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290872015, Hunier Maphasic Too - GSM Frequency Plan and Neighbors Analisys-tlecomHall telecomHall Home Hunter Get Hunter Tips Course Groupe Forums Jobs Event Commucity Downs About —— —— Hunter Mapbasic Tool - GSM Frequency Plan and Neighbors Analisys ‘Thursday, September 29, 011 6:59:00 FM Categories: Hunts Maaasic Maio Frequency Planning and Neighbor List Verification are two major tasks aate ti Content vets required to ensure an efficiently Optimized Network This analysis can be done in several ways, and one of them is by checking geo-referenced plots, where possible problems of Interference’ or "Missing Neighbors’ can be easily Identified Google Earth is @ good place for this type of inspection, but Mapinfo also has its advantages especially In terms of interactivity (eg It Is easier to create an event when a user clicks 2 cell in Mapinfo than in (Google Earth) ‘And as ne said in previous tutorials, Maptnfo has @ programming language - Mapbasic - which allows You to create compiled files (‘MBX type), which can be run as programs in Mapinto. ‘The application that we show today is one of these files (MBX). The code (MB) as always will be available for Hunter Users. And today’s tutorial willbe a litle cifferent ~ will be more focused on the Utilzation af the Tool, 35 a lite “Help Fie. We'll show how to use the tool based on simple examples of analysis, even for you that is NOT a Hunter User - you can downloge the MBX and mocify input files (CSV) to use on your own network Se here we go. Note: Ail tlecomMil articles are originally written in Portuguese. Following we translate to English and ‘Spanish. As our time Is short, maybe you find some typos (Sometimes we Just use the automatic translator, with only a final and ‘quick’ review). We apologize and we have an understanding of our effort If you want to contribute translating / correcting of these languages, or even creating and publishing your tutorials, please contact us: contact. Download ‘To download files from this tutorial, click here "Note: The Hunter SDK Isa set of tools deslaned and demonstrated in telecomHall- including Macros and Codes. The Hunter SDK is only sent to telecomHall Donors, 25 a thank you for the contrioution they made and recognition ef our dedicated effort. Click here if you want te know more Input Data The Input data of the tool Is basically @ Maptnfo Table file (TAB!) with Info for the network data, corganizec by row - each row has deta for each specfc call fle lea lee thiptwvew telecomnall comhurte-mapbasic-ool-sm-requeny-plan-anc:neighbors-analisys aspx Statistics Enis (40) Categories ‘esas (27 perry ‘converts | sis Daa ‘Sooo Eat 421 sree (3 010 aabes (6 asia (81 erosom Excel (S) ews.) races (11 oaatec 2) yeaa) Related Posts (pslcatin) besizer spplerson fala ee fastcaten) UPDATED je ch Coordinates) Report - KPI Suna (ve fa unto Ueto ina Network Coe (pba Too a . a0 290872015, In the provious tutorial we show how to automatically obtain this fle using Munter Systern with - for ‘example fetching data from the ‘Database’ with the dally ‘dump! of system configuration parameters (BCCH, BSIC, ete... and also the Paysical ‘Database (Latitude, Longitude, Azimuth... ‘This automatic generation Is interesting because the date are already available In a format that Mapinfo reads, or are ready to be opened and used. But itis possible to reach the same result by hand - from an Excel table with the necessary data Febiblleb eile heh elle SERRPRREEBRRRERRRRESARPDRE ieee mann So if you do want to use the tool this way, first create an Excel spreadsheet with the data as 2 spreadshest In this example (avallable for download). ‘Then open the spreadsheet In Mapinfo, and Create Points for It (using x’ as "LONGITUDE® and "Yas LATITUDE), This 1s a procedure that we have shown in several other tutorials, and you should oe familar. [ter creating the points, you can include a map window as shown below. (Also we have shown how to ca this) Okay, now you can use the tool. So here we go. Interface ‘Te interface isa Standard Taskbar (Hunter Too’), with uttons for each specific typeof action. ‘Create Symbols’ thiptwvew telecomnall comhurte-mapbasic-ool-sm-requeny-plan-anc:neighbors-analisys aspx Hunier Maphasic Too - GSM Frequency Plan and Neighbors Analisys-tlecomHall (@ecteaton Archives ‘ctor, 2013 (1 December, 231 (2) ‘tober, 2011 (1 ‘Seotembet 2011.3), ‘ust. 2011 (2) ay, 2012) November 2030. Sune, 20:0 (5) May. 2010.0) ‘i 