts to stop them, but some of them
were too fast and managed to get by her.

No! She exclaimed

The smaller ships broke through her line of defense and Minotias
atmosphere without delay. They released pods and troops on their way to the
main palace.
Open the pods.
Roger. Opening the pods now.
The pods opened up, unleashing blood-thirsty behemoths across the lands.
The ships made their way to the palace, leading them there as well. They
bellowed and screeched, and then they followed the starships. Diana
continued to hold her ground and finally closed the breach in the barrier.
What do you think youre doing here?!
Were just here to introduce ourselves. Zakuto said. Wont you please
show us hospitality?
Not for scum like you. Leave at once!
Im sorry, but we cant do that. We have some unfinished business to attend
to. Starting with you.
Then Ill make you leave!
Dianas pupils disappeared. She released an enormous energy wave that
sent the smaller ships hurdling back into the larger ones.
Ill have to make this quick before everyone is massacred. But the sheer
size of this force could take long to defeat.
While Diana fought the entire armada on her own, Rudy had already done
what shed asked and told everyone to leave.
Whats going one Rudy? And wheres Mother?
Shes busy right now. But she told me to keep you and Rebeca close to me,
so were going back to the palace and waiting for her.
ButRight now is not the time for questions Alex. Lets go!

The ships homed in on the palaces location and fired missiles to destroy it.
Some missed, but a few managed to get by.
No way.
Go inside Alex!
RudyJust take our sister and go!
Alex ran inside carrying Rebeca. Rudy accumulated energy in his palms and
launched them at the incoming ships.
Stop that kid!
Roger that.
Rudy spun up into the air and put his hands together. Another attack bolted
in the blink of an eye and a few more ships. And then he dropped down.
Where did-?
Hm? He asked
What are those things?! Asked a man
The behemoths made onto the palace grounds and began killing on sight.
They captured people and fed on their flesh. Men, women and children alike
were either being killed, or dragged away. A boy witnessing his parents being
eaten ran away before he was next. He ran as fast as he could, but he just
wasnt fast enough.
A behemoth blocked his path and slobbered on his face. It appeared to be
blind. The boy felt a stinging sensation and backed up so as not to startle it,
but there was no mistaking that it sensed him. It shrieked, and ran from it,
but it still captured him with his tongue.
No! He exclaimed. No, let me go!

Rudy tried to save him, but the ships stopped him from going any further.
I dont believe this.
The behemoth bit his head clean off without hesitation and began to eat the
rest of his body.
No! Rudy
The nearby behemoths set their sights on Rudy now, but hed used his fire to
keep them at a secure distance. They jumped and coordinated their attacks
with one another, but Rudy still had the upper hand. He punched the ground
and caused an earthquake, making the behemoths lose their balance. Ships
passed by him, and as he watched them fly away, stalagmites appeared that
pierced the ships one after the other. The incoming ground troops killed the
citizens attempting to flee, but then the citizens began to fight back. Theyd
grabbed guns hidden in their homes and started defending themselves in
hopes of surviving the ordeal. Behemoths roamed all around the area and
ate everything in sight. Alex looked outside from one of the palace windows.
Oh, no.
Rebeca cried loudly and it echoed through the halls. The behemoths heard
the cry and began entering the palace from every direction. Rudy tried to
take down as many as he could where he was, but there were just too many
to worry about. He heard the cries of the palace aides and ran to the front
doors. At the door he saw a headless body and more innards and body parts
all around the floors, along with blood splattered all over the walls.
I think Im gonna be sick.
He stepped on a piece of glass and the behemoths took swift action. Hed
hoped they hadnt gotten to his siblings, but he could only hope for the best.
Alex, if you can hear me, take Rebeca and go to the underground
Alex hid in a locked room trying to keep Rebeca quiet.
Shhh, shhh. Its gonna be okay Rebeca.
Did you hear me Alex?! Go to the underground crystal catacombs and hide
there for a while.

Rudys voice echoed upstairs.

The catacombs?
A behemoth sniffed around the doorway. Alex opened the door and
unintentionally smashed its head.
What the-?
Its blood splattered on the wall.
Another behemoth bellowed and dashed towards him. He dodged and ran
down the nearby stairs. But it continued to follow him.
These things are hard to get rid of. Maybe its time for me to try my powers
for once.
AT the bottom of the stairs, he saw Rudy fighting a gang of them all at once.
Alex took the corridor on the right and ran as fast as he could, but then he
soon realized that the passageway was blocked.
Uh-oh. He said
More behemoths began to follow him.
Rudy had his hands full and couldnt go and save him yet. Alex was backed
into a corner and couldnt escape. The behemoths mouths dripped with
saliva that melted the ground. He looked at Rebecas cute little face and
knew he had to do something.
I guess I have no choice.
The behemoths dashed and jumped, but Alex phased through the ruble
before they could get to him. After scanning the area in front of him, he
continued to make his way towards the catacombs. Diana, who still remained
in space fighting the armada became overwhelmed by their numbers and
found her blind spots exposed. The barrier was compromised and began to
shatter. More ships slipped past her and made their way into the
atmosphere, but Diana attempted to repair the barrier.

I wont give up. She said

She used the fragments already there and used her own energy to expand
and connect them.
You have the power to survive on your own, Zakuto said. But you cant
protect everyone. Sooner or later, youll burn out and well be ready for that
Ill kill you all!
Diana released an energy burst that surged through the surrounding ships
and crippled them. Once she knew shed done, she finished the job and
vaporized them.
And here I thought you were just another pacifist.
It may be wrong to kill without reason. But Ill do whatever I can to keep my
people from harm.
Just give up and come quietly. Well leave once youShe destroyed the ships around theirs.
Like Id believe that. Diana said. You cause chaos and discord wherever
you go.
You know, Im really starting to get tired of all of this.
Zakuto removed his cloak and revealed his face. He possessed two black;
fierce-looking eyes and razor-sharp teeth. His entire body was like that of a
shadow, with a dark mist creeping into the air around him.
Hello again, Diana. Its time for you to come with me.
She flew back into the barrier and closed the holes. Zakuto unleashed a loud
screeching sound that shattered it once again. He jumped off of the flagship
and pursued her without delay. With a loud shriek, he sprouted black bat
wings on his back and took flight as well.
Get back Alex!

I know. But theyre everywhere.

Rudy had finally caught up to Alex and Rebeca, only to be cornered by
behemoths outside.
Just stay behind me and keep Rebeca safe. We just have to hold out until
Mother can return to us.
Whats even going on here?
I guess you were right about this impending evil coming upon us.
Yes. Im sorry about not trusting you.
Its okay. I just hope we make it out of this alive.
So do I.
The behemoths charged them, but Rudy pushed Alex to the side and blasted
them back.
Ill keep them off you. Get to the catacombs and dont look back!
Alex did as he was told and ran away. More of the behemoths tried to pursue
him, but Rudy jumped in front of them and clapped, unleashing a shockwave
that made them all fly.
Alex, keep runOne of the behemoths latched onto his leg with its tongue and reeled him in.
Let go, you eight-legged bastard! I will not be eaten by the likes of you!
It screeched as he hit it, but its mouth was ready to bite down. Alex found
the underground catacombs and ran inside. He assumed hed be safe down
there, but some behemoths were already down there and picked up on his
scent. Diana touched the planets surface and her impact obliterated the
behemoths and ships surrounding her. Left and right, she saw the dead

bodies of both sides and was furious with the carnage. And then she heard a
Hm? That sounds like
Let me go!
Rudy! She exclaimed
As she was getting ready to fly, Zakuto came and crashed right on top of her.
Youre not going anywhere, Diana.
He licked his lips.
How is itthat youre still alive? You shouldve died all those years ago.
I bet you thought so. But I found a way to survive. And now, Ive come to
Collect what?
My revenge.
He laughed. The rest of the armada landed their ships and deployed their
troops. Rudy was swallowed whole by the behemoth due to Dianas lack of
No, Rudy!
Its over Diana.
The troops surrounded them. One of them looked like more than just a
soldier and stood close to Zakuto after he jumped away from Diana. She
looked around. In her sights, she spotted the palace and noticed the
behemoths crawling all around.
Her hands twitched and Zakuto ordered his men to fire. She made a small
barrier around herself and deflected the blasts. She tried to fly away, but
male standing behind Zakuto shot her down with an energy blasts shot from
his hand.
Well done Rago.

Thank you. Shes a quick one.

Indeed she is. But dont let your guard down just yet.
Dianas wings fluttered and a light whirlwind made a dirt cloud. The soldiers
took a couple steps back and got ready to fire. Zakutos wings twitched and
out of nowhere, three copies of Diana emerged from the cloud and scattered.
Fire! Rago exclaimed
Zakuto and Rago caught two of them while the soldiers tried to subdue the
last one. Zakuto held his by her neck with a confused look on his face.
What is this? He asked
Diana smiled. Her body lit up like the sun and blinded Zakuto. He released
her and her body dissipated.
He looked over at the Diana being held by Rago, and the same thing
What the hell?!
Rago, theyre clones! Zakuto exclaimed. Weve been duped!
Zakuto looked in the sky, and the third Diana dissipated as well, leaving the
soldiers confused. He flapped one of his wings and made the cloud of dirt
vanish. When it disappeared, Diana was nowhere to be found.
Father? Said Rago
Zakuto clenched his fists.
Find her, now!
As you wish.
Rago and the men scattered about. A dark haze circled around Zakuto.
Within the smoke, a green electric current surged fiercely.

Zakuto shouted and the energy exploded, scarring Minotia with a thin crater.
A green haze added to the black and reformed to create a skull. Far away
from him, Diana entered the palace and sat in the main hall.
Koten quetsu mon, nani abolete zankaku!
Dianas eyes turned purple, and she repeated the words over and over again
until a nine-pointed star appeared on top and beneath her. Purple markings
appeared on her skin and the same markings appeared on the behemoth
that gobbled up Rudy. The nine-pointed star appeared beneath its feet and it
phased through the ground.
Jutar vutenho limanewa!
The behemoth fell from the top star screeching. Vines from underground
wrapped around its legs and body, and Diana forced open its mouth. She put
her hand inside its mouth and grabbed Rudy. Once he was out, the behemoth
was engulfed in purple and white flames that burnt until there was nothing
She looked at him. His right leg was gone and hed already tired himself out.
Mother? Is that you?
Yes Rudy. Its me.
Imsorry to have to leave you He coughed. like this, but youll be
happy to know thatAlex and Rebeca made it out okay and are now
traveling through theunderground tunnels.
I am glad about that, but now its time to save you.
Theresnothing you can do for me now. I guess its just my time now.
No. Not yet.
Do you still have that vial I gave you?
He coughed up blood.

YesI do.
He put his hand in his pocket and took out the vial. Mother quickly took it
and opened it.
What are you doing?
Im making you drink this. Itll make you feel better.
She bent the liquid out of the vial.
Now, open wide.
Diana poured the blood in the vile into his mouth. Rudy swallowed it and
closed his eyes. She utilized her wings and took Rago out of the palace using
the back way. In the catacombs, Alex hid himself away from the behemoths
down there, but Rebeca began to cry again.
Please Rebeca, He whispered you have to be quiet.
She wailed. And soon after, Alex heard a shriek.
Ive got to find us a way out of here.
The behemoths increased their speeds and began pushing each other out of
the way. Alex didnt know what to do, but he had to find a way out of the
tunnels before they caught up to him.
Lets go this way.
He made a left turn. The behemoths turned right, but then he made right
turn. They crisscrossed through each other, but never met at the same
position. Finally, Alex made on final turn and located a door. He tried to open
it, but it was locked for some reason. So, he tried to knock it down.
Why wont this door budge?!
The behemoths could hear him yelling and converged on his position.
Why? Why?!
He could hear their footfalls.

Why is this happening?

The behemoths had finally found him, but he still couldnt get the door open.
No. He said softly. No, no, no!
They hissed and bellowed, and then they charged.
No. He whispered. This cant be happening.
He dropped to his knees and cried.
Is this the end for us all?
They got closer and closer to him. They jumped, but the door had opened
and someone pulled him out.
The behemoths had tried to get through, but they just wouldnt fit. But they
just wouldnt give up either. They continued to try and make it through.
Whore you? A soldier asked
What have you found soldier? Rago asked
Its a boy with a baby. It seems the behemoths chased him here.
Throw him back. He said
Very well, Milord.
The soldier grabbed him by his clothes and dragged him back. Rebeca began
to cry once more.
Pleasedont send me back down there with them.
His voice cracked and the soldier released him. Alex began groveling at his
feet while still holding Rebeca.

I know. He said
Zakuto dropped down from the sky. His impact shook the ground and caused
Alex to fall. Rago walked towards him and whispered in his ear. Zakuto
smiled; revealing his sharp teeth. He walked over to Alex slowly, and Alex
backed away. In a puff of smoke, Zakuto appeared in front of him. Alex
looked into his eyes and saw nothing but darkness. He could hear screams
and cries in his head and started shaking.
What do you have to offer me, boy?
Can you tell me where your leader Diana is?
Who is this guy? He asked. Why is he asking for Mother?
Zakuto waited for an answer, but Alex didnt know what to do. So all they did
was lock eyes with one another.
I dont know what to say. I dont know where Mother is, but even if I did, I
wouldnt tell scum like him. But I have to think about Rebecas safety first
before her birthday becomes her death day.
Well, if youre not going to give me an answer, then I have no choice but toWait!
He paused.
What is it now?
Ido know where Mother is.
Yes. He said. Shes my Mother.
Zakuto smiled again and licked his lips.
But, you saidTell me where she is, boy, unless you want that newborn to die on her
birthday! He said in a deep unearthly voice

ShesshesA flash of light blinded Alex before he could finish and out of nowhere,
Zakuto and Rago were blasted away.
Rago recovered.
Rudy appeared behind Rago and struck him in the neck, cmaking him sleep.
The rest of the men stood there, shell-shocked. Diana appeared and
surrounded the soldiers in a force bubble.
Alex, are you alright? Rudy asked
Yeah. Thanks.
Dont thank me. Thank Mother.
Alex looked up. Diana floated down to him and gave him a hug.
Im sorry I took so long.
Thats okay. Im fine now.
Were you scared?
He dried his eyes.
She laughed.
Im proud of you for protecting your sister. But now, Im afraid, youll have
to keep protecting her for me.
What do you mean?
I mean, you and Rudy are going to have to leave for a little while.

What? Why?
Even as smart as you are, you wont understand the answer right now.
I know.
He grabbed Alex and Rebeca and dashed off. Rudy utilized the energy
beneath his feet and used it to make high and far jumps.
Go Rudy. Im counting on you to protect them both.
Stop them! Rago exclaimed
Zakuto destroyed the force bubble. Diana stood there, ready for to fight. He
Dont let them escape! He exclaimed
I know youre probably doubting yourself Rudy. But, we both know youre the
only logical choice to oversee their care besides myself.
Zakuto fired an energy beam into the sky. Like a firework, it exploded, and
the small ships and behemoths made their ways to it without delay. Rago
tried to run after them, but he was blasted away and subdued by vines.
Alex. I know you can find a way to use what youve learned from the
knowledge crystals to aide your brother and sister. At least, that is if you
dont bore them to death with that information.
Fine then. Well just have to take you down first. Zakuto said. Surround
her and dont leave her any openings.
Diana took to the skies and the ground troops shot at her. The cruisers
surrounded her and didnt let her gain any momentum. They used their
heavier cannons to attempt to shoot her down, but none of their attacks
seemed to make contact.
Ive been waiting to settle the score with you, Diana!
Well then, come and get it!

Zakuto flapped his wings and collided with Diana in the air. The impact
crippled the surrounding ships.
And last but certainly not leastRebeca.
Diana disappeared and left Zakuto confused for a brief moment. She tried to
attack from behind, but her attack simply went through him. They both
seemed equally matched at first, but then Zakuto had finally managed to get
ahead and knock her down.
Was that all, Diana?!
Sir, master Rago has disappeared.
Not disappeared. Hes going after those kids.
Diana opened her eyes and jumped back into action. The ships and troops
fired at her again, so she put up a small barrier. Right after she put it up, it
began to crack due to her lack of energy.
Finish her!
The ships increased their firepower and broke Dianas barrier. At the palace,
Rudy placed Alex in a chair and Rebeca on his lap. They were both asleep,
but Alex started to wake up.
You alright Alex.
Yes, I think so.
He took a look around, but nothing seemed familiar.
And what about Rebeca?
He looked at his lap.
Shes fine too. Just sleeping.
Good. Now, go in the back andRago jumped down onto the window, surprising both of them.

Its him.
Time for a little payback. Rago said
Sorry, but were leaving now. And theres no room for you in here.
If you think Im going to just let you leave, then youve got another thing
Rago ranted, but Rudy just fastened his seatbelt. The room lit up like a
pinball machine and heard the sound of engines.
Wait. Is this-?
Thats exactly what this is Alex. Now, hang on!
Rudy pulled the steering wheel and the engines pulsated; blowing Rago off
the window. The firing engines made a sonic boom and blew him back some
What? Zakuto asked
He saw the ship leaving.
No! He said angrily
Rago appeared behind him.
I am sorry, Father.
He clenched his fists.
You should be. Youre lucky we already have Diana, otherwise
Zakuto stomped his foot and released a tremendous amount of energy.
I understand, Father. Please excuse my slip-up.
Rago couldnt even raise his head to his father. His failure would not be
forgotten so easily, or put aside.
Rise, Rago.
He stood up.
Since youve rarely let me down before, I will forgive you this time.

Thank youBut do not take my forgiveness for granted. Unlike your brothers, youre
loyal and always follow my orders. Which is why I put so much faith in you.
I understand.
Good. I leave it up to you to make the preparations for Phase 2 of our plan.
It will take time to complete, so you must be focused.
As you wish.
Should you prove unable to complete this task, then
I am well aware of the consequences. I will not let you down.
Good. Now, go!
Zakutos voice echoed. Fire surrounded Rago, and then he vanished to begin
making preparations. Rudy flew Alex and Rebeca out of the planets
gravitational pull and accelerated their speed to get as far away from Minotia
as possible.
Yes, Alex. What is it?
Our home is all but lost. What do we do now?
I dont know yet. Im taking you and Rebeca out of the system, and
together, well find a planet to live on until further notice.
But what about Mother? Will we ever return home?
Yes. I promise you that we will return when the once the time is right. But,
for now, you will do what I say and not question it. When youre older and
well trained, you and I will begin making plans to reconquer our home,
Alex began tearing up.
Okay. He said softly
Rebeca wailed.
Someones cranky. Said Rudy

Well wouldnt you be?

I dont have time to be cranky. Ive got two kids to watch over now.
Alex stood up to take her into the back.
Oh, and Alex?
Im sorry, you know, for not believing your story. If Id taken the necessary
precautions, IDont worry about it. Its alright.
Dont mention it, bro.
They smiled. Alex took Rebeca into the back room to tend to her needs. Rudy
pulled a lever and the ship was sent into hyperspace. Back on Minotia,
Zakuto had an unconscious Diana suspended on the throne room walls while
he sat on her throne. With his eyes, he fired lasers that made a hole in the
front wall. He smiled as he saw death and destruction across the terrain. The
people of Minotia had all been chained and sent into the lower dungeons.
Can you see it Diana?
There was no response.
All of this chaos. Doesnt it just make you feel alive?
A young man walked in.
Talking to yourself now? He asked
Who gave you permission to come in here, Uzuki?
Forgive me, but I have what you asked for, Father.
Show it to me.
Uzuki tossed a white sphere into the air, and Zakuto opened his mouth and
swallowed it without hesitation. For the moment, there was only silence.

Do you feel any different?
No, not reallyZakutos immense energy exploded. Uzuki was pushed back against the wall
and couldnt move.
Incredible! Zakuto exclaimed
His shadow expanded, and a dark shade emerged from his body. The planets
crust began to crack, and every part of it started to quake.
With this much power, I could do anything. He said in an unearthly voice
The shade covered his entire body; created a reflection. Zakuto stared at
Uzuki and smiled.
Father, you have to stop! He shouted. The planet cant take this much
power output!
Silence! You think you can order me around?!
He stretched out his arm and the shade formed a sphere of black energy.
What the-?!
Zakutos muscles relaxed and he put his arm down. The sphere vanished,
and the shade went back into his body through his mouth. Before he could
fall to his knees, Uzuki caught him.
Father, are you alright?
I think so. That much energy is harder to control than my usual output.
I saw. You werent you anymore. You must be careful, or this new power will
consume you.

I know. Control over this will take some time. For now, Ill rest here.
He levitated over to the throne and sat down.
FatherJust go, now! He said eerily
Uzuki jumped out through the hole and hoped onto a transport. When he was
clear, a white pupil emerged in Zakutos eyes without him knowing. Behind
the throne, the shade poured out from his body and began wrapping around
him like a net. Uzuki entered a cruiser and commanded a small fleet of ships
to follow him.
Is everyone onboard?
Yes, Milord.
And where exactly are we going?
Uzuki smiled.
Were going to find the offspring of The Great Mother.
Rebeca, I know youll never be able to comprehend what happened on this
day, but I know youll be strong when the time is right. I apologize now for
my absence in the future, but I know youll be even more powerful than
myself and retake our home. Stay hopeful and listen to your brothers. Maybe
Ill see youone day.
The ships left the atmosphere and entered hyperspace.
With Minotia now in Zakutos clutches, his ships have started to capture
more and more planets in the system. The minotian community has all but
collapsed and now the people starve and hurt as Zakuto and his men punish
them without reason. As Zakutos forces increase in both size and power,
even the High Council of the Multiverse has started to intervene by sending
ship by ship into the system space, only to be obliterated. On the distant
planet of Anheil, Rudy, Alex and Rebeca have lived out their lives.

Rebeca! Alex shouted. Rebeca!

Alex walked through a forest he assumed Rebeca was hiding in. The moon
was full, and the wind howled. He called out her name countless times, but
she didnt respond. Behind him he held a metallic cube of some sort and
trotted slowly.
Leaves fell from the trees; circling around Alex.
Alright already Rebeca. Enough with your little presentation.
A young female with long luscious red hair appeared behind him.
You knew it was me?
Duh. I can sense you, remember?
She smiled.
I guess I forgot.
He sighed.
RebecaDont call me that. Its Beca.
Why do you insist on giving yourself this nickname? Our Mother named you
Rebeca for a reason.
But just because she gave it to me, doesnt mean I have to stand by it
forever. Im my own person, you know.
Yes, butNot buts! Its time for my daily training.
She clenched her fists and fire was conjured around them.
Uh-oh. He said

She attempted to punch him, but Alex jumped up before she could strike. He
jumped from treetop to treetop to create some distance between them, but
she caught up to him in a matter of seconds.
Rebeca, this isnt the time forShe swung her leg around, but he dodged and her attack only made contact
with the tree and totaled it. Alex landed on the ground and placed both
hands on the surface. When pressing on it, a lava flow shot up at any target
of his choosing. She too landed on the surface and dashed toward him with
another powerful punch coming. Once again, he evaded her attack and it
made contact with the ground this time, causing it to explode and send
fragments flying outward.
Nice try Rebeca, but I got a head start on my training. You cant win.
You think so?
She sliced a trees trunk using only her hand and caused it to fall.
What theAlex jumped and rolled in front of her. After successfully making it inside her
defensive perimeter, he kicked her, and the sheer power of his kick sent her
flying through multiple trees.
She tried to get back up.
How was that? He asked. Sorry if I hurt you.
No, that was pretty good. I guess Im not stronger than you yet, am I?
Not yet, but you will be soon enough. You just have to keep practicing. But
overall, you did really well.

