English For Upper Tourism WB

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English for InternationaL


Miriam Jacob



Travel agencies and tour

Vocabulary 1:

Types of


language Focus: compound adjectives with

A Career in

Recruitment and job



word stress, in two, three and

four-syllable words

Writing 1:

letter-writing format


Tourism organisations and

tourist boards

page 14

Where People


word stress: -tion. -ai, -ial. -ity,

Tourist boards, tour

operators, Tourist
Information Centres (TICs),
and travel agents

page 18

Weddings and Honeymoons

Reading 2:

Sells Ring and Confetti Rains

Vocabulary 2:

compound nouns

listening 1 and 2:The Type of Holiday Italians

Writing 2:

com pleting a fax

listening 1:

work experience
describing a career
On a Tour of Duty


job titles and job terms


development of tourism in the

Czech Republic

Writing 3:

a memo: tourism in the Czech



They Came, They Saw, They

Ate Pizza

Vocabulary 2:

money terms

Reading :

W hen the Heat is On

listening 2:

Sicilian tourism

Writing 2:

a report on tourism in Sicily

listening 2:

the sales conversation

Reading 1:

Selling Techniques

Writing 3:

a career history

Writing 2:

language Focus: simple/continuous verb forms

Writing 1:

page 9

Trends in

Reading 1:

types of holiday


page 4

DeveLoping the Topic


a letter of application

language Focus: past simple/present perfect

Writing 1:

changing trends in tourism

Speech work:

past verb forms w ith ed

Vocabulary 1;

terms for travellers

Writing 2:

writing from notes

Listening 1:

Top ten highest spending

visitors to the UK

Speechwork :

the schwa:l


British and American usage


reading figures aloud


language Focus: the definite artide

Writing 1:

Travel agenCies

expanding notes into an article

language Focus: asking questions and question


Travel Agents
page 22


intonation in questions

Listening 1:

a booking form

Writing 1:

a letter of confirmation


Reading 2:

Top Shop


compound adjectives

Writing 2:

a fax requesting information


Holiday Reps Enjoy a Hard

Day's Night

Vocabulary 1:

words with more than one


Review 1
l anguage Review
Units 1-5
page 27


Tour operators and




l anguage Focus: the passive

Writing 1:

page 29

a briefing letter for a new


listening 1 and 2:Poker game decides the

fortune of holiday firms

Vocabulary 1:

advertiSing literature

language Focus: referring to the futu re


pausing and rhythm

page 34

Vocabulary 2:

brochure language

Writing 1:

promotional material


word boundaries

Vocabulary 1:

business collocations

page 38

Tourist boards

Promoting a

Ecological and economic

National and local
Environmental and tourism

l anguage Focus: reporting verbs

Vocabulary 2:

financial expressions

Writing 2:

a report on sales patterns

Vocabulary 3:

describing leisure pursuits


Test Series Gives Big Boost to

West Indies Tourism


promoting Ireland as a tourist


Writing 2:

reporting on how Ireland is



Battle to Save the Galapagos

Vocabulary 2:

the environment




Instructions for Travellers to



AU tourism providers

Develo pin g the Topic


Vocabulary 1:

two-part verbs


Language Focus: two-part verbs

page 42


making announcements

Vocabulary 3:

air travel


flight scheduling


Which Seat on the Plane?


a fax: information on



Customer relations


Vocabulary 1:

adjectives describing personality:


Language Focus infinitve or gerund?

page 48


contrastive stress

Writing 1:

replying to a letter of

Reading 1:

An Unfortunate Inodent at

Vocabulary 2:


Listening :

dealing with cust omers face to-face

Reading 2:
Vocabulary 3:

Answering Customer Queries

Ridgeway Tours

expressions with hand

Writing 2:

writing instructions - how to

create a good impression

Review 2
Language Review
Units 6 10
page 52



Hotel Facilities

Language Focus: adjectives and order of adjectives

stress in compou nd

Vocabulary 1:

collocations with and


replying to a letter of enqU iry

page 54


Hotels, trade fairs, tour



Language Focus 1: conjunctions


page 59

pronunciation of the


Tourist Information

Vocabulary 1:

tourist facilities

Speech work:

pausing and stress

Language Focus 1:conditionals

page 63


Listening 1:

Berlin Tourist Office

Writing 1:

a leaflet giving tourist



pausing, stress and pitch

the Past

Writing 1:

designing a poster

page 6~


Guided tours


Language Focus: relative clauses


Hotels, airlines, conference


page 74

Grand Bohemia Hotel

Seeking a Grander Hotel

vocabulary 2:

forming verbs with the prefix

en or em


choosing a site for a theme


Language Focus 2: conjunctions


recommending a new site


Mammon Rampant in City of


Listening 2:

l ondon Tourist Board

Language Focus 2: intensifiers

Vocabulary 2:

Synonyms: British and

American English


Greenwich - the Centre of

Time and Space


giving tourism information


custodians at Dover Castle

Vocabulary 1:

castles and museums

Writing 2:

a speech: life in the Middle



Fossils Get into Showbiz

giving a guided tou r

Vocabulary 2:

negative and positve adjectives

Writing 3:

writing an advertisement


conferences and meetings


organising a conference

language Focus: possibility and certainty

Writing 2:

writing a set of instructions

Writing 1:


Women Business Travellers

Speech work:

sound and spelling - word

stress in homographs

a template promotional letter

Review 3


letter a

Things to Do

Speech work:

l anguage Review
Units 1115
page 79





= Readin g text

o = listening text

Types of Holiday
Language Focus

Vocabulary 1




9 ,

What is

Compound adjectives with numbers

thehidden vertical

Decide if these sentences a re co rrect or incorrect. Correct

the sentences that are wrong.
a It's a five miles' drive t o the airport.
b O n this two-day escorted t rip to th e Cairngorms, you wiD
travel by coach.
e Th ere are several three~day weekend break packages in this
d The guests decided to opt for the five~courses set menu.
e Management regret to an nounce that there will be a f ourhour delay.

.., 2 Use the information in the grid to w rite short descriptions.

(The first one has been done for you .)

word? _ __ _ _ __

Use the words that are missing from these sentences to

complete the grid.

Its a twrJ-cenirehofid.cutUz,JtingJeKen ~M. You

will staslJl two liJ.xw'f il"ve-dNh0t.tJ.4, the FurtJuuJ.
in Pa1.errrw arui the pon.u. Nuevo in CefaiJ1. 7k

wi1i in.cLu.d.e hAlf-board with a fUur- course

everWtfl meal in flu. tra.d.i.titmai r~ ta.ura.n.t.

a A flight from Londo n to Australia is a _ - _ flight. (4. 4)

b A _ _ _ __ is a holiday w here the touroperator
arranges both the f light and the accommodation. (7 & 4)

c Two weeks at a residential art schoo l is a _ _ __

holiday. (7 & 8)
d A holiday aboard a luxury liner is a _ _ _. (6)
e A two - or three-day holiday which is not taken during t he
week is a
.(7 & 5)
A holiday visitin g a game park is a
. (6)
9 A holiday on a farm, staying as a guest of t he owners, is a





locatio n




7 nights




If aditional
(number of
courses..: 4)

on .....'"


S miles


from the

'" 3 days


eo. B~~ch



Tur key

city cen tre


14 nights


, od


M ountains




a special interest holiday


5 a domestic reso rt

14 nigh ts


a long-haul destination
a city break
a theme park



a What is the opposite of a long-haul destination?

b Give an example of each of the following for your country:

of centres


_ _ _ _ .(8)

~ 2 Answer these questions:




escorted hiler!


3 cou~

"' 0

10 nights






10 mil es

in Orlando:
visit theme pan:s

on beach

Cayman :


res tauran t ==




Yours Sincerely,

Word stress
The words in the box appear in the two reading texts in

John Barrett
Sales Manager

Developing the Topic.

Ms D. Carlisle


The Grove House

435 lovers lane















speciali st


wed ding





74n Newbern
Medl ord
t _ _ _~



Put them into the corred columns according to their stress

Types of Holiday


Dear Ms Carlisle,

. t draw your attention to 0

In particular I woul~ hk\~g the four-hour wedd ings
something neW an eXC! I ,
. es by elephant and
h the groom arnlJ
in Thailand were
rf rmance by drummers
the proceedIngs en
46 in our brochure. We
hich is on page
and dancers, W
dd' s in hot air balloons ,n
are also able to offer we 109
Kenya or on camels in Mombasa.

We look forward to hearing from you in the near

future and welcom ing you on one of our Europa

wedd in g packages. Please phone our help li ne on

10293847456 for up-to-the-minute information on

e in whiCh yOU
our letter 01 5 Jun
moon packageS
lhank yOU tor Y .on about our hOney our latest
request info
p'ease nnd endos d hich most suit
th a diller
0_ d those tours w
have mar",e
brochure . I

'lour needs .

listen to the tape and check your answers.

Writing 1
Th ese are the different sections of a letter. They are in the
wrong order.
Put them in the corred order, by numbering them 1-10.

Nearer at home, here in the States we offer

under-sea ceremonies off Florida Keys, or if ou
prefer to marry in the Winter we can arrang: the
ceremony to be On the ski slopes in Vermont.

8th June

Developing the Topic

Reading 1
Read the articl e Weddings and Honeymoons and answer

the questions.
a Why, according to the article, is it becoming more popular in

d What change is affecting this trade at the moment?

e W hich extras were once free , but are now to be found 00

Britain to get married abroad?

b W hat is the minimum t ime a tou r operator needs to
organ ise a wedding abroad?

the supplements lists?

W hy is Ireland becoming a popul ar destination?

c Which group of people find this type of weddi ng more


Weddings and Honeymoons

GETTING married .broa d

75 , she said the concept was particularly suited to couples

was once ron$idered a whim

embarking on a second marriage or those who had been living

strictly for the fabulously

together for many years.

wealthy - or deeply eccentric.

But over the last to years

"They often want to escape everything and everybody and

just celebrate their wedding quietly," said Ms O ' Brien.
The majority of wedding couples prefer to travel just with

it has become a much more

accepted idea. Indeed, it
is now considered trendy.
""-'_--'--' Although the total market

each other, hut an increasing number are inviting a couple of

fri ends or relatives. Carol Stokes, Thomson Holidays' long-haul
marketing manager, said there is also a growing trend towards

remains relati\c.ly small, at."Counting for perhaps 15,000 of the

dose to 400,000 couples who get married each year, numbers

wedding groups.

arc increasing all the time.

the bride and groom, and on one famous o<;casion last year, we

Cost is one of the main reasons . It is estimated the

averag~ wedding in Britain t.'ost'i between

"It is no longer unusual to have 10 or 15 people accompanying

had a group of 64," she said.

8,000 and 10,000.

In the past, wedding guests would stay in a separate hotel and

This contrast.. with the f.2,OOO it can cost a couple to have a

return home a week before the newlyweds, but Kuoni's Ms

combin ed wedding ceremony and honeymoon abroad.

O'Bricn said they now often accompanied the couple for the

It is also ea."ier to arrange. While many UK ceremonies are

planned a year or more in advance, weddings abroad can

whole of the trip.

"Trends are definitely changing," she added.

usually be booked a few months ahead. Operators covering

In fact, trends arc changing across the whole of the

certain destinations can handle a reservation just 2 weeks before

honeymoons market . For example, operators wed to offer

the \,,eddiog day - although it is not recommended .

Colleen O'Brien, weddings coordinator for Kuooi, which
handles about 3,000 weddings a year, said: "There is quite a lot
of administrative work which needs to be done, so the more
time we baye the better.
"Clients should also be aware they will need to have some

flowers, fruit or 'wine free of charge to newlyweds . But now

such extras invariably appear under the heading of '"special

occasions" - next to a list of applicable supplements.
According to Kuoni, the Maldives, Mauritius, St Lucia and

Far East to urs are among the most requested honeymoon


involvement with the paperwork, although we try to keep that

Closer to home, shortbreak specialist Time OfT said Venice,

to a minimwn. However, we do fmd some customers who think

that because they have booked their wedding through a tour

Rome and Paris were continuing to attrac.:t steady business,

while Ireland was becoming popular for its romantic castles and

operator, they will bay': to do absolutely nothing."

country hou$e hotels with four.poster beds.

She thought getting married abroad was "the perfect idea".

Although Kuoni's wedding client" have ranged in age from 18 to

(from Travel Trade Gazette)

Types of Holiday

Reading 2
Read Bells ring and confetti rains f rom Bali to Cyprus and find the follow ing

a The most popular destination in the Indian Ocean.
b A destin ation t hat has recently abolished a residency qualif ication.
c An area that is popul ar due to its cheapness.
d An ideal location for safari honeymoons.
e W here th e brid e and groom must be of the same religion.
W here most weddings take place at a beach resort .
9 W here couples mu st be res ident in the co untry fo r at least seve n days.
h A country w here the Tourist Board has issued a leaflet ex plaining weddin g

A location t hat does not have a resi dency qual ification.
Where t he price includes the chapel f ee, photographs, a limo usi ne and


Bells Ring and Confetti Rains from Bali to Cyprus

Peter Lilley looks at both the new and the traditional w edding venues

THE CARIBBEAN is still (he most popular region for getting
married abroad, helped considerably by (he relative cheapness of
J:l..maica and ,he Dominictn Republic - the ben-selling
destinations for both Thomson and Cosmos.
The Cayman Islands has made it easier for couples to gcc
married by abolishing itS previous 72-hour residency qualification.
The Department of Tourism has issued a leaflct. Gwing
Married in the Cayman Islands, detailing all the information
required to obtain a marriage liccnce.
Skybus Holidays' Caribbean Dream programme is among
operatOIS featuring St Lucia, where it offers wedding arrangements
from 374 per couple at the Islander, Candyo Inn and Caribees
hotels. Caribtours offers plantation weddings on St Kitts and

Somak Holidays offers wedding packages at a number of beach


Anmhcr more problematic place to hold weddings, which was
why Thomson withdrew.
Couples need to be resident in the country for seven working
days and present themselves to officials in Jakarta.
It is also imponant that both the bride and groom should be of
the same ~ligion.

Most couples who get married in Malaysia do so in Penang - the
country's first and best-known beach resort.
Popular locations for the ceremony include the Shangri-La Rasa
Sayang with its exquisite gardens.



Mauritius has moved ahead of the Seychelles as the rnO$[ popular

wedding destinuion in the Indian Ocean.

The popular wedding locations of Florida, Hawaii and Las Vegas

have the advantage of having no residency qualification. so couples
can get married 3S soon as their paperwork is in order.
Prices stare at 142 fo r 3 wedding ceremony at the Chapd of
Flowers in Las Vegas which includes the chapel fee, witnesses,
photogr.aphs and limousine service.
In Hawaii. prices start at 589 which includes hi~ of a
limousine and a solo musician or vocalist at the reception.

Ic is now thc bigges-Heller fo r Kuoni, which features eight

propenies including Lc Touessrok, where wedding arrangements
coS( 125 per couple.

Gaining in popularity ~ry quickly and an ideal choice for
couples who want a beach/safari combination or a two-ccmre
wedding/honeymoon I1Utchi ng Kenya with the Seychelles or

(from Trawl Trad~ Gautu)

2 Which destinations would you advise these clients to choose?

a Miss Colley and Mr Browne w ho wou ld like to go on a safari honey moon.
b John and Sarah w ho have onl y f our days f or t he trip.
e Petra and Peter w ho would like to go to Asia and stay at th e seaside.
d Charles and Diana w ho wou ld like t o get married on a pl antation.
e Antonella and Francesco w ho would like a rece ption w it h live mu sic.

Vocabulary 2

Listening 2

Compound nouns

Vince nzo is a t ravel consultant in a busy travel agency in

Palermo, the regional cap ital of Sicily. He is talkin g to CQIr

Look again at Bells Ring and Confetti Rains.

Butler, the new Ventures Manager of Exotic Destinations,

about w here Sicilians go on holiday.

How many compound nouns can you find containing the

word wedding? For example: wedding arrangements.

2 Use the nouns in the box to form compound nouns

Listen and decide if these statements are true or false.

a The most popular holiday destinat ion is the USA. T


serv ice

e Th e Far East is popular because you can have the

Complete Colin Butler's fax to the Managing Director of

Exotic Destinations.

Listen and complete the chart.

Types and length of

Places most


li kely to go




171354 8979


Colin Burltr


00 39 92 374 857

No. of pages including this one: 1

Dear Maria,
I have had several meetings with travel agents throughout Italy.
The meetings in Rome and Palermo were particularly useful.

Mad rid

Maria Rodriguts
Exotic D~(inarions





Writing 2

many Romans take today.


agency. She is talkin g t o Colin Butler, the new Ventures

Manager of Exotic Destinations, about the types of holiday

su~ and

t he sea as well as touring the area.

Mexico has become popular in the last three years.


Giovanna is a travel consultant in a large Roman travel

Time of year




Listening 1

T0 F
destin ations than the Maldives or China.
d Sicilian holidaymakers only want to sit on the beach all d':'J

c document permitting someo ne to marry

d a chauffeur-driven car


b 60 per cent of Sicilians holid ay in Europe.

c Thailand an d Singapore are more popu lar honeymoon

a tou rist destination at t he seasid e

b the price charged for a religious ceremony



Italians' holiday preferences

1 Holiday periods
According to the travel agent in Rome, Italians tend to take
breaks in August with shorter breaks at (b)

(a) _ __


2 Destinations
, (e)
Both consultants believed that (d)
America and the Far East were popular destinations. Their comme~~
suppon the figures we have from the tourist board and our previoos
research on the popularity of particular destinations both for the
general holiday trade and the honeymoon trade. though in Sicily it is
felt that (f)
is the most exotic destination.

3 Cultural! short break holidays

These tend to be taken at (9) _ _ _ _ when Italians visit {h)~~~
cities such as (i)
, and {k),_ _ __

4 Types of holiday
Apparently, Romans still require mainly (1) _ _ _ _ while the Sicia-
are now demanding (m)' _ _ __
5 Popularity of the Orient
This is growing in popularity as tounsts can combine a (n) _ _ __
with a (0)' _ _ __
I trust that this will be helpful. 1'/1 submit a flill repon on my return ne)7

A Career
in Tourism
Language Focus

Simple/continuous verb forms

1 Peter is being interviewed on the radio about his career.
Listen and fill in the gaps.

Peter (a) .. ............ .......... in various sectors

of the trade now for many years. As I
understand it. Peter, you (b) . .
.. in
Bahrain, Kuwait and other countries in the
M iddle East and now you (e)
.. in


Yes, thaI's ri ght.


Can you tell us how it all started?


Er ... w hen I (d) .............. school I joined the

army and got my first posting to Bahrain.


So how was that connected with tourism?


W hile I (e) ............... in Bahrain I was asked

to set up a youth television service. So I left
the army an d continued to live in the Middle
East. I (ft ............. on very well in the media
business but (g) ............. to take up a post
at the Hilton Hote l in Ku wait .


So you had t wo changes of career. W hy

move again?


Well, it was something I (h)


...... to do.


The job at Wobu rn was demanding but very



But you've moved again?


Yes. I couldn't resist the challenge to have a

say in the future needs of a heritage site
such as Hadrian's Wal l. At present I
...... to persuade government to
understand the need for the conservation
of our culture, but at the same time to all ow
for maximum visitor satisfaction.

2 Tick "/ the corred boxes.

a The interviewer says "Peter has been working in various
sectors" .
Does this mean:
Peter worked in all the sectors at the same time?
2 Peter worked and is still worki ng in the tourism
3 Peter no longer works in touri sm?


b The interviewer says "you have worked in Bahrain ".

Does this mean:
1 Peter no longer wo rks in Bahrain?
2 Peter still wo rk s in Bahrain?
3 Peter is about to return to Bahrain?


But then you returned to England and

Woburn. Why was that?


I felt that the time was ripe to return home.

There (i) .
.... a time when you feel a
little homesick.


So w hat did you do at Wob urn?

Writing 1

Look at the pictures and the notes and use them to help
you complete the dialogue. The first one has been done for

1 Area Sales Manager

2 office junior

4 home after 3 years

3 one year later. to ur guide





17 Is






And w hat did you do after that?

(3) . ..

What then?

Back to the travel hade business?

~ .. . .. .... ... . ....

- .... ....... ................. ...... ... .............. .

And w hen did you


here, to Funtours?

(6) .

And w hat does yo ur job in vo lve?



I understand th at yo u' ve had a varied career. How did yo u start?




'f 13

I am the Ar'ea Sa les Managu for Funtour5 Ltd. a firm of travel agents.

(2) ..



W hat do you do?



Thank you, Pau la. I've enjoyed talking to you.

A Career in Tourism

Word stress
2 Complete the sentences below to make a rule for each set

Look at the words in the box and mark the stress on each

of words .

one. For example:

a For w ords endi ng w ith the suffix tion the stress is on the

.. .. ..... ........ from the end.


b For words ending w ith the suffix al the stress is on the









................. .. ... from the end.

c For words ending w ith the suffix ity or ty the stress is on the
............ .. . ....... from the end .

conservation satisfaction


Read this conversation between Alain legrand, the General

Manager of the Paradise Hotel, and Silvia Fonteyn, an

applicant for the post 01 Front-ai-House Manager.













Mark the stress in the italicised words.


organisation that was conce rned with the

conservation of our national heritage before
returning to university to gain a qualification in
travel and tourism.

Listen to the tape and check. Practise saying the words .

Writing 2
A letter of application

Yes. After graduation I took a year out and went

backpacking in t he Himalayas. I then joined an


So you gained additional qualifications?


Mm, yes, that's right. You see it had always been

my ambition to work in the t ourism sector.

listen to the tape and check your pronunciation.

In the letter below there are some grammatical errors on

some lines.

Underline the incorred word or words. Then write the correct

word(s) in the box on the right-hand side of the page.

Dear Sir.

I am writing for applying for the post of junior sales manager at


Gobi Desert Tours Inc. which I see advertised in thi s week's Travel Weekly.


As you are seeing from my resume I have recently obtained a diploma in

d) '

rourism management from the Tourism Institute in Madrid after


I had been completing a three-year course there.


Since I am always wanting to work in the States in the travel business


seclor but was not wishing to commence work until I was fully proficieIH


in English I spend the last six months studying in London.


During thi s time I be fortunate enough to find a part-time job in a local


travel agency which is specialising in travel to the States and where I was able


to develop my interpersonal sk ills.


I attracted to your vacancy as I believe that I can offer the drh-e and


commitment necessary to persuading middle-aged holidaymakers to trek


across the Gobi desert.


I enclose my resume and look forward to hear from you.


Developing the Topic


Listening 1
Ju stine and Kitty both work at the Excelsior Hotel. They are

talking to a group of tourism students about their careers.

Listen and complete the grid.






wh ile at

......... .........


w hile at school

confe rence

and complete the gaps.

On a Tour of Duty
By the 2 1st century. accordi ng to an English Tourist Board
prediction, tourism wi ll be the largest (a) ................ in the \vorld. It
i~ already one of Britain's largest industries, employing 1.5 million
people in trilvel, heritage and leisure .
Although (b) .............. in travel and tourism may appear to be
full of glamour and one long holiday, the reality is that mey are
hard (c) .................. involving long hours and considerable stress
with little pay. Nor is (d) .................... security regarded as a high
priority, because moving from company to (e) ..... ..
or from one sector of the industry to another is seen as a perfectly
acceptable (0 .................. strategy.


~ 1 Read th is extract from an article about careers in tourism

conference sales

This immensely complex and interdependent indu stry consists

of the core of (g) .......................... (who design, organise and
market holidays). the (hi ...................... (who sell them to the
public), the main serv ice and product suppli ers (transport.
accommodation and entertainment) and a myriad of speciali st
organisations which support them.


Writing 3
Read this summary of Kitty's work experience. Then write a
similar summary for Justine.

When Kitty left schoo l s he went to college where she

followed a three-year hotel ma nagement training
programme. While at college she had several

jOb5 incl uding working in a re5ta urant as a

wa itress and in hotel reception. Her first fu ll-time j ob

was as a restaurant manager in a sma ll hotel.

All who work in the industry have a passion for travel, a ~n se of

adventure. a liking fo r novelty, combined with a positi ve attitude to
Prospective (i) ....
.. ...... need what are known in the trade as
good interpersonal skill s and a gregarious outlook: they need to be
people who like people. A wi llingness to move around, to accept
~) ............. ....... as they arise, is an ao;set which often means that
family ties mu st come a definite seco nd. The apparent
compensation is the possibility of creating an intemational famil y
of friends and business (k) ...... ....
all over the world who
share similar interests and enthusiasms.
(from ThtGuardian

2 'On a Tour of Duty' Part 2. Read these further edracts from the same
article and put them into the correct order. The first one has been done for

Her advice to other heritage industry

aspirants is to contact English
Heritage 's
department and to remember that
detenn,i nalian was the vital ingredient
for a career like hers. "Keep knocking
on doors. keep re_ading and learning
as much as pos!'.ible,' she says.

Let's look at Andy Allen, Nat ional

Sales Manager for Jet Set Tours, who

staned his career in 1978 as an office
junior wi th Thomas Cook. After six
months, he joined the air fare unit
then moved to a small, family travel
firm, where he had the chance to learn
all the bas ics and to try his hand at
everything. His first management
post was at a branch of a travel agent
chain from where. after a series of
placements. he moved to Pickford 's
Travel. There he spent ele ven happy
years, be.com ing retail sales manager
and then nat ional sa les manager.
When Pickford 's amalgamated with
Hogg Robinson in 1993, he decided
to ful fil an early ambiti on and went
backpacking around the world for
e ight months returning to Britain to
join Jet Set Tours.

There are also ope.nings for malure
and graduates
f rom other

1spec ialitie s - such as hIstory
angllages and business studies _ h'
. pre~are
to rake additional
qllahficatlOns and have the oh .
. nelson
. expcnencc and personality. For
m~talJce, couriers or resort reps and
TUldes are ~ften mature adults with
SkIlls, consideroble traveI
. .
xpenen.ce and speciali.st knowledge
of subj ects .such as t-me art
archaeology, history and architecture'
Staff in the hentage

sector .
concernCd with the conservation and
d eve lopmenr f h
. SHes
. .
bUl~dlOgS, are also adults with a wide
vanety of backgrounds and kj 11
A hhou h
g there are openj ngs for
schOO.1 le;Jvers a nd for adults with job
expen e~ce, most senior jobs are fiUcd
b~. quahficd experts in archaeology,
hlst.Ory, museum studies, fin e an and
busme~s studies.

His career pattern is a common one in

whkh a suitable aspiran t can start as
a counter derk or trainee and still find
that the sky, literally, is the limi t. It is
th at
qualifications are often less important
than people ski ll s, common sense and
a positive att itude for new entrants.
Although computer li teracy, a good
knowledge of geography and foreign
languages are ex tremely useful, as
are bas ic research skills. As a
consequence when employees want
to rise through the structure. they
qua li fications. A growing number
therefore acqu ire their academi c
qualifications late in their careers.

Cleus Everard, the newly appointed

Director of Stonehenge, is an
example of the late entrant. She
joined the anny on leaving school and
soon found herself in Oman on <.\
posting as a schools liaison officer, an
experience which. g~ne~atcd an
Omani government mVltaUOn to ~t
up a youth television news service
after she left the army. Further
successes in TV and the media in ~he
Middle East led to a semor
management post at the H yatt
Regency Hotel in Dubai, one of the
world's great luxury hotel s. She
eventually returned to Britain to be
appointed director of Longleat, a
job she enjoyed imm~nsel Y. But
the advertised appomtment at
Stonehenge wa.'> irresistible.

3 Answer these questions:
a W hat was Andy Allen's fi rst job?

b W hen do man y tourism staff acqu ire acade mic

c For w hich jobs a re o ld er people often preferred?
d In whi ch fi eld would yo u be unable to rise to a senior post if
you were not hig hly q ualified?

e What, according to Cleus Evera rd , do you need to succeed

in the he ritage sector?

Find the words in 'A Tour of Duty' Part 2 wh ich describe

the positions or jobs of the people mentioned.
For example:
Andy Allen, National Safes Manager for Jet Set Tours
2 Th ere are many ways of talkin g generally about jobs.

For example:
I am writin g to apply fo r the position of Senior Area
Marketi ng Manager.
Find the words that are missing from these sente nces in

4 list Andy Allen's employment record in reverse

chronological order. You wil l not be able to g ive a ll the

'A Tour of Duty' Part 2:

a Cleus had a .............................. as a schools liaison officer

in Oman.
b Andy became retai l sales manager after a seri es of
c His first management ...
. .... ..... was in a
travel age nt's .
d Cleus enjoyed her ........................... ... ........ . at Lon gleat
enormo usly.
e Andy began his .......... .... ...... ..

as an office junior.

Cleus saw t he ...................... ...... ...... advertised .



in Tourism
Language Focus

Writing 1

The past simple/the present perfect simple

Describe how holidays have changed.

Complete this text using the correct forms of the verbs

in brackets.

uring the 19605 in Britain some resorts (a) ............. (lose)

their way and the will to develop. Some, like Brighton and

Bournemouth, Ibl .... ......... ". . (change) direction and

(el .............. (go) for conference business and English language

students. Th ousands of small hotels and boarding houses

(d) ................ (become) retirement homes.
However, although at that time the boom in cheap holidays at
Mediterranean resorts (e) ................. (threaten) the futu re of British
seaside resorts, sin ce then they (f) ................... (adapt) to the new
demands for shorter holida ys and for off-peak holidays. Brighton

(g) ..................

(invest) in a marina, a conference ce ntre, and a

number of new hotels.

The history of mode rn mass tourism (hi .
relatively slowly in the 1960s but (i)


..... Iaccelerate) w ith the

advent of the wide-bodied jets in 1970, and the substantial growth

only (j) ., .................. (halt) in 1973 with major recession. Until then the
market Ik) .. " .. " .. " .... " (develop) in a fairly unsophisticated way and
was highly seasonal. Then (I)

.......... (come) a second setback in

1981, but tourism (mi ................. (remain) remarkably resilient and

expansion (n) " .. "",,. !follow) the pause. It (a)
...... (be) in the
early 19805 that new markets and new segments emerged, when
seasona lity (p) ... "",,. Ibe) first challenged, and quality and value for
money (q) .. "." .. " ... "."" .. Ibe) increasingly demanded.

Change wi ll accel erate, marketers will need to id entify

change, producers and developers will need to respond to it. But
standard s (r) . ................ (improve). competition (s) '" ...... (intensify)
and the expectations of the traveller are much higher.

e Trends in Tourism

Vocabulary 1

Past verb forms with ed

How are the past tenses in the box pronounced?
Write them in the correct columns.




invo lved





w idened

holiday maker









Match the people in the box to these sentences:

a I trave l daily on this route to work.

b I trave l f rom place to place look ing for grass for my cattle.
e I travel to a nearby attraction for a short period, usually a day,
for pleasure.




d I travel widely around the world but not necessarily for

pleasure, sometimes for my work .

e I am travelling in t his vehicle but I am not driving it.

I travel by walking across country. It is not my norm al means
of transport and I usually do it for pleasure.

9 I travel from place to place because I do not have a

permanent home.

h r am travelling for my vacation.

listen to the tape to check.

I am travelling because I wish to make another cou ntry my


2 What are the past simple forms of these verbs?

a improve, start, change, move, remain
b look, help, establish, flourish, play
c stay, stir, watch, charge. thrive

2 Are the people in exercise 1 always tourists, never tourists

or sometimes tourists?
Complete this Venn diagram.

d record, affect, walk, persuade, co llect

e jump, top, travel, stop, work

Practise saying them.

Which is the odd one out in each of the sets?


listen to th e tape to check.



Writing 2

Use these notes to write a short Dar.u!:raoh.


antis Boa rd of Tourism

others on coast & some towns '
1st tour. office est. 1885 Liml>urg
N6T not.st. till 1968
HQ in Lei"s c;;henaam
staff = 100 ... 50 in 16 off. abroad

role = prom

ote & ~arket into and dom . tourism. give info -+ consumer


Developing the Topic


listen to Igor Menzel, the manager of Praha Tours in Prague, talking about the recent
development of tourism in the Czech Republic. Take notes under these headings:

The situation before 1989 fo r outbound tourists:

how Czechs obtained a visa:
......................... ........ ....... , _ .... -... . ............. ............ ......
... . ..... . .. ... ......... ...... .. ......... . . .... .... .......... ....... ..
.. ........ .
.... ....................... . . ................. ....


....... ......... ... . ......... .... .. . . . . .... . ........... .....

the percentage who travelled abroad: ........ .... ..... ... .... . ..
the number of agencies: .. ............. ..................... ... ...... ..

how Czechs travelled: ........... .. .. ...... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... ....... .

What happened immediately after the Velvet

Revolution o f 1989:

.. ... ............... .......... ... .. .. ... .. .............. .. ...... .... .. .

Developments since 1989:

number of agencies at the moment: ............ ...... .. ...... ..
the most popul ar way to travel: ..... ........ ....... ... ............ .

The d evelopments in the Czech Republic for

Inbound tourists:
why tourists want to come to Prague:
...... ............. . . ........... ........ .. .......................... ..
.. ....... . ... .. . . .... ... ... ... . ..... ... ... ... .. .. ..... .. ....... ... .....
.. ............ ..
... .. . .. .... . ... . .... .. .. ........ . .. ..... .........

the problem in the beginning:

..... ..... .. ....... .. . ..... .. .. . . .. .. ....... .. . ... ... . ......
....... ......... ....................... ... ........ . .. ... ................. .....
.. .................. . ... .. ..... ...........
.............. .... ......... ....... ..
how this was dealt with:
....... .. ............... ........ ...... .. ... ..

........................ .... ............. ... ...... .............

. ....... ........ . .. ... ....
.. ............ ......... ..
the presene situation :
................. . ... .. ' " .......... ..
. .............. . ...
.... ..................... .......... ..................
...... .. ...... ........ .. ..... .... ......... ................ .
" ~ ''''''' '' '

why it is popular: ...... .. ...... ...... .. ................. ..... .. .

reductions at hotels: .. .. ..... ........ ................ ...... ... ......... ..

Writing 3

You w ork for Travel Unlimited, a tour ope rator w hich is interested in developing tours
to Prague from Italy and tours to Italy from Prague.

Use your notes from the Listening to write a report for your marketing team.

Trends in Tourism

This article describes recent trends in t ourism .
Read the article and answer the questions.

a How does the article imply that early tourists behaved?

b In which part of the world does th e writer believe that there will be the greatest
Increase in tourism?

c Why did the tourists of t he 19505 need reassurance?

d How are the Pacific Rim tourists bein g helped and reassured?
e What changes are being made by Briti sh touri sm providers?

