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Managing Change and Leadership

Article Review
Leadership is a role and a process whereby individuals who are willing to be one and has what it takes
to be one assumes a core position of spear heading and managing people through organisational
developments processes with effective laid down tasks to be accomplished at a given period.
It is a process of creating, directing and maintaining a purposive organisation with coordinated
cooperative human efforts. An organisation without leadership is made of chaotic collection of people
with no sense of direction and doom to failure.
It is evidently clear that leadership is an important function of an organisation and its decision making
process being carried out by a leader with a teamThe Article entitled Leadership development
highlights the effectiveness of the various levels being changed or supported by the next level.
Leadership development 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0.
Leadership 1.0 focuses on the individual development, 2.0 entrenches that the development of the
individual alone is not sufficient hence the development of the team and then moving on to 3.0 which
focuses on team-based focus and strategic operational business issues.
According to the writer/s leadership development 3.0 is what they feel from their research can bring
tremendous benefits to businesses fighting to overcome current market challenges.
Leadership development 3.0 even though it is essential for the businesses fighting to stay alive in this
rather protracted recession it does not have enough calibre and pedigree needed to have long term
impact on the sustenance of an organisation.
John Adairs 1973, Action centred Leadership style does not only limit the 3.0 but also explains why it
is essential to include tasks to the individual and the team. He argues that it is not who you are but what
you do that establishes you as a leader. Leaders need to balance the needs of the Task, Team and the
Individual. In difficult times firms must be demanding
Again Peter Sheppard (Competence Director, leadership development at Ericson) reiterates that
leadership development must focus on strategic goals and not just the wish lists of managers.

I agree to this assertion in the sense that it is very aiming and could create machinery where tasks are
measured and compared to lay down plans in order to achieve stated goals.

Leadership 1.0 which is really important in instituting change and managing it in an organisation
has been overshadowed by rather an American style of team work.
Control is not leadership; management is not leadership; leadership is leadership. If you seek to
lead, invest at least 50% of your time in leading yourselfyour own purpose, ethics,
principles, motivation, conduct. Invest at least 20% leading those with authority over you and
15% leading your peers."
Dee HockFounder and CEO Emeritus, Visa
Organizational change is very paramount in this recessionary period and must be carried out by
effective leadership development who can manage the change process to suit the rather erratic
This is supported by Henry Kissenger in his statement. The task of the leader is to get his people from
where they are to where they have not been."
Henry Kissinger

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