TMH 6-2

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43 44 aq Se (77 $1 000 where S = shear strength of material (kPa) T torque needed to mobilize shear strength (N.m} 4 = diameter of cylinder of revolution generated by vane = diameter of vare (m) H_ = height of the cylinder of revolution = height of the vane (m). ‘The shear strength can also be read off from the graph in Figure ST7/I Express the shear strength at a particular temperature by using the aporo- priate temperature/shear strength relationship factor (example in Figure S17/il). However, it may be preferable to determine the temperature/shear strength relationship for the particular material and binder to be used (see 5.4). Percentage of fluids (volatile oils and water) in sample Calculate the percentage of fluid in the wet sample as follows: f= aM 100 9, where F = fluid content of mixture at time of teating (%) x mass of sample of wet mixture at time of testing (kg) Y mass of material and residual binder 100 °C (kg) It follows then that the percentage of sand plus residual binder in the wet mix fer drying to constant mass at Mass of dry sand in CBR mould Using the data obtained from the above calculations, calculate the mass of the dry sand in the mould as follows: _ X {100 ~ Fy Ws = 0a FA) where Ws = mass of dry sand in mould (kg) = parts of residual binder per 100 parts of dry sand as determined by TMH1 Method C7 Dry density of compacted sand in mould _ Ws. 8 im waere D dry density of compacted sand in mould (kg/m®) Vm = volume of mould (m’) Special methods Draft TMH6, Pretoria, South Ainoe, 1984 a 4.5 Graphical presentation Plot a graph of fluid content (abscissa) against shear strength and dry density (ordinates) for each of the different binder contents. Plot the maximum dry density and shear values against corresponding binder contents which give the maximum dry density and shear values. ‘The optimum binder and fluid contents are reported on a suitable data sheet to the nearest frst decimal place. 5 NOTES 5.1 The vane shear apparatus is also designed for cetermining in situ vane shear values of sand asphalt. In that case only the field frame (see Figure ST7/I is placed, with the vane inserted, over the test point. The steel pirs are pushed Into the material and the test procedure described in 3.2.5 followed. 52 With a0 to 100 Nm torque wrench, the readings below 30 N.m may not be accurate enough for determining shear strength to the required accuracy. In such cases it is suggested that a torque wrench with a lower capacity and higher accuracy shoud be used. 53 The formula relating shear strength. torque ang vane size can be explained as follows: As a first approximation it may be assumec that the bituminous mixture shears along the cylindrical and two end surfaces of a cylinder, the diameter and height of which equal that of the vane. It may algo be assumec that the distr bution of shear stress is uniform across the ends of the cylinder. The moment to mobilize the shear strength of the material is then found by taking moments, about the axis of the cylinder of revolution generated by the vane. T Oo yom o 2 wien = Sixat. 5 +225. 5) 3 3 Therelore s Where S = shear strength of the material (kPa T = torque to mobilize shear strenath ( 3 = diameter of cylinder of revolution generated by vane ~ diameter of vane (rm) H__= height of cylinder of revolution = height of vane (m} 5.4 Determination of the relationship between temperature and shear strength 5.4.1 Establish an optimum value for binder and water content as outlined in 3.2.1 t0 45 Special methods 28 Draft TMH6, Pretoria. South Africa, 1984 542 543 544 545 546 547 Prepare a further seven sets of three samples, each with a mass of approxima- tey 7 kg and at optimum binder and water content. Compact these samples in 21 moulds. as outlined in 3.2.4. Using a cold room and evens, bring these samples, in sets of three, to specific temperatures varying by discrete steps of 5‘C from 15 °C to 45°C. Determine the torque readings as outlined in 3.2.5, noting the exact tempera- ture at the time of testing, Torque readings at the lower temperatures wili be higher than the torque readings at the higher temperatures. Caloulate the shear strength as outlined in 4.1 and determine the ratios of shear strength measured at 40 °C to shear strength measured at a given tem- perature. These ratios become the factors to be used to convert shear strength at a given temperature to corrected shear strength at 40 °C. ‘Tabulate these results, including the mean value for each set of three samples tested at the same temperature Pot these results on a graph with the temperature of mixture, at time of test as the abscissa (x-axis) and the factor tor converting shear strength as the or dnnate (y-axis). REFERENCES: 1, ASTM D 2873-72 2. MARAIS, CP. A new technique to contro! compaction of bitumen-sand mixes on the road using a vane shear apparatus. The Civil Engineer in South Africa (March 1968). Speciat methods Draft TMHS, Pretona, South Atnce, 1984 2 SMiVevddv BVSHS SNWA —VLLS BUNDLE Speci! methods Draft TMHE, Pretoria, South Africa, 1984 AWS ANOLYHORYT mac) awa d13i4 uuu og ~ p “ut 0S = H) 3ZIS INVA GUVONVLS HOd HLONAHLS HVSHS BNVASNSHAA SNOUOL —W/LLS BUNOM (arn) 2NOWOL 0 09 os Op of oz ot ° T T T T T ™— T ° (024) HLONBMLS UVSHS 006 0001 oot! 002! Ki ‘Special methods [Draft TMHG, Pretoria, South Attica, 1964 0.0% LV HLONAHLS UVAHS LNSTWAINOS OL (0.) SUNLWHSd “WAL 1931 LV HLONSHIS HYSHS LH3ANOD OL LEVHO WOIdAL MIVLLS BUNDIS (504) 4831 40 BWIL UV SUNLXIW JO 3UNAVERENSL ov st of sz oz ot s 7 vo B \ ° 3 S a } ° — =a a zo g > 3 ow z < & = fg - ko ae 2 ee a ro BR or aS : = — 0 Be 7 43 ~ ~~ so 38 — of + 0 Zz = —+ —+—- eo 2S = - eo 8 S 7 jon 8a KINO SIG WVXS 4 aaa sr 8 3 —— — —a j0°2 g ——_}-— a ~ sz 8 o's Speci mats Craft TMH6, Pretoria, South Arica, 1904 METHOD ST8 DETERMINATION OF THE NOMINAL DEPTH OF LAYERS, Pal 22 23 24 25 26 27 BY MEANS OF SHORT-RANGE SEISMIC WAVES, FOR SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONS SCOPE This method covers the determination of the nominal depth of layers of rock or soil by measuring the velocity of compression waves through the ground. The shock waves are produced by a hammer blow or other suitable means at varying distances from a geophone (receiver) which activates the electronic counters to record the time interval. The velocity is roughly proportional to the density or hardness of the rock or soil APPARATUS ‘An engineering retraction seismograph. accurate to 0.5 milliseconds. ‘A geophone (With some seismographs it is possible to operate with two or more geophones simultaneously: see 5.1) A sledge-hammer, approximately 6 kg, fitted with an inertia switch, a cable and a connector plug (see 5.1) A suitable length (say 30 to 50 m) of insulated cable to connect the hammer to the seismograph. A striking plate, approximately 150 x 150 x 25 mm (see 5.1) ‘A measuring tape, 30 m long. ‘A sponge cushion, 100 mm thick. METHOD Preparation of apparatus Survey the area where the test is required and select a suitable site which is as uniform and level as possible. On a slope the test should be done aiong the contour, Connect the hammer cable to the hammer (see 5.1) and to the se'smograph, and also connect the geophone to the seismograph. Place the seismograph on the sponge cushion to eliminate vibration effects as far as possible. Lay the tape afong the fine of test and mark the hammer stations at intervals of 3m, except that the first station must be 1,5 m from both the geophone and the second station. ‘Anchor the geophone firmly in the ground at one end of the traverse. If loose soil is present, the geophone Is inserted 50 to 100 mm deep in the earth. It grass is present, this is first removed. Switch the instrument on and allow a few seconds for it to stabilize. Set the gain control as high as possible without outside noise causing any disturbance (see 5.2). Depress the “Reset” switch. (See 5.4 for instruments with recording de- vices.) Special methoos Draft TMHE, Pretoria, South Ainica, 196¢ 33 32 42 43 44 Taking of measurements Place the striking plate at the first hammer station, 1,5 m from the geophone, ‘ensuring that the plate is firmly seated on the ground. Ensure that the area im- mediately surrounding the geophone is cleared of all personne! and that no one is walking around, Hold the hammer with tha switch on the handle facing upwards, and strike the piate firmly (see 5.1). Read the time, in miliseconds, on the instrument and record it (see 5.3) Repeat the operation at least twice to confirm that the reading being obtained is correct. Faise readings may be obtained where there is noise interference (small reading) or where the second cycle wave is recorded (large reading) (see 5.2), Move the piate and the hammer to the next station and repeat the procedure until the traverse is completed. Switch off the instrument Record the distance of each station in metres from the geophone and the