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Kristie Hackett

TEDU 426
Spelling Assessment and Connected Lesson


The student is using long vowels correctly. The student is using

but confusing complex constants. R- controlled vowels, other
long vowels, and abstract vowels are absent.
The student had trouble with vowels in the middle of the word
that were connected with the letter R. Some words she was able
to get the letters right by sounded the word out but she miss
placed the letters.
It is important to do this lesson because a students spelling
needs to be strong. Knowing how to spell words properly makes
reading and writing much easier. They are all connected.


When given the words, the student will be able to sort them
correctly without error and with guidance from the teacher.

When given pictures of the word, the student will be able to sort
them correctly without error and with guidance from the teacher.

The student will be able to sort at least 12 out of 15 words

correctly with out seeing the words.


I will start this lesson by asking the student if she remembered

when we did a spelling test a few weeks ago. I will let her know
that what we are about to do will be an extension of that lesson. I
will let her no that there is no pressure because this is not a
grade for her, but instead to help me as a future teacher.

I will let her know that on her previous spelling test with me, she
had trouble with r-controlled vowels and that we will be
practicing words that have ar, -ir, and or in them.

I will first start by modeling a word sort. I will sort the first few
words with her and then let her finish the sort on her own.

After the word sort, we will move on to a picture sort. I will go

over each picture with her so there will not be any confusion as

to what the picture is. I will model a couple of pictures with her,
and then let her finish the rest of the pictures on her own.

After we have practiced sorting our words, we will play a game.

We will play a matching memory game. We will take turns picking
two different cards, which will be upside down, and try to guess
the word. The student will read the word and spell it out loud
each time.

After the game I will have the student complete a blind sort. I will
call the words one by one and have the student write them
where they think they belong.

Once the lesson is over I will ask the student how she feels about
the lesson. Did she learn anything? Does she have any
questions? Does she feel more comfortable with these words


Word cards for the following words: arch, card, harm, shark, start,
birth, skirt, dirt, bird, firm, corn, fork, thorn, porch, and worn.

Picture cards for the following words: arch, bark, first, shirt, wire,
and fork.

Blank sorting map.

Writing utensil.

Game board.

Game pieces.

Evaluation Part A

The student will be evaluated by doing a blind sort. The student

should get at least 12 out of the 15 words correct. Each word will
be worth 1 point.

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