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s00704-014-1090-6. Online at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00704014-10906

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Xue Yongkang, Janjic Z., Dudhia ., Vasic R., De Sales F., 2014: A review
on regional dynamical downscaling in intraseasonal to seasonal simulation/prediction
and major factors that affect downscaling ability. Atmospheric Research, 147148,
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Janjic Z., Vasic R., Djurdjevic V., Black T., Jovic D., 2014: The NCEP Eulerian
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Meeting, San Francisco CA, December 1519, 2014.
Rogers E., Ferrier B., Janjic Z., Wu W.S., DiMego G., 2014: The NCEP North
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evolution into a high-resolution ensemble. Preprints, J1.3, AMS 26th Conference
on Weather Analysis and Forecasting / 22nd Conference on Numerical Weather
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Royal Astronomical Society, 439, L75L79.


Cvetkovi Z., Pavlovi R., Ninkovi S., 2014: Orbits for Eight Hipparcos
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2014: Automated Classification of Asteroids into Families at Work. Proceedings IAU
Symposium 310: Complex Planetary Systems (Z. Kneevi and A. Lemaitre, Eds.),
Cambridge Univ. Press, 130133.
Radovi V., Novakovi B., 2014: Excluding interlopers from asteroid families.
Ibid, 174175.
Tsirvoulis G., Novakovi B., Kneevi Z., Cellino A., 2014: Dynamical
properties of Watsonia asteroid family. Ibid, 180181.
Cvetkovi Z., Pavlovi R., Damljanovi G., Boeva S., Latev G., 2014:
Bulgarian Serbian collaboration: CCD observations of visual double and multiple
stars and extragalactic radio sources. Bulgarian Astronomical Journal, 21, 2430.
Vince O., Cvetkovi Z., Pavlovi R., Damljanovi G., Djuraevi, G., 2014:
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Jankov S., Cvetkovi Z., Pavlovi R., 2014: Binary Star Astrometry with Milli
and Sub-Milli Arcsecond Precision. Serbian Astronomical Journal, 188, 121.
Vince O., Damljanovi G., 2014: Research of blazars at the Astronomical
Observatory of Belgrade. Serbian Astronomical Journal, 188, 6774.
Damljanovi G., Vince O., Boeva S., 2014: GAIA science alerts and the
observing facilities of the Serbian-Bulgarian mini-network telescopes. Serbian
Astronomical Journal, 188, 8593.
Damljanovi G., Taris F., Boeva S., Latev G., 2014: Optical data of ERS
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N. Capitaine, lObservatoire de Paris, 9194.
Kneevi Z., Milani A., Cellino A., Novakovi B., Spoto F., Paolicchi P.,
2014: Multistep method to deal with large datasets in asteroid family classification.
Asteroids, Comets, Meteors Book of Abstracts (K. Muinonen, A. Penttil, M.
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June 30 July 4, 2014, p. 295.
Milani A., Cellino A., Kneevi Z., Novakovi B., Spoto F., Paolicchi P., 2014:
Asteroid families from cratering: Detection and models. Ibid, p. 378.
Spoto F., Milani A., Cellino A., Kneevi Z., Novakovi B., Paolicchi P., 2014:
Yarkovsky effect and V-shapes: New method to compute family ages. Ibid, p. 524.
Tsirvoulis G., Novakovi B., Kneevi Z., Cellino A., 2014: Dynamical
properties of Watsonia asteroid family. Ibid, p. 557.
Milani A., Cellino A., Kneevi Z., Novakovi B., Spoto F., Paolicchi P., 2014:
Big cratering families: how to match dynamics with physics. IAU Symposium 310:
Complex Planetary Systems, Namur (Belgium), 711 July 2014, Abstracts, p. 35.
Spoto F., Milani A., Cellino A., Kneevi Z., Novakovi B., Paolicchi P., 2014:
Large families and Yarkovsky effect: a new method to compute ages. Ibid, p. 36.
Kneevi Z., Milani A., Cellino A., Novakovi B., Spoto F., Paolicchi P., 2014:
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Tsirvoulis, G., Novakovi B., Kneevi Z., Cellino A., 2014: An analysis of
Watsonia as a Barbarian asteroid family. Ibid, p. 81 (best poster award)
Kneevi Z: 2014. Asteroid Family Classification: Present and Future. XVII
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Pavlovi R., Cvetkovi Z., Boeva S., 2014: Measurements of Visual Double
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Kneevi Z., Uroevi D., Arbutina B., 2014: Serbian Astronomical Journal in
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Damljanovi G., Taris F., Boeva S., 2014: Some preliminary photometric results
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and prospects in ground-based and space astrometry, Pulkovo Observatory, St.
Petersburg (2224 September, 2014), Russia, p. 5.
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framework of the Gaia space mission. Ibid, p. 9.

