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Out of this Universe

Podcast episode plan

Cast of Character
Who are the characters?
Jim - Sam
Sophie - Carter
Jade - Julia
Dad - Jeremy - Nick
Dr. Ryan - Damon
Background Info
There are three kids, Jim, Sophie and Jade. Their parents are astronauts and the kids are visiting space with their dad.
They are there now on a space station. Their parents are doing work on the Space Station and have a friend called Dr.
Ryan. Their mom is an astronaut but she has gone back to Earth. They are staying in space for a while and Dr Ryan is
their dads colleague.

Jim, Jade and Sophie are children of a very famous scientist. They are part of
one of the smartest families in the world and NASA has selected them to join a
research mission to space. The father of Jim, Jade and sophie agrees to let
them join this exciting expedition to explore unknown regions of space.
During the mission they are sucked into a wormhole that transports them to a
parallel universe. This planet looks like Earth, but Dr Ryan finds out that it is a
different planet. They then hear and see evidence of a different race.

Character Description
Jim- Is a 16 year old boy is very curious and very loves to read books.
Sophie- Sophie is the smartest 12 year old in England. She doesnt know as much as Jade knows so
she is always asking questions
Jade- Jade is a 14 year old girl. She is a technical genius and helps with computer work on the ship
and ISS.
Dad- He is an astronaut that has 3 kids, he is from England.
Dr. Ryan: Is a world class scientist that has won many space awards and is curious about space.

Story Mountain Plan

They go through a wormhole and

the ship is getting rocked around

Dr. Ryan takes them on his

ship, called the Volcan.

Dr. Ryan asks Jade, Sophie and

Jims Dad if he can take them on a
ship around some of the planets
for a week. The dad finally agree.

They crash land on a planet

They here foot steps and think

they're not alone

The Script

Scene 2: On the ship

Scene 1: ISS/International Space Station

DR RYAN: Well, its great to have you kids on our ship.

We are going to travel on a different route than usual. I
have never been on this route before, but it's always
interesting to try new things, isnt it? Did you know that
this is the fastest space ship in the world? It has twin
hydraulic light speed engines, which is a type of turbo jet.

DAD: Are you sure?

KIDS: Wow!

DR. RYAN: Yes! Everything will be okay.

JADE: Are you sure its safe?

DAD: (angry) Fine. Ill go talk to the kids.

JIM: Of course its safe. Dr. Ryan is an astronaut, after all.

Lets go check out the control room, but first, I need the
loo. Ill meet you in a hour.

NARRATOR: Jim, Jade and Sophie are children of a very

famous scientist. They are part of one of the smartest families
in the world and NASA has selected them to join a research
mission to space.

(knocking on door)
JADE: Hi Dad!
DAD: I have something to tell you kids.
SOPHIE: (excited) What?
DAD: NASA thinks it is time for you to go on a trip through
space. You have been selected to do research off of the ISS.
You will go to an unexplored area. And, you might actually see
some Martian Powder, basically alien dust. You need to be
very, very careful and respect what Dr. Ryan is saying. This is
probably the most important thing you will ever do. And you
are leaving tomorrow.

SOPHIE: Well meet you in the control room.

JIM: Okay.
(spaceship taking off)
SOPHIE- Look theres a red planet, Im gonna take a
(camera click)
JADE- Thats Mars. It is the 4th planet from the sun and is
called the red planet.

DR. RYAN: It is such a fascinating planet, I studied it once.

JADE: Did you know that Mars is 225,300Km away from Earth, and is covered
in Zodiac Rings, a type of radioactivity
SOPHIE: Thats amazing!!
Scene 4: into the black hole/in the control room
JADE: There seems to be something ahead of us. I dont know what it is.
DR. RYAN: (nervous) Ill check the heliumic-magnitude.
SOPHIE: Whats that?
JADE: Its something that will measure what is in the atmosphere around us and
see if it is safe.
DR. RYAN: Its a wormhole. We need to fly away from it, now! Wormholes are
like a wrinkle in time
SOPHIE: This is bad. (starts praying) Dear god, please let us return home
DR. RYAN: Everybody, Hold on!!
Girls start screaming: Ahhhhhhh!
(toilet flushing)
JIM: What did I miss, whoa!
(ringing in ears, gradually goes quieter)
DR. RYAN: Anybody hurt?

KIDS: No. Were fine.

DR. RYAN: We should try to set up camp here.
JIM: (winded) Okay.
SOPHIE: Where are we? Im really scared.
DR. RYAN: Im not sure. Jade, check for signs of
terrestrial paste, we might not be alone
(alien foot-steps)
(dun, dun, dunnnnnn)
Theme song

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