Alex got down on one knee and placed his hand on her forehead. A green
energy flowed through his body and into hers, and once it made its way to
every part of her, it began healing her wounds.
Sometimes you just have toAs Alex continued to speak, another Rebeca jumped out of the bushes and
tried to hit Alex, but he knew she was there. He turned around and shot a
beam from his mouth; obliterating her.
You almost had me, but you forget that I have superb hearing.
Damn it!
She crossed her arms.
Hey, what did I tell you about saying that?!
Bad language should not leave a young ladys mouth.
But you and Rudy get you say it, and other bad words too. So why cant I?
You know exactly why. Rudy is 33 years old, and Im 24. You Rebeca, just
turned 15 today. Were adults, and as long as youre still under the age of 20
and under our jurisdiction, you will not be allowed to say or do anything we
do without our permission, understand.
She sat with her legs crossed.
Fine. You guys are no fun. All of my friends get to say them.
Well we dont have control of what your friends say or do, so stop trying to
use them as an excuse.
She huffed and puffed.
Wheres Rudy when you need him? Hed take my side.
And thats exactly why both of us need to agree before you can be allowed
to do anything.
Whatever. Can we just go home now?
Not yet.

He held out his hand and showed her the metallic cube.
Happy birthday, little sister.
She smiled at him.
What is it? She asked
Well obviously its a cube, but what is it exactly?
His green energy flowed through it and it changed from a cube into a star.
He smiled.
He hit her on the head.
You dummy. Its a special metal I found a long time ago. I enhanced it so
that it could change shape once it reacted with our energies. I thought itd be
a good present for you so you could learn control.
Oh, well thanks.
Thats all I get, aShe hugged him tight, and he was just shocked.
Thanks Alex. I love it.
Well uhyoure welcome, I guess.
Shall we head home now?
Um, yeah.
They walked down the path Alex came from. Back at their little pub, Rudy
made preparations for the celebration.
This is perfect. He said. Shes going to be so happy when she comes

Rudy had decorated the entire house with streamers, balloons and lights,
with the help of Rebecas friends.
Hey Rudy, thats the last of them. A boy said
Alright Taio. You can come down now.
Alrighty then.
Taio jumped down.
For a 14 year old boy, youre pretty strong.
Thanks. Ive been working out.
He flexed his muscles and kissed his biceps.
Please. Rudy said mockingly. These are muscles.
Rudy took off his shirt and flexed all of his upper-body muscles. He easily
outclassed Taio, he grew jealous.
Whatever. Theyre not that big.
Rudy cracked his knuckles.
Then how aboutHere they come! A young girl said
Before Rudy could showcase his strength, Alex and Rebeca showed up not
too far away from them.
Everybody inside! Rudy exclaimed
They all ran inside the house and turned off all of the lights. Rebeca and Alex
approached the house when they saw the lights and streamers outside.
He really went all out this year.
You mean, Rudy did this?
Alex nodded.

Well, where is he? She asked

Alex looked down.
What is it, Alex?
Im sorry Rebeca, but Rudy cant make it today.
What? She said sadly
He had to take an extra shift at work and wont be back until tomorrow.
Youre kidding.
Im really sorry.
Tears fell from her eyes, and she ran inside.
Wait, Rebeca!
She opened the door and closed it behind her. She tried to flip the switch, but
the lights wouldnt turn on.
What the-?
One of the kids connected the plugs. The lights came one and everyone
jumped out.
Surprise! They all said
Todays your birthday Beca. Rudy said. Try to be a little happier.
Im sorry. Its just that, I thought you werent gonna be here.
What?! Who told you that?
Alex opened the door and chuckled.
Alex. She said angrily
Wait just a second Rebeca, IShe punched him in the stomach.

Thats for lying to me.
Hey, Beca? Said Taio
What is it Taio?
He opened his hands and revealed a white diamond.
Oh my god. Taio, this is beautiful.
Not as beautiful as you. He whispered
Alex and Rudy laughed, making Taio blush.
Why are you two laughing?
UhNo reason. Said Alex
Its an inside joke. Rudy said. Dont worry about it.
Come on Rebeca, its time for cake. Another little girl said
Alright, alright.
You can sit next to me, Rebeca.
Thanks Taio.
She sat down and everyone else took their seats as well. Alex passed out the
cake while went outside.
Wheres Rudy going? Taio asked
Uhhe just needed to check something outside.
Rebeca stared at him.

Dont worry about it. Theres nothing to worry about.

Unfortunately, Alex was wrong. Space cruisers came out of hyperspace and
approached Anheil.
How long has it been since we started this search? Uzuki asked
I dont know sir.
You should keep up soldier. Its been fifteen years since we left Minotia and
began our mission. I hear Minotias been renamed in name of my Father,
planet Zakuto.
A good name for it, Milord.
Yes. But now lets focus on the matter at hand. What planet is this?
They checked their database.
Im sorry sir, but there isnt much information on this planet.
All we could recover was its name.
Which is? He asked
Hm, Anheil. An interesting name.
Yes, well weve already conducted a planetary scan and have found multiple
traces of life.
Good. Now its my turn.
Uzuki closed his eyes and breathed slowly.
He opened them quickly.
Theyre here. Open fire!
By your command. All ships, attack!

The cruisers scattered and fired simultaneously. Missiles and laser fire were
headed straight for Anheil. Back at the house, Alex cleaned while everyone
said their goodbyes and left.
Hey, Taio?
What is it?
Thanks again for the incredible gift.
Dont mention it. You deserve it.
It reminds me of my necklace.
She pulled it out of her shirt.
Your mother gave you that, right?
Yes. Though I wish I couldve actually seen what shed looked like.
Im sure youll meet her someday. Your brothers say shes still alive.
Yeah, but I know they just say that to ease my pain. They already know
what she looks like, but they wont ever help me paint a picture.
That sucks.
So, did you make a birthday wish yet?
Actually, I did.
Im not going to tell you?
What? Why?
Because, if I tell you, then it might not come true.
Thats bologna. No one believes in that crap. Just tell me.
She smiled.
Fine. I wished to see my mom again.

See, now was that so hard?

I guess not.
Well, see yaA missile crashed into the ground behind their house and blew Taio and
Rebeca away. Alex opened the door and ran to them.
Rebeca, Taio!
Rudy ran back to the house as quickly as possible.
I hope Im not too late! He said worryingly
Rebeca opened her eyes.
Im here.
She sat up.
Wheres Taio?!
Im right here. Dont worry.
Phew. What was that anyway?
It was a missile.
Missile? Taio asked
Yes. And there are more where that one came from.
Many more missiles made contact with the surface and exploded.
Take cover, now!
They jumped to the side. A missile was headed straight for them, but it was
closing too fast to evade.
Rebeca, get behind me! Taio said

The missile exploded, but only after colliding with a green shield. Taio opened
his eyes and couldnt believe what he was seeing. Beside him he saw Alexs
hand, and when he looked at him, his eyes were completely green.
WhaDont worry. Said Rebeca
Everythings alright.
Rudy jumped down in front of them.
Are you all alright?
Yes. Rebeca said. Thanks to Alex.
It was nothing. But Rudy, whats going on?
I dont know for sure, but I think weve been found out.
Found out? Rebeca asked
Yes. Which means its time for us to leave. He said
Indeed it is. Alex said. Lets go, Rebeca.
ButTheres not time for questions right now. Rudy said. Alex.
I know.
Alex grabbed Rebeca and started running. Rudy went back inside the house
to grab a few things and followed them. Taio had no idea what was going on,
so he followed them as well. Outside of Anheils gravitational pull, the
enemys ships clashed with Anheils forces. It looked like a full-scale war.
Milord, the enemys forces are advancing! Said one of the soldiers
Good. Uzuki said. Let them come to us. Well obliterate them when they
think were vulnerable.

As you wish.
Anheils smaller ships circled around Uzukis command ship while, but none
of their attacks seemed to penetrate its shield.
Now, activate the heavy cannons! Uzuki exclaimed
By your command.
The soldiers pressed the buttons connected to the heavy cannons on the
ship and placed their hands on the scanners in front of them. The heavy
cannons were deployed and demolished the small ships around the flagship.
More of them equipped with shields that could withstand the destructive
Master Uzuki, their ships appear to be holding out now.
Intriguing. But I guess if they could die that easily, this would be too
What should we do now?
Send out the drones to march on the planet.
Yes, Milord.
Uzuki smiled at the carnage in front of him. Just like his father, it brought him
happiness. The drones he ordered deployed were sent out and quickly jetted
into the atmosphere, where another small war took place. They attacked
from above and took out the enemy forces blocking their troops. And while
they had flight capabilities, they also had a ground mode where they
reequipped themselves with ground weapons.
What are those things? A man asked
Who cares? Destroy them!
They fired at the drones, but their bullets couldnt even scratch them.
What the-?!
The drones dashed towards them and crushed them; smashing them into the
ground, and plugging them full of holes.
Everyone, fall back!

The robots whirred and surged electricity, and then they attacked the
populist once again. Alex led Rebeca to their spaceship, but when they
arrived at its location, it was nowhere to be found.
Where are we? Rebeca asked
Uh, I dont know. Our ride is supposed to be here, but I dont see it
She removed her hand from his grip.
Then this gives us time to talk. First off: Whats going on?
RebecaMore drones crashed down around them. Alex pulled Rebeca behind him and
projected his shield.
Just stay behind me.
I can fight too if you letNo! Youre going to do what I say, damn it!
Rebeca silenced herself. The drones got up and began scanning and
calculating both of them and sending information back to the flagship.
Milord, the drones have engaged two high energy readings on the planets
Its them.
Im sending their location to the rest of our forces. They will not escape.
I should hope not.
The other drones and soldiers received the information sent to them and
converged on that single location without delay. Rudy saw the other drones
heading for their location and picked up the pace. They surrounded Alex and
punched his shield, shattering it in a matter of seconds.
Impossible. He said

He pushed Rebeca out of the way and fought with all of them at once.
Rebeca couldnt believe what she was seeing; her brother, fighting and
destroying his opponents.
This is unbelievable. I cant believe I thought I was close to his level.
Taio watched Alex fight from behind a rock and was in awe.
Alex jumped and shot energy beams at them all, piercing their armor. Rebeca
looked behind her in the sky and saw more of them coming. Alex
concentrated green lightning in the center of his body and let it explode all
around him, releasing an enormous electromagnetic wave at them. The
green energy surged inside of them and made their entire central system
fail. They fell to the ground and couldnt move.
Alex dropped to his knees.
Alex! Rebeca exclaimed
She ran to him and got down on her knees as well.
Are you alright? She asked
Yeah. I just used a lot of energy in that last attack.
That was incredible. Ive never seen you fight like that.
And you shouldnt have had to. They werent supposed to be here yet. I
thought we had more time.
Huh? What are you talking about-?
The drones started getting back up.
What the-?
Like zombies they got up as if nothing happened.
Theyre getting up? He asked
But I thought your attack was supposed to immobilize them.

It was. But somehow, they countered it and started back up.

Back on the flagship, Uzuki used his own energy to augment the drones
strength. Alex tried to get back up and fight, but instead dropped back down.
Ugh. My energy hasnt returned yet. You go!
Im not leaving you here by yourself.
Just go already. If they can withstand my attack, than yours are sure to
become useless here as well.
She took her hands off of him and tried to run away, but more arrived and
sealed her escape routes. She tried to run back, but they grabbed her.
Let go of me!
Rebeca, no-!
A red light appeared behind a rock. Taio jumped out and stood tall.
Get out of here before you get hurt! Alex exclaimed
He stretched out his arm and shouted. The red energy inside of him exploded
and he released in all at once in hopes of saving Rebeca. The drones around
her were sent flying while she remained. Rudy saw the red flash and
unleashed his own energy. He jumped and finally made it to the battle scene.
Whats going on?
He looked around and saw that they were not yet in the ship.
Alex, what are you doing? Why arent you in the ship?
I couldnt find it.

Rudy punched the ground and the shock revealed the spaceship.
It was cloaked so prying eyes couldnt see it. We discussed this a while back
for safety precautions.
Well how do you expect me to remember that?! Youre the only one that
goes out here. I was lucky to know its location.
Rudy sighed.
Just get in.
Alex ran inside to start it up.
Rebeca, lets go!
Rudy stood on top of the ship and waited for her. Rebeca stopped and walked
over to Taio.
Youre really leaving? He asked
Yes. I dont know why, but I have to.
Take me with you!
TaioPlease, I know I can be of help to you!
You know you cant come with us. You have to stay with your family.
But, I love you!
A shocked expression appeared of her face, and then she smiled. He cried his
eyes out and could barely look up. And then he felt a soft peck, like a kiss,
and then he opened them all the way.
Youve been a great friend Taio, but now I must leave. Ill treasure the gift
you bestowed upon me until I die, and I wont ever forget you.

He looked down. A cruiser hovered above them, casting a shadow as big as a

skyscraper. They all looked up and then saw a yellow light emanating
pulsating from its core. The light increased in size and brightness, as if it
were charging up.
Rebeca! Rudy shouted
She looked at him and Taio pushed her towards the ship. Rudy grabbed her
and took her inside the ship. Alex took off without delay and Taio waved as
they left. Rebeca waved back, but her happiness soon faded when the yellow
light struck down and vaporized Taio in the blink of an eye.
No. She whispered
She watched as his body disintegrated and turned into nothing but air.
The blast radius covered one-hundred kilometers and obliterated all life over
the area. Rebeca cried heavily and couldnt believe whatd happened.
Im sorry Rebeca. Alex said. But theres nothing we can do about it.
No. She said in an unearthly voice
Her body began emitting red energy, and then she shocked Alex. In a flash,
she vanished.
What the-?!
What happened?!
Rebeca disappeared!
Shes not here!
Rudy looked down through the window.
Shes outside! He exclaimed
Alex opened the side door and looked outside. Rebeca conjured an enormous
amount of red energy even larger than Alexs.

What the hell?

Thats impossible. Alex said. She shouldnt even have this much energy.
How is she outputting so much then? Rudy asked
I dont know. Rebeca!
He shouted her name, but she could not hear him. The drones were drawn to
her energy and surrounded her without delay. She shouted and they were
instantly destroyed by fire after being forced back by an energy wave. The
cruiser tried to fire at the energy ball, but they only added to its own energy.
Rebeca threw it at them and released enough energy to shake the planet.
I know!
Alex created another shield to protect them from its harsh energy waves,
though it was stronger than they anticipated. The shield began to crack, but
Alex did everything he could to maintain it. After the aftershocks ceased,
Rebeca lost consciousness and fell out of the sky.
Im on it!
Rudy maneuvered the ship towards her location.
Alex, grab her!
Alex blasted energy at her, but as a sort of shield he could pull in. After
safely rescuing her, Rudy hit the turbo thrusters; making a hasty retreat. The
drones identified their ship and reported it back to command. Every able
drone pursued it and attempted to stop them from leaving.
I know!
The drones fired at them, but Rudy managed to evade every one of their
attacks. They exited the atmosphere and saw the enormous space battle still
going on.

Is that?
It has to be Zakuto. Said Rudy. Theyve come to either capture us or
eliminate us.
What do we do?
What do you think? We leave this system and move unto the next one.
Rudy charged the ships hyper drive.
What is it?
It seems a ship is preparing to make a jump through hyperspace.
Which one?
That one there, 7 clicks west.
Uzuki looked and saw as the drones were pursuing the ship theyd reported
back on.
Thats them. Dont let them escape.
Yes, sire.
The cruisers turned and headed straight for Rudy and them. The drones were
gaining and had finally hit them with one of their attacks.
Well, dont just stand there, chime in anytime!
What am I supposed to do?
Fire back at them with your own energy.
And how-?
You see that chair back there?
Alex looked back and saw what Rudy spoke of.

Sit in it and put your hands on the rods sticking out.
Now, pour your energy into it and lit the bastards up!
Can do.
Alex released his energy into the rods, and a gun appeared that shot it out at
the drones.
Amazing! When did you make this?
This is no time for questions! Just keep firing.
Alex released more energy than before and the gun rapidly fired at the
drones, destroying them one by one.
MilordIncrease speed!
The cruisers increased their speeds and tried to ram into the ship. Rudy
watched as they got closer.
This is gonna be a close one! He exclaimed
The cruisers fired at them and tried to cut them off, but Rudy maneuvered
around them and activated the hyper drive. Their shipped jumped through
hyperspace and left the system, making Uzuki angrier than ever. He
clenched his fists tight and growled.
His body become like shadow and phased through the ships side glass. In
his hands he generated an immense mass of black energy that was even
strong enough to bend light.
Hehehe. Die!

He threw the mass at the planet and watched it crumble and implode.
He re-entered his ship.
Calculate their trajectory and follow them, immediately.
Yes, Milord.
They projected the direction and velocity Rudys ship jumped from and
calculated their trajectory before making the jump through hyperspace.
Multiple distances showed up on the hologram monitor, but with the help
carefully thought mathematics and physics, they were able to find the most
reliable route Rudy took and made the jump without delay.
In hyperspace
Alright, I think weve gone far enough. Rudy said
He pulled a lever and stopped the ship.
Rudy, what are you doing? Alex asked
Im stopping us right here.
ButThey cant possibly know exactly where weve gone. We can let them pass
us and continue to the next system.
Are you sure your plan will work?
Yes. Just trust me.
He turned off the power and let the ship drift.
How is she? He asked
I dont know. Shes still breathing, but her own healing energy is
unresponsive, so Ive administered first aid myself.

Nothing. He said worryingly

What do you mean?
I mean, her body wont except my energy and keeps shocking me. Its like
the energy shed used in that last attack of hers is shielding her from anyone
and anything.
Thats not good.
I know.
Well just have to combine our energies to wake her up.
Give me your hand.
They locked hands.
Now, concentrate
They closed their eyes and let their energy flow to every corner of their
bodies. Simultaneously, Rebecas crimson energy did the same, engulfing
her in a red cocoon.
Now take a deep breath
Alex breathed in.
And exhale
They exhaled and the energy inside them leaked out. They opened their eyes
merged their two separate energies into one, making a lighter blue energy.
Whoa. Alex said
I didnt even believe this would work. But it seems we have results.
So, what do we do now?
Now, we attack.
Together, they morphed their energy into a sphere and blasted it at Rebecas
body, although, her crimson energy morphed into a wall; shielding her and
diverting the blast.

What the hell?! Rudy exclaimed

How could her single energy block our combined powers? Alex asked
I dont know, but now its time to pull out all of the stops.
Rudy closed his eyes and squeezed out even more of his blue energy, but
instead of adding it into the mix, he used it separately to pull the red energy
Alex, a little help.
Uh, right.
Alex did the same and used his energy to separately pull Rebecas energy
towards himself. Together, they made progress in ripping open the shield.
Weve almost got it.
But not yet. Shoot our energy into it, now!
Once again, they tried to shoot their energy into her body, but then another
black energy emerged from her chest and blasted an equally powerful
neutralizing blast. Both energies collided and resulted in a powerful energy
wave that blew them both back.
What the hellwas that? Alex asked out of breath
I dont know. But its taking over her body.
How do we stop it?
Im not sure.
Should we try a combined attack again?
No. You saw what it did to it and us. Weve just got toWell what do you want me to-?
The black energy fused with the red and took on a striped humanoid form
that crawled out of Rebecas body. It laughed at them and began floating

towards them. Alex put up another shield, but it just phased right through it.
It wrapped itself around Alex and squeezed him tight.
Rudy jumped into action and tried to punch it, but his attack only phased
through like the shield. But, his quick action cause it to release Alex.
Huff huff
So it can be hit physically. Rudy said
Apparently. But only when its physically touching something. Otherwise, it
just phases through.
At least we know how to stop it now. Alright Alex, you take that side while IThe energy projection started to dissipate. Rebeca twitched and turned,
causing it to lose its shape. She opened her eyes and it was suddenly sucked
back into her body. Rudy and Alex stood there with confused expressions.
Rebeca yawned as if nothing had happened.
She looked over at Rudy and Alex and noticed how worn out they looked. And
then she took a look around the ship and noticed the scratches.
Alex, what the hell happened? Whispered Rudy
How am I supposed to know?
Well, youre the observer, arent you?
Ugh. If I had to guessit seems Rebecas been keeping that power inside of
her for these past fifteen years.
I couldve told you that.
Also, it seems that power fully bloomed when she saw Taio die. Meaning that
it only awakens when she feels depressed or angry.

Go on.
That power latches onto her own and takes control of her in her vulnerable
state and can even leak out and take on the form we saw when shes
Which means wed better be careful when shes sleeping.
Exactly. But alsoHey, what are you guys whispering about over there? Rebeca asked
Oh, nothing. Rudy replied
Do you feel better? Alex asked
Yes, but a little strange too.
Strange? Rudy asked
Yeah. Like a lot more powerful than before.
Really? Alex asked
Yeah. Its so weird.
Indeed. He said looking at Rudy
It seems shes already forgotten about Taios death, hasnt she? Rudy
asked in Alexs ear
Yeah. She doesnt seem to be feeling any kind of recoil from that dark
energy either. I think it might be feeding on her energy.
Youre kidding.
Im not.
So what happens when theres no energy left? He asked
Alex stared at Rebeca with a worried expression.
Its possible that, shell die, and the power growing inside of her will
consume her body.
Rudy clenched her fists.

We have to tell her whats going on.

No! He exclaimed quietly
If you end up telling her and she freaks out, it could take control again, or
worse, feed on her even faster.
So its a lose-lose situation?
Looks that way. We dont have any other options except for one
Weve got to take her to Mother.
Shes the only one who can take whatevers inside of out and you know it.
Yes butI know. Wed have to go back to Minotia and locate her in enemy territory.
Yes, and what of Zakuto? Who knows how powerful hes become in the last
fifteen years? He could be even more powerful than Mother by now.
Youre absolutely right, but this is the only way to save Rebeca. And we
were going to try and save Mother eventually.
Rudy sighed.
I guess weve got no other choice.
What do you mean no other choice, Rudy?
What is it?
Were going back home. Alex said
Home? You mean Anheil?

No. I mean our real home.

Minotia? Why? She asked
To save our mother. Rudy responded
Our mother? You mean your mother, right? Ive never seen the women.
But we already know you can feel her; sense her presence somewhere in
the multiverse.
Whats your point?
Our point is that you are connected to her, even more than us, and the fact
that you still wear that amulet is proof of your curiosityand your love for
her. Alex said
Rebeca turned away and looked outside the window.
What, Rudy?
You cant just run away from this. Eventually, youll have to face Mother.
And whether its when shes still living or dead is up to you. But, just so you
know, the guilt of not seeing her when she was alive will tear you apart for
She looked down. Alex put his hands on her shoulders.
Rebeca, weA beeping occurred.
Whats that? Rudy asked
He and Alex ran to the controls. Rebeca saw multiple lights appear in the
Uh, guys?
What is it? Asked Alex

She looked at them and pointed. Cruisers emerged from the lights and
accelerated towards them.
That cant be
Oh-no. Alex said
Rebeca, fasten your seatbelt! Alex, you know what to do!
Right! She said
On it! Alex exclaimed
Rudy activated the thrusters and increased their speed. The cruisers
deployed their drones and attacked. Alex sat in his chair and fired at them
with everything he had. Although, he was still feeling drained from his
encounter with Rebeca; Rudy too.
Shit. Rudy whispered
What is it Rudy?
Nothing, Rebeca.
Rudy looked at an exhausted Alex.
I cant believe this. Alex and I are too tired from fighting Rebeca to keep on
going like this. We wont be able to keep up this pace for long.
Alex continued to shoot the drones down, but his fatigue began making it
difficult for him to keep up with them all.
Alex, thats enough! Rebeca, take over for him!
What?! They said
Rudy, you know sheShut up and sit down somewhere! Beca, press the button under your seat.
Alex sat down in his seat. Rebeca pressed the button as instructed and her
seat equipped her with a spacesuit and took her into space. An armed turret
emerged from the ships exterior. Rebeca instantly took control of it and shot
the gaining drones down.

