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IAN FLEMING Casino Royale Retold by John Escott MACRALAN READERS ‘PREINTERMEDIATE LEVEL Fouaing Eto: John Milne ‘The Macmillan Readers provide a choice of enjoyable reading materials for leaners of English. The series is published at six levels ~ Starter, Beginner, Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Upper Level control Information, structure and woeabulary are controlled to suit the stent’ ably a each level “The number of words teach level Searer out 300 asic words Beginnee about 600 banc words Elementary about 1100 basic word Pre-intermediare | about 1400 hase words Titers ‘about 1600 basic words oper about 2200 baste words Vocabulary Some dificule words and phrases in this book ate important for ‘understanding che story Some ofthese words ate explained in the story and some are shown in the pictues. From Preintermediate level upwards, words are marked with umber like this... These swords are explained inthe Glossary atthe end ofthe book Answer keys Answer keys for the Points for Understanding and the Exercises sections can he found at wor Contents ANote About The Author ANote About This Story The People in This Story ‘A Memorandum for M Mathis and the Microphone ‘The Gil from London ‘The Men in Dark Suits Felix Leiter The Casino ‘The Game ‘The Man with the Stick Winner and Loser Kidnapped The Crash The Villa Torture ‘Vesper Explains A Sill Hotel The Telephone Call ‘The Man with the Patch Gertler The Letter Points for Understanding Glossary Exercises B 16 19 2 n » 31 35 39 41 e a 52 56 60 3B 66 68 n 76 80 A Note About The Author lan Lancaster Fleming was born on the 28th of May 1908 in (Canterbury, England. He was a newspaper journalist and a writer. He created one of the most famous characters in ‘owentieth-century fiction ~ James Bond lan Fleming was educated at Eton ~ a famous school for boys, After he left Eton, he trained to be a soldier at Sandhurst Military Academy. He then went to Europe £0 study languages at Munich and Geneva universities Flerning’s first job was asa journalist, From 1929 to 1933, the worked in Moscow for a news ageney called Reuters. In this job, Fleming heard about Soviet spies who sold government secrets to other countries. Fleming sent reports shout these spies to Reuters in London. He returned &o London in 1933 In the Second World War (1939-1945), Fleming was an officer at che headquarters of the British Navy. Here, he learnt a lot about spying and how to collect secret informacion ~incelligence. After the war, he worked for the Sunday Tames newspaper. Fleming decided to become a writer during the war. He wrote about spies and dangerous criminals. In 1952, he finished his first novel. In the same year, he married Anne Rothermere. He was 4 years old. Fleming’s first novel ~ Casino Royale ~ was about a ‘handsome British secret agent called James Bond. Bond spy who loved women, fast ears, and good food and drink He was well-paid because his job was very dangerous. James Bond also had a ‘Licence to Kill. This meant that sometimes ‘he was told co ill his enemies Casino Royale was very successful and the adventures of James Bond, agent number 007, became very popular. When 4 Fleming died on the 12th of August, 1964, more than 40 million copies of the James Bond books had been sold. The hhooks are: Casino Royale (1953), Live and Let Die (1954), ‘Moonraker (1955), Dizmwonds Ave Forever (1956), From Russia With Love (1957), Doctor No (1958), Goldfinger (1959), For Your Eyes Only (1960), Thunderball (1961). The Spy Who Loved Me (1962), On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1963), You Only Live Twice (1964), The Man With the Golden Gun (1965) and Octopussy and The Living Daylights (1966). “The story of Dr No was made into a filmi 1962. The flea starred the actor Sean Connery, and the Bond films continue to be huge intemational successes. By 2006, five actors had starred as James Bond. Millions of people all over the world have seen and loved the films A Note About This Story ‘The story of Casino Royale takes place in the 1950s. The names of some countries and their governments have changed since that time. In October 1917, a communist government came into power ‘in Russia, The communists believed that everyone had to share everything ~ money, power and land. Russia joined together with the other countries which it controlled. This group of countries was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (the USSR) and Moscow became its capital. From 1928, Joseph Stalin led the Soviet Union. He ruled over the Russian people for more than 25 years. Stalin created a special government department, the MGB. The MGB made sure that the councry andl its people were safe. ‘This department larer became the secret police force called the KGB. Officers of the KGB collected information about the USSR's enemies. The KGB tried to protect the country and its people. Sometimes the KGB secretly investigated the people of the USSR. SMERSH was part of the KGB, The lerters SM-E-R-S-H are from the Russian words ‘Smyert Shpionam’ which mean, ‘Death to Spies’. People were very afraid of SMERSH. During the Second World War, France, Britain, the United Seates and the Soviet Union fought together ~ they were allies. But when the war ended in May 1945, these countries began to disagree with each other. France, Britain and the United States believed that democratic eapitalism was the best political system. The USSR believed that ‘communism was the becter way. ‘Then other nations which believed in democracy became fiends with the United States and Western Europe. And 6 nations which believed in communism became allies with the Soviet Union. “The US and the USSR started to build huge numbers of ‘powerful weapons, including atomic bombs ~ powerful bombs ‘which could destroy whole cities. Eich countey watched the cther. They did not trust each other and they made life dlfficule for each other. This period ~ 1945 to 1989 ~ was called the Cold War. During the Cold War, many countries had secret intelligence services. These services sent men and women into their enemies’ countries. These spies tried to discover their enemies’ secrets. They also tried to find their enemies’ spies. Sometimes they tried to kill hem. In 1991, the communists lost power in the USSR. Soon the Soviet Union broke up. By the end of 1993, the independent republics of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, ‘Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan were all members of the CIS (The Commonwealth of Independent States). Russia's neighbours around the Baltic Sea — Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia ~ were independent countries. lan Fleming’ James Bond stories are set during the Cold War. Ir was a dangerous time and many people were frightened of an atomic war. So they loved to read about James Bond's exciting adventures with powerful enemies, fast cars and beautiful women, The People in This Story 1 A Memorandum! for M The memorandum came to M from the Head of Station S of the Secret Service. It read suBuECT: ‘UB ORIFFRE, RUSSIA'S CHIEF AGENT I FRANCE A PLAN FOR HIS DESTRUCTION, James Bond Vesper Lynd ‘THIS INFORMATION WAS GIVEN TO US BY ONE OF LE, CHIPPRE'S GIRLFRIENDS, LE CHIFFRE 1S TREASURER’ OF SODA. SODA 15 A COMMUNIBT-CONTROLLED TRADE UNIOW" IN FRANCE. LE CHIFFRE 15 NEAR FINANCIAL RUIN’, IN JANUARY 1946, HE ‘BORROWED’ FIFTY MILLION FRANCS? FROM SODA'S FUNDS. HE USED THE MONEY TO MAKE BAD DIVESTMENTS*. THESE INVESTMENTS ARE NOW WORTH NOTHING. LE CHIFFRE HOPES TO REPAY THE MONEY TO SODA. HE HAS RENTED A SMALL VILLA NEAR ROYALE-LES-EAUX FOR A WEEK FROM 16 JUNE, L# CHIFPRE WILL TRY 10 WIN FIFTY MILLION FRANCS PLAYING BACCARAT’ ‘THIS POWERFUL RUSSIAN AGENT MUST BE DESTROYED. ‘THIS WILL HAPPEN I? LE CHIFFRE DOES NOT WIN AT ROYALE, Le Chiffre Rene Mathis ‘We MUST SEND OUR BEST GAMBLER’ TO ROYALE. OUR ‘MAN MUST BEAT LE CHIFFRE AT BACCARAT. i NOTE A) LE CHIFFRE IS ABOUT 45 YEARS OLD. HEIGHT ‘Gunman 1 Garang Bie eEREh 1L.VOM. WEIGHT 114.8KQ. HAIR RED-BROWN. EYES DARK BROWN. HE SPEAKS FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH B 2 Chic a topped by M's an have ba de. M replied AND RUSSIAN. HB DRIVES FAST CARS AND 18 A GOOD AMBLER. HE ALWAYS TRAVEL GUARDS, HE 1S A CLEVER AND DANGEROUS RUS AGENT NOTE B) SMERSH IS THE MOST POWERFUL AND ORGANIZATION IN RUSSIA. SMERSE’S JOB 15 TO FIND AND KILL ALL ENEMIES OF THE RUSSIAN SECRET SERVICE AND SECRET POLICE. WE NEED TO LEARN Service. Hi hi ome man with blue eyes and dark pair, His interview with M wat ‘Well, Bond? asked M, when Bond had finished reading ond looked across the desk at M. 1 like to do it he said, ‘But I can't prom J have bad luck an Bond was stopped by M's cold eyes. Of course M knew this. M was Head of to know Bond’s chances of winning at baccarat Le Chiffre can have bad luck, too,’ M replied. “You'l have twenty-five million francs. We will give you ten million he British Secret Service. It was M's job now. Then we will send you another ten million later" He smiled. “You can win the extra five million yourself Il ask head iob with him at the Casino in Monte Carlo, I'll also tell the CLA’ in Washington to send somebody. Make sure that you win, And be careful. Le Chiffre is a dange “Thank you sin’ said Bond. He went ta the door ‘Wait a minute,” said M. ‘I may send you an assistan rere at Deuxieme to send Mathis. You did ago A Memorandum for M They can contact you at Royale, Don't worry, it will be someone good.” Bond liked to work alone, but he did't argue with M. "Yes, sin’ he sad, and left the tom, 2 Mathis and the Microphone® 10 weeks Tater, James Bond was sitting in the Casino at Royale-les-Eaus. It was theee in the morning and the aie was filled with cigarette smoke. Le Chiffre was still playing ~ and still winning. Bond watched him for some minutes, Then he collected his winnings" from the cashier and left the Casino, He walked across the toad and through the gardens of the Hotel Splendid ‘The concierge gave him his key for room 45 and a cable" ‘The eable was from Jamaica. It rea: KimosTOM JAMAICA [BOND SPLENDIDE ROVALE-LRS-RAUX HAVANA CIGAR CUBAN PACTORIES PRODUCTION ‘THE NUMBER YOU NEED IS TEN MILLION Earlier that afternoon, Bond hal asked his headguartes in London for more money. The cable was a sort of code. It meant that his headquatters were sending him ten million francs Bond was pretending to he the son of a Jamaican rmillionaire. Thae was his ‘cover’ He wrote a reply to the cable: "THANKS. INFORMATION SHOULD BE ENOUGH - BOND Bond gave the reply to the concierge and said goodnight. “Then he walked upstairs to the door of his toor. He took out a gun from under his jacket. Then he opened the door ‘quickly and switched on the light. There was nobody in the room but Bond didnot feel stupid. He haa to be very earefl im his job. Mathis al the Microphone Mathis and the Microphone Bond undressed and had a cold shower. Then he lit a cigarette. He had arrived at Royale-les-Eaux two days before ‘The last two afternoons and nights he had played roulette at the Casino, He had watched Le Chiffre atthe tables. The Russian was a clever and lucky gambler. ‘So fat, Bond had won three million franes. He had started with ten million, Now London was sending him another ten. So he had twenty-three million francs to gamble with, Bond put the money under his pillow and climbed into bed For ten minutes, he thought about everything that had ‘happened that day. Then he slept. ‘The next morning Bond had a cold shower. Then he ate his [breakfast at a table infront of the window. He was looking at the sea when the telephone rang. It was the concierge. "A man from Radio Stentor is here with the radio thae you ‘ordered, monsieut" the concierge said. ‘Send him up,’ said Bond. When Mathis came in, Bond smiled ‘Tve just artived fom Paris, monsieut’ said Mathis. Here isthe radio.” He put the radio on the floot and switched it on. The sound of loud musie filled the room. Mathis walked across to Bond andl shook his hand. Bond smiled. ‘Now, why ~ "he began. “My deat friend,’ said Mathis. “Your cover has been spoilt! ‘The Russians know who you ae." Mathis looked up at the ceiling. Then he pointed to the chimney" "A few centimetres up the chimney is a radio microphone,’ he explained. 'Its wires go up to the room above. They can hear everything’ Then Mathis smiled. ‘Now for some more play-acting,’ he said. He walked over to the radio and switched it of "Are you happy, monsicur” he asked. 4 ‘Very happy. said Bond. ‘The music is beauifal, Lees hear the rest of it" “Mathis grinned and switched the ratio on again. Now to tusineshe sad. "You willbe pleased with your assistant — your Number Two. She is very beautifl, a she i also a radio expert. We wll pretend that she works with me. We'e both saying inthe hotel. So my “asistane wil he near you He smiled. Day... .or night” Bat Bond did not smite back at hie “Why did they send me a woman sna game!” “Rela, James’ said Mathis. ‘She's good at her job and she speaks French very well She will meet you a the Casino You are the rich som of a millionaire. Ies normal for you fo our winnings with” “Are there any other surprises” asked Bond ‘Not rally" replied Mathis. “Le Cif’ vila is about sixeeen kilometres down the coast road. He has got two szuards with him, They speak to each other in Bulgarian.” “Anthing ele” asked Bond “Come to the Hermitage Bar before lunch, said Mathis. “And meet your Number Two. Ask her to dinner, then she «an come tothe Casino with you tonight. ll be theee, but you probably won't see me. Oh, and there's an American Called Felix Leiter. He's staying here. He's the CLA man. ‘After Mathis lft, Bond sa back atthe window. He was not happy. The Russians knew that he was here. They might try to kil him And then there was the problem of the git Bond did not like working with women we sald, angrily. This 3 The Girl from London [issgercis taken Bo ee the orl He decides drive down the coast road, He wanted to look at Le Chie’ wll: An hour later, Bond walked into the Hermitage Bar. He went to table near one of the windows. He ondered a drink ind looked round at the expensively-dres After some minutes, he saw Mathis on the pavement utside, He was with a dark-haired giel, Bond waited for them to come into the t's Monsieur Bor someone! No! This is sr. He pretended not to see them. suid Mathis, ‘Are you waiting for ‘assistant, Mademoiselle Lynd. My dear this gentleman is from Jamaica. | took a nidio to his hotel this morning ‘Would you both like to have a drink with me?” asked Bond, He called the waiter and ordered drinks. Then the two men talked about the weather and about Royale-les Eau. The gil sat sil ly. Her hair was very black, her eyes ep blue, Bond was excited by her beauty. But the gel After some time, Mathis turned to her, Excuse me,' he said, but I must telephone the Dubernes about dinner tonight. Do you mind eating alone this ind uninterested 'Noy' she answered. ‘t's allright Mathis went to the telephone near the bar. Bond looked atthe gil Ie not good to eat alone’ he said to hes. ‘Wold you like to have dinner with me tonight? 16 Made 1d like that very much,’ she said warmly. She smiled. And then we could go to the Casino, Perhaps P'l bring you ood luck. They arranged a time and a place to meet. Bond fele that she was excited about the job, Peshaps they could work well together. She was beautiful, and he wanted to sleep with her. But only when the job was finished. Mathis came back to the table and Bond called to the waiter for his ill ‘Thave to get hack to the hotel,’ he said Mathis and the girl watched him leave, Then Mathis sl closer to her. "James is my very good fiend,’ he said you've met each other "He's very good-looking” the giel replied after a moment. "Bur there's something cold and — ‘Suddenly, there was an explosion’ outside the bar. The im glad that window behind them shattered®. Mathis and the gil were pushed back into theie chairs. There were screams, and people began osm toward the doo, There,’ Mathis said to the git hens unged our of Machel and cid rouge broken window 4 The Men in Dark Suits Avis; Bra ef ne ar he walked ova his hotel The clay was beautiful and the sun was very hot. As he walked, Bond noticed two men on the opposite sile of the ad. They were standing quietly under a tree, about a hundred metres away. “There was something strange al were both small, and they both wo nat the two men. They dark suits. Each man hhad a square camera case. One case was red, the other ease was blue When Bond was fifty metres away, Red-man looked at Blue-man, Then Blue-man did something with his case Bond could not see what he was doing because there was a tree in front of him. Suddenly, there was a flash of white light and an explosion. The Men in Dak Suits The explosion threw Bond down onto the pavement ‘Then pieces of clothes began to fall around him The clothes were covered in blood. Black stoke filled the sky “There was nothing left of the two men in dark suits, ‘When Mathis gor to Bond, he was leaning against the tree that had saved his life ‘Ambulances and fire engines began to arrive, Mathis hhelped Bond back to the Hotel Splendide. In Bond’ room, Mathis asked questions while Bond took off his blood-sported clothes. When Bond told him about the two men, Mathis picked up the telephone. "tell the police that Bond's not hur,’ Mathis said «quickly co the person on the other end of the telephone line “Tl explain everything to them, Tell the newspapers that it was a fight beeween two Bulgarians, One killed the other with a bomb. There was probably third Bulgarian watching, Say nothing ahout him. He'll try to get away. The police ‘must catch him.” Mathis pur down the phone and curned to Bond. ‘You were lucky,’ he said. ‘They wanted that bomb to kill you. But something went wrong” He smiled at Bond. (Get a drink and some lunch, then have a rest” Several hours later, Bond was drinking a whisky when the telephone rang, “This is Mademoiselle Lynd,’ said the voice, quietly. ‘Are you all right? "Yes, thank you’ replied Bond, ‘Good, she said. Pease take care of yourself.” 5 Felix Leiter that evening, Bond walked across to the Casino, He had always been a gambler. He liked the luxury ofthe eard- rooms and casinos. Sometimes he was lucky, sometimes not Bat Bond believed that luck should be loved and not feared. Bond changed a million franes into plaques and took a seat at Roulette Table Number I. He played seventeen games. He lst some games and won some games. He finished with winnings of one million francs. ‘An American was sitting opposite. When Bond got up from the table, the American got up too. “Let me buy you a drink,’ the man said to Bond. Bond guessed that che American was from the CLA. M ‘had told him that they would send someone. “My name's Felix Leiter’ said the American, as they walked to the bar. “Mine is Bond ~ James Bond.” They ordered drinks “A dry martini,’ said Bond to the barman. ‘But [wane it in lange glass “Yim pleased to he working with you,’ Leiter said. He lita cigarette. ‘Our people in Washington are very interested in this job.” “Our enemies already know about me,’ said Bond. ‘They probably know about you and Mathis, too. Please be at the Casino this evening. I've gor an assistant, Mis Lynd. I'd like hherto be with you when I start playing.” He smiled at Leiter. “Be careful of Le Chiffre’s two gunmen. They probably won't smake any trouble. But we can't be sure.” Felix Leiter was about thirty-five. He was tall and thin, 2 with fair hai, Leiter moved and spoke slowly. But Bond knew i fighter Bond told him about his trip down the coast that morning. Leiter drank his second glass of whisky and listened carefully. Then, at seven-thirty, they walked back to the hotel together. Lehtedisenen: ve on. Hlitien Moor ster Bondi mone: The two men arranged to see each other late, atthe Casino. hot hath followed by an ice-cold shower. He lay down on his bed and thought about his plans for Mathis, Leiter and the girl. Then he thought about Le Chifire and his other enemies. At ewenty minutes to nine, he dressed in trousers and a silk shire. Next, he ened a drawer. He took out a light oulder. Then he took a are put hi acket He felt cool and comfortable as he walked out of his room When he arrived in the hotel lobby, he inner jacket on, The gun was hidden under the and locked the heard a voice cal The git stepped out of the lft and waited for Bond. Her black velvet dress was simple but expensive. A thin diamond cklace hung around her throat. She carried a blac Bond thought that she looked beautiful, The ie held his arm nt in to dinner People in owed restaurant turned to look at er. Bond watched them and smiled. They went to table in a quiet comer of Wou ikea drink?" asked Bond. would love a glass of vodka,” she said Bond onlered two very cold vodkas n't know your first name, he said co th er she said ‘1'san old word for “evening’,’ she explained. ‘And I was bom in the evening. Some people ike it, others don'. "think its