They Came, They Saw, They Ate Pizza

The colonis ts are being colonised. DC}'3n
$udjic on how Europe is being furned into
one big theme park

TOURISM USED to be something that wellheeled norchern Europeans and Nanh

Americans did (0 ocher people. They put on
brighdy coloured clothes and wandered
around the world as if it were a zoo,
charrering away in fronc of the natives and
scartering the local currency thar they did not
need to bother to understand because they
could buy so much with their dollars and
pounds, confident that they were watching a
spectacle mounted enti rely for their benefic.
Then t hei r less affiuent compatriots
joined in, turning much of the coastline of
Spain, Greece and Turkey into a convincing
replica of the high-rise estates they had left
Tourism is still regarded as a uniquely
\Vestern form of cultural imperialism, and
therefore to be discouraged. However its
next culeuml clash isn 't goi ng to be on the
beaches of Asia or the Costas, it's going to be
back in northern Europe, where it all sprang
from in the first place.
Last year Britain had 2 1 million
overseas visitors , up from 16 million JUSt
five years ago. The Government's latest
figures on tourism, released th is week,
predict another rise of 10 prr cent. The
numbers of visieors are not going to scop

Jt used to be America that provided

Britain with irs largest contingent of freespending overseas visi eocs. But the biggesr
jump in high-spending new visitors is fro m
Taiwan) Malaysia, Korea and Japan. With
Heathrow full of jumbos (rom Korea, and
even the mOSt out-of-the-wa)' COUntry tea
room eager to accept Japanese cred it cards,
Bricain is having to get used [0 looking at
mass tOurism from rhe other end of the
1'5 a deve lopment thar wi ll have farreach ing conseque nces for the whole of
Europe. Seen from the omside, parcicularly
from the now dominant economies of the
Pacific Rim, Europe is a puzzling place, full
of incomprehensible little countries, each
with rheir own language. Irs industries,
fcom shi pbuilding to computers arc dying,
one by ooe.
Europe's fmute role is as a cherne park
the size of an enti re cominent, attraCting
millions of newly affiuem "isitors from the
rest of the world to Stare at the ancient
remains of irs city cent res from Paris and
London to Copenhagen and Amstetdam.
Even before the arrival of the massmarker Asian tourist, the impact of tourism
on Bricain has already been dramatic. Look
at Windsor, where what was once a thriving
COUntry town has seen every shop on its high
street turn into a fase-food outiCt catering for
the castle visirors.
The transformation of Britain by
tourism is still only JUSt beginning. Juse as

the first British holidaymakers who

vemuted ro Spain in rhe 1950s needed
conStant reassurance to persuade t hem rhat
abroad was n't absolutely terrifying, with
supplies of tea bags, beer and chips , so Asian
visicors to Britain st ill COme in tightly
organised rout groups, rushing around in
packs, following a guide from one familiar
landmark to anothe r. The best of!,'3nised are
the Japanese, who publish handy guides to
reassure t hei r citizens that British taxi
drivers will nor be offended by a tip. The
Japanesc have even establi shed a paral lel
universe in London, clustered around Regem
Strcet, where you wiil find not JUSt the offices
of Japanese airlines, but also br-anchcs of
Tokyo department Stores set up especially to
cater for the overseas J apanese markct.
Delivered by bus , the J apanese can pay in
yen, and have no need to attempt to speak a
word of Engl.ish or to worry abom making
fools of themselves in front of (oreigners.
(Adapted from ThtGuardian)

Vocabulary 2
List the words and expressions from the a rticle that can be gro uped around the
words Money a nd Wealth.


People Go
Listening 1
Which of these nationalities do you think spends most
w hen visiting the UK?

the Japanese

the Italians

the Americans
the A ustralians

the Germans
the Spanish

th e French
the Irish

2 Read t his radi o commercial for holidays and mark ail 1M

schwa sounds. Practise saying it, then listen to the tape
Did you know that in Daytona Beach, in Florida, USA, a fe--:ea
court has ruled that tourists may no longer take their cars 0 the beach during the turtles' breeding season? Or that yo:;

O n t he tape you can hear a tou rist board official giving a

research studen t some information on t he top ten foreign

Scottish High lands? Or you might prefer a romantic break ':: ::-e

spenders in the UK.

Listen and fi ll in the missing in formation on the chart:

Bristol Hotel, where the candle-lit dinner includes oystf5 z-=

caviar followed by salmon with pink champagne! Whatever )"O!..""
tastes, ring Creative Holidays on 0171 384 8394.

Top Ten IIlghcst Spending Visitors 10 t.he UK

'1 ,486 million



How much do you remember?
In the following sentences, find the American word or



429 milli on

expression and give the British equivalent.

393 million

For exampl e:
Th ere was a long line of people waiti ng at check-in.

Auslrali ans


US: line

UK: queue



Canadi ans



252 milli on
239 million

a He took a one-way ticket from Paris to Madrid .

b It's usually cheaper to travel in the fall rather than the
c Take th e elevator to the roof-t op restaurant.


d The faucet in my bathroom leaks.

e The guest as ked fo r his check.

The schwa <l

Look at this passage and mark the schwa sounds.

Italy has opened the doors of its senate building to visirors,

offering guided {Ours of the sixteenth-cenrury palace on the
first Saturday of each month. The tour takes in (he library
and (he elegant drawing room.
(from TA.Guardian)


get a discount in the bars and res taurants in Atlantic City if .:lhave a specia l visitors' card? And that those of you who er :bird-watching could take part in an eighteen -day trip through :.-.:-

2 Practise sayi ng it, then li sten to the tape to check .

The price of a round trip is $395, sir.

9 There was o nl y one closet in the roo m .
h Ex cuse me, could yo u please tell me th e way to th e


Language Focus

Look at the following sets of information.

The definite article

Practise saying the times, figures and calculations aloud.

This text has no defi nit e articles (the).

Put them in w here they are needed.

For example:

Where People Go


Today's business people travel extensively as part of their job
and stay in expensive hotels. W hen they go away they want
same comfort as they are used to at home such as en~su i te
bathrooms. but in a more simple. informal setting. Sea Club
Hotel at Cala Ratjada in Majorca is a hotel that caters (or this

Box office
open daily Mon-Sat from 10 to 10
Tel: 0171 304 4000

type of client.

It is registered with Tourist Board as a one-star hotel - that is

equivalent to a youth hostel. Its low rating is because there are
no TVs or telephones in rooms, but this is probably most

The box office is open daily from Monday t o Saturday

from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The telephone number is
0171 304 4000.

expensive one-star hotel in Spain! All rooms have en-suite

bathrooms and are built around a luxury swimming pool.
Guests can laze around all day, or take a car to explore island.
Then in evening Sea Club comes into its own, with dinner
served at one long table - so everyone mixes and gets to
know each other. This is what makes Sea Club so unique;
business people spend t heir lives travelling but don't get to
meet locals, yet at Sea Club there are always local people who
come in to dine and meet guests.

Hampton Court

(extn.ct from Leisure and Tourism byVerite Baker.

published by Addison Wf!sJey Longman)

Are there any places where the definite article is optional?

Where are they?

Writing 1

Tourist Exchange Rates
Italy L
France FFr

Germany DM
Switzerland SFr
Belgium 8Fr
Netherlands G

2 335

Spain Pta
There is a 2 % commission charge on aU transactions.

Use these notes to write a short article about how the

currency situation in 1995 affected where British
holidaymakers went. The original article was published on
June 1 1995. Write it as if today was June 1 1995.
Currency fluctuations = many GB holiclaymakers -+

USA. Turkey, Italy

r ;;tra:=C::ti::..ve:..-___.

_S~n F::Gre~ L~W.55

L. .t yr.: 8.2FF_
~__1_ __


7.8FF= 1

GB trav. lose 30 /every 500 tra~saction_ _. _ _ __

... holiday bookings

fZ5 X DM2 .335 => DM5 t.375 - ,2% COhUt1;ssio7'l

.2% x5f.375 = !>II 1. 167

5~. 375 - 1.167 ~ PM 57.

COU ~uy$_m_o:...r_e_--I


7'. on 1994

--t=-- ' - - - - - - - -


business too
- t-;d

April show 5~e UK mkt.

t 27~ from 44 -+ 427,:....._ _ _ _-1

l-;-n U5~; turkey nearly x2 mkt.. sha re: now 71.

listen to the tape and compare.

swit1<3 s favourable currency rates must ~a96t ..::'~ & services

1 = 60/.. more Turkish lira

cost meals & 5~rvic~5 x2




Developing the Topic

Read the article and comp lete t he gaps.
a The number of visitors to Britain last year ....................... .

b The proportion of repeat visitors: ...................... .............. ...

c The number of Japanese v isitors:
.......................... .
d Last year's percentage increase in th e number of North American visitors:
e The percentage growt h in visitors from the Far East:
The number of North American visi tors: ..................................... .

When the Heat is On

It's the seasou. of heat a nd du.st, w hell the
British are at the seaside or abroad, leaving
their cultlll'tli het"itage to tourists. The a'lcient
1J1onlt1Jl.ellls, pt:tlaces, and historic streets
resemble a new Babylon, ,-inging U'itb
Ell1'opean, Asia,ll and America1/. dialects.
Last yea r, Britain attracted nearly 21 million
vis itors. The tre nd is steadily upwa rd , but the picture
is nOt unequivocally good. Tourism is the world 's
biggest growth industry, and Britain is facing ever
fiercer competi tion for tourists' spe nding money.
"We have been a pop ular place to come to for many
years; ' said Isobel Coy, ohhe British Tourist Authority.
"Now practically every counery in rhe world is after the
tourist doll ar, whether it has a small coral reef or
Florence. There is serious competition out there.
"Britain has CO co ncentrate on doing well and there
is a lot of room fo r improvement. Two-thirds of our
visitors are repeat visitors, which is good, bur we mUSt
make su re we' re offeri ng people what they wa nt - high
standards, value for money, and a warm welcome so
they continue to come."

They come for different things. The Americans and

Antipodeans* are interested in our common roOtS and
architecture that is centuries older t han theirs. The
Russians apparently like Blackpool, the Durch and
Germans have discovered the beaches of East Anglia.
the Japanese are head ing for Wales, the Scandinavians
for the shops in the North-east, and the Italians [0 the
Scotti sh Highlands.
The North Americans come in great numbers - 3.5
million last year, an increase of 4 per cem on the
previous year. The bigges t increase, of 30 per cent, is in
visitors from Eastern Europe.
Bur the big growth market for tourism, and the
one all the competing resorrs and desti nations are
aiming at, is the Far Eas t, showing a g rowth of 15 per
cent a year. The Japanese have been coming, and
continue to come, to Britai n in considerable numbers599,000 last year - but it is such nationalities as the
Koreans, the Taiwanese, the Malaysians and the Thais
who hold the futu re in thei r wallets.
(from ThtGuardian)
'" Antipodeans '" Australians and New 'Zealanders

Where People Go

2 On this map of Great Britain link the nationalities to the tourist spots.

The Scandinavians

The Germans

The Japanese

Th e Dutch



.r' Wales


The Russians



c~.. Lon~


The Ital ians

3 Answer these questions:

a Why must Britain fight to maintain its tourism growth?
b According to the article, which is its biggest potential growth market?
c W hat needs to be done to persuade more people to visit Britain?

Listening 2
Now listen to Signor Pacini of the Sicilian Tourist Board talking about tourism in
Sicily and how the regional government is trying to improve the industry there.
As you listen, take notes under these headings:

Where tourists come from

Why tourists choose Sicily
Current trends and future developments

Writing 2
Use your notes from listening 2 to write a report on tourism in Sicily.


Language Focus
Asking questions and question tags
Rewrite these sentences in the correct order.

a you me is where can tell the station?

b to Florida you do any know are there cheap if flights?

c please this form yo u in fill could?

3 Complete this conversation between a client and a travel



I'd like to spend a few days in Rome.


Can you ... .... .................. w hen ..... ................... ?


Next month, sometime after the 15th.


Fin e. And cou ld ............................ how long

d ask mind do some you if I you questions?

e a clerk yo u wo uld mind is free until waiting?

.. ?

It depends on the price but preferably for four nights.


Well, we have some very good offers at the

moment. Will ..

you me the brochures are show w here w inter-sun can?

9 w hen leaves the train next to know would I like.


No, w ith my partner.


Well , if you take this three-night package to the

Flora Hotel it's on ly 345 per person, for two

h tell me yo u spend to cou ld much how you w ish?

~ 2 Rewrite these to make them more polite:

For examp le:
How old are you? -+ Would you mind telling me your age?

. . alone?

people sharing a double room w ith shower. let

.............. the brochure.

Question tags
4 In this exercise the travel consultant is checking some
information , but she makes a lot of mistakes!

a When do you want to go?

Write the questions she asks. The first has been done for
you as an example.

b How many people are there in the group?


You r name is Mr


No, it's Mr Huw Brow n.

c How are you paying?

d Repeat thatl

e I mu st check the details.

Spell that for me.

9 Give me a deposit.
h Fill this form in.


Brown, isn't it?


. (English?)


No, I'm Welsh.



..... ................................ (Welsh passport?)


No. I' ve got a British passport.


And yo ur add ress .............. ..

(44 Stoney brook Drive , Cardiff?)


No, not exactly. It's 444 Sunny Brook Drive,Cardiff.


And ................................... (a twin room w ith bath?)


No, we wou ld like a double room w ith a show er.


............ ............. (for three nights7)


No, we' ll be staying for four nights.

o Travel Agents


Writing 1

Intonation in questions

Using the notes be low, write the letter of confirmation to

Say these questions, then compare your intonation with the

Mrs Pinotti.

speakers on the tape.

a Good morning. how can I help you?

b Would yo u like a double room?

c Can you tell me whether you will require full board?

d Do yo u know when you will be able to confirm the flight?

e Can you give me you r w ife's maiden name?

Would yo u mind repeating that?

9 Do you mind if I just check the details?
h May I ask how you will be paying?


Mrs Pinoni
48, Canal Street.

Listening 1

Heme Bay


Mrs Pinotti is rin ging a travel agency.


listen to the conversation and complete the booking form.

Dear Mrs Pinon!

Name of client:

Mrs Pinotti


Number of nights:
ISign your name]

Room type:

DDs 0

shower 0

bath 0

Assistant travel consultant

Price per night:

Thank Mrs Pinolli for telephone

enquiry of [date).
2 Say what you have booked.
Begin with "In accordance with
your instructions" .
3 Tell her that she must pay the bill
within 48 hours by credit card to

confirm the booking.

Begin with" payment by credit

card" .
4 Thank her for usin g your fjrm.

5 End the letter.

6 Write the salutation .

Developing the Topic

Listening 2

You work for a large trave l agency and are attend ing a training session on se lling techniques.
Listen and f ill in the gaps. (Th e text below is not identical to t he tape.)

The sales conversation is different from an ordinary conversation because it has an (a) ................ w hich is to
......... the product. There are (c) .
.. stages or elements in a sales conversation , which are:
rapport, questioning, presentation and (d) .......... .
Rapport is the (e)
............. wh ich is built up between the sales assistant and the cl ien t. It needs to be
established before (n ..... ...................... can take place.
We question the client in order to find the type of (9) ............... he or she requ ires. There are (h) ........ .
types of questions w hi ch are (i) ............... and (j) ....... . ........ q uestions . An open question begins w ith a (k)
............. word. W ith t hese kinds of questions you can learn w hat the (I) .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. and (m) .
. ..... needs
of yo ur cli ent are. You will discover the (n) ............ needs by ask ing questions such as "Who will be travelling? ,
When do you wan t to travel? " (0) ............ needs are catered for with (p) .. ......
. questions such as "(q)
... are your interests?"
When you have discovered your cl ient's needs you must then estab li sh his or her (r)
..... ; these fall into
four main bands. The first is (5) .......... and deals with their special (t) ................... , the second is the
(u) ......... ......... or (v) .............. .. ...... ... Thirdly there's the question of (w) .
. .. and fourthly is the
(x) ....... ........ or (y)
..... when they can travel.

Reading 1

Read another extract from the training session talk and complete the gaps with a suitable
word or words.

Selling Techniques
Before beginning the (a) ... .. ......... stage yo u should always (b) .. ........... the inform ation and (c) ............. . t he facts.
Then present the holiday you w ish to sell. Remember that when presentin g the (d) .......... .... , , the particular holiday, that the client is not buying th e (e) ............... but what it can do for them . For instance, the client who buys a

two-week holiday in a hotel in Ibiza is not buying the hotel bedroom so they can ad mire the wallpaper but
because it is near the beach, it has the <n ................. they need to help them relax for two weeks.
So match the cl ient's needs with the holiday on offer, and concen trate on the (g)
...... , the faci lities which the
cl ient requires. You may choose to show the cl ient a hotel which has a whole host of (h) .
.. but do not
draw their attention to all of them. It will only confuse. Instead, concentrate on those that will appeal to the clien t,
those that you know they want or would like. In order to make the product sound attractive and appealing, ideally
suited to their (i) ............... , be selective. If you include Ii) ... ........... information they may feel that t his holiday is
not suitable for them after all. So present the features in the broch ure as benefits. A (k) ............. ... of a hotel is
that it is on ly 200 metres from the beach. Wh ile a (I)
.... to the client is the fact that they can get to the
beach eaSily as it is only 200 metres away. By personalising the product in this way you create a desire in the client
to buy t he product. It is not sufficient ju st to read out the facilities that a cl ient req uires out of th e (m)
However it should be referred to. But do not read it out to the cli ent; rather talk about the benefits to them as yo u
point to photos of th e hotel, the price charts, t he temperature grids. Use it as an aid.
Then once the clien t shows signs of (n) ................ , of desiring to buy, you should stop selling and (0)

the sale. Remember that once the client agrees to the sale they are showing commitment.

Trave l Age nts

Reading 2
Every week the Travel Trade Gazette visits several travel age ncies in a particular

town and asks fo r th e same information. It then awards each agency pOints.

look at the request. Answer t hese questions:

a Where do the couple want to go?
b Where don't they want to go?

Top Shop
A cheap, late-summer IwlidayJar a younO couple who have been to Spain for the last four years but now want an
alternative. A destinat.ion with a fair amount <if sun . Not too quiet - but no Janer louts.
3 Co- op Travelcare, Eastgatc

1 Woodcock Travel, Bridge Street

or intcrc..~ting window d isplays.

too family-orientated. She handed out Freespirit, O lympic Greece

and Olympic Cyprus. Asked about prices, the clerk said these
were clearly shown in the brochures. Resorts? The custom er ''''015
again advised to refer to the brochures. The clerk was obviously
under pressure in a husy agency but the approach was still too

Sited in a depa r tment store, the exterior of this \"'elJ -stocked

agency was limi ted to a small poster and a Sign . A clerk suggested
Gr eece or Turkey. She looked at Cosmos deal s to Corfu. A
September departure to Sidari was too expensi,'c at 427. Pefkos
on Rhodes and Aghios N ikolaos on Crete were also examined. The
clerk tried to contact Sunset but the line was bus)'. She said she
could continue to try during the day and could contact the client
when she had details. Details about accommodation, prices and
availability were printed o ut. The clerk had a stTong knowledge of
operators and used viewdata to good ellcct.

2 Ilkeston Co-op, Bridge Stre~t

4. Thomas Cook, Bridge Street

A well -designed w indow display featured flights, villas and

European holidays. The spacious agency had a very good and easily
accessible bmchure range. A senior clerk said that despite recent
price rises, Turkey was still good value. Opening Freespirit.Turke)',
she indicated the comprehensive resort descriptions and said
Marmaris was a particular favourite. The clerk sa id Kusadasi was
also good value ror money. Her other choice "'a.o; Greece. She
again used a Freesp irit brochure to analyse Sidari, Ipsos and Das.'!ia
on Corru. Tsilivi on Zakynthos, Tingaki on Kos, and Rethymnon
and Hersonissos on Crete were also recommended. Location,
prices and wcather details for each resort were checked thoroughly.
Villmar Holidays was al!)o sugge;;ted for GreeC/;!. A mature and
considered approach, coupled with destination knowl edge and
enthusiasm, resulted in se"eral excellent solutions.

A young clerk checked with a colleague who said that n owhere

would be too o\'errun arter mid -St~ ptcmber. She recommend ed
the Spanish i!)lands but the client re peated that an alternati,'c to
Spain was r equested . Crete and Turkey were suggested . The cl erk
also said Turkey was becom ing popular. Sunworld, Freespirit
Turkey and Thomson Simply Greece Were handed out unopened.
Asked to suggest rCllortll on Crete, she referred the customer to
the brochure. Average priccs?The clerk again adyised the d ient to
read the brochures. A sketchy approach meant that the potential of
well-chosen mater ial was lo ...t .

A spacious corner site wi th a range

A clerk suggested the Spanish islands but the client asked for other
ideas. Southern Greece and Cy prus were thought suitable. The
clerk discounted Malta for its poor beaches amI Portugal as being

SERVICE (rna,. 45)



(from Trare! Trade Ga7ctte)

SERVICE (max. 45)





USE OF MAT ERIAL (max. 15)











SERVICE (max. 45)


SERVICE (max. 45)
















USE OF MAT ERIAL (max. 15)


Writing 2

You w ork as a travel consultant for Creative Destinations .

a Read about the four trave l agencies and decide which

agency dealt with the couple's request most satisfactorily.

b Match the tab les of results to the travel agencies by writing

the correct numbers in the boxes.

You have rece ived a fax from a man enquiring about

holidays for himself and his w ife to the Portuguese island of

Reply to the fax. asking for the information you need

before you can recommend a suitable hotel or a package.

3 Answer these questions about Woodcock Travel

a Why did the clerk consider Malta and Portugal to be

b W here did she suggest the clients might like to go?

Ho w did she describe the resorts?

d Why was her approach too sketchy?

To : Hr Parkin s

From :
Date :
No o f pages :
Re : Informa tion on holidays to Nadeira

4 Answer these questions about IIkeston Co-op

a Which places did the clerk recommend?
b How did she use the brochures?

c What did she check?

d What qualities did she possess?

5 Answer these questions, using the information in

Listening 2 and Read i ng 2.
a W hat did the clerks in Thomas Cook and Woodcock Travel

do wrong?
b What advice wou ld you give to the young clerk in Thomas

Compound adjectives
Look at the texts in Reading 2 and find the
compound adjectives which mean :

a a good choice:
b for the fam ily:
c with plenty of material:
d effective ly planned and organised:

In the text about IIkeston Co-op we know that the w riter

preferred th is agency to the others by his use of adjectives .
He describes the agency as spacious, the approach as
mature and considered.

Make a list of other positive adjectives used .

Dear Mr pa. rkins,

have several
Thank you for your f ax .
Madeira bo'.:. h in Ol.U:
excellent hote l s in
all-inclusive packages and in our independent
t r ave l ler selection . However , so t hat I ca..-l. be
sure to recorrrnend cli.e best holiday for you, I
would apprec i ate it i f you could give me some
more i n f ormation by answering the Iollo'....ing


Review 1
Units 1-5
Language Review
2 A Career in Tourism

1 Types of Holiday
Use compound adjectives with numbers to rewrite these

Here are two extracts f rom an interview in w hich a you ng

sentences. without changing the meaning.

w om an is talkin g about her career.

Complete the gaps using the correct forms of the verbs in

For example:

At t he Grand Hotel they serve a dinn er w hich has f ive

brackets, making any necessary changes.


Whil e I W(lS a SLudenl I Ca) .

At the Grand Hotel they serve a five-course dinner.

jobs. The one I (bl

as a wa itress ill a small hotel w~ crc t.h e

.... i.llwa\s .
.. ........... (rt mind) us how to
beh ave. Si ll ce thcn I (e)
........... (wor k) in several
(e) .....

a During hi s holiday, w hich lasted three w eeks, Paul m et


.. (be)

landlady (d)

rest..'wr anl.-; /J nd 1 (f) .........

b Our brochure only features ho tels w hich have fi ve stars.

c Package holidays w here yo u stay in two centres are

becoming increasingly popular.

............. (h J\'(~ ) t->e\'eral hOlidav


....... (remember) mOl:lt \.i vidlv


(n d

. /I )

her a dvice \'cry useru!.

Last year I (9) .............. (begin) l.hiS iob. as Catering Manag(~r

in tbis hol el. h""ery day I (h) . . .......... (be) responSible for the
day.t.o-day running of the restauran t. I\ t. th e mome nt. i (i) ..
(order) the provisions ror next month . I,al er I (j)

(inter,iew) new staff.

d He went on a journey to Pari s t hat takes f our hou rs.

3 Trends in Tourism
Complete the gaps using the correct forms of the verbs in
e It onl y takes two minutes to w alk to th e nearest bank.

2 link the words inside the circle with the words outside it to
make at least ten compound nouns.

For example: water sports

han d
acco mmodation


sports centre





T hroughout history, people (a) ............... (travel) all over thl!'

world for a variety of purposes. How~v~r, it is onl y in che last
fifey years that people (b) ..
(travd) in slich huge
numbers fo r pleasure. Until this century only the veT)' rich and
leisured people in society (c) ............... (ha\'e) the free t ime and
the money to Havel outside the ir own local area. For insranc(', it
is known (hat wealt hy Romans (d) ............. (go) to seaside resorts
in Gret'ce and Egypr. In rhe seventeenth cemury the sons of the
British aristocr.lcy (e) .............. (travel) throughom Europe to
improve their knowledge. With rhe rrulways and the induscria l
remluti on in Britain working~c1ass people (t) ............... (begin)
to tf:l\el. By the 18705 a ty'pical fumily holiday (g)
...... (be)
a day's crip to the seas ide. A century later, during the 19705. the
advent of the chl!'ap package hol iday (h) ............... (result ) in
many people bei ng able fO enjoy rhe sun, beaches and food of
Spain. Growing affluence, faster planes and imptQ\'ed facili ties
li) .... .. ......... (mean) rhat m ore and more people rr;l\'e! ab road
every }'e-ar and now people (j)
.. . (begin) to wane co travel

further afield.


4 Where People Go
look at the use of the definite article (the) in these

sentences. Decide if the sentences are correct or incorrect.

Correct those that are wrong.

a Have you been to the Cezanne ex hibition at Tale Gallery?

b Package holidays to ski resorts of North America are

becoming more popular.
e Th e seven -day tour of the Europe included Innsbruck,
Vienna and Venice .

2 Complete the gaps in this conversation:


Good morn in g, can I help yo u?


Ah, yes please. My girlfriend and I would

like to go on a safari.


to go?


Well, we'd heard that the game parks in

d A trip up the Eiffel Tower was part of the package.

e The Buckingham Palace is open to visitors in August.

...................... where you'd like

Kenya we re particularly impressive.


Yes, of co urse. Several companies run

packages to Kenya.
2 This text has no definite articles (the). Put them in
where necessary.


As third hottest British summer

on record appears likely to
continue, rush abroad has reached
record proportions this year.
Al most ten million holidays
have already been sold for thi s
summer and remaining 850,000
are Jeaving shelves at such a rate
that holiday companies no longer

throughout the year.


accommodation ...


........... .. in mind?

We would rather go on a camping safari

than stay in hotels.

Let me show you this one in the brochure.

As yo u can see, yo u travel aro und in
covered land rovers. The holid ays are for
seven or fourteen nights. W hich (e)
...... .................. ?

lOod of price cuts they needed last

(ftom Tlte Times)

We heard that September was a good time

..... ?
to go. Th at's right, (el .
Yes, but the temperature is pretty constant


have to tempt customers with


...... ............. to go?


It's all

a question of price really.

5 Travel Agents
Put the words in the italicised sentences into the correct

A: Good morning. help you like some would or you are

looking ;ust?

B: Yes please. if had you any wondering I brochures Italy

for was holiday?
A: Certainly. where going you considering were? a seaside
or cultural do holiday prefer you?
B: Well a little of both really. where can suggest you be

somewhere possible it would to short excursions to take

places of interest?

A: W ith pleasure. any preference you to the do as area in

Shade in your score:
Well done!

Wel l tried!

have Italy?
B: Well, we had heard that there are so me good beaches
near Rome.

A: Yes. Well, we have two excellent hotels in Rome which ..

A good attempt,
but check your mistakes.
Some revision needed.
Talk to your teacher.

See your teacher now!











c In the north we have insisted on more sympathetic
development, and there you w ill find the excl usive

1 Listen to Mark. a junior area manager for the Balearic

Islands, compl aining to a colleague.

hide -away vill as.

As yo u listen, complete the gaps in this text:

d But in t he south we must develop a programm e of

refurbishm ent and improvements.

(a) ... .......... ....... ...

. alt very well - we mighr have a
12 per cent share of all summer packages sold but
(b) .
. ...... .......... down 2 per cent on last yea r.
You see (e) ....
. ...... been hit by hikes in
hocel rates. I chink local hoteli ees (d) .....
got g reedy after lase year's record seaso n. But British
[Curises (e) .......................... any more money in their
pocketS this year than (0. ..................... lase year. And
when you rea lise that the (g)
............... .
recovered against the pound, you (h) ................. .
be surprised chat many prefer [0 go to Florida or Turkey
where thei r (i) ....................... still buy more.
0) .... ... . ......... tried to offioad some of Out unsold
accom modation onto o ur foreign competitors but
........... .. not interested in self-catering
accommodation . So (l) .
............. ..... .... going to
be forced to reduce prices in August.
(m) ................... ....... also had to ca ncel cwo flights.

e In particular we have to insist t hat tour ope rators do not

organise pub crawls.

Practise saying them, then listen to the tape to check.

Language Focus
The passive
Rewrite the following statements u'ing the passive.
For example: Four reps will meet t he flight .

The flight will be met by four reps.

a They w ill escort you to your hotels.

b They spend t hree days a week meeting arrivals.

c The hoteli ers have created overbookin g problems.

d The fall in the value of the peset a shouldnt affect the

number of holidays sold.

Practise reading the text aloud.

Compare your version with the tape.
2 In these sentences. underline all the auxil iaries, the forms
of be and have, and the negatives.
Decide if they can be contracted or not.

e They did not offer us a welcome drink.

The police arrest all lager louts.

a The south of the island has really suffered from the high-rise
building boom of the 60s.
b Now there are plans in the pipeline to improve these


Writing 1
Yo u wo rk in th e personnel department of Global Tours Inc. in Tahiti.
Complete this letter to Sonia, a new rep, who is about to join your team.

Global Tours Inc.

Tahiti Office

Dear Sonia,
I would like to welcome you to our team here in Tahiti and to outli ne what (a) ........ ....... ....... .. ..... (happen) during your first week
with us.
On arriva l at the airport you (b) ........ ... .... ...... ....... ... .. ... (meet) by
Joh n Le Grand, our area manager, and (c) .. ... .... ....... ....... ........ (drive)
to rhe Pacific Hotel where you (d) .................................. (live)
during the season.
There (e) .................... ...... .... ..... ...... (follow) a five-day training
programme where you (f) ........ ............. .. ... ......... ........ . (introduce) to
your colleagues and (g) .. ... ... .............. .... ..... (brief) . Then you
(h) ................ .......... ... .... ... .... (show) how to check in plane-loads of
holidaymakers, make short presentation s and deal with complaints.
Also you (i) ...... .... .. .. .. ........ ... .. .. (take) arou nd the island to visit the
places you (i) .... ............................. (take) our guests. There
(k) ................................... ... (be) a short test to complete the
programme, after which YOll (I) ...... ............... .. ... ... ... . (give) a
Here we (m) .. ................ ....... .......... all ............ ....................... (look
forward) to meering YOll on 1st May and working with you over the
summer season.
Yours sincerely,

Developing the Topic

Read the article on the opposite page about the work of a team of tour operator
representatives in Majorca. Then choose the most suitable sentence from numbers
1-6 for each of the gaps in the text (A- F).

1. Surprisingly families appear the most demanding clients.

2. Another part of the team's day is spent dealing with

complaints and requests for help.

4. On the front line the resort reps, average age

22. deal with such problems face to face.
5. Last year part of the team's work involved
sorting out overbooking problems created
by hoteliers.

6. Whi./e most of the team's work involves day-to-da

3. During the next week or fourteen days the Sunworld team
headed by Ken Tyrer, will deal with more arrivals and

departures and cope with any traumas - human and

operational - that happen in between.

solVing of current problems, there is a great deal o~

pre -season contracting and late-sale management
to undertake.

o Tour Operators

Sun world sells 70 pt~ r c.'(>nt or capacity

from the main brochuTt' but latt' sales can

deal of timc red ucing alloCdtions heClusc

we knew h otels had on~ rbo()ked."

block who had paid 1500 from th(' m ain

brochure, whjle some had paid i 150 for

unspedlled accommodation nn a latc

special. 'We ha" e created the prohlt:.'nl as an
on time to h(' greeted h)" a four-strong 4S industry ()urseins. \VI;' try to offt'1'
team of re presentatives from tht" airlines
good-q uality ac.commodation hut must
chartere r. Sunworld. Ha\ing t".ndured the
compete with the market. At present one

destinAtions. Majorca's di\'crsity m e.lOs thi.'lt

the ain:raft disgorges farnilil"S on


THEY each :;pcnd ~ix hours a da)" in

resort and then carry out guiding Juties on
excursions. Tht' popularity of Majorca as
th~ UK 's top pal..-kage-holiday destination
means it is a good training ground. "If they

c.m look aft er 1,000 client." in SUOlm('r

major o p('rator is ofl'ering a week's half
board in a three-star hOlei for . 139, 'Xl ht"re , a few hundred in ",inter in L.mzarote

is easy. The variety of clients aho pro,;dcs

good training. Th(~y rang(' rrom thosc.~ on
thdr first foreign ho liday to VIPs

upsetting the balance of the market.I> Like

all major operators, reps arc s('nt to
int en'i(~w other companje~'i' clients to find
out wh o is selling what and for how much.

mainstTC'..am holidays, youth groups and

those taking upmarket villa hol idays.

to give upgrades. La~t year w{' did not hanalternatives. So la.~t winter I spent a great

inevitably c.ause prt)blems. "Last week we

had people going to the same apartment

PALMA ai rport, 02.14 o n a ~ 1it1i ng

Tuesday. A Boeing 757 arrives more or le:;s

lengthy wait to get their luggage, clients arc

put on coachc!I and minibuses to the ir flnal



oct.."1..Ipyi ng seclud ed ,iUas. One of the big

complaints about Inta..<;;un was that the reps
Wen! nc,.'n:r in tht: hotel, which i:; why we
employ so Illany t.ran~-ti::r rq)s. But in cerLlin

"FI VE administration stafl deal with

SUNWORLD ' S team handl es forty-fi\'c
flights a wee:k split m'e r three flying days. 55 tht'sc in rest)!'\. O u r complaint ratio is 1.9
Su rpri singly for .~ur.h a lat e: hour, 86 pef
15 cenl of those arr iving on th" ']u csday
morning's thrt'l" nights aH~ fam ili es
,woiding expensive weekend price
supp l t~ mcnts.

pt'r cent, which is good c.(msidering half 100 to be left alone."

those arc time-wa.~tcrs or insurance
claims. Th e team deals with (\"crything.
Unlikt' ~mw other operators Sun world
from minor problems slich as not having
sp3rcs its reps the indignity of having to be

"IN summer w e d(>'a1 with 5,000 arri\'31s


a week so that m eans we can have 10,000

people on the island at anyone time," said
Mr Tyrer who works twelve hours a day.
six days a week during th{' scvt"n-month


summer sc.'ason.

his 109 staff, split into the main tour ist

areas ()f tht:.' north , south and t'ast. Among
~h em,

forty- six r ep s loo k after

includi ng thirt), villas.


propt~ rth:.'i.



enough sun-beds, to the- occasional, but

e-nll!rlainers. "I want them to be
incyitabl<" call from someone in police
professional during tht" day, which will not
custody. Noise complaints arc also 105 work ir you see them on stage doing th ings
in e"itable given the island 's mixed
they are not good at." Most spend a couple
d ientl'it!. WI! try to allo(:ate famili ....s and
or days a w.... ck handling arrivals
you ng people separately but e \'en in good
and departures and holding welcoming
fam ily properties there can still be an
mcetings. Oth('r d ays arc occupitJ by
element of young people. It is a problem 110 accounting. manag<,"Il1('nt m e("tings and
throughout the isla.nd.
Yilla \isits.

