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the least predictable and no trophies sie travelled more. widely than those Gwarded for these events: Australia, Fine Tend, America, Russia, England, France, West Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Aus: fa, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Holland, Poland—and maybe one or two others wwe have forgotten. This time, it was the Gira of West Germany (0 Win the AQ Todividual and East Germany. the Wake els. Tho Soviet Union gained. the AZ eam. championship with the Ttalism team Gest in tho Wakefield team championship. On our points system, Canada, by her Pad and Sth places and 4th team place ins the best ‘overall result in A2,, while Sweden, 2nd and Sth plus 3rd ‘in the Seam classification gains the highest points im Wakefield. ‘the World Championships increasing if we are to judge by the size of the entry, Despite the ex- Shusion of Indoor and the consequent re Guction in the number of events, the total entry for 1963-64 was a record 389 and Wwell over 1400 fiighis were made. In all, fentyenine nations competed. Boeing P-26A (Continued from page 13) P26-A airplanes in the US.A. One is at Maloney’ Air Museum, Ontario. Airport, California; and another, at the Air Force Museum, Wright, Patterson AFB. Day- ton, Oia, Tt was the latter aircraft, at the ‘AEM, which Was used as a Lasis for my model, ‘This airplane came from, Guata- fala to the Smithsonian Institution, but the museum, cramped for space, put. the aircraft on loan to the AFM, where it is Bow on permanent display in, the colors nd markings of the 17th attack sroup, Sith persult squadron, which was based At March Field, California. I did say basis, above, when I spoke of the original ship's elationship to my model. 1 did not wish fo model this particular craft, because the | Scplane hed been sited in seers) ways ‘Tho tal wheel didnot have the fll fang hit Fined so much, ‘The wing flaps have {stensions that ate not characte ofthe iajority of operational piancs. Tt vould five been advantageous” to. model this sme nieplane im order 10” do i right Grbichis the only way for seste), but E tyould have’ to- make. concessions” tbat 1 Bit care: to. Therefore T used this ai plane for 95% of the research, but mod Ele another aireraftof the Sah sqadeon, ih group. For abvious fears, this de Gitootwasmude before comirsetion started Control tne fying seule: Where do We snl enctsons fa Sale! What te We Going to do with ovr scale model afte We fri (2 Pris not a silly question, a hough, Tite it it dovs sna okie) Te print tha the ode of pane tee bl that st because you wish fo Dold 0 seale Shp. you mast parchase n kit of a plane {PH doesnt really appeal fo yom, Without roost esearch and’ background, ft will Ship fe another pane Tvelize that all of ts enjoy tuilding a sele ship, gomn (othe fining eld whenever we cats but ths Is not the Find of fing scale we are talking Shoat inthis atic meas, please! Hers: nor sop. bulding scale spe for Stor fone, bt this aril Ys intended 0 Sheowrage’ context ype, ot competition Shi After we decide on a plane fat sith ewe bave fo decide whether i Within Gri capabilites fo bud By sh, mean ye decide to. Pula » WWE Sopwith Pap we wil Bae to. make wheels sts abit, hse ery dole wok nd drould mean ving up the project halfway Heznuse we got in over our hes, Be cer be appealing 1o us. Don’t decide AIRPLANE. NEWS Si a March, 1965 MOTORS FOX), The Fox Carburetor makes the difference! The das i ee Sa eS that you can complete properly. I'do not mean that the airplane has (o have the best ‘workmanship, because we do not all have the sume abilies, but the color, markings fand all the detail work, should “accurately Tepresent @ particular airplane. If you can set close enough to inspect and photosraph Your real specimen, fine! One photo is ‘worth everything to a scale judge as far as proof of scale is concerned. Accurate Gimonsional, three-view drawings, which are reaured by th ules, te neces for Scale fidelity, but true’ perspective. scale dota cannot be judaed accarately without photos to back you up, [have judged mod- flsextremely well constructed and detailed, but the builders did not furnish proof that the detail incorporated on their models Was fulienti, or Justa. “sypo gimmick” {0 make it Took professional. It may be a 00d idea to eXelude details such 3s those that cannot be documented by photos or Food. mithorized “drawings, rather than *damoay ‘Most judges ure somewhat crite and sometimes. will assume that. the model is all wrone to start with, and it Js up t0 the ‘builder to prove that the model is a correct iach el FOX 59 A/C FOX 07 RIC 10° fain to select a design that you are sure replica. 1 judged a scale, contest recently here in Tinos, where only one contaitant, Out of the entire. seale contingent, bad proper threewiew drawings Wve fly speed, we must know the roles before. we even build « model, much less fly it, The same holds true for stunt, car- eg fat aoe garment fact all the every including flying scale; yet, here_vas’a goup of, 1 asstne serious modelers, or they woildnt have’ spent. 4 buck to enter the show, that spent. hours of building me to construct theie seale birds; drive miles upon miles to enter & Contest; display thete models all day with ‘reat pride, and they didn’t even read the AMA'Tule’ book, the bible-of the event, ‘he past we Bild sist be adeeb & qualified person, who is himself, using Fle book as guide. Poinis ure awarded according {0 this book, therefore, itis t0 or dist advantage to tae thi Book at 4 guide when building a model, TT you ead the rules and put yoursel? in the judge's place and avvaed your own model Rainy per th rules, you wl be sur piised how accurately you can judge Your hip for beter or forworsos sn MT (Continued on page 42)

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