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Marilynn Lopez

American Lit. Period 5

6 September 2013
October 31, 1692

Dearest Abigail,
Hello Abby; do you remember me? Im Jacquelyn, Jacquelyn Ingegniosi. You may recall
me as a light-skinned, brown straight-haired girl with blue eyes, about your height. I worked for
the Proctors shortly after you were dismissed for committing the horrendous sin of adultery.
Pitiful really. I was only with the Proctors for a short time; as you may know, I was pregnant and
had become incapable of working much longer. Though i was only a part of the family for a short
time, I really got to know John, Elizabeth, and the boys quite well...though you mustve not
gotten the same pleasure being as though you had your sights set solely on John. what a
shocker that one was. See, if you wouldve dedicated some time caring for the children, maybe
you wouldve thought about your despicable actions twice? What say you Abigail? How could
you be so loathsome to break up a family? What, did you think no one knew your dirty little
secret? wrong as usual Abby. Youre lechery left a broken woman, and yet you still had to go as
far as to accuse her of witchcraft?! Have you now done enough to try and destroy the Proctor
family? Any person with a heart could not have thought to do what you did, and that is why i
write to you today: to make you see the harmed you have caused, not just to Elizabeth, not just to
the Proctor family, but to Salem. Now how is it i came to discover your affair? As Elizabeth
search for your replacement she spoke to her dear friend by the court house as I was exiting.
Naturally when i heard she needed a replacement, i lingered in hopes of acquiring a job to help

support my future child. This is how I came to know of your filthy ways. Elizabeth:" I've come
to you for help in finding another Maiden to work for my household." Catherine: " Why? What
has happened to miss Williams?" Elizabeth: " Promise me you will not speak of it... she and my
husband have committed the crime of lechery! Catherine: " No... not a little Abigail, she was
such a --Elizabeth: " Whore? Homewrecker? I agree... she has disgraced us all." The pain, the
anger, and the brokenness of Elizabeths voice wouldve made the heart of any sink instantly. I
could not believe my ears when id heard the news. Thanks to you, M
iss Williams, I obtained my job with the Proctors, but along with my work, I became Elizabeths

Marilynn Lopez
American Lit. Period 5
6 September 2013
Do you recall the Joys the Proctors experienced prior to your crime? Remember Abigail,
remember the once happy family you have torn apart. Every word, every action, every detail
about your affair, i have heard. Elizabeth confided in me what you did to her. She felt her heart
had been ripped out and stomped on. The tears on her face seem etched on her skin. The once
fair-skinned face became red almost permanently, tears never seemed to stop strolling off her
cheek. Goode Proctors damp cheeks were not wet with just sadness, but frustration. As her eyes
puffed, and reddened she continued to tell me of your crimes as best she could. She weeped for
hours on end, making a horrid whimpering sound before bursting into harsh sobs that made the
hairs on the back of my neck stand every time. Emotionless as she may have seemed later, that
was only a mere reaction to the pain. You turned her cold Abby, turned her hard and stone-like.
You ruined any happiness, she may have had, and still, you have the nervevto put the woman
through an accusation of witchcraft?! As if her life was not already a living hell because of you,
you decided to further it, not only affecting Elizabeth, but all of Salem?! I pity you and those
girls when karma comes to strike you, if you had no real plans of meeting the devil that you
shouldnt have damned so many people yourself. In all my years in Salem, never
ever have i seen of heard of anyone with witchcraft; you accuse we citizens of Salem of such
absurdities! Why Abbigail? Must you have damned the town to fulfill your lustful desires? Your
goal of obtaining John, how did that go Abby? Many have lost their lives in vain, and next in line
are my husband and I. What am I to do now? What about my son? How is that on your
conscience? My son will grow to be a man without the presence of his mother and father after

today. You thoughtless, heartless, sad excuse for a human being. Did you ever consider what you
did for love, - no, what you did for lust, was stupid? Even John has been accused. your lover and
I will stand before the innocent citizens of Salem today, waiting for our execution before supper.
John Proctor has remained an honest man, choosing to die with honor, than live in the lie you
have caused him to tell. Ill have you know that he had almost confessed to witchcraft. A crime
he did not commit. A crime no person in Salem committed. what a choice that was to make. I
stood there in the wagon with the accused as he struggled to sign his name to lies. Lies caused by
you Abigail Williams. As he tore that confession, refusing to blacken his name, you should have
seen the relief in his eyes. It was as if someone had told a homeless man he was no longer
homeless. His eyes went from tortured, and hurt, trapped even, to calm and at peace. The stress
you caused John Proctor, caused the man to sentence himself to death. He chose his sanity and
his soul, something you never seemed to posses, over living a I am proud to say I shall stand
beside Mr. John Proctor today as we die with pride. I hope youre soulless self gets tortured to
death as you deserve. Just to let you know Elizabeth lives, your
entire charade has seemed to have not met your intended goal When I proudly hang on this
day, Hallows Eve, you shall understand the true meaning of witchcraft, you will rue the day you
accused the innocent! My spirit shall find you Abigail Williams, and haunt you for the rest of the
days you are upon this Earth!
Jacquelyn Ingegniosi

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