a fine name," said Bond. They ordered dinner and a bottle of champagne. The vodka arrived and Bond held up his Here’ to luck, Vesper” he said Fels Leiter "Yes,’ replied the giel, quietly. She held up her glass and looked into his eyes. Then she moved nearer to him. ‘Thave some news from Mathis, she said. Ie's about the bomb, I's fantastic story” Bond stared at her. Tell me,’ he said. “They found the third Bulgarian,’ Vesper explained. "He was on the road to Paris. Two policemen stopped him and asked for his papers. The three Bulgarians were part of a sroup here in France. These three men were going to get ‘0 million francs for killing you.” ‘She drank some of her vodks, "An agent gave them the ewo camera cases’ she went on. “The blue case contains a smoke bomb,” he told them. "The red case isthe explosive. When one of you theows the red case, the other must press a switch on the blue case. Then you can escape in the smoke from the smoke bomb.” But he was lying. Both cases contained explosives. The plan was to {ull you and the bombers at the same time. There was probably another plan co kill the third man.” “Very clever; said Bond. ‘Go on.” ‘The Bulgarians switched on the smoke bomb fst,’ she continued. ‘Then they planned to throw the explosive bomb atyou." "But they blew themselves up,’ said Bond. “Yes, said Vesper. The third Bulgarian was waiting behind the Hotel Splendide. The police showed him bits of the ted bomb. Then he knew thatthe agent had tricked the three of them. He started talking after that. But he knows nothing about Le Chiffe.” The waiter arrived with the food. They ate in silence for some minutes. Then Bond drank some of his champagne and looked at her "What section are you in” he asked. ‘Y'm personal assistant co Head of Section S,' said Vesper. 24 Fes Liter Head of S asked M if I could come here. M said yes, but he said thar you don’t lke working with women.” When Bond said nothing, she went on, "You're one of courheroes. A Double O agent” “Its not dificult to get a Double O number,’ Bond said. “If you're happy to kill people. Do you like the food!” “Its lovely,’ she said, smiling. ‘'m enjoying myself and — But she was stopped by the cold look in Bond’ eyes. ‘We'te here to doa job’ he said. ‘Remember that.” ‘Then Bond told her his plans. As she listened, Vesper remembered her boss's warning. "Bond's a good-looking man,’ Head of S had told her. ‘But don’t fallin love with him. He's got a cold heart. Good luck, don’t get hurt." ‘Now, Bond was explaining the game of baccarat: “Tonight Le Chiff willbe the banker, Bond said. He has twenty-four million franes, and I've got about the same. ‘There wil be ten players, and a croupier who will collect the cards. I'l sic opposite Le Chiff atthe table.” He drank some more champagne. “The banker hegins with a ber of five hundred thousand francs he went on. ‘The person in the Number One chair can accept the bet. If he says no, then Number Two can bet: If Number Two doesn't want to bet, then it goes to Number ‘Three, and on round the table. I'l ry ro accept the bet until either Le Chifice of Ihave no money let. In the end, one of “Te-a simple game. I get two cards and the banker gets ‘wo, To win, T must have two oF three cards which add up £0 ‘nine, or the nearest number to nine. If one of us doesnt win, immediately, we can take one more card. Pievure cards and tens are worth nothing. Aces are worth one. Do you understand?” “Yes said Vesper. Felis Loter “The banker gives me two car. If the two cards don't al up to nine, then I can ask for another card. 'l ask forthe extra card if my cards adel up to less than five IF they toal six fr seven, I may not ask for another card "The banker can look at his cards after I've asked for a card — or decided to “stand”. Ifthe banker's cards rotal nine, he wins. If they don't add up to nine, then he can choose another card.’ “Lunderstand,’ said Vesper. ‘Good, said Bond. Some minutes later, he paid the bill and they left the Te was time to gamble 6 The Casino [rhe msn roam ofthe Casino, Felix Leiter sw Bond and came to meet hit. “This is Vesper Lynd,’ Bond told him, ‘Pethaps I can show Miss Lynd how to play roulette, James,’ said Leiter. Then we can come and watch you lat ‘Ti like that, said Vesper. “TIL Teave you with my friend, Felis,’ Bond said to Vesper. He smiled and walked away. Bond collected his twenty-four million franes from the cashier. Then he walked across the room to the baccarat table. He sar down in chair Number Six and lit cigarette ‘The banker's chair opposite him was empty. Bond looked around the table. He knew most of the players. In chair Number Seven, on his right, sat Monsieur Sixte, a rich Belgian. In Number Nine ws Lord Danvers, a weak-looking man with a rich American wife. She sae in chair Nur ‘Thrve. At Number One, on the right of the bank, was a famous Greek gambler, Bond knew that the Greek would play coldly and well ‘Atthat moment, Le Chiffre arived. He had a lange white face, wide shoulders and reddish-brown hair. He smiled coldly at the players around the table. Then he sar down ‘opposite Bond. ‘The game started. Le Chiffte was the banker. He rook a card from the shoe and pushed it towards chair Number One, “Then he took a card for himself. Then another forthe Greek, and one more for himself. The croupier lifted the Greek’s cards and dropped them next to the Greek’s hands ‘The Greek picked up the cards. He looked carefully at ‘The Casino ‘hem, Then he put them facedown onthe tale and ooked mech "Nos said the Greek. He had not aked for another card Le Chie picked wp his cadh and tuned them over “They were a four and ave. A nine “The croupier tured over the Greek’ cand. He had a sever and aqucen, Le Chiftehad won “Seven the croupir sil He emned the cans Balle igre and wuched the Greek mae another bet, The bank won again “A fan of two milion francs said the croup. Fora moment, nobody spoke, Two malion was a ¥ lange bet. ™ 7 “Then Bond si, Banco’ He was realy to ply. 8 7 The Game fe Chiffte and Bond looked at each other coolly. Then Bond puta packer of French francs on the table. “The other players watched. They could feel the coldness berween the two gamblers. No one spoke as Le Chiffre took the four cands “The croupier pushed Bond!’ two cards towards him, Bond looked at the cards quickly. Then he looked at Le Chiff. ‘Aftera moment, Bond tamed his cards over ‘They were a our and a five —a nine. ‘There was alittle cry of surprise from the other players. ‘Then Le Chifite carelesly turned over his two cards. They were two picture cards — worth nothing. ‘The game went on. Bond looked at the people who were standing around the table. He soon saw Le Chiffre’s two gunmen. They were standing behind the banker. The man by Le Chifie’s eight arm was tll, with a grey face. The other dark. He had a flat head and a thick wasa wooden walking stick next to him, clock in the morning and Bond had won four million francs. He now had twenty-eight milion francs, Le Chiffe continued to play cally ‘The Greek at Number One was having a bad time. He lost a bet of half million francs, and then another. He passed? on the thied bet. “A bank of two million,’ said the eroupier. layers two and three passed. “Banco, said Monsieur Sixte ~ and lost the bet. “A bank of four million francs,’ said the croupiee. “Banco, said Bond. The croupier pushed two new cards 2» The Game towards him. Bond looked at them quickly. He had a dangerous rota of five, bur he didnot take another card. Le Chifire turned aver his two cards, He had a picture cand and a four He ook another ead rom the shoe Iwasa “The bank has seven,’ said the eroupier. He turned over Bond’s losing cards. ‘Five, he said. He took four million francs from Bond's money. “A bank of eight million,’ said the eroupier. Bond took the ber and lost again to Le Chiffte¥ nine. In two bets, he had lost nwelve million francs. He had sixteen rnillion franes let. He looked across at Le Chifite. ‘Do you want to lose even ‘more, Mr Bond?” the Russian's eyes seemed to ask, Bond took some franes and plagues from his pocket. He pushed them into the centre of the table. His mouth had suddenly gone dey. Vesper and Felix Leiter had come to the table. Leiter looked worried, but Vesper smiled at him. The ‘gunman with the stick was now behind Bond. ‘The croupier pushed Bond's two cards towards him. Bond looked at them, Then he looked again. He had an ace and a picture cand “A card,’ he said. He tried to sound calm. Le Chifire tured over his two cards. He had a picture card and a five. He took another card from the shoe. The croupier pushed it to Bond. It was a five. Bond now had six and Le Chitfre had five. The banker took another card and turned it over. Le Chiffre needed a fone, two, three of four to win, Tews a four. Le Chiff had won, Bond had los all his money. 30 8 The Man with the Stick ond lit a cigarette. What next? Go back to the hotel Make a phone call to London, then fly home. He would get a taxi to the offices in Regents Park, then walk up the stairs to M's room. He would look into Ms cold face across the desk "Better luck next time,’ M would say. But there couldn't be a ‘next time’. This had been their best chance to destroy Le Chiffre. And Bond had lost. He looked at the people around the table. The croupier counted the money and put the plaques in front of the banker. Would anyone ber against a bank of thirty-two rllion franes? Leiter was not with Vesper now. Vesper looked strangely calm, She smiled at Bond. “She doesn’t understand the game,’ Bond thought. ‘A waiter stopped beside him, He put a thick envelope on the table next to Bond. Bondl’s heart hezan to beat fast. He moved the envelope under the table and opened it. His hhands were shaking, bur he could feel the money inside. Excitement rushed through him. He slipped the feanes into his pockets. There was a piece of paper with the money. It had one line of writing. THIRTY-TWO MILLION PRANCS. WITH BEST WISHES ‘FROM THE USA. Bond looked towards Vesper. Felix Leiter was standing next to her again. Leiter smiled, and Bond smiled back “This time Bond had to win. Or had Le Chiffre already got the fifty million francs that he needed to repay SODA? Perhaps he had. Then Le Chiffte wouldn't need to play 3 ‘The Man withthe Stick Someone brought a new chair and Bond sat down, He looked across st Le Chiffre. He could se fea inthe bankers far, white face. He rumed to look at the people behind him. ‘The gunman had gone. A waiter was holding the stick, Bond called and the waiter came across