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To what extent did the role of women change during

the Victorian Era?


The Victorian era saw a shift in traditional ideas on the role of women due to
events like the Industrial Revolution, which resulted in an increase in education
and employment opportunities for women. This shift caused women to begin
questioning their role as only a wife and mother, and began to view themselves
as active members of society. The changing role is seen through the ideology of
separate spheres, the industrial revolution and the changing legal role of
women. These focus points help in understanding the changing role of women
during the Victorian Era (1837-1901).
Paragraph 1: Separate Spheres

During the Victorian era there was a strict segregation of gender, which slowly
spread through all aspects of Victorian lifestyle. This segregation led to the
creation of the ideology of separate spheres, based on the natural
characteristics of men and women
From this it can be seen the sphere ideology created a more prominent view on
gender differences as it exemplified the different roles of men and women.
Paragraph 2: Role as a mother and wife

The most significant role of women during the Victorian Era was a mother and
These traditional ideas however were slowly altered throughout the era due to
the effects of the industrial revolution.
Paragraph 3: Industrial Revolutions impact on womens work

The Industrial revolution ended as the Victorian Era began, which

fundamentally changed the way society functioned. Originally women worked
within the house or for the family business, but were never paid for their

This demonstrating the impact that revolution and new paid work opportunities
had on women.
Paragraph 4: Further look at the impact of revolution

The impacts of the revolution can be further explored through Engels

suggestion that industrialization emancipated women by providing them with
an independent income (Burnette, 2008)

Thus it is clear that the Industrial Revolution largely impacted womens

opportunities, therefore impacting their role in society.

Paragraph 5: Advice books impacts on their role

During the Victorian Era magazines and advice books were widely read,
providing women with advice on housekeeping and their duties as a mother and
wife to ensure they live an ideal life.

Thus it is clear that a womens role was largely affected by Pater Familiar
advice books, which were highly influential in societys views.
Paragraph 6: Womens legal role and start of feminism

Furthermore, the Victorian Era saw a slow change to womens legal role and
the start of feminism.
Although the period did not see a drastic change in womens rights, it did see
the start of a feminist movement.

be more evaluative

ensure I look more at it as a whole, to what extent

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