LOOKING aft(T Sunworld's cli ent..: arc



WITH a 118,000 <..-apadty on the b land

to sell, Mr Tyrer's staff remain in daily

propertic.~, especially 'lilIas, we operate a

dial -a-n!p .~cT\"icc. Many p\:opk just want


"T HINGS got worse w ith indu ~t ri a l

T HEY want to know what ('"\'er~l.hi n g

action by French air trame ("ontroller~

which tTeated severe aircraft dela)"s. Our

costs. "There is a nm~tant oemand ro r

information," ~aid Rchccca, ,1 rep in Puerto

iong<'st delay waS h\"chc hour!: following a 115 PoJlt:nsa. This is ht'r first st:J..SOn in Majorca
t~chnical prohlem. 'We put people into
but ~hc is coming hack for more. '" did not
ho tels, but Hnding 180 beds in Jul), or
bclic\"c people when th,~y s:a id t1lis was a
August i .~ not easy," h(' expl ained. He paid
(('ally attra(:ti,'(' joh but it i ~."

contact with their com.mercial dc partm e nt

in the UK . "For the following week we can
still have between 300 and 500 scats lert to

o ut L I 20,OOO las t sum m er for 2,200

complaints in r esort mainly due to
o\"erhooking~. "It wa:- all n'co\'(~ red rrom

scll. It is important we redet "err (Iuickly,"

hoteliers," he added . ''This year we are able

(rrnm Tral-el Trade G<J7.arc)

he said .


2 Read the article on page 31 again and tick the phrase

which best completes each statement.
a The three Tuesday flights:
1 have a supplement.
2 arrive at night.
3 arrive in time for lunch .
4 are popular with families.

4 property/ properties (lines 66 and 98)

a personal belongings
b land and/or the buildings on it
c a quality or power that belongs to somebody or
thing: The medicinal properties of a plant.


b Tour operators:

1 tell each other how much they are charging.

2 send their reps to ask holidaymakers how much they
have spent on their holidays.
3 send their reps to find out how much holidaymakers
know about package holidays.
4 only send their reps to question business cl ients.
c Last year:
hoteliers were made to pay the tour operator
2 hoteliers didn't allow Ken to give upgrades.
3 it was easy to find 180 beds in July.
4 hoteliers paid back the compensation paid out to
dissatisfied holidaymakers.
d Tour representatives:

1 are in their early 20s.

2 are all 22 years old.
3 work six hours a day.
4 can't act.


5 handles/handling (lines 12 and 107)




Vocabulary 1
These wo rd s appear in the article Holiday reps enjoy a Hard
Day's Night. They all have more than one meaning. TIck the
dictionary defin ition, a, b or c, which best fits each word's
meaning in the article.

a to touch or hold: Do not touch the exhibits

b to control with you r hands: the windsurfer
handled the board with skill.
c to manage or deal with : my secretary will
handle all the arrangements.


Listening 1
listen to this conversation between Marianne, a reporter
for the financial pages of a British daily newspaper, and
Mike Butler, a financial consultant.
As you listen, decide if these statements are true or false.







a Holiday pri ces fell in May.

b Three million holidays were sold at half price. T
c Last year tour operators sold 9.5 million holidays.

d This year more holidays will be sold .

e Over a th ird of British fam ilies go on package holidays.

Travel agents only sold this year's holidays to people who

hadn't had a holiday in 1995.
9 Accommodation prices are rising faster than inflation.



h Each of the big tour operators has 17 per cent of the


Vocabulary 2
stifling (line 1)
a very hot: It was a stifling day.

b prevents breathing: A <tifling atmosphere.

c prevents you from thinking: I was so frightened; their
behaviour was stifling.


2 to endure/endured (line 5)
a to support or bea r: We have had to endure many years
of inflation.
b to remain alive or exist: A city built to endure.
c to suffer something painful for a long time or to deal
with an unpleasant situation: There are limits to what
the human body can endure.

3 disgorge (line 9)
a to brin g food back through the mouth from
the stomach: After eating Jonah, the whale
disgorged him
b to th row out/emit: The chimney disgorged smoke.
c to flow out into the sea: The Mississippi disgorges
into the Gulf of Mexico.

In Listening 1 Mike Butler used several expressions to

describe the profitability of t he market.
Link the expressions on the left w ith their meanings on
the right.


to stick to prices

to ask the customer to pay for

your increased costs

to discount (fares)

to fall sharply and suddenly

to plummet (of prices)

to force an increase (in sales)

to boost sales

to force an increase (in something)

to cut (prices)

to lower (prices)

to sit tight

to maintain prices. not to

change them

to pu sh up

to take a percentage off prices

(e.g. 5 per cent)

to pass on

to wait without doing anything

e Tour Operators

Listening 2
li sten agai n to listening 1 and take notes under these headings:

1 f'ArrERlfS of SAL S
2 ,vt/"'''E/? dF Srl l FS
3 t/,vsoLP IItTl IOAYS


Writing 2
A group of local hoteliers has been approached by a large British-based tour
operator which requires 4,000 beds a week for next season's brochure. Last year a
tour operator was unable to fill his all ocation and refused to pay. Local inflation is
ru nning at 7 per cent. The hoteliers would like to know what the current situation in
the holiday trade is in Britain.
You work as an information officer for Strong. Berkeley and W righ t. a firm of
brokers specialising in package*holiday shares, who have been asked to write a
re port for th e hoteliers on the current situation .

Complete this part of the report usi ng you r notes from li stening 2 .

Patterns of sales of package holidays

It is estimated that approximately ..... ............. ... ........................... ..

However, their buying patterns have changed ........... .... ...................................... ............ .
... ... .................... ..... ............. ...........
This results in ............................................ .... .. ...... .
Number of sales
..... ................. ......
Early predictions forecast ........... .. ........... .. ............... ... .................................. ................ .. .... .
At the present time, it is ............................................ ..

Unsold holidays
............... .. ............................................... ............
There are .... ........... .. ........... .. ......... .
...................... ..
.. ....... .. .. .. .............. .......... ........ .......... ..... .
In order to sell .. ... ... ..

There is a fear that ...................................................... . ......... .............. .
The cost of accommodation
............................ .. .......... ..

Likely outcomes
..... ............ ...... ...........................
... ....................... ....... ........... .............. ..
............................ . .................... .
... . ....................... ................... .... ............... ...... .


a Destination
Vocabulary 1

Language Focus

Look at these pictures. Can you say what they show?

Referring to the future

Complete this conversation between Dominic and Lesley,
two travel consultants, who are talking about lesley's plans
for Christmas. It is 15th December.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses and make
any other necessary alterations.

.. ... (do)

Dominic: W hat (a).. .. .......... you ..

for Christmas?


I'm really lucky. I've been chosen to go on a trip

to Jamaica!

Dominic: Lucky you ! How long (b) ....

........... (be) away?

3 . . . . . . . . ..


5 . . . . ........ .




2 Match the answers above to the correct definitions.

b A small sheet of paper containing promotional advertising

wh ich is given to people in the street or put through their
letter boxes.
A large sheet of paper containing an advertisement or notice
usually displayed in a shop window or on a wall.

e A piece of paper that has been folded and has promotional

material on all sides.

A bit of both. I suppose. My plane (k) .

(leave) from Heathrow on 19th December for
Montego Bay where I (I) ..................... (stay) in
the Richmond Hill Hotel. Wh ile I (m)
(be) there I (n) ................ (have to) complete the
questionnaire on what there is to do in the resort,
the quality of services, the cost of snacks and
drinks for the agency. But 1 (0) ................ definitely
. (go) to Chukka Cove w hile I
(p) .............. (be) there to see the polo.

Dominic: (q) ..

. . you .. .......... (be) in time to

watch the Jam-Am yacht race?

d A booklet contain ing information and promotional material

often about holtdays.

....... (tour) the island. I (9) ..
(stay) in three resorts: Montego Bay, Ocho Rios
and Port Anton io.

Dominic: Has your itin erary been planned for yo u or

(h) ................ you ..
...(be able) to decide what
you (i) .. ...... .. ....... (do) w hen you
(j) . .
. (get) there?


Ten days in all. I (e) .......................... (leave) on

19th December and (dl ................ (arrive) home in
time for the New Year.

Dominic: What kinds of things (e) ............. you

........ (do) wh ile you are there?

-..J. \. ../

a A book containing pictures and information about goods

that you can buy.

.. .... you


No, unfortunately it (r) ...... .. ..... ..... (finish) before

1(5) .............. (arrive).

Dominic: That's a shame. But I wish I (t) .

. (go).

Promoting a Destination

Pausing and rhythm
On the right is t he soundtrack for one of th e Cyprus Tou rist
Board 's British television com mercials. Yo u have bee n asked

to sy nchronise t he soundtrack with th e vid eo.

Practise saying it so that you respect the pause boundaries (/),
the intonation patterns and the speed of delivery.

o sublime queen/of breathtakinlJ beauty.!

I can but marvel/at your radiance/and warmth.!
And from the abundantl{Jifts/you have bestowed/upon
your peoole/
It is no wonder/to !1JJ:/ that Aphrodite herself/
Was raised/against your/gentle shores.

Compare your commentary with the tape .

Practise saying it.

Oh Cyprus/
Fall/in love.

Vocabulary 2
Brochure language
~ 1 Read this advertisement for Dublin, the capital of Ireland,

and fill in the gaps.

2 Replace the verbs in bold type in the advertisement with

the verbs in the box. You may need a dictionary.

have e manated

pay tribute to



probably one of the world's (a) .......................... .

catch a glimpse of
descen ds



secrets. Being less ea.<;ily at.-cessible than other capital cities





to suit

U CKED away to the west of mainland Europe, Dublin is

in Europe has proved to be a (b) ...................... advantage, as

it has allowed Duhlin to k eep its (e)
... " ........ ., village
atmosphere. Dublin is a city o f contr a.'it<; and contradictions.

Medic,.,1 and Georgian anhitt:<.,ture prOVid e a (d) .................. .

backdrop to the (e) ............. and lh'c1y strcct s filled with
entertainers of all kinch:J1H~ aroma of{t) .................... coffee
mixes w ith the d istjnct smell of hops from the nearby Guinness
brewe ry, drawing the visitors indoors. Street ~sid e cafes and pubs
are always buzzing with (9) ... .
. .. . . conve r sations and
,;~itors may soon find thcmsehC's invo lved in topicS as clj" erse as
sport, poiitio; and liter ature, or the o ld fa"ourite - the weather.
In 1988 Dublin celebrated it" 1 ,OOOth birthday and was
dc~ignat("d European Cit)' of Culture in 199 1. Many vi sitor
attractions throughout the city show its fascinating history. Th ere
are a variety of m use ums , art gall eries and \' i ~ i tor attractions for
e"ery tarte and agt-group. Take a walk along ont of the m a.ny
Heritagl'" trai ls or fo llow the City's RVl'k 'n' Stroll trai l which
tclll\ a myriad of (h) ......
.. fa cts about the Illil ny
famous musk-iam who have come froOl this (i) ............... <"it)'.

Writing 1
The fo llowing extract appeared in a brochure advertising
Irish golfing hotels. The adjectives have been deleted.
Add adjectives in to make the hotel appear as lu xuriou s as
possible ..
HOTEL DUllloe CaS(l<.~ is ideal for your golfiuO'
;::, holiday.
Situated in parkland, the hotd provides mtuft- Io ..-ers with a
break. Stroll through gardens w hich r('lll"ct Ireland's magic and
m arvel at a botanical collection which has


awards. EIUoy

rhe facilities, including indoor tennis, ;) swimming pool. riding


fi.~hj ng. The hot~l

iudf is luxuriously furnish ed . Sip a

drink in Our bar or sample the resra uranr'~ cuisine.

U' tht: hustll' and bustle o f the city prove too much you can .,lw3),s
take a trip along Dublin 's (j) .................... coastline or ('xpior('

the nearby Dublin m ountairu. Pay a yisit to Malahicle Castle and

~'ou may be lucky enough to see briefly Puck, the
(k) ........... ... ghosl.
The choice of cntcrlainment does not lessen as darknes..~ falls
and the "isilor is faced with the dilemma of chOOSing whethe r to

'isit one of the' many theatres, go to a (on('".('rt at the National

Concert Hall , walk through the li vely ped estrianised area of
Temple Bar or take time o,'er a (l) .
. meal in an
(m ) ...................... restau rant.

From dawn


dusk, you will .~oon Jiscol'cr char nUBLll\1 IS DIFFERE"'T


Developing the Topic

Vocabulary 3
Name the activities in the pictures.

.JJ: .':


2 Which of the activities are t he words in the box connected with? Write the words

under the correct pictures.


ree l



han dlebars

g reen


tow rope
w icket
hors d'oeuvre

pann iers



ingredients pads


The article opposite describes how the sport of cricket contributed to an increase in
tourism to the West Indies from the UK in August 1995.
Read the article and answer these questions:
a How, according to t he article, is cricket helping the Caribbean tourism industry?
b How are the San dals resorts being promoted?
c What are the promoters trying to achieve?
d According to the article, wh ich segment of the British tourism market watches
e In which segment of the market is there the greatest increase in trade?
What reason does the writer give for a fall in the numbers of German visitors to the
9 W hy does the w riter think that South Africa may become a popular long-haul
destination with the British?


Promoting a Destination

Test Series* Gives Big Boost to West Indies Tourism

an cricket sell holidavs? h seems

unlikely that rhe gamC'- can convince
British holidaymakers to book an expensin'
trip (0 rht, other side of the world. Ytt cricket
does appt'3r to have a role, at least in the
salvation of many Caribbean islands wi th
hopes of ,Ittracri ng upmarket clients. The fan
th.u during this long, hot summer up to 4
million peop le have watched [he Test Matches
throughom the day on television stems w
justify the marketing people's optimism.
Cerrainly, Butch Stewart, the hard-he-aded
chairman of (he rapidly expanding Sandals
chain of resorts, has been happy to spend 2.5
mi llion to spon.sor rhe West lndies nicker
team. Each time the tension rises and even 000nicker supporters switch on they see the name
Sandals emblazoned clearly in red on the \Vest
Indians' white sh ires. When the team captions
are shown, they cannOt help bur notice that
Richardson, Ambrose, Keith Arrhurton and
Kenneth Benjamin come from the romamically
named l.ccward Islands and J unior Murray is

from [he equally e\'QCarive Windward Islands.

\\fhere are chese mag i(al islands which
can produce such ukor ? Our come adases
and, with rhem, holiday brochures for rhe
Caribbean, or so the Sandals s(a ~Th ope.
Suddenly Amigua and Nevis in the
L("cwards and Grenada in the Windwards look
particularly appeal ing, ('spc<iall), when (he
new British Airways Holidays brochure
appt:ars coinc identally in rhe nave:! agen<.:ies
luring u a"dlers ro Jamaica, the home of
Jimmy Adams and Coun ney Walsh and to
Sherwin Campbe ll 's Barbados.
Some insist (har on ly cheap, downmarkct
packages are selling well and that anyone
with style - rhe type who would naCtually
regard cricker as rhe- finesr game in the world
- is now shunning the islands.
Yet rhe figu res contrad ict this. Thomson,
wh.irh has 31 per cent of the Caribbt:an
market, has sold 41 per ccnt more packages to
rhe islands thi s ye-a r than last. Though {he
company spans the market with holidays ftom


T~ ( ~ri~ =

4.55 for two weeks' stIf-catering in Barbados

to 2 ,989 for rh ree weeks' fuJI board J.t rhe
island's Tamarind (o\'e, ml1ch of rhe increase
has been in the costlier all-ind usivts.
Overail, according CO (h e: Car ibbean
tou rist organisJrion, 4 per cent more Britons
wi ll visit the island rhis year compared (0 -'
per cem fewer Gtrmans. But then nOf many
Germans play crit"ket.
Brifish Airways Hoi idays says [bar there
has been a 60 per cent increase in irs own
booki ngs for the Caribbea n and that
surpri si ngl y 23 per (em of irs clients ask for
an upg rade from economy to bus iness class on
the eight-and-a-half-hour flights .
concentrated on ta king (ticket supponers to
watch England play in the \Vest Indies twO
years ago, saw its business rise by more rh<ln
50 per (ent as a result. England play South
Africa this wimer. Will the (epubli( become
rhe next long-haul holiday sensation!
(from Tbt Ti1!lt!)

a comperirion between tWO national cricket teJ.ms inHlh'ing .'ie\"eral


(or gJ.mt,~) .

In the Reading text you learnt how cricket helped promote
tourism in the West Indies. Now listen to Bill Morrison, the
Senior Publicity Officer for the Irish Tourist Board. talking
about how they market Ireland to the British and German

How do visitors regard Ireland?

What type of holidays do they

come for?

A re th e majority independent
travell ers or package
holiday makers?

What type of cli ent does the

Tou rist Board target?

How and w here do they publici se

and market Ireland?

W hat aspects of Irish life do they

st ress in the marketing?

As you listen, compl ete the grid. The first has bee n done
for you.



as both a domestic and an international destination

as an international destination

Writing 2

You work as a research assistant for yo ur local tourist board, which is lookin g
at different ways of promoti ng a destination to different nat ional markets.
Using the notes above. write a short report describing the ways Ireland is being
promoted and marketed both in Britain and in Germany.



Word boundaries
1 listen and write down what you hear. There is more than one word missing from

each gap.
a More than 5

... holidays w hale watching.

c Thi s is an eeD ...

d As too many people are ............. .
e This is . .
. ............... ..

... ....... .. whales

.. these tri ps.

2 In these sentences, write marks like this ~ to link the words that run together in'

speech. Cross through the sounds that you lose.

For example:
Some traveLagents~are promoting whaling trips.
a They th ink that t his is a better economic alternative than killin g them.
b But they permit evening as well as daytime trips.
c As a resu lt, t he w hales abandon their young.
d If w hales are to survive this, then governments have to draw up strict gUidelines at


Listen to the tape and check your answers. Practise say ing the sentences.

3 You work as a tou r guide aboard "The Montcalm", a w haling cru ise ship t ravelling
from Sweden to Greenland. Th is is the first day of a five ~ day t rip.
Record the following announcement for your guests. Then compare it with

the tape.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welco me aboard " The Montcalm".
We w ill be sailing at eleven o'clock local time.
We reach t he w haling area at arou nd four o' clock this afternoon.
As soon as dusk approaches we will move off so as not to distress the w hales.
We ho pe to see about twenty different species during the trip.
Once again, I welcome yo u aboard and hope you have an enjoyab le and
successful shoot.

e Responsible Tourism
Vocabulary 1

Language Focus

Business collocations

Reporting verbs

Match the words on the left to the words on the right to

make noun collocations, which appeared in the Reading

1 Use the reporting verbs on page 53 of the Course Book to

complete the statements below. Use each verb once only.

text on pages 50-51 of th e Course Book.

a The guest





2 Write the correct noun collocations from exercise 1 in these

c The receptionist ............. .....

. the guests when they
come down to breakfast on thei r last morning that they
need to check out before 11 a.m.

.. ... his staff to switch all

d The manager .................... .

unnecessary lights off .

..... ...... . = the amount of money a

co untry receives from touri sm.

e "It's dangerous to walk too close to th e cliff," she

............................ = what you have to pay

for food and other basic materials on the world market.
... .... = the amoun t of money a hotel

must pay its staff.


b Th e concierge .... ........ ................. .... . they visit the new

nature reserve.


b ...... ........................ __ .... ... = the amount of money that is

required to keep a building in good repair.

.............. to leave unless he was given a

nonsmoking room.

.. ............................. = the percentage of hotel rooms

th at are full throughout the year.

3 Link the adjectives with the nouns to complete the

definitions a-f.



commu nities
eco nomy

a belonging to somebody who does not live in your country:

b local people native to the area:
c all the goods and services produced and traded in t~e world:

d cheap flights: ............... ..

e nations with large cities :
chances for a co untry to become wealthy:

.. ...................... the party.

The maid

... having taken the necklace from

Mrs Brown's room.

9 The local rep ....

............................... the hotel
guests to a farewell party.
h The government ...
tourist jobs in th e area.

.. ................ that there are sufficient

Choose suitable reporting verbs to complete this extract.

Do not use say or tell. There can be more than one correct
answer. M ake sure you put the verbs into the appropriate

n an article recently published in The Times il was

(a) ......................... Ihat out ollhe 120 million glossy brochures
which are prinled every year 38 million are Ihrown away. II
(b) .
.. ............ thallhe reason why these brochures cannol be
recycled is because ollhe inks Ihat are used in the prinling process.
However Ihe chairman 01 Green Flag Inlernational, a non-prolilmaking conservalion organisalion, is (c)
........... lour
operalors 10 become green and 10 save paper. He (d) .
thai saving Irees will also save Ihe operalors money. He also Iries to
(e) ..... .....
.. ... holeliers 10 conserve scarce resources by saving
waler and electricity. He to
.......... Ihal they no longer
change lowels daily and (g) ................... .. ........ Iheir guesls 10
swilch ott lighls when leaving rooms.
He (h)
.............. Ihe campaign is an attempllo slop
olher counlries sullering unconlrolled development on Ihe scale seen
in Spain in Ihe 1970s. Although he Ii) .......................... . Ihat his
campaign has been a success in Malia he Ij) ................ ... Ihal he
is otten fighting public disinlerest ' Unlilthe general public
................. .. "Green Tourism" and chooses holidays where
Ihe lour operalor shows he is concerned wilh prolecling the
environment. lew tour operalors will change Iheir policies,' he

(I) .. ........................... .


Developing the Topic

Read the article to answer these questions.
a W hy were the fishermen angry?

b What happened to the sea cucumbers?

W hy are tour operators concerned abo ut protecting the flora and fauna of the Galapagos?

e How do insects arrive on the island?

d What harm are foreign plants and animals doing to the native species?
How are the authorities trying to deal with this problem?

9 What concerns do some people have about tourism to the Galapagos?

h What would they like to happen to the park entry fees?

Battle to Save the Galapagos


have nOt only banned export fishing emirely,

but have also prohibited che issuing of any more
tourism licences and promised a flttt of parrol
boa u and ai rcraft to enforce the new
marine habirat has been experieDcing
an horrific SfCles of
Since when, other
ecological reversals over
problems have come co (he
fore. Galapagos' naeural
pnS (
integrit), is rapidly being
Early laS[ )'ear, the
eroded as huma.n pressure
isl.mds were ravaged by
Ecuador ian &etders and
bush fires. Then many of
overseas tourists. The
the giam rorroises were
kill,d, alleg,dly by
resident population of
fishermen incensed at the
about 15 ,000 is increasing
at 10 per cent annually, and
imposi tion of restriccive
tourism is
fish quOtas . Tourist boots
also sponed illegal onshore camps where sea
flourishing. But perhaps most
cucumbers. a vital cog in rhe marine ecosystem,
devastating of aU is {he effect
were being stripped from the sea bed, boiled
of introduced animals and
and dried, ready to be sold by middlemen to the
plant life on the indigenous
iucl'Jtive Far Eastern marker.
spec ies.
The subseq ueO( ban on rhe sea cucumber
Galapagos' extraordinary
array of wildlife, particularly
trade led the fishermen co blockade the offices
of the Research Station, which is viewed by
iguanas and seabirds, has no
defences against predators
locals as the focus for a misguided
conservationi st stance chat is denying them a
such as cats and dogs. Nor
li ...d ihocxl. Marines were even dispatched from
have land animals such as the giant tortoises
I!cuador to keep rhe peace.
any experience of competing for food with such
This trouble in paradise, however, has
animals as pigs, donkeys, horses and cattle.
finally prompced concerted action on behalf of
Plants such as the quinine tree, which was
Ecuador's oldest and foremost national park introduced in the 19505 to couneer the
anticipated arrival of che malarial mosq uito,
and noc only by ecologists and zoologiSts. Now
the authorities and tour operacors, whose
have now choked great rracts of the islands.
in{(~-rest in the Galapagos is calculared at more
Ironically, the malarial mosqui to has not
than SS million annually from the boom ing
f'Scahlished itself, but ocher unintentionally
introduced spec ies pose a serious threar. Inseers
ecowurism marker, are al so taking steps to
protect [he islands. The Enladorian authorities
(an arrive On ehe daily flights or among craces
NCHANTED island s or infested
islands!"' reads the sign at the
Charles Darwin Research Station in
the Galapagos archipebgo where the land and

of vegecables landed by the cargo ships. Even

snakes that are liable to ravage the l'U stocks
among the islands' unique bi rd colonies have
been found among imported timber. To
counteract such problems the islands are
looking at ways of imposing a quarantine on the
area as well as looking at common-sense
measures co reduce the likelihood of importcd
ills. Visitors are already issued with rubbish
collection bags and are now to be encouraged to
check the soles of cheir shoes for 5('eds carried
from the mainland.
Brian Williams, direcror of Journey
Lacin America which sends abom sao clients
to the Galapagos every year, thinks that (Qur
operatOrs' commitment to conservation is
already imprttSsive. He
insisted that the brand
of tOurism praCtised is
generally low impact,
closely controlled and
However, ochers worry
rhac rouriSt numbers art
growing unacceptably
fast. The agretd annual
limit is 40,000, but lase
year more chan 55,000 people visited the
islands. Some local tour opera(Qrs, it is alleged,
are Side-stepping the new tOurism liccnce
restrictions by squeezing more berths into their
bo.1.ts. The~' also regrer cbar much of the park
entry fee of about S2 per overseas visitOr is not
reinvested in the park. This means thac tOurism
does not bring the unquestioned benefits to the
park that it should.
(ftom The Tima)

Responsible Tourism

2 Find all the words in the article connected with animal life
and all those connected with plant life. Write them next to
the correct boxes.

Vocabulary 2
Find words in the article meaning:

a a gro up of islands:
b people concerned with the environment and animals (three
wo rd s):


c animals that hunt other an imals:

d the indigenous plant and animal life

e a prohibition



Listen to Bob Stevens, who works for New Destinations
pic, talking to a colleague. Sarah Munton, about a holiday

he went on .
As you listen, take notes under these headings:

destroying completely

Whcg~ (lh the'i hc-M~s


g a means of earning money

1i1e bm.t a.ul Uu. crew



l..ouU f2LDPIu>

You work for Exotic Destinations. Your MD has decided that all yo ur
clients travelling to India w ill need t o receive a set of instructions
about the way to dress w hile on the Indian subcontinent.
Look at the pictures and captions below. Write a set of instructions for
sending out to clients who are about to embark on your Indian tours.

Instructions for Travellers to India


cotton not synthetic


5 rupees


Vocabulary 1
Two-part verbs
Join these verbs and prepositions and make phrasal verbs
to replace the words printed in italics in sentences a-o.

call (x 2)
cut (x 2)
hang (x 2)

put (x2)




off (x 4)
out (x 4)
up (x 5)
on (x 2)

I'll write the bill for you.

That hotel needs to reduce the number of staff it employs.
She calculated the answer.
The Italian group leaves for London at 9.15 p.m. today.
Pierre lost the chance of working on Concorde.
Due to bad weather they cancelled the boat trip.
They postponed their trip to the Seychelles when John
became redundant.
Their train was lale and so they had to wait at th e station
for two hours.
The hotel manager promised to coiled Sonia at the airport
when she arrived to start her new job.
One of the nice things about being an air steward is that
you can visit your friends unexpectedly.
Students often rely on friends and relatives to give them
accommodation when they travel.
When Sandra finished the phone call, she remembered that
she had not told her boss about the new guests.
Whe n you need to read a file on the computer, you must
access the file.
She tidied and organised her papers.
The telephone com pany disconnected their phone.

2 Use two-part verbs, either from exercise 1 or from page 57

of the Course Book, to fill the gaps in this text.

When Susan was in the Hi gh Street she (a) .... ...... .......... .
the travel agency to book her ticket to the States. Before
she left home she had (b) ................... where she wanted
to go. As she didn't want to (c)
... seeing
Niagara Falls, she had decided to (d) .. " ......... .... her
expenses by asking her uncle to (e) ............ her
while she was in New York. She was also going to
(0 .
.. .... some old friends she hadn't seen for a long
time whe n she was in San Francisco.
The travel consultant (g) . ............. ...... the information
about flights on the computer screen. Susan was
(h) .......................... from London on 1st September. The
travel consultan t tried to persuade Susan to book the
shuttle service to the centre of New York but Susan said
she did not need transport as her uncle wo uld be
Ii) .
.... . her
. Hopefully the plane
would not be delayed and he wou ld not have to
(j) .
. ................. . ........ the airport too long!

When the travel consultant had all the details she promised
to (k) .
.................. the itinerary and to ring Susan as
soon as it was ready.
That night Susan (I) .
........... all her papers and
holiday brochures before she rang her uncle to tell him
when she would be arriving in the States. They were
(m) .
... twice, but thankfully they were
eventually able to speak . At the end of the call when she
(n) .......
........... .. she knew that he was (0) .
to seeing her.

o Transport
Language Focus
Two-part verbs
Put the words in italics into the correct order:

a it's easy around to New York get on the subway.

b the chance at ;umped she to work as a tour guide.
c down bus the broke in the mid dle of the high street.
d the bill the cashier worked out.
e it's a tour rep's responsibility the guests after to look.
f at the airport the guests up tour reps pick.
9 the itinerary up she drew.
h her uncle her up put for a few nights.

Making announcements
You wo rk as a courier for Royal Premier Tours. You are at

Listen to the tape to check your pronunciation.

Vocabulary 2
3 Each blank contains one missing word wh ich is strongly
associated with another word nearby. Th e missing
words are:

dine stuff far

spare style effort t ime




en tertainment

Use the words to fill t he gaps in the text.

the airport waiting for a grou p of hoHdaymakers to arrive.

Listen to the tape and fill in the gaps in these


a Wou ld Mr and Mrs Borgman .................... .

...... ........ ... ..... ... ..... .. ....... ..... ... ...... please contact the
information desk?
b Would ...................... ............. red Ford Escort, registration
M639 PTY, return to his car immediately as it is

.. .. .. ..... ?
c We ............... .
. . that flight number AZ 345
from M ilan .................................. Luton.
d Passengers for flight number BA 357 to Rome
............................. Gate number 21.
e This is ....
...................... Flight number IB 863 to

Now try making the announcements yourself, and, if

possible, record them onto a cassette.

Listen to the tape again and practise making the


2 You have now collected your group, boarded the tour coach
and are en route with them to their hotel. You are giving
them the information in sentences a- f.
For each announcement, cross out the sounds that
disappear and link the sounds that run together at word
boundaries. The first has been done for you.
a Good_ evening ladies_ana gentlemen. Firs! Ie!
me welcome you to Vie nna.
b You'll be staying_in the luxury Nova Hotel in the main
c Tonight_after dinner there' ll be a welcoming reception with
drinks~an d canapes in the bar at nine thirty.
d In ~a moment~ I'1i come rounG and give you particulars of
oUf~trips and_excursions.
e Ana during the reception I'll talk briefly about them and
take bookings.
If you should have any problems_ or questions please
don't~ h esitate to ask me. J'II_always be available in the
reception from nine to ten~every day.

Ask anyone to name the ultimate luxury holiday and the chances
are thot they'll say Ha cruise H. It conjures up (1) ......... of
elegantly-dressed couples promenading on a moonlit deck, with the
strains of The Anniversary Waltz floating out to sea. Of rich,
elderly people with time on their (2) .......... and a desire to see the
world in (3) ........... But although the romance of the golden age
of cruising remains, the avemge age 01 today's passengers is 37- a
for (4) .......... from the be-shawled, blanketed image of yesteryear.
The superb range of leisure activities and wealth of (5) .......... has
made cruising a godsend for families. Parents can relax and enjoy
themselves in the sure know/edge that their children are in
(6) .......... hands in the "kids' centre".
But for young and old alike the appeal of a cruising holiday is the
ability to move effortlessly from one place to another. To this end
cruise lines have put a lot of time and (7) .......... into developing
their shore excursion programmes. Nowadays they can incltlde stich
activities as trucking in the Malaysian jungle, catching fish in the
fjords, landing on a mighty glacier or clambering over Greek ruins.
That is, if you've got time to (8) .......... with so many exciting
on-board acrivities to choose from, Passengers con try their
(9) ... ....... at anything from aerobics to scuba diving. Evening
entertainment continues (1 0) .......... into the night with casinos,
cinemas, and discos just a short (11) .......... away from their cabin.
Another major advantage of cruising is the superb standard of food.
You can wine and (12) .......... through to the early hours.
If none of this appeals and you wish only to while away the
(13) .......... as you (14) .......... up the sun, why not consider one of
cruising 's unusual destinations and take a trip to Alaska? Sailing
through the dazzling blue whiteness, spotting a whale or a bear is
the (15)
.. of which memories are made.


Developing the Topic

Vocabulary 3


Complete this network, adding as many new words and branches as you can .

1 Terry lee, Britannia's * Advance Planning Manager, is talking about how he plans
and executes the company's summer flight programme. listen and decide if these
statements are true or false . Correct the false statements.

Britannia and Thomson" decide how many planes w ill be in use .

They have to f ill 26,000 slots in a twenty-fo ur-week programme.
Th ey don 't expect to change their flight plans.
The computer system can help th e user to predict potential
flight disasters .

e The computer system is fast but has not yet led to di rect savings
in expendit ure.

2 In the interview you heard about the stages in planning a flight programme.

listen again and complete the flow chart opposite .

Brimonia is a large Bri[ish air charter carrier.

