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Media: newspapers and

Activity 1
Put these words into the
correct column according to
whether they are connected
with newspapers or television.
Some of the words can go in
both columns.
Then check in the dictionary.
(This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages.
Copyright Macmillan Publishers Limited 2004.)

advert, broadsheet(foaie cu text

tiparit pe o singura parte),
cable, caption(titlu), cartoon,
channel, columnist,
correspondent, feature(rubrica),
editor, episode, gossip, column,
headline, horoscope, journalist,
paparazzi, presenter, remote

control, repeat, satellite ,series,

subtitles, supplement, switch
over, tabloid ,viewer, widescreen

Activity 2
Look at these newspaper
extracts. Match them to
the correct names of the
different parts of the
newspaper in the box.

business news, classified ads,

editorial, gossip column,
horoscope, news in brief
sports section, letters
page, TV page, weather
forecast, business news.
a ______________________
b ______________________
c ______________________

d ______________________
e ______________________
f ______________________
g ______________________

Activity 1
newspapers: advert, broadsheet,
caption, cartoon, columnist,
correspondent, feature, editor, gossip
column, headline, horoscope, journalist,
paparazzi, supplement, tabloid
television: advert, cable, cartoon,
channel, correspondent, feature, editor,
episode, headline, journalist, presenter,
remote control, repeat, satellite, series,
subtitles, switch over, viewer, widescreen,
Activity 2
business news:a) classified ads:g)
editorial: i) gossip column:j) horoscope:b)

news in brief:h) sports section: d)letters

page:c) TV page: e)
weather forecast: f)

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