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Subject: World History, 9th Grade

Era: 2-The First Global Age

Unit: 1-Russia

Russia Extended Written Assessment

Statement of Purpose: This is a summative assessment designed to evaluate student learning and
understanding of the origins and history of Russia up to the first global age (1500). The results produced from
this assessment will be used to determine a portion of students grades as they relate to learning target
understanding. This assessment will also be used to plan instruction for future students. Following this
assessment, students will self-assess to determine how comfortable they are with each learning target and
address those areas that they struggle with understanding.
Standards: Michigan High School Content Expectations for World History
WHG 5.3.4: Russia through the 18th Century Analyze the major political, religious, economic, and cultural
transformations in Russia including:
Russian imperial expansion and top-down westernization/modernization
the impact of its unique location relative to Europe and Asia
the political and cultural influence (e.g., written language) of Byzantine Empire, Mongol Empire, and Orthodox
Target Chart:
Learning Targets
I can



explain how the Byzantines, Mongols, and 1

Orthodox Church influence Russia
politically and culturally.

examine how political, religious,

economic, and cultural changes have
affected Russia.

Student IEPs will guide accommodations. Accommodations for this assessment may include: extended time, a
scribe or audio recorder, or an alternate format of the assessment (large print, braille) and/or recording option
(type, audio record). Students may also be permitted to record answers in lists instead of complete sentences.
Accommodations are not limited to these listed.

World History
Era 2: The First Global Age
Unit 1: Russia

Name: _____________________________ Hour: ______

Russia Written Response Assessment

This assessment is designed to help you determine your understanding of the history of Russia up to the first
global age as we have studied it. Below you will find 2 questions covering aspects of 2 of our learning targets.
After answering these questions, you will self-assess your understanding and decide where you believe your
understanding fits in the below scoring guides. You will have 30 minutes to answer these questions. If you have
any questions, please raise your hand and you will be motioned to come up and ask them. Once you are
finished, turn in this assessment and silently wait in your seat until everyone has finished. Please feel free to
read a book or draw a picture while you wait ! (tebye oodachi)good luck to you!

Please begin by recording your name and hour in the space provided at the top of this assessment. Review the
below rubric BEFORE answering this stand-alone question. Use this rubric to guide your response to the
question. You will also use the rubric to self-assess your response. Answer the question as completely as you
Question 1 Rubric
Learning Target
I can...
explain how the
Mongols, and
Orthodox Church
influence Russia
politically and

I have clearly
I have clearly
I have clearly
I have described
described at least
1 or no
examples from
examples from
2 examples from
examples from
all of the areas
all or all but 1 of
the areas of
the areas of
of influence.
the areas of
I have correctly
I have explained I have
and thoroughly
I have explained
how the
explained how
how the
explained how
the Byzantines
influence in
the Byzantines
influence in all
influence in
some of these
influence in
of these areas
most of these
areas affected
these areas
affected Russias
areas affected
affected Russias
relationship with
relationship with
relationship with
relationship with
Europe, most
Europe, some
were incorrect or
were incorrect or

After completing Question 1, I would give myself a score of ______ based on the above rubric because

Target 1: I can explain how the Byzantines, Mongols, and Orthodox Church influence Russia politically
and culturally.
Question 1:
We have been studying how the Byzantine Empire affected the economic, political, religious, and cultural
aspects of Medieval Russia. Based on your understanding of this relationship between these two groups, on the
lines below, describe an example from of each of these areas of influence and how these examples
influenced the relationship that Russia had with the rest of Europe. Be sure to include:
An example from each of the four aspects above
How the Byzantines influence in each of these areas affected Russias relationship with Europe


Please review the below rubric BEFORE answering this scenario question. Use this rubric to guide your
response to the question. You will also use the rubric to self-assess your response. Answer the question as
completely as you can.
Rubric / Scoring Guide
Learning Target
I can
examine how
political, religious,
economic, and
cultural changes
have affected

I have clearly
described all of
the significant
actions taken by
Ivan during each

I have clearly
described all or
all but 1
action taken by

I have clearly
I have not
described at least
clearly described
1 significant
any of the
action taken by
Ivan during each
actions taken by


part of his rule.

