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Notbohm, E, Zysk, V 2010, 1001 Great Ideas for Teaching and

Raising Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2nd edn,
Future Horizons, Arlington, Texas.

What is it





Objectivity /


Was it a good

This book offers parents, caregivers and educators, activities

and solutions to assist with the struggles of dealing with
autistic behaviours. It covers social, sensory, behavioural and
self-care issues, plus many more.
This is the second edition of this book that has been published
since 2004. This edition was published in 2010 so it is at the
end of the preferred time line, however it does provide great
activities that relate to modern technologies and advances,
meaning it is still useful.
The author of this book is not a medical or science
professional. She is a mother of sons who have autism and
ADHD. She is a very well acclaimed author, having won many
awards for her written work. In saying this, she may be a
great author but because she is not a professional in this field
of study, some of the information may not be entirely
accurate. There is no reference list but it does provide an
The client wished to find out more about autism in general
and different ways to deal with the behaviours. This book
provides many great ideas to help deal with this. It can
provide a great reference to the client to look at in times of
This book is mostly aimed at parents, caregivers and
educators who have some form of relationship with an autistic
child. It is all about educating these people on ways to help
deal with the disorder. People studying disability and nursing
would also benefit from this book as it may provide tips to
them which would prove useful in their careers.
Because this book was written by a mother and not a
professional medical or science expert, some of the
information may come across as biased. Some reviews on this
book stated that some of the information did not apply to
their child. Not all the information in this book will assist
The author of this book is located in Arlington, Texas USA.
Although she is based in America, all autistic disorders vary so
her location would not affect the outcome of the information
presented, nor would it matter who read this book.
I found this resource very useful. It has a small section on the
eating habits which is relevant to the research topic, but
because my client wish to know more about general
behaviours this book would be very beneficial to her. There
are many activities and methods to help with her daughters
behavioural issues.

Resource type



Australian Bureau of Statistics 2012, Yearbook Australia,

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, Australia.

What is it





Objectivity /

Year Book Australia provides a comprehensive and detailed

statistical overview of Australia's environment, society,
industry and economy. As well as providing a statistical
picture of contemporary Australia the 2012 Year Book includes
feature articles that recognise and celebrate the National Year
of Reading, the Australian Year of the Farmer and the
International Year of Co-operatives.
This statistical yearbook was published in 2012 and contains
statistics obtained in the most recent years possible. This
information is not the most recent however it provides a basic
understanding of the statistics in relation to autism and
disabilities in Australia.
The information provided in this book is extremely accurate as
it was written and published by the Australian Government.
The statistics were gained by national census information. The
people who contributed to this book are all accredited
This book may only have a small article on autism and
disabilities, however the client wishes to know more about the
history and background of autism. By providing information on
how many people have this disorder and the type of help and
funding they receive may be useful information to the client.
This whole document is for the Australian people. It provides
statistical information on all aspects of the country. The
section on autism and disability would benefit anyone with a
disability wanting to know more about how many people in
the country also have disabilities and what time of funding
and assistance is provided.
The information in this book is not biased as it is all statistical
and factual. All information was gathered through accredited
persons and there is no biased opinions or views presented.
The objective of this book is to give the Australian public
demographic information about their country.


Was it a good

This book is all about Australia and its population. The

information presented would not be useful to anyone in any
other country, unless they were specifically researching
Australian demographics.
This resource was straying off topic a bit, but it helped get an
understanding on what assistance is given from the
government, and also how many people with disabilities
reside in Australia. It may help my client feel like she is not a
lone and there are other people who go through what she
goes through.

Resource type

Newspaper Article Herald Sun


Herald Sun 2014, The truth about autism and autism

spectrum disorder, 14 August, p. 16.

What is it





This newspaper article provides readers with information

regarding the type, detection, diagnosis, treatment and early
intervention of autism. It gives statistics and facts from
doctors around the world and gives parents signs to look out
for if they think their child may be autistic.
This article was published in August 2014 meaning the
information is recent enough to be deemed reliable. The date
of publication is located on the front page of the newspaper
and on every page following.
This article quotes professionals in this field however there is
no reference list provided. Statistics and facts are quoted but
there is nothing to back this up. The article does provide
information on where to go for more information.
This article provides the client with information on how autism
is caused and what the main symptoms are. Her daughter has
already been diagnosed however the information will help her
form some background knowledge on the topic.
This article is best suited for people who have young children
or are planning on having children, who have concerns that
their children may have autism symptoms. It is beneficial to
future parents because of the information on causes and early
intervention. Anyone who would like to know more about the
disorder would benefit from reading this article.

