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eevee MULTI-SERVOS FOR RADIO CONTROL SYSTEMS OF R/C PLANES » BOATS « CARS E Sq pirect FROM Ree aN ACTUpe ENON rm tok sic uae a wna ec Ste ee Thar st 4 TRUST — Over thee Pound 4 TAVEL— 50" Stohr unser 4 TRANSIT TIME" See, rom Neutra * MOTOR—5 OHM—180 ma no load. Stalls at 600 ma @ 2.4. = 17 025, * 7% Silver Graphite, * ‘All Medel 2RL Serv ie ‘ha fects ba soe tn Senate” & S195, NO. 28 (Relay) Only $7.95 ppd. NO. 2RL (Relayless).., Only $19.95 ppd. SEE NEUTRALIING OR CAN Be SET-UP FoR "IM, caratoo FREE! Orders will be shi air Me asi et ANNCO ENGINE 1 ath for regula AN 7714 COME ABE ERING Co. NEW! fH ser conrais tier 14° x 20~ PLANS! BY THE ACKNOWLEDGED * MASTER OF THE HISTORICAL PLAN! UNSURPASSED DETAIL OF CLASSIC ‘WWI & WW Il PLANES! ORDER NOW WHILE SELECTION IS STILL COMPLETE so ¢ W se WH einen — ae oo SEE ate mieme | ita an ‘wn FLIER com bsp ser W- ee ue WZ ae eH SHES sot Wet ico 06. c6 AAC ObEr EACH SET $1.00- ALL EIGHT $7.00 "° TAN 5 ncosed $7.00 for al eight sts Spel St Up oy Bs File Hoty Dees coe © 5. NINENPOUS, MN, 55823 @ Bsa #wa Ose ¢ ws Nome ise a ae List #w2 Ose # wo Dis #ws Ose # w7 Addon pe ER Bsa # ws Ose # wa Boeing P-26A (Continued from page 39) 1k is vety likly that you may find pute ting retracting gears on a. model. will he more work "thin your capabilities Wi allow, but you decide that You can mae up the point diference with siding earops Highs, fps, etc. any or all of which eon he Jou extra points Where do. we driw-the line on scale fidelity? In order to Be a consistant winnee ag ejton ul te male: hs dias choosing a fiyable design ‘that’ requires Sipall amounts of adjusting thm, silling GG, ete: but there are only a sal poe ceniage of scale builders obsesed With Winning. Most seate men bulld because i {s 4 labor of love and winning a trophy only an added bonus. Truc: hey bell a Win, Because i Would defest thelr purpose not a the mode when: complied Properly are automaticaly capuble of wee fing: There aft times when We might wan {to build @ scale model that we Kaew wil not fly properly, but we then may Se wi ing to forsake 2 Tle seale lity in onder fo achieve proper Might trim: sch a6 sade ing stabilizer area, Tudder areu, ete. Ths {ype of thinking f more justfable’ now, Bice the new scale rules have been afar These ‘new rules. give Might points: This faeans we am recotee what ny have Bega Jost in scale fidelity points, by proper ys ing chacacterisics. The new rales des tally ate very faie and 1 definite improve: ment and gain for contol line ying soae | Let tbe understood that these se all ny | own observations and do not rele, meee saul, the views of all scale buldes, bat h is food for though Plane presented are accurate and are the same plans as per layout and general at wgement used in tbe original P3e-A T have, many’ times in the past, Come across plans of winning models, only to find upon lose Scrutiny, tht the plans offered Were only an approximetion of the: planes they were 10 represent Tam not refering jus Scale types, but aierIypes, also, Now the shoud ot be blamed om the mixller who, drew the plans for his model Ihe Sst Way he Knew how, as there are definite Teaony for allering ot deviating from the Original el wf ering contin draw ings "Kis apparent therefore. that some plans offered fo us sre excellent plans aint Hthough theymay' Seem ekg sane Fespocis, it" ‘only because the ‘original builder felt that certain atens of consiry tion she Teft up to the discretion oF the duplicstor of his model. What docs fyitite us sometimes. though, is when we kage someone 1 pling fast oye on us wd shows a drawing which & a devon, and we know i but no explanation avon as fo why. With all of thi in. mind. Tw explain the dieronce between ty orittal Plane and the plans presented here. its ir ates cas tht t Fel that changes 4m onstruction were necessary sn order ta make it posible for greater nusiver 42 Buds fe conic ml "On ‘otiginal model, the Tonding gear $file stock absorbing, hile up with steal eae brazed together containing rails and bush, ings to guide the main sear shat with a Ib. spring fastened to f All this ehtased ins formed lumina aut forng Sunt complicated? Sure it is, for the average builder who just wanis to build this plage for Tying sport oF Tor the junior building ihe gee et come en ay imple piano wire sear setaip is shown ‘The cov on the oviinal vas fortned from 24 Brinnell hardens aluminum pipe, Ao inch section $8. Thad to be turned down gn a lathe. "The tail wheel shroud Sas formed from, 010 aluminum sheet The ‘engine mounis are eu from solid brass eecccece wocccee Nicsek Abed a hee cdc eee

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