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Motion Analysis project

My Prediction on how a rocket work

really i did not know how rockets works,all i
know was rocket goes up into the sky to
space.but what i did not know was why we
needed a rocket to go to space.I thought we
could of use an airplane to fly our way to
space.but i was wrong, now i would why i was

My question
How do rocket goes up in a line .
Why cant we use a airplane to fly to space.
Why does a rocket breaks up in space.
How does a rocket works.

Table Of Contents
*how a rocket works,and the different parts of a
*why do we use a rocket to go to space why not
use a airplane.
* comparing a rocket to a airplane.
the laws that rocket apply to.

How does a rocket work.

Rockets work in much the same way.
-Exhaust gases coming out of the engine nozzle at high
speed push the rocket forward. Most modern launchers,
such as Europe's Ariane 5, are very complicated and weigh
hundreds of tonnes at liftoff. Most of this weight is fuel,
such as liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen.
Rockets work by propelling themselves up.

How a rocket work.

A rocket work by propelling up ,Its best explain
with newtons 3rd law,For every action theres
an opposite reaction .
example the cannon shoot a ball
the action is the cannon shoots
the ball the opposite reaction is
the cannon goes back.

egample to how a rocket works

this is an example of
newtons third law
for every action there
is an equal and
opposite reaction
the action is air rushes down the
reaction is the balloon goes up

another example turn

to next slide.

Rocket vs airplane
Airplanes are able to fly because air
moving under their wings is strong
enough to hold them up. If you could
slice across an airplane wing, you
would see it is curved over the top and
flat on the bottom. As the plane's
engines push the wing forward, air
moves over and under the wing.

Large passenger planes

can't fly much higher than about
12 kilometers (7.5 miles). The
air is too thin above that altitude
to hold the plane up. Some
kinds of planes can fly much
higher, and one special NASA
plane, named Helios, flew to
about 30 kilometers (19 miles),
which is far higher than any
other plane has traveled.

rocket wins

Large passenger planes can't fly much

higher than about 12 kilometers (7.5
miles). The air is too thin above that
altitude to hold the plane up. Some kinds
of planes can fly much higher, and one
special NASA plane, named Helios, flew
to about 30 kilometers (19 miles

laws that a rocket apply to

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