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Jovovi J., Konjevi N., 2014: Spectroscopic and electric characterization
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Tatarinov A.V., Cveji M., Epstein I.L., Jovievi S., Konjevi N., Lebedev
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Epstein I.L., Gavrilovi M., Jovievi S., Konjevi N., Lebedev Y.A., Tatarinov
A.V., 2014: The study of a homogeneous column of argon plasma at a pressure of 0.5
torr, generated by means of the Beenakkers cavity. European Physical Journal D,
68, 334342.

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8 TeV.
: Physical review D, Physics Letters B, Physical Review
Letters, Journal of High Energy Physics, Journal of Instrumentation
European Physical Journal C, Physical review C, New Journal of Physics.
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Popovi Z.P., Damnjanovi M., Miloevi I., 2014: Phonon transport in
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Damnjanovi M., 2014: Symmetry Of Quasi One-Dimensional Systems: Line
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Nikoli B., Miloevi I., Damnjanovi M., 2014: Raman Intensities of Totally
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Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118, 2057620584.
Popovi Z.P., Damnjanovi M., Miloevi I., 2014: Crossover from ballistic to
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Lazi N., Damnjanovi M., 2014: Spin ordering in RKKY nanowires:
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Mihailovi D., 2014: Paleolit na centralnom Balkanu kulturne promene i
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Mihailovi D., 2014: Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Research in the Central
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Mihailovi D., 2014: Investigations of Middle and Upper Palaeolithic in
the Ni basin. In D. Mihailovi (ed.), Palaeolithic and Mesolithic research in the
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Stevanovi Z., Peka ., Jolovi B., Pambuku A., Radojevi D., 2014: Classical
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N., Stevanovi Z., Kreic N. (eds), Proceedings of the DIKTAS Conference: Karst
without boundaries, Trebinje, June 1115 2014, 2326.
Stevanovi Z., 2014: Environmental impact indicators in systematic monitoring
of karst aquifer Dinaric karst case example, In: Kukuri N., Stevanovi Z., Kreic
N. (eds), Proceedings of the DIKTAS Conference: Karst without boundaries,
Trebinje, June 1115 2014, 8085.
Stevanovi Z., 2014: Subsurface dams as a solution for supplementary recharge
and groundwater storage in karst aquifers in arid areas. In: Lollino G., Manconi A.,
Guzzetti F., Culshaw M. Bobrowsky P. and Luino F. (eds.), Engineering Geology
for Society and Territory Volume 5, Proceedings of the XII IAEG Congress,
Torino 2014, Springer Intern. Publ. Switzerland, DOI: 10.1007/978-3319-090481_90, 471474.
Parise M., Closson D., Gutierrez F., Stevanovi Z., 2014: Facing Engineering
Problems in the Fragile Karst Environment. In: Lollino G., Manconi A., Guzzetti F.,
Culshaw M. Bobrowsky P. and Luino F. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society
and Territory Volume 5, Proceedings of the XII IAEG Congress, Torino 2014,
Springer Intern. Publ. Switzerland, 10.1007/978-3319-09048-1_92, 479482.
Milanovi S., 2014: Spatial modeling of karst channels using multiparametric
approach Example of Beljanica karst massif. In: Kukuri N., Stevanovi Z., Kreic
N. (eds), Proceedings of the DIKTAS Conference: Karst without boundaries,
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Boev B., Prelevi D., Boovi M., Eri S., Cvetkovi V., 2013: Olivine
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Tanaskovi V., Pati I.A., Gavrilov N., Mentus S.V., 2014: Dimethylsulfoxide
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in aqueous solutions: Combined theoretical and experimental study. Journal of
Electroanalytical Chemistry, 714715, 1118.
Pati I.A., Gavrilov N.M., Mentus S.V., 2014: DFT study of chlorine adsorption
on bimetallic surfaces Case study of Pd3M and Pt3M alloy surfaces. Electrochimica
Acta, 130, 453463.

