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Kristie Hackett

Second Grade Social Studies SOL 2.2

Powhatan, Lakota, and Pueblo Indians

The purpose of this lesson is to introduce or reinforce the region,

transportation, jobs, and the homes of the Lakota, Pueblo, and

Powhatan Indians.
Social Studies SOL 2.2: The student will compare the lives and
contributions of three American Indian cultures of the past and
present, with emphasis on the Powhatan of the Eastern
Woodlands, the Lakota of the Plains, and the Pueblo peoples of
the Southwest


The student will list the tribe name, region, homes, jobs, and
transportation of the Powhatan, Lakota, and Pueblo Indians when
given a word banks without any error.


o I will begin the lesson by asking the students what they
think the following words mean: tribe, region, home,
occupation, and transportation.

o Once the students have a clear idea of what each word

means, I will ask them the following questions:
Do you think we can consider our family our

What kind of homes do you think Indians lived

What kind of homes do we live in now?
What do you think the word occupation means?
What kind of occupations do you think Indians

Do you think the worked for money?
What does transportation mean?
In what ways to we travel today?
How do you think Indians traveled before cars

and buses?
o We will start by talking about the Powhatan Indians. We will
use visuals and talk about their regions (Eastern
Woodlands,) homes (wood frame houses with bark
coverings,) occupations (fishermen, hunters, and farmers,)
and transportation (walked and paddled canoes.)
o We will then talk about the Lakota Indians. We will use
visuals and talk about their regions (The Plains,) homes
(Teepees,) occupations (hunters and horsemen,) and
transportation (walked and used horses.)
o We will then talk about the Pueblo Indians. We will use
visuals and talk about their regions (Southwest,) homes
(Multi-story terraced buildings,) occupations (hunters and
farmers,) and transportation (walked.)

o I will conclude this lesson with an activity. I will pass out
and explain the work sheet. The work sheet will include
five columns labeled the following: tribe, region, home,
occupation, and transportation. The worksheet will include
clues and the students will be responsible for filling out the
rest of the worksheet by using a word bank and what they
have learned.


Writing Utensil
White Board
Magnetic Visuals

Evaluation Part A:

The worksheet provided will be the evaluation for this lesson

plan. However, this worksheet will not be graded. Once they
have completed the worksheet we will go over it in class so that
they have the correct answers. The students will not turn in the
worksheet; they will keep it so they have a reference guide to go
back too.

Evaluation Part B:

Did the students meet your objectives?

How do you know?

Did your lesson accommodate/address the needs of all your learners?

What were the strengths of the lesson?

What were the weaknesses?

How would you change the lesson if you could teach it again?

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