Nicely done, Rebeca!

Alex, are you okay now?
Ive been better. For now, Ill meditate until I regain my strength. If
something happens, shout my name.
Sure thing.
Rudy accelerated the ship, but the drones stayed on their tails. Rebeca
started feeling the fatigue after a while of shooting, but couldnt just give up.
More drones were deployed and gained on them. Alex continued to meditate
while everything was going on.
Stop them! Uzuki exclaimed
Yes, Milord.
The cruisers increased speed. Rudy led the drones into an asteroid field and
ended up losing most of them.
But the cruisers, on the other hand, blasted straight through. Any asteroids
not obliterated were simply pushed to the side.
MilordStay on course. Dont let them out of your sights.
As you wish.
Rudy maneuvered around the asteroids and tried to escape, but the cruisers
Fire! Uzuki exclaimed
The cruisers shot at them and managed to damage the left side of their ship.
Rudy lost control of it and they started spinning out of control.
I know! Just hold on to something!

Rebeca gripped the turret handles and continued to shoot at the enemy.
Rudy tried to get the controls back online, but nothing was working. With all
the meditating he was doing, Alex had accidentally fallen asleep. In his
slumber, his energy leaked out and covered the entire exterior of the ship.
Turning the ship green, it morphed into a sort of aegis and blocked any and
all of the incoming attacks.
What?! Uzuki shouted
Alex is really doing this. Rudy said
This energy, Rebeca said. its coming from Alex.
Rudy pulled and connected some wires together and got the ship stabilized
again. The drones surrounded them and attacked the shield. And, feeling the
shocks, Alex twitched and responded to them. The barrier morphed instantly
sprouted spikes that punctured through their armors.
That was close. Rebeca said
Nicely done, bro.
Rudy turned around to thank him, but he was still in his meditative state.
How can he sleep through all this?
The cruisers were right on top of them.
Rudy, do something!
I cant. The thrusters are recharging. Sure picked one hell of a time to go
The ships speed continued to decrease until itd just start to drift. The
cruisers overlapped them and continued to shoot at them with heavy fire,
though Alexs shield continued to protect their ship.
Ugh, why is this taking so long?! Uzuki asked
Forgive me my Lord. There is a green barrier around them that is making it
difficult for our guns to penetrate.
Uzuki looked through the window and saw the barrier for himself. He hissed
and flicked his tongue.

Send out the super drones to weaken the shield.

But, Milord, theyre not ready yet.
Uzuki turned.
Then get them ready. And check your fire so as to not destroy our own.
Yes, master.
Uzuki turned into black smoke and phased through the ceiling. The super
drones were just like the regular ones, but were just augmented in strength
and firepower. They were heavier and covered in shiny metallic plating that
looked exactly like mirrors.
Deploy the super drones.
Yes, Captain.
The drones were released, although, there were only ten of them. A smaller
fighting force than before.
What is that? Rebeca asked
She saw ten lights heading for their ship and went back inside.
Rebeca? What are you doing here? Youre supposed to beThat doesnt matter right now. Besides, Alexs shield is covering us. What
matters is that there are ten bogeys coming straight at us.
Rudy displayed the image on-screen. The super drones increased their speed
and circled around the barrier.
They look like drones. Rebeca said
But theyre not the same ones.
Activate their reflection panels. The Captain said
Activating reflection panels. A solder said

The super drones exteriors began to reflect the light around them. Their
bodies vanished and there was no trace of them.
What the hell?!
They began attacking the shield.
Whered they go? Rebeca asked
Well obviously theyre still here, but invisible. Almost like a spatial
The drones used all of their heavy artillery to weaken the shield as much as
they could. Five of them punched the shield to create multiple shockwaves.
Though Alex consciousness became confused by all the vibrations, his
subconscious knew it had to react and attacked blindly. Spikes and energy
blasts shot out like cannons, but couldnt hit the invisible targets without a
trace. The cruiser ceased fire since the drones were all over the place, and
instead sent out the normal models to aid the supers. Rudy stared at Alex
who still wouldnt wake up. The barrier began to crack as his mental strength
weakened as well.
He wont last much longer.
Here come some more. Rebeca said
Then its time to leave. Said Rudy
But, the ship isnt done recharging.
Then Ill just have to help out.
Rudy put his hands on the wheel.
I hope this works. He said
He closed his eyes and clenched the wheel. His energy surged through the
wheel and spread throughout the entire ship.
Dont worry about it. Go back to your post and get ready to fire.

ButI said dont worry about it!

Rebeca jumped in her seat and went back outside.
What the hell is that?!
Captain! Theyre ship is starting back up.
Wheres is his Majesty?
On the roof of the flagship, Uzuki sat with his legs crossed; floating.
Kome intei jantalem
A mass of rainbow energy gathered above his head.
The rainbow turned pitch black like his eyes and started to pulsate.
What is that thing? Asked Rebeca
Rudy engaged the thrusters and got them out of there as fast as he could.
The cruisers followed without delay, and the drones continued to attack the
Rudy, get us out of here!
What do you think Im trying to do?!
Get us killed with your terrible flying!
Rudy turned the wheel and spun the ship. Suddenly, Alexs barrier shattered,
and they had no more protection.
WhaWhat the-?!
All cruisers, open fire!
Their cannons locked onto the ship and laser fire rained down on them.
Finally. Its my turn now. Rebeca said

She activated her turret and fired at the surrounding drones.

Rudy, give em something to chase!
Im on it! Hang on!
Rudy turned and spun the ship again. The drones tried to keep up, but they
became confused by all the movement and ended up crashing into each
other. The super drones, on the other hand, had no problem with it. Four of
them landed on the ship; surrounding Rebeca.
She spun her chair around and shot at them, but the bullets were just sent
right back at her. She covered her face with her arms and let her guard
down. They destroyed the turret and kicked her out of the chair.
A platform bolted out of the ship. Rebeca grabbed onto it.
Are you alright?
Yeah. Thanks.
Take care of our guests up there.
Im trying to.
She watched as they walked onto the platform.
This isnt gonna be easy.
She stared at their feet and saw that they were magnetized.
Maybe if I
She jumped up and stored energy in her feet. As they glowed red, they also
stuck to the platform as if they were magnetized. The drones looked at each
other, and then they deployed some missiles from their backs.

She ran on the platform and slid across the ship. Simultaneously, the drones
launched their missiles at her; missing her completely and destroying a few
of their super counterparts. They made whirring noises and Rebeca thought
it was the perfect chance to counterattack.
She outstretched her arm and channeled her energy. As it stored, it came out
as a sword and continued to expand. One of the super drones charged, and it
was cut down easily.
The others charged as well, and though they put up a god fight, they were no
match for her pure energy sword.
Wellthat takes care of that. She said
She jumped back inside and went to tell Rudy what she saw.
Im serious. I saw a man on top of one of those cruiser, and he was
channeling energy into a sphere like it was nothing.
Then that meansSay goodbye! Uzuki exclaimed
Uzuki condensed the sphere and made it smaller. He then threw it at their
ship punched it to give it extra speed.
I know.
The ship accelerated, but the sphere had already gotten a head start and
pulverized their rear.
Ahh, Rudy!
Their ship spun out of control, and clumps of debris and shrapnel flew out
like bolts of lightning. Rudy quickly put on his space suit and tried to get the

ship back on track. Rebeca unbuckled Alex and put his suit on him as well.
Pressing buttons and pulling levers, Rudy managed to straighten the ship out
and attempted to steer.
Rudy, what do we do?!
I dont know!
This way. A voice said to Rudy
On your right.
Rudy looked to the right and saw a large planet encircled by moons.
Alright. Here we go!
Rudy turned the ship and steered straight into the moon belt. With half of
their ship already burned away, they were cutting it a little close, but, thanks
to Rudys excellent flight training, he managed to make it to the center
planet. The drones tried to follow, but a force field generated by the moons
activated and obliterated them on contact.
Impossible! Uzuki exclaimed
Milord, what should we do?
Circle around the moon belt and fire everything! I want that barrier
destroyed and that planet obliterated!
As you wish.
The cruisers accelerated and circled in opposite directions around the barrier.
They deployed everything they had for extra impact and even Uzuki jumped
into action again. Inside the planets atmosphere, Rudy, Rebeca and Alex lied
unconscious on a grass field.
Rudy opened his eyes first and tried to sit up.
Owwmy back.

Rebeca opened her eyes next.

Ohwhat happened? She asked
We jumped out of the ship, remember?
Oh, yeah.
A huge smoke trail floated into the sky. Their entire ship was engulfed in
flames, and the fire began to spread through the grass.
Oh my god! Rudy shouted
Rudy put his hand on the ground.
Is that
He heard a swishing sound.
It is!
He jumped and punched the ground near the fire. Making a hole, water
gushed out into the air. Rudy put his foot on it and directed it towards the
Whoa. Said Rebeca
Rebeca, dont just stand there!
Contain this fire, now!
Im on it!
Rebeca jumped into the flames and spun around. The flames were raised into
the air and circled around her, but then, she felt a large vibration in her
She suddenly dropped to the ground and the fire dispersed back onto the

Rudy stepped off of the water and went to her aid. Alex still lied unconscious,
but his body suddenly twitched at the shout of his sisters name.
Dont worry Rebeca, Im coming!
Rudy jumped into the epicenter of this fire show and grabbed Rebeca, but
the flames enlarged themselves and halted their escape.
Damn it! He said
Alexs body twitched again. Their ship exploded, resulting in a dark cloud of
haze which took away their sight. Rebecas body became heavy, and the
haze in Rudys system made it difficult for him to keep going. His breathing
suddenly increased and his legs became numb.
Oh-nomy legs.
Alex opened his eyes and rolled over. Though he couldnt actually see them,
he could sense Rudy and Rebeca inside the smoke cloud. He outstretched his
arm to them and made a fist. A green light appeared beneath their feet;
circling around them and creating a barrier. Alex pulled his hand back and
the barrier reacted to his movement, thereby pulling Rudy and Rebeca out as
well. After safely getting them out, he made another barrier around the
flames and stopped them from going any further. He clenched his other hand
and the barrier began getting smaller and smaller until finally, there was
nothing left. He stood up and dusted himself off, and then he released Rudy
from the bubble.
Hey, Rudy.
Are you alright?
Id ask you the same thing?
Im fine.
He tried to stand up, but the feeling in his legs hadnt returned yet.
Idiot, you dont have to force yourself. I can-

No! I can take care of myself.

What do you have against taking my help? I thought we were a team.
We are, but Im the one whos supposed to be helping you. Ive failed you
both as a leader.
No, you havent. Besides, theres still so much to do.
Rudy sighed.
Give me your hand. Said Alex
Rudy gave him his hand, and Alex pressed his thumb against his palm. A
green light appeared where he pressed, and a light ran through his entire
body. The light outlined Rudys entire cardiovascular system and then
reconnected at Rudys throat. Feeling something coming up, he opened his
mouth wide and let it out. The haze hed breathed in had finally been
released back into the air and dissipated instantly. Feeling drained, he
started breathing hard again.
Are you alright now?
Yeah. I think so.
Can you stand?
He moved his legs and stood back up.
Yeah. Thanks.
Dont mention it, bro.
They smiled, and then Rudy punched him on the shoulder.
So, do we just keep her inside there? Rudy asked
They stared at Rebeca, who lied peacefully within the bubble.
For now. We cant risk her using anymore of her sentient energy.

I shouldve known this would happen. I justI wanted to stop the fire andI know. But now weve got to try and help her before her condition
I think I can help you with that. A heavenly voice said
UmmRudyI heard it. Im just surprised you did too.
Where did it come from?
I dont know. But its the voice that led me here.
Do not be frightened. I am not here to harm you.
Then show yourself. Alex said
As you wish. Turn around.
They both turned and there was a fully cloaked female behind them. Her
body was pure white with yellow tattoos all over, and she had a light blue
halo above her head as well.
Whoa. Alex said
Sorry, sorry.
Greetings, Rudy and Alex. My name is Celeste.
How did you-?
My people were telepaths. We could all read the minds of others.
Yes. They perished years ago when I was still a child.
Im sorry. Alex said
It is fine. Theres nothing I can do for them now, except to live.

How long have you-?

Over a thousand years. My people live a long time.
But thatsCome. She said. I will treat your friend.
Shes not just a friend. Said Alex. Shes our sister.
Plant life grew around her foot with every step, and then it withered when
she raised it.
Incredible. Rudy said
Celeste walked into a nearby cave in a volcano. Rudy and Alex followed her
inside and brought Rebeca along. Once inside, they entered a room with
strange markings all along the ground.
What is this place? Asked Alex
This is my sacred sanctuary. It was used to cleanse ones dark energy.
Yes. Place her in the center.
Alex moved the bubbled to the center and released Rebeca.
Now, stand back.
They stood back. Celeste sat next to Rebeca with her legs crossed and
mumbled something. The strange markings both on her body and on the
ground lit up, creating a light trail. Rebecas body lifted up, and the strange
woman began to chant.
Una laku tama san
A white light appeared between them and then morphed into a straight line,
connecting the two bodies.
Gewa quorte nama su.
Their bodies glistened a bright yellow.
Teintei coma, tanabi bowi maganta!

The yellow light around Rebeca turned black, and Celeste moved her arms in
a backward motion and her energy started tugging on Rebecas.
Whoa. Said Rudy
Amazing. Alex said. Shes actually pulling the dark energy out.
As Alex and Rudy stood there in awe, the dark energy was being ripped out
in clumps. But then
Celeste opened her eyes. The dark energy ceased its movement and started
reverting back into Rebecas body. She tried again, but it severed the
connection and blew her back.
Celeste! Shouted Rudy
Rebecas entire body turned pitch black and without her doing, she shot
black spikes at her brothers. Alex pushed Rudy behind him and put up a
barrier, but it didnt hold. Rebeca jumped and made a fist. Alex tried to stop
her attack, but she was moving too fast and suddenly appeared right in front
of him. She attempted to punch, but Rudy pushed her arm and she punched
nothing but air. But the sheer power and impact made a hole in the side of
the volcano. The ground shook, and the lava level began to rise. Rudy
punched Rebeca away, but she recovered quickly.
Rebeca! We are not your enemies!
She just stared. And then she came in for another attack. Rudy charged at
her and they clashed head-on.
Rudy, dont hurt her!
I know that!
Alex ran over to a downed Celeste and woke her back up.
What is it?

He looked up, and so did she. She witnessed as Rudy and Rebeca clashed
with each other ferociously. She stood up and removed her cloak. Majestic
silver wings emerged out of nowhere, and she flew up into the air. Rudy and
Rebeca ran along the walls and jumped towards one another for the final
clash, but Celeste came between them and stretched her arms out.
She blew them both back against the walls. She dropped Rudy down, and
then she got close to Rebeca and pressed against her forehead with her
middle and index fingers, and then she pressed against her chest with her
hand. The black energy sucked was instantly sucked back into its host and
Rebeca wound up unconscious.
Thats better. Celeste said
She dropped down with Rebeca, and her impact mellowed the volcano. Alex
grabbed Rebeca.
What did you do? He asked
I pushed the dark energy back inside her body. You could say I neutralized
it. But if she overuses her powers again, then it might surface again.
But I thought you were supposed to cleanse her.
I tried, but that power is just too strong now. Its too attached to her to
remove the only way I know how.
ButIm sorry, but theres nothing more I can do for her.
Alex looked at his sister with sad eyes. Uzuki made another dense ball of
energy and threw it at the barrier surrounding the planet. In seconds, it
shattered and Celeste sensed it.
What is it? Rudy asked
Theyve broken through my shield.
The cruisers moved in. Uzuki jumped into the atmosphere without delay.

You must leave this place, now!

We cant! Rudy exclaimed
Our ship was destroyed, remember? Asked Alex
She outstretched her right arm and made a newer, more advanced ship
How did-?
This isnt the time for talking! Go, now!
Alex took Rebeca inside and strapped her in. And then he started up the
ship. Rudy ran, and then he stopped.
Thank you. He said
There isnt time forI have to say this. You took a big risk helping us.
He grabbed her hand and kissed it.
Rudy, lets go!
I hope we can meet again someday.
Celeste was speechless. Rudy ran inside of the ship and they immediately
took flight. Celeste smiled, but then Uzuki came hurdling down and landed
on the surface.
Its him! Alex exclaimed
Rudy activated the thrusters and got them out of there. Uzuki stood up and
smiled. He raised his hands and attempted to shoot them down, but Celeste
pointed her middle and index finger at their ship and transported them
outside of the planets gravitational pull.

She smiled at Uzuki, and he bolted towards her.

Another cloak appeared around her, and then she disappeared in a flash of
No. He whispered
The ground around him cracked.
He jumped back into the sky and flew out of the atmosphere. Although, the
ship had already gone into hyperspace before he could stop them. Surging
with anger, he zapped the planet and caused it to explode, decimating some
of his own ships in the process. Chunks of the ruined planet collided with the
surrounding moons and crushed most of them.
Lets go.
As you wish.
The cruisers turned away from the destroyed planet. Though most of the
ships were destroyed when its larger pieces hit their ship. Uzuki phased
through the flagships walls and they went set a course for planet Zakuto and
went into hyperspace.
On former-Minotia, Zakuto continued to reign over the planet with an iron
fist. The people wounded up as slaves and had their wrist and legs chained
together. Diana remained suspended to the throne room wall. In the sacred
garden behind the palace, the minotians had just a bout finished making a
ship larger than their flagships; a mother ship.
Milord, the slaves working on the mother ship have almost finished.
Then itll be ready on time?
Im not sure.
What do you mean?

Theyve begun to get tired and are now moving slower than their usual
Then make them work harder and faster. This project must be finished on
Yes, master Zakuto.
The soldiers whipped the fatigued minotians and got them working again.
Work you lazy dogs! Your masters command it!
You dont get to be tired!
Ahhh! A minotian woman shouted
Please, stop this! A minotian man said
What did you just say?
Please! We havent had any food or water in so long andOne of the soldier stabbed him.
Ah! He shouted
Die, you filth.
No. Youcant do this to us. He said raspy
The soldier took the knife out and pushed him down. They released two
behemoths and they fought over the dead body. The other slaves became
enraged and tried to avenge his death, but Zakuto snapped his fingers and
their chains electrocuted them. They screamed in agony.
Silence! He said
They quieted down.
You are my slaves! And you will do as you are told!
They clenched their fists.
Or, would you rather I punish your precious children.

He snapped his fingers and a group of them appeared in a puff of smoke.

They sat; bound in chains.
No. A woman whispered
The children!
Zakuto snapped his fingers again and this time, the children were
electrocuted. As they screamed in pain, Zakuto smiled. The slaves all
unclenched their fists and went back to work.
Thats more like it.
Zakuto ceased the electricity and returned the children from whence they
came. Diana cried for her people. They were hurting, and she couldnt do
anything about it.
Cheer up Diana. You should be happy.
Whywould I be happyabout any of this?
Cause this is what you created.
What are you talking about?
When you tried to have me killed in the past for my ideals, I felt betrayed.
Betrayed by the one person I could call my friend. That feeling inside of me,
made me who I am today, and its all thanks to you.
He levitated and caressed her face.
Youre still as beautiful as I remember you to be.
Get your filthy hands off of me!
Zakuto didnt like her reaction, and slapped her.
Rago walked in.
He stopped.

Rago. What are you doing here?

Im here to report that all of the necessary preparations for the next phase
of your plan have been made.
Excellent. Show me.
Yes, Father.
Rago raised his hand and shot an energy blast into the sky. The control
station, which was stationed on the outskirts of the area, saw the flare and
powered up.
Beginning planetary movement. Report!
Activating planetary thrusters.
Shields and protective layers have activated as well.
Implementing the graviton matrix.
Magnetizing the surrounding moons.
All other systems are a go.
Then lets get this underway.
Engines sprouted out of the planets side. The moons spun around the
planet, and the asteroids along with them.
Whats going on? Diana asked
Zakuto smiled.
What did you do? She angrily asked
Fifteen years ago, I instructed my son Rago here to turn this planet into a
You heard me. This planet is now a starship of monstrous proportions. It is
my vessel.
And where do you intend to take my planet?

Im surprised you even need to ask.

You cant be serious.
Indeed I am.
A ship came out of hyperspace, and the scanners picked it up right away.
Soldiers came in.
Milord, a ship has just come out of hyperspace!
Its not one of ours.
Destroy it! Rago exclaimed. Now!
Yes, Milord.
They deployed the cruisers and drones to destroy the ship.
Thats a lot of ships. Alex said
I guess they really cant take any chances.
Rudy pushed a button.
Well, lets give them something to chase.
Rudy turned the ship and spun around. The cruisers tried to shoot them, but
they couldnt get a shot in. The drones pursued, but Alex put up a shield to
protect them.
Have the targets been destroyed? Zakuto asked
Not yet, Milord. There seems to be a green shield protecting them.
A green shield? Rago asked
Yes, Milord.
Rago looked at his Father, who then looked straight at Diana.
So, its them. He said
No. She said softly

As you wish, Father.
The room quaked. Dianas winged sprouted and she tried to set herself free.
Impossible! Rago exclaimed
Calm down, Rago. She cannot escape.
She grabbed her chains and tried to pull them out of the wall, but it was no
use. Her wings reverted, and she was suspended once again. Rago ran
outside with the soldiers to take care of the problem. Zakuto had a big smile,
and added a couple more chains to subdue Diana.
Tell me where they are! Rago exclaimed
Yes, Milord.
One of the troopers showed him the holographic map showing the ships
exact location.
Ah. He said
Rudy maneuvered the incoming ships and drones. Alex divided his barrier
into fragments and used them to block heavier attacks coming
Alex, how are you holding up?!
Just fine. Dont worry about me. You just get us through.
Ill try.
He spun the ship around. Alexs eyes turned completely green, and he
reconnected the fragments to get them past the larger cruisers.
Just keep going.
He motioned his arms forward. Rudy accelerated the ship, and Alex added
more energy into the front portion of the shield. The cruisers heavily fired at
their ship, but nothing could penetrate the barrier. With ease, they passed

through the enemys defenses. But then an energy beam came out of
nowhere and shattered the barrier.
What the hell! Exclaimed Rudy
The shields gone!
Were exposed.
Back on the surface, Rago stood there smiling.
Well, cant you just generate another one?!
Itll take some time.
The drones surrounded them.
Were out of time. Rudy said
Rebeca had finally woken up.
Rebeca. Said Alex
Shes awake? Asked Rudy
Whatsgoing on?
Theres no time to explain right now! Rudy exclaimed. You two have got to
get out of here!
You heard me Alex. Take Rebeca and go!
But we cantDo as I say! He shouted
Alex clenched his fists. He grabbed Rebeca and got into one of the escape
Alex, what are you doing?!