Thomson is a large British t our oper.lIor.

o Transport
Flight scheduling

a Discussions are held between us and ... _................ to set objectives.

b Use last year's programme as a base.

c Ask counterpart about commercial requirements, e.g. demand from airports and timing of

d Take into account profitability targets. maintenance requirements and efficient use of
aircraft and their ........................ .
e Negotiate slots at airports. Check airport's ................................................. and noise restrictions.


f ........................... on the (ore systems computer.

g Run ....... ... ...................... study.

h Run ......... ...................... study.

i Decide on plan .

Negotiate with airports and other airlines through

--.-..................... aviation network.

k Go to the International ........................................ ..
conference to negotiate.

Make final adjustments.


m Send brochures to the printers.


look at this diagram of a plane, which shows the advantages and disadvantages
of sitting in various places.

These words have been deleted from the text. Put them back in the correct places:
w indow






emergency exits


seat means a chance to rest

rows A
family with two children may
prefer to sit in these seats on
long-haul flights, as they give
a good view of the movie

your head on t he side panel

and get some sleep.

screen and both parents can

kee p "guard " on either side.

seat On a

night flight a

seat Very

desirable to sit next to one.

More space overall and taller
people can stretch their legs
out sideways. The best
chance of sitting next to an
seat is to
ask for an aisle seat in the
middle section, as
usually the last to fi ll.

seats of


long flights these can be

inconvenient if you have to
climb apologetically over
others to get out to the toilet.

to toi lets Not

good on long flig hts, as t hese
areas become co ngested with
a constant restless queue.



seats usually have the most
leg room. How ever, for safety

reasons they are allocated at

check-in to ensure t hat only
able-bodied adults sit there.
Nevertheless, some ai rlines

may reserve you these seats





negative factors are that

these seats don't recline fully,
and can be chi lly as they are
next to the doors .

.............. .... seat On a day

flight an .
.. seat has
a little more space to stretch
your legs without bot hering
ot hers. If you want to sleep
on a night flight avoid the
..... seats, as
insomniacs brush past you
and you will have to move to
let your neighbour out.

seat group
As a couple you could ask for
two aisle seats. If the fl ight is
not full the middle seat may
be unoccupied or you could

swap with the piggy-in-the middle.

row of the
sedion Seats in front of a
cabin divider can have a
restricted recline.

Commonly located at the rear

of the aircraft. Size varies

according to demand. Try not
to sit in t he last non-smoking
seats to avoid smelling like a
stale ashtray,
but also
remember t he front of
non-smoking is near the
smokers in business and
first -class.
Row behind ..

The window seat

in the.
..... ........ row
may be removed, allowing
extra leg room in the seat
behind, but t he exit row

safety restrictions may apply.

seat The
row that divides the cabin
from the kitchen and toilet
areas should have more leg
room; it also avoids having
someone reclin ing back into
you. However, the seats can
be narrower if the food tray is
in the armrest. have a poor
view of the movie, and can
be noisy, as families w ith
babies often get priority in
these seats. They are also
near busy areas where the

You wo rk in the head office of Skyways Holidays. Your boss has asked you to send a
fax to al l the counter st aff in your branches, outlining the recommendations they
should make to clients as to the sU itabili ty of different seats on planes.
Write the fax, bearing in mind the needs of families, non-smokers and the disabled.



Vocabulary 1
look at the adjectives in the box. Tick those which. in your
opinion, describe the personal qualities that people
working with the public should possess.



thoughtfu l


t imid



trustworth y

helpl ess


(blame) delay' on (i)

(re ply) when pa~se n ge 1" s

(b olher ) (k)
complain ?

Instead of (l) ....... . ........ (blame) circumstances

beyond their control or (m) .............. . ... (accuse)

passengers of (n)
2 Someone w ho knows a lot about a subject is well-informed .

Add well or self as a prefix to the following adjectives to

show a positive quality.
......... -behaved



..... .... -conf id ent

.. -assured


spare:. parts o r by not (j)


ambitiou s

O"cr the years, the general public has bc(.:ome tired

of (g) ........... (Ih len) to ('xcw;cs. What is acruen'd by

......... -organised
......... -intentio ned

........ (not care) how the industry

works, o perators, airlines and seat brokers must realise

that the fa ul t lies with those who are proud of

(0) ............

(incre.lSc) passenger numbers each

year, yet obtain tJlcse increases by (p) .................. .

(urge) customers (q)

................ (take) holidays at

ridil:ulously low prices .

O f course , it is w'r), tempting (r) ............... (ask)

.. -reliant

how customers can expect a high standard of service when

they ha\e only paid 199 fo r two weeks in Turh y.

Language Focus

Howen>r. this ~u mm er's problems arc already threatening

Infinitive or gerund?

(5) . . ......... .. .. . . .... (spoil) the image created by the

Read the article and fill in the gaps using either the infinitive

m ajority of the industr y.

It is time the responsible operator!; and airlines

with to or the gerund (-ing form) of the verbs in brackets.

joined forces (t)

industry as a

Holidaymakers deserve better service



fort un e

Unle~ t.hey do so, the package


..... (make) people's f~mta~ics come true, the


cheap their ticket, hol idaymakt'("S do not dcscnc


cu;o;toJnl!r r dathms.


peak season has not yet begun and already

re por ts of i(mg dda)':-> and passeng('r fr ustration are

starting (e) . ... . ............ . . . (appear ).
Last m onth , holidaym,lkcr s in Milan com plained
about (d) .

. .... ( wait) fo r hours lo r their haggage,

w hil e in Spain a r eputabl e carri er deci ded (e)

(bus) Bri tish passengers into France so the), wouldn't be
force d (f)

..... (lose) an impor tant li me slot.

holiday industry is

likel~ (u ) ............ (rt'main) the poor r elation . Howeyer

industry has a gr eat deal (b) ............ (learn) ahout


... (protest) for the goud of t.he

\\"ho l ~.

(he t rC'atcd ) in the way some


Writing 1

Contrastive stress

1 Li sten to Chris talking to David about his holiday problems.

As you listen, write notes in the grid.


Customer Relations

You work in the Customer Relations Department of Exotic

Destinations. Your supeNisor has left this memo and this
letter on your desk.
Foll ow her instructions.

Hap pened/received

Chri s


From: M;lTianna Corradi

Can YOll p lease deal with this letter? Apologise for the
unfortlmate incident nnd explain that this is not our usual
standard. Promise we w ill look into the aUegations of
rudeness. BUT point out that:
1. our brochure does not stipu late the age of our reps.
2. all ou r reps are highly trained.
the brochure statcs tha i there needs to be a mjnimum of
8 people for the Golden Group package.
As gesture of goodwil l offer 4 vouchers for day trips to Paris
and Brussels.
Many thanks. See you back in the office on Monday.

2 listen and underline the stress in these sentences:

a We' d asked for an apartment w ith a sea view but we re

48, The Vale Sunny town Devon DC4 56JK

7th December

given one with a view of the courtyard .

b Th e children needed to sleep at ni ght but th ey we re kept
awake by the noise.
c We asked for 600 but they only offered a mere 100.

The Customer Relations Dept

Exotic Destinations
Pacific House

Randolph Way
London W7 Y BOT

3 Pradise saying these sentences:

a D id you ask for two cold drinks or three?
b O n this flight th ere is a stopover in D ubai not in Sin gapore.
c I asked for sparkl ing not still water.
d The brochure adverti sed accommodation on a quiet beach
not in the city centre.
e It's not head office that pays compensation it's th e individual

shop .
Listen to the tape to check .

Dear Sir,
My husband and I have recently returned from one of your
Golden Group holidays in Tunisia .
We chose this holiday in preference to many others as we
w ere assured both in the brochure and by your agency staff that
this particular package catered for retired couples like ourselves.
We understood that our specially organised activities would be
run by mature friendly hostesses. Howeve r on arrival at our
destination we were met by a very youthfu l rep who very curtly
told us that there were only tw o other people on the Golden
Group package and that, as a result, we could join in the activities
organised for other groups or fend for ourse lves. Since our tastes
do not include hard rock or late-night pub crawls we asked to be
moved to another hotel. We were told that if we did this it would
have to be at our expense. As a result we decided to stay where
we were and to organise our own entertainment.
Now that we have returned home we feel obliged to draw your
attention to our deep dissatisfaction with the service we received.
Not only were we deceived by the information in your brochure
but we were not properly treated by your staff in the resort.
We hope that this matter will be rectified to our satisfaction in
the near future and look forward to hearing from you shortly
Yours faithfully

Katherine Hopper


Developing the Topic

Reading 1
Read the text and answer the questions.
a Why did Jane go to wo rk at Ridgeway Tours?

b Why wasn't Jane's behaviour to customers noticed sooner?

c W hat did the assistant manager of ABC Travel do w hen she
wasn't satisfied with the service she received?

e W hy was n't the manager of Inter-World Travel satisfied with

the service he received?
f W hat conclus ion did he come to?
9 W hat did this mean for Ridgeway Tours?

d Ho w did Ridgeway Tours react?

An Unfortunate Incident at Ridgeway Tours

Ridgeway Tours has always had a reputation for having well~
trained staff but. following the expansion of the company\ main
tour programme. they had taken on a number of very
inexperienced staff, not all of whom had been properly inducted
into the company's operations. One of the new sales staff. Jane.
took on 'l telesales job as a temporary measure, and had no
intention of staying more than two months - just long enough to
save enough money t() go off on a summer holiday. Jane's attitude
to the job retlected in her work. She failed to record details of
booking~, was sometimes rude to custOmers phoning in and , for
most of the time. adopted an attitude of takeitorleave-it.
Unfonunately for Ridgeway Tours, their rather inadequate staff
training programme meant that the effects of Jane's indifferent
attitude to the job were not immediately recognised.
ABC Travel had dealt with Ridgeway Tours for a number of
years. and most of the counter sales staff were on very good
speaking term:o; with all of the tour operations staff. When the
assistant manager telephoned through with a booking and got
Jane on thc end of thc line, she very quickly realised that the
level of service was not up to Ridgeway's usual standard. The
good standing between the two finns, however. meant that
the matter was easi ly resolved at supervisor level. Jane quite

rightly received a ticking off from the reserv3t.ions supervisor, the

agency received an apology, and confidence was restored once
Inter-World Travel had never used Ridgeway Tours before but.
due to a number of difficulties i n finding a suitable holiday for a
large group, the manager telephoned Ridgeway to make a
reservation on their new programme. Unfortunately for the tour
operator. the very person who answered the call was Jane and, true
to fOffil, she treated the agent in her usual manner, failing to show
any real interest in the booking and ringing off before the agent
had properly fi ni shed the call. The agent was neither pleased with
Jane's attitude, nor the service be had rece.ived but , unlike ABC
Travel, the agency had had no previous dealings with Ridgeway
Tours and did not realise that Jane's attitude was in no way
typical of the attitude of the whole company. Although the
manager of Inter-World urgently needed to find a suitable holiday
for his clients he felt that it was vital to entrust the booking to a
reliable tour operator. He thought ovcr his conversation with Jane
and decided that he couldn't afford to take a chance with this
hooking. He then walked out of his office into the agency and
spoke to his staff: "Can I just have your attention for a minute ...
Ridgeway Tours - no one is to make a booking with them under
any circumstances. OK?"

Vocabulary 2
In paragraph one, find the words that mean:

not enough or not good enough:

uninterested: ..
new to the job: ...... ....... _ ........................... .
not polite: ............................ ..

2 In paragraphs one and two, find the idiomatic expressions that mean:
a apathetic or careless attitude: ...... .. .... ................... .
b a reprimand: .............. .

Peter Garfield, t he perso nnel officer of Global Tours, is

giving a talk to a group of trainee t ravel consultants.

1 listen to the tape. In which order does Paul deal wit~ these
top ics:

a accu racy
b confidentiality
c body language


d perso nal appearance

e reliability
f loyalty


Customer Relations

c Philip is work ing in a busy office. He picks up the

telephone to a clie nt who wants some flight
info rm ation for a trip to Austra lia. He too does n Ot
have the required information and promises to phone
" I'll phone back in ha lf an h OllI."
H e telephones back after tWO hours, apologising for
the delay and explaining that things have been very
bu sy in t he agency ,md that th is has been the fir st
opportunity he has had during the morning.

2 listen again and answer the questions:

fa Why is it important to dress neatly?
a Why should we try to look at t he person w ho is talking to


c W hat should you do if yo u don't know the answ er to a

quest ion?
d Who w ill th e customer rem ember?

Reading 2

Vocabulary 3
Louise did not have the information to hand. = Louise did
not have t he informatio n o n her desk .
Use these expressions with hand to com plete the
following sentences.
in hand

on hand offhand by hand to hand underhand

Answering Customer Queries

Louise, Ali son and Ph ilip are t ravel consu ltants.
Read how they dealt w ith a problem and decide which one
impressed the custo mer with the service they gave and
w hy.

A Louise is busy behind her desk. She picks up the

phone to :1 custo mer who w ishes to find om: about rhe
visa arra ngements necessaq' for t\ visit to th e USA.
Lou ise does nOt ha ve the answer to hand, but
promises to look up th e informatio n for the cusromer
and says, " I'll phone back as soon ;,\s I've checked for
Some three hours later she telephones the customer
with the necessary information.

8 Alison works in a ci ty agency, where people are

consta ntl y coming and going. She picks lip th e
telephone just after ttn 0 'd ock to a customer who
wants some general advice on ho liday destinations and
a few idl'as for a fami ly holid ay. She promises to ca ll
back, though shc lets the customer know th at things
are rarhcr busy.
"\Vc're ve ry bus)' at the momen t, so I can't really S3)'
that I ~an phone you back straightaway, but I will
promise to ring back by rwdve o'd()('k."
In fact, Alison telephones the customer just before
eleven o'clock w ich the required information.

a I'm afraid I don't know.

. how many people have
booked for the Skyways trip to Madagascar. I'll ring yo u in
an hour w hen I've looked it up.

b He w ouldn't have mind ed so m uch if th ey had told him t o

his face that they wanted to dismiss him . It was the
........... way in w hich they did it that upset him .

c Instead of posting t he letter, he decided t o deliver it

d She always kept a pencil and notepad ...

... on t he

desk so she co uld take notes w hen peop le phoned her.

e Don't worry, everything's
. Th e paperwork w ill be
completed on time.
Should a guest be taken ill th ere is always a doctor

Writing 2
You work as a travel consultant at Global Tours. Peter
Garfield has asked you to w rite a set of instructions for new
staff on how to give a good impression.
The first one has been done for you.

1 Al.watJs dress l\.O.<dl1j aJ1d ~ !<"ep ~ou.( sh.<>el>

clea.n. a.'\d po-lis.hod o..nd .:Jeur clothos weU- fU"sseo..


Review 2
Units 6-10
Language Review
6 Tour Operators
Rewrite these se ntences, beginning w ith the words in

b You are in a tax i going to the airport. Yo u tell the driver to


hu rry. Do yo u say :


a Ai r traffic control delayed BA 456's landing.

The landing of .. .. .. .. .. ................................ .. ................ .. .. .... .

Please hurry, the plane is leaving at 12.20.

2 Please hurry, the plane leaves at 12.20.
3 Please hurry, th e plane w ill leave at 12.20.

b Al l hotels are inspected weekly.

The reps .... ........... .. .... .. ... ...... .. .... .... ... ......... ........ .. ..... ... ..... . .

c A frie nd suggests ringing yo u at 9 .00 a.m. tomorrow

morning . It isn't conven ient. Do yo u say:

I'm sorry, but at 9.00 a.m . I'll be checking in new arrivals.

c Pub crawls have bee n banned.

The local council .

2 I'm sorry, bu t at 9.00 a. m. I will check in new arrivals.

3 I'm sorry, but at 9.00 a. m. I am check ing in new arri vals.

d Coaches take the tourists to thei r hotels.

d A customer in a travel age ncy asks yo u abo ut her room in a

hotel in Corfu. Do yo u say:



1 You r room is havin g a sea view.

e 9.5 million holidays were sold last year.

Tour operators ... .................... .... ... .. .. ... .. ..... ...

2 Your room w ill be having a sea view.

3 Yo ur room w ill have a sea view.

2 Decide if these sentences are correct or incorrect. Correct

e The hotel manager asks you w hen he can have the up-to-

the sentences that are wrong.

date report on tourist arrivals. He wants to show it to the

a It is believed that the trend to book late holidays w ill

b Versailles and Fontainebleau visit many people every year.

2 I don't finish it until 5 p.m. t omorrow.

c Children under 12 are not allowed in the bar.

3 I am not finishing it until 5 p.m . tom orrow.

d All

area manager at 5 p.m . tomorrow. Do yo u say:

1 I wo n't have finished it until 5 p.m. tomorrow.

rates negotiate between the tour operators and the


2 Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the

e The guest was offering alternative accommodation last

verb in brackets:


a The pres id ent ... ........... .. . ..... . (open) th e new hotel next

month .
b Look out! Th at guest

7 Promoting a Destination
are t hree sentences. Tick w hich one you would say.

. (give) a

welcoming talk to the new arrivals.

friend asks you about yo ur plans for Friday, 5th May. Do


.... (stand) for

550 years.
d At 9.05 tom orrow evenin g I

a You have accepted a su mmer post as a tour rep in Bari. A

1 I will fly to Bari to start my new job.

2 I am flying to Bari to start my new job.
3 I fly to Bari to start my new job.

.. ... (faint).

c By the year 202 1 Genoa University .

Letters a--e describe five situations. For each situation there

you say:


e By the end of the seaso n we .. ... .. .. ........ (ac hi eve) 88


per cent occupancy rates .

Review 2, Units 6 - 10

8 Responsible Tourism

10 Customer Relations

Choose a suitable verb to replace said or told in these

sentences. Then rewrite each sentence in reported speech,

Tick the correct sentence in each pair.

making as many changes as necessary.

For example:
"Dinner is served, " said t he master of ceremonies.
The master of ceremonies announced that dinner was served.

a "Would you like to join us for a coffee?" said the youn g

American to the tour guide.

a The guest remembers to lose his wallet last ni ght.

Th e guest remembers losing his wallet last night.


b The manager stopped to w ork w hen the visitor arrived.

The manager stopped w orking when th e visitor arri ved.


I regret t o inform all clients th at th e restaurant will be closed

for refurbishment until further notice.
I regret informing all clients that the restaurant will be closed
for refurbishment until further notice.

b " I didn't take the old lad y's bag l " said the chambermaid.
c "Yes, the plane does leave at 4.55 tomorrow morning,"
said the check-in clerk to the custo mer.
d "Get me a large brandy!" Mr Gold told the waiter.
e " You should take out travel insurance before yo u leave,"
the travel agent told us.
" Don' t change money in the street, it's dangerous!" she said

to us.

d The tour guide warned everyon e in the party to t ake care on

the cliffs.
Th e tour guide warned everyone in the party taking care on
the cliffs.
e The chambermaid admitted to take the necklace from the
The chambermaid admitted taking the neck lace from the
room .


9 "Yes, that's right," he said to us.

h "At least try to come to the party," she said, so I agreed.

"Do you have a restaurant? " he said .

" If you don't give us a quieter room, we' ll leave the hotel,"
said the angry guest.

9 Transport
Put the pronouns in the correct places:
a We have looked at. (them)
b We have speeded up. (them)
c W e have taken in to account. (it)
d I came across. (it)

Complete the text using the correct forms of the verbs in

A group of holidaymakers
won a legal batcle when {he
journey along the ancient Silk
Route fa iled (a) ............ ...... .
(live up) to the brochure's
prom ~s. 'this comes at a time
when consumers' associations
have been wa rning tour
operators against (b) ........ :
(offer) derisory compensation
to disgruncled clients.
The company had refused

but twe nty of the parey

decided to take the matter ro
court. The (Our operators
denied (d) .. '
to deceive t he holidaymaktrs
but lost the case and chey
u ndert aken
(e) ..............
... (pay)
compe nsation of 250 per
person plus costs.

Shade in your score:

e They put into operation. (it)


Well done!
2 Rewrite the jumbled sentences in t he correct order.

* o


a the management down the of work lays for conditions the


(c) .............. . (admit) liability

Well tried!


b can the planning manager on w ith t he flights scheduling get.

A good attemp~
but check your mistakes.


c LGW f or Gatwick stands London.

d just let work the bill me out.

Some revision needed.

Talk to your teacher.

e for savin g the trip up have been I since last year.

See your teacher now!



Language Focus
Adjectives and order of adjectives
Put the jumbled adjective phrases in the correct order to

complete these sentences.

a Visit Colm ar w ith its

b Stay at this
(cou ntry-ho usel outstandinglluxury Ihotel)
c Th e chalet is in alan ....

... . (vi liage/Swiss/unspoiled /resort)

d The restaurant offers alan

(international/ table d 'h ote/varied/ menu)

e On arrival all guests are given a.. .. ....

. ............. .

(star-s haped I d ark I Bel gi anI ch oeolate)

At the Majestic they have
(juniorI luxurious/four/su ites)
9 All staff will be iss ued w ith
h In the dining room there is a .. .. .

(fiftee nth -century /Veneti anI pricelessl chandelier)

2 Join the two parts of the compound adjectives from
columns 1 and 2 in the grid.
Match them to a suitable noun in column 3.

The first one has been done for you.







service ...







hand -


well -









in vitation-



acco mmodation

wo man
' restaurant


3 Write a description of this room . A few ideas have been

given to start you off.



Stress in compound adjectives

Listen to the tape and complete the gaps.
,/" The Grand Hotel is a (a) .......................... building on the\
coast that was (b) ..................... ... to cater for
(c) .
.. ............... clients who require comfortable
(dl . .. .......... ...... ... rooms. Although .prices are high you
can find many (e) .................. '" offers in January and

Listen again and underline the part which is stressed in

each. Practise saying them alou d.

2 These sentences all contain compound adjectives.

Underline the stressed part in each compound adjective.
Practise saying them aloud .
a The telephones in the rooms are all direct dial.
~ The guide was well dressed.
o The hotel had been purpose-built.
.: It was a last-minute decision to come.
eo They ate in the self-service restaurant.

Hotel Facilities

a The.
. ............ and. .................... had decided to spend
their honeymoon in the Maldives.
b The guest ordered a .... .. ........... and ................. without ice.
e The dress code in the restau rant ;s informal but gentlemen
are req uested to wear a
....... and ............ .... ..
d ................. and ...... ........ ... in the Aspects Restaurant on the
twenty-fifth floor from 8 p.m. till midnight.
e Both
and .. ........ staff are obliged to wear a uniform.
.......... and ............. .... of the
They searched the
hotel for the missing earring.
. .... with
9 Would you like some .................. and
your meal, sir?
h We have to make .................... . and
......... rules for
the safety of all concerned .
i Please make sure that your uniform is
.......... and
........ , so that yo u will make a good impression.
If you look carefully at your contract you will see that all the
points are there in .......... ....... and ........ ..
k They searched everywhere for the missing child and
eventually found him
........... in the
games room.
.. in your tea, madam?
Would you like .... ...... and

The tea-house has its own old-world charm.

Listen to the tape to check your pronunciation.

Vocabulary 1
Collocations w ith


nere are many fixed expressions in English.

For example: supply and demand.
Match the words in column A with those in column B to
make collocations with and. Use these collocations to
complete sentences a-I.

wh isky

wh ite


Yo u work as an advance rese rvations cle rk in the Majestic
Hote l in Davos, SWjtzeriand.

Majestic Hotel,

You have received t his letter from an exclusive London

travel agency. You have worked w ith them before and value
t heir custom.

The Independent Skier


Piccadilly Sueet


Reservations Manager
Majestic Hotel

The Promenildc

Enioy perfect
hospitality and
uHobtrusiue elegance
in this luxury .5" -star
hotel. All rooms are
spacious and
comfortable, designed to help yo" relax in the fresh
illvigoratillg alpille air. After a day on the Alps
unwind in our exotic pool or dine by candlelight in
our penthouse restatl1"ant.


16th January

Dear ......... ..
One of our most valued clients has expre:;sed a desire to spend a
few days in Davos from 17th-21st February inclusive.

Individual winter rates to include overnight stay, buffet

breakfast, 4 -course dinner, welcome cocktail, use of
swimm ing poo l and sauna, parking, transfers from and to
the railway station, scheduled shuttle hus to the ski
stations, and services and taxes.
All rooms are en suite. There a re lifts to all floors.
Standard: 215 SwF
Superior: 300 SwF

Standard: 590 SwF
Superior: 620 SwF

please arrange for limousine transport to the hotel? They do not

wish t() take n.dvanUlge of the hotel bus..

Junior suites (double)

795 SwF

Senior suites (double)

950 SwF

Tbey would abo appreciate it if you could arrange in advance lift

passes, paragliding and snow-boarding se~sions.

Extra bed from 12 years: 150 5wF per day

He is travelling with his two teenage son~ and would requ ire two
adjoining senior suites on the top floor with half board. They
intend to fly to Zurich and trave l by rail fo Davos. Can you

Please c{)nfinn by return availabilj ty and your lenns.

Child reductions
to 6 years: free in pare nts' room indo breakfast
6-12 years: 65 SwF per day incl. breakfast

Could you also forward us some copics of your most up-to-date

broch ure.

Skiing: downhill and cross-country skiing, snow-

Payment will be made by credit card On arrival.

With all best \\'ishes.

Your~ sincerely,

Sarah Bowen-Lyons
Senior Travel Consultant, Swiss Des.k

Write the reply using the following information and

inventing any other details:


l't -.::( Feb! r

boarding, paragliding, ice skat ing and tennis all


We will arrange your chi ld 's ski school and baby-sitting

fac il ities.
Come to Davos,
the internationally
famous centre for
sport, culture,
health and
congresses, 1,560
metres a bove Sea
leve l in the heart of
holiday regio n.
connections link
Davos with Europe's key cities and Zurich airport. Air
travellers can check in their bagg,lge directly from their
destination to Davos. The hotel bus will collect you from
the station in Davos Platz.

G) Hotel Facilities

Developing the Topic


leo NOlJobilsky is the manager of t he Grand Bohemia Hotel in Prague.

You will hear him talking just after the hotel re~opened in 1993. As you listen

answer these questions:

e Why are t here so few managers?

a When did the hotel first open?

b What was it then cali ed?

How are reservations made?

c How lon g did the present refurbishment take?

d How many people can the restaurant cater for at one sitting?

9 Where in Prague is the hotel located?

h What type of dishes does the chef prepare?

Leo Novobilsky described t he rebuilding of a traditional hotel in Prague. But is this
w hat business travellers want in t he hotel of the future?

Read this article to find out.

Seeking a
rtquent busi nm rr.lvellers - known as "road
warriors in hotel jargon browse they make
more dun twenty business trips :I year - want
gr{'ater ~mflha.sis on service from hotels before new
technological dt\'elopmenrs surh as checking in and
out with smart cards.
nlis was one of tht (tnml conclusions or [h~
in\"it:ltion-ooly seminar on tilt HOtel of the Furore
held at London's Hratt Carlton Tower Hotcll:lSt week.
~ J want a hotd nOt only to proljcle (onsis(C'ncy of
seo'ice but also to empo91t'r staff [0 have [he
authority co solve my problem at the same time:
siid Ms Thomas, :J European Medi:J director :Jnd one
of the seminar pand of frequent tf2\'rlJ inl)
Mr Bebbington, who is another "~'arr ior~ , on the
food for three months or more a }'ear, recalled how he
had been horrified by the ~rvice at a tOp hotel in
"f was chargtd a htft), deposit when 1 askNl co use
a fn: in m)' room and then had to 5Uffer dIe indignity
at check-ou ( of waiting while ;\ hOld employee
checked my room to Set if the fax was sti ll {here
btfore {he deposit was rerurned," he s.lid .
Mr Nadeem, a law)"tr, also emphasisro seo'ice,

saying he tried to consure good ueatment by

establishing and mai ntai ning cooracts with key stafT,
~ l like to use hotels whcre I know the general
manager,~ h~ said. "J thi nk it is "cry importanr to be
recogrused as a regular guest."
Another pand member, Mr Paget, argued that the
hotd of {ooay is still trying to overcome the
upstai rs-do9.'ostairs s}'ndrom~ of 150 years ago. He
ftlt lhe main requirement ~was the abilit}' of
rrception to grttt ),ou and welcome )'ou - and a card
in the hotel room s.l)'ing 'welcome back to rhe hotel'
SJ)'S a l ot.~
Bue Mt Jim Evans, Hp .n's seniQr market ing yictpresident, belirled new te-chnology cOlild ~ i mprove
efficienc), and sel"l'icc, as ""'e!l as controlling COSts,
while still feta ining the human touch:'
He sUJ:gt1tcd rhat while the paCt of ch:lnge oyer
the past decade had been C'o'o lurionary. there ~'ould
ht ~ revolution on:r the nex t tin: ye-ars, ~ H o rels wi ll
(hange dramatically in what the)' offer their gllesfS.
The television console, for example, will become tht
ccntral focus of rh( room for communicatiuns,
entertainment and inrerJCti,'e (echnology.~
HyaH W1S alre:idr txperimt'nring in America. with
techoology that enabled executives to check in co
pre-assigned rooms by using credit cards in rhe hotel
foyer to obtain a computerised room key and charge
\'(/hile technology ""-.15 changing for [he If'J.\eller,
hI:' said. i[ WlS :liso l!"-4king reservations easier, Nexr
month Hy:m iartS tri:1is to allow direc access to its
hotel in\'t'oro~' o,'er the Thisco u'l"el \l,'eb, at first
JUSt for frJ.\"el :lgeor) but e.-emuJ.II~- for regular
It.l\'elleri as v.:ell.

lr is possible that before l on~ guncs will be able to

hook their room . check in and check our, and r('(ei,'':
room st'c"ice from an auromated ki ((hen without ever
dealing wirh :I horel emplo)'tt face to f.tee. Nor
surprisingly. such in"esrment in new tt(hnology will
lead ro higher room racts, Mr E';JIIS admined.
It also t"mtrge-d from discussions that the horel
room would most cemin ly be setn mort as an office:lway-from-thc-offi(t", rather than a home-fromhome. Incl"t"'lSi ngly, the hare! room WJ.S l'ieww as a
plaCl: to do business, hl:nct the move towards builtin work st<1 tions wi th modem poims , ,~ood lighting
;lnd well-dtsigne-d chairs,
But the pand of executi ..es sti!! nttded ro be
convinced that hotels would be abll:' to guarantee
the lel'e! of communications the)" offered now.
The semi nar also indicated that businc:s.s rravelle.rl
had litde interest in enviroomeotal iniri,u i\'es such
as fewer bathroom toilecries or towels, and all
expected an increasing proportion of rooms - and
public artaS - to become ~oo smokingM.
Hyatt is n Ot ..lone ill trying to find what rtgul:Jt
business guestS want. All the lar!:!! chains are
carrring out trials.
Wesein, for example, has rooms where the bed
becomes a couch at the touch of a button, giving
the room a more business-like appearance, Jarvis is
experimenting with the delh'ery of room sc-cv ice
through a cupbo.ud accessed from outside rhe
room: a light 1m guests know the meal is (here.
There femains olle tradition hOteliers h;l\'e yet to
decide to keep: the chocolate left on rhe pillow at
(from Tbt '/lW1t:{)


2 Complete the table with the correct information from the

article Seeking a Grander Hotel.

Facilities or services guests believe to

be important:

Facilities or services guests dislike:

The type of improvements business

travellers are uninterested in:

The changes or developments taking

place or likely to take place in the hotel trade:

Vocabulary 2
Look at the article Seeking a Grander Hotel again. Find words in the text to mean :

to give someone the power or right to do something:

gave special importance to something:
to make something certain: .
................. .
permitted someone to do something: .............................. .
became known, evident: .......... .... ..

2 Write the verbs beginning with em or en which mean:

a to make larger: ... ...... .......... .

b to board a ship or plane:

c to put something inside an envelope:
d to make something livelier:
e to make something or somebody richer:

Language Focus 1
Conjunctio ns
Which conjunction would you use to link these pairs of

sentences? Choose fro m the ones in brackets.

2 Complete this passage about a theme park near London

using suitable conjunctions.

a The hotel ben efits from high annual occupancy rates

throughout the year.

There is a sudden dro p in occupancy rates during January.

(although, besides, in addition)

b Earlier research had determined t hat the clientele were
mainly women aged between 20 and 45.
A campaign was devised to encourage this sector of the
market to come in greater numbers.
(therefore, despite, because)

c Many attractions appeal to visitors because they are very old

and historical.
Theme parks are a comparatively new type of attraction.

(conseq ue ntly. despite, whereas)

d Theme parks stretch over vast areas of land , often the size
of small tow ns,

Most are situ ated in the countryside,

(although, thu s, yet)

e Theme parks attract large numbers of visitors.

They are expensive to build,
(th us, however, in spite of)


"IT'S N ICE TO SEE ENGLAND come out o n top - we
loohd at places all o\'er the world, (a) .......
.. ...... the
truth is that England oll'ered en~r)'thing we wanted,"
according to Clive Nicholls, Managing Director of
Lcgo UK .
Lego began looking at bU.ilding a second site in the
autumn of J 990 and considered "hundreds of' sites" before
narrowing the field down to a shor tlist of six - includ ing
three sites in the USA, (b)
it was the
unique character of the 142 acre Windsor Safari Park site
that persuad ed the company to ilwest in England.
"For Lego there were four determining factors in our
choice: (c) ... ',. . ,., ... the site itself was just too beautiful
to miss; (d) ............... _, its size also made the park the
ideaJ venue to bu),. These two factors coupled with its
aCCl'SS to the motorway nCh ,,'ork and the large catchment
area that surrounds Windsor made the site perfect for us.
(e) . _. ........ ........ Windsor is a tr uly inte rnat ional
{Iestination, which meam we should be able to attract many
"i~itors from o utsidc the UK."

(h'om Tourism Enterprise)



'1t:11 Use the words in the box to replace small in sentences a-d.
a Children love to visit Beaconsfield village where all the
the children themselves.
b There has been a



houses are smaller than

improve ment in occupancy rates this year in the region of 5

per cent.
c The budget-priced motel's rooms were all small but comfortable, complete with



bu nkbeds, cupboards and wash ing facilities.

d The new air-condition ing equipment is so sensitive it w ill respond to sma" changes
in temperature.

Format language
2 Rewrite the following sentences replacing the phrases in italics with one of the
phrases from the box.
a I am sorry for the trouble my action may have caused you.
substantial number
b The breakdown of figures shows the percentage growth in each part of the hotel

taken into consideration

c We would like it if you would send payment of your hotel bill as soon as you

d On writin g t his report we have thought about your

req uirements for a site very close to a metropolitan area.

e There has been a large improvement in t he standards of

service in a lot of hotels.

Pronunciation of the letter a
Decide if the underlined a in each of these words is pronounced lrel as in cat, ICII
as in late or 10:1 as in car. Write them under the correct headings in the grid.





within close proximity of

regret the inconven ience
by return

receive this letter.

listen to the tape and check your answers.