to him. Please sive that “walking stick” to that gentleman,’ said Bond. He pointed at Felix Leiter. “Ic belongs toa friend of his. ‘When Leiter looked closely atthe walking stick, he would understand why Bond had ‘fainted’. Bond turned hack t the table, He was rea 4 9 Winner and Loser Fe was two o'clock in the morning. This time Bond must not lose “Two cards were pushed towards him, Le Chiffre watched Jhim from the other side of the table. Bond took the cards and looked at them. He had «wo picture cards. They were worth nothing, “A card,’ said Bond, Le Chiffre tened over his own two cards. A picture cand and a three. “Three, said the croupier. Le Chiffre took a card and slowly turned it over Ir was a ‘nine. A lovely nine! The eroupier pushed it to Bond: Now it was Le Chifre’s turn to decide. He needed a six to make a total of nine. Ie was a difficult decision. He did not kknove what Bond’ firs eo cards hal heen, ‘Le Chiffe looked at Bondl’s cards. Then he looked at his own cards. His face was hot Finally, Le Chiffre took his caed and turned it over. It was a wonderful card ~a five “The bank has eight,’ said the eroupier. Bond sat silently. Le Chie smiled. Le Chiffte was sure that Bond's cards would add up to more than nine. Every person watching thought that Bond had lot. ‘The croupier turned over Bond's first two cards. They were picture cards and worth nothing ‘Nine,’ said the croupier. ‘The people around the table shouted with surprise, Bond was watching Le Chiffre. The big man fll hack in his chai. His mouth opened and shut, and his face was grey 35 The croupier pushed the plagues across to Bon Then Le Chiffre took a packet of notes from his pocket. He threw them on the table. The eroupier counted them. A hank of ten million francs,’ the eroupier sid ‘Thar’ all his money,’ thought Bond. ‘And if he loses now, no one will give him any more Banco, said Bond. He looked straight at Le Chifir ‘Once more, the eroupier pushed two cards across to im Bond looked at them andl turned them over. ‘Nine, said the eroupiet Le Chiff looked at his own two cards. They were pictate cards. “The croupier pushed the plagues aeross to Bond Le Chifire watched the plagues, then he stood up slowly He pushed past the other players. People moved to let him xo past. They looked at him strangely He was like a man who cartied the smell of death. Ther he was gone: Bona stood up. He asked the croupier to take his winnings to the cashier. The other players were getting up from theie chairs. There could not be a game without a banker Bond said goodnight to them. Then he went to meet srand Felix Leite. They walked across to the ea nok Felix Letter cheque forthe rest of his winnings. He walked over tothe har and gave Leiter his thirty-two milion franes back. For a Fe minutes they drank champagne and talked about the game Leiter took a bullet fom his pocket Tes from the walking stick,’ he sid Mathis. The gunman fingerprints from the gun. Pel him in the mori Bond touched Tl take my winnings to the hotel, he said. He tuene, ped but they've aps well find out jacket pocket Winner and Laser Vesper. ‘Would you like a glass of champagne in the nightclub? Ir’ called the Roi Galant.” ‘Ta like that, said Vesper ‘I'l meet you in the lobby.” “Will you come, too, Felix?” asked Bond. But he was hoping to be alone with Vesper. “I would like to go to bed,” Leiter said. He knew what Bond was thinking. ‘But I'l come to the hotel with you." ‘At the hotel, Leiter walked with Bond up to his room. ‘Will you and Vesper be OK? asked Leiter. Or would you like me to stay with you?” "Go and get some sleep,’ said Bond. ‘Don’t worry, I'm ‘going to hide the cheque. They won't he interested in me without the money. Thanks forall your help.” Leiter smiled. Then he went out and closed the door. Bond went to the bathroom and washed his face in cold water. Twice that day he had nearly died. Would Le Chiff’ ‘men try to kill him again? Or was Le Chiffre already on a boat! Was he trying to escape from SMERSH? Bond took the cheque from his pocket. Then he opened the door of his room, There was nobody outside. He began to work with a small screwdriver". Five minutes later, Bond closed and locked the doot. ‘Then he went down the stairs. 38 10 Kidnapped the entrance to the Roi Galant was in a comer of the roulette rom, The night club was small and dark. A band = guitar, piano and drums — was playing in a comer, Bond and Vesper sat at table near the door. Bond ordered a bottle of champagne and a breakfast of eggs and bacon, ‘They sat and listened tothe music for time. Then Bond rurned and looked at Vesper. ‘It’s wonderful to be with you," he said. ‘The job is finished, and isa lovely end to the day” He expected her to sini, but she didn't "Yes its she said. She looked nervous “Maybe its because I was cool to her earlier this evening, Bond thought He drank champagne and talked about the day. He spoke about Mathis and Leiter, Le Chifire and SMERSH. “T've telephoned Pars fom the hotel,” Vesper said. ‘I've left a message for M about the game." ‘This was all she said. She drank her champagne and did not look at Bond. Bond was disappointed. He drank a lot of champagne and ordered another hoctle. They ate their eggs andl bacon silently ‘Ac four o'clock, a waiter came to the table "Thave a note for Miss Lyn’ he said He gave Vesper a piece of paper. She read the note quickly "Irs from Mathis’ she told Bond. ‘He wants me to meet him at the Casino entrance hall. He's got a message for you. He's probably not wearing evening clothes and he doesn't want to come in.'l only be a minuce or two. Then perhaps 9 Kidnapped swe can go home. She smiled quickly. ‘ve not been very friendly tonight 'm sorry. les been a dificult day.” 'SOK,' sal Bond. ‘Vl pay the bill” Bond watched her walk to the entrance, then he lit a cigarette. He was suddenly tre. He called forthe Bill and took a last drink of champagne ‘Ashe drank, Bond wondered about the note to Vesper. It seemed strange. Why hadn't Mathis asked them both to come to the Casino entrance hall? Something was wrong Bond paid che bill and walked quickly through the gaming room, He looked up and down the long entrance hal No Vesper. No Maths He ran tothe entrance. The night air was cold Suenly, he heard a small ery and the sound ofa car door closing: Then a Citrodn raced out ofthe wide entrance sate. As he watched, Bond siw someone throw something small and Hack from one of the windows. Ie fell into the flower by the ate. Then the Cieoen raced towards the Bond ran tothe gate. He picked up Vesper’ black even tag fom amongst the flower. Inside was the noe, Te rea Can you come te the entrance ball Fer F hove news fee Bond Rene ie Te was nor Mathis’ writing. Bond ran to his ear 40 ul The Crash Soon Boa ws psig slong he cot rnd, There we no wind, and the night was clear. Bond drove faster and faster. He was angry. Why had M sent Vesper — a woman ~ on this job? He knew that Le Chiffre’s men would give him che gil if he gave them the cheque. Well, he wouldn’t do it! This job was more important than Vesper. All right, he would try and catch the Citron, But ifhe didn’t catch them, he would go back ro hs hotel. He would say nothing to Mathis about the Citrosn, He would not pay Le Chifire’s men the forty million francs. “Tomorrow he would show Mathis the note. He would ask Mathis what had happened to Vesper. Bond's Bentley” was travelling at 160 kilometres an hour ‘The Citroen was only a kilometre or two ahead. ‘Bond took a gun from under the drivers seat. He put iton the seat beside him, ‘There were three men and the gil in the Citroen. Le Chiffte was driving, The man sho had carried the walking stick- sun was beside him. There was a thick handle” next to the ‘mans left hand. The handle came from the floor of the car. The tall, chin gunman was sitting in the back seat. Vesper was next to him. She had a sack® over her head. It was tied sound her neck with a piece of rope. Le Chiffce watched Bond's car in his driving misror. The ‘Bentley was only a kilometre behind. When he went round a comer, Le Chiffte slowed to fifty kilometres an hout. He could see a crossroads” ahead, "Get ready,’ he said to the man beside him 41 The Cah The man pot hin fingers round the handle. At hae smoment, the Bentley's healights came round the co sid Le Chile The man pulled the handle up quickly. Suddenly, the toot atthe Back of the car opened wide. There was the sound of metal hitting the road Le Chie looked in the tito. Bond ca was coming rund the comer Le Chiff Sik drove rhe eae into sie oad. At these me he Mined the cas fe sopped the ear and all hese men jumped ot. The tan back to the crossroads. Each man cartied a gun. * The Bentley was speeding toward them 2 2 The Villa Boers eonld nt see the Coen when he ame ound ihe comer. He saw the crossroads ahead and started to slow clown, But he was too late. Suddenly there was a ‘caper’ of metal spikes" under his wheels. They tore the Bentley’ tyres. Bond could not control the heavy car. It hit the wall at the sie of the road and turned over. Bond was thrown onto the floor of the cat. There was the sound of breaking glass and ‘metal on concrete. Then the Bentley stopped moving. Le Chifre and his two gunmen ran towards the cat. "Put your guns away and get him out, said Le Chiffte ‘Be careful, I don't want a dead man. And hurry! The two men pulled Bond from the car. He was not ‘Tie his arms; said Le Chifite. ‘Put him in the car. Take everything from his pockets and give me his gun.” Le Chie took Bond's gun. Then he walked back to the Citroen. Bond was conscious now: Every part of his body hurt, but there were no bones broken. The two gunmen pushed him into the back seat of the Citroén, Bond fel sick and weak. No one knew where he was. No ‘one would miss him until the morning. They would find the Bentley. Bur they would not know the car was Bond's until Laver. “Then there was Vesper. He looked past the thin man ‘Vesper,’ he said quietly. She did not answer. Bond was suddenly afraid that she was dead. But then she moved under the sack. ‘At the same time, the thin man hit Bond twice, 8 Suadenly there was a ‘carpet’ of metal spikes under Bond’ wheels Silence,’ the man said Bond lay back against the seat with his eye Hamed himself for his situation. He hadn't gh. Instead, he had sat in the Roi Galant drink champagne with Vesper, All cis time, Le Chiffte had said nothing. The third man shut the hoot of the ear, The man got in and sae beside him. the Citron raced along the coast road. Bond at twas