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Objectives: Reinforce the knowledge about Reported Speech

I. Check this out
Reporting Commands

The form is mostly: form of to tell +infinitive.

Affirmative commands
Father: "Do your homework."
Father told me to do my homework.

Negative commands
Teacher. "Don't talk to your neighbour."
The teacher told me not to talk to my

II. Time to do your drill

Select the correct option to complete the sentence

1. "Would you like to spend the weekend with us?" -- They ......... her to spend the weekend with
(a) advised

(b) ordered

(c) invited

(d) begged

2. "Could you open the window please?" -- She ......... him to open the window.
(a) reminded

(b) ordered

(c) asked

(d) warned

3. "Go to bed immediately!" -- Mary's mother ......... her to go to bed immediately.

(a) advised

(b) begged

(c) asked

(d) ordered

4. "Don't forget to post the letter!" -- He ......... me to post the letter.

(a) reminded

(b) ordered

(c) begged

(d) asked

5. "Park the car behind the van." -- The instructor ......... him to park the car behind the van.
(a) offered

(b) told

(c) asked

(d) ordered

6. "Please, please, turn down the radio!" -- Mark's sister ......... him to turn the radio down.}
(a) reminded

(b) ordered

(c) asked

(d) begged

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