Goodbye, Rebeca.
Tell Motherthat I love her.
He got closer to the planet and spun the ship. At the precise moment, he
pulled the lever on his right and released the pod into the atmosphere.
Quickly entering into the atmosphere, the pod caught on fire, and then it
crashed into a lake. Alexs eyes turned green again, and the pod door blew
off. He levitated them out of the water and onto the ground.
Ugh, Im soaking wet. Said Rebeca
Sorry. There was no way to tell exactly where wedNever mind that! How could you just leave Rudy there?!
It wasnt my choice to! He said toI dont care. Weve gotta go back for him, now!
We cant! Itd take too long to find a transport, and at the moment, were in
enemy territory.
So what? Weve got to do something!
Calm down Rebeca. Im sure Rudy knows what hes doing.
The ship was on fire. Rudy had lost control over the steering and had no
protection. The cruisers blocked his escape and fired at the ship.
I guess this is the end.
No yet, Rudy.
A bright white light emerged in front of his eyes. The drones launched their
missiles at the ship and obliterated it in seconds. Back on the surface, Alex,
Rebeca and their Mother suddenly felt a heavy pain in their hearts.

Ah! They screamed

What was that? Rebeca asked
I dont know. But I can only guess that it had something to do with either
Mother, or Rudy.
Alex closed his eyes. He combed the area and confirmed that their Mother
was indeed still alive.
Mothers presence is still here. Faint, but still projecting.
Which means
Rudy. Diana sadly whispered
It seems you felt something. Zakuto said. Which means they must all be
Rago appeared as a hologram projection.
What is it?
It is confirmed that the enemy ship has been destroyed.
Good. Then get our armada ready and prepare to jump.
Yes, sir.
The hologram dissipated.
You see that Diana. Theres no one that can stand in my way now. Not even
your children, whod been given fifteen years, could stop me.
Youll never get away with this! The Council will stop you, and this time
youll be put away for good.
I sincerely doubt it. This generations become rather lazy.
Zakuto sat on the throne and brought up the holo-maps and video feeds.

All systems are a go, Milord. Said an engineer

The mother ship has been completed as well. A soldier said
Excellent. Well done.
The armada is also ready, Father. And Uzuki has just emerged from
I want you both here at my side. We leave now.
By your command. They said
The transmissions ended. The holo-maps showed the structure of the mother
ship and the planet as well.
Hmm, it seems Im actually impressed by the work of your people. They
have served me well.
Ive been called worse. But for me, thats nothing more than a compliment.
His shadow stretched onto the wall and wrapped around Diana.
Dont touch me!
You should be honored that I even desire you. You will be mine, once this is
all over.
Hmph, well seeMy Lord! A soldier shouted
What is it?!
Intruders coming from the west forest!
Thats impossible!

Rago entered the rom.

Ive just heard about the intruders.
Uzuki appeared out of nowhere.
Hello. He said
Theres no time for greetings. You and Rago will see to the destruction of
the intruders coming from the west.
Yes Father.
As you wish.
Uzuki bolted through the west side of the room and jumped straight. Rago
followed without delay. The soldiers in the west forest screamed, and
multiple explosions occurred. More troops came and they released the
behemoths, but they were all dealt with. Alex ran out and blasted the nearby
troops away. He levitated and unleashed a piercing sonic wave that blew
them all away.
Who is this guy?
His identity doesnt matter, kill him!
They shot at him, but a green barrier shielded him.
That shield is going to be a problem.
Bring out the cannons!
The soldiers rolled the heavy cannons out and launched their missiles,
although, their efforts seemed meaningless. Even their heavy missiles
couldnt touch him.
He obliterated their cannons.
There! Rago exclaimed
They saw the green flash.

Alex shot his energy blasts at the soldiers; disintegrating them. The
behemoths quickly jumped in close and tried to subdue him with their webs,
but his barrier made it difficult. Rago blasted the shield and shattered it. Alex
stopped his rampage and turned. Rago and Uzuki dropped down.
We meet again. Said Uzuki
This time, you wont escape. Rago said
Alex fired, but Rago canceled his beam out with his own. Uzuki jumped and
punched him back into the forest. Rago levitated and tracked their
movements inside. They clashed fiercely, decimating the terrain, but neither
one would wind down. Alex sent Uzuki flying, and Rago dropped down again
to stop him. They each fired an energy beam, but their attacks were of equal
Die! Uzuki exclaimed
He tried to punch Alex while he was distracted, but he levitated away. He and
Rago clashed in the air without delay. Uzuki stood there, watching them.
He shouted, and a third eye appeared on his forehead. He shrieked, and then
he jumped into the air and slammed Alex onto the ground.
Nicely done, brother.
He jumped again and tried to crush him, but Alex jumped out of the way and
took to the skies. They pursued him without delay.
Have the intruders been captured yet?
No, Milord. He is still at large.
He? There was only one.

Yes. It appears to be the one that generated the green shield in space. We
are currently received updates on his abilities and skills.
So, it appears one of your sons managed to stay alive and elude our
defenses until now.
Diana stayed silent, and then she looked up. Rebeca stood up on a support
beam and waited for the right moment to strike. Zakuto got out of his chair
and watched as Alex continued to attack his forces. Even from afar, he could
still see everything clearly.
Rebeca dropped down and kicked Zakuto out through the hole. The soldiers
shot at her, but she cartwheeled away to evade them. Zakuto swiftly jumped
back up, but both Rebeca and Diana were gone, making him extremely
Find them. Find them now!
Yes, sir.
The soldiers scattered. Ships were deployed and the behemoths were
released as well to pick up on their scents.
Ugh. Where do we go now? Rebeca asked
There. Diana said
She stepped on a crystalized flower and a secret door opened. The door
revealed a stairwell, which they decided to use. On its own, the door sealed
It seems were safefor now. Diana said
Im sorry, but Ive got to go saveYour brother, right?
Thats right, Rebeca. I already know who you are.

I sure hope so. I didnt spend all that time giving birth to you for nothing.
Rebeca smiled, and then tears began to fall from her eyes. Diana hugged
her, and then she gave her a kiss on the forehead.
Im sorry about what happened to Rudy. She said
You know about that?
Of course. He was my son too, after all.
Im sorry I couldnt save him.
Thats alright.
Im sure he wouldve wanted things to go this way. Did you know he wasnt
always your brother?
Hes wasnt?
No. I found him long ago. It wasI think thats a story for another time, Mother.
Alex walked forward.
Alex, my son. Youre okay.
So are you. I missed you.
Oh, not as much as I missed you.
She hugged them both.
Mother, Rudy isI already know.
Then please, forgive me.

It is all behind us now. But, now we have to get off of this planet behind
they jump.
Jump? Alex asked. With the entire planet?
Indeed. Zakuto isnt one to mess around. Hes going to end the Council.
What? He cant be serious.
He can and he is.
The Council? Asked Rebeca
Yes. Diana continued. The Council is a group of personnel that each have
no more loyalties to their own planets or sectors. They strive to keep the
multi-verse in balance. And anyone who disturbs that balance is to be dealt
with, without any mercy.
I see.
Weve got to stop him before he can take them out.
We can warn them if we get off-world fast enough. But Zakuto and his sons
are still looking for us.
Oh, Ive got his sons preoccupied.
Back on the surface, Rago and Uzuki continued to pursue Alex, but it was
nothing more than a clone made from his energy.
How did you manage to pull that off? Rebeca asked
Back when the younger son punched me back into the forest. It was a pretty
good hit, actually. When I knew he hadnt gone in after me yet, I decided to
trade places with my clone and let him lead them on a wild goose chase.
You always were the little planner.
Thanks, mom.
He smiled.

So the only one left is Zakuto. Said Rebeca

And he wont be as easy to fool as his sons.
Ill have to distract him while you two secure us a ship.
But, MotherNot buts. Im the only one who can fight on par with him.
Yes, however, in your conditionShe repaired her damaged cloak and stretched out her wings. Without
hesitation, she took to the skies and blasted the palace. Zakuto was blown
away as well, but recovered. He looked at the sky and saw a figure in front of
the sun.
Your reign of terror, has come to an end as of today.
Are you really so certain?
I am.
You cant truly believe that your full power hasA scepter appeared in her hands. She generated purple lightning and shot it
at him, making him fly. Before he could get far, he straightened himself out
and his movement ceased.
Hm, impressive.
Wait. She said with a smirk
Her eyes turned completely purple, and her staff glowed. She another, more
powerful blast that sent him flying again.
Whoa. Rebeca said in awe. Shes amazing.
Thats our Mother for ya. Lets go.
They jumped out and ran to go find a ship, but then the planet suddenly

The entire planets shaking.

Is that even possible?
Diana looked down. The engines on the planet activated, and it started to
You see Diana? My plan is about to come to fruition.
She gritted her teeth.
Theres nothing you can do now.
Well see about that!
She fired another bolt at him, but he slapped it away. She rapidly shot more,
but his body turned into a shadow and evaded them. He got behind her and
threw her down by her hair.
She got back up and jumped. Alex and Rebeca had finally found a ship and
dealt with the soldiers surrounding it.
Well, that takes care of that.
Now, lets get her startedAn energy blast destroyed it.
What the-?!
They looked up and saw Rago floating there. Uzuki jumped up from
underground and behind him, behemoths emerged from inside.
You really had us going there. Rago said. That clone of yours put on quite
the show.
Thank you. Bu flattery will get you nowhere with me.
Hm? Well then, let just go straight to your demises then.

Rago shot another energy blast. Alex put his hand out and blocked it. Uzuki
and Rebeca clashed, and Rebeca dealt with the behemoth forces easily.
So what are you, the arachnid king?
You could say that. He said
She jumped off of his shoulder and back-flipped away. Uzukis cheeks puffed
up and he spewed the corrosive spit the modified behemoths had acquired.
Rebeca had spotted another ship nearby and cartwheeled towards it. Rago
overpowered Alex, but Rebeca still had some juice in her. She stopped and
used Uzukis back as a spring to get her in close. She dropkicked Rago to the
ground where he landed on Uzuki and crashed down.
He stood up.
Im alright.
Then follow me.
They ran towards the ship. Rago tried to get up faster, but that attack had
done some damage. Uzuki pushed him off and hissed, but Rebeca and Alex
were already heading out. They flew towards Zakuto and Diana, who still
continued their skirmish. The sun had finally gone down, and Dianas light
could easily be seen now, though for Zakuto, darkness was his true home.
There! Rebeca shouted
She pointed at the purple light. Zakuto saw the ship and pointed at it. Below
them, the soldiers stood there not understanding what to do. But their
shadows, however, followed his command and shot out of the ground. They
flew towards the ship and tried to destroy it.
Go, my children!
What the hell are those? Alex asked
Now youre starting to sound like Rudy. Turn!
Alex turned the wheel. Rebeca opened the top hatch.
What are you doing?

Im trying to help.
She jumped out and onto the roof. The shadows gained on their ship and
surrounded Rebeca. She made a hand sign and closed her eyes. And when
she opened, they were crimson, and she shot multiple energy bolts at them,
sending them back.
More of them came, and they were easily blown away. Alex circled the ship
around their Mother and Zakuto.
Hah! They shouted
Diana blasted her purple lightning bolt, while Zakuto blasted a black one.
Both were of equal power.
Rebeca, call Mother!
She cartwheeled forward and kicked the shadows while still blasting them.
She turned towards Diana and called her.
She turned towards them, and Zakuto saw the perfect moment to strike. He
shifted forward and pierced her heart.
Ah. She said softly
No! Shouted Alex
Hehehe. Now you fall, as all who oppose me must.
Zakuto smiled and released Diana.
I know!
As she fell to the ground, Alex turned the ship. Rebeca stood ready to catch
her, but the shadows tried to get to her first. Dark clouds appeared in the
night sky, and thunder roared. Zakuto raised his arms, and blue lightning

shot down into his palms. As the clouds covered every portion of the sky, the
light from the moon was blocked out. And, with no light, eternal darkness
was born. The shadows of every soldier on-world came out and attacked
their hosts, slaying them where they stand.
Now begins a new age. Zakuto said in an unearthly voice. An age where
only darkness is born.
Rebeca grabbed Diana and jumped back into the ship. The shadows crept up
onto the engines of the ship and scratched them with their claws.
Punch it, Alex!
With pleasure!
Alex activated the thrusters and blew the creeping shadows away with the
light of the engine pulse. He headed straight for the dark clouds, and they
followed. They grew enormous and bellowed and shrieked.
I know.
They got closer.
I know.
They were at their sides and smiled.
He pressed two buttons on the steering and shot all of their missiles. They
made a hole big enough for them to pass through and managed to evade the
shadows, who couldnt pass since the light from the moon shinned. Although,
Zakuto made short work of it in seconds. He shot an enormous black
lightning bolt straight through it, causing it to shatter and explode.
Oh my god. Alex said
The cruisers shot at them, and the drones were deployed. They received
heavy fire, but Alex put up his barrier to protect them in the front.
Alexget us out of here, now!

The shadows escaped the atmosphere and quickly spotted them.

Hold onto something!
He pressed the button to make the jump before the shadows could get to
them. They turned around made their way back to the planet. Rago and
Uzuki made their way back to the ruined palace where they waited for their
father. Though everything else was destroyed, the throne still remained.
Zakuto floated down and began transforming. Large black demon wings
emerged from his back, and he grew two extra eyes. His neck morphed and
was recreated with a frill. His body grew taller, and his hands and feet had
grown claws and talons. A large; spiked tail had also sprouted, along with two
ox horns on his head. He sat on the throne which reacted to his new body
and grew to his liking. Rows of flames appeared in every direction, and the
shadows surrounded the area.
Make the jump. He said
The planet turned and a large portal opened. The remaining three moons
turned pitch black and withered away. Planet Zakuto made the jump into
hyperspace, along with the rest of their armada.
While Zakuto and his troops had gone into hyperspace, Alex, Rebeca and a
critically injured Diana had just come out.
What happened? Rebeca asked. Where are we?
I dont know. Responded Alex. I punched in the coordinates at the last
Idiot! They couldve followed us here-!
No, they wont. Zakuto has more pressing matters to attend to. We wont be
able to distract him with what little strength we have. And now, we cant
even reach the Council before he does. Mother needs our assistance right
Shes cold. Rebeca said

Alex jumped out of his seat and sat beside her. He put his head on her chest
and tried to listen to her heartbeat, but he could barely hear.
No. He whispered
What is it?
Shes dying. Her heartbeat is faint, and itll only get weaker.
A black ooze began to creep over her body.
What theWhats happening to her?
Zakuto mustve poisoned her. Dont touch her.
ButJust take control of the wheel.
She began to sob.
Take control of the ship and punch in these coordinates for me! Can you do
that for me?
She wiped her face and nodded. And then she sat in his chair.
Put in the coordinates, 227-8-9, 00X.
She put in the coordinates as instructed.
Now push the button on your right.
Which one?
Shed seen many of them, and of many different assortments.
The larger; center green button.
She pressed it.

Now, turn the ship.

She turned and they went into hyperspace. Alex generated small barriers on
his hands and touched the black ooze. When he made contact, it destroyed
the barriers and grabbed him.
What the-!
Rebeca jumped out of the chair and ran to him. The ooze began pulling Alex
in and wouldnt let go.
Stay back! He said
ButI said stay back! Dont you dare touch it!
She backed away from it, and then she clenched her fists.
No. She said. Im going to help.
No, Rebeca!
Her hand turned red, and she placed it on the ooze. In an instant, it began to
melt and released Alex.
Are you alright?
Yes. Thanks.
No problem. But where did that thing come from?
It reminds me of
He glanced at Rebeca.
What, Alex?
Uh, never mind. I was wrong.
So, what do we do?

Those coordinates you put into the navigator will take us straight to the
Council headquarters.
Yes. Hopefully, theyll have medics that know how to treat this infection or
whatever, and then well be able to save Mother and stop Zakuto.
Sounds like a plan to me.
Well just have to wait and see.
Wait. Wont Zakuto make it there before we do?
Maybe. Im sure his armada will end up getting there before we do, but hes
taken the entire planet into hyperspace as well. Logically, our ship should
make it there first, since our size gives us exceptional speed. But Zakuto
certainly is a crafty one, so we wont know for sure unless we actually do get
I see.
But as soon as we get there, Im going to help the Councils troops ward off
the enemy. You are to stop for nothing and go get medical assistance for
Mother, understand?
Yes, I understand.
Good. Now, get some rest because youll need all the strength you can
What about you?
Im going to monitor Mothers condition. Hopefully, letting her siphon my
energy will give her the strength to slow the virus down.
Okay. Yell if her condition changes in any way.
I will.
Rebeca went into the back room and two bunk beds on both her right and
left sides. She took the one on the left and slept on the bottom bed. Fluffing
her pillow and pulling the cover over her, shed snuggled up and closed her


Three days had passed. Diana showed no signs of getting better, and her
condition only got worse. Alex had constantly kept watch over her, but even
he needed time to sleep, so he took an hour-long nap after every five hours.
Rebeca had checked up on them both time after time to make sure
everything was okay, and then shed go back to sleep. Shed toss and turn in
her bed and would have nightmares.
Kill them all! Zakuto exclaimed
The shadows surrounded Diana and phased through her, shortening her
lifespan little by little. She turned and Alex was being torn apart by the sons,
No. She said tearing up
Uzuki snapped his head, and Rago ripped off his arms. His blood gushed out
as a wave and washed her away. Zakuto and his sons stared at her with
bloodlust, so she ran as fast as she could.
This cant be happening.
She stopped. A cliff stood in her way. She looked back and they were all
coming for her.
No. She whispered
They ran faster
Stay back.
And faster
Get away from me!
They jumped and
She woke up screaming. Alex came running in.

Rebeca, whats wrong?!

Im sorry. I justhad a nightmare.
A nightmare?
He sat down next to her on the bed.
You want to talk about it?
No. Its too sad and painful to think about.
Rebeca. Its not good to keep your feelings inside. Go on and tell me what
happened in your nightmare.
All of you. You, Mother, and everyone elsedied.
We died?
Yes. Zakuto and his minionskilled you all right before my eyes.
And you think this will happen when we encounter him again.
Yes. This is war, after all.
I see. Youre afraid this will all be for nothing, and that youll be along when
its all over.
IWell thats not going to happen, okay?
He grabbed her hands and placed them on his heart.
I promise to you Rebeca: You will notThe ships scanners suddenly began beeping.
Alex ran to the controls with Rebeca behind him.
Whats going on? She asked

Were here, but the ships picked up multiple readings around us. Were
gonna have to come out of hyperspace and fly manually.
Fasten your seatbelt.
She buckled herself in.
Here we go.
Alex pulled a lever that dropped them from hyperspace. All around them, the
Councils forces and Zakutos forces clashed with one another. The mother
ship deployed the other cruisers and scattered them across the plane. The
Councils ships are known as titans, and are primarily silver, but with and
orange and yellow lining. They also exhausted a red flame from their
There it is, Alex!
The Councils headquarters.
The command post was a space station encircled by four small; spinning
halos and one large center one which also spun. Equipped with over a
thousand soldiers on-board, and with multiple means of defenses, Zakutos
forces could not land on its surface. Alex took the ship down and flew around
all of the cruisers. Since they were in one of Zakutos armadas ships, none of
his drones and cruisers attacked them.
This is going to be a piece of cake. Alex said
Their left engine was shot and destroyed.
What the-!
You just had to say something, didnt you?
What was that?
Rebeca pulled up a holo-map.
Two ships on our tails.

Then it must be the Councils.
What do we do?
Ill just have to drop you and Mother off somewhere.
ButI really dont want to have to fight with you right this second Rebeca. So
please, just do what I say.
Alex put her and Diana into one of his barriers and made their way to the
Councils stronghold. The titans heavily shot at their wings and engines and
nearly plugged their ship full of holes; causing them to catch on fire.
Get ready, Rebeca!
He pulled a cord and a hatch opened under them, dropping them onto a
platform. Luckily, Alexs barrier softened their impact, and then it vanished.
Alex led the two titans away from Rebeca and flew around the station.
His plan is working. Now all we have to do isStop right there! A man said
Soldiers bearing the insignia of the Council surrounded Rebeca at the edge of
the platform. They quickly charged their guns and prepared to fire.
Wait, dont shoot!
Why should we listen to you?
Because Im not your enemy. My family and I are here to help the Council.
The Council has no need for your assistance. A woman said

Yes, they do. They have no idea whats coming.

They tried to process what shed told them, and all Rebeca could do was
hope for the best.
Take weapons off stun.
They re-pointed their guns at her.
Wait! Just let me see the Council or talk to them and explain.
As you can see, there is a battle going on. They dont have time to chat.
I know, butNo buts! Prepare to die!
She stood back and put Diana on her back. Her eyes turned crimson, and she
took her battle stance. Although, before any battling could take place, a
small probe floated down and stopped them.
The Council has ordered you to let this woman pass.
But shesIt is not up for debate. Escort her up to their chamber, quickly.
By their command.
He snapped his fingers, and five of his men surrounded her.
Whats going on?
Youre coming with us. Lets go.
Wait. I must get my mother some medical attention.
We will see to it that she receives proper medical care. The probe said.
But the Council wants to see you, immediately.
ButTwo women took Diana and ran in a different direction. The probe led to their
destination, and the soldiers followed with Rebeca in tow. While they headed

there, the war waged on. The titans had all but destroyed Alexs ship, so he
abandoned it and let them chase it. Landing on one of Zakutos cruisers, he
fought the troops scaling the roof and used his barriers to protect the
Councils forces simultaneously. Rebeca and the soldiers had gone into an
elevator thatd taken them to the top of the stronghold. She could see Alex,
but knew there was no way to get to him from her position. They stepped out
of the elevator after itd stopped and walked towards a large door. In the
background, you could still hear the sounds of shots being fired and
This is the Councils conference room. The probe said. Please show the
proper respect when speaking to them.
She nodded, and then the soldiers took her in. Inside, it was a very large
room with five high chairs. Rebeca stood forward, and the lights turned on.
There were five beings, all with cloths covering their faces.
Who are you? Asked the center councilmember
My name is Rebeca.
From where, did you originate? The last one of her left asked
I come from the planet: Minotia.
Minotia? I thought that planet was under the control of Zakuto. The last on
the right said
It is. Fifteen years ago, heWe already know of what you speak. The second-to-last on the right said.
We have eyes and ears all over the multi-verse.
Oh. Then I guess you already know thatZakuto is coming here? The second-to-last on the left asked. Of course we
do. Weve been waiting for him to finally make his move.
And ever since he escaped the grasps of our predecessors, weve been
preparing for his return.
Yes, but do you even know what hes been up to in the last fifteen years?
That information doesnt matter. In the past, he fled.

And were certain hell do the same thing again.

But you dont understand. HesSilence!
Who are you to inform us? Weve been around since before you were even
Yes, butEnough! It is time for you to leave here.
But you cant just cast me aside! You must listen to me!
Shane, remove her!
Yes, my masters.
He grabbed her and took her outside. His men closed the doors.
What are you doing?! Let go of me!
He released her.
Forgive me. He said. Im just following orders.
I thought the Council was reasonable. But theyre just bunch of idiots.
Miss,Where did you take my Mother?
Two of my men took her to our medical bay where shell be treated.
Take me there, now!
Im sorry miss, but youre not the one in charHer hands glowed red, and the other men took out their guns.
Hold your fire!
She looked at him, and a tear fell from her left eye.
Follow me. Ill take you.
They ran into the elevator.

