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Teach yourself the

deafblind manual alphabet

Sense, for people with deafblindness

and associated disabilities

The world at your fingertips

Imagine you couldnt see or hear
how would you communicate?
The chances are you would rely on touch to make sense of the world.
You might use the deafblind manual alphabet shown overleaf, spelling out
words to have a conversation. Or you could use symbols, braille, sign language
or other methods to get your message across.
Sense is the leading charity working with and campaigning for the needs of
the 23,000 people in the UK who are both deaf and blind. We also work with
many of the thousands of people who have a combination of sight and hearing
problems plus other disabilities.
Sense believes everyone has the potential to learn and communicate, provided
they receive specialist support.
Contact Sense for advice, information about supporting our work or to find out
more about our projects and services.
101 Pentonville Road
London N1 9LG
tel 0845 127 0060
fax 0845 127 0061
minicom 0845 127 0062
Charity no: 289868 Patron: Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal

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