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Do you know what grade in high school is the easiest grade to study compare to
the other grades in high school? Huh? 9th grade!? Sure its the right answer, but why?
This is because its the smallest grade in high school so students dont really care or are
being force to study hard? Yep! Thats true, but its just a part of the reason. The reason
why 9th grade is the easiest grade to study in high school because as you know, 9 th
graders which also known as high school freshmen have least work to do and learn
compare to the other grades in high school. And because they dont have much things to
do so some of them would like to spend their time in school to join some clubs, sports
which match their favorite and also meet new friends and have a lot of fun time. But the
problem is that there are a lot of students who just want to go home and do their own
work instead of spending their times after school and having fun. Because of two
opposite situation write up there and both of them have their own good reason which
makes me wonder How many 9th graders at OHS who attend to after school programs
compare to the 9th graders who do not have an interest to come and join after school
programs. It also forced me to think and create a question which was How many day
per week, on average do 9th graders at OHS join after school programs to do for my
Project in Math. This Math project which is also known as Statistics Unit Project of mine
will integrate and prove my knowledge of the statistical topics that we have covered in
class this past several weeks which includes measures of center, measure of spread, five
number summary and graphs on real number lines.
For this Statistics Unit Project, I planned to ask How many days per week do you
stay for after school programs including clubs and sports to about 30 9 th graders at

OHS and collect the data from them. In order to not collect my data in the Bias way that
could make my data become useless, I waited until I have a gym class where there are a
lot and only OHS 9th graders then asking every third person (because I want to collect
my data randomly) I see including the ones who I know and the ones who I dont know
my question and collect the data from 30 persons there. After that, I put the data that
Ive collected into a table to analyze it later.
But before I actually analyze the data using any calculations or graphs, I
predicted that there would be a lot of students who dont stay for after school program
because as I see, there is not a lot of 9th graders who stay after school but just hurry up
and go home which makes my data have a lot of 0.
After I collected the data from 30 9th graders in OHS which was:
0, 0, 4, 3, 3, 2, 4, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 4, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, I put it into
the table below:

Then I organize it and put it in order:


In order to describe the shape of my data, I made a histogram (image 1) which

makes me realize that my data of 30 9th graders at
OHS was skewed to the right. And because the data is skewed to the right which means
that the center of data distribution is best described by median. The reason why the

median would be the best measure of center to describe the data was because the data
started very high then generally decrease which make the mode very low so it could
affect the mean which makes it become not very accurate.
I also made a dot plot (image 2) to describe my data deeper. After making the dot
plot, I figure out there was 14 9th graders who do not attend to after school programs
which makes the mode of 0, 3 9th graders attend for 1 day, 5 9th graders attend for 2 days,
5 9th graders attend for 3 days and 3 9th graders attend for 4 day . The dot plots gives me
a specific numbers about my data, it also shows me that 0 is the mode which has more
dots than the other numbers and my data doesnt have any outliers (the number
standout to the rest of the data). And because there arent any outliers, the mean and the
median are very similar which make them both good to describe the data.
In order to find the range, interquartile range, standard deviations and the five
numbers summary of my data, I used the graphing calculator. After using the graphing
calculator to find the statistic of the data by pressing STAT, finally, I saw the basic
summary statistics including mean, standard deviations, etc of my data. By using the
graphing calculator, Ive found out the five numbers summary: (Min: 0, Max: 4, Q 1: 0,
Med {Q2}: 1, Q3: 3); mean (1.33); standard deviation (1.47).
The standard deviation (1.47) that I found by graphing calculator is also back up
the evident for my prediction after making the dot plot And because there arent any
outliers so the mean and the median are very similar which make them both good to
describe the data. It shows that my data is not very spread out and not very close (1.47
is not a very big or very small deviation) which mean both median and mean are both
accurate to describe my data.

After I found the five number summaries, I made a box plot (image 3). The box
plot show five number summaries of the data which was:
Min = 0
Max = 4
Q1 = 0
Med (Q2) = 1
Q3 = 3
The box plot is used to show how spread out each quarter is which mean by looking at
the box plot, I could tell that the data is very close together that makes Q 1 and Min have
the same number of 0 and the rest of the data are not spread out which proves that the
data is not very variable (only from 0 to 4).
The five number summaries are not only used to describe the statistic that
provides information about a set of observations, its also help to find the range and the
interquartile range of the data. To find the range (R), I must use the maximum number
(Max - the largest number) subtracts the minimum number (Min - the smallest
Max - Min = R

(4) - (0) = (4)

=> Range (R) = 4

Then I get the range of 4. To find the interquartile range (IQR) which used to describe
the variability (Spread) of the middle 50% of the data value, I must use Q 3 (the median
of the second half of the data) subtract Q1 (the median of the first half of the data).
Q3 - Q1 = IQR

(3) - (0) = (3)

=> Interquartile Range (IQR) = 3

Then I get the interquartile range of 3. The reason why I need to find the range and the
interquartile range is because the data that Ive collected was skewed but it also doesnt
have any outliers which makes the mean and the median both are accurate so both
range and interquartile range could describe the the spread of the data.
After several calculations, I found out that the prediction that Ive made before I
did any calculation is pretty close to the answer. Its true that there are not a lot of
students come to join after school programs. About 14 out of 30 9 th graders dont come
to join after school programs. The histogram prove that the data is skewed to the right
and the dot plot showed the specific numbers of the data which also prove that there
arent any outliers so both mean and median are accurate. Because the mean and the
median are both accurate so both range and interquartile range could use to describe the
spread of the data, on the other side, the value of range (4) and interquartile range (3)
are very similar. The five number summaries proved that the data is not very variable,
not very spread out which make Q1 and Min have a same number of 0. Because the data
is not very variable and there arent any outlier which make the mean (1.33) and the
median (1) are very similar, and because the unit for both of them is day so 1.33 (day)
from the mean and 1 (day) from the median are both round to 1 day. On average, 9th
graders at OHS join after school programs 1 day per week.

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