cin the moming, He also hat they were only two of three kilometres away from Le Chifire’s vila Bond knew why the men had taken Vesper. They had known that Bond would try to rescue her. For the frst since the car crash, he began to feel afraid 7 ad. It went through some open gates and stopped outside int door of Le Chi Le Chiffre opened the door of the the thin man pushed Bond out of the car. Le Chiffre went with a key. Then 1 Vesper in after smn lock the side the house and the thin man pu him. Bond followed her. He heard the th door behind him, Le Chiffre was standing near the open door of a room. He saved to Bond. He was telling Bond! to come to the room. The third gunman was taking Vesper away to the back of the house Suddenly, The man cried out im pain and hands were tied but his fet wer The third gunman heard Bond coming. The man turned «quickly. Bond kicked him hardin the stomach, and the man fell hack against the wall. Bond tried to kick him again but the gunman caught his shoe. He ewisted Bond! f Bond crashed to the ground, ind kicked the thin man hard Bond ran after 45 The Vila For a moment, Bond lay still. Then the thin man came and pulled him up against the wall. He had a gun in his, hand. He used it to hit Bond hard across the leg. Bond cried ‘out with pain and fell onto his knees. ‘A door banged shut. Vesper and the third gunman had appested. Bond tuned his head to the ight and saw Le ‘Come hete, my dear friend, said Le Chiffre. He spoke calmly in English. ‘Let's not waste any more time.” Bond walked towards him. There was nothing more that hhe could do, 46 B Torture® Tot oe ane oom. There was las wooden chair by the window. There was also alow table with a selass om it, and a smaller, lighter chair, Le Chiffre pointed at the smaller chai. "Use that chair’ he told the thin man. ‘Ger him ready. He turned to Bond. "Take off your clothes’ he sid. "Do it, ‘oe we will beak your fingers. We're serious people, Me Bond We don'e care ifyou live or die” Le Chifie nodkled to the thin man. Then he turned and left the room. The thin man cook a knife from his pocket. He cut the rope round Bond's arms. Then he moved quickly away from Bond. A moment later the thin man pulled Bond's jacket down his back. Bond could not move his ats. ‘The knife cut through the cloth. Sucklenly Bond's arms were free. Then the two halves of his jacket fel in front of him. "Now, cake off the rest of your clothes’ che thi man said Bond slowly started to take off his shir. Le Chiffre came quietly into the room. He was carrying a por of coffee in one hand, and a large stick in the other hand. Le Chiffre put the coffee on the small table near the window and sat in the wooden chait. He pulled the other chair across so that it was opposite him. Then he poured some coffe into the glass. ‘Bond stood naked” in the middle of the room. 'Sitdown,’ Le Chiffre said. He pointed to the small chai Bond sat down. The thin man tied his arms and legs to the chair. Bond could not move. “The gunman left the room and closed the door. a Chiff hea cigarette and drink some coffee. He stared into Bond's eyes. Then he hit Bond hard in the stomach with the stick Bond could not breathe for several sy his eyes. The pain in his stomach was terrible Do you understand now, my friend” said Le Chir will answer my questions. If you don, you will be badh tortured. Then we will torture the gir. If you still d speak, we shall kill both of you — painfully Bond opened his eyes ‘Good,’ said Le Chiffre, smiling ney? You got a chegue for forty million francs. We know ur room. You went back £9 yout left to go to the night club, four of thar it's somewhere in| hotel to hide it. When ye 3 people searched your room. They did not find the cheque So, where ist Bond stared back at him without speaking Le Chiffre moved quickly. He hie Bond across the chest with the stick. Bond closed his eyes against the pain. Then, suxldenly, he felt Le Chiffre’s burning cigarette against his face. Ir was a millimetre ot ts Aaaagh!” cried Bond. The nest time it will be in your eye, said Le Chifire He moved the cigarette away and drank some more coffee ‘You... won't he able to cash”... the cheque,’ said Bond. He was breathing heavily. “The below his lef eye lice... will know thac it’s mine Le Chiffre hit My friend f My story will be that we mee again after our game at the Casino. You agreed to have one more game. Bue this time you lost. You were very unhappy and you left Royale to go well, nobody knows where you went, But be ‘you gave me a note, It explains everything. The note means 8 ond across his le totell you; sad Le Chifre. He smile. Til be able que He laughed. ‘Isa 1s! Now, shall we cont Nobody knows where you went So that was the plan,’ thos Jie. There was not enough time for Mathis ot Leiter to rescue Then there was Vesper. Soon they would start torturing her too. What would they do to her? He did not want t0 think about th Bond lifted his head. ‘No,’ he whispered Le Chiffre made a small, angry sound. He hit Bond's arms and legs with the stick. Then he pushed the cigarette inte Bonds face again, This ime it was millimetre under Bonds > cash the che Bond. He was going ti The pain was terrible. Bond's face felt like a ball of fire wanted to scream. His eyes filled with tears and he could see clearly ‘One more chance, Le Chifize told him. ‘Do you want t bind, Mr Bond! He took the cigarette away again ‘Now,’ he began. "You Stop’ said a voice, quietly Bon lfed his head slowly Chifire was staring atthe neway, behind Bond. He could see the teroe in Le Chifie’s SMERSH,’ Le Chifite whispered. ‘No! No, | "Your two men are dead, wd. "You are a thief and a traitor”. ve been sent from Russia to kil you. You're lucky that [only have time to shoot you, [was told to kill you painfull The voice stopped. The room was silent, Somewhere outside a bird hegan to sing. Bond stare at Le Chifie's face Tewas white with feat There was a soft sound ~ then no other noise at all. Suakdenly, a small black hole appeared between Le Chifice’s eyes. A bullet hole. Le Chiff’ head fll ro one side and his sy hung over the chait A hand came from behind Bond. I pulled his head back Bond looked up into two shining eyes behind a narrow black mask”. Above the mask was a hat, Then the hand pushed his head down again. "You are hucky,’ said the voice. “I have no orders to kill abler. One day, perhaps, you will foreign spies. But you're play against one of us. I must let them see that you're a spy. “The man stood behind Bond’ right shoulder. A moment later, he put his hand in front of Bond's face. The hand was holding a long, thin knife. He held it like a pen. He moved the knife ahove Bond's hand, which was tied to the chair, He cut four lines into the back of Bond's hand. They looked like the Roman number Ill wth a line underneat Twas the Russian letter sha. It was the first leter of Russian word shpion —spy Blood begun to fall on to the floor. Bond haa suffered the beatings with the stick and the burning cigarette on his face. But this pain was too much. Everything wene black as he fell unconscious 4 Vesper Explains James Bond woke up in a bed. He had been dreaming. Ie had been a bad dream, and he was shaking. Then he head woman's voice. He opened his eyes. Sunlight was shining through the window. He could hear the sound of birds in the garden ‘outside. He turned his head and saw a nurse siting beside him. She smiled at him "Where am I” he asked. “You're in a private hospital in Royale,’ she said. ‘U have ‘come from England to look after you. I'm Nurse Gibson. Il go and tell the doctor that you're awake. You've been "unconscious since they brought you here two days ag. We've been worried." Bond closed his eyes for a few minutes. His head and whole body hurt ‘The door opened and the doctor came in. Mathis and the nurse followed him. Mathis smiled at Bond, but Bond ‘could see that he was worried. ‘The doctor was a young Frenchman, He came and stood bese Bond. He spoke clearly in English. “You have a lot of questions to ask me, Mr Bond, he sad. ‘Lean tell you most of the answers. Then Monsieur Mathis will speak to you Nurse Gibson gave the doctor a chair to sit in. Then she left the room. “You have been here about two days,’ said the doctor. ‘A farmer found your car on his way into Royale. He called the police. Soon, Monsieur Mathis learnt that it was your car Immediately, he went to Le Chiffte’s villa with his men. ‘They found you and Le Chifire and Miss Lynd, She was not 32 Vesper Explains hurt, but she was very shocked. She's much better now. She's staying a Royale. She will stay until you're well enough to 50 back to England, “Le Chifftes two gunmen are dead’ the doctor went on. "Both men were shot in the back ofthe head. They were i the same room as Miss Lynd. Le Chiff was shor between the ‘eyes with the same gun. Did you see him die, Mr Bond” "Yes. said Bond. “You'll continue to be in pain for several days,’ the doctor told him. "You must rest’ Then he smiled andl let the room. “Mathis came and satin the doctor’ chai "There's lot for us to talk about,’ he said. ‘Our people in Paris and London wane ro know everything. So does Leiter (Oh, and M spoke ro me on the telephone. Hes very pleased with you. Bond smiled to himself *A tall, thin man with one arm came fom London, Mathis went on, ‘l think he was Vesper’ hos. He spake with ‘Vesper fora long time. He told her to look after you." ‘The man with one 'SMERSH,' said Bond, Mathis looked shocked. So they were looking for im,’ he said. "What did the killer look like?” ‘Bond explained everything that had happened. He was very tired when he finished his tory “Mathis put a hand on Bonds shoulder. "There's one other mystery,’ he said. ‘Where did you hide the cheque? We've searched your hotel room three times. It isn'e there." ‘Tes there,’ Bond said. He laughed. ‘Each door has a room number, When Leiter left me that night, | unscrewed the rnumber from the door. I put the folded cheque under it. ‘Then I serewed it back on again. le will still be there. 