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Giggle for Hope

Every day in Cambodia children walk huge

distances to get education. Now when they get
to school they find a dusty desk and some worn
out text book. Hence, they don't receive great
quality education.

In the population of
children in Cambodia,
39% doesn't get
secondary education.

In the population of children in
Australia, 2.4% don't get

Map of Cambodia


How many children get secondary education

how many children don't get secondary education
How many children get secondary education
How many children don't get secondary education




Did you know 4 people share a

desk and that a teacher would
have an average of 50
students? How many students
are in your class?

Our campaign
We are dedicated in making a better
learning environment for children to
learn. Together we can donate
stationary so that education can be
improved. For every pencil case you
buy,we will send a piece of stationary to
Cambodia Hope School.


The problems
Given that Cambodia is a poor
country, there is no clean water
and lots die every year. Another
problem is education is not really
good quality.

Typical classroom in Cambodia.

Cambodian government only puts 12.4% of

their money towards education in their
country. This is a reason for why education
isn't good quality in Cambodia.


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