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Ashraf: How about you, Izzat?

Izzat: I like to read books during my free time.

Ashraf: What kind of books did you read?
Izzat: I like to read fiction books. The reason why I like fiction
books is it takes you away, focuses you on the characters
problems, and away from your own petty problems. I
suppose reading fiction can be a way to escape to a different
world. If a book is good, you will get lost in it. Suddenly you
will realize an hour has passed. Sure, non-fiction is cool but I
get enough of those from school.
Ashraf: What you gain from reading book?
Izzat: When Im reading a book, my mind shifts gears. Where
I might have a stressful day, a book can easily distract me.
Fiction is fantastic for this. I also can boosted my analytical
thinking by reading. By reading book I can improve my
general knowledge, and more importantly are able increase
my analytical skills. Reading also increases my vocabulary
and improves my spelling. Reading forces me to look at
words that I might not have seen or heard. Reading can also
improve memory. By reading books Ive been finding that I
can remember stuff much easier than before. Furthermore,
reading books can improve my writing skills. The more I
read, the better of a writer I will become. Besides, reading
improves my Focus and Concentration. Sitting down with a
book takes long periods of focus and concentration, which at
first is hard to do. Being fully engaged in a book involves
closing off the outside world and immersing myself into the
text, which over time will strengthen my attention span.
Reading also makes me smarter. By reading it gives me a
chance to consume huge amount of research in a relatively
short amount of time. Researchers found that heavy readers
tend to display greater knowledge of how things work and

who or what people were and have been strongly linked to

academic achievement. Thats the reason why I like to read
a books.

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