But, sirProtect our leaders. Let nothing pass you.

You got it!
He nodded, and the elevator went down. Rebeca got close to the window and
tried to find Alex in all that mess, but there was too much activity.
Alex, where are you? She whispered
Is something wrong?
I cant find my brother. He was on one of the enemy cruisers, but now I
cant find him.
She looked around everywhere, and then it hit her.
You knew it was me?
Duh. I can sense you, remember?
What is it? Asked Shane
I know how to find him.
I have to sense him.
What are you talking about?
Hold on.
Rebeca closed her eyes and relaxed her muscles. Everything around her
went black, and she could now see the energy signatures of the life forms
around her. They all appeared white, except for one particular one, which
glowed green.
I found him! She exclaimed
She opened her eyes and focused her vision on her left. Alex was hoping
from cruiser to cruiser, destroying the drones and enemy ships. The elevator
stopped, and Rebeca ran to the edge of the platform.

Wait, what are you doing?

He needs my help!
But, what about your Mother?!
Shes in good hands. Alex on the other handGeneral Shane!
He picked up his communicator.
Whats the situation?
We need assistance in the medical bay!
Rebeca turned around. The ooze had expanded and covered more than a
third of Dianas body.
Its the woman we brought here!
What about her?
Theres this black substance consuming her entire body! Its made her go
Im on my way.
Okay. Just please, hurryThe connection was severed.
Trooper? Trooper, come in.
Whats going on down there?
It seems your mother is causing a ruckus. Im heading down there now.
Im coming with you.
But what aboutMy brother can handle himself right now. My mother needs my help more.
Alright then. Follow me to the medical bay.
Lead the way.

Shane to his right, and Rebeca followed. They came across stairwell going
down and used it.
How far down is it? She asked
Not that far. Just three floors actually.
Oh, really? Thats a relief.
An explosion occurred below them. The shock shook the stairwell.
That cant be good. She said
Come on, lets hurry.
They jumped down from the stairwell and landed on the third floor.
Now, which way did that explosion come from-?
They saw three dead bodies on the ground; their blood covered half of the
floor. Shane touched their skin, and it was cold.
Did my mother do this?
Thats what were about to find out.
Shots were fired.
This way! He exclaimed
They ran down the west corridor and saw smoke and flames surrounding the
medical bay. On the ground were more dead bodies. They could hear gunfire
on the other side, and then nothing but silence.
I dont believe this. Said Shane
Dont worry, Ill take care of this.
Rebeca held her hands out and absorbed the fire.
What theIm guessing youve never seen someone with my abilities before.
No I havent.
Well theres more where that-

A shadow appeared in the smoke.

Rebeca, in front of you!
The shadow blasted in into the wall.
Shane took out two pistols and bent his knees. The mysterious figure walked
out of the smokescreen and revealed itself. Rebeca picked herself up and
looked towards the figure.
Thats your mother?
The ooze had transformed her body. Her entire body was pitch black, and
was nothing more than a shadow now.
No, thats not my mother. I dont know what that thing is.
Then its time for me to end her.
Shane shot at her, but his bullets didnt make contact. They only phased
through her.
She shifted forward and tried to punch him, but he jumped back.
My bullets have no effect on her. Why?
Rebeca stared at her former-mother. Her body was like that of a shade now;
gaining strength from darkness.
Because, the only way to stop darkness is with light. She said
Then do that glowy-hand trick you did before. It might stop her.
She made them glow again, but even as a monster, she couldnt attack her
II cant.

Diana shifted again. Shane put in different ammo and shot them at her.
Lets go!
Diana tried to let the bullet phase through, but it didnt. It exploded before
making contact and created a large ball of light.
What was that? Asked Rebeca
It was a flare. It was the only light weapon I had. But she wont be able to
follow us if we make it to the surface. We still have a sun in the vicinity.
He took out his communicator.
Attention all personnelA shock shook the ground and caused him to drop his communicator.
My communicator.
Shane, wait!
He went to go back and get it, but at the end of the hall, Diana appeared.
Shane, lets go!
She bolted ahead, and Shane shot his flares, but she evaded them. He and
Rebeca ran down the hall and up the stairwell.
I dont understand.
My flares shouldve worked, or at least paralyzed her for a short time.
It seems shes learned how to counter the light.
Diana saw them running up the stairs.
Well, lets see her do that with the sun.
She jumped and her wings sprouted. Rebeca and Shane had already made it
to the surface.

General Shane!
He and Rebeca had stopped running to take a breather. Meanwhile, a couple
of the troops had gathered near the stairwell.
What are you all doing here? He asked
We received the alert earlier. Has the intruder been dealt with?
No, sheAnother explosion occurred. Rebeca jumped back while Shane rolled. Diana
emerged from the smoke, and on sight, the soldiers heavily shot at her.
Thought their normal bullets did nothing.
What theWhats going on?
That much gunfire shouldve killed her.
You wont stop her that way! Fire your flares, now!
The soldiers quickly tried to switch their ammo, but Diana wouldnt let them.
She killed all who stood in the shadow of the halos; ripping their hearts out or
piercing their bodies.
Everyone, get out of the shadow!
He and Rebeca were the first to jump out. Only a dozen soldiers could make
it out, while the rest were dragged back in.
This cant be happening. Said Shane
Diana tried to step forward, but the light from the bright sun made it difficult.
When she touched it, her skin boiled, and it caused her pain.
Okay everyone, fire your flares, now!
Rebeca stood back while they shot at her. Diana evaded the shots, and then
she hissed, revealing her razor-sharp teeth.

General, what do we do?

We stand our ground. She cant move if the sun stays where it is.
The ships and cruisers continued to fly around the fortress. Their shadows
cruising below them on the platform as they passed under the sun. Although,
none of them connected with the halos shadow.
As it so happened, we have the upper hand right now. So all we have to do
isBlack clouds appeared in the sky. Caught in the storm, the titans were
obliterated one after the other by the discharges.
Where did these clouds come from? Asked Shane
I think I know. But you dont wanna know what comes after.
The clouds passed in front of the sun and blocked out the light. Shane looked
over at Diana, whod already shifted towards them. Before she could kill
anyone, a green light blasted her off the surface.
What was that? Shane asked
Alex floated down onto the platform.
Sorry Im late. He said
Im just glad youre okay.
Wheres Mother? just blasted her off the platform.
She came up from the other direction. Her wings had grown, and as she
moved them violently, a whirlwind was created.
Whats she doing? He asked
Shes trying to blow us off the platform. Brace yourselves!

All of the soldiers were blown off, except for Shane. Rebeca held onto him
and stored some energy at her feet to stick to the ground. Alex shot another
energy blast at Diana and disrupted the whirlwind, and she growled.
She does not look well.
No, really? Rebeca said sarcastically
It seems her infection spread.
Do you know how we can cure her?
Not yet. But my next move should suffice.
She shot an energy bolt at them. Alex dodged, while managing to place
Rebeca and Shane inside one of his barriers. Running towards her, he made
twelve different hand signs. Before she could fire another bolt, multiple green
spheres appeared around her.
Now, sync!
They lit up and morphed into different shapes, trapping her in multiple
barriers layered on tip of each other. She growled again.
I didnt know you could do that. Said Rebeca
Theres a lot of things you dont know about my power.
Impressive. Shane said
Thanks. And you are?
Shane. Im the leader of the Councils armada.
Yes, andThe lightning bolts struck down and reversed themselves. More of Zakutos
ships emerged from hyperspace, while the very fabric of space ripped open
between them. Diana tried to break out of her prison, but there was no luck.
Every move she made only drained her own energy.
Whats going on? Asked Shane

Zakuto is here. Responded Rebeca

Soldiers ran onto the outside platform, and more ships were deployed to aid
the armada.
What is it soldier?
Weve detected immense spatial activity coming from that tear.
I know. Its Zakuto. Go inform the Council.
Yes sir.
He ran into the elevator with two other soldiers. It shot, and out of nowhere,
a lightning bolt struck them, destroying them and the elevator.
What the hell?!
It seems Zakutos controlling the lightning now. Alex said
Here they come. Said Rebeca
The tear expanded and out came former-minotia. Suddenly, a clear shield
was generated all around the stronghold.
A barrier? Alex, did you generate this? Asked Rebeca
Of course not. Its too clear to have come from me.
The strongholds omega-level defense system has activated itself. Said
It turns on by itself? Asked Rebeca
Yes. Based on the size of the enemy force, our A.I defense system acts
I guess the planet pretty much sets the attack force over the top, doesnt

The titans passed through the barrier along with their cruisers and engaged
the enemy forces outside. The cloud cover circled around the barrier and
created a sphere of smoke.
Go now, my children!
The shadows left the planet and engaged the enemy with the main fleet.
They phased through the ships and instantly destroyed them.
Rago, Uzuki.
Yes, Father? They asked
Shatter that barrier.
As you wish.
They jumped from the planet and bolted towards the barrier. They made a
fist and punched it, but only the clouds scattered.
That isnt your standard barrier. Shane said
Alex could see the shadows coming from afar.
That wont keep them from coming in. He said. Trust me.
Lets go. Said Rebeca
Alex flew upward telekinetically pulling the trapped Diana. Rebeca grabbed
Shane and ran up elevator shafts exterior. Rago and Uzuki stored up some
energy in their fists. The shadows phased through the barrier with ease. The
interior defense systems activated and they were blown away by flares and
lights that temporarily blinded them for short periods of time.
It looks like our defense system is holding up. Shane said
Yeah, but not for long. Said Alex
Theyd made their way up to the top. Rebeca broke the protective glass and
jumped in, and Alex floated in as well, leaving Diana outside.
General, whats going on out there? A soldier asked
Yeah. What was that tear?
Listen up, Zakuto has finally arrived.

Youre kidding.
Im not. Hes here, and so is the rest of his army. Contact all of our
personnel on away missions. I want them back here now.
Yes, general.
They rushed into a small control room and contacted their forces on the
Alex, was it?
Do you have any idea what Zakuto could want?
He wants the Council exterminated.
I see. Do you have any ideas on how to escape without being seen?
No. As far as I can see it, there is no escape. At least, not unless we can
distract Zakuto and his sons. That just might open up a large enough window
to get the Council out of here.
Really? Then Ill consult with them. Please, wait here.
He walked up to the door and the soldiers pushed it open. After entering,
they quickly closed them.
What is it?
I can sense your power shift. Whats wrong?
Be honest with yourself. Its not bad to have doubts or regrets.
I knowThen tell me whats wrong-

Rudys gone!
Yes. Hes gone, and Mothers on her way. Its only a matter of time.
You cant seriously believe that. We can stillWhat? Save her? Be reasonable. We havent been able to find a way to cure
her yet, and the only logical course of action to save her would be to
eliminate Zakuto.
Then weHow can we go up against a foe our own all-powerful mother couldnt even
Look Rebeca, I know how you feel. ButNo, you dont. You cant possibly know how I feel, because youre not me.
You always think theres hope, when you know there isnt. So you just have
to come to terms with the fact that there is no hope for Mother. Not for
Mother, and not for any of us. Were all gonna dieWould you just shut up for a second?!
He clenched his fists.
Rebeca. Its hope thats gotten us this far in life. You cant turn your back on
it because you feel youre outmatched. For our moms sake, and Rudys, I
wont allow you to.
She looked down.
Im sorry.
I know. But for now, lets just try and get through this mess.
She nodded. The doors opened, and Shane came running out.
What did they say?

They voted on the retreat plan! All personnel is ordered to clear this place
before it self-destructs.
Then wed better move out. Said Alex. Rebeca!
She an over to the broken glass. The shadows appeared out of nowhere and
pushed her back in. Alex shot his energy blasts at them and forced them
back. A couple circled around Dianas cage and began attacking it.
No, get away from her!
He made another hand sign and reinforced it, but more kept coming. Uzuki
sensed his energy from outside the barrier.
Brother, do you sense that?
Of course I can sense it. But Im more focused on the matter at hand, as
should you.
I cant help it. I have to kill him.
He phased through the barrier and dropped down.
Ugh, idiot.
Rago punched it again and shattered the barrier. Alex flew outside and tried
to blast the incoming shadows away. Rebeca stayed inside to protect the
men and the Council.
This way, your majesties.
Not without deploying our secret weapons.
Secret weapons? Shane asked
They each pressed a button, and five large and bright creatures came down
from the ceiling. Shane took out his pistols.
Do not fire, General Shane.
He put them back in their holsters.

Why? What are they?

They are our protectors.
Yes. They are the sabers.
Four of the creatures bowed, while the fifth stood in the center.
Greeting, my Majesties. One of the sabers said. What is the problem?
Zakuto has finally arrived. Were severely outmatched, so for now, we are in
How may we serve you?
Distract his forces, so that we may all escape out of here in one piece. That
is all.
As you wish. We live to serve those whove reactivated our corpses. That is
our purpose.
Good. Now go!
The five of them ran out and blasted the shadows away with energy blasts
generated from their chests. Making contact with it, they were covered with
white flames and incinerated.
Amazing. Shane said in awe
Now, lets go general.
He led them through a back passage.
If we hurry, we can make it to ship bay in time. Rebeca, lets go!
Rebeca knocked the incoming shadows out of the way. More of them came
through, but a single clap sent them flying.

Alex, its time to leave!

I know!
He blasted the shadows away from Diana.
Just go without me. I havent finished reinforcing Mothers prison yet.
How long will it take you?
Just a few more minutes. Go!
She looked back and saw that Shane and the others had gone already.
Ill stay with you. She said
Rebeca, justNo.
She grabbed one of the shadows and threw it the others around Alex.
See? We make a pretty good team.
Fine, Ill admit it. We do.
She smiled, and she leaped back into the fray. The sabers floated in front of
them and blasted the scattered shadows away.
Go! We can handle the rest!
But theresWe will stay and fight until our light is diminished to nothing. Because that
is what our masters have decreed.
Alright then.
Alex brought Diana inside.
Lets go Rebeca.
Okay. Im right behind you.

They ran down the stairs. The shadows circled around the sabers, but with a
flash of their bodies lights, they were forced away.
We will not let you pass! They exclaimed
Uzuki, whod fallen from the sky, appeared before them. The sabers stood
their ground and made a formation.
Who are you? One of them asked. Are you friend, or foe?
He relaxed his muscles and gave them a sinister glare.
Foe it is. Be gone!
The center saber shot the energy beam from his chest, but Uzuki simply
opened his mouth wide, and devoured the energy.
If thats all you got, He said. then thisll be too easy.
He laughed at them, and then they charged. Uzuki breathed silently, and
then he smiled and licked his lips.
You will all
Their bodies lit up like stars.
Be devoured!
Running down the stairs, Alex and Rebeca both stopped suddenly.
Alex, did you feel that?
Yeah. That was an immense power shift just now. It was probably Zakutos
youngest son.
Wed better getgoing?
What is it?
She looked up, so Alex had no choice but to do the same. The shadows had
already caught up to them.
That was fast.

But what about the saber? Asked Rebeca

I guess the sheer size of their force was too much for them to handle. It
cant be helped.
They charged towards them. Rebeca ran down the stairs while Alex shot
them with his energy bolts. And then he too ran.
Alex, hurry up!
Im coming! You just worry about yourself!
More of them arrived, but theyd already made it all the way down.
There it is! She exclaimed
The entrance to the ship bay.
They ran through and Rebeca was right. Every transport in sight was being
deployed into space on the opposite side of where Zakutos forces were
coming in.
Rebeca, Alex!
They saw Shane waiting by a ship. They ran to him.
Shane, start the ship! Shouted Rebeca
The shadows are coming!
He went inside and powered it up, but the shadows had already arrived. They
ambushed the leaving ships; phasing through their walls and killing the
passengers. Alex stopped running and started blasting as many as he could.
Rebeca, get to the ship!
She kept running and made her way to the ship. She opened the door and let
Diana go in first.
Glad to see you guys made it.

Yeah. But Im sorry we led them here.

Its fine. Every soldier was prepared to die today if it meant protecting the
I see.
And they already made it our safely, so we have nothing to worry about.
Alex continued to blast the shadows away from the ships. And then, after
pushing them towards one side, he generated another barrier to keep them
there for the time being.
Whoa. Said Shane
Thats my brother.
He ran towards the ship as fast as he could. Uzuki came bursting through the
wall and saw the shield. In an instant, he shattered it, making Alex stop
You! He exclaimed
Yes, me.
Ready for a rematch?
He snarled, and then he leaped forward. Alex levitated and blasted him back
through the wall. The shadows charged again, and with no other ships
remaining, they set their sights on Rebeca and Shane.
Here they come. She said
Then lets give them a welcoming party.
They jumped out. Shane took out his pistols and shot off a few flares to keep
them away. Rebeca punched on into many others, and then she unleashed
another shockwave. Feeling exhausted, she crouched down and put her
hand on her chest.
Rebeca, whats wrong? Shane asked
I dont know. I suddenlyfeel a lot of pressure in my chest.
Dont worry, Im coming.

He jumped in front of her and kept the shadows away, but as more of them
poured in, it seemed like the battle would never come to an end.
Shane, is she alright? Alex asked
Shes fine. She said there seems to be some kind of pressure build-up in her
Oh-no, the infection.
You should really be worrying about yourself right now. Said Uzuki
Uzuki came back out. Alex increased his energy output, although, hed
already reached his limit.
You dont look so good. Uzuki said
Shut up!
And neither does your sister.
He looked at her; seeing that she was in pain due to the infection. The
shadows surrounded both her and Shane.
Oh. Looks like the shadows are gonna make a meal out of them both.
No! I wont allow it.
And what can you do in your condition?
He stored and channeled energy all throughout his body. All of the Councils
forces had already made their jump through hyperspace, and Zakutos forces
had begun to move in. On his throne, Zakuto snapped his fingers, and
reacting to his will, the shadows set their sights on the trapped Diana instead
of Shane and Rebeca.
Theyre going for our ship!
The phased through and grabbed the cage.

No, not the ship, She said. Theyre taking our mother away!
Where are you looking?! Uzuki exclaimed
He punched Alex into the wall.
Alright, lets go!
He and the shadows phased through the walls, along with Diana.
Shane grabbed her arm.
What are you doing? She asked
This fortress will blow any second now. Weve got to get out of here before
its too late.
She sighed.
Youre right. Ill go get Alex. You go start the ship again.
She tried to move, but the pain was too great.
Im fine.
No, youre not.
IShe fell to the ground. Shane picked her up and carried her inside. And then
he went to go and get Alex.
Alex, can you stand?
I think so.

He stood up, and Shane put his arm around his neck and walked him to the
Hey, Shane?
Whats up?
I need you to do something for me.
Take care of my sister.
Alex pressed one of his pressure points and put him to sleep. After placing
him in the ship, he then set it to auto-pilot and let them fly off into space.
Goodbye, Rebeca. Im sorry for doing this, but I never did truly make that
promise to you.
The ship flew on a straight course. Alex blasted his way to the surface where
he saw Uzuki heading back to planet Zakuto with the rest of the shadows.
I cant believe Im about to do this. But, I cant just let them take Mother
and use her powers for evil.
He flew as fast as he could and caught up to them. He blasted the shadows
away and made them drop Dianas cage. Uzuki turned around and saw what
transpired. Alex caught the cage and flew back towards the station. With
Uzuki in hot pursuit, it didnt look like itd be easy anymore.
Where do you think youre going?
Oh, great. Alex said sarcastically
Brother. Said Uzuki. What are you doing here?
Im here to help you with your mess.
What mess? I was just about toIt doesnt matter. Just take the female and go.

Dont you dare.

Face it, Alex. Youre outclassed, and outmatched. Rago said. Theres no
way to can defeat us both.
You wanna bet?
Alex pushed the cage to the side and outstretched his arms at Uzuki and
Rago. They charged and increased their energy output simultaneously. Back
on the ship, Rebeca and Shane had awoken.
Ughwhat happened? He asked
I dont know. Alex.
There was no answer.
Shane had his hand on his neck.
Ouch. WhoAlex!
Alex knocked me out earlier.
Why would he do that?
He said something about taking care of you for him.
Then hesShe ran to the back window.
Alex, Mother!
The space station exploded, and the shockwave pushed their ship, and
Zakutos forces as well.
No. She sobbingly whispered. It cant be.
She began to cry.
RebecaPlease, dont touch me.

He took over the controls and took the ship into hyperspace. Back on
Minotia, the shadows returned, along with Rago, Uzuki, and two others.
Father, we have returned. Rago said bowing
And what have you brought with you? He asked
Rago snapped his fingers, and the shadows put Diana in Zakutos palm.
Yes, Father. Shes been taken over by your infection.
Yes, indeed. I can sense the shade over her soul. Shes now under my
And, weve brought something else. Or rather, someone.
Uzuki walked up, dragging a body by its legs. He raised it up and showed it
to Zakuto.
Ah, its Alex.
Yes, Father. Said Uzuki. He was becoming quite the nuisance earlier. So we
captured him and brought him to you.
Well done. He will serve us well. Put him in the chamber, and take Diana as
As you wish. They said
Rago levitated Diana while Uzuki continued to drag Alex, and went
underground. The shadows followed.
Now, sleep, my children.
The shadows closed their eyes and curled up into balls. Zakuto positioned his
hand as if he were grabbing something, and a strange gray smokescreen
emerged from the heads of sleeping shadows. The smoke flew up to the
surface and into Zakutos hand. He clenched his fists, and then his entire
body glistened and grew.
Ah. He said. Now, lets move out.

A white pupil appeared in both of his eyes. He flexed his muscles and shook
the planet. And then he and his armada went into hyperspace.
Rebeca and Shane came out of hyperspace, but there was all this debris
around their exit destination.
What the-!
He took the wheel and maneuvered around the floating fragments.
What is this? He asked. Rebeca, can you see anything?
She didnt say a word. Shane looked around and saw ruined ships, and dead
bodies floating around them. Most of them werent even whole.
All this carnage. Its like a graveyard.
He saw a planet in the center, and thought that was where they needed to
go. On the floating pieces, the shadows hid and waited. They poked out their
heads, revealing themselves to Rebeca.
What is it?
Its a trap!
Get us out of here now!
He activated the thrusters and turned the ship around. The shadows
mobilized and tried to stop them. Rebeca pressed a button and activated
their defenses. Missiles were launched and scattered their forces.
Nice job.
Some appeared ahead.
Uh, Rebeca?

She saw them in front.

Lets give them a laser show. She said
She pressed another button that fired energy spheres at them. Once again,
they scattered.
Once again, nice job.
Can we go back into hyperspace yet?
Not yet. Theres too much debris around us. We have to get out into the
Damn. Then Ill just have to clear us a path.
She put on a spacesuit and got on the roof.
Just keep flying!
The shadows gathered behind them, and in front. Her eyes glowed red, and
she shot laser beams at their left.
What is she doing?
Shane, go left!
I hope you know what youre doing.
She shot more lasers and burned a path through the graveyard. The hissed
and rushed after them. A couple climbed appeared on the roof and attacked
Get off my ship!
They charged.
She punched them off, and more hopped on. One of them knocked her down,
and the rest tackled her.

