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Margaria-Kalamen Power Test

The Margaria-Kalamen power test was developed specifically to assess power. It

involves the measurement of time required for a subjects movement through a fixed
vertical distance. In this test, it is the time required to run up stairs at maximal speed,
taking two steps at a time. The time is measured for two strides (from when one foot
touches the second step until it lands again four steps higher on the sixth step). This time
is typically less than two seconds.
Using the same five subjects

Begin each subject on a flat surface in front of the stairs.


Instruct the subject to take two steps at a time and cover the distance as quickly as


Record the time required to take two strides up stairs on the data sheet provided.


Conduct three trials and use the fastest time for the calculations.


Calculate the anaerobic power for each subject using the information below:

Power (W) = mass (kg) x acceleration due to gravity (m/s2) x stair height (m) / time (s)
Where the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2
Stair Height = _________________________

Data Sheet
Stair Running Time (s)

Mass (kg)

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