Editing Report

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Hymas Manuscript Report

Table of


Letter of Introduction. 3

Our Vision.. 4
Organization... 5
Sections... 9
Visuals. 11
Results. 13
Table of Contents example. 5
Prologue. 6
Section 1. 8
Shampoo and Conditioner.. 12

Letter of Introduction
Thank you so much for the opportunity of editing your manuscript! You truly have a deep love for God and
have been blessed with unique gifts and talents in order to serve him. It has been a privilege getting to know
you through your work.
Your manuscript has so much potential. As we read through it, we came to understand how your unique
message can bless the world. We are excited to show you what weve come up with and hope that it will put
your mind at ease with the ability you have to write and publish this book. Weve worked very hard to give you
step by step instructions on what you need to do to turn this into a book.
Cody Cutler
Rachel Foster
Katy Leonard

Our Vision
Upon reading your manuscript, we have come to the determination that the main focus of this report will be on
the overall structure of your book. This will include things such as the introduction and conclusion, chapters,
subchapters, and the overall order of the content.
We have selected this because in your original manuscript, the articles are separate and single from each other
without intentional order. I draw your attention to the first line of the first article which says Its cold and
wet! and the first line of the second article Summer has come to an end. Focusing on the organization will
also help you clarify your purpose and your audience. We truly believe these suggestions will make your
manuscript the best it can be.

1. Put the book into clear sections. We thought it would be fun if your book was a kind of Makeover
with Tami in a book. The following is what that could potentially look like, just to give you an idea.
Here is an example of what your table of contents could look like with the different sections.

a. Include a brief prologue. Looking at your webpage, we decided that the Our Story section would
make a terrific introduction. We suggest you using this because it tells your story and explains why you
are writing this book. Here is an example of the first page of the prologue, to give you an idea of what it
might look like in layout.


I have always loved to do hair. When I was a little girl I would play with the hair on my Barbies and cabbage patch doll

When I was deciding on a college, my parents wanted more for me than just hair school. They wanted me to experience
It was my dream. It took me a little longer to get through school be

b. Include an introduction. Looking over your stuff, we decided that the Wal-Mart story would make a
terrific introduction to your book. Take the story and include in it your testimony of what true beauty
means and why your outer self is so important.
c. Now include chapters on your tips as if it was a makeover with you. This can be kind of like a
choose your own adventure section. The reader now has a concept of how important their outer self is to
their inner self, and its time for them to choose what they want to do. You can have a chapter on hair,
nails, skin, general demeanor, etc. They can go through the sections one by one, as if it were a
makeover with you. The sections can also be stand-alone enough to that they can do them separately
from the rest.
d. Include an epilogue. We suggest revisiting the Wal-Mart story and explaining how you felt after you
went back looking good. You can reinforce the things you have been talking about throughout the book
and leave your reader feeling good.
e. Begin each beauty tip chapter with an inspirational quote about true beauty, and a personal story
that pertains to each section, such as hair, nails, demeanor, etc. An example of this will be displayed
in the visuals section.
f. For the chapters, make simple, easy to understand, step-by-step instructions on how to do each
beauty tip. This will make it easier for the reader to do the beauty tips you are suggesting. An example
of what this could look like has been included in the appendix.


True beauty begins with a smile!

Box color is a 1.7 billion dollar a year industry. There are a lot of do it yourselfer hair color treatments out there. It is importan

Our hair has underline pigment of gold, orange, or red. When you high-light or if you color your hair blonde you remove this u

1. Step-by-step instruction on how you would go about doing each section of the makeover
a. A good section to start out with would be the style of hair. In this section, talk about
different hair types and how it is best to style them.
i. What are the best hairstyles for a given hair-type?
ii. You can even go by levels of difficulty, what would be most easy for beginners, more
challenging for intermediates, and advanced hairstyles for special occasions.
b. After style can be color of hair, which you can discuss how you can be safer and more
efficient in your personal hair-coloring.
So, for you (do it yourself colorist) out there be careful going back dark.

Remember the rule only 2 to 3 shade darker. If you

i. Give tips for how to use box dye in a way that wont destroy your hair for people who
cant afford to go to a salon
ii. How to properly color your hair only a couple shades darker and the underlying

pigment of your hair.

Next could be the treatment of hair.
i. Talk about the difference between good shampoos and bad shampoos and sodium
laureth sulfate
ii. Talk about what shampoos are best for what kind of hair, and what kind of products

are expensive, but are incredibly worth it to buy.

d. Include something like your Article 5 within it. A General Hair Guide. That would be a
great over-encompassing section in order to give doable solutions to common problems with
hair. A formatting like you have, with one column of problems and one matching it with
solutions would work perfectly.
2. Within the sections, a good thing to do is to break it down even further into subsections.
a. For example, the hairstyling section can be broken down into different lengths of hair.
b. For hair color, it might be smart to organize it by natural hair color, or even the base color
that they are going from.
c. For treatment of hair, splitting it into different types of hair is a good idea. Doing curly
hair, straight hair, thin hair, and thick hairwhatever subsections you think would work best
and be most effective to a wide audience of people.


-Decide on a color scheme/pattern for the book
1. I chose purple and blue to use in the examples, you are welcome to choose any colors you want.
2. The paragraphs are broken up in blocks to make it easier to read and organize, shown in the examples.
- Lots of pictures and examples
1. Before and after pictures of the makeovers with details specifying the step by step process.
2. Product bottles (good vs. bad products) and effects on hair.
- Use images and stories from your website
1. There are lots of great tips and pictures on your website that would work well with your book.
2. Use the pictures from your website to show different hair styles and products of good hair care.
-Use the information under Our Story on your website for your introduction.

1. Breaking the different paragraphs up into blocks will make it easier to read and provide more
opportunities to add colors and pictures.
2. Using this layout will make your information more focused and understandable. So many people are
visual learners, and a book about beauty is the perfect way to play with visuals.
3. Have fun! Framing blocks of text with a dash of color looks pretty. Surrounding pictures with a
colorful glow gives your work a polished look. Have fun with the visuals.


, sodium laureth sulfate, or sulfate free. Big fancy words but what do they mean. Soduim lauryl sulfate is BAD. Lauryl it basicl

Use visuals to show what different products look like.

Article 17
Cheap Shampoo: Notice the similar ingredients in cheap shampoo and dish soap.


Dish Soap:


With a healthy dose of

pure T36-C5MC Melaleuca
Oil and natural conditioners
like sunflower seed oil, wheat
gluten, and silk amino acids,
this shampoo delivers soothing
therapy to clarify dry scalp,
remove buildup, and wash away

Good Shampoo: Look for natural ingredients in products


After having followed the above steps, there will be several results
1. Your articles, which are currently in no particular order or form, will now be organized and publishable.
2. It will be attractive and visually stimulating.
3. It will be easy for the reader to find what they are looking for.

Once again, it has been a privilege for us to edit your manuscript. To review, we have suggested ways you can
organize youre your manuscript into a type of personal makeover with Tami for everyone that reads it. As
you focus on the things that we suggested, your book will increase in its likelihood of being published and
touching lives. Thank you again for this opportunity!
Best Regards,
Cody Cutler
Rachel Foster
Katy Leonard

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