corre- sponding time intervals in milliseconds on appropriate seismic forms (see also 53) Aretumn traverse should be carried out in difficult terrain to confirm results. CALCULATIONS Eliminate false readings and calculate the average time interval for each sta- tion, ‘On graph paper, plot the time in milliseconds against the distance in metres ‘Assuming that a return traverse is obligatory over the same distance, it is im- portant that the total time for the forward traverse 's the same as that for the reverse traverse. If not, there could be an error. which should be checked and corrected, Straight lines are drawn through points having approximately the same linearity to pass through zero. The velocity of these lines 's calculated from their slope in metres per second, ie. woay i= velocity (v) = ———— time ‘Where two lines intersect, this represents the contact between two layers of dit ferent density and the depth of this contact is calculated from the formula: Xe [V2=Vi o1=—. | ——— 204 V2+Vi Xe f v3 - v2 o2=—, | ——— +0,8939D1 +15 201 V8+V2 where D1 = depth of 1st contact in metres D2 = Depth of 2nd contact in metres ‘Special methods ran TMM, Pretona, South Aca, 1904 45 52 53 54 85 Xe = distance of intersection point on graph from zero in metres V1, V2, V3, V4, etc. = velocities of different layers (see Figure STS"). Report the velocity and thickness of each layer of material at the site NOTES In order to determine the depth of deeper layers of rock where traverses of Jonger than 30 m are required, the hammer may be replaced by a falling mass or explosive charges. Use may also be made of a sgnal-enhancement recorder (see 5.2) and multi-channel equipment. When the hammer strikes the plate, shock waves are produced which are transmitted through the ground, picked up by the geophone, ampiitied by the apparatus and used 10 switch off the timer which has been started by the ham- mer striking the plate {the sensitivity control (or gain control) is not correctly adjusted. a wrong time reading could be caused by: (a) the second cycle of the shock wave, of {b) extraneous noise due to background vibrations Irom wind, traffic, etc The first cycie readings are the ones required for interpretation and any second cycle readings should be identitied and rejected. These second cycle readings can be recognized because they produce cis tinetly longer time readings that the first cycle readings. They will also deviate markedly ‘rom the pattern established by previous hammer stations when the seismic graph is plotted. ‘The gain contro! should therefore be adjusted such that both noise ang second cycle readings will not activate the seismograph To overcome this problem, use can also be made of a signal-enhancement re- coraer which, with each hammer blow, enhances only the wave with the same arrival lime as previously recorded, thus eliminating noise and making it easier to differentiate between first and second cycle readings. Instruments with automatic and multi-channel recorders (empioying two or more geophones) may aiso be used and they simplify the operation. Results often appear to be inconsistent because of non-horizontal layers. dis- continuity in layers, the presence of boulders cr water, etc. Expert opinion should be sought in such cases. It is advisable to use the seismograph to complement information obtained by driling Speci mathods raft TMH6, Protoria, South Africa, 1984 36 0} °F F so} 2d 10) CFS EEE ea 18 BO Be BE BEBE DISTANCE Im) FIGURE ST8I PLOT OF SEISMIC DATA Special thous Dvatt TMHB, Pretoria, South Afrce, 1984 METHOD ST9 MEASUREMENT OF THE DEFLECTION AND RADIUS OF 21 22 23 24 25 2.6 27 28 29 2.40 241 212 CURVATURE OF A ROAD PAVEMENT ‘SCOPE This method covers the measurement of the deffection and radius of the longi- tudinal curvature of a road pavement under the dual wheels of a loaded truck with a standardized axle load, tyre size, tyre spacing and tyre pressure. The de- flection is measured by means of a deflection beam and the radius of curvature by either the deflection beam or the curvature meter. APPARATUS A deflection beam (See Figure ST9II). Two dial gauges with 0.01 mm graduations and a range of 25 mm, or electronic measuring devices accurate to 0,01 mm (see 5.1) ‘A device for calibrating a deflection beam (see Figure ST9'I!) A curvature meter (see Figure STII!) ‘Aheavy truck with a single rear axle having dual wheels loaded on a level sur face to effect a rear axle load of 80 KN (40 KN on each dual wheel). The