Evaluations 1-5

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Resource type

Journal article online database


V.E. Kral, T., T. Eriksen, W., C. Souders, M., A. Pinto-Martin, J. 2013,

Eating Behaviours, Diet Quality, and Gastrointestinal Symptoms in
Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Brief Review, Science
Direct, Vol. 28, No. 6, Pp. 548-556.

What is it

The aim of this article is to describe the different types of eating

behaviours of children with ASD, including increased food neophobia
and food selectivity. It also reviews the findings on children's diet
quality, and gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms


This article was written and published in 2013, so it is quite recent

and therefore reliable. This is identified in the title of the journal,
and also within the copyright statement at the bottom of the page.


The authors credentials are listed with their names, as proof that
they are professionals in the area of research shown. The article
includes a very detailed reference list and also provides in text


This article provides information on the different types of eating

behaviours and disorders in autistic children. It may be a brief
overview of the issue however it does provide a decent amount of


The information in this article is easy to read, however the medical

terms would make it difficult for younger or slightly illiterate people.
It would be aimed at students, particularly tertiary students. It is
also useful information for those who suffer, or know someone who
suffers from these issues.

Objectivity /

The objective of this article is to provide basic information on the

eating behaviours of children with autism. It is an unbiased report,
as it is based purely on research and not personal opinion.


As this article is based on autism in general, this article can be used

by people worldwide. The article was written by Nursing students in
Philadelphia, USA.

Was it a good

This resource was beneficial to me because it gave me a good basic

outline on the issue I am researching. It gave me the opportunity to
learn the terms and vocabulary related to the issue, and gave me
the chance to learn new key words and phrases I can now search
for, to find further information. Very beneficial as a starting point for
my research.

Resource type

Journal Article Online Database


Bui, L. T. D., Moore, D. D., Anderson, A. 2013, Using Escape

Extinction and Reinforcement to Increase Eating in a Young Child
with Autism, Behaviour Change, Vol. 30, No. 1, Pp. 48-55.

What is it

This article describes a study that was designed to trial a procedure

comprising of escape extinction methods, combined with positive
reinforcement with the aim to reduce food refusals and increase
eating in a child with autism.


This article was written and published in 2013. It is recent meaning

that the information provided is applicable to the research topic.


The authors of this article do not have their credentials showing,

meaning that they are most likely still students studying this
subject. The reference list is substantial and provides a lot of detail,
and the article also includes a lot of in text referencing.


This article is a case study that is relevant to the research topic. It

explains an experiment which was conducted to help those whose
autistic children suffer from eating disorders. It is very detailed and
provides many facts and figures to help support the evidence.


Objectivity /


Was it a good

This article would be better suited to tertiary students or scholars

interested in this topic. Although not too difficult to read, there is a
lot of terminology to understand and the amount of in text
referencing could be difficult to read around for some readers. The
layout of the report is clear and concise, using large headings and a
description of what was to be discussed under those headings.
The content of this article was based on a case study conducted on
a two year old child with autism. Although the information is
informative and substantial, not every child with autism suffers from
the same symptoms. Therefore, this information can be seen as one
sided and biased as it doesnt explore or show any evidence that
this type of treatment has worked for other children.
This case study was conducted by students from the Monash
University in Melbourne. It does not state where the participants in
the study were located. This article was found using an internet
database. Because this case study was focussed on one child, it may
not be beneficial information for other sufferers of autism.
I believe this resource was very informative and gave a good
amount of information on possible treatments for this disorder.
However because it was a one sided case study it might not be
beneficial if the treatment does not work for my client. It can be
used as a trial treatment however medical advice would be
recommended before any action is taken. It was interesting to read
about a treatment I have not heard of before.

Resource type

Journal Article Online Database


Cermak, S. A., Curtin, C., Bandini, L. G. 2010, Food Selectivity and

Sensory Sensitivity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders,
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Vol. 110, No. 2, Pp.

What is it

This article delivers a broad narrative review of the experimental

literature over the last 25 years on food selectivity and nutritional
adequacy in children with autism spectrum disorders. The possible
contributions of sensory factors, such as sensory sensitivity, to food
selectivity are also discussed.


This article was approved in July 2009 and published in January

2010, so it is pushing the 5 year limit. The information was gathered
over a 25 year period, so it may not be the best resource to use for
that reason.


The authors of this article have their credentials listed, meaning the
article was written by professionals in this field of research. They
provide a large reference list and some in text referencing.


The information in this article is definitely related to the research

topic. It covers experiments which were carried out to discover the
effects of eating disorders in autistic children, and what could have
contributed to the disorder.


