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Fazendin 1

Allie Fazendin
Dr. Barca
ENG 364
14 June 15
Daddys Little Princess
Titan Industries was the leading company in the film industry, owning over half of the
studios in California. Its leader was a wealthy business mogul by the name of Killian Titan. His
five billion dollar fortune, and near monopoly, made people call him king, but his fortune meant
nothing next his three daughters. They were all he had left after the passing of his late wife. The
rumor in the media was that he killed her because he was known to have quite a temper and be
controlling over everything in his domain, but those rumors were put to rest after a disgruntled
producer was charged with her murder.
The murder happened ten years ago, but for this reason, his daughters were privately
tutored, had private security, and were hidden from the media. Killians three daughters were his
most prized possessions. He did everything he could to keep them as his little girls. He loved
them all but the youngest, Arianna, was his little princess. She was an angel in his eyes and could
do no wrong by him. As a child, she always obeyed his every request.
As the girls were growing up, the older sisters always made fun of Arianna by saying,
You know youre adopted. Why else would you have dark brown hair, and both of us are
blonde? They would always call her names like spoiled princess, and daddys pet, and then
call her like a puppy, Come Arianna; come here girl, but Arianna knew they really loved her,
and they were just jealous because their father did give her more of his money. Despite the

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constant sibling rivalry, Arianna was the most favored because she was the most like her father.
She was independent, strong willed, and wouldnt take no for an answer.
It wasnt long until the eldest girls were twenty-two and twenty years old and little
Arianna was a mere seventeen. Killian, being as controlling as he was, had allowed the two
oldest to have boyfriends of his choosing, and had now approved the marriage of the eldest, and
since the girls had turned twenty, they were also allowed to be seen occasionally in public. They
became media targets at every outing, and had movie offers they werent allowed to take because
it was forbidden. The girls would not do anything to displease daddy for fear he would remove
their access to his fortune. Poor Arianna was still young, and daddys princess; she was still
confined to her fathers estate, and was not allowed to have a boyfriend. The teasing got more
severe, and she could not handle being treated like such a little girl anymore.
Arianna had been having online chats with Uma Hashi, the daughter of her fathers
competitor. Arianna, when are you going to party with me? My father wants to put you in his
movies, Uma would say. Arianna often resisted because she did not want to disappoint her
father, in fear of what he might do to Umas father and to Arianna herself, but after the
announcement of the engagement, and the constant teasing, Arianna had had enough. Uma sent
Arianna a text message that said, Come on this party is for you, there are plenty of cute boys
here waiting.
Arianna replied, Be down the street in twenty minutes. Arianna had been so obsessed
with a freedom from her fathers control. She didnt want to be told whom she could date, and
for once, she wanted to outshine her sisters. She bleached her hair blonde and covered her face in
makeup. She wanted to be bold; she wanted to be famous, and rich on her own. She knew Uma
could help her get what she wanted.

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When they got to the party at Umas house, Arianna asked to speak to Umas father about
that role in the film. Uma handed Arianna a drink and said, Drink this down, and take this pill.
Youve been too tense it will calm our nerves. My father will set up a meeting with you
tomorrow, so tonight, have fun. Arianna listened; she just wanted to fit in. Next thing she knew
she was the queen of the dance floor, and all eyes were on her. Uma secretly gave a young man
some money, and then he pressed his way through the crowd to dance with Arianna. He was very
handsome with dark hair and a perfect smile; he was no doubt one of the actors.
The music was so loud that he could not hear her speak when she asked for his name. She
didnt need to speak, though, because she was dressed in a tight mini dress leaving very little to
the imagination. She knew he would want her, and she felt beautiful to be wanted by someone as
handsome as him. She knew her father would never approve with the way he placed his hands all
over her, but she liked it. She had never felt this way about a man before and the way he touched
her sent chills to her body.
As soon as she turned to kiss him, Killian burst through the door of the house with his
security. He yelled, You have thirty-nine seconds to tell me where my daughter is, or my
security starts taking everyone down. People started running in every direction trying to get out
of the house. Killian found Arianna on the dance floor with the boy. He picked him up with one
arm and threw the boy against the wall. He slapped Arianna across the face.
Holding her face in shock, she looked at him and said, How could you?
He then grabbed her by her hair and dragged her down to the ground, and outside of the
house. He was shouting at her the entire time, After all that I do for you, to keep you safe! This
is how you repay me? You go act like a little slut, putting my name and my empire at risk! He
got into the sedan with her, and they were off before the press got there. You are sixteen young

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lady; not an adult. Your sisters never acted this way; I expected this from them, not you! And
what did you do to your hair? I expect that to be back to brown first thing tomorrow morning.
Arianna had nothing to say. The car was spinning. She was doing all she could to not pass
out, she didnt know if it was the alcohol or the pill Uma gave her that was making her feel this
way. Her fathers staff put Arianna in bed. When she woke up the next morning, she saw that the
clothes in her closet had been replaced with clothing that was more conservative. She reached for
her phone and realized it too was gone. She went to her computer desk to see it too had been
removed; instead a note read, The car will take you to the salon this morning and the chef has
breakfast ready for you.
Arianna skipped breakfast. She wasnt feeling well. She put on dark sunglasses and got in
the sedan. While on the way to the salon, she used the car phone to call Uma. Uma will you
pick me up at The Grotto Spa and Salon?
Yes, Uma agreed.
You will need to pick me up around back; my dads security will be at the front of the
salon. Ariannas heart was racing when she got into Umas car. She said, If he thinks I am
going to dye my hair back to brown hes crazy. Little girls are brunettes. Sexy women are blonde.
Im not a little girl anymore, and Im tired of him treating me that way. I want to show him Uma,
show him I can make it on my own. I want to be in your fathers film with that guy from the
Uma smirked and said, I can get you what you need, but you are going to have to do
things my way.
What way is that?