rear ‘axie should be fitted with 1 100 x 20 tyres or 1 000 x 20 tyres with a road con tact length of 200 mm. The spacing between the walls of the two tyres on each dual wheel should be between 75 and 90 mm (Spacer rings wilt probably have to be inserted between the wheel flanges to at- fain this spacing.) Two load meters, complete with ramps, and two wedge-shaped wooden blocks of the same height for supporting the front wheels of the truck (only if checking ‘and reloading are to be done on the road). ‘An acourate tyre pressure gauge and pump. (The pump can be a compressor driven by the truck’s engine.) ‘An indicator rod for the truck driver, attached to the truck with @ G-clamp or by other means. (Optional) Pointors that can be attached to the truck’s body 1,2 m in front of the centre of the rear axle and in line with the spacing between the dual tyres of each rear wheel, (Similar pointers can aiso be attached behind the rear wheels as guides 10 facilitate aiming and the positioning of the deflection beam and curvature meter.) Afold-up template, marked in suitable divisions. A thermometer (mercury in gass or rotary dial type) 0 to 100 °C, accurate 10 1C. Miscellaneous items such as: a measuring tape, chalk, paint and brush, safety hard hats, a hammer, steel pegs, etc. Specie! methods Draft TMH6, Pretona, South Aca, 1964 37 a4 344 343 3134 3.1.32 38 METHOD Preparation prior to taking measurements Selection of test point(s) Test points are normally selectad in the wheel paths of the lane to be tested. ‘These spots may be selected in a random fashion ot marked at regular inter- vals. If fairly long section of road is to be surveyed, ail the test spots may be selected and marked with road paint before the measu™ments are taken Checking of loads on rear wheels The truck described in 2.5 is pre-loaded and the load on the rear wheels checked. This load should under normal conditions not require re-checking, it is realised that the crossfall and/or grade of roads change, and that, due to over- ‘hang, the loads on the rear wheels may change considerably from one point to another. However, the 80 kN axle as obtained by loading on a level surface can be considered to be the standard axle. it, however. a load of precisely 40 KN is required for a specific purpose, the following procedure should be used tor each test point inline with and about 4 m away from the test point, Set up the two load meters with a ramp in front of each rear outside wheel, and the wedge-shaped wooden biocks in front of the front wheels. Drive the truck onto the load meters and blocks so that the rear outside wheels stop squarely ‘over the weighplates of the load meters. With the driver sealed, adjust the load {o effect a loading of 40 KN on each of the two rear outside wheels. (If only one load meter is being used, the outside wheel on the otter side of the truck must be supported with a block of the same height as that ol the load meter.) Marking of testing layout At points where it is Important that the toe of the defiection beam and the curvature meter should be placed precisely on a selected test point Secure the indicator rod firmly to the body of the truck ensuring that it is con- veniently placed and clearly visible to the driver tram his cab. Guide the driver until the appropriate dual wheeis are directly over the test spot. Place the told- up template on the road alongside and parallel to the truck with its zero mark di- rectly under the point of the indicator rod and then mark off with chalk or pain the final stop position 3 m ahead of the truck from the zero mark on the tem- plate (see Figure ST9/1V). As soon as the marking has been done, reverse the truck to the “1.2 m” position indicated on the template. Do not leave the truck standing on the test point for longer than is necessary. An alternative and more convenient procedure is possible if pointers as described in 2.9 are available. The truck is positioned so that the pointer 1,2 m in front of the centre cof the rear axle is directly over the test point. The template is then placed on the road alongside and parallel to the truck with its “~1,2m" mark directly under the point of the driver's indicator rod. The final stop position is then marked off 3 m ahead of the zero mark on the template (see Figure ST9/V), For a deflection and curvature survey over fairly long sections of road where accurate positioning on the preselected test points Is not neces- sary Where a great number of points