Vujkovi M., ljuki Paunkovi B., Stojkovi I., Mitri M., Sequeira C.A.C.,
Mentus S., 2014: Versatile insertion capability of Na1.2V3O8 nanobelts in aqueous
electrolyte solutions. Electrochimica Acta, 147, 167175.
Mentus S., 2015: The evidence of limitation of oxygen reduction reaction by
proton diffusion in low-concentration acid solutions. Journal of Electroanalytical
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Mentus S., Pati I., Gavrilov N., 2013: Thermogravimetric way to test
the oxidation resistance of Pt/C catalysts for fuel cells. Bulgarian Chemical
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Vujkovi M., Mitri M., Mentus S., 2014: Gel combustion synthesis of
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and the book of abstracts, p. 65.
Nikoli I., Jankovi-astvan I., Radmilovi V.V., Karanovi Lj., Mentus S.,
Radmilovi V., 2014: Influence of alkali ion on the properties of alkali activated
slag. 16. Annual Conference Yucomat 2014, Herceg Novi, 15 september 2014,
Programme and the book of abstracts, p. 11.
Vujkovi M., Milenkovi M., Jevremovi M., Gizdavi Nikolaidis M.,
Stanisavljev D., Mentus S., 2014: Pseudocapacitance behavior of polyaniline in aerated
HCl and H2SO4 solutions. 12th Int. Conf. on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of
Physical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry 2014, Sept 222 , 2014, Belgrade, Serbia,
Vujkovi M., Mentus S., 2014: Lithium vs. sodium intercalation materials
in aqueous solutions. 1st workshop on materials science for energy related
applications, Belgrade September 2627, 2014, Book of Abstracts, p. 1113.
Gavrilov N., Pati I., Momilovi M., Stojmenovi M., Babi B., Mentus S.,
2014: Exploring of factors guiding ORR activity in boron doped ordered mesoporous
carbons. 1st workshop on materials science for energy related applications,
Belgrade, September 2627, 2014, Book of Abstracts, p. 3437.

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Schwarzbauer J., Jovanievi B., 2014: Fundamentals in Organic
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Grba N., ajnovi A., Stojanovi K., Simi V., Jovanievi B., Rogli G., Eri
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30, 169186.
trbac S., Gajica G., ajnovi A., Vasi N., Stojanovi K., Jovanievi B.,
2014: The use of biological markers in determination of origin and type of organic
matter in the Tisza river sediments. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 79,
Jovanovi T., Koruga Dj., Jovanievi B., 2014: The electronic structure
and vibrational frequencies of the stable C84 isomer of D2 symmetry: theory and
experiment. Diamond and Related Materials, 44, 4448.
trbac S., ajnovi A., Kaanin-Grubin M., Vasi N., Dojinovi B., Simonovi
P., Jovanievi B., 2014: Metals in sediment and phragmites australis (common
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Heavy metals in Neogene sedimentary rocks as a potential geogenic hazard for
sediment, soil, surface and groundwater contamination (Eastern Posavina and Lopare
basin, Bosnia and Herzegovina). Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, doi:

