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John Mason

Maria Silva
June 5, 2015
Read On Summary: La Linea
One of the books I read this year was La Linea by Ann Jaramillo a realistic fiction novel.
About a boy named Miguel Cervantes whose only dream is to cross la linea to be with his
parents in California. His dream finally comes true when he turns fifteen. He has his plans laid
out and ready to leave Mexico. As easy as it sounds, its not when his sister secretly tags along
on his trip. His plans get ruined, his money is gone and the only way to up north is on the Mata
Gente or the People Killer, a speedy train that takes you up north without a cost if youre able
to go jump on it on time. Together, Miguel and Elena endure hardships and danger on their
journey up north,
As I read the novel it seemed really realistic. The way the characters spoke and their
journey up north is very vivid in my head. What makes it so vivid is because Ive heard so many
similar stories about crossing the border. Miguel and Elena seem realistic because recently on
news I have seen so many young kids travel up north on the Mata Gente alone. Ive heard them
speak about much danger it is to ride the train, filled with gangs and dangerous people.
What this book teach us about the world is that there are hundreds of people looking for
their American dream. The American dream meaning, having a job, being with family, or having
a better education. Everyones American dream is different and it sucks for people who come
from Mexico or any country and take the risk of getting killed, raped or hurt. Some people are
sent back and some people dont ever reach the border. This shows us how the world or the

United States doesnt give people the opportunity to have their American dream after coming
from a dangerous journey.
This book has been one of my favorites. Its a book you cant put down when you begin
to read it. I recommend it anyone really.

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