are to be dealt with, deflections and curvatures are normally measured at the same time using the deflection beam and the cur- vature meter simultaneousiy. It is then only necessary to provide marks for the driver. Two marks must be made for each test point - one for the initial position ‘of the truck and one 4,2 m ahead of the initial point for the final stop position. Special methods rat TMH6, Preto, South Aca. 1984 3.22 323 ‘These marks are normally made on the lane lines and the driver's indicator is lengthened so that he can use the lane lines as a guide while the wheels of the truck are stil in the wheelpaths (see 5.8) Pointers similar to those described in 2.9 are then used to facilitate the correct placing of the deflection beam and curvature meter. Installation of thermometer (on asphalt surfaces only) Using a steel peg, punch a hole about 25 mm deep into the road surface near the test area. insert the thermometer and ensure good thermal contact by filing the space around the thermometer with fine sand. Measurement ot deflection with the deflection beam Calibration of deflection beam (see 5.1) Position the deflection beam so that the toe of the movable beam rests on the calibration device when the beam is unclamped. Adjust the dial gauge attached to the calibration device so that the spindle shatt of the gauge resis on top of the beam. Switch on the vibrator to reduce any effects of friction in the instru- ment and zero the deflection beam and calibration device gauges. Apply the following series of adjustments to the calibration device by means cf the adjust ment screw and record the corresponding readings indicated on the deflection beam’s dial gauge or indicator. Since the lengths of the movabie beam on either side of the pivot are in a 2:1 ratio, the readings obtained on the deflection beam gauge must be multiplied by 2: 0-100-0, then 0, 5, 10, 50, 190, 50, 10, 5, O hundredths of a mm (see 5.1) If the differences between the two sets of values do not exceed 0,02 mm, the deflection beam is functioning satistactomly (See 5.2), However, if backlash is indicated, ie. the difference exceeds 0,02 mm, the equipment is not working satisfactorily. Dust may be fouling the spindie shafts of the dia! gauges and/or the bearing in the pivot-action support of the movable beam. Remedy any er- ror in the readings due to friction by cleaning the spindle shafts and bearing thorough'y with benzine. All such moving parts must also be kept dry and should never be oiled or greased. Moisture or dampness cause friction on the dial gauge spindle shatt and this part must be cleaned often in humid or rainy weather. Alter cleaning, the calibration procedure should be repeated. If the two sets of values still do not agree satisfactorily, the equipment must be checked for faulty components. Checking of tyre pressures Check the tyre pressure of the rear dual wheeis with a tyre pressure gauge and, it necessary, adjust the pressure to 520 kPa. Installation of beam between dual wheels With the truck standing at the “- 1,2 m" position and the engine idling, position the beam between the appropriate rear dual wheels so that the toe of the mov: ‘able beam is directly above the test spot. Ensure that there is sufficient clear- ance on either side of the movable beam for the dual wheels to bypass the beam without touching it. To do this take a sighting between the dual wheels from behind, noting and correcting the placement of the instrument between them so that the pair of wheels will eventually move forward on either side of ‘Special methods ‘Daft TMH6, Pretoria, South Africa, 1964 39 324 33 331 3.32 40 the beam and paraile! to it. The positioning of the beam will be made easier fa set of pointers as described in 2.9 is available. Unctamp the movable beam and bring it to the centre of its play with the rear sliding adjustment. Switch on the vibrator to reduce any effects of friction in the instrument and adjust the diai gauge to zero (see §.1 and 5.2) Measurement of deflections Drive the truck forwatd slowly and smoothly to the "+3 m” final stop position. Record the initial zero dial gauge reading, the maximum reading as the dual wheels move over and past the test point and the final reading when the truck is stationary at the final stop position. Reverse the truck to the “~1.2 m” position (see 5.4). Repeat the procedure un- til three sets of well-correlated deflection readings nave been obtained (see 58) Record the road temperature (on