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O., Stojanovi K., 2014: Preliminary organic geochemical study of lignite from the
Smederevsko Pomoravlje field (Kostolac Basin, Serbia) reconstruction of geological
evolution and potential for rational utilization. Journal of the Serbian Chemical
Society, doi:10.2298/JSC140219040D, Available online: 15. 04. 2014.
Perunovi T., Stojanovi K., Kaanin-Grubin M., ajnovi A., Simi V.,
Jovanievi B., Breski I., 2014: Geochemical investigation as a tool in determining
of the potential hazard for soil contamination (Kremna Basin, Serbia). Journal of the
Serbian Chemical Society, doi:10.2298/JSC140917108P, Available online: 18. 11.
Perunovi T., Stojanovi K., Simi V., Kaanin-Grubin M., ajnovi K., Eri
V., Schwarzbauer J., Vasi N., Jovanievi B., Breski I., 2014: Organic geochemical
study of the lower miocene Kremna basin, Serbia. Annales Societatis Geologorum
Available online: 17. 09. 2014.
Gajica G., okovi N., Mitrovi D., Koji I., ivoti D., Stojanovi K.,
2014: Investigation of synergetic effect of co-pyrolysis of lignite and high density
polyethylene (HDPE). Proceedings of the XVI Geological Meeting of the Republic
of Komi. Part III. Geology and mineral resources of European North-West of the
Russia, Siktivkar, Russia, April 1517, 2014, 138140 (in Russian).
Grba N., Neubauer F., ajnovi A., Jovanievi B., 2014: Heterogeneous
sources of marlstone in a piggy-back basin: the Neogene Lopare basin in Dinarides.
EGU General Assembly 2014, EGU214, Vienna, Austria, April 27 May 2, 2014,
trbac S., Gajica G., Kaanin-Grubin M., ajnovi A., Vasi N., Jovanievi
B., Simonovi P., 2014: Bioaccumulation of metals in sediments, fish and plant from
Tisza river (Serbia). EGU General Assembly 2014, EGU214, Vienna, Austria, April
27 May 2, 2014, 10959.
Perunovi T., Jovanievi B., Breski I., ajnovi A., Stojanovi K., Simi V.,
Kaanin-Grubin M., 2014: Geological and geochemical characteristics of sedimentary
rocks in Kremna Basin (Serbia). EGU General Assembly 2014, EGU214, Vienna,
Austria, April 27 May 2, 2014, 11152.
Perunovi T., Jovanievi B., Breski I., ajnovi A., Stojanovi K., Simi
V., Kaanin-Grubin M., 2014: Using mineralogical and geochemical data as a tool
for determining potential environmental changes. EGU General Assembly 2014,
EGU214, Vienna, Austria, April 27 May 2, 2014, 11413.
Jovanievi B., Anti V., Anti M., Al Sandouk-Lincke N., Schwarzbauer
J., 2014: Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for identification of the pyrolysis
products of cellulose based polymers. YUCOMAT 2014, Herceg Novi, Montenegro,
August 31 September 5, 2014, Book of Abstracts, 78.
Jovanievi B., Gajica G., Stojanovi K., ajnovi K., 2014: Pyrolysis of
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) (Acanthoscelides obtectus)
( ) (L ).

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: , .

, -

15 Gentiana L. 12
Gentianella Moench. .
, ,

, -
UTM 50 x 50 km
1112 . Gentianella 67
, - .
Gentianella laevicalyx G. albanica,
Ciminalis Calathianae



, ,
- .
298, 492
. ,
63 -
Campanula skanderbegii
, Campanula cichoriacea Silene triflora


UTM 10 x 10 km. ,
. : Euphorbia
montenegrina (Bald.) K. Maly ex Rohlena, Prangos ferulacea (L.) Lindl.,
Tanacetum larvatum (Griseb. ex Pant) Hayek, Amphoricarpos autariatus
Blecic & E. Mayer and Allium phthioticum Boiss. & Heldr., Dactylorhiza
fuchsii, Picea omorika (Pani) Purk., Parietaria serbica Pani, Cerastium
rectum Friv. subsp. petricola (Pani) H. Gartner, Heliosperma macranthum
Pani, Heliosperma pusillum (Waldst. & Kit.) Rchb. subsp. monachorum
(Vis. & Pani) Niketi & Stevan., Heliosperma pusillum (Waldst. & Kit.)
Rchb. subsp. moehringiifolium (Uechtr. ex Pani) Niketi & Stevan.,
Dianthus moesiacus Vis. & Pani, Consolida uechtritziana (Pani ex Huth)

So, Erysimum commatum Pani, Malcolmia orsiniana (Ten.) Ten. subsp.
serbica (Pani) Greuter & Burdet, Barbarea balcana Pani, Cardamine
serbica Pani, Sempervivum leucanthum Pani, Viola orbelica Pani,
Althaea kragujevacensis Pani ex Dikli & Stevan., Euphorbia subhastata
Vis. & Pani and Haplophyllum boisserianum Vis. & Pani.