Let go of me!
Rebeca, whats going on up there?!
The shadows appeared ahead of them and pushed the debris in front of the
She gasped. Shane managed to maneuver around them, but there were too
many to keep the pace.
Rebeca, I could use your lasers right about now!
She blasted the shadows off of her and tried to make a path again, but they
covered her eyes and pushed her down. A gang of shadows appeared and
pushed the larger pieces of debris in front of the ship. Shane shot ahead and
managed to scatter the pieces, and the shadows.
She jumped up and kicked them all off. And then she made a path for Shane.
The ship accelerated.
Father, theyre getting away. Said Rago
No, theyre not. He said
Cruisers, one by one, de-cloaked themselves and shot at Rebeca and Shanes
Im on it!
He made a loop and flew in the opposite direction. All around them,
explosions occurred from the heavy rocket fire they received. Suddenly, their
ship began to turn upside down, and Rebeca ran to what would now become
the topside.

What the-!
Shadows appeared and hissed at her.
Where did-?!
She looked back at the engines and saw them gnawing on them. She tried to
stop them, but theyd already chewed through one and made it explode. The
impact caused her to bounce off along with the hitchhiking shadows.
Shane turned the ship around and flew to her aide. Unfortunately, the cruiser
had already caught up to them and heavily shot down the ship; immobilizing
The shadows circled around her. They ripped the ship open and went inside.
Luckily, they werent trying to kill Shane. Instead, they rescued him and took
him into the nearby cruiser; letting him wear one of them like a spacesuit.
The shadows got closer.
You guys are starting to become annoying!
She unleashed a shockwave from her body and sent them flying. Although,
before she could get another attack in, she was sucked into the cruiser by a
tractor beam. Once inside, the super drones quickly subdued her and
knocked her unconscious; placing her in a cage along with Shane. And then
the cruiser flew towards Minotia, along with the others.
Rebeca opened her eyes and sat up. She took a quick look around and didnt
recognize anything. She stood up, but instantly felt a pain in her head.
Ouch. What happened?
They hit you and knocked you unconscious.

She turned around. Shane was sitting there on the ground, exhausted.
She crouched down and hugged him.
Oh, Im sorry.
Its okay. You didnt know about my injuries. I got them when the ship
exploded. And those shadows werent too friendly when the lights turned off
You mean, they attacked you?
Yeah. And they didnt spare any power either. Theyre tougher than I
I see. But, how long have I been out?
Just two weeksTwo weeks!
Yeah. We were captured two weeks ago.
But it feels like it only happened yesterday.
I know how you feel. Zakutos been searching for the Council ever since he
captured us.
He hasnt killed them yet?
No. They were sent to different coordinates than the rest of us. I didnt even
know about it until I realized Zakuto hadnt captured them.
But then, where are they?
I dont know. We have many space stations all around the multiverse, so
even I cant possibly know where theyd go for sure.
Oh, I see.
Yes, but how are you feeling?

Im fine. I just wish my family were here.

Well, Ive got news for you.
Your mom, and your brother, didnt die in the explosion.
Yeah. They survived, and are here as well. But as Zakutos prisoners.
Her face turned from happy to sad in microseconds.
You mean?
Im sorry Rebeca.
Dont be, its not your fault.
Still, I shouldve been more careful. I saw all that destruction and just
shouldve known it was a trap. If Id been more aware, we wouldve never
gotten captured.
Well even if you did, Im sure the same thing would have transpired. We
were dealing with Zakuto, after all.
Youre awake. A third voice said
Rago walked up.
Rebeca punched the cage, but was shocked by black lightning and sent
He tried to get up, but his wounds were too great and painful.
Nice try. But this cage was specially made to counteract your powers.
Damn, that hurt.
He laughed.

Youll regret putting me in here.

I sincerely doubt it. But, anyway
He put his hand through the cage and grabbed her by her neck. He threw her
out, but before she could attack, a shadow placed a collar on her neck.
What the hell is this? She asked
Go ahead and see.
She attempted to attack, but the collar shocked her.
The hell was that? She asked
As you can now see, Rago said. that collar now around your neck also
reacts to your energy output, just like your cage.
She growled.
Now, come. Father wishes to speak with you.
I dont take orders from the likes of you.
Oh, really?
His eyes turned black, and the black lightning from the cage struck Shane.
No, Shane!
Now, I wont repeat myself a third time. Come, now!
The room quaked. Rebeca unclenched her fists and followed Rago up to the
surface. He snapped his fingers, and the shadows awoken and entered
Shanes cage, without Rebeca knowing. Once on the surface, she began
hearing cries of agony.
That sounds like Alex. She said
She looked at Rago, who smiled. She ran ahead and around the corner.
Before her eyes, she watched as Zakuto severely tortured her brother from
his throne.

She began to cry, but then she stopped her tears. Her eyes turned red, but
then the collar shocked her again, and this time, with a more painful shock.
She dropped to the ground and grabbed the collar. Zakuto turned to his side
and saw her breathing hard on the ground.
I see youve already forgotten about the effects of that collar. Rago said
Zakuto raised his finger; making her levitate to the front of his eyes. She
tried to escape, but the pull was too strong.
You must be Rebeca. He said
And you must be the bastard that took control of our home when I was
Im surprised you remembered that. But then again, you are Dianas
Where is my mother, you slime.
Shes right here.
His eyes darted to the right, and Rebeca looked in that direction as well. A
shadow emerged from Zakutos shoulder and took on the form of Diana.
She looked at her, but didnt say a word.
Yes, thats her. She is now completely under my control.
Now, now.
Zakuto, I command you to release me, and my family.
You command me?!
The look on her face was serious. Zakuto couldnt help but laugh. The clouds
stirred in the sky, and lightning struck down.
Youve got a very strong will, my dear. Ill give you that, but theres no way
that you can stand up to me in your current state.

She looked down.

Even if your collar was removed, Im positive you still wouldnt even be able
to come close to matching my strength.
You wanna bet? Lets go then.
As you wish. Rago.
Yes, Father.
He snapped his fingers, and one of the shadows came and took her collar off.
Rebeca relaxed her muscles and jumped back.
Whats the matter, little girl? I thought you were gonna come at me fullforce, not run away.
She growled. And then she charged.
Thats right. Come and get it.
She ran as fast as she could and blasted Zakuto with her lasers. Her attack
created a dust cloud, but when it dissipated, Zakuto was fine.
I kinda knew that wasnt gonna work, so lets try something a little
She jumped up into the air and generated an energy ball. She threw it at
Zakuto, and, like a meteor, it crashed down with great impact. The shadows
emerged from underground and swarmed around Zakuto like bees. She
threw more and more, and then generated a larger one.
She threw it without hesitation and the impact sent the shadows flying.
Rebeca dropped down, breathing hard.
Howd you like that?
The large smoke cloud cleared away, and Zakuto appeared to not have a
single scratch on him.

You call that an attack? What a disgrace. Your injured friend put up more of
a fight against my shadows.
She stood back.
But now, its my turn.
His eyes lit up. Rebeca threw more energy balls at him, but she was only
wasting energy. The light from his eyes blinded her. She closed hers, and
when she opened them, she was back in her cell, with her collar back around
her neck.
What the-?
She took a look around.
Ughwhat happened?
You were defeated, Rebeca.
She looked up and Alex was suspended on the wall.
Alex, is that really you?
Yeah. Itsgood to see you.
Likewise. How are you feeling?
Oh. But surelyShe noticed he had no collar.
Youre not wearing a collar. Why?
Zakuto has distorted the gravity around my body and glued me to this wall.
Ive tried to use my powers to break free, but itDidnt work. Just like all of my efforts.

The ground shook and she fell over.

What was that?
Weve stopped. He said
What? Why?
Because Zakutos finally located the Council.
The planet came to a halt, along with the armada. Up ahead, there were ten
space stations staggered in a horizontal line. All were surrounded by a zillion
ShaneHe was no longer in the cell.
Where did-?
He was taken a long time ago.
To the surface.
Zakutos going to use his mind to bypass their security.
ButAlexs body began to dissipate. She looked at her hands, and they began
doing the same.
Dont worry, its nothing. Were just being teleported.
Teleported? Where?
To the surface. It seems Zakuto has summoned us.
After dissipating, the lingering residue left behind floated up to the surface.
The residue came to a halt once reaching its destination and reformed Alex
and Rebeca.

Rebeca, are you alright?
I think so. Itll just take a moment toShe was suddenly pushed against the ground with extreme force.
His eyes turned green, and he outstretched his arms, but a shadow phased
through his body he was shocked by the dark lightning. He tried again, but
once again, he was shocked.
What? How is this happening? Im not wearing a collar.
You may not be wearing it Rago said
But the collar is now inside of your body. Uzuki finished
But when did-?
He remembered.
Just nowwhen that shadow passed through me.
Looks like youve figured it out. Uzuki said
Thats right, that shadow carried the collar in its body and released it inside
of you when it phased through.
He ran toward them, but chains suddenly sprouted from underground and
bound his arms and legs together.
Face it, Alex, youve lost. Said Uzuki
And now were gonna take control.
Youll never win. He said
Well see.

Zakuto sat on his throne and didnt move a muscle. He appeared to be deep
in thought.
Father? Asked Rago
Send the rest. He said. I want them all obliterated at once.
Yes, by your command. Uzuki!
They placed their hands on the ground and together released an energy
wave that stretched to the far reaches of the multiverse.
What are they doing? Asked Rebeca
I dont know. But it cant be good.
All around, ships came out of hyperspace and surrounded the stations
I dont believe it. Alex said. To have this many under his control
How can anyone be this powerful?
The ships locked onto the space stations. Their defenses reacted, and their
barriers deployed.
Father, I cant sense the Council in any of those fortresses. Rago said
I know. Neither can I. Theyve done an excellent job of concealing
But, to even be able to hide from youhow?
I may not be able to sense exactly where they are, but from what I can
sense, theyre hidden in a web on pure light energy.
Yes. Its the sacred light which Diana possessed.
I see.
The barriers glistened. The shadows were singed by the light and retreated
underground until it would pass.

Why did-?
Light this pure is their sworn enemy. So until weve dealt with this web
around them, the shadow cannot come back to the surface. Activate our
defenses and command every ship to achieve maximum shield capacity.
Yes, Father.
He levitated up to him.
Take this boy and enter their barriers one by one until youve found the
Shane emerged from Zakutos palm in chains.
Then I want you to destroy its shield from the inside.
Can I kill whoever I want?
Of course. Let nothing stand in your way.
Yes, Father.
He grabbed Shanes chains and disappeared in a puff of smoke. The
smokescreen then flew into space.
Shane, no!
He increased the level of gravity around her body to the point where she
couldnt even raise her head.
Father, everything is ready. Said Rago
Commence attack!
All batteries, fire!
In every direction, the ships attacked the enemy forces, and the Councils
forces did the same. Each side heavily fired at their enemy and clashed

head-on. Zakutos cruisers deployed the drones, while the Councils deployed
the titans.
Fire, fire!
Kill them all!
Battery five, intercept missiles!
Cruiser thirty-two, intercept your targets, now!
Were hit!
Going down!
Remain in formationBelay that, scatter!
The enemy is advancing. We mustCruisers eight, nineteen and forty have all been vaporized.
Deploying titan teams D-five, six, seven, eight, and nine.
The battle had already met its eighth-day mark, and the battlefield turned
into another space graveyard. The space fortresses layered more shields on
top and under the main. All around, ships were being destroyed every
second. Zakuto sat and watched the destruction took place. Alex tried to
break free, but his chains only got tighter. Uzuki was already searching his
second fortress for the Council. Zakuto closed his eyes and breathed steadily
in his throne. Rebeca turned her head and saw that he was still accumulating
He re-opened them. Ahead were a battalion of cruiser-class ships with titan
escorts. They fired at the planet and launched every missile in their arsenal.
Zakuto put his hand out, and a barrier generated, protecting the planet from
any harm. The cruisers fired their laser cannons and shattered his defense,
which was a surprise.
Impossible! Rago exclaimed
Settle down, my son. Its not a problem.

Zakuto waved his arm and the ships flipped backwards. They stabilized
themselves, but then they were ambushed by Zakutos forces and destroyed.
All too easy. He said
Activating heavy space cannons!
The fortresses moved and made a closed perimeter. Their ships fled up while
they rotated around a certain space like moons. Zakutos forces closed in on
them, and then out of nowhere, the fortress cannons locked on and fired
while still rotating. The lasers annihilated more than a million ships. Rago
jumped up and levitated.
What the-?!
He looked back and Zakuto was still sitting, but with his fists clenched tight.
Father? He worriedly asked
Its nothing. Call him, now!
You mean Uzuki? But shouldnt heNonot Uzuki.
Rago had a surprised expression.
But, FatherI didnt ask for your opinion. Do it, now!
The ground cracked. Rago quickly levitated with his legs crossed. Zakutos
eyes glowed again, and clouds appeared around the fortresses, blocking the
light. A shadow came out from underground and felt around the area. It
hissed, and then it smiled. The others phased out and quickly flew into space
to aid the armada. In minutes, theyd phased through many ships and
destroyed them instantly. A large gang of them entered the enemy cruisers,
and came back out, causing them to explode.
Rago, have you contacted him yet?
Not yet. He keeps moving.
Well hurry it up.

Yes, Fatherwait
He sensed something in the forest. But then he suddenly collapsed.
What theRago!
He was unconscious. A man appeared near Rago wrapped in a cloak and
Who are you, vermin?
He didnt say a word.
I command you to speak!
He distorted the gravity around him, but the strange man swiftly took action
and threw an energy bolt at him. He jumped away and put some distance
between them.
She emerged from underground, and the intruders eyes suddenly got bigger.
Diana attacked, but he reacted and evaded. Zakuto laughed as he ran away.
Whats the matter? You can attack me, but not her?
He stared at a downed Rebeca and Alex, and then escaped into the forest.
Diana stopped and looked back at Zakuto.
Welleliminate him!
She pursued him. Zakutos throne detached from the ground and levitated
into the sky. Beneath him, a light appeared, and morphed into the body of a
beautiful female.
What thewho are you?
My nameis Celeste.
Celeste? Is that really you?
Yes, Alex. Ive come here to help you.
Why? He asked
Because now, I can.

She whistled, and then Rebecas collar shattered like glass. She made a
hand-sign, and then touched the ground. The gravity around them was
normalized, and they could now move freely.
Thanks. Said Rebeca. I feel a lot better.
Yeah Celeste, thanks.
No problem. Now, shall we?
She led the way away from Zakutos vision and into the forest. But before
they could even make it in, Rebecas started to feel an intense pain in her
Quiet down, or hell hear you. Said Celeste
UghI dont feel so good. She said
Alex held her.
We have to go, now.
She cant. Shes hurting inside.
Youll just have to carry her. Quickly.
Alright. Im sorry Rebeca, but youll have to hold on a little bit longer.
He picked her up, and they ran into the forest. Zakuto smiled.
Oh, how they flee. He said. Rago, get up.
Yes, Father.
He stood up and dusted off any dirt.
Did you contact him?
Yes, as you instructed.
Good. Now, go after them, and dont let them escape.
As you wish. Ill do my best to complete my mission.

I would hope sofor your sake.

Rago levitated and flew over the forest. Unfortunately, none of the three
were outputting any energy. Celeste masked hers, Rebeca was collapsing
form the inside, and Alex still had his collar inside of him.
This isnt gonna be easy. Diana, where are you?
I am currently fighting one of the intruders as my master instructed.
I said where?
I shall give you a signal.
An explosion occurred in the forest. The shockwave blew away more than a
few dozen trees and rocks away. Rago flew where the explosion originated
and watched as Diana and the mysterious man locked horns. She tried to
shock him with her purple lightning, but he simply grabbed it and added its
energy to his own powers. In a flash he appeared in front of her and punched
her into the ground.
How did he-?
He looked up and saw Rago floating there.
He climbed a tree and used it as a trampoline to get close to him. Rago
deployed a shield to block his attack, but he used it as a platform and flipped
over it. In an instant, he kicked Rago to the ground.
From deep within the forest, Alex watched him take Rago down.
Who is that guy? He asked
Alex, come on!
Oh, right.
They continued to run through the forest. The mysterious man took a look
around the forest and watched them running away. He smiled, and then he
felt a disturbance in the atmosphere. He looked behind them and saw

shadows tailing them. He tried to warn them, but Diana grabbed onto his leg
with a purple whip and pulled him back.
Come on, were almost there. Said Celeste
Yeah, but what about-?
He looked back.
Did you hear that?
Yeah. Looks like Zakutos minions are following us.
Wait, you knew?
Yes. But it didnt matter. They cant touch us.
But I still cant use my powers yet. The collarIs of no concern to me. I can take care of them myself.
They reached the other side of the forest and came across a lake.
A lake?
Yes. This is where well be picked up.
Then wheres our ride? He asked
Itll be here. Just be patient.
What? You cant be serious.
Well I am. So justget back behind me!
The shadows appeared. She pushed him back and clashed with them. They
shifted and surrounded her, but they couldnt touch her.
Hmph. She said happily
They hissed with confusion and again tried to attack her, but they did
nothing. They back away.
Now its my turn.

She blasted them away with a sky-blue light. Some of them dissipated, but
others managed to keep their integrity and continued to attack. But instead
of attacking Celeste, they passed her and went for Alex and Rebeca.
Alex stood back.
Oh, no you dont.
Her eyes glowed, and she was able to quickly generate a shield to protect
them. The shadows turned around and hissed. Out of nowhere, Diana and
Rago came crashing down. The shadows hovered over them, and then the
mysterious man dropped down, and they bellowed.
Youre here. Said Celeste
Yeah. Sorry Im late.
Dont worry, youre just in time for our pick up.
A ship emerged form hyperspace and entered the atmosphere of the planet.
As it hovered above them, the mysterious man swiftly grabbed Alex and
Rebeca and jumped into the ship. Celeste scattered the remaining shadows,
and then flew in as well.
Milord, and Milady!
We dont have time for pleasantries. She said
Get us out of here, now!
Roger that.
Diana and Rago got back up and watched as the ship left the atmosphere.
Get ready! He exclaimed
Understood. She said
They fired energy bolts at the ship, but, thanks to Celeste, their attacks
couldnt get to them with her barrier in the way. Rago growled. The shadows
recovered and regained their integrities. They quickly flew ahead after the
ship, but Celeste managed to keep them there with a special light trick.
Zakuto was furious.

This is unacceptable. He said

Celeste, do you sense that? The man asked
Yeah. Pilot, take us up.
As you wish, Milady.
He zoomed up out of Zakutos line of sight. His eyes glowed, and a white
light shot out and hit the clear space between the space stations. Instant,
they were obliterated, and nothing remained.
What was that?
Our stations are gone.
Listen up, Celeste said speaking into a communicator. Its time for a hasty
retreat. We must go, before Zakuto fires another attack.
Why should we listen to you?
Yeah, whoever you are?
Because, your leaders werent on any of those stations. Now hurry!
Their ship made a loop, and then jumped through hyperspace. The Councils
remaining forces made a beeline for open space and one after the other
made the jump through space.
Milord, what do we do? One of Zakutos commanders asked
Follow them, now. I will wait here for a while.
As you wish.
His ships made the jump, while he, Diana and Rago remained.
Forgive me, Father. I shouldveHe distorted the gravity around him.
I dont want your sorry. I want the Council, and anyone who protects them,

YesII understand.
Do you now?
He increased the weight on his body.
He released him, and then Uzuki appeared suddenly in front of them holding
Shane by his neck.
Rago, what happened? I was on the last one, so why did the stations
suddenly get blown up?
I decided to eliminate them. Said Zakuto. Do you have a problem with
He crunched the right arm of his throne, making Uzuki wary.
No, Father. Forgive me forHis body suddenly attached to ground.
Neither one of you deserve my forgiveness. But you both deserve to rot in
the underground catacombs.
Please Father, Said Rago. Give us another chance to prove our use to you.
We promise to do better.
Is that so?
Fine, then. Ill grant you your second chance. But be mindful, because you
dont get any more.
Yes. We understand.
He got down on his knees and bowed. Behind the planet, an energy surge
took place. The surge distorted the space around it and caused it to swirl like
a whirlpool.
What is that? Asked Uzuki

Hes here. Said Rago

Zakuto turned his floating throne around to face the distortion. Just like when
he transported the entire planet, the spatial integrity in the center of the
power surge was compromised and began to tear. Inside, they saw a male
figure with four eyes breathing heavily. In a flash it dropped down like a
meteorite and looked at them.
Weve been waiting for you, Namor. Said Zakuto. I have a job for you.
He smiled.
I live to follow your commandsFather.
The ships had come out of hyperspace with Zakutos troops not too far
behind. Alex looked out of the window and saw a multitude of ships
surrounding a large piece of rock. Though they couldnt see it yet, there was
a cloaked space station behind it.
Where did all these ships come from? He asked. Theres so many, and
theyre not even of the same planets.
I summoned them here. Said Celeste
I expressed how severe the situation was, and they obliged to lend us a
Pilot, drop us on that piece of rock.
Yes, maam.
He dropped down and landed the ship. The Councils remaining forces
regrouped with the rest of the armadas. Everyone stepped outside of the
ship, and then the pilot flew back into space.
How is it we can breathe out here? Asked Alex
There is an invisible bubble surrounding this place. Said Celeste. It creates
a breathable airspace for everyone.

The mysterious man carried Rebeca out and lied her on the ground. Her body
twitched and turned, and she screamed in agony.
RebecaStay back Alex!
But shes my sister! I wont just sit back and watch as sheThe man pierced his stomach and removed his collar.
Why did you-?
Im sorry. He said. It needed to be done.
His blood spilled out onto the ground, and he fell over. As his eyes closed
slowly, he watched as the man crushed his collar, and as Celeste placed
Rebeca in a protective bubble.
His eyes closed, and he fell into an unconscious state due to his extreme loss
of blood and fluids.
Do you think hes gonna be alright? Celeste asked
Yes. Hes a strong kid.
I know, but did you have to stab him in the stomach to remove his collar? I
mean, come on.
It needed to be done. It was the only way to shut him up, and we were
gonna have to remove the collar anyways.
But the way you did it wasnt necessary. Maybe hed understand better if
youDont even think about it. Im not gonna do it.
ButNo. Its better this way.
But you cant just hide it from them forever.
Sure I can. Ive gone this far.

Ugh, youre impossible sometimes.

And yet, you still hang around me.
I guess Im just drawn to you.
Alexs eyes opened up slowly.
Hes finally waking up. Said Celeste
Yes, I can see that.
Ughwhat happened? He asked
You blacked out Alex. Dont you remember?
Oh yeah, right. When you hit me. He said looking at the man
Yeah, uhsorry about that. I hope you understand why I had to do it.
I do. Wheres my sister?
Dont worry, shes safe and sound.
Celeste moved out of the way. Rebeca floated in a bubble filled with lightblue fluids.
Whats that stuff shes in?
Its my blood. Its healing her wounds and, hopefully, disabling her
Do you know when shell show results?
Im afraid not. We wont know until she actively uses her powers.
I see.
All we can do is hope for the best.
I understand. Thank you.
No problem. Now, if youll excuse us, we have to go speak with the Council.