2010.41 210 290872015, Hunier Maphasic Too - GSM Frequency Plan and Neighbors Analisys-tlecomHall The first action todo is to Create Symbols for the cells. To a ths, click the 'S* button. Untbdttente Unmet ‘roe cma pty (ely saa [ter clicking ‘OK’ symbols are generated for the cells. The action is slightWy diferent according to the selected values in checkboxes “The firs two define the Symbol Size ate ‘Use the blow Sie Symbol Symbol Sze (my se the valu othe tat The last two checkboxes define the area (Zoom) where the symbols should be created / modified ‘rete Symbol ony Fer Map Zoom coats We symbols for the Cute Zoom on . Regardless of the combination, the symbols wil be created Now we can de the analysis, Legend thiptwvew telecomnall comhurte-mapbasic-ool-sm-requeny-plan-anc:neighbors-analisys aspx a0 290872015, Hunier Maphasic Too - GSM Frequency Plan and Neighbors Analisys-tlecomHall First, however, Is very Important to have the Legend available for the thematic maps that will be presented You can use the button ‘Show/Hide Legend button Main’ Task But a recommended way to show the Legend is embed It in the map. To do this, opan the menu "Teals) (1) *> "Thematic Legend Manager’ (2) -> ‘Embed Thematic Legend’ (3). Note: if you do not have this ‘men appear in Mapiato, open "Tao! Manager’ menu (8), locate and enable the “wegen Manager ‘View Frequencies The next action Is far more Interesting "View Frequencies’. To do this, clk the ‘F* button “The Reference Frequency (‘REF")- the cell that you've clicked i In the color Red, On the same map, ve can see the 'CO-CHANNEL’ (also In Red), and the "AD)-CHANNELS' Down (Green) and Up (Blue) If the channel is being used as "SCM, the symbol is solid - ‘Soli Color. If tis being used with "TO the symbol i hatched When we click anywhere else on the map (1) ether than a cell, a new dlalog box appears, and then we can then insert a specific Frequency to view. thiptwvew telecomnall comhurte-mapbasic-ool-sm-requeny-plan-anc:neighbors-analisys aspx a0 290872015, Hunter Maphasic Too - GSM Frequency Plan and Neighbors Analisys-tlecomHall REF = 235 Entering a new frequency, a new thematic map is generated. Another wi to change the Reference Frequency ("REF"), |s to move the mouse (1) to the Right ~ In the current ‘Frequency Reference’ and Left - cecrement 1. "View BSIC, HSN and MAIO" “The same actions shown for Frequencies (BCC'/TC) are applied also to other parameters: BSIC, HSN and MAIO. For thi, we use the corresponding buttons ‘8, "Hand 'M thiptwvew telecomnall comhurte-mapbasic-ool-sm-requeny-plan-anc:neighbors-analisys aspx 10 290872015, Hunter Maphasic Too - GSM Frequency Plan and Neighbors Analisys-tlecomHall ‘View Neighbors’ [A Neighbor List’ Fine Adjust is ene of the most important requirements for a better overall network performance, It fs crucal that the neighvor is correctly declared, otherwise we will certainly have Dropped! Cals Clicking the 'N, and then clicking on any cell (1), you have a quick check of how they are declared. In "Rea! the ‘Server cell, and in ‘Green’ I's dedared neighbors. ‘add / Remove Neighbors! To Add or Remove Neighbors, click Neighbor. thiptwvew telecomnall comhurte-mapbasic-ool-sm-requeny-plan-anc:neighbors-analisys aspx ano 290872015, Hunter Maphasic Too - GSM Frequency Plan and Neighbors Analisys-tlecomHall If the target call Is alreacy declared (Green) It Is ‘Removed! (turns White). If itis not declared, itis "Added! (and is to appear as Green) (1) 1A good use for this action is to adjust its ‘Neighbor Uist” by checking critical cases where natural or leven obvious (e9 calls near and pointing at each ether) neighbors are net declared, Iter making the necessary adjustments, you can export the table in the format ‘CSV (for example), and work with data in Excel or Access, It can alsa be Used as a reference for creating scripts to update the O5S's data, Or at least for a more therough check, for example by evaluating handover counters. To export the ne! choose ble, in Mpainfo open the Menu: Table! (3) -> ‘Export ." (2). In the dialog box ‘Save 1 format "CSV" (2). Ftptuuau telecommall convhurter-mapbasic-to-gsm-requency-pan-and.nelghbors-analisys aspx m0 290872015, Hunier Maphasic Too - GSM Frequency Plan and Neighbors Analisys-tlecomHall Note: itis clear that he tool can be used for thls, but there are other Hunter Modules that do it better and faster, well see it soon, And even other that do this work se much more practical, for example the HHuntor Module