SeL"'Cling Locations

Developing the Topic




listen to John Murphy, a director of the Tussauds Group.

You work in the f:\'/ Ventures Department of Them es

Galore, a company specialising in opening new theme parks

explaining how to choose a site for a new theme park.

throughout the world . You have been asked to write a

report recommending one of two possible locations for a

As you listen, fill in the gaps:

a The resident popu lation are those peopl e who
b Tourists are both
who are staying within that

new theme park.

Look at the information about the two sites given below

.. . and

and decide which would be most suitable. Write a report

.. ... ....... radius.

for your MD outlining the reasons why.

c An affinity group is a group of peop le w ho have

d A liner group is a group of people who have .

e So the questions are: do we have a site in an area where

and is the site .....

City (pop. 350.000)

FJoriana is a beautiful unspoilt island off

the Indian coast. It has a population of

Town (pop. 150.000)

3,000 who live in small coastal Villages.

Vi llage (pop. 500)



A. Proposed site for

Theme Park

. .. ..?
.... .... if the

9 Is there a reasonable
h An area of natural beauty is an .
location is a .

There are few roads and little contact

with the mainland.

No. of international visi tors:



. :: l 00km

but if the park is big enough, you can ..... .

If the.
go to the beach.

. people prefer to

Language Focus 2
An international leisure group is considering open in g a new
city attraction in the centre of Konstanz in Germ any. They
have commissioned a report on the area.
Complete this extract from the report using the
conjunctions in the box.
as a result

in addition to




(onstanz lies on the western side of the Bodensee where the lake
:rains into the River Rhine. It was founded on the site of a Roman
'on. (a) .
... it is the medieval city that survives to this day,
JOOlinating the shoreline, (b) ................. lying in the centre of an
=co of outstanding natural beauty. (c) . ........ , it is of litde
SC-'jJrise to learn that Konstanz, with a population of 75,000, anracts
_ ,'?f 200,000 overnight visitors a year.

Produtia is a small but heavily

populated land-locked industrialised


Vi llage (pop. SOO)

MUSl!um I Gallt!ry

.h an average stay of only 2.4 nights, Konstanz would appear to

:.c c typical destination for city breaks, (d) .. ............ the majority

country. It has large cities with a

.A Proposed site for

'W' Theme Park

cultural heritage. The south of the

No. of international visitors :

Yisjtors are day trippers. This is due to its dose vicinity to popular

-c iday regions (e) .............. its closeness to the island of Mainau

.... idJ attracts two million day-visitors a year. (f)
.... the town
from serious congestion since most visitors arrive by road.

country is a popular international

tourist destination .

, =50km

- ":':HS


Local residents are not always in favou r of the building of a new attraction
in their area.
Read the article about a new hotel in Japan and answer the questions:

In which city is the hotel?

How tall was the previous Kyoto Hotel?
How were t he owners able to bu ild a high-rise hotel?
W hat does the city's name mean?
What is t his city famous for?

f Why does the writer feel that it must be hard to meditate at one temple?
9 What do you think the monks are likely to object to next?

Rampant in
City of Shrines

original sire to create an uninspired public

Kyoto was crtated in 794 as Heian-kyo, the
Cicy of Peace, but its inhabitants have always
called it Kyoto and rhe tWo Chinese chamcters
of its name mt'3n capiral of capitals.

urside the ga tes of (he magniticent

Kiyomiw lempJe there is a sign saying
char the residents of the Kyoto Horel art not
The hotel, which will bc formally opened
tomorrow, bas 3W;lcted che ice of many of the
(iry '~ Buddhist monks as an unwelcome
inrrusion inro the historic character of the
former imperial capital .
"The cicy is cdebr::ning its 1.200th birthday
this ),ear," said a monk, shaking his head sadly.
'Tht" Americ;m bombers cartfully flew over and
past Kyoto, doing no damage. Now we Japantse
are descco}'ing the grear beaUty of (he (iry.'
He and other monks are angry btcallse the
hotel, aparc from being in rheir view a graceless
block, has beeo allowed to break the cicy's
precious height restriction of 160 fe At 16
storeys, in addi tion to four floors under ground,
it is twice the height of che hotd of rhe same
name chac it replaces,
"The hotel destroys the low-risc- character of
the city," rhe monk said. "Mammon ha.~ won."
The hotel own('rs were abll' m get a
relax-ari on of rhe height restrictions by giving
8..372 sq. yards of land - 40 per (ent of tht

It is a ci ty chat embodies the spirir of old

Japan, where ancielJ( am and cralts - texeile
weaving, eeramjes, kimono- and kitt-makinglive on.

In Kyoco geishas practise their arts, Whtfe-JS

in Tokyo mose of them have been dtiven away
by kamoh- and disco bars.
There arc lanes filled with old wooden
houses and corner shops, many filled with
tourist trinkets for the 40 million Japanese and
1 million foreign visitors, but some of them
still displaying rraditional <:fafes.
AbO\f' aI! , Kyoto is famed for its palaces.
castl es, shrine's, temple'S and g3rdens. It is
estimated (hac there are about 1,500 Buddhist

temples and 400 Shima shrines and aOOm sixty

remple gardens.
One {empie, Kinkakuji, originall}' built in
1397, has a pavilion (o'<'('rOO in gold 1e'J.f set in
a garden wich a small lake.
At the Ryoanji remple is rhe renowned rock
garden, jusc fifreen rocks laid our in the
fifteenrh-ct'nrufY gravel thar is raked every da}r.
Zen Buddhists say rhat ir indu(l's
contemplation and enlighetomenr, though
with thousands of chattering \'isirors if is
difficult to be concemplacive.
At Ki)'omizu there is a mix of the godly and
the godless: crcaking wooden tloors, old
images, and never a moment's peace from the
rush of schoolchildren anxious to fill their tin
ClipS, and drink from rhe warcrfall of good luck.
"How can rhey demoy this history, rhe
modern vandals?" asked rhe monk.
Takeshi Tanaka, the managing direcror of the
Kyoto hotd, responded: "People don 't waor eo
live in old wooden houses and become victims
of construction rtsrrinions."
In reality the monks have lost the batrle, in
the courrs. The judge said they suffered no
inconven ience from having to live near the
Tomorrow's formal opening of the hotd is
nor quiee the lasr nail in the collin. \'(i'ork has
already started on a new l'lilway stJ,rion, also
rising to 196 fe bur more rhan 500 yards long
and including more than 2.5 million sq. fr
devottd. to a shopping mall J,nd horel.
(from TkGuardian)


to Do

Vocabulary 1

Complete these networks with as many words and

branches as you can .


Pausing and stress

1 listen to an extract from the london Tourist Board's

~ 2 Use these notes to write some more of the telephone

~ele phone guide to London's markets.


As you listen, mark where the speaker pauses (I) and

underline any words he stresses.

Mark the places in your text where you should pause (I)
and underline any words you should stress.
Practise saying it.

Record your text onto a cassette.

Petticoat Lane is London's worl d-famous Sunday marker;

it is held in Middlesex Street, London East 1, from 9 a.m.
w 2 p.m. and sells clothes and household goods. Nearby is
the old Spitalfields market in Commercial Street, London
East 1. This covered market is si tuated on the site of
Londo n's original frui t and vegetab le market . It's near
L"-erpool Street underground station. It 's open throughout
the wee k selling all types of craft goods, bm the best da}'
<:0 \-isit it is Sunday when it 's home to l ondon's only
organic food market.


07te o/tfte~,l2dJU<lar p/erCM to uid.tf';' limd!
df tire weeAM,,(

.hut!UnL tiJ.90: SatunL4qs dYJ'''''~ iJat_e;c

'1".111. an46p.M.


Practise saying the extract_

Listen to the tape and compare.


Language Focus 1
Complete the sentences with suitable words or phrases:

a If yo u

. . by bus, it'll only take you a few minutes.

b In the event of an accident. the alarm

c If the lift doors refuse to open, please ..

.... the
d Students are all owed in to the museum at reduced rates
provided that
.. ........ that
e Children are permitted in the bar on .
they do not disturb the other guests.

Cheques are not accepted ...

.. they are
accompanied by a cheque guarantee card.
9 If you become separated from the tour, please
your way to the coach pick-up point.
h If you have completed the registration form, I .
the key.
i You can go to the Savoy for dinner as long as ............... .
.. jean s.

Listening 1

lohans works in the Berlin Tourist Office.

Listen to him talking to an American tourist and draw a
ring round the places he mentions on the map.
What advice does he give the tourist about public

Writing 1
You work in your local Tourist Information Centre. A group
of hoteliers has asked you to provide a leaflet giving
information about local transport which they can give to
their guests.

Design and write the leaflet, describing the methods of

transport in the area, the types of tickets that are available
and the places where tourists can purchase them.

2 Use the following prompts to make conditional sentences

expressing improbability:

a Iflyou/become/managi ng director of Forte hotels/what do?

b Ifl i/ lose/a guest on an excursion/firing/the hotel
c If/you/have/a car/drive across Europe

d Th ey/earn/more money/iflwork/longer hours

e Sophia/tell/day-trippers about the funfair if/know/where


~ Things to Do

Developing the Topic

Listening 2

Vocabulary 2

Jenny McGee is Information Services Manager at the

Synonyms, British and American English

London Tourist Board. She is talkin g about tourist

information services in London and about the qualities and

Words for the parts of a theatre are different in British and

American En glish.

qualifications she requires from her staff.

Listen and answer these questions:

a How many Tourist Information Centres does Jenny mention?

b Where are they situated?

c How many languages do Jenny's staff require?
d Which languages are most needed?
e List the skills Jenny's staff require.

Language Focus 2

listen to Jenny McGee again and complete these extracts
using the missing adverbs:

a "listening sk ills are.


.. ... essential"

" able to speak ................... know led geably about London"

.: "are computerised: a .

. .. good telephone man ner"

First join the pairs .

Then decide which word ill each pair is American English

Choose a suitable adverb from the box below to complete

these sentences. Use each word once only.

a It was a/n

........... "' .... .. ... mild day for the tim e of year.

=- It is
........ vital that all tour guides have attended
the local history course.
.: The service the guests received at that hotel was

...... marvellous.
The gu ests felt that the excursion had been.

.e This morning everybody was ..................... busy in the


was a/n ...

.......... we ll-organ ised excursion.

owadays hotel managers are .............. ............... trained.





terri bly



and which is British English. Write UK next to the British

word and US next to the American word. The first pair has
been done for you.


check room



interm ission

/ "'~'''"''

movie theater

upper ci rcle



first balcony


hatcheck girl


dress circle



Read these extracts from a guide to places of interest at Greenwich in london.
Choose one of the places (A-I) to complete each gap.
Note that there are more places than gaps.

Set in th e lleaul.iful surroundings of Greenwich Park. hut
close to the hustlin g riversid" town of Greenwich with its
historic buildings, street markets, speciali st shops,
plen tiful pubs and r estaurants, is (a) ..... .... ....... .. whieh
was fo unded in 1934 to pl'omote understanding of the
history ami future of Britain and Ule sea . Learn why
Britain "rca me a lea ding maritime power and of the
importance of peopl e like Captain James Cook and LOI'd
(b) .. ........ ............... , situated on the river, lVas lJegun in
161 G for Anne of Denmark. Tllis is the eat'liest building in
Britaiu Ul the class ical style. It has been fu lly I'estorcd to
its seventeent.h-century splendour.
(e) .

Here, John Flamst.ead, t.he first Astronomer Roya l, bega n

ili s work in IG75 t.o ca lculate time at sea - an essential
requi rement for explorin g ant! mapping the globe. Visit

A The Thames Barrier

o The National Maritim e M use um
G Th ames Bridge

Sir Christophe l' Wren's oct,agon room and clisGover til e

story of time and astronomy. See the largest I'e~'acting
telescope and a unique collection of histot'ic timepieces.

The IVtlI'ld's only museum of its kind . Th ere are

permanen t exhibition s of the history of fans and '
.. is pal't of tile nond defence scheme for
protecting Lundon against riSing water levels ane! tidal
surges. It spans 520 metres and consists of ten separa te
movable steel gates. \Vhen rai sed, the fOllr main ga Le~
each stant! as high as a five-sto rey building and as wide
as the opening of Tower Bridge.

An awe-inspiring outing 1'0 1' all tile fa mily. This
U-475 was in active sel'vice with the Ru ssian BaltiC fl eet
until 19()4 having spent Iwen l.y-seven years prowling the
oceans on surveillance dUly Explore til e engine rooms
and eonlrol stati ons; experience tile crmnpecl condition s

B The Date Lin e

C The Fan Museu m

E The Russian Submarine

H O ld Royal O bservato!},

F The Quee n's Hou se

Children's M useum

Writing 2
Yo u work as a tourist information clerk in the Touri st
Information Centre in York.
You have received th is e-mail message.
Use the information on the opposite page to write a reply.

M.... .... i!:e anr:t I a .. e plann; no to ,ornE

OVQI,' to the UK
OUl; young son .


tbe t?arlj- tall WIth

would ] i).;e tOo spe_ld
:'\d:ty in lour fine t:'itl', ir.tr,;xiucing
him t.O English herit. .."Ige a.nd cult Ye.
t' ",eaSE: can yoU ad'~'ls~ wtler e .....e: shcuJ.o
gQ ~nd what ~~ should see at that
l im~ of year.

t"lea$t? send mol fu~l tlet41.ils .

'rhdDr:S !vr YC'lr :oop'e'rdtion.


1. Howard
tIfo; e-mall numb~l: is

';t,. s


~ Things to Do

York was first a Roman base and city founded in the first century AD. It later became
a Saxon settlement before falling to the Vikings in 867, when it was called .lorvik.

1 Stonegate Shop in rhis

meJitml .(trI.

2 Jarvik Viking Centre ~it in a timecar

ClnJ rrdrel b,,,"k ,1 I,GOO yean to su Jorrik doJ
its pe,'lrie. J)iscor.::r che lreasuresJuunJ JUrillg
the arc:hael'Joai.::al JiB of 1973.

3 National Railway Museum DiscOH:.r hOIl"

British social hi5t o~r arlll mil trm'e! (lrc JinkeJ.

York Minster
Vis;t the Jorse:;t

5 The World
of the Minster

cochttiral in
Northern Europe.

Offers a.fd.~dntlrjn9


insight into che

and times '?IpeC'ple

on", a ~r ioel of

6 York Castle Museum A mUSl'um l!f

, - ------, e'er.J'J~f IfF Relil'c ~hoppin8 as it usd to N
in nineteenth-century' EnSJ.JnJ. Compare) OUT
}ift~fJJe lI'ith our period rooms and SC"ttinss.
7 Yorkshire Museum Set in rcn acr.:s I!l
bocanit'rJl sarJcm, tllis mU.~eum di splays .~omc ?f
cheJlnest Romatl, tlnS]O-SdXc)tl, l'ikinH ./OJ

" I ...
! VA 0I
~- - - -,""'-"-

8 The City Walls The olJ <icy i, Slill almest

(omplerelJ' JurlOundC'J b) ilJ Halls . .Jf.Jke a
complece ci,,;uiL on.f(J()( t e) appudau the
superb "ic H'S anJ the hi.\-lO~"

<1 Englund.

the Past

Pausing, stress and pitch

Writing 1

Yo u work as the Skyways Holid ays rep in Buftalo, USA.

Design a poster to be put up in the hotel. advertising a day
trip to Niagara Falls for next Sunday. Use the information
from Speechwork and remember to include:

1 Listen to a guide describing Niagara Falls and mark the

places where she pauses.

Everybody over th is way, I' ll t ell you a li ttle bit about

w hat you 're going to see and th en w e'll head down to
the boat ride , First of all, I want to tel l you that yo u all
look very beautiful and handsome in your w hite coats .
You' re very disting uished - loo king.
OK. The falls which are dosest to us here - these are all
the American Falls. Th e American Fall s st and one
hundred and eighty-four feet high and go one
thou sand sixty feet across, If yo u look at the end of the
American Fall s, yo u'll see a small island right past t hem
and there's the little fa lls that're cal led the Bridal Ve il
Fall s. In the even ing they'll shine two w hite lights on it
and the water looks like a bride's ve il as it's going over.


Practise saying the text aloud. Record yourself.

~ 2 Mark your own pauses on this second extract from the

guide's tour and underline the words where the pitch rises.
And then th e falls straight ahead of us are the
Canad ian Horseshoe Fall s. They stand one hundred and
seventy-six feet high and go two thou sand two
hundred feet across. So the American Falls are taller but
the Canad ian are tw ice as w id e. And again w hat you
see rig ht now is only 50 per cent of the water that can
actually go over. The other 50 per cent is taken away to
prod uce electricity. So now we are going to head around
the corn er and take the elevator down t o the bottom
and we' ll take the next boat out of here, So if you' ll
fol low me roun d the corner we' ll all go dow n to the
boats together.

Practise saying the extract aloud. Record yourself, then

compare your voice patterns with the tape .

w hat g uests w ill see

the time of departure and return to th e hotel
the cost of t he trip
how or w here guests can get tickets.
See page 92 of the Course Book for an example.


Ma r k eti ng t he Past

Language Focus
Re lative cla uses
Add t he information in brackets to each senten ce. maki ng

2 Add co mmas if and w here necessary to these sente nces :

one sentence with a relative clause.

a In Iron Age times large defensive earth works w ere bu ilt to
protect agai nst invaders.

a The group t hat was due to visit the port this afternoon has
cancell ed th e tri p.

(The earthwork s are now beneath the castle. )

b The port of Dove r w hi ch handles about 5 million t ravellers

each year is the busiest passe nger port in Britain.

b One of the lighthouses still stands tod ay in t he castle grounds.

(The Romans bui lt t wo lighth ouses.)

c Th e huge outer harbo ur which was bui lt at the beginn ing of

th e twe ntieth century is now used in summ er by wi nd surfe rs
and din ghies.

c St Mary-i n-Castra is a Saxon church .

(It is in the cast le grou nds.)

d The custodians w ho w ork o n the gat e need more pat ience

and t act t han th e others.
e Peter w hose job it is to ru n workshops for school chi ldren

d The keep of Dover Castle was built in 1180.

(It is one of th e most imposing and impregnable fortresses in
Euro pe.)

enjoys his work very much ,

The build ing wh ich stan ds on t he w hite cliffs above the
t own is Dover Castle.

e The underground tun nel s we re bu ilt in th e thirteenth century.

(They w ere used as air-raid shelters d uri ng Wo rld War II.)


Yo u work as a to ur guid e at Stratford -upon-Avon in

England, t he birthplace of W illiam Shakespeare.

Use the map and notes t o plan a walking tour of the tow n
and w rite an accom panyi ng talk.

Practise giving the talk. Then record your talk on a cassette.

Slaali:rsprare 's blr thplacr.
;pical milJdltx l(lss furniture tof Ihe lime
s.ales p~dr(' hurn in ulIslairs N)Om

5 Ro~ .. 1 S h ak('!" p(~a r r. Th r at rc

huHL in 1962

produces S ha kt."~pea r~ an p l ay~

adjOining th ea l r~ r iC'lUfl' ga llery and
mu:-.cum willi paintings and C'oslUmcs
01' famous urli.l}; and aChlrs

" a lA' jnJ o~ with Signatures of other

famous playwrights

: -


2 Hairs Croft
medi eval hou"c
home of ShakespeliT'e':$ daughter,
Susa nna. who married Dr lIall,
an emillPnL local dOCLor
house contains 16th- and 17thcentury medical equipment

Han'al'd 1I01lS('

home of John lIarv;l rd, who

later emi~ra LC d to USA an~1
rOllndeti l-lJl'vard llniwrsiLy
'fil e Sha kf'sp...... r e Ct1nt.re,
founded in lH6-1
r---- comm{'morates 400lh

(Hllliw rsa ry 01
S h a ~ es rlt 'a rc'=,


~ '"', Placf'

e telgh t by Shakl'SI>l!are in 1597

p:rlllanCflL Ic:-id('Ju:t: trum

'"",,,,,,h liall IShakespeare's


study Crnl rt"

Iioly 'IH Il It~' (;hul'ch

Shakespeare"s hal)lism <lilt! burial IWortts
nile t'Jt llll1 p l c~ Of 15th-century \\,ood-f arving.,

11 till hr dicd in 161 6

.....ught") an~ Thoma, N.,I! . - --



StrHlft.lrtl story


Developing the Topic



1 Listen to some custodians talking about their work at

Dover Castle.

2 Listen again and decide if these statements are true

or false:

As you listen, match the pictures to the speakers.

a Visitors are never bad-tempered when they arrive.

b Adm ission is not expensive.

(One picture does not match any of the speakers.)

c Th e staff are trying to prove to British youth that it is

important to retain the past.

d The way a custodian behaves is important.

e A scalomobi le is a type of wheelchair.
f At Dover Castle they sell good -quality so uvenirs.
9 Staff are relieved w hen they have finished a tour.




Vocabulary 1
With which periods of history do you associate the words



in the box?
Write the words under the correct headings.
(You may use each word more than once.)





chain mail



Middle Ages

20th Century

.... ........ .... ...

......... .......



Marketing the Past

~ 2 Match the words to the correct parts of the picture of the castle.





spiral staircase


great hall



outer bailey

Writing 2

You work as a custodian at Dover Castle. Next w eek yo u are goin g to give a talk
about life in the castle during the Middle Ages to a group of school ch ildren.

Use the notes and pictures below to help you write what you will say to them .

Learning to become a knight

high table

Learning needlework


Storing food against attack

Preparing for a siege


Dover Castle is t ryi ng to attract not ju st fore ign but also British visitors, and to
encourage th e general public to be more aware of their heritage.
Read the article and answer these questions:
a W hat, accordin g to t he writer, were Victorian museums like?
b In w hat ways have British museums changed?

c What are the disadvantages of these changes?

Fossils Get into Showbiz

Roll up, Britain's museums are turning into theme parks!
e O\ve our great muse ums largely
to [hose much maligned people,
the Victorians. But their ideas are not
ours. "Teach boys and girls noth ing but
Facts, Facts alone are wanted in life."
That was Gradgrind in Dickens's Hard
Times, and you can imagine something

of the same austere spirit pemleating

the Vic torian museum: art, relics, facts
being presented in dusty cases, bereft of
context or passion, to be observed in
If museum s had stayed li ke that, we
would not ha ve 2,500 today. But
muse um bosses reali sed that their
institutions had to shed their
forbidding image or die. However, a
Muse ums and Galleries Commi ssion
working party compla ined in 1992 that
the standards of di splay in many
museums were still appalling. And a
survey by the London museum s to
find out why peopJe were not viSiting
them was called "Di ngy places with
different kinds of bi ts."
Other factors spurre d change. In the
19805 the government forced a climate
of "self-help". Adm ission c ha rges
were introduced; c urators were
encouraged to take crash courses in
There were some s pectacular
successes. Towns discovered they
could make a virtue out of industrial

decli ne by converting a disused mine,

factory or mill into a mu seum;
suddenly, they were tourist attractions.
Morwe llham Quay - a former copper
mi ne in Devon that has been virtually
reincarnated as a Victorian viJIage, to
the edification of thousands of vis itors
each week - is a classic success story.
Even more radical is the sea-change
in presentation. Museums have become
user-friendly. Competing for the same
"leisure pound" as the theme parks,
zoos and cinemas, they have gone into
showbiz . The new buzzword is
"interactive". For instance, if little Dean
wants to pretend to be a Roman soldier
stationed at Hadrian's Wall, he can,
Even the big institutions caught on.
Madame Tussaud's opened a 10
million "Spirit of London" ride that
whisks punters through Londou's
history. Similarly the To wer of
London's attraction, the "Medieval
Palace", has experts dressed in
thirteenth-century garb, and thirteenthcentu ry replica quills and chess sets to
help the punters get that Middle Ages
feeling. This is the theory anyway.
Then there is the "Spielberg factor":
mu seums cashing in on the media
eve nt of the mo ment. Did you think it
was a happy coincidence that the
National Maritime Museum mounted
its "Pirates '" blockbuster at exactly

the time when Spielberg's Hook was

Plenty of museum people think that
commercialism and an obsession with
access ibility have been carried too far.
They claim that museums are
becoming degraded as centres of
research, conservation and scholarship.
The public cannot tell the difference
any longer, they claim, between the
dinosaur theme parks out to make a
quick buck by throwing together a few
plastic stegosauru s replicas in a field and the Natural History Museum,
which has the real thing.
Last month 's J\1use um.t Journal
carried a causti c artic le by Peter
Jenkin son. the head of museums in
Walsall , which summed up th ese fears:
"We appear to be moving away from
the ideal of access for all, to a new
access is
dependent upon the ability to pay;
es tablishment
programmes is based either on cynical
or snobbish assumptions about what
wou ld be pop ul ar, or on the
sponsors hip that might be available;
where subsidi sed museums that do not
attract large audiences are seen as an
unaffordable self-ind ulgence
Three-minute culture has come to
muse ums."
(adapted from The Tillles)

~ Marketing the Past

Writing 3

Vocabulary 2
~ 1 A survey mentioned in th e article Fossils get into showbiz

was called "Din gy places with different kinds of bits, "

What did the writers of the survey mean? Choose one
a Large places divided into sections,
b Dark, dirty places with badly organi sed collectio ns,
c Romantic places with many surprising and interestin g items.

Read this extract from an article about Kentwell Hall.

cntwcli Hall is

an EliZdbcthan
m anor hou!lc

in Suffolk. Eyer), June


July the h ou$c and

farm arc run a~ if the),

Having read the article, which words in the box would you
associate with Victorian museums and which w ith modemday museums? Make two lists.

w{'re still in the

sixteenth century. The
"cast'" of about 700 is

fr om


2,000 applicants who

co mmercial


hand s~on


use r-friendly
welcom in g

then have to Icam as much as they can about t.he

sixtc(~nth century and p()s~ibl)' also Jearn a I.kill , ~uch a.\

wcaving. They dress in Eli:l'.ahcthan costUIll(!S, farm in

the Eliubcthan way. cook Elizabethan fond, .'i ing

Elizabethan songs. Thc} tr), to recreate the past a.s

authentically as possible. Howcxcr they do no t portray
starving. di5Ca.~e ri ddcn beggars <lnd they do take

Tickl!ts cost L9. 00 for' adults .mcl L6.00 for

ltidDrian Museums

Modern-day Museums

chi'dn~n, A fam ily ticket ('osts 30.00.

You work in the marketi ng department of Kentwell Hall. The

marketing manager has asked you to write a half-page
ad vertisement to appear in the national daily papers.
Write the advertisement.

words give a negative impression and wh ich a








Language Focus

Sound and spelling

Possibility and certainty

Some words are pronounced in the same way even though

they are spelt differen tly.
For in stance: their and there , to and two.

Complete these sentences using the words in the box:







Listen to the tape and tick the word you hear.

You may need a dictionary.

a We . ........ have fu ll occupancy on 15th June.

a cereal
c eight

b Th e conference organiser promised to ring us around 1. p.m.

this afternoon. Th at
....... be him now.

e crews

9 prin cipal


b aisle

d coarse
f fare
h steak




2 Some words are pronounced in different ways even though

they are spelt the same.
Read these pai rs of sentences and underline the stress in
each of the italicised words.
a We need to import all our fru it and vegetables at this time
of the year.
b The imports were delivered to the ware house on time .

c Most of our business cl ients are members of the freq uentflye r programme.
d it is inadvisable to frequent that area of town after dark.
e The flight to Capetown flies over the Sahara desert.
"Don't desert me !" she cried, as the taxi sped away.
9 "Please transfer my account to your New York branch."
h The transfer was made by phone.


c W here's Pierre? He

.. have returned from th e station

by now! It's only a five-minute walk and ~

he left at three!

. "'

d I'm afraid that M r Dupres, the manager,

.... be back on duty till 8 p.m.

e Th e delegates onl y left an hour ago. I

suppose they
... have arrived by now.


D'~J An.


Dep. Afr.

The delegates only left an hour ago. Surely,

they ....... ....... have arrived by now.

9 If the weather holds, they ...... ... .. decide to

host the presentation on the terrace. It all
depends on wh ich general manager is on duty.

listen to the tape and check your answers .

Practise saying the sentences.

C9 G

h The guest speaker .. ...... ....... bring his wife

to the conference.




We ............. break even by the end of th e yea r.

The hotel ............. re-open till the New Year.



Business Travel

2 Rewrite these sentences using the words in brackets.


The price of business hotel accommodation is sure to rise. (defi n itely)

I doubt if th ey will hold the convention in Alaska . (likelihood)
It's a safe bet they' ll ask f or a gala dinner on the last night (probabi lity)
The chances are th e businesswomen wi ll require rooms near to the lifts. (certain)
Th ere's little likel ih ood of finding a guest speaker at such short notice. (hardly)
It is impossible to provide a full table d'h6te dinner at that price. (no way)
If we' re lucky we' ll make a profit on our catering this week. (possible)
I' m sure there' ll be 300 delegates at the convention. (bound)

Writing 1

You work in the sales department of The Grande Canyon Hotel, a new business
hotel in Zurich.

The Grande Canyon Hotel

set in landscaped grounds on the outskirts of Zurich
There /lre eight con ferenct'! rooms, ranging in size from th e lSelcC't Simoll Room.
whi ch holds thirty delegates, 10 the Grand Hal/room , h'hich ~p,a ts 200. All our
conference room::; are fully ("quipped.

All our 200 private rooms are df'luxe dQubles.

IJQuble rQQnu 330 SwF

SuilCJ 550 SwF
24-hQllr mlljerellee rale dinne-r. double room (single occ upancy),
breakfast, mid-moming corr~~, IUllch, tt"a, room hire. equip)l!(!Ilt: 550 SwF
24-llQur C()l!ference rale in junior Juile 750 SwF
nar delegate rate 250 SwF
We are 25 kill from Zurich International AirpMt. There are gooJ r~il eOIlO(~tion s frum Zurich
10 all the major cit if'.~ in Lurope. Tilt' hOlel i~ fi\'e minutes from the mo\orway int~rchangf".

00 want to encourage local business as well as international

:nmpanies to use your hotel.

Write a template - promotional letter (one that may be sent out using mail
merge") offering conference facilities to large and small companies .
.. :.emplate letter:

:t standard lene r which may be used to give general information and which can
out to different people with minor amendments made. Gaps may be left for recipients'
:md adJres~s and [he lener can be used wit h a mail merge fac ility.

~ sent

:nlil merge: a word processing facil ity whereby a standard letter can be pri ntetl many rimes
different names and addresses (for example from a mailing l ist)


Developing the Topic


Conferences and meetings

Fiona Stanton works as a travel consultant for a conference

W here are these people going?

venue agency. She is giving a talk to a group of company

Match the sentences with the words in the box.

secretaries on choosing a conference ve nue. Here she is

outlining some of the major considerations they should take

1 lecture

2 congress

4 trade fair

5 board meeting

into account.

3 wo rkshop

As you listen to Fiona Stanton, complete her checklist.

Number of .... ..... .

a A group of hoteliers w ho want to listen to a formal talk on

2 Type of conference

management techniques from a specialist speaker.

b Travel agents going to see promotions from tour operators

and tourist boards in order to find new packages and

3 .....
.... of stay
4 ..
....... ofyear
5 Transport requirements:
air connections
rail connections
road connections:

venues for the ir cl ients.

c An international group of tour operators meeting to discuss

global prob lems.

d Hotel staff needing practical know -how to improve their

work techniques.

brochure extract:




exh ibition



synd icate


2 Use the words in the box to complete the gaps in this


.......... facilities


7 The conference
room layout

e The directors of a company going to the ir monthly decision making meeting.

board meeting


Room t ype


... rooms

8 Refreshments in/outside

............. reqUirements
private dining
public restaurant

The Regent Confereo(t' Cf-nnc can accommodate 700 (a) ...

The main (b) .. .

ha(' ~ea(ing for )00, although it can be

10 Accommodation

divided ioto smaller area~ by using specially designed (c)

. .. It can be li nked via (e)

.. telev isions to the

(f) .

.. rooms (idtal for smaller meetings), all of which h,we


part itions. There is a lOO-seat lecture theatce, which has excel/ent


buffet service
formal dinner

11 ............................. .

f e ll

high-quality (g) .. . .. equipment. Finally, there is an (h) .

lull to display advertising material, products, plans and modds .

pub visit

Writing 2

You work as an incentive travel consultant for a large

international company.
Using Fiona Stanton's checklist from Listening, write a set
of instructions for a new trainee.


Business Trave l

Women Business Travellers
Unfortunately, not all business travellers are satisfied with the services t hey receive.

Read the articl e (below and overleaf) abo ut women business trave llers.
Sentences A-E have been removed from the text. Match them to the correct boxes.

A Yet wh ile SCC U!'ity is considered

importam by women business

t.ravellers. few actually appear

to be so concerned as to do
anylhing about it.

OrganiRalion conference company, says the

secreL is to take (;on! rol. especially when
en tertaining business g1J C ~l.s.

E Every time business traveller Piona Driscoll ~tays in

a hotel from now on, she will ha ve Ihe opportunity 1.0
get her own back for any lapses of service and.
especially. any bias against her as a woma n guest,
as she is one of the first to sign up tor a new scheme
aimed at giving a bett.cr dea I ror women bU Siness

D The Forte Cresl, chain has

[or some years adopted "
high-profile approach. with a

C Probably Ihe biggest irritation

women executives nnd when
t.r<lVcIHng on business is the
hOlel re staurant..

B Vanessa CottO!!. another frequent. bUsin ess

t ran~lle r who is managing director of the Event


r.ar.h hotel's

rooms fitted oub as Lady

Cresl rooms.

Box 1
Woman Aware has been lau nched by ho tel
rescl'vations agency EXIJott:1 to find out
which are t.he best and worst hotels for
women travellers. Expot.('.1 claims th aI,
women cxceu (.ives already account for
some 35 pCI' cent. of all business travellcrs,
and believes thaL by the Wrn o[ the century
t.his [igurc will rise to about 50 per cent.. In
America, some estimates suggcst that this
level has already been reached. Hritish
airlines. howevcr. put the figure much
lower - about one in every fivc busincssclass passengers is a woman traveller.
tile)' repol't,
The Woman Aware scheme - which
involves filling out an appraisal form of each
hOlei - grew OOL of a ::iUl'W)' of GOO frequent
women tr'avellers. aiming lo discover how
t,hey felL they we r'e 1.1'ea tecl in hotels. It
concluded that abou t three-quarter wOI'e
u'nhappy with the security tlwa r'p,ness of
hOLCI stu ff, Hnd, in p<.u'Ucul,rr, thouglllillore
could be (lone w conceal r'Oom numbers
when checking in. About 57 per cen t
Iweferred to have room service delive red by
a woman, especially late at. n ight~

I Box 2 I
A recent Hyatt International hotels SliNey
of about 300 women bu:: ; iness guest.s found
that few requested a room near a lift or
enquired whether the rooms had a chain or
spyhole. None saw t.he ne.ed for womenonly parking ar'cas, and few apparently
noticed if their 1'00111 key had the !lumber
on it..
Hotels. in fac L. have a ra t.her

ambivalent aLUi.ude t.oward s women

executives and how th ey shou ld be trea ted.
Some, such as the Hilton Na tional and
Sheraton cha ins, believe the l'c is 110 need
for positi ve discri mination in favour' of
women other Lhan ensuring lhat starr arc
t.rained 1.0 lake securit.y pr'ccaul.ions. Their
policy is to [reaL all gues ts - men and
women - the same: lO do otherwise. they
argue, would be patronising. "The key
issue is security rather I.han pink frills and
gimmicks.- say~ Hilton.

