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Curve Calculations

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Curve Calculations
Typical Vertical Curve

g = Gradient (in %)
= Algebraic Difference in grade (in %)
VIP = Vertical Point of Intersection
BVC = Beginning of Vertical Curve
EVC = End of Vertical Curve
VCL = Vertical Curve Length (measured horizontally)
MO = Mid Ordinate
K = Rate for Vertical Curvature
Typical Horizontal Circular Curve

IP = Intersection Point of Tangents
= Deflection Angle
Rc = Radius of Circular Curve
Tc = Tangent Length
Lc = Length of Circular Curve
D = Degree of Circular Curve
TC = Point of Change from Tangent to Circular Curve
CT = Point of Change from Circular Curve to Tangent



Curve Calculations

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O = Origin of Circular Curve

Ec = External Distance
Definition of a 1' curve : an arc 100m in length whose radius subtends an angle of 1'
ie Dc=1', Rc=5729.578m
(*1) = Measured in Degrees
(*2) = Measured in Radians
Typical Horizontal Curve (with Transition)

IP = Intersection Points of Tangent
TS = Point of Change from Tangent to Spiral
SC = Point of Change from Spiral to Circular Curve
CC = Centre of Circular Curve
CS = Point of Change from Circular Curve to Spiral
ST = Point of Change from Spiral to Tangent
L = Spiral Arc from TS or ST to any Point on Spiral
Ls = Spiral Length from TS to SC or ST to CS
= Central Angle of Spiral Arc L

Central Angle of Spiral Arc Ls (Spiral Angle)

= Deflection Angle at TS or ST from initial Tangent to any point on Spiral


Deflection Angle at TS or ST from initial Tangent to SC or CS

Dc = Degree of Circular Curve
Rc = Radius of Circular Curve
Lc = Length of Circular Curve
= Total Deflection Angle for Curve

Central Angle for Circular Curve

X = Tangent distance along initial Tangent of any point on Spiral with reference to TS or ST (X s for SC or CS)
Y = Tangent offset from initial Tangent of any point on Spiral (Ys for SC or CS)
ST = Short Tangent of Spiral
LT = Long Tangent of Spiral
LC = Long Chord (TS to SC or CS to ST)
p = Offset from initial Tangent to PC of Shifted Circle
P = Radial Shift of Circular Curve
k = Tangent Distance from TS to PC of Shifted Circle
Es = External Distance
Ts = Total Tangent Distance (IP to TS or ST)



Curve Calculations

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HT = Half Tangent Distance

C = Correction factor for Spiral Deflection angle
A = Parameter of Clothoid
(*1) = Measured in Degrees
(*2) = Measured in Radians
(*3) = Measured in Seconds



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