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Since you are trying to get away from your fathers control, you will need to sign a
contract. You will need to lose fifteen to twenty pounds, and you will need breast implants, a
nose job, and a lip augmentation if you want to appear in my fathers movie. Dont worry; I
know you have no money, so you can pay me back with interest after the movie is made. It will
all be part of the contract.
Arianna was worried, What if I cant pay you back after the movie?
Then you will die. I cant just reverse these procedures. When you owe someone a debt,
you repay her, but dont worry; it wont come to that. I know youll repay. Youll be great in the
movie. Dont you want to be beautiful? All the things your father never allowed. Youll finally be
a woman and Emmet, the guy from the party, will fall madly in love with you because of all your
new enhancements. You can bet that he will be more than just an onscreen relationship.
Something inside Arianna made her feel that she should say no to the deal, but she hated
her father, and wanted fame, so she agreed. The next morning she was in for surgery, and came
out feeling like a train had hit her. She took four weeks to heal the bruising, but as soon as the
healing process was done, she began filming.
While Arianna was in recovery, Uma had a meeting with her father to tell him, Arianna
will not require payment for this film; she only needs a condo on the beach. Umas father was
delighted to be getting such a prize for so cheap. Arianna had no idea that she would not receive
a check, but Uma was going to be richer than Arianna could have ever imagined. With Ariannas
death, her father would sure come to her rescue, and when he did, he would be killed too, and
Umas father could consume all of Titan Industries because the heir to the ownership was his
beloved Arianna. The plan was brilliant, and Arianna was as trusting as a Labrador.

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Arianna finished the filming for the movie, and was awaiting her paycheck. She was
spending all of her time with Emmet. He treated her like a queen, but of course, that is what Uma
was paying him to do. It wasnt hard for him to pretend because all the enhancements she had,
made her the most beautiful woman to him. He was starting to fall in love, but he knew she
would soon be gone so he kept his feelings to himself, and kept the love to a physical thing.
The week before the premier Uma called Arianna and asked, Where is the money you
owe me for surgery, the house, and living costs for the past year?
Arianna replied, Your father hasnt paid me yet.
You are lying. I sent the checks out myself to ensure you got one, explained Uma.
I never received it.
Ask Emmet if he got his.
Emmet did you get paid for the film yet?
Emmet knew his role in this conversation. Yes I did, he said.
Arianna, I can see the funds have been deposited from the check. If I dont have 450,000
dollars in the next two days, you are dead! and she hung up.
By this point, Emmet was really in love with Arianna. He pleaded with her, Lets just
run away. You have the money, we can start over.
Arianna cried in his arms. I really dont have the money. I need to call my father.
Arianna called Killian. She said, Daddy, they are going to kill me. Will you help me?
As no father could turn his back on his precious daughter, he came to her rescue. When
he arrived at the condo, he did not even recognize his own daughter. She was a full-blown
woman, with plastic surgery that altered her appearance dramatically. Killian walked his
daughter out of the condo to the sedan in the driveway. As they were walking out, Emmet fired

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two shots at them. Uma was around the corner, picked up Emmet, paid him, and secured his
getaway out of the country. Arianna and Killian were left for dead. The shot had hit Killian in the
neck, and he bled out. Arianna was shot in the chest.
By some miracle, the bullet that went into her chest went through her breast, and was
stopped inside the silicon, never reaching her heart. When police arrived on scene, she was
rushed to the hospital where she had surgery, and survived. Because of the shooting, she was on
every newspaper and television in the country. The shooting also boosted the ticket sales for her
new movie, and she was more famous than she ever imagined.
She was reunited with her sisters as they mourned their father, but the Titan empire now
belonged to Arianna. Umas plan had failed so miserably because Arianna lived, and she pursued
Uma in court. Uma and her father were both imprisoned for murder, attempted murder, and
conspiracy, while Emmet was found dead of a drug overdose three months later in London.
Arianna didnt get the man, but she got the fame and fortune, and she was okay with that. She
still had her body, and knew another man would come along.

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I adapted this story from my reading and viewing of The Little Mermaid. I kept with the
tough-guy persona the father had from the film. He destroyed Ariels grotto, also betraying her,
and I wanted to project that in the story, but I wanted to make him more violent and full of
himself. I imagined what Gaston would have been like if he had children. That was actually my
starting point. I had to figure out how my characters were going to reach this point.
There is also very much an issue of beauty in The Little Mermaid. Ariel wants to have
legs, and in the Anderson tale, her grandmother informs her that a tail is considered ugly in the
human world. She is not beautiful the way she is, and I echoed this by todays obsession with
cosmetic surgery as the beauty myth. Like the fairy tales, I wanted to include some sort of
message in my writing. I think the message I pose to readers is to not be so trusting of people
you do not really know. Ariannas relationship with Uma was only online, she believes shes a
friend and she gets stabbed in the back, as many teenage girls do by their friends.

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Works Cited
Anderson, H.C. The Little Mermaid. 1863. Web. 13 Jun 2015.
The Little Mermaid. Dir. Ron Clements and John Musker. Walt Disney Pictures, 1989. Blu-ray.

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