These typically have an iron and ironing

board, spyhole and deadlock on the door,
special clot.hes hangrl'S, women's
nra~lIl.in es and a basket, of fresh fruiL.
Decor is lighter than that foun(1 in a
slandanlroom. iVlcn arc not exc luded from
booking the~e roorns Wid. in facL oft.en
r'equesL them because of their addU ional
fac ilities and lightel' Bt.lnosphe t'e.
lIoliday Inn is somewhere between Um
twO extremes: it rloe.s lJot have special
room facilities ror women. bul has
developed its Ten Abso lute Standards
aimed at making women more wclcomc.
These include always offcring assistance
with luggage, serving \vomen promptl)1 in
bars and restaurants. providing a choice of
I.Hbles, and offering a choicc of room
locatio n.

alone in a reSt.auran l.. Hyatt acknowledges

t.hi s hy trying to jll'ovide more imaginat.ivc
and lighler meal s on its room service
menus. "We also rccogn ise lhc need for
two tablcs in the room - one ror eating and
on e for wo rking. as husinesswomen spend
mope time in the t'oom,~ sa ys John Wallis.
Hya tL's vice-president. fo r markellng.
However, 1I0t all womr.n nnd
restauranloS inJimidaJing. Pamela Carvell.
a form ..' direclor of Ihe PeriQuiW h O I~ l s
group and now a hotel Gonsulrant. says
tha t. "thc more experienced you are wilh
Slayi ng in hotels. I.he easier it brcomes
knowi ng how 10 deal wi l.h hOlel
restauranl.s". She says Lhal gradually she
has learned to spend more time ealjng in
hotel restaurants ra ther than in her rOOlll.

Box 5

"I plan my campaign in advance,H she says.

"I get. to th e rest,aul'anL early to check out
the table and seL up fI klb from the !Jar and
makn sure lhe maitre d' and staff know
t.hal l am t.h (~ host and not. hos tess. Then I
make sure I'm sitting cornforl.ably. wit.h a
dl'ink, before my guests arrive.Some hotcls have tried in troduci ng Ihe
American concept of a "captain 's t.abl c~.
where single women {::uest.s (and men, too)
(line lDgelhcr, allhough there seems little
enthusiasm ror thiS. Similarly. women-only
hotels in London aimed at lhe woman
business I r'm'ellel' tlHve failed 10 make
much im~re~sioll.

Box 4
A survey hy Ramada hotels found that
abou t. no !JOI' cenL of :;olu womrll travelters
pl'cft.:J' to calt room service I'a ther I.han Gat.

Par t or the prohlcm women executives

find in ho te ls may he owing 1,0 the
relatively few women geneml manage rs.
(adapted [I'om The Sunda'y 11m"s)

2 Answer these questions about the article:


W ho are dissatisfied?
What are their main concerns?
How do the different hotel chains respond to them?
What aspect of hotel hospitality do they find most annoying?
How does Vanessa Cotton cope with entertaining male guests?
What new ventures have proved unpopular?

3 Choose a title for the article from the box:

Rooms for Improvement

Travelling Alone

Problems in Hotels

Review 3
Units 11-15
Language Review
11 Hotel Facilities

at the grid, then fill in the correct headings for each column.

uSing the words from the box below.

determin er







youn g



f air






hand -made


co mpound
co lour

2 Decide if these sentences are correct or incorrect. Correct the sentences that are ' wrong

a The two shopping colourful baskets were hangi ng outside the craft small sh
b The dynamic you ng

busi~essman walked into the ensuite lu xurious bedroo~'

~ ~~eYpsaw many rare e~otic tropical plan ts on t heir long ard uous hike t hrough the jun gle

The ortuguese attractive maid brought three crystal large fru it bowls into the room

ere was a French large Impressionist painting in the executive new suite.


12 Selecting Locations
Complete the gaps in this extract using suitable words.

you will be able to leave them with carers in

canals and the occasional cobbled street.
an area equipped with c.om.puters, crayons,
Among the highlights are the A.mclienborg
paper, a dining room, and a just-for-fun
palace; the imposing Christianborg comple.x
upside-down room where furniture is fixed
and the seventeenth-century sailor's church,
onto the ceiling.
the Holmens Kirche.
One thing you will notice as you visit the
(I) ........ ...... .......... ................. not all
museums and galleries is the high quality of
Copenhagen is steeped in history. Half an
food, drink and se-rvice. a reflection of
hour fTom the centre of the town by train
standards generally in Denmark. They are
and bus the view swi ngs into the twentieth
expensive. (i) ........................ two cups of
century. Beside the sea on reclaimed land is
coffee and two cakes in cafeterias usually
the new 19 million museum of modem art.
equ ivalent
Nearby. culture is permeating the
lj) .............. ............ they are even more
unlikeliest places. (g) ........ .... ............. at the
expensive in the domed conservatory of the
harbour ninety-six containers from ninetyof
Carlsberg Glyptotek. one
six countries, linked by walkways and stairs,
Copenhagen's most famous art galleries.
are being turned into an unusual venue for a
huge international contemporary art show.
(adapted from The Sunday Times)
Ie) ............................. .
(h) .......................... if you have children
.openhagen is a pretty city with an
who do not fancy going around exhibitions
ata:odance of eighteenth-century buildings,

here are many advantages to staging an

event such as thi ~ year's cultural capital
~ Europe exhibition in Copenhagen.
................. it is a relatively small city, so
many of the cultural events will take
within a striking distance of the
a>dbuspladsen (town hall square), noW a
p:destrianised area.
b) ....... ............... ........................ in
Dmmark, bus and train services are efficient
clean. (c) ........... ............ ................... ..
Copenhagen card, which is very
1E2SOnably priced. give.s unlimited travel
ghout the city and a large area around
............ ........... permitting access to
-=tt than sixty sights and mu seums.


13 Things to Do

15 Business Travel

Fill in the blanks in these sentences. Use more than one word

For each of the sentences below, write two more sentences

if you need to. There may be more than one possible answer.
a You are allowed to wo rk as a fore ign national on the

done for you .

.......... ..... .. ..... . that you have a green card.

b .. .. .. ........ you arrive after 8 p.m., you will need to ring the

hotel bell for assistance.


which both keep the original meaning. Use the words

given in capitals in each sentence. The first one has been

a In all probability, most hotels w ill soon have installed irons in

their rooms.

.... you have a valid visa and the stipulated

SAFE. It'5 a 5afe bet that m05t hotel5 wi ll 500n have

installed irons in their rooms.

vaccinations, you won't be allowed entry.

d If you want to get around London cheaply, you


.. .. ... .. .. . buy a trave lcard.

e If I'd known you knew the manager, I .................... yo u to

introduce me.

Th ere '~

ellery likelihood that moe:.t hote l~ wi ll

e:.oo n have ine:.t.alled irone:. in their


b There's no way they'll allow him to travel w ithout

As long as you book the tab le before you go, there

........ a problem.



9 Entrance to the museum is free, ..... ......... that yo u have a

c It's just possible we may be able to arrange the meeting for

student card.


h I wou ldn 't have gone to the station at 5 p.m .,


..... ............. ....... that the train wasn't arriving till 8 p.m.


We won't hold the room after 6 p.m., ...


... you let us

know that you w ill be delayed.

If I ........................ my own private plane, I .

my weekends flying around the world.

d The chances are that the maitre d'h6tel wi ll hand the

woman the bill.

14 Marketing the Past

Add the information in brackets to these sentences, making
one sentence with a relative clause:

a The Pergamon mu seum is in Berlin . (Th e museum was

completed in 1930.)

b Athena was the goddess of war. (Her father was Zeus.)

e I doubt they'll want the large conference room w ith only six
The plane must have landed by now.

c Visitors to London can spend a day in the Tate Gallery. (The

Tate Gall ery contains exhibitions of modern art.)
d The British Museum houses the Rosetta Stone. (The British
Museum was completed in 1843 .)

e The guide gave the porter a generous tip. (The porter was a
student doing a holiday job.)

Use these notes to write one sentence each time,

a The state of Goa/be/in western India/be/formerly a

Shade in your score:
Well done!

Portuguese colony.

b Napo leon Bonaparte/born in 1769/educate in Paris at the

expense of Louis XV I.
c Elizabeth I/be the secon d daughter of Henry VIII /become
Queen of En gland in 1558.
d Hampton Court/bu ild sixteenth century by Cardinal
Wolsey/give to King Henry Vl lilas a present.

Well tried!

A good attempt.
but check your mistakes.

Some revision needed.

Talk to your teacher.

banks/River Tiber.




* o


e Rome/said to be/bu ild by Romulus and Remus/be on




See your teacher now!

1 Types of Holiday
Listening 1
Interviewer: You said that many Romans take more
than one holiday a year. Does that mean that you

are always busy?

Te: Well, not re ally. Romans consider certain times
of the year to be time for hol idays and leisure, and
others for work.
Interviewer: So w hen do the y take their holidays?
Te: Of course, August is the traditional holiday

period when most Italian firms dose. Then there's

the New Year and Easter when a lot of Italians take
.c..n extra holiday.
Interviewer: And where do they go?
Te : It depends on th e time of year. You see , in
August the y are likely to have two t o three weeks so
they go to the States. or South America or Sard inia
Interv iewer: And are these sight seeing, cu ltural or
2:ctivity holidays?
Te; No, They are mainly beach holidays, We Italians
e the sun, and by August we are also tired after a
bng year so we need a relaxing holiday, doing very
ittIe, so we tend to go the seaside, Of course when
?fople go to the States, to Florida or to Mexico, they
:nay decide to go on an excursion or t wo w hile the y
are there, but basically they go to relax,
intelViewer: And at other times of the year?
TC: At Christmas and the New Year people either go
:0 the beach again or the y go skiing. If the y go
'ing, they are likely to go somewhere in Ital y: to
::-Ie Alps or the Dolomites, But if they go to the
:reach they' ll go to the Maldives, the Seychelles or
T.e Caribbean,
telViewer: ! always thought many Italians went to
;:DOdon, When do they go there?
TC: They go on cultural or touring holidays at Easter
=.,-1 they may take weekend city breaks throughout
:h? year. Paris, London and M adrid are very popular
Interviewer: It sounds as if Italians are always on
iC: No, not really, but we do like to take several
5'-ort holidays in the year with one long one in
.! _gust. Right now very few people wi ll take a
-o6day. In fact, at present, our only enquiries are for
-':lley moons, trips to Thailand, A ustralia and the
listening 2

So where do you send your clients?

Well, t hose who go abroad go to the States;
::-.2.t's the most popular destination, or to the Orient,
',\exico and then to Europe, in that order. Paris is
::-=, most popular European destination . It accounts
~ 2hout 60 per cent of European holidays, and then
=--:-es Great Britain and after that Prague.
..ervieyter: Prague ! Yes, it is becoming a ve ry
~lar destination throughout Europe
- C: But that is because it is so very beaut iful.
--cie'Jer, at this time of the year, the only bookings
~ ~ taking is for honeymoon travel: to America
.:.-c the Far East
J;Z:!!rViewer: Where in particular in the Far East?
-::: To Thailand, Singapore, Bali and India mainly,
~gh we are getting quite a few for Sri Lanka and
~ '.\zkfives. and some want to go to China or Hong
.=esviewer: And what do they do when they go so
C' a..~d? Do they go for sightseeing?
~ Some sightseeing, yes, but also the beach . Until
~-tiy the holiday maker w as content with just
-=c-.mng two weeks on the beach, but this is no
_ .'Y so. Now they want not only the sea, but to
~ 5Offiething, to appreciate the culture, the art and
~ure , to learn something about the way of
~ -n.2.t 's why the Orient is so popular because you
~ "ave a beach holiday and link it w ith an
~ or a tour of the area. So it is very usual for
JIe':7: E to have a seven-day tour followed by a
~-centred holiday.
~-jew er: W hat do you consider to be the most
-c;c ~ces that Sicilians now go to?


T C: Mexico without a doubt. You can find

everything there: arls, colours, good people, good
places to have sun and very good food .
Interviewer: For how long has Mexico been popular?
TC: For a long time . I've worked here for nine years
now and it has always been popular. However, over
the last three years the demand has been growing
quite steadily.

2 A Career in Tourism
Listening 1
Kitty: I know you are all studying tourism - do you
know what you wan t to do yet?
Marin a: I stud ied tourism at college in Italy and I'd
like to work in some area of tourism, but at the
moment I'm still not quite sure w hich.
Antonio: We all are interested in tourism, but don't
know in w hich field we should look or how we
should go abou t getting a job. How did you start,
Kitty: Well , I started by doing three years at college,
traini ng to be a hot el manager. While there, I
worked part-time in a restaurant as a waitress and I
also did reception work. W hen I left college I was
very lucky because I' w as able to get a job as a
restaurant manager, i n a small hotel, so J started
fairly high up.
Marina: Is that what you did, Justine?
Justin e: No. You see, whereas Kitty did her three
years ' training at college, what I did to get into
hotels was I started off as a part-time waitress in a
hotel, w hile I was going to high school. What you
need to do is sho w the initi ati ve, show the
enthusiasm , that you're interested in making hotels
your career - and in that way I went from waitress to
assistant restaurant manager to restaurant manager,
and then across to conferences, and I've finally
landed in sales now, in th is hote l. So, as long as
you're showing initiative and are w illing to learn,
then you can get a long way in hotels. And I think
we 've got a long way to go, Kitty There's plenty of
room for us to go up.
Kitty: That's right.

3 Trends in Tourism
Igo r: The situation changed dramatically after
November 1989 w hich we called the Velvet
Revolution. Before then , in communist times, yo u
had the right by law to travel abroad. It was limited,
not politically but financially. You had the right to
apply once in three years for hard currency. And
once you received it you could apply for a visa to
travel out of the Czech Republic. In theory everyone
could travel abroad once in every three years. but in
practice this was not the case for SO or 90 per cent
of the popu lation . It was impossible for the majority.
And then as soon as t he barbed w ir e came
down , here the situation was very similar to
Germany w hen the Berlin Wal l came down. W e
were free to travel. We no longer needed a visa.
Everyone had to go abroad just to prove that it was
true. So there were queues on the frontier. Everyone
went out of the country in the morning and came
back in the evening just to convince himself that he
could . It was a great sense of freedom.
And then people began t o w ant to travel out for
more than one day. O f course there had been travel
agencies before the revolution . But there had only
been two: the state travel agency and the
cooperative tra vel agency. Both had been state
owned and so the employees had been state
apPOi ntees. All trips had been arranged as group
travel. so you had to stay with your tou r leader. Now
all this changed . At the present time we have 3,000
tra ve l agencies. W e hav e sw ung to the other
extreme. I think that market forces w ill reduce this
number qu ite quickly. But Czechs love to travel and
as the economy improves, so more are able to do so.
But again it's a matter of economics and market
forces. If I travel with my rail card to Paris it will cost
me two or three times more than if j go in a group
by coach. So most of the trips are coach trips. People
go to Paris by coach, stay a couple of nights in a
small budget hotel and then return overnight. This is
the cheapest way of travel l in g at the moment,
especially w hen you realise that hotels will give us 50

per cent reductions on the rack rate if we send

Now if we consider the other side of the coin.
You see, just as we wanted to travel abroad and see
the rest of Europe, so they now want to see w hat we
have to offer, Of course, foreigners could always
visit Prague, bu t with the cold war and the iron
curtain people weren't that interested. Now they are
eager to see what the y have been missing, and of
cou r se Pr ague is a beaut ifu l city. We have
monuments and buildings of almost every European
period . Although th e comm unists did li ttl e to
maintain the old, they did nothing to destroy it. At
f ir st we had a problem w it h the amount of
accommodation. We had one or two hotels and
quite a lot of workers' and student accommodation.
And so we adapted and refurbish ed the workers'
accommodation as fast as we could for these new
tourists. Many internation al chains bu ilt new top
class hotels and very quickly we have achieved
enough accommodation to house the numbers w ho
wan t to come. In the peak seasons - on a few
weekends - we are short, it is true, but most of the
time we have sufficient capacity.

4 Where People Go
Listening 1
Official: It's not always a case of w ho comes in large
numbers as how much they spend . The biggest
spenders are still the Americans with 1,486 million .
Student: I suppose that the Japanese come a dose
Official: No, not at all, in fact they're way down at
number 7.
Student: So where do the big spenders come from?
O fficial: Europe. Germany is at number 2 wi th 635
million, w ith Ireland at number 3 with 424 million
and France at 4 and Italy at 5 close on thei r heels.
Student: So Britain is still popular with Europeans?
Official: Yes, of course
Student: And how much do the Japanese spend?
Official: A mere 288 million, coming well below the
Australians at number 6 with 344 million and just
above the Spanish at number 8 with 286. You see .

a The bo x office is open daily from Monday to
Saturday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The telephone
number is 0171 304 4000
b Hampton Court had 543, 061 visitors this year,
which is a decrease of 6 per cent on last year.
c There are 2.335 Deut schmarks to the pound
d Twenty-five pounds times 2.335 Deutschmarks is
58.375 less 2 per cent commission .
2 per cent of 58 .375 is 1.167 Deutschmark s.
58.375 minus 1.167 equals 57.208 Deutschmarks.
Listening 2
Interviewer: Where do most of your tourists come
Signor Pacini : Well, a high percentage are Italians,
and then other Europeans in the main. And now we
are getting a steady stream of tourists from the
States, and from Japan.
Interviewer: And w hat do they do when they come?
Signor Pacini: Th e Italians mostly want to be able to
enjoy the sun and the sea. Though of course, there
are many other reasons why Sicily is so popular both
with Italians and foreigners
Interviewer: Such as?
Signor Pacini : T here's the fad that we have here
examples of almost ellery period of Mediterranean
culture, from the Greek period righ t through to the
present day , w hich puts Sicily firmly on the map of
the cultural and archaeological itine rar ies. Then
there's the geography and geology, the terrain and
the fl owers and wild life.
Interviewer: What, in particular?
Signor Pacini: Well, for example, there's Etna w ith its
still active volcano surrounded of course by its own
nationa l park. But we have such a diversity of
geological formations and also of climatic changes
that each area is entirely different. It's an amazingly
beautiful and varied landscape for the ecotourist.
Interviewer: Mm. Er. .. and so they come for a w ide
variety of reasons. But are their demands the same
as, say. they were five years ago?


Signor Pacini: To a certain degree. yes. They want to

enjoy our cultural heritage, to enjoy our cuisine, to
appreciate the countryside, to spend some time on
our glorious beaches, though they are now far more
activity conscious and more interested in \lisiting
areas that are not established ~tou rism resorts~. But
they also want better services. In particu lar they
demand, and q uite rig h tly so, better
accommodation, And we feel that all this is \lery
important. We are now part of a European
Community project to look at ways of de\leloping
and promoting sustainable tourism in the south of
Italy. In th is project we w ill be de\lcloping criteria to
rate hotels unifo rmly, looking at the transport
infrastructure, considering the main tourism cultural
itineraries, and looking at the protected areas so we
can produce strategies to develop their potential. to
promote them intemationally and to maintain our
regional, cultural way of life. We need tourism. It is
our chief employer - but it must be sustainable.

5 Travel Agents
Listening 1
Carl a: Good afternoon. Skyways Holidays. Carla
speaking. How can I help you?
Mrs Pinotti: I'd like to book a hotel in Frascati for
myself and my husband for a few days.
Carl a: Do you know when you'd like to go?
Mrs Pinotti: Yes. During the wine-making season, in
October. Er ... just for three nights, the 18th to the
20th October.
Carla: Can you tell me the type of hotel you require?
M rs Pinotti: Yes, A good comfortable hotel w ith
private facilities.
Carla: So you'd like a double room with en-suite
bath or shower?
Mrs Pinotti : A double with a shower.
Carla: We ha\le two in the brochure. The Belvedere
in the centre and the Toscana on the outskirts.
Which would you prefer?
M rs Pinotti: The one in the centre.
Carla: So, the Belvedere costs IL100.000 a night for
a double room with shower. Is that alright?
Mrs Pinotti: Yes, fine. Can you book that one for me
Carla: Certainly. And how will you be paying?
Mrs Pinotti : By American E)(press.
Carla: Right And will you reqUire transport?
Mrs Pinotti: No. thank you. We'lI be driving .

Listening 2


Sales executive: All sales are made through the sales

conversation. Now this is different from an ordinary
social conve rsation because it has an objective. an
aim, which is to sell the product. and so must follow a
set patter n w hich always includes the same four
elements in this order. These are rapport, questioning,
presentation and commitment
Rapport is the relationship w hich is built up with
the customers. They must feel at ease in the sales
environment and confident that the enquiry will be
dealt with properly and in an appropriate manner. Of
course, rapport must be maintained throughout your
dealings with the customers, right through the sale
and into any subsequent dealings. However, it must
be established before questioni ng can take place.
Why do we need to questi on the client? We
need to establish the client's needs. We cannot sell a
holiday if we do not know what t ype of holiday they
want. Sometim es a client will vo lunte er this
information themselves, especially when they have
already made their choice, have chosen the product
they wish to purchase. But in a real sale your first
task is to find out e)(actly what they are looking for
and the best way to do this is to question effectively.
Before we go on to presentation. let us consider
what good or effective questioning skills are. There are
two types of questions: open and closed questions. The
closed question is the one that in vites a no or yes
response. An open question is one that cannot be
answered with no or yes. For instance: "Do you want a
single room?" is a closed question. whereas ~ What
kind of room would you liker is an open question.
There are times when you will need to use closed
questions, espeCially when you are checking
infonnation, but in the beginning you will find open
questions much more effective. It forces the respondent

to give more information, to e)(plain more fully what

they require. In this way you are able to elicit what they
really want to buy. An open question always begins
with one of the seven W words - so-called because
they all contain the letter W; when, where, who, how,
which, what and why.
So what do you need to know in order to be able
to sell your product? Well, you need to be able to
establish what their material and human needs are.
You'll disco\ler the material needs by asking such
questions as "Who will be travelling?". ~ How long
for?". "When do you want to go?" Hu man needs
are catered for with "what" questions: "What sort
of holiday do you wa nt?", ~Wh a t are your
hobbies?" Human needs as well as material needs
must be part of your investig at ion before you
suggest a hOliday. Otherwise you will not have the
whole picture and w ill not be able to make a sensible
You must also establish t he client's priorities.
Everyone considers one part of their travel
requirement to be the most important. These fall into
four main types. People and their requirements: for
instance. er .... if it's a family travelling, perhaps they
require interconnecting rooms. Then there's place,
the destination may be of paramount importance.
Thirdly , there's the price. For some clients this
governs their choice of destination and date. And
lastly there's the period. Most people are restricted in
some way in the dates when they can travel.
Concerning price: of course it is often difficult to
talk about money. But everyone tries to keep within
a budget and wants to feel that they are getting
value for money . It's unwise to guess from a
person's appearance their financial standing, So
w hat should you ask? Questions such as "What type
of accommodation are you looking for?" and "What
price range do you have in mind?"
You will not need to ask the question "why"
unless you feel that it is necessary to persuade the
client to change their views as to the suitability of a
resort or holiday.

6 Tour Operators
Listening 1
Marianne: Can we begin by ta lking a little about the
market in general? Can you explain what is really
M i ke: Yes, of cou rse. There's been a l ot of
speculation this season and that's because the British
public's holiday -buying patterns have changed.
They're more sophisticated in their choices, they
make them later and later. So tour operators have to
decide whether to stick to their brochure prices or to
Marianne: So what are they doing this year? In May
we heard that there was like ly to be a price war and
that we should wait before buying our hOlidays as
prices would plummet. However, this doesn't seem
to have happened yet and we are already into July.
Mi ke: True. In May and June there were a couple of
weeks of highly selecti\le discounting to try to boost
sales at a time when there was talk th at about 3
million package holidays were going to be sold off at
half price. At the time, the early indications showed
there was unlikely to be the 5 per cent capacity
growth predicted at the beginning of the year. But
now. there are some w ho privately admit that sales
may well be 2 per cent below last year's 9.5 million
figure. However in the main, the operators are
refUSing to panic and are hoping t ha t heavy
discounting won't be necessary.
Now that we're into July it' s easier to see how
Sdles will fare. You see it's more or less agreed that
an estimated 2.2 million package holidays remain
unsold for the remainder of the season. Almost all of
them will be sold, but operators may ha\le to
squeeze margin s to cut prices we ll below the
brochure rates. How far depends on how keen we
Britons are to part with our money. An estimated ..
er ... 35 per cent of families now buy package
holidays and since the price wars of ten years ago
many families ha\lc become used to late booking.
So the operators ha\le a choice between sitting
tight, discounting or reducing capacity. The last is
difficult at this late stage so I do think we will see
some discounting, but none of the operators want to

get into cutting prices down to Silly rates. TheY're

also reluctant to admit that there are still a lot of
holidays for sale. because that would encourage the
public to hang on as long as possible.
Marianne: Then we should wait as long as possible
before buying our foreign holidays. What about
holding on to our shares?
M ike: Weil l wouldn't sell at the present, nor would I
buy. I'd wait and see. Before we talk about the stock
market let me outline some longer term
First, you must remember that last year the City
considered the early launch of brochures a mistake.
as it meant that travel agents were trying to sell this
year's holidays to people who hadn't yet taken last's.
Secondly, the industry is also worried that
overseas hoteliers may push up next year's prices. At
present, the cost of accommodation is rising at three
times the level of our inflation. Soon the industry is
going to be forced to pass on this increase to the
So. it would appear that now the first priority is
going to be cost and not service; that the market
leaders next year will be those who can produce the
cheapest holidays.
Marianne: And who is this likely to be?
Mike: Well. as I said, I'd hold on for the moment.
We must take into account that about 70 per cent of
this market belongs to the three big operators. If we
look at how their shares are faring at the moment on
the open market.

7 Promoting a Destination
Bill Morriso n: The British, you see. regard Ireland
almost as their backyard, but on the other hand as a
fo reign country. For them we are ne ither an
international nor a domestic destination.
Geographically, we are \lery close so irs only a short
hop to get here. And, as a result, the British often
come for weekend breaks or e\len for the day. We
also share a common language, and culture and
history. People know the system, they feel confident.
so if they come for longer periods of time, they are
more likely to choose self-catering holidays or take a
self-drive trip. For the most part they are independent
travellers. Many come so they can enjoy or follow
their favourite hobby. Angling and golfing holidays
are very popular, with the number of golfing holidays
growing. You know we have some of the finest
greens in Europe and they are relatively cheap
compared to other places. Cycling is also growing in
popularity . It s now considered a very healthy
occupation. and of course it's become very upmarket.
Then again, Ireland is becoming a popular destination
for the office outing. Pre\liously companies would take
a day trip to the seaside, now they take a weekend
break. more and more often to Ireland
Interviewer: And the Germans?
Bill Morrison: They have a very different impression
of Ireland. Irs a misty, romantic isle on the edge of
the world. They come to find a way of life that they
believe no longer e)(ists in Germany: the quiet,
peaceful village life of 100 years ago or more.
So they come mainly to the West Coast, to the
unspoilt landscape. They want to see the way of life, to
meet the people. They'lI come on coach tours. but
unlike the British. who'll take a tour only to appredate
the sce nery, they'll come on a study tour, an
archaeological tour, an Irish music tour. so that they can
learn about the life, the history, while they see the
countryside. Even though there are many direct flights
from Germany, they tend to come for an average of ten
days - transport costs being the major reason. like the
British, they come for outdoor pursuits: walking, cycling
and cruising. Cruising on inland waterways is very
popular. And alxwe all, they enjoy discovering the small
villages. the village life around the pub with Irish music,
Intel'lliewer: And are they independent travellers or
do they come with a group?
Bill Morrison: The German travel trade is far more
structured than the British. You'll find th at even
those who come singly, as a famil y group, have
prepaid and prearranged almost everything at home
in the travel agents' before they left. Many arc on let's cal! it a tailored holiday package
Interviewer: And so how do you market Ireland?

Bill Morrison: Both in Britain and Germany ~e target
the top end of the market. The majority of Germans
who come are English speakers. This tends to mean
that they belong to the professional classes: A, Band
C1 categories . So all our media publicity is aimed at
them. We advertise in those journals and specialist
magazines that they are likely to read. We promote
Irish holidays at those travel fairs where we feel there
is an interest, where we want to develop that
interest. So we'll have a stand at the Munich CBR,
that's the caravan and boat consumer market, the
Hamburg holiday fair, Cologne's coach operators'
fair and Dusseldorf's boat show for instance, but we
won't be represented at the Equestrian fair in
Hamburg i n April. though we will be at the
Badminton Horse Trials as there is a British market
for horse-riding holidays in Ireland . And of course in
England and Scotland we have a stand and promote
golfing holidays at the major golfing tournaments.
We al ~ go to the angling and game fairs as well as
attending the major trade fai rs such as the World
Travel Market fair in London in November. This year
there'll be seven travel programme seriC5 on British
television, and we'll be featured in every one. But we
are promoting I reland to the top sector of the
holiday market - to the As and Bs - so again we
advertise in the specialtst journa ls, the glossy
upmarket magazines, the quality papers. But not all
ou r pub li city is paid publicity, for instance the
television programmes , We also receive publicity
when journalists include Irish holidays in their travel
sections. So every year we help journaliSts to travel
.:round Ireland . This year we'll assist 300 British
JOUrnalists and about 80 to 90 German journalists.
Interviewer: So what aspects of Ireland do you stress
in your advertising?
Bill Morrison: Both in Germany and England we
emphasise those aspects that appeal to the public,
- 0 the Germans we market our romantic castles, the
" isty green landscape, the fairy-tale image. To both
~ stress the personal side of Ireland, village life , the
S/IO .'I relaxed pace of life, the human interest . We
J;.SO promote the fashionability of Ireland: the fact
=-~ Ireland is a favourite hideaway retreat for film
~; that Ireland is a healthy place to come to --esh air, the simple life, healthy activitjes_ The British
zre al~ interC5ted in the Irish fjlm industry. They're
as) attracted to the gotf, to the food - good, fresh
I"'.g'edients simply cooked, to the good living .

8 Responsible Tourism
iaah: So Bob, what was this holiday of yours like?
icb: The trip started in San Jose in Costa Rica, where
~ all met before setting off,
iaah: Er ... but J thought San Jose was inland, miles
~the coast.
J,;:b: Yes, that's right, but it has an international
c.-:JOrt and most people come from the USA and
iaRh: So these kinds of holidays appeal mostly to
'o:h Americans?
Jdr. Yes, at the moment. Anyway we all checked in
:a<: met our guides and did some shopping. But it
'25 2. nightmare.
iirah: What do you mean?
leO:: Well, these ecologically-minded tourists are
~c.emed about what everything is made from . 1
-:.-:ed to buy a crocodile bag for my wife, but
_ ::: I ? Here the country is swarming with
:-:odiIes but is there really a surplus? Eventually the
thing I bought was a water canteen since I'd
~:ten to pack one . But it was a leather one. So I
...:z ~<ed if I knew where the leather came from . I
"E :::tld it must have come from a white-lipped
:;IE'! - / ' an endangered species.
s.a.: Did it?
.'Iho knows! But it certainly made shopping
....-.::.-:.. We then set off in coaches to the PaCific, to
~ _aldera, where our boat was moored. It was
aae- =- small boat so that it could come in close to
:-ore to enable us to land, but it was very
_'--2ble, with all modern comforts. And there
-e>; the crew whose Job it was to sail down the
:0 P.:narna and through the canal, stopping off
aro....'S coves and islands where we could explore.
_.os to say, none of us were very fit and we

needed great help in getting into and out of the

dinghie., aside from help in traversing jungle paths,
and this the crew did.
Saran: Er ... hang on. Help? Jungles?
Bob: Yes. You see, w hat everyone in the trip had in
common was a desire to go on ecologicaHy- sound
Sarah: Yes. So?
Bob: WeI!, most of the group were, how shall I put
it , balding and o v erweight? Even disabled
partiCipants come on these trips and go on the jungle
Saran: But this is a cruise I
Bob: Sure. But every day we would come in shore to
some part of the jungle that was inaccessible from
landside_ It was rare for anyone to miss one of these
Sarah: And were they easy?
Bob: No, not really. The idea was to try to spot as
much of the fauna and flora as possible. Many
people did see lots of birds but I found that I missed
most of them. The idea of the trip was to see as
much of the unspoilt environment as possible while
at the same time remaining as ecologjcaJly--sound as
Sarah: How could you?
Bob: Well, in particular on th e boat they cleaned the
sewage before emptying it into the sea, they did not
dump fuel, our garbage apart from the cans was
bumt. So J suppose we were doing our bit to save and
protect the environment. It certainly satisfied the
Sarah: So an ecological tourist requires comfortable
lodgings, a green environment and a chance to see
unspoilt nature. What about teaming anything about
the local cultures?
Bob: We met two groups of Amerindians. First, the
Choco tribe in the Darien jungle, The men make music
whi le the women sell. They carve beautifully in
rosewood and make imaginative little omaments and
earrings from ivory nut. as well ,__ as well as making
the most fantastic baskets, Later we met the Cuna on
Acuatupu_ Th ese people make the mos t brilliant
clothes called molas , They also do a great trade in
having their photos taken.
Sarah: And they liked this?
Bob: Loved it. Thought how authentic and natural it
all was.
Sarah: So do you think it wou ld be worth our going
in for this sort of package?
Bob: We would have to appeal to a very small and
specific market. To do this we would have to be sure


9 Transport
L i stening
Dominic: How do you plan the summer programme
for the world's largest charter airline?
Terry: We get goi ng on the programme eighteen
months in advance. The initial parameters are first
set in d iscussions between us, the airline, and
Thomson, who are both our owners and principal
customer. These parameters lay down the amount of
flying time Thomson requires, the size of our fleet for
the season and its level of use. Once we have them
we can get on with organising the details.
Dominic: So you begin with a blank piece of paper?
Terry: No, not at all. Ideally we would repeat last
season's programmes, making a few changes where
we had come across problems. But of course it's not
that easy. There are many issues that influence our
Dominic: What do you mean?
Terr y: We ll , for a start I have to talk to my
counterpart at Thomson several times a day to check
on their commercial needs - such as changes in
demand from different airports, the timing of the
summer brochure launches, I also have to take into
account ou r profitability targets, maintenance
requirements, and the efficient use of the aircraft
and their crews. Then there are the constraints
imposed from outside. We have to negotiate slots at
each airport across the world - some 24,000 slots in
a twenty-six week summer programme - and we
have to contend with airport operating hours and
noise restrictions.
Dominic: So how do you do all this?