See ya. The man said
They started walking away.
He turned around, and green needles suddenly pierced his cloak and
bandages, without injuring his body in any way.
What the hell?!
Alex smiled.
Youre gonna pay for that!
He walked towards him furiously.
Wait! Celeste exclaimed
No, this time Im gonnaAlex grabbed his bandages and ripped them off his face. There was only
silence as the mystery mans face was revealed.
It cant be
He sighed.
Hey, Alex.
He began to cry.
How is this possible?
Celeste saved me from almost certain elimination. And then she brought me
to the planet you see behind us.
But, why didnt youCome back?

Because I wasnt ready to.

You see, if I could die that easily on the battlefield, then what use would I be
with you and Rebeca?
I dont understand.
I stayed with Celeste, and together, we trained for the upcoming battle and
augmented our abilities. And now, I can take the fight to Zakuto this time.
Youve mistaken. Said Rebeca
Rebeca was finally conscious. She and Rudy locked eyes, but there were no
tears coming from her eyes.
Hey, bro.
What do you mean? Asked Celeste
I saw it.
Saw what? Asked Alex
Zakuto was absorbing energy into his body the entire time hes been in that
chair of his.
But I hit himAnd thats the only hit youll be able to get inever. Im sure hes even
stronger than before.
Rudy clenched his fists.
This is gonna be a problem. Said Celeste
Milady, weve just picked up a multitude of enemy targets on all of our

I know. I can sense them.

What is it? Asked Rudy
Theyre here.
Theyre late.
Now we wont be able to convene with the Council.
Thats fine with me. I never liked talking with them anyways.
Time to prepare for battle.
Lets lock and load.
What about us? Asked Rebeca
Celestes eyes glowed, and all of Alexs wounds healed instantly. He jumped
up and started stretching. Rudy took out a knife and stabbed Rebecas
healing bubble.
Do you feel any different? He asked
Yeah. I feel
Her hair fluttered in the wind, and then it erupted with flames.
Whoa. She said
It seems my blood has augmented your power to influence the fire
Then that means
Alex punched the ground and trees sprouted like nothing.
Impressive. He said. I knew my energy came from the ability to influence
life and its essence, but
Rudy motioned his arm upward, and then quickly to the side. Out of thin air,
he pulled out water, which left his siblings in awe.

I cant believe it. Said Celeste

What? Rebeca asked
You threeare now elemental beings.
Elemental? Asked Alex
But what does that mean?
Only a chosen few are given the ability to influence the elements. Said
Rudy. Although, you dont just gain a single ability. You gain the abilities
originating from your elemental class.
Elemental class? Asked Rebeca
You see, there are four elemental classes in the multiverse; five if you count
the aether class, which is actually on a whole different level than the others.
Aether? Asked Alex
Yes. The fifth element. But, other than that one, the first four are the solid,
liquid, gas and plasma classes.
Alex, your powers come from the class of all things solid or originating from
I see.
Rebeca, your power comes from the class, plasma.
Yes. It is the class of things originating from fire or solar energy.
My own ability to control water comes from the liquid class. Meaning I have
control of all things liquid.
Even blood?

No. At least not yet. I havent been able to use that skill.
Well, at least you can still use your other abilities.
What about Mother? Asked Alex
Yes. Surely she was one of the chosen few who attained the elemental
Youre absolutely right. Our mother attained the ability to control cosmic
Cosmic energy?
Yes. But Ill fill you in on that later. For now, get ready.
Right. They said
Everyone suited up.
Minotia emerged form hyperspace. Zakutos eyes glowed, and an energy bolt
was shot from his mouth. Celeste quickly took action and generated a barrier
around them. But, as a surprise, the blast passed their location and even
went over the Councils final stronghold. Instead, it was shot straight at the
still planet behind them. The beam made a hole through the planet, and on
the opposite end from which it originated, a black hole suddenly appeared.
What the-?
A black hole. Said Rudy
The planet shattered, and its fragments were sucked into the distorted stellar
The planet
Itsgone. Said Celeste
All those people. Said Rebeca

Alex turned around and stared at Zakutos planet. He grew a tree and stood
at its peak. Rebeca spun fire around herself and floated near the peak. Water
swirled around the tree, and Rudy jumped on top of it. Zakutos ships came
out of hyperspace, and his shadows mobilized.
Milord, what are your orders? Asked one of his soldiers telepathically
Milady, what do you command? Asked one of Celestes troops
Commence attack! He exclaimed
Begin the assault! She exclaimed
Their ships swiftly engaged in battle. From inside the black hole, Namor
Celeste sensed him and quickly took action. He put both of his hands
together and quickly separated them; creating an energy ring. He grabbed it,
spun around, and threw it at the unsuspecting space station, which was still
cloaked. Celeste dashed out and blocked it with one of her barriers, resulting
in its dissipation.
Hello there. He said
Who are you?
Im surprised you even need to ask. Maybe if I kill someone dear to you,
youll remember.
She looked at him closely and finally knew who he was.
You! She exclaimed
Thats right.
It was you. You were there.
Looks like youve finally remembered. Thatll make this even more fun. IllShe raised her arms and sparkling light blue energy stirred around her body.
It seems youre ready.
YouIll make you pay for what you did!

Well then, come with it then!

She shot an energy blast at him, but he dodged. Instead, it made contact
with the black hole and normalized its spatial integrity.
Wow, nice move. He said sarcastically. Now, its my turn.
He threw two more rings at her, but she just blocked them again, not
knowing they were decoys.
Fell for it.
He appeared behind her and tried to nail her with a punch, but it missed.
Nice try, but itll take more than cheap tricks to fool these sense.
I see.
They collided and sent each other hurdling back. Namor grabbed her by her
hair and swung her into the station, but then Celestes wings emerged, and
she quickly recovered and knocked him back with a cosmic spin kick. More of
Zakutos ships appeared out of hyperspace near the rear. They shot at her,
but she blocked their attacks with her barriers.
Celeste! Shouted Rudy
Forget it! Rebeca exclaimed
She spewed magma at the incoming ships. Her hair grew longer, and she
used it as a whip that sliced and incinerated the ships. Alex grew more trees
around the platform and used them as shields.
Yeah, bro, focus on our friends here.
He made a giant trunk that pierced an enemy cruiser.
Youre right. Celeste can take care of herself.
He ran on and around the trunk carrying water. Enemy ships were inbound,
so he used his water to cut them in the center. A dozen cruiser hovered over
them and released their ground troops, and they dropped down riding

behemoths. Rudy blasted a couple of them off with a heavy water shot, but
then more of them kept dropping in.
She touched the tree and set it ablaze. The troops were burnt to a crisp along
with their arachnid rides. Before he could get caught in it as well, Rudy
flipped off, and landed on another one of Alexs trees. The shadows wreaked
havoc on the battlefield; phasing through ships and instantly shutting down
their functions or eliminating them completely. They infested the ships like a
virus, and more of them just kept on coming. They wrapped around ships like
snakes and stuck to them like glue. They used their sharp claws and teeth to
chew threw the metal exteriors and cripple the ship by feeding on its
engines, leaving the crewmembers stranded like ants in a beehive. While
everything went on, Zakuto continued to remain in his chair, giving orders to
his troops telepathically.
Rago, Uzuki, Diana.
Master. She said kneeling
What is it, Father? Asked Rago
Namor has confirmed that the Council is cloaked behind that platform. You
three will go and distract those kids in front of it. When the time is right, I will
join you.
As you wish. She said
Her wings materialized, and she quickly took flight. Rago flew as well, while
Uzuki jumped from ship to ship. Diana attacked Rebeca with purple lightning,
but she blocked it.
Diana appeared before for.
She sent Rebeca flying out of the dome and into space.

She put her hands on her mouth, but then realized she didnt need to.
Ican breathe?
Not for long. Said Diana
Mother, waitShe fired another bolt.
Rebeca, be careful! Alex exclaimed
Alex, you cant worry about her right now. Here come the other two.
Uzuki dropped under the platform, and Rago blasted both of them with
energy bolts. Alex quickly bent the trees and used them as shields again.
Wheres the other one? Alex asked
I dont know. Just focus on this guy for now.
Uzuki put his hands on the rock and felt the vibrations coming from the
surface. Rago continued to fire his energy beam, knowing full well that it
wasnt breaking through. Rudy dashed forward and sent him flying with a
kick. Alex tried to help him, but he was suddenly pulled underground by a
What the-?!
Uzuki pulled him out from his end, and then threw him. Alex quickly grew a
branch to grab and reel him back onto the rock.
Nicely done. Said Uzuki
Ive had just about enough of you.
Really? And yet, you havent been able to kill me.
Maybe not before, but this time
Uzuki licked his lips and smiled. A ship exploded under them, and they both
bolted forward and clashed; pulling out all the stops and fighting at full-

power. Rudy and Rago were so fast, that it simply looked like they teleported
where they collided.
Youve actually grown stronger. Said Rago
Flattery will get you nowhere. Except maybe in the grave.
Their collisions scattered the nearby ships.
You sound so confident. I havent even shown you my full-power yet.
Oh, really? He asked sarcastically. Well whats stopping you?
Rudy dashed behind him and punched him in the back, snapping his spinal
Rago floatedsilently.
HehI knew he was bluffing.
Rudy started floating away, but then he sensed something ominous.
Ragos body began emulating immense energy.
On the contrary, my friend, this is reality.
Water surrounded Rudys body like planetary rings. Ragos fractured spinal
cord regenerated, and he was able to sit up again. His finger nails became
sharper, and his body grew as well. As he transformed, his voice got deeper,
and he grew two scorpion tails. Some sort of armor plating appeared all over
his body, and from the top of his head to the mid-ends of his tails, he grew
What the-?
He put his hands on his head and shook it around. He grew razor-sharp teeth,
and red cracks extended all around his body. Rudy swiftly dashed behind him
and thought he got a clean hit in, but he was wrong. One extra left arm
emerged from Ragos body which halted Rudy attack. He tried again with his

foot, but then another right arm appeared which halted that attack as well.
Rago stopped shaking and stood up. Turning his head without the rest of his
body, he smiled at Rudy, and shot his tongue around his neck.
With one of his arms and legs being held, he couldnt escape.
Let go of me.
All he did was smile and laugh manically.
Whats wrong, cant speak?
He tightened his tongue around Rudys neck. Out of nowhere, an energy disk
exploded in his face, and he was forced to release Rudy, who flew away from
He looked back and saw Celeste.
Are you alright?
Yeah, thanks to you. I underestimated my opponent, and it almost cost me
my life.
But youre okay. And now we can fight him together.
But shouldnt you be protecting the Council?
Dont worry, your sisters got that covered.
Back in front of the cloaked fortress, Rebeca fought Namor in Celestes
absence. Before shed gone, she aided Rebeca in sealing her mother in a
protective healing barrier. As they fight, Celestes blood is cleansing her of
her shade and allowing her to regain control of her body and senses.
Out of my way, girlie. Theres no way you can keep defending that wanabe
of a council in there anyways.
I dont think so. If you want to get to them, youll have to get by me first.
So be it.

He threw two energy rings at her sides. They generated electricity and
trapped her inside a cage.
Ha-ha! Lets see you get out of that.
He quickly zoomed by her, but she grabbed his leg and threw him into one of
his fathers cruisers.
If you thinkthis will be enough to stop methen youd better think again!
She absorbed the electricity and blasted the rings away. The cruiser
exploded, and Namor unleashed an energy wave that disintegrated its pieces
completely, along with its crew members.
You killed your own. Why?
They are not my responsibility. Theyre about as worthless as that lame
specimen with my father.
Yes. I believe Shane was his name.
She gasped and looked toward Minotia.
Youre wide open. He said
Namor grabbed her by her hair and flung her into the rock. He bolted
towards her, but a vine came out of the platform and wrapped around him.
What is this? He asked
Alex stood upside down on the platform keeping Uzuki back with his wall of
wood. Uzuki had transformed just like Rago did. The upper half of his body

remained, and his skin had also mirrored that of Rago, along with his claws
and sharp teeth, but his lower half had turned into that of a behemoth. He
hissed at him, and then began chewing on the branches and vines.
Go rescue your friend, Rebeca!
ButIll take care of these two while youre gone.
IAre you really gonna argue with me right now? Cause you sure chose the
worst time to do so.
Namor sliced the vine and broke free, and then tried to attack Rebeca again.
Luckily for her, Alex saw it coming. More vines emerged from the platform
and wrapped around him again. He made a hand-sign that created a wooden
cage for him.
Just go!
She looked at both Namor and Uzuki, and saw that Alex had everything
under control so far.
Alright. She said. Just dont die.
Oh, dont worry about me.
She took off and flew through the battlefield. Below her, a ship zoomed by
and collided with another, causing both to explode.
What the-!
She looked below and saw Celeste and Rudy engaging Rago. He grabbed
Celeste by her leg and threw her down while he clashed with Rudy. But
Celeste quickly recovered and blasted him away with an energy blast.
Rebeca heard a humming sound behind her and turned. The robot drones
were floating all around her. Their weapons locked on, and she found herself
surrounded. She put her hands together and made a fireball, and then she
scattered them after shooting it. She escaped towards the planet, and they
pursued without delay. They heavily shot at her, but she evaded their

attacks. As she got closer, she could see dark clouds gathering around it.
They surged with black lightning and obliterated the nearby enemy ships. A
bolt came straight at her, but she spun and evaded it, but the drones
couldnt move in time and were incinerated. More cruisers surrounded the
planet and began dropping bombs and troops. The shadows swiftly returned
to protect the planet and entered the cruisers. Rebeca watched as they went
up in flames.
No. She sadly whispered
She heard hisses and bellows and saw that the shadows were right on her
tail. She took evasive action and tried to scatter them with flame bombs, but
they didnt work. More of them mobilized and swarmed around her. Ships
shot them down and scattered them with bombs and missiles.
Dont worry about them maam. Well handle it from here on out.
She nodded, and then flew into the planets atmosphere. She dropped down
in the forest and traveled through. Even though the trees were taller, she
could still see Zakuto. Hed grown to the size of a moon and was still
absorbing energy.
Whoa. She said. Dont worry Rebeca, just find Shane, and get out as
quickly as possible.
The cruisers flew by Zakuto and started shooting at him; unleashing their
entire arsenal.
Those idiots! What are they doing?
They continued to fire. Zakuto expanded his frill and fluttered it while
screeching. An intense vacuum wave sucked them into his mouth as he
opened it wide. Rebeca swiftly ran through the forest while Zakutos back
was turned. She stopped and touched the ground sense out where Shane
was located.
Shane, where are you?
She closed her eyes and could see different paths through her mind.
Whats this? She asked

She sensed a faint energy signature coming from deep beneath the surface.
Shane! She exclaimed happily
Her entire body was covered in fire in an instant. She burned a path straight
through the earth and tunneled all the way to the signatures location.
Dont worry Shane, Im coming for you.
He floated unconsciously in a metallic box surging with black lightning.
Rebeca quickly managed to make it all the way there, but soon found herself
trapped as shadows emerged from the walls.
Not you guys again. She said
She could sense Shane now that she was closer, but the shadows blocked
her path and stayed close to his prison.
Out of my way!
They dashed towards her, and she flew back. She lifted her arm and made an
immense sphere of flames. She lifted her other arm to have more control
over it.
Supernova wave! She shouted
Back on the battlefield, Alex was getting pummeled by Uzuki and Namor. He
tried to hold his own, but they were too much for him to handle in his current
fatigued state. Namor had finally changed as his two brothers did, and he
was the most ferocious-looking of them all. To add to his evil-looking; pitch
black eyes, he also grew a tail and large and dark bat wings. His legs were
longer, and he even attained mandibles that only revealed themselves when
his mouth split open.
Looks like someones getting tired. Uzuki happily said
Shut up! Alex exclaimed
You know you cant defeat us both with the little power you have left. Said
Namor. Why wont you just give up?
Why wont you? He asked

They growled.
Its time to die. Said Namor
Give it your best shot.
With pleasure. Said Uzuki
Alex! Celeste shouted
They all looked towards her.
She blasted them away and floated in front of Alex. She made another
barrier to protect them.
Celeste, thats not gonna hold.
I know, but itll at least give me time to heal you. Youve used up too much
Yeah, and what about you?
My energy doesnt come from the same realm yours originated from.
What do you mean?
Im sorry, but theres no time for that.
She gave him her arm.
Bite my arm, quickly!
If you bite my arm and suck out my blood, then youll be able to heal your
wounds without having to use up any of your own energy. Its an ability my
people had called hemo-regeneration.
He bit her arm, and she felt the pain of his teeth on her skin. He fed on her
blood as she instructed and he could already feel his strength coming back.

Uzuki and Namor had already begun attacking the barrier and were close to
destroying it.
Hurry, Alex.
They shattered it and bolted. Celeste closed her eyes, and when she opened
them, both Namor and Uzukis faces were close to hers. Luckily, Alex used
his vines to bind them.
Phew. Are you okay, Celeste?
Yeah. Thanks.
I should be thanking you.
Impossible! Exclaimed Uzuki
How could you have healed up so quickly? Asked Namor
Who knows? He said. Guess you just underestimated my abilities.
He growled, and Uzuki hissed. Rudy punched Rago into the rock and Alex
bound him along next to his brothers. As they stayed bound, theyd
simultaneously lost their ability to sustain their transformation and reverted
back to their normal forms.
Release me, now! He exclaimed
Looks like weve won. Said Rudy
The three sons smiledand then laughed. Rudy, Alex and Celeste heard
thunder coming from the surface of the platform. Rudy and Celeste quickly
flew back up while Alex stayed to guard the defeated sons.
You wont win against him. Namor said
No one is as powerful as Father. Said Uzuki
Hell free us, you know. Said Rago. And when he does, youd better hope
your friends come back to rescue youHe covered their mouths. But then looked up with worry.

Rudy and Celeste made their way to the platform surface. Dark clouds had
appeared shooting black lightning down onto the surface.
Im on it!
She quickly put up a barrier to block out the lightning bolts, but itd already
begun to crack.
Its too powerful.
Dont worry, Ive got it.
She made a hand-sign and reinforced it with an incantation.
Katon himasu.
The cracks began to repair themselves.
Rama ixthul satomu
She layered three more on top of the first.
Wheres my mother? He asked
Up there.
He looked next to the invisible fortress and saw that she was still in her
Why hasnt she awakened yet?
I dont know.
The shadows appeared outside of the barrier.
Now those guys are here. Said Rudy
They cant get through though.
They started phasing through the barrier one by one. Rudy jumped back.
I guess I spoke too soon.
You think?

Rudy bent water out of the air and started slicing the shadows one at a time.
Celeste stayed back and blasted the one able to bypass to kingdom come.
More of them poured in like rain and attacked in clusters. Together, they
combined their power to blow them out of the barrier and lock them out.
From the planet, Zakuto growled at them.
Ive had enough of these dust molts.
He shifted from the planet and through the battlefield; destroying anything
and everything in his path, friend or foe. The shadows tried to re-enter, but a
wall of water kept them from doing so.
Are you sure thisll work? Asked Rudy holding his arms out
No, but it seems to be keeping them out, so we shouldnt need to worry
about themThe wall evaporated, and the barriers shattered in a fraction of a second. The
impact scattered the ships and sent both Rudy and Celeste crashing into the
fortress. All of the ships in the area had shut down due to a released
shockwave from Zakutos body, and now there was nothing but silence in the
What was that?
They were caught in an enormous dirt cloud. Alex could feel the surge of
energy pouring out from the surface, and so could the sons.
No way.
We told you, you have no chance of winning against him.
Alex gulped. Rudy could see a shadow through the cloud of dirt, but couldnt
make out what it was. He used the water to remove it, but hed wished he
Oh my, god. He said
Is that?
Rebeca came out of her hole, carrying Shane.

Im sorry. Are you alright?
Define alright.
They really did a number on you, didnt they?
Yeah. And then one of Zakutos sons put me in that coma and stuffed me
inside that box.
Im sorry I left you.
Its no big deal. Im just glad youre okay.
I cant believe youre still worrying about me about everything youve been
through. I still cant believe they didnt kill you on the spot.
Yeah, me neither. But I guessWait.
She looked in the sky.
What is it? He asked
Can you hear that?
I dont hear anything.
Exactly. There should still be ships out here somewhere, so why is it so
She lied him down on a tree and quickly flew into space. She looked around
and saw that all of the ships had suddenly stopped firing and were simply
drifting about.
What is this?
She could see lights coming from the platform. Her eyes turned red, and she
could see everyones heat signatures. She saw four below the platform; not
moving. And then she looked up and saw two heat signatures engaging an
enormous being.

She dropped down.

Whats going on? What did you see?
All of the ships have stopped firing. Theres still many that arent destroyed,
but theyve just stopped working all of a sudden.
And what about Alex?
He, along with my other brother and his friend have captured Zakutos sons,
but now hes taken the fight to them.
Then that means they need your help. You should go.
Well Im not leaving without you this time, so come on.
She grabbed hold of him and they were suddenly encircled by fire. Like a
comet, they shot into space and flew through the space battlefield. And while
they made their way to the platform, Celeste and Rudy were already getting
their butts kicked by Zakuto. He swung his tail and launched a couple spikes,
but Rudy managed to stop them with an ice wall. But then he swung his tail
again and shattered the ice. Celeste made another shield around them, but
Zakuto expanded his frill again and screeched, causing her shield to crack
and break apart.
Celeste, thats not gonna work anymore. Get out of here, hurry!
No! Im not leaving you!
This isnt a discussion. Im telling you to leave, now.
Dianas bubble cracked.
And I said Im not leaving without you, Rudy.
This is all very touching, Zakuto said. but, its time for you to die.

Zakuto made a fist, and raised it. Celeste flew to Rudys side, and he moved
her behind him and they closed their eyes. Zakuto dropped his fist, but,
when they opened their eyes, they were both okay.
Huh? They asked
Rudy looked at Zakutos shadow and saw ropes. He grabbed Celestes arm
and pulled her out. As they ran away, they could see that vines and branches
were hindering Zakutos movement, thanks to Alex.
Thanks, bro.
He placed his hands on the platform and felt out Zakutos enormous energy.
You think youve stopped me, but youre only prolonging the inevitable.
He broke his binds and bellowed. Rudy and Celeste covered their ears and
dropped to the ground. The fortresses cloaking suddenly stopped working
and they were finally exposed. Zakutos mouth opened up, and he suddenly
began concentrating an enormous amount of energy inside of it.
What is he-?
Hes going to destroy the station in one fell swoop! She exclaimed
Celeste quickly shot an energy beam that pushed the fortress away. Zakuto
continued to concentrate his energy.
I know, but its moving too slow!
Rudy stretched his arm out and shot water at it to help it gain speed. Zakuto
took a step, and then he quickly turned, releasing spikes from his turning tail
and shooting his energy blast upward. The spikes pierced the fortress they
were pushing and caused it to explode, while the blast actually made contact
with something else; the real fortress the Council took refuge in. Celeste
could hear their dying screams, and then nothing but silence.
No! She exclaimed
How could he have known? Asked Rudy

You vermin! I already knew where they really were all along. Youve
obviously underestimated my sensing abilities.
Celeste dropped to the ground.
Ive failed. I couldnt protect the Council.
Tears overflowed her eyes. Rudy stared at Zakuto with anger and grit his
What was that?! Asked Alex
Sounds like Fathers finally succeeded. Said Uzuki
Your precious councilis dead. Said Namor.
Thats impossible.
Nothing is impossible when it pertains to our fathers abilities. Hes on a
completely different level now.
No, it cant be.
Zakuto bellowed again, and his shadows swarmed around him. Rudy
continued to stare, and hen he had this puzzled look on his face. As Zakuto
bellowed, a fireball struck him in the back and tipped him over. Rudy grabbed
Celeste and jumped away. Rebeca ran on top of the falling Zakuto while
carrying Shane. She jumped off and ran to where Rudy and Celeste were.
What was that? Asked Alex
Rudy picked Celeste up.
Are you alright?
Not entirely.
Its okay. Were gonna be fine, okay?
She hugged him.