Objectivity /


Was it a good

Because this is a newspaper article, it is to be assumed that

there is some biased information presented. The fact that the
article quotes the theories of vaccinations causing autism,
and then goes on to say that it is not proven and not
scientifically possible. There was no point even mentioning
the vaccine issue however they included it to cause
This article was published in the Australian newspaper, The
Herald Sun. This newspaper is circulated throughout Australia
but is also published online, making it accessible around the
This was a basic resource however I think my client would like
to read it. It is something she would have liked to read before
she discovered her child had autism. It may not be entirely
relevant to the client but she wishes to build her knowledge
on autism and this would help her greatly as it is a simple
article and easy to follow with not a lot of medical lingo.

Resource type



Laake, D, Compart, P 2012, The Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism

Cookbook, Fair Winds Press, UK.

What is it



As quoted in the book The best kid-friendly recipes and

guide to the gluten-free, milk-free diet for ADHD and autism
just got better. In addition to updates on new research and
findings, this new paperback edition provides
recommendations from the authors for packing school lunches
and snacks, plus 100 brand new recipes!
This cookbook was published in 2012 so it is still fairly recent.
The information is actually the revised and updated version,
so the information within is the most recent the authors have
discovered. It may be due for another revision and update in
the next few years.
This book provides a great amount of referencing and
acknowledgements. There is a chapters of
acknowledgements, an index, other resources and an about
the authors chapter. Author Pamela Compart, M.D., is a
developmental paediatrician and a functional medicine
physician. Dana Laake is a licensed nutritionist. Both authors
are accredited and are successful in their fields.



Objectivity /


Was it a good

This book is the perfect resource for the client. Not only does
it provide information and recipes for fussy eaters, it provides
extensive background information on autism, the causes, and
how diet can help with different symptoms. It would benefit
the client hugely.
This cookbook is about more than just food. It would benefit
anyone whose child is on the spectrum and is struggling to
come up with ideas for feeding their fussy child. The
information covers many topics and gives an extensive
amount of information which would help parents greatly.
This book is based on research and facts. Both authors are
accredited professionals in this field and have referenced their
information. The objective is to help parents discover meals
for their fussy children. The information is biased only based
on the idea it is mainly for autistic children. It is not to say
that the information cant be used by children not on the
This book was published in the US. One of the authors is the
founder and director of HeartLight Healing Arts Inc. the other
author graduated and received her masters at the University
of Maryland. The information in this book is not based on any
country in particular, however some of the foods listed in the
recipes have different names in Australia which may cause
some confusion.
This is probably one of the best resources I have found so far.
It contains so much information and provides details on things
I have not read in other resources I have found. The recipes in
this book are easy to follow and provides ideas that would suit
my clients needs. I would even consider buying her this book
because I believe it would benefit her greatly.

Resource type



Delmolino, L, Harris, S 2014, Essential First Steps for Parents

of Children with Autism: Helping the Littlest Learners,
Woodbine House, Bethesda, MD.

What is it

This book offers a guide for parents of children age five or

younger who have autism or are considered at risk for a later
diagnosis of the disorder. They describe how to understand
the diagnosis and recognize early indicators, use early
intensive interventions and applied behaviour analysis, get
the child ready for school, help the child learn social skills and
communicate, increase play, boost the child's independence,
take control of challenging behaviour and sensory problems,

and find support.





Objectivity /


Was it a good

This book was published in 2014 and is the most recent and
updated version available. The publishing date is located on
the first page along with the publisher details, copyright
information and other important information.
The authors of this book are both accredited professionals.
The first is a clinical associate professor at Rutgers University
and director of the Douglass Development Disabilities Centre.
The second is also a professor at Rutgers University and the
associate director of the same centre. Both of these
companies are reliable and both authors have the proper
accreditation to publish this type of information.
This book is relevant to the client because it provides her with
information that will help her in the future. Some of the issues
cannot be applied to the clients daughter as she is already
too old however the school based information would be very
useful as her daughter will start school within 2 years.
Although this is a very useful book, it is quite language heavy
and contains a lot of medical lingo. It would be best suited to
someone who has had a decent education or who has already
read something similar and already understand the terms
presented. This would definitely benefit parents whose
children are on the spectrum.
This book I based on research and facts and contains no
biased information. The fact it provides advice for parents
with autistic children may present to some people as biased
however these children need more help than those who arent
on the spectrum. The objective of this book is to help parents
adjust to the changes in their life with an autistic child.
The authors of this book are both professors at Rutgers
University in New Jersey, USA. The information can be applied
to children all over the world as the information is broad and
not child or country specific.
I did like this resource because it contained a lot of
background information on autism that would be helpful,
however it was quite heavy to read and I didnt get to read a
lot in to it. It was lengthy and wordy and may present to be
difficult for my client to understand.

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