Terry: Well, we record all this information on what

we call our core computer system .
Dominic: So when you've done all that. you're ready
for the brochure launch?
Terry: Far from it. First we run a feasibility study - to
make sure that the aircraft is not being used twice
and that it's flying to an airport whe re we have slots.
At the same time management is running a
profitability study. We'll have several alternative
plans which have all been looked at in this way
before the run-up to the brochure launch.
Dominic: So how do you choose which plan to use?
Terry: Of course a decision has to be made, but even
after we've made up our minds we have to be
prepared to make changes right up to the last
minute, because in order to put this plan into
practice we have to have lengthy negotiations with
airports and other airlines via the international SITA
aviation netwo r k. We have a certain number of
historic slots at airports. If we need more then we
ask for w hatever we require,
Dominic: So that's it then?
Terry: No - by no means, We go to the International
Slots Allocation conference where there is a week of
frenetic horse-trading. Naturally we take our core
system work-station with us so we can work out any
changes. And we take a systems person w ith us, just
in case the computer crashes. So after that we have
our sched ules for the sum m er and the tour
operator's brochures can go to print .
Dominic: It all seems very complicated.
Terry: Yes, but the computer has si mplified and
speeded up the process greatly, It's not only more
efficient in our direct costs, but also in overall costs
to the airline. And it allows us to see what the key
factors are that affect the plan ,

10 Customer Relations
Speech work

Chris: Well, we booked a holiday in an apartment in
Sa Punta that was described as ideal for those
seek i ng a quieter re laxing h ol iday. But it was
anything but quiet. The noise was deafening. We'd
asked for an apartment with a sea view but were
given one with a view of the courtyard, overlooking
the swimming pool and bar, The children needed to
sleep at night but they were kept awake by the
noise, It was dreadful.
David: Did you write and ask for compensation?
Chris: Of course we did. We asked for 600 but
they only offered a mere 100,
L i stening
Peter Garfiel d: Let's consider some of the ways that
we can persuade the general public to have
confidence in us and to use our services.
Let's look first at staff appearance. It is important
that all staff are well-groomed ; that your hair is neat
and tidy, shoes clean and we l l-polished, your
uniform pressed. If you look pleasant and
profeSSional, people wi ll be far more w illing to
approach you and ask for help . Many customers
decide to come in on the off-chance because they
have looked in the window and are impressed by
what they have seen inside the shop.
Once they do approach you the way you react is
also very important. It is not necessarily wha t you
say but how you look, it's w hat we call your body
language . Our facial expressions, the way we use
our hands, our body to convey what we really feel.
So try to maintain good eye contact with your client.
This shows that you are listening. If you look away
they will think you are no longer paying attention to
them . Lean forward a little as this also shows you are
concentrating on what is being said. Do not lean
back as this shows you are uninterested. And try not
to fidget as this can be very irritating.
However, wh en a customer first walks into the
agency give him some personal space . By that I
mean, do not rush up to him the moment he walks
in, but give him ti me to browse before you approach
and ask if you can be of help, Then give him your
full attention.
In order for him to feel that you and the firm are
efficient and reliable, listen carefu lly, and if possible
take notes so you can refe r back to them later.


Maintain a professional manner throughout; that is,

remember that everything that the client tells you is
in confidence. Never talk about one client in front of
others. He also expects you to be loyal to your
company. So never blame anyone else for an error.
Always give accurate infOfmation. If you are not sure
of any of your facts, check them ! Don't be afraid to
admit you don' t know something but show that you
are able to find out what is required. If you promise
to find information, give it to the client at a later
date, having told him when you intend to do so. And
above all, remember that a client will remember the
person, or the company, that not only does a good
job, but who does something more than expected.

11 Hotel Facilities


Interviewer: Looking at this brochure, I see that you

only opened two weeks ago, and yet this building is
surely older than that?
l eo: Yes, there has been a hotel here for many years.
Since 1927 in fact. This hotel was built in 1927 and
at that time was known as the Hotel Steiner. It was a
magnificent hotel - the greatest hotel in Prague. It
was here that government ministers. Prague society
came to wine and dine . Then in 1948 it was
nationalised. It was returned to private ownership in
1990. And then, last year in cooperation with Austria
Hotels, it was totally refurbished within eleven
months - something we are very proud of, for we
feel that this is something of a record for Europe and
in particular for Prague. It is now part of the Austria
Hotels chain, and is in fact the first hotel in the chain
to be outside of Austria.
Interviewer: How would you describe your hotel?
Leo: We are a lU XUry hotel for individuals and a
business hotel.
Interviewer: What facilities are there for guests?
leo: In our banqueting suite, which before 1948 was
the finest ballroom in Europe, we will hold
conferences and we can partition it for seminars and
small group meetings. We have seventy-eight rooms
- all air-conditioned, with fax, ~te!lite TV, etc." 146
beds, seventy covers in the restaurant, th irty-six in
the coffee shop, and 110 in the ballroom.
Interviewer: And what is your ratio of staff to
Leo: At present we are not full, so we do not have
our full quota of staff. So we only have fifty staff at
Interviewer: And are the majority Czech or Austrian?
Leo: We are all Czech, apart from our executive
manager who deals with marketing. We do not have
too many se nior staff as we wish to keep ou r
overheads low. At present there is myself, the general
manager, and I also have an assistant manager. We
will train local staff and employ people who speak
languages: German, English, French.
Interviewer: How are you obtaining your bookings?
l eo: We're part of the Austria Hotels chain so we
use their central reservations service. We are on-line
with SRS - Steigenberger and Utell, marketing our
hotel world wide. Of course we are ideally located
here in Prague - on the very edge of the
pedestrianised cent re. You can visit the whole of
Prague f rom here on foot; you don't nee d any
transport. So we should appeal to our market. Our
staff all speak several languages. The hotel is being
well-marketed. In fact, even though we have only
just opened - our official opening is not until next
month - our occupancy rates are very good . You
know, we wanted to open on the 1st of October.
On t he 30 th of Septem ber we finished all ou r
preparations, and in the evening we all sat down
together to survey eve rythi ng, to relax, and at
midnight two people walked in off the street and
asked if we we re open, if they couid stay. And so we
said, yes of course ! We started in the most
wonderful, memorable way.
Interviewer: And where do your guests come from?
Leo: Er .. we have a very good mix: from Europe,
the USA and the Far East..
Interviewe r: So wil l your cui sine be European,
Austrian, Czech, International?
leo: Most people when they travel wish to taste the
local dishes. They want something different from

what they eat at home. So th e cuisine is definitely

Czech. We have an excell en t chef and everyone
seems very satisfied.
Interviewer: And what will you be doing for your
Grand Opening?
l eo: Ah yes, well everyone is com ing, people from
Prague, famous people, compa ny directors, city
officials ...

12 Selecting Locations
Interviewer: So, how do you go about setting up a
new visitor attraction or a new theme park outside
John: Assuming you have the capital. you start by
deCiding what you want to do - what sort of theme
park. Then there is the question of scale. The park
must be large enough to attract sufficient visitors to
make a profit. This is more important than having a
wonderful location. If parks are too small they won't
make enough money. Build ing something of the
right size and scale is the first priority.
Once you have settled this, you start looking for
locations and you obviously look at several areas at
the same time. So, in each area you look at the size
of the resident population, at the size of the tourist
population, at the size of the pote ntial group
population of the area. If you then work out how
many of these people are likely to visit, then this will
give you the penetration ra te.
Let me explain what I mean by these terms. The
resident population are those people who live within
a three-hour journey of the attraction. But you need
to use research in order to know how many of these
people are li kely to use your attraction. Then, your
tourist population can be divided into domestic and
international tourists staying in hotels, or with family
within that three-hour radius. And then the potential
group population - which are people who come in
parties of 12 or more - comes from within these two
types and again this group can be divided into two
sets: the affinity group and the liner group.
Intervi ewer: The affin ity g ro up s and the line r
John: Yes, the affi nity group is a group of people
who have someth ing in commo n. For instance a
school party, a group of scouts are affinity groups
whereas individuals who have taken a coach trip to
the attraction are liner groups. They've travelled on a
liner, on a coach, So we have to work out how many
of these we will get in our type of park. And this we
get from our knowledge of the product, of the area,
and our judgement of the situation . At this stage the
park could be base d on anything - this is an
accounting exerdse,
So the questions are: do we have a site in an area
where enough people will come; and is the site large
enough, is there a reasonable road infrastructure?
Although publiC transport is much talked about, for a
tneme park t he majori ty of people , 90 per cent,
come by road.
Next, if you're satisfied with these criteria, you
start negotiating to buy or lease the land, and no
do ub t you have several sites where you are
negotiating at the same time. Then you go ahead
with planning and designing your park.
Interviewer: Yo u' ve talked about the location in
respect to areas of population and of roads, but
what about natural beauty?
John: Natural beauty is an asset if the location is a
destination, but if the park is big enough and has the
surrounding population to feed it and support it you
can create the destination. If t he land around is
uninteresting, the park appears more luxurious.
Disney created Disneyland out of the swam ps of
Interviewer: And how important is climate?
John: Oh, it makes very little difference. In fact, if
the weather is too hot people prefer to go to the
beach rather than a theme park. So whether the park
is in England, Spain or northern France makes little
difference . What makes the diffe rence i s the
penetra tion rates. In fact, hot weather is very bad for
city locations. People don't want to go inside if the
sun is shining.

Interviewer: So are the cri teria d iffe rent w hen

looking at city attractions?
John: Yes, when looking at city shows the criteria are
slightly different ...

13 Things to Do

Camden Lock market is one of the most popu lar

places to visit in London at the weekend. It is dose
to Camden High Street. which is a good place for
buying clothes, records and leather goods. The best
time to go is on Saturday or Sunday between 9 a.m.
and 6 p.m. The nearest underground station is
Camden Town.

Listening 1
Johans: Hello, can I help you?
Tourist: Yes please. r am here in Berlin for two days
and I would like to see the major sites. Can you give
me any ideas about what there is to see?
Johans: Oh yes, sure. But you can really only see the
major sites in two days because there is a lot to see in
Berlin. And I suggest you should have a look at the
Reichstag and at the Brandenburg Gate, which are
marked here on the map. Then from the cultural point
of view maybe you ought to have a look at Museum
Island whe re you'll f ind the famo us Pergamon
Museum. It has a collection of fine things from the
Middle East that Professor Schuman found.
Tourist: But is it open today?
Johans: Yes, it is open today. You can see the major
attractions inside the museum . The Reichstag though
is dosed, you can only have a look from the outside.
The ex hibition is closed there.
Tourist: How do I get there from here?
Johans: Well, if I were you, I'd take t he bus that
st ops r ight outside our bu ilding. here . It's the
number 100 and it takes you to many of the sites in
the centre of Berlin , to the Tiergarten area where
you can see the Victory Column with the golden
angel on top, the House of Culture, the old Congress
Hall, and then it goes to the Reichstag and the
Brandenburg Gate where it goes right through and
takes you to former east Berlin along the main street,
the Unter den Linden
and to the Opera House,
and ends up at Alexanderplatz.
Tourist: Oh, that sounds very nice ! And do I have to
get a special ticket?
Johans: You can get a si ngle ticket on the bus. It
only costs 3 Marks 20 and is valid for two hours on
any route.
Tourist: But . er. I 'm he re until tomorrow
evening. Is there a ticket I can use for longer?
Johans: Ah , yes. In that case, you'd be better off
buyi ng a 24- hour ticket. It's only 12 Marks and you
can use it both on the underground and the buses of
Tourist: And this evening, I'd like to go to a night
dub. Can you recommend one?
Johans: What kind of music do you like?
Tourist: Well, I am not that particular but I am not
really into.

Listening 2
Jenny McGee: The london Tourist Board operates
four Tourist Information Centres . These are situated
at the poin ts of entry, the pOints of arri va l into
Lo ndo n . The busiest one is situat ed at Victoria
Station and there we deal with 2 million personal
enquiries each year. Peopl e arrive the re via the
Gatwick Express from Gatwick Airport: they also
come from the coach station - so they've perhaps
come up through Europe on the coach. We've got
hundred s of thousands of commuters coming
through who are also tourists in our eyes; and also
we've got the boat trains com in g in from the
Continent as well.
Other centres are located at Heathrow Airport
for obvious reasons and Liverpool Street Station for
people arriving from Stansted Airport and from the
boat trains from Northern Europe via Harwich. And
t hen, fi nally, we have an office in Se l fridges
department store in central london. And then there
are centres that aren' t operated by London Tourist
Board, but which are supported by London Tourist

Board, such as the one locat ed at the new
Waterloo Intemational Arrivals Complex . So the idea
is that when you come into London, wherever you
arrive, there should be a welcome service for you.
Therefore, it's important that the staff working in
those offices are able to communicate in foreign
languages. Most of the independent travellers who
arrive who can't speak English come from Europe,
and they need people who can talk to them . So the
staff that we employ to work in these centres all
speak at least two European languages other than
English. The people w ho come from the rest of the
world are often visiting friends or relations in the
capital. so perhaps they don't need our services so
badly. However, we also employ people who speak
Chinese, Japanese and Indian languages. Hopefully,
we can help anybody who comes through.
Communication skills are paramount, not on ly
foreign languages bu t also the abil ity to t alk to
people and to be able to listen, so listening skills are
absol utely essential. Being able to speak rea lly
knowledgeably and enthUSiastically not just about
London but also the rest of the country as well is also
important. So they have to have some knowledge of
the United Kingdom .
So those are the main ski ll s: languages,
interpersonal and communication skills. But these
days you're also elepected to have computer skills,
because most of the information systems that we use
are computerised. And you n eed a very good
telephone manner because we are engaged in an
awful lot of sales activities. Therefore, experience of
sales, retail or shop work is also very important to us,
because increasingly tourist centres are having to
raise income to fund the services they offer.

14 Marketing the Past

Lis tening
1 Down on the gate is where we take the admission
money. And for a site like this, the charge is really
quite cheap, but a lot of people are quite shocked .
So the position of the custodian on the gate is first to
oe friendly and secondly to answer questions. One
of the most frequent questions is -What are we
getting for our moneyr Often this is the place you
-.eet grumpy visitors. That's because they have had
2. long car ride with the kids screaming in the back
a.nd then been unable to find the McDonald's to
~ them before they got here.
2 Mere at Dover, like all the other heritage sites, we
- ..1st ca ter for a range of visitors, wh ich include
~.JJde nts and school children who need to be
::::rvinced that it's worth hanging on to our heritage.
1zking a broader view and revealing a more
-~...en t past at Dover, especially the network of
_ -rierground tunne ls used as the operational
-edquarters during Worl d War II. is all part of
::r- sing history off the pages of the guidebooks for
..::L"l"lg visitors.
:=: - '";E visitors are given a map at the beginning to
them find their way around but if they need
~ helll they will only approach the custodian who
s 2.pproachable and w ho is giving the right
~-a. Therefore, good body language is important
r: ~~ 2. positive image. So the way I stand and put
~ l""~d5, wh ile at the same time smiling and
-zr-:=..:ning eye contact with the visitors as they pass
.- fll!.'!Cl ""'portant.
~odians are trained to look after people who
~ 2. bit of special attention. Our range of services
-:eople with disabilities has increased greatly,
-:r eectric wheelchairs to a scalamobile, which is
~g you can strap a wheelchair to to get them
::-e keep to have a look around, and of course
_ - ....Ye disabled toilets. We are now giving out
_ :-7 young babies so if parents arrive and don't
'I!!!!III5E 2.DOUt the stairs and all the rest of it we can
.a=....~ ~ help them . So we are now far mo r e
! -_ iL other English Heritage sites, one of our
~es as custodians is to work in the shop.
_ -o:J!': that people see that the quality on the sites
::::r-ss--:nt throughout the organisation, not on ly
:r:c.x'".w: we sell but also the staff.
-""e'"e ':os job satisfaction in giving people a decent



day out. The public are your public w hen talking in

te rms of guided tours. There's a sens e of
achievement in finishing a good guided tour. There is
no reason why the public shouldn't keep coming
back to a monument such as this one because we
are con tinu ally adding new sections to it;
reconstructing more and more, there's more history
to be made here.

15 Business Travel
Speech work
a The guests require a choice of cereal for brealcfast.
b The air stewardess walked down the aisle selling
duty free goods.
c The guest at table number 5 ate six oysters.
d The delegates sat down to a fivecourse dinner.
e The airline' s crews waited in the staff canteen.
f The caravan trade fair w ill be held in November.
g Our high standard of service is the principal reason
why we arc so popular.
h Would you like your steak rare or well done. sir?
L i stening
Fiona Stanton: Once you've been asked to find a
venue and organise a conference, there are certain
key points you will need to know and decisions that
will have to be taken before you can actually make
the booking.
The first, most important point. is the number of
delegates attending. Is it a big conference - say for
fifty or 100 people - or a small board meeting for
just sile, because it makes a big difference to the size
of room and all the arrangements. So number one is
number of delegates.
The next thing to decide is what you actually
want to achieve with your conference; is it a training
session or are you having a sales launch? You may
get all your sales people together and you show
them a new product. This is very different from a
training session. So you obviously want to know
what you want to achieve at the end of the day.
Then you must decide how long your conference
is to last, how many days you antiCipate youre
going to need and what time of year you want to
hold it. The type of activities and functions can be
dependent on the weather, for instance if you intend
to hold an evening garden party.
Another point is where the conference is going
to take place. Before you can decide on this, you
must know w here the people that you ate expecting
to attend will be coming f rom. Will it need to be
reasonably central - near to an airport, near to good
railway connections, or easy to get to by road? Are
there adequate car parking facilities?
And of course you need to know who is actually
paying for the conference. Are the delegates paying
for themselves or is the company paying? Usually
the company pay s for t h e mai n part of the
conference and the delegates pay for thei r drinks
and telephone calls and other peripherals _
Once you 've decid ed on all that and you've
found your ve nue, you'll have to think about the
things that you'll require while you're there : things
like conference room size, how you're going to wan t
the room laid out. If it's very informal you won't
ne~d a very big room, but if you need everybody
with desks you'll need a larger room . If you have a
very large meeting in the ballroom you may need
people sitting in rows lik~ in a lecture theatre. You'll
also have to decide whe ther you need syndicate
rooms - that's small rooms for fifteen to twenty
people, and if you're going to use syndicate rooms,
how many rooms you'll need . You then come onto
your conference equipment. If someone is giving a
presentation, will they need overhead projectors, flip
charts, slide projectors?
You also need to know what refreshments your
delegates will require. If you've got your delegates
sitting in a conference all morning, by the time they
get to lunch time they're going to be very thirsty, so
you need to break in the middle for a cup of coffee
and a chance to stretch thei r legs. So do you want
that served in the conference rOom or out of it? And
at what time?
You need to find out the dining requirements -

will they be privately dined or Is it okay for them to

sit at small tables in the main dining room? Perhaps
you want a gala dinner on the last evening to make
it more of an occasion.
Then you can get down to the menu
arrangements - what are you actually going to eat?
This is very much determined by how much time
you've got for lunch . At lunch time delegates often
only have forty-five minutes to an hour, and so
they'll want a fa st buffet service where they can
have as much or as little as they want. In the evening
you are more relaxed, so you can spend a couple of
hou rs over the meal and can have a more formal
one. Another thing you can do is, if the delegates
need to work through lunch, you can have a finger
buffet brought in.
Another thing to consider is accommodation and
how many of the delegates will be staying. If you 've
got a conference of twenty, perhaps only ten require
accommodation. Perhaps some of these guests are
very important people, so you'll want to put them
into better rooms than the ordinary delegates. So
you must work out a rooming list.
And finally, if this is a residential conference. are
the delegates going to have any leisure time? For
i nstance, they're here for two days . On the fi rs t
afternoon there's a free period - they haven't got
any work to do in the conference. The delegates
might wan t some activities organ ised. Perhaps they
want to go out and see the local sights, perhaps they
want an organised sporting activity. If the delegates
are here for a long time they might want to go to a
local pub. W ill they want a disco or a casino set up,
or will they want a party?
So when you have all this information you can
go about booking ..



Listening 2
aT; b F 60 per cent of European holidays are to Paris; c T; d F
longer so. Now they want /Jot only the sea bot to see something . . ,
e T; f F . .. it has always been popular ... demand has been growing.

, Types of Holiday

Writing 2

Vocabularr 1
a long-haul ; b package tour; c special interest; d cruise; e weekend break;
f safari; g homestay
Hidden word: HOLIDAY

a a short-haul destination

Check your answers with your teacher.

Language Focus
b, c and e are correct.
a Incorrect. It's a five-mile drive to the airport/ It's fi ve miles drive to the

d Incorrect. The guests decided to opt for the five-course set menu.

2 Suggested answers:

On the Goa and Taj Mahal tour you w ill have a fourteen-day holiday in
two centres . In Goa you w ill stay at the luxury four-star Goa Beach hot el
on half- board. This hotel is right on the beach. On your three-day tour to
the Taj Mahal you will stay in the three -star New Delhi hotel which is only
a fi ve-mile drive from the city centre.

On th is three-centre holiday to Turkey and the Taurus mountains you stay

in two-star hotels throughout. You will have ful l board w ith a three-course
evening meal every night. Your hiking trips will be escorted.

On this two-centre holiday to Orlando and the Cayman Islands you will
stay in two lu)(ury five-star hotels, the Orlando Supreme and the Cayman
Grand. A s the Orlando supreme only a ten-mile drive to Disney World
there will be plenty of t ime to visi t the theme parks. W hereas on your
four-day stay in the Caymand Islands you can relax on the gloriOUS
beaches and sample the excellent cuisine in the five-star restaurant.


w edding





Writing 1
Correct order:
a-9; b-10; c-2; d -1; e - 4; f-6; g-8; h - 5; i- 7; j - 3

Developing the Topic

Reading 1
a It is much cheaper than a traditional wedding.
b Two w eeks.
c Those about t o marry for the second time , or those who
have been living together for a long time.
d The number of people accompanying the wedding couple.
e Flowers, fruit, and w ine.
It has romantic castles and country house hotels with
four-poster beds.

a long; b the New Year; c Easter; d the States; e Europe; f Mexico;

g Easter; h European; i Paris; j London; k Mad rid; I sun and sea;
m to learn about the area (they are visiting); n beach; 0 tour

2 A Career in Tourism
Language Focus
a has been working; b have worked; c are working; d left; e wa~ w orking;
f was getting; g deCided; h had always wanted ; i comes; j am working
a-2; b-1

Writing 1

b For words ending wit h the suffix al the stress is on the third syllable
from the end .
c For words end ing with the suffixe~ it)' or ty the stress is on the third
syllable from the end.
Silvia: Yes. After graduation I took a year out and went backpacking in
the Himalayas. I then joined an organiRlion that was concern ed
with the conseryation of our .o..a1ional heritage before returning to
uni)lfIiity to gain a qualifiQiion in travel and tourism.
Alain: So you gained adQilional qualifigjions?
Silvia: Mm , yes that's right. You see it had al ways been my amQl1ion to work
in the tourism sector.

Writing 2
a for applying - to apply; b see - saw; c are seeing - see; d - ; e had been
completing - had completed; f am always wanting - always wanted;
g was not wis hing - did not wish; h spend - have spent; i be - w as;
j is specialising - specialises/specialised ; k - ; , attracted - am attracted/was
attracted ; m persuad ing - persuade; n - ; a hear - hearing

Developing the Topic

Li steni ng

a Kenya; b The US or the Cayman Islands; c Malaysia;

d St Kitts and Nevis ; e Hawaii


we dding arrangements, wedding destinations, plantation weddings, wedd ing

packages, wedding hotels, wedding ceremony

And w hat did you do after that?

(3)After a year I went to work as a tour guide in India_
What then?
(4) After three years I decided to come home.
Back to the travel trade business?
(5) Yes. I became manager of the New town branch
of Global Travel Agency.
And w hen did you move here, to Funtours?
(6) I've been wo rking here since 3 March 1996.
And w hat does your job involve?
(7) I travel a lot, and meet lots of new people. At the
moment I'm working on the sales figures .

pre.dktion, accommo.d.a1ion, organiillion, compen.sill.ion, opelliion , vOillion ,

amQl1ion, gradugiion , consefYi!!ion, satisLltlion, qualifig1ion, mana~ial.
political, intcr.n.a1ional, ad.ditional, inter~rsonal, vowiona l, re.a.!ity, priruity,
uniY.f!sity. person.a!ity, nQ'telty, soQety
a For word s ending w ith the suffix t ion the stress is on the second
syllable from the end


Vocabulary 2

(2) My first job was as an office junior at Let's Go Holidays.


Reading 2
a Mauritius: b The Cayman Islands; c Jamaica or the Dominican Republic;
d Kenya; e Bali: f Malaysia; g Bali; h The Cayman Islands; i Florida, Haw aii or
Las Vegas; j Las Vegas

a beach resort; b chapel fe e;


c marriage licence; d limousine service

3 years at college
hotel management
while at college
reception work
restaurant manager
(small hotel)
conference organiser

Listening 1
Time of year


Types and le ngth of

2/3 weeks

New Year






is no

Places most likely to go


while at school
assistant restaurant
restaurant manager
in conferences
in sales

Writing 3

South America (Mexico)

....., Suggested answer:

~ j~~----------------------------,
Justine started by working part-time in a hotel as a waitress while she wa s still
at school. On leaving school she worked as a full -time waitress before gaining
promotion to assistant restaurant manager and then becoming a restaurant
manager. She then moved to a job in the conference sector before taking t his
post as conference sales manager.
a employe r; b jobs; c work ; d job; e company; f career; g tour operators/
wholesalers ; h travel agents/retailers; i entrants/employees/applicants;
j postings/vacancies/posts; k associates

a - 5; b - 1; c - 3; d - 2; e - 4


a Office junior with Thomas Cook; b late in their careers;

c Couriers, guides and resort reps; d The heritage sector;
e Determination, enthusiasm, perseverance
Employment Record
Jet Set Tours: National Sales Manager
Backpacking around the world
Pickford's Travel: National Sales Manager,
Retail Sales Manager
Travel agent chain: Ju nior management
(series of placements)
Travel Firm
Thomas Cook: Air-fare unit, Office junior
1978 -.


employee, office junior, counter clerk, trainee, national sales manager, retail
sales manager, national sales manager, director, schools liaison officer,
couriers, resort reps, guides
a posting; b placements; c post; d job; e career; f appointment

3 Trends in Tourism
L an guage Focus
a lost; b changed; c went; d became; e threatened; f adapted/have adapted;
g investedl has invested; h began; I accelerated; j halted; k developed;
I came; m remai ned; n followed; 0 was; p was; q were; r have improved;
s has intensified.


Writing 1
In the 19505 most people did not travel far from their homes and stayed in a
local seaside resort. As few had cars they travelled by rail. Over the years they
have become accustomed to flying to exotic destinations. Sailing and
waters ports have become popular pastimes.

Speech work

I dl
I id l
I d I improved, changed, moved, remained. l Id I started
I [ I looked, helped. established, flourished, played. I d I
I d I stayed, stirred, watched, charged, thrived . I [ I
lId I recorded, affected, walked, persua.ded, collected. III
II I jumped, topped , travelled, stopped, worked. I d I

it's a l1eautiful city with lot5 of hi~ tcric.a ll1<Jildil'l:1S

the problem in the beginning:
lack of su itable &accommodation
how this was dealt with:
adapted anti refuroi shed workers' and !!It;uocr;"[.. aCCGmmoaation
intemaUonal chains have built hou':;
the present situation:
!SuffiCient accommoaa"tion fo r tcuri5t!!l ap.jir"t from a few peak weekends

Writing 3
Suggested answers to memo
a) travel agencies: At present there are three t housand travel agencies in
Prague compared to two before 1989. It is believed, however, that market
forces will soon reduce this to a more manageable number. On the other
hand it does show the Czechs' love of travelling.
b) method and type of trip: Due to economic and market pressures most
Czechs travel on budget group packages by coach and stay in tourist
(economy) hotels where they re ceive a 50 per cent discount on the
published rack rates .
c) reason for interest in Prague: Foreigners are now eager to visit this
beautiful city which they were unable to enjoy during the communist era_
The city contains monuments and buildings of many periods w hich all are
now keen to appreciate first-hand.
d) accommodation in Prague: The Czechs have ~en quick to refurbish and
improve workers' and student accommod ation as well as welcoming
international hotel chains into the city. As a result the accommodation
crisis of the early years has been overcome.

a Badly, inconsiderately, patronisingly, rudely.
b Northern Europe.
c To feel safe.
d They trayel in groups, have guidebooks, and have their
own shops in l ondon w here they are able to pay with yen .
e Many shops have become fas t-food outlets; tea rooms will
accept Japanese credit cards,

Vocabulary 2
well-heeled, local currency, buy, dollars, pounds, free-spending,
high-spending. credit cards, affluent, thriving, tip, pay, yen, market

4 Where People Go
Lisrening 1

Vocabul arv 1

1. Americans (IJSA)

1,486 million

a commuter; b nomad; c tripper; d globetrotter; e passenger

f hiker; g itinerant; h holidaymaker; i migrant
Always: holidaymaker

2. Gr. rmans (Germany)

635 miUlon

Sometimes: globetrotter, passenger

Never: commuter, nomad, itinerant, migrant
W ritin g 2
Suggested answer:
Netherlands Board of Tourism
The first tourist office was established in 1885 in Limburg. laterl
afterwardslsoon others were opened on the coast and in some tow ns.
However, the Netherlands Tourist Board was not established until 1968. Its
headquarters are in Leidschendam . It has a resident staff of 100 with fifty
others in its sixteen offices abroad. Its rofe is to promote and market both
international and domestic tourism as well as to give information to the
consumer .

Developing the Topic

L istenin g
The situation before 1989 for outbou nd tourists:
how Czechs obtained a visa :
apply for hard currency - once in th ru year!i
then apply for Yisa
the percentage who travelled abroad: 10- 20 ~r unt
the number of agencies: two
how Czechs travelled: in IJroups; stayed with their tour leader
W hat happened immediately after the Velvet Revolution of 1989:
Eyeryone went aUroad for one day.
Developments since 1989:
number of agencies at the moment 3.000
the most popular way to travel: in \lroups b:i coach
why it is popular: ch ~a ~ !!It way
reductions at hotels: 50 per u nt
The developments in the Czech Republic fo r inbound tourists:
why tourists wan t to come to Prague:
to see what t hey naye been mi!55ing

3. Irish (Ireland)

424 million

4 . French (Franr.tj

429 million

5. lIalians (llaly)

393 mil lion

6. Australinm: (i\lIslfo l la)

:1-14 million

7. ,l<lpanr,se (JaIMn)

288 million

3. Spanish (Spain)

286 million

9 . Canadians (Ca nada)

2::;2 million

10. Dutc h (l'Ietherlands)

239 mitlion

$pecch wock
1 ~ly h~s op;!ned th:) doors ~f its sen~te building t~ vis it~rs , off:)ring guided
tours ~f th~ sixteenth-cent:)ry palace on tha first Saurday :)f each month .
Th~ tour takes in th~ libr,)ry :)nd the e!eg~ nt drawing room.
Did you know th;,t in Dayton:) Beach, in Florid:>, USA, ~ fed~;)1 court haS ruled
th:)t tourists may no long_r take their cars onb th;, beach during th;J turtbs'
breeding se~n ? Or th_t you on get a discount in th_ bars ;)nd resbrants in
_tlantic City if you have _ spec~ visit-rs' card? ~nd th.,t those of you who enjoy
bird-watching could take part in <In eighteen -day trip through th., Scottish
Highlands? Or you might prefer _ rom antic break _t th~ Bristol Hotel, where th.,
candle-lit di n n~r indudes 0ysbrs _nd caviar followed by sa lm~n with pink
champagnel Whatev:)r your tastes, ring Creative Holidays on 0171 384 8394.






one-way ticket
round trip

See Tapescript, page 81.

a single ticket

return journey


Language Focus
Govemment projects
Sicily is now working with the European Union on a project to develop and
promote sustainable tourism in southern Italy. As part of this project tourist
officials will:
develop hotel-grading criteria
look at the transport infrastructure, taking into account the main tourist
look carefully at the protected areas
Sicily wants to develop the potential of protected areas, promote the island
internationally but at the same time maintain the regional way of life .

Today's business people travel extensively as part of their job and stay in
eICpensive hotels. When they go away they want the same comfort as they are
used to at home such as en-suite bathrooms, but in a more simple, informal
setting. The Sea Club Hotel at Cala Rajada in Majorca is a hotel that caters for

this type of client.

it is registered with the Tourist Board as a one-star hotel- that is equivalent to
a youth hostel. Its low rating is because there are no TVs or telephones in the
rooms, but this is probably the most expensive one-star hotel in Spain! All
rooms have en -suite bathrooms and are built around a luxury swimming pooL
Ihe: guests can laze around all day, or take a car to explore the island. Then in
the evening the Sea Club comes into its own, with dinner served at one long
table - so everyone mixes and gets to know each other. This is what makes
the Sea Club so unique; business people spend their lives travelling but don't
get to meet t he locals. yet at the Sea Club there are always local people who
come in to dine and meet tI:!..e. guests.
The two underlined definite articles are optional.

5 Travel Agents

Writing 1
Suggested answer'
Currency fluctuations have meant that many British holidaymakers are going
to those countries where the pound buys more. The USA, Turlo:ey and Italy are
more attractive, while Spain, France and Greece are losing business.
last year 8.2FF were the equivalent of one pound , now a pound is only worth
7 .8FF. So the British traveller loses 30 on every 500 transaction. This is
reflected in holiday bookings which are down 7 per cent on 1994. Spain has
lost business too . Bookings to the end of April show their share of the UK
market down 2 per cent, from 44 per cent to 42 per cent.
In the USA and Turkey the pound has riSen. Tu rkey has , as a consequence,
nearly doubled its market share which is now standing at 7 per cent. However,
swings in favourable currency rates must be balanced against the costs of
meals and services. 1 buys 60 per cent more Turkish lira but then the cost of
meals and services has doubled.