Thats my girl.
Are you two finished yet? Asked Rebeca
She stood there staring at them, and then they stopped.
Celeste, can you heal my friend here?
She lied Shane down.
Whos this? Asked Rudy
Hes my friend, Shane. He was a general of the Councils armada.
A general?
Yeah. He was helping me out until we got captured. And he was away with
one of Zakutos sons when you rescued us.
I see. RebecaPlease Rudy, dont give me the protective brother shtick. Now is not the
Um, in case you havent noticed, Zakutos getting back up. Said Celeste,
Rebeca and Rudy walked in front of her.
Dont let your guard down, Rebeca.
I know. Im not a little girl anymore, so dont baby me.
I know that, Im sorry. But youll always be my baby sister.
Ughdo we have to do this now?
Sorry, I just cant help myself.
He smiled a little.

Zakutos hand came crashing down between them. Rudy and Rebeca quickly
jumped away in opposite directions, and then they attacked him while he
was still getting up.
You hit him high Said Rudy
And you hit him low!
Rudy shot his water in a straight path on the ground and slid on it. Rebeca
engulfed her body in fire and shot up into the air. The shadows tried to stop
them, but they were too quick to counter. Rudy cracked his knuckles and
kicked Zakutos legs from behind while Rebeca crashed into his face with
unbelievable impact. Once again, he tipped over backwards, becoming even
more enraged.
Alright. Said Celeste. Your healings complete.
Shane sat up and clenched his fists. Celeste brought Dianas bubble down
and placed it behind them.
I feelstronger.
Thats because I infused my blood with yours. It was only a little, so you
wont be able to fight with them, but its enough to exceed your previous
Thanks, Ill take it.
The shadows scattered and flew towards them. Shane stood up cracked his
I sense you used weapons. Said Celeste
Yeah, weapons.
Then here.
Yellow symbols appeared all over his arms. He tore off his shirt and more
markings appeared.
What is?
Those symbols will allow you to summon weapons you can use in battle.

When you summon them, youll feel a painful sensation for a few seconds.
Let me guess. The heavier the weapon, the more pain Ill feel at the
moment of summoning?
Then Ill simply stick with the lighter ones for now.
He crossed his hands and they went through his biceps, and as Celeste said,
he felt small shocks of pain going in. The shadows accelerated and were
right in front of them. Celeste levitated and shot bolts of energy at them. A
couple dropped down in front of Shane, and before they could even attack,
he took his hands out and plugged them full of holes with his pistols.
Hes got it!
He did a backflip and shot at them from the air. He spun while shooting and
landed on Dianas bubble. Celestes wings sprouted, and then she quickly
attacked them with her body; scattering them with tremendous force. Shane
crouched down and was still shooting. Already, hed run out of bullets and
took out the bullet canisters. He threw his pistols up and punched the
incoming shadows out of the way. As the guns came down, he
simultaneously crossed his arms again and pierced his shoulders with his
hands; taking out two more bullet canisters that he put into the falling
Rebeca, watch out!
She spun around in the air to counter Zakutos incoming punch. He punched
Rudy, who quickly showcased his strength by single-handedly stopping his
fist. Zakuto bellowed, exposing his vibrating frill, and used his immense
energy to make him bigger. Rudy jumped up and Rebeca caught him and
flew away. Zakuto quickly stood up and tried to suck them into his mouth by
No! Rebeca exclaimed
She looked into Zakutos mouth and saw nothing but darkness. The shadows
tried to push them in, but Rudy whipped them away with his water.
No! Alex exclaimed

He could sense that his brother and sister were in danger.

Whats the matter? Uzuki asked maniacally
Looks like he sensed something he didnt like. Namor said smiling
Shut up! Shouted Alex
He pressed his hands against the rock again.
This platform has become too crowded for them to move freely. He thought
Branches and vines sprouted outward in all directions; connecting to the
nearby ships and floating debris.
Whats going on? Asked Shane
Suddenly, there were multiple bridges connected to one another.
What the-?
Alex. Said Rudy. Rebeca!
Shoot into his mouth, now!
But then Id have to turn around and let you go.
I know, just do it!
She nodded, and then she let him go. As he was being sucked into Zakutos
mouth, she simultaneously turned around, made a hand-sign, and
outstretched both of her arms. A large passed Rudy and struck Zakutos
throat, and with the added air from the suction, it gave great results. The
impact blasted Rudy to the side, where he landed on one of the bridges. He
faced Rebeca and twirled his finger. She knew right away what he was
signaling her to do and flew around Zakuto in the opposite direction.
She got the signal.
Rudy ran along the bridge going further out while Rebeca flew parallel to
him. Celeste and Shane did the same as they continued to fight the shadows.
Zakuto screeched, and then his clouds expanded even farther than the

branches and vines did. He stomped, and the shockwave unbound his sons,
causing Alex to flee to the surface. After being released, they simultaneously
morphed back into their collective transformations.
Stop him! Shouted Rago
Alex moved the earth from the center of the rock and jumped threw it. Uzuki
shrieked, and then he followed him through the tunnel.
He smiled, and then he flew up to the surface. Zakuto turned around and ran
after Rudy on the bridge. Rudy jumped over a ship, which was still intact. As
soon as he landed on the other side, he heard noises. Behemoths broke out
and hissed at him, but, before they could attack, the shadows embodied
them and took over their consciousness. Being overrun by darkness, the
behemoths began to transmogrify. Their legs became bulky, and their
thoraxes sprouted large stingers. As they continued to change, Rudy used
this delay as a perfect time to run away. More shadows appeared in front of
him, but he didnt let them stop him. He encircled himself in water, and shot
himself at them like a bullet; piercing them. He stopped once they were all
out of the way, and then looked to his right and watched as Rebeca was
being chased by shadows as well.
Hah! She shouted
Blasting them with fire, she scattered and incinerated them, becoming even
more in tune with her elemental nature. Rudy started to run again, until a
large shockwave shook the bridge and made him fall over.
What the-?
A large shadow appeared below him. He quickly rolled away and got back up.
Zakuto had tried to grab him, but failed. He expanded his frill and began
vibrating the path. And while Rudy couldnt even stand, the behemoths had
completed their transformations and ran after him.
He ran and then slid on his water again to gain speed. Zakuto opened his
mouth and began concentrating energy.

Rudy tried to get away by crossing over, but Zakuto just kept tracking his
movements and simultaneously moving when he moved.
Rudy! Rebeca shouted
She made a beeline towards him and the shadows followed. Zakuto shot
lasers from his eyes that evaporated his water and caused him to fall.
Damn. He said
He turned back and Zakuto began compressing the energy. He fired, and the
behemoths disintegrated, along with the entire pathway.
A bright; light blue light emerged from the blasts line of sight.
She came out carrying Rudy. The shadows surrounded them, but Rebeca shot
fire blasts that incinerated them, and then she circled around them and
made a firewall to keep them out.
Rebeca! Celeste shouted
Thanks, sis.
No problem. But wed better get out of here.
Her wall exploded and sent the shadows hurdling back. Zakuto raised his
head into the thunderclouds and sucked some up. After swallowing, he
opened his mouth again and shot lightning at them.
Watch out! Shouted Rudy
Rebeca spun around and evaded the bolts, while Celeste generated her
barriers to keep her and Rudy safe. Shadows emerged from the clouds and
pursued them without delay.
Above us! Shouted Rebeca

They separated them, and one crashed into Celeste, making her drop Rudy.
Rudy! They shouted
They tried to save him, but the shadows blocked their path.
Maybe if I
Rudy motioned circled his arms and water rose from the branches. With it, he
made a cushion to fall on.
Phew. That was close.
He looked up and Rebeca and Celeste were still fighting the shadows.
He made it! Rebeca yelled
Good, now lets take care of theseA lightning bolt came at her.
She screamed, and was struck with so much force that it pierced her chest.
Celeste! Rudy exclaimed
Her body floated there, and started to lose its light. Rudy saw the position
the bolt came from and traced it back to Zakuto.
Why you
He ran towards him.
Rudy, no!
With one of their team struck down, their momentum had severely dropped.
Back on the platform, Alex had done all he could, but the sons together were
too much for him. Not too far away, Shane could see that he needed help.
I have to help him, but

He turned to the bubble. It was cracked, but Diana still hadnt awakened. He
reached into his chest and took out a bazooka.
He kneeled down.
Bear with it Shane. You can do this.
He pointed it at the sons and fired. Alex was on the ground, with scratches
and bruises, but he still tried to fight.
Ive been waiting for this moment. Said Uzuki
Namor jumped down.
I actually thought he wouldve put up more of a fight though. He said
Rago levitated from the edge.
Yes, but he still proved his abilities. Too bad he was immune to the
Anything to say, Alex? Asked Namor
Kiss my ass, and go to hell.
Come one already, lets kill him. Uzuki said
Fine by me.
Alright. Said Rago
He outstretched his arm. Uzuki opened his mouth, while Namors eyes
Say goodbye! They said simultaneously
They charged up their attacks, but, before they could fire, Shanes rocket
crashed into them; making them fly.

Namor recovered from the shock and flew up into the air. Rago and Uzuki got
back up.
Who did that?! Asked Uzuki
His third eye opened up and he could see the flight path the missile took and
traced it back to Shane.
Shane smiled. Uzuki shifted towards him, and as he got closer, Shane
stepped back. He dropped his bazooka and brought out his pistols again.
Rago looked down at where Alex was supposed to be, and saw a hole in his
This time, youre mine! Uzuki exclaimed
Shane pointed his pistol at him, and then he pointed the other at the bubble.
Once Uzuki appeared in front of him, he shot the bubble, and it shattered,
releasing a lot of steam.
Uzuki grabbed him by his neck and lifted him up.
Youve got a lot of guts, boy. How bout I break your neck.
Go right ahead. You dont scare me.
Is that so?
Yeahit is.
Uzuki tightened his grip, and he laughed deeply as Shane tried to break free.
A flash of light appeared that blinded him. He dropped Shane and covered
his eyes, and then Shane put the barrel of his pistol in his mouth. He pulled
the trigger, and then Uzukis blood gushed out all over him.
Uzukiwas killedby the likes of them? Asked Rago
Unacceptable! Namor exclaimed
He flew towards them and shifted all around to confuse them. Shane tried to
shoot him down, but his bullets werent making contact. But then, a spear of
light expanded outwards and pierced him in the chest.

What the-?
Rudy looked at the ball of light, and watched as it disappeared. Diana
emerged from it holding the spear. She had evolved beyond what she was,
and became pure energy. Every part of her body appeared golden, and it
even sparkled.
Uzuki and Namorwere taken down?
She turned and stared at him. Rago stood back. She tossed Namor and
jumped after him. Rago tried to retreat back to his father, but it was already
too late. Braches had sprouted out of the ground and wrapped around him.
What theNo!
Diana stopped.
He continued to fight Rudy and Rebeca. They circled around him, trying to
confuse him.
He tried to break free, but the branches were too powerful. They tightened
around him, until his entire body became crushed by the pressure. More
branches came and covered him up, and Alex emerged from underground.
Diana place her hand on it, and leaves and flowers grew on and around it.
She stared at him, and then she smiled. She flew to the top of the tree and
hovered over it with her legs crossed. The shadows rained down from the
clouds charged with dark electricity. Alex looked up and was amazed by how
many of them there were coming down. And then he looked around and they
were coming from all directions. Shane ran up to him.
Hey. What are we gonna do? Theres too many of them to deal with.
I know. But wait
Wait?! Are you crazy? Theyre coming.

Just trust me on this.

He looked up into the tree. It began to light up like the sun, and quickly
repelled the incoming shadows. Diana brightened it, and they all started to
just disappear and turn into small particles of light.
Amazing. Said Shane
What has our mom turned into?
The light scattered the clouds away from the area and dissolved any
shadows caught in its rays. Zakuto had Rebeca in his hand when it
happened. He looked over at the bright tree and saw Diana at the top of it.
Mother? Asked Rebeca
Rudy froze Zakutos wrist and chopped it off, making him lose his hand and
freeing Rebeca.
Rebeca, lets go!
She flew back to the platform while he rode his water. Zakutos hand quickly
regenerated, and then he couldnt sense his sons any longer.
My sonswere killed? He asked. Impossible!!!
He bellowed, and his frill expanded again. He concentrated his energy again
and opened his mouth. Rebeca and Rudy had no chance of escaping in time.
Rebeca, Rudy! Alex shouted
Diana closed her eyes, and zoomed in front of them. She spread out her
arms and legs and stood there.
What the-?!
Mother! Shouted Rebeca
The blast made contact, but not with her. There seemed to be an invisible
shield protecting her. She moved toward Zakuto slowly; pushing back his

Holding her own against him. Said Rebeca
Lets go Shane.
He and Alex ran to Rebeca and Rudy. Diana had already gotten to Zakuto
with her shield intact. He stopped his attack and switched to close combat.
She dodged and dropped down. Her impact created another platform made
of a solid metallic alloy. Her body grew as big as his, and then, the two sides
What is this? Rebeca asked floating down
I dont know. Responded Rudy
I do. Said Alex
They turned around.
Its a battlebetween light and darkness. He said
Hey, Rebeca.
How are you feeling?
Better now. Celeste gave me the power to summon weapons from parts of
my body. Where is she anyway?
Rudy looked away, and Rebeca looked down.
Whats wrong? He asked
Its just thatShes dead! Rudy exclaimed
Zakuto killed her.
I see. He said. ImIm sorry.

Dont worry about it. She diedprotecting what she thought was worth
fighting for. She didnt regret anything.
Alex put his hand on Rudys shoulder, and he began to tear up. Diana and
Zakuto fiercely clashed with one another, causing multiple shockwaves. Alex
punched the ground and wrapped his branches around everyone including
Quick thinking, Alex. Said Rudy
Zakuto touched Diana and tried to infect her once again, but she became
immune to it and simply shook it off. She kicked him down, and Rebeca
cheered. Zakuto snarled, and then he swung his tail around and tripped
Diana. He jumped and landed in front of them. Alex released them, and then
Rudy blasted off with him while Rebeca grabbed Shane and flew away.
Unfortunately, they were too slow. Zakuto shocked Rudy and Alex, and since
Rudy dealt with water, the damage was catastrophic. He exhaled and sent
Rebeca and Shane flying into the tree.
Ouch. Said Shane
Alex and Rudy were down on the path. Alex shook Rudy, but there was no
Rudy! Rudy, wake up! Rudy!
Zakuto swung his tail, and Alex ducked, but his spikes went flying towards
Rebeca and Shane.
Rebeca, Shane, incoming!
Shane saw them coming, but Rebeca was getting up too slow. He pushed her
out of the way, and the spikes hit him instead. She turned around.
Oh my god, Shane!
Three spikes had pierced his body, and bound him to the tree.
Dont worry. He said. I cant even feel my body anymore.

Ill get them outRebeca, watch out!

She turned around, and more spikes had been shot at them. Alex raised his
arm, and a wall of wood rose up at the same time to shield them.
Phew. Said Alex. That was closeZakuto had lifted his foot and put it over Alex and Rudy. He dropped it, but
Rudy quickly opened his eyes and threw Alex out of the way with his
remaining strength.
See ya, bro.
Zakuto pressed down.
Diana opened her eyes. He cried, and Zakuto smiled. Diana got back up, and
ran towards him. He wrapped his tail around her and squeezed, and then his
spikes expanded; piercing her.
Mother, no!
Zakuto brought her up close, and bit her neck until it snapped. Alexs eyes
overflowed with tears.
No, it cant be.
Rebeca burned a hole through the wood, and saw what happened.
Mother. She whispered
Zakuto threw her, and she floated away. Alex tried to run away, but Zakuto
was too fast for him. Rebeca bolted towards them, and Dianas body reverted
back to its original form. Her light left her body, and made a beeline towards
them. Zakuto raised his fist, and dropped it, but Rebeca came between them
and tried to stop it with her fire. Unfortunately, it wasnt enough.

His arm continued to drop down.
Rebeca, just go!
No! I wont leave you!
The light struck her, and her body suddenly began to glow and sparkle.
Rebeca, my daughter. Im so proud of you.
Finish him, now!
Her fire suddenly gained strength, and turned golden. It burned through
Zakutos fist, and incinerated his flesh.
He shrieked, and then Rebeca levitated upward. Zakuto stood back.
Its time to end this. She said
She punched him back and made him fall.
Whoa. Said Alex
Zakutos body began to give off steam, and it regressed back to its original
This isnt over. He said. You cant defeat me!
He condensed the energy from his all-powerful body into a single sphere, and
added even more to give it extra power. Rebeca simply hovered there, and

No one can stop me! Youll all die, and a shade shall cover every corner, and
bring eternal darkness!
He absorbed all of the leftover energy, and shot it at her. She stretched out
her arm, and tried to block it with her hand. At first, it seemed to be too
much for her, but then
No, Zakuto. You are wrong.
He laughed maniacally.
In the past, you destroyed what little piece there was in the world, but I
wont let that happen again.
She took control of the energy, and Zakuto stopped laughing.
You dont belong in this world anymore
He stood back.
And now, I have the power to remove you from it, forever.
He took a couple more steps back, and then retreated as fast as he could.
She unleashed a yellow energy beam through the sphere, and it shot straight
at him.
And good riddance.
Though he ran far, he still couldnt get away. The yellow energy beam hit
him, and his body began to disintegrate.
How can this be? He asked
More than half of his body had already withered away.
How could I ever lose?!
The beam left nothing. Alex dropped to the ground.
Its over? He asked
Rebeca floated down.

It is done. She said. The balance of the multiverse has been restored.
No. I am the sacred light, Azrael.
Wheres my sister?
Shes herewith me. We are one.
Why are you here?
I was always here. I am a part of the multiverse and all life in it, just like the
darkness within Zakuto.
Darkness within him?
Yes. His given name is Otuzak.
The shade. He embodied Zakuto long ago, and has influenced him ever
But, if he was inside Zakuto already, then why didnt you come down to stop
I cannot embody anyone, unless they have overcome the darkness inside
their souls.
Darkness inside their souls?
Correct. Both your sister, and your mother, Diana, had overcome the
darkness from within thanks to Zakutos infection. Your sister still has the
infection, but she still managed to fight it, which is why I was able to enter
her body when I did.
Thank you for your help.
Dont thank me, thank your family. I may have gave them the power, but
not the will.

The light left Rebecas body.

He caught her.
Shell be fine. She just needs to rest.
Azrael started floating away.
When she wakes up, tell her she did well.
Alright. I will.
She circled around, and then a wave of light stretched out to the far reaches
of the multiverse, and all of the darkness Zakuto had left behind, had gone
away. Minotia, and her people, had returned to where they were, but Rudy,
Celeste, Shane and anyone else thatd died at the hands of Zakuto, could not
come back. A white light surrounded Alex and Rebeca, and then they were
transported back to their home, along with the bodies of their family and
Were back.
Everything seemed to have restored. Even the palace was there. The
minotian civilians surrounded them.
Its Alex! Shouted a man
Whos that hes holding? A woman asked
Please, get her to the medical room, now! He exclaimed
As you wish, Milord!
Come on, lets go!
They ran Rebeca into the palace. And then they took Alex there as well. With
the threat now averted, the only problem theyd have nowwas healing their
woundsand their hearts.

The sun was bright, and its rays seeped through the clouds. Everyday life on
Minotia had gone back to the way it was, despite what happened to Diana
and Rudy.
Rebeca gasped and woke up.
What happened? Where am I?
She was in a bed, covered in blankets.
What is this?
The door handle turned, and the door opened.
Whos there?
Glad to see youre awake, Rebeca.
Alex entered the room all bandaged up.
She jumped out of bed and hugged him.
Oh, sorry.
I cant believe you healed up so quickly. Im still feeling soar from the
Yeah, I cant believe it either. That battle was only yesterday, wasnt it?
No, it wasnt.
Rebeca, you defeated Zakuto months ago.
Its true. You were out for quite some time.
But, three months?

Its because you used up so much energy in that last attack. It was
I cant believe that was three months ago. Where are we?
Were home.
He smiled, and then he told her to put some clothes on. They walked outside,
and the sunlight blinded her for a couple seconds. When she got her sight
back, she saw the minotians all gathered in front of the palace.
Well done Milady!
Thank you!
We love you!
They praised and cheered for her.
Why are they all here? She asked
Rebeca, theyre here, for you.
For me?
She started to cry tears of joy, and then smiled.
Okay, come on. He said
What? Why?
We have one more stop.
Youll see.
He took her through the back, and then they arrived at their destination.
Why are we-?

She saw the gravestones labelled Rudy, Shane, Celeste and Mother.
Once again, she began to cry, but they were tears of sadness. She walked
over to Dianas grave and dropped down. She looked over at Rudys grave,
and put her hand on it.
Theyre really gone?
Yeah. Im sorry.
And theres nothing we can do for them?
Well, there is one thing.
He touched the wall, and flowers and trees grew around their graves.
We can live for them, Rebeca. Live for everything they believed in, and take
their hearts with us wherever we go.
She kissed Shanes grave.
Youre right.
She clenched her fists.
I promise to livefor them.
Thats the spirit.
She hugged him.
At least Im not all alone. I still have you.
Yeah, you do.
And even though you didnt promise it, you still stayed. So, thank you.
No problem.
He hugged her back.
Im really proud of you, Rebeca. And Im proud to call you my sister.
Likewise, brother.
Now, lets go celebrate with the others.

He walked out. She turned around and stared at Shanes grave.
Goodbye, Shane. Im glad I got to meet you.
She could imagine his face smiling at her, along with the faces of Rudy,
Diana, and Celeste.
Thanksto all of you. Ill never forget you, or the sacrifices you had to make
for me to succeed. We all owe you our lives.
She walked out, and joined her brother, and the rest of her people. As soon
as she arrived, the party kicked in, and she and Alex danced together with
This truly was a great adventure. Im glad to have played a part, despite the
losses we sustained. But its not all bad. The people who gave up their lives
didnt die in vain. And nowtheyre all in a better place.
Rebeca and Alex walked to the cave of the knowledge. Since Dianas passing,
all of her knowledge and memories had disappeared as well, leaving the
place empty. Alex stomped his food, and the cave sunk into the lava. He
stirred sand and dirt around the area, and Rebeca superheated it with fire
and lava. Both elements swirled around each other, and the result, was a
giant crystal. They placed their hands on it, and all around it, it projected
their memories inside the crystal. Alex raised his arm, and branches and
vines wrapped around the crystal. Both of them smiled in awe of the
spectacular sight, and then Rebeca felt a pain in her arm, and squeezed it
until it passed.
Im sure somewhere in the multiverse, another foe like Zakuto will appear,
and the same cycle could repeat. But where this is darkness, there will
always be light to challenge it. Thank you Mother, for bringing me into this
world. I wish you, and everyone that fought beside me, a happy afterlife.
Farewell.until we meet again.


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