Edu452assignment 2

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EDU452: WRITING SKILLS (Sept. ‘14 -Jan. ‘15) ASSIGNMENT 2 NAME |URULAINI BINTI KAMARUDIN STUDENT ID : 2013824442 GROUP ED 260 3B Instructions: Read the articles carefully and write about intrinsic motivation to learn in 500-800 words in the space provided. Submit your writing with an outline, reference list and Turnitin report. Motivation are somet! come from individual which is exist from several factor that can| contribute this behavior. To achieve goal in life, humans should have motivation in their life so that| they will become successful person. There are many ways that need to leam motivation which are| prepare a guidelines of academic motivation for students in their learning process for example by| MUSIC model, and three types motivational components. The effective method for students to gain a motivation in their education are by MUSIC| model which Is comprise of empowerment, usefulness, success, interest, and caring. Accordi Schunk, Pintrich and Meece (2008) defined academic motivation come from a manner of doing| something. The great significance of motivation is it can helps student to attend the activities. that| ‘can assists them to obtain well in academic. This Is because motivation attitudes arise from students| an help them to concentrate when they attend course activities, they know how to help themself so| that they can achleve the goals (Schunk et al., 2008). The model are made up of five components| because if each one of the component associated with other components, students will feel more motivated in their learning process and it will become more effective than held only one component. To create an empowers student, the things that should be highlight Is that they should think| that they have a few dominate over some some particular part of their learning. According to the {Deci & Ryan, 1985, 1991; Ryan & Deci, 2000}, the concepts in this theory is at the time when student| k they have some take into account over some part of them, they would feel enjoy the particular| activities that they joined. The second component is usefulness, really crucial for student to know the useful of thelr task and activities that they doing especially in class can give them benefit. This is because it can make them become more motivate. For example, students who can see the significance| of their homework are more motivated than student can't see the significance behind it. Third, is about success, when someone's think about they want become successful student they will do| ‘everything to obtain It even though they have face many challenge. For achieve this goal of success, Instructor can provide the learning activities and elther assessment and assignment that have| ‘objective to give challenge and can generate Improvement in thelr knowledge. Forth, ls about Interest which is instructor have a main role to make sure the environment of class and their skills of teaching| can make students attract to the learning in a long period. Interest generally involve the positive cognitive value that can contribute to the interest of students to the particular things. The last ‘components is caring, the maln part for this component Is about how instructors show thelr caring to| students in aspects of their leaming they don't need become a friend to reach the objective. ‘Apart from that, there are three type motivational components that are associated with three| different components of regulated oneself learning which Is expectancy, value and affective| components (cf., Eccles, 1983; Pintrich, 1988, 1989). The main things about expectancy component| imply student believe in themselves that they always can do the assessment, assignment or tasks| siven, they also feel they must complete all these for their achievement. From the sides of value| component, are all about how they manage the task and their perception about the significance and| good about task that they have complete. Lastly, for the third component Is related the reaction of| students when they faced the task given. However, anxiety is a good reaction because it can build up| ‘a competence behavior among students (Wigfield & Eccles, 1989). Motivation component really effect| the cognition and academic performance. In a nutshell, It shows that the design of course and motivational components can be Include as intrinsic motivation to learn. Intrinsic value connected to the process of knowing and self- regulation. Reference 1) Schunke, D. H.,Pintrich, P. R., & Meece, J. L. (2008). Motivation m edtucation: Theory, research and eqplicatons. Upper Saddle River, NI: Pearson. 2) Ded, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000), The “what” and “why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self determination of behavior. Arychological Juguary, 114), 227-268 3) Ded, E. L., & Ryan, RM. (1985). Zurmasic motivation and selfdetermination in human behavior New York: Plenum 4) Wigfield, A., & Eccles, JS (1992). The development of achievement task values: A theoretical analysis. Developmental Review, 12, 265-310 5)Eccles, JS. (1984b). Sex differences in mathematics participation. InM. Steinkamp & M. Maehr (Eds), Adverices it mottvation and achievement (Vol. 2, pp. 93-137). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press 2. READ THE ARTICLES Follow the steps below: Step 1: READ: Read the articles critically Step 2: PARAPHRASE, SUMMARIZE AND SYNTHESIZE: Extract the main ideas of the articles, Step 3: BRAINSTORM: Write down ideas or use a mind map to collect ideas. Step4: OUTLINE: (See: sample outline), Step 5: WRITE: Use your notes and outline to write. Step 6: REVISE AND EDIT: Check your writing, read each paragraph, sentence by sentence for unity and coherence. NOTE: MECHANICS Spacing: double space Font size: 12 Font: Times New Roman 2. PREPARE AN OUTLINE LO Basic uses ‘L.1 Making calls LL1 _ SendingShort Messaging Service (SMS) 2.0 Types 2.1 Pre-paid plan 2.1.1 No commitment 2.1.2 Ableto budget money for calls 2.2 Post -paid plan 2.2.1 Receive bill every month 2.2.2 Cheaper call rate

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