I have correctly
and thoroughly
explained how
all of these
actions have
I have correctly
and thoroughly
explained how
these actions
have affected
Russia as a

Ivan during each

part of his rule.
Ivan during each
part of his rule.
part of his rule.
I have explained
I have explained
I have
how some of
how most of
these actions
these actions
have affected
explained how
have affected
these actions
groups, most
have affected
groups, some
were incorrect or
were incorrect or
I have explained I have
I have explained
how some of
how most of
these actions
explained how
these actions
have affected
these actions
have affected
Russia as a
have affected
Russia as a
whole, most
Russia as a
whole, some
were incorrect or
were incorrect or

After completing Question 2, I would give myself a score of ______ based on the above rubric because

Target 2: I can examine how political, religious, economic, and cultural changes have affected Russia.
Question 2:
We have also been studying the reign of Ivan IV, also known as Ivan the Terrible, and how the Russian Empire
changed under his leadership. You are a former boyar, writing a letter to a distant relative describing life in
Russia under Ivans rule. Please write your letter on the lines below. Be sure to include:
Three significant actions taken by Ivan during of each part of his rule
How Ivans actions have affected individual groups and Russia as a whole
Dont forget to include how Ivans rule has affected you as a boyar!

World History
Era 2: The First Global Age
Unit 1: Russia

Name: _____________________________ Hour: ______

Russia Written Response Self-Assessment

The purpose of this self-assessment is to decide what areas you should focus on in the future.
Review your self-scoring responses and my comments. Use this information to answer the below questions.
Part 1
Question 1
Target 1: I can explain how the Byzantines, Mongols, and Orthodox Church influence Russia politically and
Compare your self-score to the score that I gave you. If there are any differences, please explain why
you believe that is?

Question 2
Target 2: I can examine how political, religious, economic, and cultural changes have affected Russia.
Compare your self-score to the score that I gave you. If there are any differences, please explain why
you believe that is?

Part 2
What part of this assessment did you find most difficult?

What can you do to improve your understanding of these learning targets? Please provide at least two
suggestions for yourself.

d this





Standards of Quality for Extended Written Response Assessments

Clear Purpose
It is clear who the intended users and uses are
It is clear that this is a formative or summative assessment.
Comments: It is clear that this is a summative assessment and since that is
the case, it would be good to add that The results of this assessment will
be used to determine part of the students report card grades.
Clear Targets
Targets are important worth the assessment time devoted to them.
Targets involve reasoning
Targets are clearly related to the state and/or district standards
Targets connect to the items on the assessment
Comments: Nice job with the match between the standards, the targets and
the questions on this assessment.
Directions: Provide complete directions, both for the overall test and
for each item format. Directions include guidance for what is expected
in the response as well as how to respond.
1. Directions tell the students the objective of the assessment
2. Directions tell students types of items found on the assessment (stand
alone, scenario, prompt, construct/create)
3. Directions tell students how many points items are worth
4. Directions tell students where to put name, hour, date, etc.
5. Directions tell students where to write their responses.
6. Directions tell students how much time they have to complete the
7. Directions tell students what to do if they have questions
8. Directions tell students where to put assessment when finished
9. Directions tell students what to do when finished
10. Encouragement given.
Comments: It would be good to add to the directions to write their name in
the place provided.
General Formatting
1. Indicate the point value for each question as well as the approximate time
to be expended on each item.
2. Use plenty of white space to set off directions, questions and answers,
and sections of the test. Dont crowd things together.
3. Keep wording simple and focused
4. Highlight critical words
5. Do not employ optional items.
6. Free of grammatical or typographical errors.
Comments: The formatting looks good. Perhaps highlight some key words
or phrases.
The Tasks
1. Are either stand-alone, scenario, prompt, or construct/create use 2
2. Construct items so that the students task is explicitly described.
3. Set the context
4. Specify the reasoning
5. Point the way (convey to students a clear idea regarding the
extensiveness of the response desired).
6. Provide a place for students to respond or explain where and how to
respond in the directions.

Comments: Excellent tasks. You did a fantastic job of setting the context,
specifying the reasoning and especially pointing the way.
The rubrics
1. Probably best to be holistic
2. Pay attention to content, clarity, practicality, and quality
3. Try not to include counts
4. The rubrics should relate to the outcomes (targets) being measured
5. The rubrics cover important dimensions of student performance
6. The criteria and scales are well defined
7. There is a clear basis for assigning scores at each scale point
8. Students should be able to understand the rubrics
9. Before giving this to students, judge each items quality by composing, mentally
or in writing, a possible response at each level scored on the rubric. (OPTIONAL)
Comments: Excellent rubrics. Very descriptive students should know just what to
Student Involvement
1. Assist students with self assessment, tracking learning, and communicating about
their learning. Accommodations included.
Comments: The student self-assessment piece where students score themselves
before submitting this assessment as well as when they get the scored assessment
back from the teacher is just great. The accommodation plans are also excellent.
Looking great! Just some minor changes here and there and it will be ready for final submission.
Thank you so much for your hard work on this.

Nice job on this. Another excellent assessment for this unit. Thank you.

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