asphalt surfaces only ~ see 5 9). Determination of radius of curvature Using the deflection beam Follow the same procedure as described in 9.1 10 and 3.2.1 to 3.2.9 in- clusive. Drive the truck forward slowly and smoothly 10 about the °+ 0,6 m” position, stopping briefly at the "~0,15 m” and "+0,15 m" positions on the template, Re- cord the dial gauge readings at the latter two points, as well as the maximum reading as the dual wheels move over and pass the test point. Reverse truck to the "1,2 m” position Repeat the procedure unti! three sets of well-correlated detiection readings have been obtained. Record the road temperature (on asphalt surfaces only ~ see 5.9) Using the curvature meter Follow the same procedure as described in 3.1 and 3.2.2. With the truck standing at the "~1,2 m" position and the engine idling, place the curvature meter on the test point with the gauge centred over this mark, the dial facing to the rear of the truck. Ensure that there is sufficient clearance on either side of the instrument for the duai wheels to bypass it without touching it To do this take a sighting between the dual wheels from behing, noting and cor- recting the placement of the instrument so that the pair of wheels will eventually move forward on either side of the instrument parallel to it With the instrument correctly positioned, adjust the dial indicator needie to its top zero position by tuming the adjusting nut which is situated at the opposite ‘end of the bar to the dial gauge. It is essential to ensure that not more than ‘one-eighth of the total travel range of the spindle is traversed in making this ad- justment to zero, since sufficient range must be left on the spindle to allow for unexpectedly high readings. Drive the truck forward slowly and smoothly to the “+3 m" final stop position Record the initial zero dial gauge reading, the maximum reading as the dual wheels move over and past the test point and the final reading when the truck is stationary at the final stop position. Reverse the truck to the "~1,2 m” posi- tion. Special methods Draft TMHS, Pretoria, South Africa, 1984 Repeat the procedure until three sets of well-correlated readings have been ob- tained (see 5.6 10 5.8) 34 Recording of readings Record the road temperature as well as the deflection and curvature readings on data sheets such as Forms STS.1, ST92 and ST9’3 (see aiso 5.1 and 5.9). 4 CALCULATIONS 4.1 Detlections 4.1.4. Calculate the corrected maximum deflection to the nearest 0.1 mm for each of the three sels of readings using the following formula (see also Form ST9 1 and 5.1): (Di + Of De = 2|Dm - where De = corrected maximum deflection in tenths of a mm Dm = maximum reading observed in hundredths of amm Di = initial zero reading Df = tinal reading at the “+ 3 m" final stop position in hungredihs of a mm 412 Calculate the average of the three corrected maximum deflection values ob tained in 4.1.1 above {o the nearest 0.1 mm. This average is the deflection va Iue for the test point (see 5.8). 42 Radius of curvature 4.2.1 From deflection beam Calculate the radius of curvature to the nearest t m for each of the three sets of readings trom the following formula (see also Form ST9.2) 1125 a=-———— Zim — (01 + 02) where 4 R= radius of curvature in m Dm = maximum observed deflection reading in hundredths of arm Di and D2 = deflection readings at the “-0,15 m" and “+ 0,15 m” positions in hundredths of a mm. 4.2.12 Calculate the average of the three radius of curvature values obtaned in 4.2.) 1 above to the nearest 1m, This average is the radius of curvature for the test point (see 5.8). 4.22 From curvature meter Calculate the radius of curvature to the nearest 1 m for each of the three sets of readings from the following formula (see also Form ST9'3) 1400 Re D- (01 + 02) 2 Special methods att TMHE, Pretona. South Atnes, 1984 at 4222 43 52 53 54 55 56 57 42 where A = radius of curvature in m D_ = maximum observed reading in hundredths of a mm 1 = initial zero reading 12 = final reading at the “+ 3 m" final stop position in hundredths of a mm. Calculate the average of the three radius of curvature values obtained in above to the nearest 1 m. This average is the radius of curvature for the test point (see 5.8) Recording of results Record the foliowing results on Forms ST@'1, ST9I2 or ST9:3, as applicable, for each test point (a) Radius of curvature to the nearest 1 m {b) Deflection to the nearest 0,1 mm (c) Road temperature to the nearest 1°C (d) Serial number or mark of the deflection beam and or curvature meter used. NOTES Some deftection beams are fitted with electronic measurirg devices giving a digital read-out of deflection or are fitted to record these readings. Moreover, some work on a different principle to the Benkeimann Beam and the 2:1 ratio may not be applicable. The calibration procedure for these machines may also be slightly diferent and reference should be made to the operating manuais. It is essential to maintain a functional degree of accuracy in the defiection beam. Besides the calibration carried out before the first test each day, itis ad- visable to carry out at least one more calibration later in the day. The necessity for further calibrations will depend on the agreement between the results ob- tained al a particular test point and is left to the discretion of the operator. Strong winds on the beam can cause the dial gauge needie to oscillate exces sively. This may be largely overcome by placing over the rear portion of the beam @ wooden box that acts as a wind-screen andior by placing a suitable weight on the front portion of the movable beam. The instrument should preferably not be removed from the test point until the whole test is complete, and it is therefore necessary to take extreme care not to disturb or camage it when reversing the truck. However, should it be necessary to move the instrument, it should be replaced in the same position as before. if itis required to measure deflections and curvatures with the deflection beam at the same time, it will be necessary for the truck to move over the full dis- tance, i.e. from the “~ 1,2 m” mark to the *+ 3 m" final stop position. The rel- evant calculations remain the same. If there is evidence of friction in the dial gauge (for example, erratic movement of the indicator needle) during a test run, the spindle shaft must be cleaned with benzins and the run repeated. If it stil does not function satisfactorily, the gauge must be repaired or replaced. The deflection beam and curvature meter may be used simultaneously under the same fair of dual wheels. When this is done, the curvature meter is placed Special methods raft TMH6, Pretoria, South Africa, 1984 in longitudinal alignment with the deflection beam so that the adjusting-nut end ‘of the curvature meter is right in front of the beam point and thus virtually on the test spot, with the dial gauge facing to the rear of the truck. Readings are then taken by observing the meter through the dual wheels from the rear as the uheet passes the test point, The operator must take care to stay clear of the Wheels when obtaining the maximum reading as the truck moves forward When a large number of measurements are to be taken in both wheel paths testing time can be greatly reduced by using a deflection beam and curvature meter simultaneously under each pair of dual wheels. 5.8 It detiection and’or radius of curvature measurements are requited over a favrly iong section of 102d, the measurements need nol be done in triplicate. Instead single measurements may be taken, provided a greater number of points are tested ‘The single measurements will obviate the difficult and time-consuming proce- ure of reversing the truck at each point, and at the same time give a more “ep- resentative picture of the deflection and or radius of curvature of the road. The etlections are then statistically analysec and the representative Geflection Is calculated (usually the 95Ih percentile multiplied by correction lactors for o' mate and temperature: see also 5.9) ‘The del ecton results are usually corrected tor temperature, climate, subgrade int ele. before being used in design work. These faators may, fever, be different tor the varous design methods in use and are there!ore not given here It the detlection beam is only used to compare detections during construction ile. when no asphait layers are involved. no temperature measurements Or Cor- rection factors are necessary REFERENCES 1 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR TRANSPORT AND ROAD RESEARCH. The use of the Benkeimann Beain for the measurement of deflections and cur vatures of a road surface between dual wheels. Special Report R2. Pre: toria, CSIR, 1961 2, JOOSTE, J P (Compiler). The measurement of deflection and curvature of road surfaces. NiTRR Manual K16, Pretoria, CSIR, 1971 Specisimethods Draft TMH6, Pretona, South Ainca, 1984 43

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