This article is aimed at students of a secondary or tertiary level. It

would be too difficult for younger students to understand because of
the language used. Parents of children who suffer from this issue
would also benefit from reading this article.

Objectivity /

The information does not seem to have any biased or prejudiced

details. The information was collected over a 25 year period so it
was a long and heavy experiment to be carried out. The objective
was to study patterns of eating disorders and the effects they had
on children with autism.


The authors of this article are located in Los Angles, and studied at
the University of Southern California. This information does not have
a specific location present in the research therefore it can be used
by people around the world.

Was it a good

This research is relevant to the topic however the fact that it is 5

years old, and took 25 years to conduct, doesnt really make it
appealing to me. It may provide a good amount of detail on the
discovery of the difference between eating disorders in normal and
autistic children, but the treatments and processes used are too out
of date for me to use effectively.

Resource type

Website/Discussion Forum Meta-crawler


Moffitt, S. 2011, Autism and Eating Disorders: A Problematic

Connection, Autism Key: Unlock the Mystery, viewed 12/03/2015

What is it





This webpage discusses the connection between anorexia, Autism

and Aspergers Syndrome. It is a brief discussion, and gives
examples of issues that can arise because of anorexia, and the
thinking behind those who refuse to eat. It then opens up to a
discussion forum, where readers can write their own stories and give
advice or ask questions related to the topic.
This story was written in 2011, so it is not as recent as would be
preferred. However the discussion forum never closes and the most
recent post was made 3 months ago (2014). Meaning that people
are able to include recent and up to date information to the page,
keeping people well informed of the changes that have occurred.
There is no reference list available for this webpage, however there
quotes included from doctors included in the story. Because the
story is part of an organisations website, it is to be believed that it is
written by accredited authors. There is an About Us and a Contact
Us section available to viewers. One issue with this website is the
amount of advertising listed. It is distracting and unrelated to the
This story is relevant to the research topic, however it is only very
brief and doesnt provide facts or too much in depth information.
The discussion forum however is a great way for people to
communicate and share ideas/advice, therefore it would be
beneficial for the client to look into a forum such as this one.
This webpage could be used by anyone, the writing is not difficult
and there is minimal medical terminology used. This type of page
would be suited to parents or relatives of suffering children, wishing
to seek advice and ideas on how to treat their child. It can also
provide support networks.

Objectivity /

This story is not biased in any way, as it discusses the general

effects on children with Autism or Aspergers syndrome. It is part of
a webpage dedicated solely to those who suffer from the disorders
and eating difficulties.


Because of privacy reasons, the location of the creators and authors

of the webpage is not available to viewers. This website can be
viewed world-wide and members of the public are able to subscribe
and post on the forum wherever they may be located.

Was it a good

This page is not very helpful to me as it does not provide a lot of

factual information, however the discussion forum may be very
beneficial to my client, as she would be able to seek advice and
create a support network for her. I would only give this reference to
my client for the use of the discussion forum aspect.

Resource type

Journal Article Online Database


Marshall, J., Ware, R., Ziviani, J., Hill, R. J., Dodrill, P., 2015, Efficacy
of interventions to improve feeding difficulties in children with
autism spectrum disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis,
Child: Care, Health and Development, Vol. 41, No. 2, Pp. 278-302.

What is it


This review systematically identifies, reviews and analyses the

evidence for intervention in young children with ASD and feeding
difficulties. Feeding difficulties are relatively common in children
with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), but current evidence for their
treatment is limited.
This article was first published in the journal in June 21014, however
it was recently reviewed and updated in March 2015. It is very
current information, however the test done in this study were
conducted from the years 2000 to 2013. This means the information
gathered in 2000 may not be as accurate as the information from


The authors credentials are listed, along with an Author

Information tab, linking the readers with background information
for each of the authors. There is a large reference list and in text
referencing available, footnotes are also included.


This article is relevant to the research topic. It is a study undertaken

by professionals, to determine the causes of eating disorders and
possible interventions. It explores children who over eat, as well as
those who refuse food.


The information in this article is heavy reading, and would be best

suited to professionals or scholars studying this topic. There is a lot
of medical terminology, and is a long article to read just for pleasure
or to gain general knowledge.

Objectivity /

There is a slight bias to this this report, as it was a study conducted

on a select few children. Each child is different and requires different
treatment, therefore parents may find the treatments listed in this
article do not work for their child.


This information was gathered by members of Resource Centres in

the University of Queensland. It does not specify where the
participants were located so the information can be used my people
anywhere in the world.

Was it a good

I found this information to be helpful however the length of the

article would be too much for my client. Also, because the
information was gathered over a 13 year period, it may not be
relevant to my clients needs. An informative article, however not
necessarily beneficial to my research.

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