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Look at these examples. The correct answers are underlined.
a) In warm climates people like / likes / are liking sitting outside in the sun.
b) If it is very hot, they sit at / in / under the shade.
Now the test will begin. Underline the correct answer.
1) Water is to boil / is boiling / boils at a temperature of 100C.
2) Many people is believing / are believing / believe he was the greatest boxer of all time.
3) In cold countries people wear thick clothes for keeping / to keep / for to keep warm.
4) In England people are always talking about a weather / the weather / weather.
5) In some places it rains / there rains / it raining almost every day.
6) Even though he has now lost his title, people would / will / did always remember him as a
7) Like any top sportsman Ali had to / must / should train very hard.
8) In England coldest / the coldest / colder time of year is usually from December to
9) The most / Most of / Most people dont know what its like in other countries.
10) Mohammed Ali has won / won / is winning his first world title fight in 1960.
Instructions: The following sentences are all mixed up. Put the words on each line in the
correct order to make a logical sentence.
11. tomorrow Faith here will working start.
12. was watching was brother sleeping, TV and his Bob.
13. about This is you which I told movie the.
14. said sorry She that really she was.
1 5. door through open He couldn't the so he went in the window

Choose the best word or phrase (a, b,

c or d) to fill each blank.



very interesting.

I always _____ milk in my coffee.

The meeting was _____ and not

A. have

A. time-wasting

B. drink

B. time-consuming

C. mix

C. time-using

D. make

D. out of time


I _____ TV every evening.

After the movie was released, the

main _____ point was its excessive use of

A. watch


B. look at

A. discussion

C. see

B. speaking

D. hear

C. conversation
D. talking


Can you give me a _____ with my



There have been several big

A. leg

_____ against the use of GM foods

B. back


C. hand

A. campaigns

D. head

B. issues
C. boycotts


Could you _____ me that book for

D. strikes

a couple of days, please?


Greg is _____ a lot of time at

A. lend

Yvonnes house these days!

B. owe

A. taking

C. borrow

B. spending

D. rent

C. having
D. doing


The breath test showed he had

consumed more than three times the legal


limit of alcohol, so the police arrested

the tragic news.

him for _____.

A. crying

A. trespassing

B. tears

B. mugging

C. cries

C. speeding

D. tearful

D. drunk driving

She was in _____ when she heard

Read the text below. For questions 54

A. is a tour operator.

to 58, choose the best answer.

B. is a hotel.

Many hotel chains and tour operators say

C. is a charity.

that they take their environmental

D. his a chain of hotels.

commitments seriously, but often they do

not respect their social and economic


Which of the following is NOT one

responsibilities to the local community. So

of Tourism Concerns objectives?

is it possible for travellers to help

A. Good pay for local people .

improve the lives of locals and still have a

B. Showing respect for local cultures.

good holiday?

C. Saving tourists money.

D. Protecting the local environment.

The charity, Tourism Concern, thinks so.

It has pioneered the concept of the fair-


According to the text, fair-trade

trade holiday. The philosophy behind fair-

travel is all about

trade travel is to make sure that local

A. making money for charity.

people get a fair share of the income

B. money from tourism going to local

from tourism. The objectives are simple:


employing local people wherever possible;

C. travellers getting a good deal.

offering fair wages and treatment;

D. a great cultural experience.

showing cultural respect; involving

communities in deciding how tourism is


According to the text, there are -

developed; and making sure that visitors

_____ companies that are operated on

have minimal environmental impact.

principles as well as profits.

A. a few

Although there is currently no official

B. no

fair-trade accreditation for holidays, the

C. some old

Association of Independent Tour

D. many

Operators has worked hard to produce

responsible tourism guidelines for its


Choose the most appropriate title

members. Some new companies, operated

for the article.

as much by principles as profits, offer a

A. Holidays from heaven

fantastic range of holidays for

B. Cheap adventure holidays

responsible and adventurous travellers.

C. Fair-trade holidays
D. Great holiday deals


Tourism Concern

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