that do ‘Neighbors Audit’ as always builtin Access / VBA, There are sill other Modules = {also to be published soon - that cover the Frequencies Analys's and "Neighbor Uist’ in Google Earth Anyway, the tool represents an excellent support for quick Investigations of network configuration, especially in point analysis anc to attend an occasional customer complain, Edit in Mapinfo Note that you can continue using all functions of Mapinfo normally. Fer example, by accessing the nfo! button at 'Main’ Taskbar, you can inspect all information for a cel A tip here is to use "Expressions, according to your needs to display. For example, using the fllowing expression CCELINAME + Chr$(13) +°8:"4BCCHNO+* T!"4TCHO 4°" +TOHE + 7° 4TCH2 + "* 47CHS +" +TOHE We have a visualization as follows “Edit Cells’ thiptwvew telecomnall comhurte-mapbasic-ool-sm-requeny-plan-anc:neighbors-analisys aspx ano 290872015, Hunier Maphasic Too - GSM Frequency Plan and Neighbors Analisys-tlecomHall Anyway, we have 2 dialog box on the tool that allows us to make minor ets to the working table ~ and lyin our thematic maps. It's the action “Edit Cells, acessee through ‘= butt sol = ee cee fp etl Gat a SS — i foe oa =F <= sox =i ee) ee) “The atiting options are net the main purpose of the tool, but serves as an extra help, especially in some localization tasks, or quick eiting, Fr example, you can type the name of your call, and click the ‘Find’. Then, by clicking the ‘Center in Map’ itis centered on your screen, Another good use is to check the efficiency of a particular change. For example, you can make a retuning of 2 BCCH to a new Frequency, and then see how the new scenario becomes. ‘Ang you can alsa change the size ofthe symtol ofa particular call by clicking the ‘Change Symbal You can remove 2 cell, by clicking the ‘Remove’ button, And also 'Show/lide! Labels from the map simpy by clicking the "Label button ‘And you can also "Insert! a new cell For this purpose, choose any cell - preferably whose data come closest that you wil create ~ eat the text ofthe first text box ‘Cl, Then click the 'Save", The new cell wll be created with the new name assigned, and with all cata from the previous cell But as we speak, the acting options are just helpers Registering the Tool If you are not a Hunter User, and consequently does not receive any codes (VBA, Mapbasic, etc. .) you can use the Tool anyway. In the fle available for download, you wil find the compiled file (MEX), and also an example file in Excel with data from the network \When you run it, @ screen appears telling you how to proceed to ‘Register for Free. aan c= Click the OK button, and click the 'R’ button (1). At Registration’ Screen, select and copy the number "Request ID Number’ (2). Ten send it via email to telecomnall (2) ae Nate eonTRL C10 Mant oe Ftptuuau telecommall convhurter-mapbasic-to-gsm-requency-pan-and.nelghbors-analisys aspx 0 290872015, Hunler Maphasic Too - GSM Frequency Plan and Neighbors Analisys-tlecomHall ‘once we receive your request, well send you Free Registration Code (Hunter Key’). Just paste that received key In the location (4), and click "Register (5). ‘So that's it, We are done for tod. Alot of new modules is ready to be published, involving numerous software you already own and know (Microsoft Office - Access, Excel, Outlook .. Maplafo, Google Earth, Autolt, emong others). {In addition, the Telecom and IT tips are stil regularly published. And soon well return with the ppubicaton of ‘Course style’ Tuterials, explaining important points in a simplified way for you to have @ better understanding of Telecom. So be sure to continue reading, and best, practicing so you can follow our progress productively Stacking inevitably lose big tips. Remember that here we care more about teaching and share with you everything that you can use to achieve success in your work, iti only up to you and anyone else can do itfo you. Conclusion Today we saw anather ‘Hunter Module’, now a very interesting tool for quick analysis of the GSM Frequency Plan and also to check the Neighbors Lis. ‘These points are very important in Optimization, and consequently to the Network Performance, ‘Thank you for visiting, and once again thank those who recognize aur efforts, and contribute to the: donation to get Hunter Fone by offer | HIMES 1.655 | Osan by syst thiptwvew telecomnall comhurter-mapbasic-ool-sm-requency-plan-anc-neighbors-analisys aspx r010

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