33 Vesper Explains Vesper Explains Afier Mathis left, Bond lay back and closed his eyes. He was thinking about Vesper as he fell asleep. Four days late, Bond was feeling much better, He asked to see Vesper. He had heen too ill to see her before now. Bond had to ask Vesper some difficult questions, He had to write a report to M. Bur he didn’t wane eo tell M that Vesper was stupid. She could lose her jo. He expected Vesper to look ill But she was brown and healthy fom the sun. She came into his room seniling. been to the beach every day,’ she explained. "The doctor sid that the sunshine woul be good for me. Head of ‘agreed, and I've found a lovely beach down the coast. Take iy lunch and go there each day. I don't eome back until the evening." Bond could not think of anything to say. He stared the beautiful giel and felt angry. “You'll be able to get up soon,’ Vesper went on. “The doctor told me. He said that swimming in the sea will be sod for you.” “Ir will be weeks hefore I can swim,” said Bond, angrily “But you... you go and enjoy yourself Pm sory said Vesper. 'T... I wanted to help you.’ She began to ery.'T'm really sorry. This i all my fault” ‘Bond puta hand on her arm. ‘Ir’ all right, Vespers’ he said gently. 'm sorry that I shouted at you. Of course I'l come to the beach with you. It will be wonderful” Bond gave her a cigarette “What happened after you left me in the night club?’ he asked, “Las stupid’ said Vesper She looked away from him. ‘T couldn't see Mathis, I went outside. [saw a man waiting in a car. I thought it was Mathis. When I got near, two of Le 54 CChifre’s men jumped out from bebind another ear, "L screamed, she went on. "But nobody heard me. The men picked me up and pur me in the back ofthe eat. | threw rmy hag out ofthe car window. Did it help you” "Yes, it did’ said Bond, Bur Bond knew that Le Chifire had wanted him to follow the Citrogn, "L think I fainted,’ Vesper went on. ‘I don't remember rmuch about the car journey” "Did they hurt you after they took you away” asked Bond, 'No, they tied me toa chair and played card, she replied, “Then they went to sleep. Thar's how SMERSH got them. My chair was in a comer of the room. [didn’t see SMERSH. [heard some strange noises. Then I heard one of the men fall off a chair: After that, the door closed. Then Mathis and the police rsived. That was an hour later. slept most of the time, Once I heatd a terrible seream from very far away.” “That was probably me,’ said Bond. Vesper started to ery again “They did awful things to you, and it’s my fault,’ she sai. ‘Teall right, said Bond. ‘e's finished now. Let’ forget it “Lehought that you'd be angry with me,’ said Vesper. How can I thank you? Is there something that [ean do? I want to cdo something She looked at him and smiled. I promise t0 slo something" ‘Something? He smiled at her. ou promise?” he sai She looked into his eyes and put her hand on his hand. ‘1 promise,’ she replied quietly ‘After a moment, she picked up her bay and walked to the door "Shall come tomorrow” she asked. "Yes, please, Vesper said Bond. 55 15 A Small Hotel esper visited Bond each day: Soon he was well enough t0 leave the hospital. But he did not want to gota one of the big hotels in Royale “Tl find you somewhere outside of the town,’ said Vesper, ‘The nextday, she came with his clothes, a hired ear and a driver "Where are we goi "Wait and see, she said. Vesper was quiet as they drove along the coast rad. Once ‘or twice Bond saw her look into the drivers mirror. something wrong? he asked, ‘snothing she sad quickly.‘ silly. I thought that we being followed.’ She looked behind them, “Oh, look!” ‘Bond tured and looked through the back window. About halfa kilometre away, he saw a black ca. It was moving fast. Bond laughed. “We can’t he the only people using this road," he said. ‘Nobody is following us. We're not doing anything wrong. Stop worrying, Vesper” “Lexpect you're right,’ she said. And we're nearly there. She sat quietly and looked out of the window. But Bond knew that she was nervous, After afew minutes, they came toa small road that went down to the sea. “Drive down there and stop,’ Bond told the driver. ‘The driver slowed the car and turned off the coast oad. He stopped the car behind some trees. Bond and Vesper watched through the back window. Vesper held Bond's arm tightly. They saw the other car setting closer, It went past and a man’s face looked quickly towards them, ‘Vesper’s face was white with fear 56 asked Bond A Sal Hoel "He looked at us, she said. ‘I knew that he was following "Don’t he silly said Bond. He was looking at that sign.” ond pointed to a sign on the comer of the road. The sign read, Fresh Fruit for Sale “There's probably a frit farm further down this road,” he said, “Oh, yes’ said Vesper. ‘OF course, you must be right. Pm som "Forget i,’ said Bond. “The suns shining and this is our holiday. The job is finished and there's nothing to worry about. Is there” "No, of eourse there isn't, said Vesper. She smiled again. ‘We're almost there. Lope that you like it” ‘After a few minutes they saw che sea. Then a small, brightly-painted hotel appeated between the trees. “Tes not very big,” said Vesper. "Bur its very clean and the fod is wonderful” She looked at Bond. Will tbe allright” “Love it! he told her. ‘The car stopped behind the hotel. After a moment, the cowner came out to meet them. Monsieur Versoix was about fifty years old. ‘Versoix took Bond and Vesper to their rooms. Bond's room was on the corner of the building. The window looked ‘out onto the sea. Vesper's room was next door. There was a bathroom between the two rooms. Everything was clean and comfortable “Dinner will he at seven-thirty," Versoix told them. ‘Tm sorry we're so quiet. More people will come atthe weekend.” They were speaking outside of Vesper's room. After \Versoix left them, Bond pushed Vesper into her room and losed the door. He kissed her gently, “This is wonderful,’ Bond said ‘Vespers eyes were shining and she put her hand on his 37 arm. They held each other cose for a moment. Then Bond kissed her again. He kissed her harder this time, and she fll back on to the bed He sat heside her and they looked at each other. Bond put ot up and walked over to the take some time to get ready for dinner, Vesper said. ‘Go for a swim. I'l unpack your clothes for you. Bond came and stood close agiinst her, He put his arms round her. ‘Not now’ she said quietly Bond kissed her neck Al right, Vesper; he said, He walked over to the door and looked hack at her, She had not moved. Then he went foutand shut the d Bond walked along to his room and sat down on the bed Go for a After a moment, he put on his swimming shorts and went downstairs. He went out on to the terrace and down to the beach He walked along the edge of the water until he could not He ould not decide what to do, Have a sleep sce the hotel, Then he went into the sea Ie was nearly seven o'elock and the sun Bond thought about Vesper as he swam. He knew that he wanted to sleep with her. She was a very secretive person, and there were things that she would never tell him. Bond setting. Soon it would disappear. found this secrecy very exciting After some time, Bond came out of the water. He lay on the beach until his body was dry. Then he walked back to the hotel. Vesper's eyes were shining and she ut wand on Bona 16 The Telephone Call Vers ad unpacked Bons suitcases and she had pu his clothes away, In the bathroom, his toothbrush and shaving things were on a glass shelf. Vespers toothbrush was next to them. There were also ewo sinall bottles, Bond noticed with surprise that one of the bottles contained sleeping pill. "Pethaps she has problems sleeping," he thought, ‘after what happened to herat Le Chafee’ villa.” Vesper had run a hot bath for him. “Thank you, darling!” he called as he got into the water "A bath is exactly what L want now: And then I want you ‘Well, vant my dinner and some champagne, so hurry!” she called back, laughing. “All right allright’ said Bond He washed, then got out and dried himself, He dressed in a white shiet and dark blue trousers ‘Vesper came into his room without knocking on the door. She was wearing a blue shirt and a dark red skit. The shirt was the same colour as her eyes She held his hand and together they went downstairs. ‘Their table was on the terrace. They sat down and Bond poured two glasses of champagne. While they ate, Bond told ‘Vesper about his swim. Then they talked about their plans for the following morning. They did not speak about theie feelings for each other, but Bond could se the excitement in Vesper’ eyes. ‘They finished the food and opened a second bottle, Then, Vesper smiled at hit, "You give me all the things that I like best wish that I deserved it” he said.“ © The Telephone Call What do you mean?” asked Bond, surprised Vesper looked at him. “You really don’t know much about me,’ she said suddenly. A simall shadow scemed to pass between them. “Lknov all that I need to know until comorrow:” said Bond. “And the next day and the next.” He poured some more champagne. ‘You don’t know much about me.” “People are like islands,” said Vesper. They can be very close, but they don't really touch.’ She laughed suddenly, then she puta hand! on his. Don't look so worried. My island feels very close to your island tonight.” The small shadow had passed. They drank their coffee, “Then Vesper stood up and put a hand on his shoulder. "Ym tited,” she said. She kissed him lightly then went into the hotel. A minute oF two later, Bond saw the light go fon in her oom, He finished his drink. Then he thanked Versoix and his wife forthe dinner and went upstairs. Te was only half-past nine when he stepped into Vesper's room, Moonlight shone through the window. Bond closed the door behind hie. He walked actoss to Vespers bed. Bond woke up in his own room at dawn. For a time he lay there smiling as he remembered the night before. Then he ‘got our of bed Some minutes later, he went quietly out ofthe hotel and dlown to the beach. He went into the warer and swam. "Tove her,’ he said to himself, And today I'll ask her to marry me ‘When he gor back tothe hotel terrace, ee was surprised to see Vesper downstairs. She eame out of the telephone booth in the lobby. She turned and began to walk quietly up the staits rowards their rooms 6 ‘The Telephone Call “Vesper he calla Vesper ted ulckly and put a hand upto her mouth, She sed at i, "What's the matter, darling” he asked saison She pve he gh, You ue me, shat all wa ast telephoning Mathis She spoke quik ‘Tvanted him to get me another drew. Pve-~Tve not go anything nie to wear. Have you been fora swim! Wa the Ic was wonderful,’ said Bond. He was watching her cay He kw hase wa ying atthe lepoe “Well have break on the trac, he sald. He put his semanas tae med acy he as "eit way a surprie tose youth sai, She laughed loudly ~ too loudly. " . Band wanted 20 tel er to eax and tll the ruth But instead he sled "lace you on the trace fr breakin he si Then he went to his room. a 17 The Man with the Patch® Dx trates Dat kad he ol the tahoe the mysterious phone call. "Why do you ask?" Vesper said angrily. ‘Do you think that I've gor another lover” Her eyes filled with tears. ve I've ‘gota very bad headache, 'm going to stay in my foom this morning.” For the next two houts Bond walked along the beach. When Vesper and Bond met again for lunch, he did not speak about the telephone eal. Instead, he talked about his walk that morning. Vesper only said a word of two. She did snot look at him, Then, suddenly, he saw that she was staring past him. Her face was white with fear Bond turned his head. A man was sitting ata table on the ‘opposite side ofthe terrace. The man was about fifty years old ‘with brown hair. He wore a dark suit. Bond guessed that he ‘was a businessman, “What's the matter, darling” he asked Vesper. ‘Ie’s the man in the car, she said. ‘The man who was following us!” Bond turned and looked again. Versoix was showing the rman the menu, They were talking about the wine. After a ‘moment or two, Versoix walked away. “The man looked at Vesper and Bond for a second. Then he opened a newspaper and began to read. He had a black patch over one eye Bond turned to Vesper. “Are you sure that he the same man.” he asked. Her face war still white. She picked up her glass of wine and drank from it. Her hands were shaking. 