Wildqs 2

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jovany garcia

Humanities 3/4
Wild Q&A #2
Q1). Cheryl is finally beginning her hike on the Pacific Crest Trail and she find the beginning of
the trail. What does she find and the beginning of the PCT? Why does she later have a sudden
swell of emotions about what she found?

Answer for Q 1):

R 1). Cheryl finds a trail register when she writes, When I lifted the lid, I saw a notebook and
pen inside. It was the trail register, which Id read in my guidebook (Strayed 49).
I believe that she had a sudden swell of emotions because she realizes that she is officially
starting her life changing journey, and she cant turn back now. This is shown when she says,
and then I realized there was nothing to go but go, so I did (Strayed 50). She now realizes that
she can only go forward from here, and that this will change her life.
Q2). Throughout Cheryls entire time on the trail, she has meet many other hikers who have
seen her name on the register. Who is the first hiker Cheryl meets? How does Cheryl feel about
her new found companion? What would your reaction be if you were in her shoes?
Q3). When Cheryl is divorcing Paul, she is sitting alone in her apartment and is deciding on her
last name. What did she choose. Why do you think she feels that name fits her personality.

Answer for Q 3):

R 3). Cheryl chooses Strayed to be her new last name. She chose this because she felt that
that name had become her. She shows that when she writes, Its layers definitions spoke
directly to my life and also struck a poetic chord (Strayed 96). The literal definition of Strayed
is to wander, and she feels that she may have wandered for the right path. She also may
believe that she is straying from the way that her mother would want her to go.

I feel that that name fits her perfectly because she has wandered from her path in life and she
has become aimless. She is lost and diverges from normality. But with this name, it is a tiny step
in finding her way back.

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