Nomenclator Pancicianus

. 200
, 64 .
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Bogdanovi S., Brullo S., Reetnik I., Lakui D., atovi Z., Liber Z.,
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Vukojii S., Jakovljevi K., Matevski V., Ranelovi V., Niketi M., Lakui
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cichoracea(Campanulaceae), a neglected species from the Balkan-Carpathian
C. lingulatacomplex as inferred from molecular and morphological characters.
Willdenowia, 44 (1), 7796.
Raki T., Siljak-Yakovlev S., inar-Sekuli J., Lazarevi M., Stevanovi B.,
Stevanovi V., Lakui D., 2014: Morphological and genome size variations within
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Niketi M., Tomovi G., Melovski Lj., Stevanovi V., Matevski V., 2014: New
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Stevanovi V., Jakovljevi K., Matevski V., 2014: Chasmophytic communities
of endemic and relict species Ramonda nathaliae Pani & Petrovi on ophiolithic
substrate in Republic of Macedonia. Botanica Serbica, 38 (1), 8190.
Lubarda B., Stupar V., Milanovi ., Stevanovi V., 2014: Chorological
characterization and distribution of the Balkan endemic vascular flora in Bosnia and
Herzegovina. Botanica Serbica, 38 (1), 167184.
Stevanovi V., Vladimirov V., Niketi M., Vukojii S., Jakovljevi K., Lubarda
B., Tomovi G., 2014: Plant species and subspecies discovered by Dr. Josif Pani 1
distribution and floristic importance. Botanica Serbica, 38 (2), 251268.
Niketi M., 2014: Nomenclature review of the plants published by Josif Pani
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: , ,
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2014. SOX2
(). NT2/
wt NT2/D1

NT2/D1 SOX2 .
(SOX1, SOX2, SOX3, SOX14 SOX21) in vitro
NT2/D1 . SOX14


. Wnt ,
NT2/D1 , Wnt
, (SOX2, Oct4 Nanog).
N2/D1 .

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SHH ()
() SX18 .
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neural differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells and assessment of the effect of its
ectopic expression on SOXB members in HeLa cells. PLoS One, 9(3):e91852.
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Quercetin reduces pluripotency, migration and adhesion of human teratocarcinoma
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2014: SOX2 overexpression affects neural differentiation of human pluripotent NT2/
D1 cells. Biochemistry (Moscow), 79, 11721182.
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The role of Hedgehog signaling pathway in the regulation of SOX18 gene expression
in cervical carcinoma cell line. Ibid, 109.
Popovic J, Drakulic D., Stevanovic M. 2014. SOXB genes: from stemness to
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Topalovic V., Kovacevic-Grujicic N., Mojsin M., Popovic J., Petrovic I.,
Milivojevic M., Schwirtlich M., Stevanovic M. 2014. Transcriptional regulation of
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Marjanovic Vicentic J., Mojsin M., Topalovic V., Schwirtlich M., Drakulic D.,
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migration and adhesion of human teratocarcinoma cell line NT2/D1 by inhibiting
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M. 2014. Expression analysis of SOX14 during neural differentiation of embryonal
carcinoma cells. 9th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Milano, Italy, July 59. Book
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: , , Dr.
Philipp Chetverikov


, , ,
Aceria angustifoliae A. eleagnicola,


A. eleagnicola.

Diplotaxis tenuifolia,
M. rapistri M. latifolii

13 Aceria
5 Cirsium
4 Cirsium ()
Aceria anthocoptes.

, Aceria

phyoidea COI 28S

, .
4 . #1

#2 Phytoptidae, #3 Nalepellidae #4 Eriophyidae s.l. ( Eriophyidae
s.str. + Diptilomiopidae).
Vidovi B., Joji V., Mari I., Marinkovi S., Petanovi R., 2014: Geometric
morphometric study of geographic and host related variability in Aceria spp. (Acari:
Eriophyoidea) inhabiting Cirsium spp. (Asteraceae). Experimental and Applied
Acarology, 64, 321335.
Chetverikov Ph., Cvrkovi T., Makunin A., Sukhareva S., Vidovi B., Petanovi
R., 2014: Basal divergence of Eriophyoidea (Acariformes, Eupodina) inferred from
combined partial COI and 28S gene sequences and CLSM comparative genital anatomy.
XIV International Congress of Acarology, Kyoto 1318th, July, 2014. Abstract Book,
p. 62.
Vidovi B., Petanovi R., Cvrkovi T., Marinkovi S., Cristofaro M., Schaffner
U., 2014: Morphological and molecular characterization of eriophyid mites on Russian
olive, Elaeagnus angustifolia L. VII Congress on Plant Protection Integrated
Plant Protection Knowledge-Based Step Towards Sustainable Agriculture,


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Enriko Josif, Chamber Music. :
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1976, 1. ( 35) :
, 1976 ( : ). 24
. : Bulletin of scientific research
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts = ISSN 1820340X
ISSN 03522385 =

COBISS.SR-ID 16085250

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