6 \d"My headache i still bad. I'm lie down in my room, he left che table and walked feom the terrace. She didn't Bond ordered some coffee. Then he got up and walked through the hotel. There was a black Peuge at that they had seen before? Bond couldn't ced inside, but it was et locked. He made a note of the cars number, chen he walk 1c. The man was eating Bond satin Vespers chair and watched th A few minutes later, the man asked ford and left. Bond heard the Ps ‘Versoix brought Bond his coffe "Who was the man at the other table?” Bond asked the hotel owner. ‘He looke nd of mine I don't know,’ said V Bat he enjoyed his linch. He said that he ve never seen him before ld come here in, in a day of two. He comes fa nd. Miss Lynd made an early celepho said Bond. ‘1 must remember to pay for It. A call to Paris. An Elysée rnurnber, I vhink Mathis had an Elysée telephone number, Bond remembered, Thank you, Monsieut, bur there's nothiny Versoix. Thee wi ply to Miss Lynd call ro Paris. But ie was an Invalides number, not an Elysée number. 18 Gettler Tr az later ata camer ake Vesper o Royale. She told Bond that she needed! some medicine. “That night, Vesper tried to he cheerful. She drank alot of champagne. When they went upstaits, she took hien into her bedroom. They made love, but afterwards she cried into her pillow. Bond went to his room feeling very unhappy. He could not sleep. Early in the morning he heard a door ‘open softly. Some small sounds came from downstaits. Bond was sure that Vesper was in the telephone booth. Very soon after, he heard her door close softy ‘This was Saturday. On Sunday, the man with the black patch came back again. Bond had telephoned Mathis and asked him to check the number of the Peugeot. Mathis had telephoned back a ttle later, "The eat was hited two weeks ago,’ Mathis had told Bond. “The man’s name is Adolph Gettler, and he comes from ‘Switzerland, Gettler gave the ear-hire company the addres of aa bank in Zorich.” “Did you contact the Swiss police? asked Bond “Ofcourse, said Mathis. “The bank does have an account in Geteler's name. He doesn’t use it very often, They believe that Gettle’s business is clocks and watches” Bond had told this to Vesper. Now the man with the patch had appeared again, Vesper quickly got up from the table and went to hee room. Bond finished his lunch then followed her. Her door was locked, but she opened it for him, Bond took her across t0 the bed and they sat down, “Vesper, we can't continue like this Bond said. "You must tell me what all this is about, oF we must leave now.” 66 Getler She said nothing "My darling, he said. “That first morning, I wanted to ask you tor marry me, Please tell me what's wrong. Then, perhaps, wwe can go back and. “You would have marred me” she said. She began to ery: Then she pulled him close. “Tell me, he said, “Tell me what's hurting you.” Vesper held his face tn her hands and kissed his. “Leave me fora little while, she said. "Let me think. Pm trying to do what is best, Please believe me.” ‘She took him to the door and they kissed again. Then Bond went out and she shut the door behind hir. ‘That night at dinner she seemed happy and excited. ‘They sat and finished the bottle of champagne. Then they went up to her oom. They made love for two hours "You must go now,’ said Vesper, after Bond had slept for a short time in her arms He kissed her eyes and her mouth ‘Look at me,’ she said. “And let me look at you.” She looked at every line of his face. Her eyes were fll of teats. as she kissed him gently. "Goodnight, my dearest love,’ she sid He went to the door and looked bac ‘Sleep well, my darling’ he sad. ‘Don’t worry, everything fsall right now He closed the door softly and walked back to his room, 6 19 The Letter Vi trot the ltr inthe moming, He rn into Bonds room holding the envelope “There has been a terrible accident,’ he said. ‘Madame Bond jumped out of bed and ran to her door. It was open and sunlight it yp the room. Vesper was lying on the bed Bond could see only her black hair above the sheet. He fell down on to his knees beside the bed and pulled back the sheet. She was asleep, he told himself. She must be Her eyes were closed Bar she was not breathing Versoix touched Bond's shoulder. He pointed to the sleeping pills hotrle on the floor beside the bed. The bortle was empty Bond stood up and took the leer from Versoix. He walked hack to his room and sat on the bed. He looked out of the window ar the sea for a moment or two. Then he opened the envelope. Te was nota long letter. After the first few words, he read st quickly iy ring James T bove yoo with ol my Nett ad T hope that yoo atl lve tne. The willbe the last moment that os sgodbye sy dak Tawa dad whe we atl lve ath other axon” forthe Rusains. F hecane an ayent for them 9 year after the war T have worked for then ance ‘hen T as m love with 2 Pash man who ws nthe Ertish Royal Ar Force. After the war he worked for M. sent hte 68 Te was nota long letter. fier the fist few words, Bond veal it quickly. The Later ‘ack 40 Pain ht the Rassions capt hn ad tortred has Me {il them dhovt me, They fond me ae forced me 49 work for hem, They s8d that they wold killa lover i Td work, for them, T had to tll them ahovt you T tld shew that you had & ob 40 do & Roysle. They ot the microphones in yur room. They new that yar gob was 40 do wth Le Ontire They didn't hart me a the ila because T worked for he Russia Then T diacovered what Le Chive di to on T bad ege 40 Salm kv with you. They wanted me to find ut things Sram you when you were hospi T refused. T knew that ‘hey wold Kill my lover in Paid ‘hen T ade the min ith the blick patch m the hota hopad that T cau escape Srom them, but thay followed us, You can't got outy from SWERSH. T din’ tel yo because would be the end of ax lve There were ony two things that T coud do. T coud wat +0 be tiled by SWERSH, bot then they woud All os t00, Or T cok Lill mgsel Tha is al my daring lve. can’ tll yo mach that wl hel yeu. The Paris navber wds Traldes $8200, T never met any of ‘hen in London Messages cone to me thou & shop ak 450 (Charing Grose Pace. T's lite wow ond T's ted my love, my kv v Bond threw the letter down. He stood up and looked out ‘of the window at the sea. A moment later, he dressed and ‘went downstairs to the telephone booth, 0 ‘The Leer He telephoned London. While he waited, he thought about Vesper. A spy: A double agent. He thought about all the agents that she had putin anger. All the secrets that she hhad given to the Russians. Suddenly, he heard a vo telephone. “This is 007 speaking’ said Bond. ‘Pass on this message immediately. 3030 was a double agent. What? Yes, I said “was”. The bitch” is dead now.” at the other end of the 7 Points for Understanding 1 1 Which country did Le Chir work for? 2 Why did Le Chit ave to win at Royle? 3 Why did Bord have to beat Le Cte a baccarat? 4 Was Bond going to work alone st Royale? B 1 Why did Mathis play the radio solo in Bon’ room? 2 What dt Maths ell Bor about hienew msiant” 3 Bond had a problem with his new assent: What ast 3 1 The git and Bond fad thoughts about cach othe. What were these thoughts 2. Whar happen after Bond lef the bor? 4 Three people wer killed in the explosion, Is this tre ofl? 5 1 Complete these sentences Felix Lester worked for 15 Bond warned Leiter about © Bonduoks anda from the dower The French group fad planned oll people n 2 Bond explained the game of accarat to Vesper ‘Ate thee facts re o fale? “Ta banker hes first aly four people can play. Everyone even tr cas, Is player ha four anda five, he wins ‘Aployer asa King and an ae. Whe takes thd card —a nine he wi “The banyan Bond lok a thei card a the ame time. 6 ‘Who played gaint Le Chie fist the Greek or Bond 7 Complete this sentence, Bond won the first her, bu by the end of he chapeer he 8 How did Felis Leiter help Bond? LLeCohie ned ify millon francs. Why did he be again? ‘Whar happened when Bond accepted the het and what was he told todo! ‘Why dd Bond rel the water to lve the walking tick to Leiter! 9 “This chapter incall" Winner an Loser’ Who won and who leat? 2. Why did the game end when Le Chit et the able? zB 10 Wher di rd meet Vesper? ‘Something was wrong. Why dil Bond thik this? Whar did Bon Jeeide todo! ul Who wa driving she Cin and wh ee want? ‘Who wat driving the Boe? 12 “Bond could noe contol the heavy ca’ Why noe? ‘Whar happened go Bond and hia! ‘Where did Le Chie take Bond and Vesper? B Why did Le Chie torture Bond? Whar did Le Chie plat ell the police abou Bond? Bond thoushe cha he was going to de, but he ids. Why not? ‘Whae did the man frm SMERSH do to Bond? bas Was Bond in France or England when he woke up! ‘Who had found Bond and Vesper ‘Where hal Bond hidden the shoyu? ‘Why dil Veer cry when she iste Bond? 5 Why was Vesper nervous? ‘Whar did Bond find exciting about Vesper! 4 16 1 ‘People are ike island said Vesper. What did she mean? 2 Therext moening, Bond deck to ask Vesper 7 1 Attreakfat, Vesper was angry, At lunch, she was fightened Why 2 Bond lear that Vesper had lied about she telephone allo Pars How? 18 1 The man with the black pach was called 2 Heal hited 19 1 “Tere has heen a etl aeident Vero si (pae 68) Whar a happened” 2 There were only wo things that [ould da” Vesper wrote in heeleter ‘What were these dings and which one did she choose? 3 "The itch tsdend now (page 71) ‘Why de Bond sy this about Vesper % Glossary 1 memorandum (ase 9) “short writen serement with information shout subject: I is assed between people in goverment orantatlon of Mines. 2 treanurer (pase 9) someone who contol che money that Belongs tan ong 3 trade union (pope 9) {negation of worker: A tae anion tie to improve pay and conditions at work. Tade unions are ote simply called 4: fined rain page 9) the los ofall our money 5 francs (nae 9) ‘money wed sn the past in France, Belgium and some umes: aes have now been epic with Es 6 snestment tones (age 9) ‘meting tat you send money on now cnet wl ring tore mney in the fare 7 baccarat (pase 9) game played, eopecially in casinos, using plying cards. Playing Cards are pices ton cad paper with subs and pietures Printalon them, There are owe ss or diferent amiss tnt Dak (or deck) of playing ea. These are ses, hears, damonds Si ab, Pom pam ae 9 Each suit has 13 card in Aee, 2, 3,4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen ant King The nk s the person who keeps the money while the game beng played. The epi sthe pero in contol the game. The ‘croup jl it pve an collect the cans. The cane are taken fom the shoe. The player sums over the cars, 0 that they ane face-up and the numbers an pictues can he sen. Affe he has Ikeda the ears he runs ther fcedinn so tha he numbers and pictues ae towards the table and cannot he seen, 16 Is baccarat, ewo cards each are given to the banker and to the lay Ih ew cds ad ptm amon, ote ty al tht SrsuntThe player whowe cade al up eonine othe teal closest tornin the winner ee cds al yp to estan mie, the player cn ak fora third card Hf the cats ad up to more han hie, he player oe, When you bt, you akan amount of money by sayin you think wll arpen, expecially ina vaceo ane You Toe the money ou are wrong and win more f you ae. Inbceart the player bet that their ear total wil be closet tne, The players be with plage wich re mal, rod cloured ‘hyect thar you se ateal of money in a gambling ae. 8 gambler to mic (rae 9) Tyou playa pune to win money you ae gumbling. A person who sambles a gonber, 9 GIA ose 1) ‘he Con ntlignce Agency a US government onganzation that Coll cere pole, iar an the normathn shout other cumin The CIA a oects secret information abou he US. 10 mirophone (rage 13) {pice of equipment wo for making someune's oie lower 11 bong pase 13) ttney that you win when you are gambling 12 cashier (page 13) Someone whee job to receive give money in a sop, bank, 13 concierge (ge 13) ‘omeone whose job st help people staging a hotel. A concee {Kae with people's prolems and ves them information, 14 able (pe 1) ‘mesg that you scr yeep A cle was wed in the pst for ‘here important messes 15 code (gues 13) {Trystem of words, numbers, of signs used for sending secret 16 cover (re 13) 1a try that f wed fr hiding who somcone realy 17 monseur (page 14) the word ued sale fora man, like ‘Mr, in French-speaking n 18 chimney (page 14) ‘tube o pasge that takes smoke rom a fe up through a ling Sout through the rok 19 explasion 19 explode (page 18) ‘when something bursts with lot of force and load noise, i faplodes An esl isan occasion when something expla ‘Am abject chat can cause an explosion eae an expe 20 shattered ~0 sate (page 18). fo break suenly int'l of smal pieces holster (pe 22) “Teather container for a gun, cat i fixed wa belt oe worn over Your shoulder 22 walking stick (page 29) ‘ong ston piece of woo, sully with a handle at dhe wp. Yow tse a alg sick to help yo walk 23 passed —10 fs (page 29) toile not to playa andor make a het in cand game 24 fainted ~ to fan (page 32) to hecome unconscious fra short time, 25 bullet (page 36) 2 sal piece of metal that bs shot fom a gun, A Buller canes Serious damage the pen or thing hits 26 fingerprints (page 36). ‘mark tha you leave oa something when yo touch it The mak Shows the pattern of lines the sin Youre 27 screwdriver (pe 3 ‘ere sath, pouned piece of metal ase for joining one thing twranother A screndiive a tool wed for turing crews 28 Bentley (age 41) a lange, expensive and comfortable caro very high quality, 29 handle (pase 41) the para an abject chat you hold in your hand when you we it 30 sack (page 41) ‘age, ston hag for storing and carrying things 31 erossrouds (pase 41) srplace where one rad ermes another. 32 bo (ase 42) the covered space at the hack of ear, wed fr earring bags aad ‘ther things 2 78 58 ape ge) sy co a Sr ead a, Tacit aDelees sera eons vemos orn wh w+ stele Socal nyt hol o7 ee a a spc 3 sp aa ‘Dacia you war cover at oral of your ce. You can we i ten eet it 0 pack 3) i ee ie Saison gue 68) eaten en ses Rete 2 aie a piece of metal or wood 4! 9 Exercises Vocabulary: meanings of words from the story oO ‘Put the words and phrases in the bos next to the correct meanings Vocabulary: words from the story section handiome fanes dangerous chief ane ‘Complete the sentences withthe correct words from the box. information cashier baccarat reply expert be silent ‘There are four extra words. contact explode gamble make trouble personal assistant repayment armed destriction chief spies gambler safery arrange to meet add up ‘worthless treater asstant agent memorandum © financial investment 1 French money (in 1950) _| 2 not safe 1 Leh sonralled he a unis mony, Le hie ws es 2 The Head of Section S venta written statement to M, Sent Ma A Hiner - enn 5 a person who works ata cash desk 3 James Bond worked for the British Secret Intelligence Service. Ean Bona wat an itllgeM one — 7 someone who know a labour something 4 The Russian words ampere spionam mean DEATH TO 8 sy nothing smn 9 gentoo 5 LeChifte liked to pla cards for money in casinos, He was TO goof (of bombs) [How up y cards for money 6 His guards always cased guns. They were ays nut problems| 7. Le Chis iiend told us about his money problems. She ogre tose each other 14 private lper sid that he was close £0 eer 8 She old us that Le Chit’ investments had lest all thei vale. 2 ion et, They ate now completly nnn 16 main most important 9. Ment someone ra help Bond, He sent htm an 17 security te 18 department 19 intelligence 20 the mame ofa cand ame played in casinos 80 SI ing: rewrite sentences Rewrite the sentences using the words and phases inthe previous ‘exercise to replace the undetined word Example Le Chifte works for Russian Intelligence. Yourwrite: Le Chie isa Russian Icligence agent. 1 How auch i that in Bench money? TY BonddidnoramuewithM 3 The plaid nothin oad waren 5 Le Chie payed ca formons 3 is onde won't cause problems ‘Bond arsed sacs Lever nthe hovel lb 1S The cable did nor need an answer 9 A bomb mental ounide the bor 2 Story Outline: complete part of the story Complete the text with the words fom the box: Bond Balgrian told man them filled hotel fist contained or promised two wat other explosion smoke cae bomb reved throw Moe expected lle waited. protected “There wee the. agents. One of waited ouside the “Two of them cathe Hermitage ‘Tir ondere were to kl James Bond The’ meals, One case sedan the was ue, They had been . thatthe blue onesie smoke" ‘Thera eae explosives One ma had she explosives 2 “Then the other had press switch the comet snake lo of smoke. They © scape through the Ba each camera case wat" with explosives. The mem had been ticked. One man ® the switch om dhe He ese exploded and ‘hem both They had buen ‘90 milion franc oiling Bon Bonu was not hurt because eee tum fom the 8 Vocabulary Focus: both ‘The word och always means to things or two people, Put the word inthe correct place in the sentences. 1 The rate an the blue cate contained explosives. “The tll man and she thin man were Blan 5 Weliked the rwo pictures so much that we decided to hay ther 4 Themanand dhe woman wereseen at the hotel an then later “mat the cain Grammar Focus: the past perfect tense Thee are several events in the story where one even happen before another In this ease, the past perfect is used to describe the event that happened ist eset fern, Bod ha asked hs headguarters in London for Join the sentences by using words Uke when and already and ‘putting the vee i the past perfect [Example Bond wasat the hotel. Le Chie wa in town already YYourweite: When Bon arived ahs hel, Le Cf hal aka erie neu. 1 Bond wene rood at 3m. He checked his mesags fist 2 Bond entra the har. The American was alecay there 84 3. The Greek lant two games, Bond joined the table | The gunman threatened Bon, Bond placed abet 3 The men tok Vesper Bond hid the cheque Vocabulary? anagrams “The letter ofeach word ate mixed up. Write the words corety. Theft one nan example Example GINTENIECELL the'I'of CIA INTELLIGENCE 1 JFAINANG —[anatjective meaning money; there sa London newspaper for businesspeople called the FF Times 7 [ECONCIRGE [a French work person whose jobs to hep guests in big heels he orshe works at of near the font desk 3 PTRUEROT [ro causeextrome pain to someone in tle to make them give information 4 [SUNSCICONOU Pond was injured in che car eras; he bit his head and was no awake for a times he was 5 |DANEK ‘wearing no clothes 6 [IDES ‘something sharp, ponwed and made oF metal 85 [RIVERDCREWS "too or ening crews ‘Vocabulary Choice: words which are related in meaning, Which word i most closely related? Look at the example and clecle the word most closely related tothe word in bold. @ [PINGERRENT” [oi ay ges nl ach wh thepalce can eto Men entals Egle chief po tance agent 9 [ROTLLE | sama piece of shaped stl hat 1 [rss [riing [er [ane [isrnctn ft froma in ooh : 7 [feos fst [money ver [es ; belie gcse ert 3 [tics kr plene nce | emia uw LABEC _an old word for a telegram; a length of sla peace _boaer sommeny _ [bie wn 5 famed [ial [wes [eee [pee 1 [INMENVEST [inne hr pat btn in Ce a sede more mney nh ne 7 [eros Joual [oma [ational [er 1h [LOSERRON [heals on ing 6 leper Jaret impo ao [bun 9 omnge — itr [ome oat [aml iy [omccnt [sro psoge ha ake ke cos Neeson Le egg le _away from a fire and out of a building = ere = A TT 15 [ MODORMEMAN a weitendsument ina goverment ee 16 [RAGBLEM | apsrion who risks money ina casino 13 __feervous _funensy_[harry_ [somo sft HE ty Jey Joly sy [a 17 [RESTATE [wreak imo mall peel wel nth on 1s [RATIORT [someone who thers oar coe [SkaM this se coer orice ha trope do not recog ou ri tempt your face = [eum led wea rn ones Raley 86 a

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