Developing the Topic

R eading
a 21 million; b Two-thirds; (599,000; d 4 per cent; e 15 per cent; f 35 million
Blackpool - Russians; Scottish Highlands - Italians; East Anglia - Dutch and
Germans; North-east - Scandinavians; Wales - Japanese
a Because there is fierce competition from other tourist destinations;
everyone wants more tourists to come to their destination.
b The Far East.
( To offer people what they want: high standards, value for money
and a warm welcome.
Listening 2
Tourists come from: Italy, rest of Europe, the USA, Japan
Why: sun and sea, culture, history, archaeology, geography and geology
(enjoy the countrySide), the cooking
Current trends: visitors also want more activities in their holidays, to visit areas
that are not tourist resorts, want better services - accommodation in
Future developments: project to develop sustainable tourism in south of Italy ;
a new hotel grading system; Jooking at transport, tourist routes; ways to
protect the environment and regional way of life while promoting tourism .
Writing 2
Suggested answer:
Sicily receives many visitors from the- Italian mainland as well as from the
rest of Europe, There are also a fair number of visitors from the United
States of America and Japan.
;-he reasons for Sicily's popularity are many and they include:
the beaches and fine weather
the diverse cultural heritage, comprising bUildings from Greek times up to
the present day
the fine countryside
Sicilian cuisine
Changing tourist demands
Tourists are now demanding better services, especially accommodation.
They are also becoming more activity conscious and increasingly want to
visit non -tourist resorts.


Language Focus
a Can you tell me where the station is?; b Do you know if there are any cheap
flights to Florida?; ( Please could you fill in this form?; d Do you mind if I ask
you some questions?; e Would you mind waiting until a clerk is free?; f Can
you show me where the winter-sun brochures are?: g I would like to know
when the next train leaves; h Could you teUme how much you wish to spend?
a Can you tell me when you want to go?; b Do you know how many people
there are in your group?; ( Can you tell me how you are paying?; d Would
you mind repeating that?; e Do you mind if I check the details?; f Could you
please sptll that for me?; g Can you give me a deposit?; h Would you mind
filling in this form?
I'd like to spend a few days in Rome.
TC: Can you tell me when you would li ke to g07
Next month, sometime after the 15th.
TC: Fine. And could you tell me how long you will be staying?
It depends on the price but preferably for four nights.
TC: Well, we have some very good offers at the moment.
Will you be travelling alone?
No, with my partner.
TC: Well, if you take this three-night package to the Flora
Hotel it's only 345 per person, for two people sharing a
double room with shower. let me show you the brochure.
TC: You're English, aren't you?
No, I'm Welsh.
TC So, you've got a Welsh passport, haven't you?
No. I've got a British passport.
TC: And your address is 44 Stoneybrook Drive, Cardiff, isn't it?
No, not exactly. It's 444 Sunny Brook Drive, Cardiff.
TC: And you would like a twin room with bath, wouldn't you?
C: No, we would like a double room with a shower.
TC You will be staying for three ni ghts, won't you?
No, we'll be staying for four nights.
listen to the tape,
Listening 1
Name of cl ient: Mn Pinott;
Hotel: Belvedere, Frascati
Dates: 18-20 October
Number of nights: 3
Room type: 0 Ii1 S 0
shower liZ!
Price per night: l it. 100,000

bath 0

W riting 1
Suggested answer:
Dear Mrs Pinotti
Thank you for your telephone enquiry of , ..... ,., .... inst.
In accordance with your instructions we have booked a double room with
shower in your name at the Belvedere Hotel, in Frascati, Italy from the 18th to
20th October inclusive.
Payment by (redit card within 48 hours is required to confirm the booking.
Th ank you for using our agency. We trust that you will enjoy your holiday, If
you should have any further enqui ries please do not hesitate to contact us,
Yours sincerely,

Developing the Topic

Listening 2
a objective; b sell; c four; d commitment; e relationship; f questioning;
g holiday; h two; i open; j closed; k W; I material; m human; n material;
o Human; p "what"; q What; r priorities; s people; t needs; u place;
v destination; w price; x period; y dates



Reading 1
a presentation; b check; c summarise; d produd; e holiday/hotel bedroom/

A: Certainly. Where were you conSidering going? Do you prefer a seaside

or a cultural holiday?

product; f facilities; g features; h facilities; i needs; j all/unnecessary;

k feature; I benefit; m brochure; n commitment; 0 close

B: Well a little of both reall y. Can you suggest somewhere where it

would be poSSible to take short excursions to pl2.ces of interest?
A: With pleasure. Do you have any preference 2S to the area in Italy?

Reading 2



a. Could you tell me; b W hen did/ do you w2.nt; c isn"t it;

a Somewhere cheap wi th sunshine, that is not too quiet.

b Spain or anywhere with lager louts.
a - 2.
b a - 2;b - 4;c - 1;d - 3.
a Spain because it has poor beaches and Portugal because it is too
b Southern Greece or Cyprus
c She suggested they looked in the brochures
d She did not describe the resorts to the clients, nor find out what they
really wanted_ She did not try to sell the holidays.
a Turkey: Marmaris and Kusadasi; Greece". Sidari, Ipsos, Oassia on Coriu
She analysed other resorts on the Greek islands
b She used the brochures to indicate the resort descriptions, analyse the
resorts, to check prices, location and weather details.
c Prices, location and weather details.
d Enthusiasm, efficiency, a good selling technique. She was
knowledgeable and took time and effort to find the ri ght holiday.
a They ignored the clients' request for somewhere other than Spain and
they did not use the brochures intelligently.
b listen to the clients. Ask questions to find out what the client really
wants before trying to sell a holiday.

d What kind of accommodation did you have; e wou!d you prefer

6 Tour Operators
a. It's; b we're; c we've; d have; e haven't; f they had; g peseta's; h can't;
i pound'lI; j We"ve; k the y' re; I we're; m We've

a The south of the island ~ (island's) really suffered from the high-rise
building boom of the 60s.
b Now , there afe (there're) plans in the pipeline to improve these properties.
(Both forms are acceptable here.)
c In the north we ~ (we've) insisted on more sympathetic development,
and there you wiU (you' ll) find the exclusive hideaway villas.
d But in the sou th we must develop a programme of refurbishment and
e In particular we have to insist that t our operators do ~ (don't) organise
pub crawls.

Language focus
a You will be escorted to your hotels

a well-chosen; b family-orientated; c well-stocked; d well-designed
well-designed. accessible, comprehensive, excellent


Writing 2

Suggested answer:
scrt ;;.f nolid <ay and n ,scrt an~ you l ooki Jl ~ for ?
Ithen would you li ke to trave l and frorn whi<.:h uirp;;o r t?

Three days a week are spent meeting arrivals

Overbooking problems have been created by the hoteliers
The number of holidays sold should not be affected by the fall in the
value of the peseta.
We were not offered a welcome drink
All lager louts are arrested.

Writing 1
a what will happen/will be happening; b will be met; c driven; d will be living;

e w ill follow ; f will be introduced; g briefed; h will be shown; i will be taken;

Could you t ll IOe ... hat typo:: <lnd ~t3f1dard of 3ccoITIII'.odl t i on you
arc 106:ir,g for, and, if a\>propci;, t<l', lin"" d <)~e to thp. city
centn' or ,;<'a- front you wo uld l ike t o be-",
,!ilat {Hice range fi r!! you interc::; t cd in ?
If yo u r!'quit'!' fifty "r"c.i .} l t v:ilitic5 (e . g . f o r lei~urc
il(;tiyiti~;,;, a:cOO"II1lodlt i (lr1 , etr") , 1i 1.. lIill' c ou l d YO'.I I f't. me know"
We lock fo r .... J.rd t o receiving . ,." o" r reply "'0 t/l.) t we elln llfO'::<"S S
your re<Jue~t .mel s ug'jest it .~u itable r e,)o r t ;lnr! l,otl:!l.

:;inc'~ e ly,

Review 1: Units 1- 5
Language Review
1 Types of Holiday
a Paul met Belinda on his three-week holiday
b Our brochure only features five -star hotels
c Two-centre package holidays are becoming increasingly popular.
d He went on a f our-hour train journey to Paris.
e It's only a two-minute walk to the nearest bank.

accommodation guide, capital city, city accommodation, city centre, city tour,
guidebook, hand luggage, holiday accommodation, family holiday, family
sports, luggage locker, sports centre, sports locker, sports tour, tour guide,
wat er sports, holiday centre

2 A Career in Tourism
a had; b remember; c was; d was always reminding; e have worked;
f have found; g began; h am; i am ordering; j am interviewing/will be

3 T rends in Tourism
a have travelled; b have travelled; chad; d went; e travelled; f began;
g was; h resulted ; i have meant; j have begun

4 Where People Go

a Incorrect: Have you been to the Cezanne exhibition at the Tate Gallery.
b Incorred: Package holidays to the ski resorts of North America are
becoming more popular.
c Incorred: The seven-day t our of~ Eu rope included Innsbruck,
Vienna and Venice.
d Corred.
e Incorrect: +!:Ie Buckingham Palace is open to visitors in August.
As the third hottest British summer on record appears likely to continue, the
ru sh abroad has reached record proportions this year. Almost ten million
holidays have already been sold f or this summer and the remaining 850,000
are leaving the shelves at such a rate that h oliday companies no longer have
to tempt customers with the kind of price cuts they needed last year.

S Travel Agents
A: Good morning. Would you like some help or are you just looking?
B: Yes please . r w as wondering if you had any holiday brochures for Italy?

j are going to take/will be taking; k will be; I will be given; m are all looking
fo rward

Developing the Topic

A - 3; B - 6: C - 2; D - 5; E - 4; F - 1
a-4; b-2; c - 4; d-1

Vocabulary 1
1 a;2c;3b;4b;5c
Listening 1
a F: Some holidays were sold cheaper: there were a couple of weeks of
highly selective discounting.
b F: There was talk that 3 million might/were going to be.



F: 2 per cent less will be sold (2 per cen t below last year's figure.)
F: They tried to sell 1995 holidays before people had taken their 1994
holiday: th ey were trying to sell this year's holiday to people who hadn't
yet taken last year's
F: 70 per cent of the u-ade is in the hands of the three top operators.

Vocabulary 2

stick to prices = to maintain prices, not to change them

discount fares to take a percentage off prices (e.g. 5 per cent)
plummet (of prices) to fall sharply and suddenly
boost sales = to force an increase (in sales)
cut (prices) = to lower (prices)
sit tight = to wait without doing anything
push up = to force an increase (in something)
pass on = to ask the customer to pay for your increased costs

Listening 2
1. PATIERNS OF SALES: British buy summer holidays later in the year. 35 per
cent buy a package holiday.
2. NUM BER OF SALES: Had predicted a 5 per cent growth . Sales probably down
2 per cent on last year"s figure (9.5m).
3. UNSOLD HOLIDAYS: 3 million package holidays rumoured to be sold off at
half price in MaylJune. Now 2.2 million unsold. Most w ilJ'be sold, but there
w ill be some discounting
4. THE INDUSTRY'S CONCERNS: Fear of discounting too early as this w ill
encourage the public to wait longer to book. Too early a launch of next
season's brochures. Overseas hoteliers pushing up accommodation cost s
(accommodation prices rising at 3 times the rate of UK inflation).
5. LIKELY OUTCOM ES: Higher prices for holidays. Need to cut services to
maintain cheaper prices.


Writing 2

Suggested answer:


Patterns of sales of package holidays

It is estimated that approximately 35 per cent of Briti~h fami lies now take
package: holidays.
Howe ....er their buying patterns have changed. They now purchas.e a holiday
much later in the year.
This results in tour opuators holding holidays unsold till the end of the
season, which leads to speculation about the I~el of di5Counting
operators will need to offer ~ sell their holidays.


Number of sales
Early predictions forecast a 5 per cent capacity o:]rowth in the Mumper


holidays 50Id t his year.

At the present time, it is admitted that sales may be 2 per cent below
last year's 9.5 million fig ure.


Unsold holidays
There are an estimated 2.2 mi lilon un50ld package holidays for the rest
of the season.
In order to sell thee;e holid.aye; the operatore; have a choice of waiting,
di5counting or r~ ucing capacity.

There is a fear that too early a launch of next year's broch ure5 wi ll deur
people from buyi ng this year's holidaY5.
The cost of accommodation i5 ri5ing t hree time5 85 fa5t 85 the UK
inflation .
Li kely outcomes
Holiday price5 are likely to ri5oe.
Tour operator5 will be cutting 5uvice5 in order to maintain prices and
offer cheaper holidaY5.

7 Promoting a Destination
Vocabulary 1

1 poster; 2 brochure; 3 leaflet; 4 flyer; 5 catalogue

a- 5; b -4;c- 1;d-2;e-3
Language Focus
a are you doing; b will you be/a re you going to be; c am leaving/leave;
d am arriving/arrive; e are you going to do/will you do; f am touring;
g am staying; h will you be able /are you able; i will do/ are doing; j get;
k leaves; I am staying; m am; n will have to; 0 will definitely go; pam; q Will
you be; r will have fin ished/finishes; s arrive; t was/were going

Writing 1
Suggested answer'
Hotel Dunloe Castle is ideal for your perfect golfing holiday. Situated in rolling
pa rkland, the hotel provides all nature-lovers with a relaxing break. Stroll
through luxuriant gardens which reflect Ireland's fairy -tale magic and marvel
at a renowned botanical collection which has won many/international awards.
Enjoy the superb facilities, including indoor tennis, a 50 metre swimming pool,
excellent riding and private fishing. The hotel itself is luxuriously furnished. Sip
a ty pical Irish drink in our cosy bar or sample the restaurant's lavish cuisine.

package holidaymakers
English speakers/ professional classes
journals/ speCialist magazines
trade fairs (caravan and boat,
holiday fai r. coach operators' fair,
boat show)

romantic castles
human interest
Ireland: the life, villages
fash ionability: film star retreats
simple life: healthy activities


a million tourists; b now spend their; c tourist threat to; d feeding them;

Vocabulary 3


meet people/see village life

study tours (archaeological, music)
outdoor pursuits: walking,
cruising, cycling

8 Responsible Tourism

Developing the Topic

a As a result of seeing the West Indian cricket team on television, the British
public became interested in the West Indies as a tourist destination.

10 day+ holidays

Suggested answer:

Vocabulary 2

2 angli ng/fishing: reel, line, jetty, coarse, bait

3 cooking: stew, ingredients, hors d'oeuvre, entree, dessert
4 cruising/boating: tow rope, lock, jetty
5 cycl ing: ride, pedal, panniers, handlebars, crossbar
6 cricket: bat, wicket, dub, pads, match

as an international destination

Promotion of Ireland as a tourist destination in the UK and in Germany

Rl:port for ...................... Tourist Board
In both countri c.~ tht; Irim Tourist Board targets the A, Band CI group~ ,
advertising in journah , newspapers and m<lguines . In Germany the: Board
ad,;ertiS('.$ in spe:l;alist m<lga7.ines whe-reas in Britain it tends to ad\'Crti~ in glossy
upmarket maga7.inC$ and quality newspapers.
In Britain the TO\lri~t Board attends sporting cyent~ wh(;re there may be interest
in Ird and, especially as a venue for a particular pUl'5uit, e.g. golfing or horseriding.
In Germany the Bou d hiS a stand at the major hoat shows. It also attends th(~
coach operators' fair. In Britain it has ~tamh at ~ ngling and game fairs and abo at
the ,,",'orld Travel Market fair.
In Britain the Board ensures that Ireland is featured in all ~ ,cn of the travel
programmes currently running on British tele\'ision, as this i~ good fr ee publicity.
The Board encourages journalists from both countries to tra" cl around lrebnd
and promote the country in the travel ~ctions of tht:.ir puhlications (300 British
journalists and 80-90 Gennan joumalists this year).
The Board e mpha-"i !le~ the romantic, fairy-talc image of Ireland to the GermUL
market. To both secton the), slrCM Ireland'!l human interest - the quiet friendly
,'illage life which 5till exists there. It also promQtc$ the f<lwioll.wilit)' of the
country, now a fa\'ourite retreat for film stars. For both Britain and Germany,
Ireland is promoted a;!I somewhere to fincl the simple life , offering good fOIXj and
healthy outdoor activities.

a best-kept; b distinct/ real; c unique/ old-world/quaintlfrie ndly;

d stern/dramaticlvivid/elegant; e bustling/busy; f fresh ly brewed/fresh;
g animated/lively; h interesting: i fair/noble/ beautiful;
j dramatic/picturesque/impressive; k resident/frightening/ friendly/amu sing;
I delicious/ tasty; m intimate
have come
have emanated
see briefly
catch a glimpse of
fa lls
pay tribute to
go to
to suit
take time

1 and 2
1 golf: tee, swing, iron. green, fairway, dub

a as both a domestic and an
international destination
b weekend breaks
day trips
office parties
leisure pursuits: golfing.
angling. cyding
C independent travellers
d professional classes
e journals, glossy magazines,
quality papers
horse-riding, golfing events
angling, game fairs, WT fair
appear on travel shows on TV
f human interest Ireland: the life,
fashionability: film star retreats
simple life: healthy activities
film industry
good food

~ Writing2

Compare with the tape.

The West Indian cricket team is wearing the Sandals logo on their shirts.
Sandals have also spent 2.5 million on sponsorship .
They hope to encourage the upmarket (cricket-loving) British
holidaymaker to go to the West Indies and a Sandals hotel.
Upmarket i.e. profesSional people (people with style).
It would appear to be in the upmarket packages: Thomson has sold more
holidays and much of the increase has been in the costlier all-inclusives,
but only 23 per cent of British Airway's Holidays increased bookings
required an upgrade.
Germans do not play cricket.
When England went to play the West Indies, the West Indies became a
popular destination. This winter they go to South Africa and so perhaps
they will make this a popular destination too.

e bound to frighten them; f need to control

a They think tha~ thit,i~a bettet..economisalternative than killing them.
b BlA they permitevenin&"a5 welLa~daytime trips.
C A~a result, the whale~abandon their young.
d If whalet,are to survive this, then governments have to draw_up strid
guideline~atonce .

Compare with the tape.

Vocabulary 1
1 and 2 a tourist receipts; b maintenance costs; c commodity prices;
d labour costs; e occupancy rates


a foreign ownership; b indigenous communities; c global economy;

Language Focus
a It's easy to get around New York on the subway.

d competitive fares; e metropolitan countries; f economic opportunities

b She jumped at the chance to work as a tour guide.

Language Focus

c The bus broke down in the middle of the high street.

a threatened; b suggested; c reminds; d urged/persuaded/told/ordered;


e warned; f denied; g invited; h claims/states/believes

2 a claimed/ stated ; b explained; c urging; d believeslstateslclaims/insists;

e persuade; f implies; g urge/ask; h states/claims;
I claims/states/insists/ maintains; j admits; k demands; I maintains

Developing the Topic


a travelling to Warsaw; b the owner of the/causing an obstruction; c regret to


announce/has been diverted to; d should proceed at once to; e the last call for
b You'll be staying)n the luxury Nova Hotel in the malA_square.
c Tonightaftef dinner there'll be a welcomiOflreception with drinki,antl
canapei,tn the bar at 9 .30.
d lf2..a moment til come round anti give you particulari,of aUf
e Anti during the reception I'll tall. briefly about them ane take bookings.
f If you should have any problemi,or questions please don'thesitate to ask
me. 1'lLalways be available in the reception frOM 9 to 1Q..every day.

a They objected to the new fish quotas which they felt were far too low.


Sea cucumbers were being taken from the sea bed, illegally processed, and
sold to the Far East.
If the rare plants and wildlife are destroyed, people will not want to visit the
area and 50 the tour operators will lose money.
Native species have no protection against animals such as cats and dogs that
hunt for food; they can't compete with animals such as pigs, etc. in the search
for food; Imported snakes destroy the eggs in bird colonies; imported plants
choke the land.
They arrive on the daily flights and in crates of vegetables.
They have prohibited the issuing of new tourism licences, have promised
patrol boats and aircraft, and are looking at ways of imposing a quarantine on
the islands. Visitors are issued with rubbish bags and encouraged to check the
soles of their shoes for seeds.
They fear that tourism is growing too fast and that some tour operators are
Side-stepping the regulations by putting too many people on their boats.
They would like the majority of the park: entry fees to be reinvested in the
park .

Vocabulary 2
1 images; 2 hands; 3 style; 4 cry; 5 entertainment; 6 good; 7 effort; 8 spare;
9 hand; 10 far. 11 walk; 12 dine; 13 time; 14 soak; 15 stuff.

Developing the Topic

Vocab uJary 3
Check this with your teacher.


a T

Vocabulary 2

b F: 24,000 in twenty-six weeks

a archipelago; b conservationist, ecologists, zoologists; c predators;

d ecosystem; e banned; f devastating; g entry fee.
animal life: species, habitat, birds, seabirds, bird colonies, egg stocks, sea
cucumber (not a vegetable!>, fish, giant tortoise, iguanas, cats, dogs, pigs,
donkeys, horses, cattle, predator, mosquito, snake, insects
plant life: species, habitat, quinine tree, timber, seeds, vegetables

c F They must be prepared to change their plans.

Who goes: the ecologically minded: all who enjoy ecologically sound holidays,
the middle- aged (balding and overweight); and even the unfit.
Shopping: concerned to buy only ecologically friendly goods; ask where
everything comes from; can't buy crocodile bags; leather could come from an
endangered species
Boat: small with modern comforts
Crew: sail boat; help land passengers from dinghies to land-side; help with
jungle walks
Excursions: daily jungle walks: to see fauna, flora and bird-watch
l ocal peoples:
Amerindians: Choeo tribe from Darien jungle: men make music; women sell
carved ornaments in rosewood and ivory, also baskets
Cuna on Acuatupa make clothes called molas. Do trade in having photos taken.


d F: It helps them work out changes in the plan.

e F: It is more efficient in direct costs but also in overall costs to the airline.
a Thomson; c summer brochure launches; d crews; e operating hour\; f record
all information; g feasibility; h profitability; j SITA; k Slots Allocation


a empty; b window; c middle; d midd le; e emergency eKits; f aisle;

g three-; h dose; i emergency exit; j bulkhead; k last; I smoki ng

W riting

To: All counter staff

Suggested answer:
infonnation for travellers to India
During the day temperatures are high and so for comfort we recommend
lightweight cotton clothing in preference to synthetic fabrics . Early morning
and after sunset can be cold, so you will need a jacket and woollen sweater
or cardigan. Although it is usual to change for dinner, smart casual wear is
acceptable.even in the best hotels, so a jacket and tie are optional.
When sightseeing you will find that there are many steps and uneven
cobbled streets and you will find a pair of fl at sturdy walking shoes
Suitable clothing should be worn when entering temples and other religious
buildings. Visitors may not be permitted entrance if they are wearing shorts
or have bare shoulders. Women are advised to wear clothes which cover
both their shoulders and their knees - either skirts or trousers .
It is not permitted to walk through temples or mosques wearing shoes, and
occasionally bags and belts must also be left at the entrance. Canvas
overshoes are usually provided, for which a small tip of about 5 rupees is

9 Transport
Vocabulary 1

a make out; b cut down on; c worked out, d sets off;

e missed out on; f called off; g put off; h hang around; i pick up; j look up;
k put (them) up; I hung up; m call up; n sorted out; a cut off
a called in at; b looked up/sorted out; c miss out on; d cut down on; e put her
up; f look up; g called up; h setting off; i picking her up; j hang around;
k draw up; I sorted out; m cut off; n rang off/hung up; 0 looking forward

Re: Suitability of seats on aircraft

Families with two children will be more comfortable in the middle roW); wilh four
seats, where parents can s.it on either side of their children and the children can get
a good view of the movie screen.
Advise these passengers nO( to sit in the seats immediately in fronl of the smoking
section. Remember that the fmnl non-smoking section of econom}' is directly
behind the smoking section of business daM.
Disabled passengers
Remember that only the able-bodied will be allowed to sit near the emergency
exits. Disabled passengers may be more comfonable in aisle sealS.
Window seats
Pas!Oengers who wish to get some rt are unlikely to be disturbed in these. The
side panel can be used as a head support 10 enable them to sleep.
Aisle seats
These give greater leg room so are more suitable for lall people.


The cashier worked out the bill.

It's a tour rep's responsibility to look after the guests.
At the airport the tour reps pick up the guests.
She drew up the itinerary.
Her uncle put her up for a few nights.

10 Customer Relations


Vocabulary 1
clever, efficient, honest, motivated, sensible, thoughtful. trustworthy. These
imply you do not approve: ambitious, sensitive, shrewd, zealous, timid. These
imply you do not want to be: lazy, helpless, disorganised.
well-behaved, well-mannered, well-organised, well-intentioned ,
self-confident, , self-possessed, self-assured, self-reliant
Language Focus
a making; b to learn; c to appear; d waiting; e to bus; f to lose; glistening;
h blaming: i needing; j bothering; k to reply; I blaming; m accusing;
n not caring; 0 increasing; p urging; q to take; r to ask; s to spoil;
t to protest; LI to remain; v to be treated
Ex ected/r uired
quiet, relaxing holiday
a sea view
children to sleep at night

Ha ened/received
a view of the courtyard, pool and bar
kept awake at night


a We'd asked for an apartmen t with a ~ but were given one wit h a

Review 2: Units 6-10

Language Review

~of the~.

b The children needed to ~ at night but they were kept awake by the
c We asked for fQQ but t hey only offered a mere .f1QQ,

6 T o ur O p er a t o r s
a The landing of SA 456 was

delayed (by air traffic control).

b The reps insped aU the hotels weekly.
c The local council has banned pub crawls.
d Tourists are taken to their hotels in coaches/by coach.
e Tou r operators sold 9.5 million holidays last year.

Compare with the tape.

W riting

1f:1 Suggest ed answer:

Dear M~ Hopper
Thank you for your letter of 7th December.
We are sorry to hear that you and your husband did nOI enjoy your recent Golden

a Correct
b Incorrect: Versailles and Fontainebleau are visited by many people every
year.(OK) but: Many people visi t Versailles and Fontainebleau every year
(more natural).
c Correct
d Incooect: All rates are negotiated between the tour operatOfS and the hotelier.
e Incorrect: The guest was offered alternative accommodation last night.

Group ho l iday in Tun i sia and apol ogise if the tou r rep' s be haviour was
inappropriate. We assure you that this behaviour is nOl the kind we nonnally tol erate
and we will be looking into the allegation fuJly and taking any ncceKSaI)' action.
We would, however, like to draw your attention to the fact that all ou r reps are
highly trained, whate \'er their age. and that we do not specify how uld they are in
our brochures,
A s to the special enlert.,inmenl package that you requested, we do el plain in the
brochure that this package is only run when there arc a minimum of eight guests
requesting it on anyone lOur. As you yourself mention, i n your ca.~ there .....ere only
four people. yourschcs and two othe~. Therefore the rep was qui te correct 10 Ie11
you thai Ihis would nOI be possible and Ihal we would be unable 10 cover the
expense of a change of hotel.
As a goodwill gesture we enclose four ~'ouche rs for day trips to Paris and Brussels
so l.h;tt you C.ln appreciale our nonnal rulth sL.1ndard of service for YOUNelve:s.
Yours sincertl y.
Customer Relal ions Clerk

7 Pro m o ting a D estinatio n

a - 2; b - 2; c - 1; d - 3; e - 1

a is opening/will open; b is going to faint; c wilt have been standing;

d will be giving; e will have achieved

8 R esp o nsible Tourism

a The young American invited the tour guide to join them for a coffee.
b The chambermaid denied taking the old lady's bag.
The check - in clerk confirmed that the (customer's) plane lefUwasleaving at
4.55 the next morning
d Mr Gold ordered/demanded a large brandy.
e The travel agent advised us to take out travel insurance before we left.
f She warned them/us against changing/no t to change money in the street.
g He agreed/concurred .
h She persuaded me to go to the party.
He inquired if they had a restaurant.
The angry guests threatened to leave the hotel if they d id not give t hem a
quieter roomlif they were not g iven a quieter room.

Developing the Topic

Reading 1

To save up enough money to go on holiday.

The staff t raining programm e was not good enough .
She contacted Jane's supervisor.
Jane was told off/disciplined and the company apologised to ABC t raveL
Jane showed no interest in his request and put the receiver down before
t he call was completely fi nished.
f That Ridgeway Tours was an unreliable firm.
g Inter-World Travel would never use Ridgeway Tours in the fut ure.

9 Transp ort
a We have looked at them.
b We have speeded them up.
c We have taken it into account.
d I came across it.
e They put it into operation.

a The management lays down the conditions of work for the employees.
b The planning manager can get on with scheduling the flights.
c LGW stands for London Gatwick
d Just let me work out t he bill.
e I have been saving up for t he trip since last year.

Vocabulary 2
a inadequate; b indifferent; c inexperienced; d rude

a take-it-or-Ieave-it; b a ticking off

a-6; b-4;c - 2;d-1;

e- 3; f-5
2 a It gives a good first impression; it w ill encourage customers to come into

the shop and approach you.

b So that t hey know that we are listening.
c Admit tha t you don't know but say t hat you will find out.
d Someone who does a good job and something more than t he customer
expected .

10 Custom er R elati o n s
a The guest remembers losi ng his wallet last night
b The manager stopped working when the visitor arrived.
c I regret to inform all dients tha.t the restaurant will be closed for
refurbishmen t until f urther notice.
d The tour guide warned everyone in t he party to take care on t he ctiffs.
e The chambermaid admitted taking the necklace from the room.

Reading 2

a to live up; b offering; c to admit: d trying; e to pay

Alison, because the customer did not expect a call before twelve o'clock but
received an answer just before eleven - an hou r earl y.

11 Hotel Facilities

V o cabulary 3
a offhand; b underhand; c by hand; d to hand; e in hand; f on hand

Langu age Focus

W riting 2

Visit Colmar with its numerous haJf-t imbered, medieval houses.

Stay at this outstand ing luxury country- house hotel.
The chalet is in an unspoiled Swiss village resort.
The restaurant offers a varied international table d'hllte menu.
On arrival all guests are given a dark star-shaped Belgian chocolate .
At t he Majestic they have fo ur luxurious junior suites.
g All staff will be issued with new blue-and-white cotton uniforms.
h In the dining room there is a priceless fifteenth-cen tury Venetian chandelier.


Suggested answer:
Giving a !l004 impression
2 G:vt: the: cli~nt ti m~ to bt-QlWe ~fOl"e you offer to help.
3 Be aware of your body lanoauaae:
Alw.lYs maint.::Jin t::ye con t .a:::t 1I~ it. 5h0W5 t.hat you are li5ter,in<3.
Lean forward !!(l the client k.r,QWii that )'OU are concentrating on w t 15
bt'i"9 slIid..
Do not le3n bacl:::w3rd5 a& thi ~ 5 h~you are no longer i"tere5t~.
Do not iidqet.
4 Al wlIYS listen carefuUy and if poe9ib!e t8ke not.!: ~ to reter bllck to.
5 Matlt.sin ycur cliertte' ccnfiDentialit.y: n~r t.all:: about clients in frol'lt of
other client5.
6 Be loyal to the ccmp~ny: do not blame other !otaff for mi6ta ~ 5.
7 Be acGurate; if you dc:: nC know the: ar.s ...er to II ,\lJeetion, admit it and oHer
to find out.
e Tell t he client v.+-.en you 'Nill have coIle:::u.:I aUthe required Information or
complet.ed the tran5.aetiot'l sr.,;! how aM when you .....;11cont act himfner.
9 B~ re8 l i6~ ic when !Stating when a cuetcrner can mtpt::::t to hear from you.
10 Cany OJt your promisee with:n the 5t3u.:1 time limit .
11 Remem~ r th;r:. a customer wiil remember you if you proauce the
inf onnatior. early and 3nrw:;eO if you proJuce it late.


2 self-service restaurant; old-world charm; direct-dial telephone;

centrally-heated room; hand-made shoes; well-dressed woman; tow-season
rates; half-board accommodation; built-in cupboard; invitation -only party


Suggested answer
This luxurious double room is decorated and fumrshed 10 the highest deg~. The
centrepiece is the grand late seventeenth-century four-poster bed lit by an ornate
Bohemian crystAl chandelier. Should you fancy writing a letter there is a small leathertopped desk, with a Venetian candelabra. An original sixteenth-century oil painting hangs
OIl the wall a~. To complete the room, there is an elegant Queen Anne armchair.

Spcech wor k
a low rise; b purpose-bJ.illt;

.l.!.Q.market; d ~II-furnished; e i l l- price

List en to t he tape.
Vocabul ary 1
a bride and groom; b whisky and soda; c jacket and tie; d W ine and d ine;
e male and female; f length and breadth; g bread and butter; h hard and fast;
i spiCk and span; j black and whi t e: k safe and sound; I milk and sugar



Suggested answer"
~l,-_ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ,
Dear Ms Bowen-Lyons
Re : Reservation for 17-2 1 Fehruary

incllL~j ve

Thank you for your kner of 16th January inst. where you requeSt two
adjoining !leo nior suites for your di ent for fi ve ni ghls from 17 February to 21
Fehruary inclusi\c .

We are pleased to be able to offer two

~ni or s ui!e~

wi th half board for the

requested at 950 SwF per n ight. All our se nior suites are on the hlp fl uor
and o'o'erlook Ihe ski slopes. We will do our utmOSIIO en~ure that the two suites
arc adjoining. Hm.;e'ier, we must point out th:!! during these date ~ all our other
senior suites w ill also be occupied.


Language Focus 2
a However; b besides; c Therefore; d but/however; e in addition to; f As a result
Suggested answer'

Our ski desk will arrange all parag liding and snow-boarding sessions with yo ur
dients on arri val so that they will have the greatest fl ex ibility when organising
their schedules. The ski desk can also issue lift passes for the fi,'e days at 172
SwF per pef$on. There is a slight redun.i on for chi ld passes, th;]t is childre n
under 14 yea~ of age.

Report for Themes Galore on F l oriana and Produtia

as potential sHes for the new theme park
The site is located on the eO;J.st of this idyllic island.
The resident population of {he whole island only amounts to some
3,000 inhabi tants. TIlese are scattered along th e coa.~t in small h:"lmJets.
Cumm uni cation and transport betwee n the hamlets is mainly by W:'l ter as there
arc few road~.
o Road travel i.s sluw and arduous.
o A s a JesuIt fewer than 500 IQ(;als ar;; withi n the th ree-hour journey radius.
o At present there arc no hotels on the island.
o F;;w international visitor'! visit the island.
o There is o nl y one ferry service a week connecting the island with the Indian
mainland. This is used for cargo transportatio n.
o The site is dose (less th;1Il 75 km) to two 13rge industrial c ities: Millto wn
and Iron ton.
o Both cities have ti ne museums of the ind ustri al re~oJuti()n, art galleries and
old huildings.
o Thert: are several hotels, not only in the towns but also in the surrounding
o There i!i already a good network of major roads and motorways to the proposed
o To the routh of the site the area is one of natural bc3uty. It is a popular
international tourist destination in summer.
o Many domestic an d inte mational touris ts dri,'c southwards in summer for
their holidays.
o The ~e tourists would virtually pass the entrance to the theme park.
o Floriana would be an unsuitahle location as 100 few people live wi th in the area
or visit it.
o The site in Produtia, th ough in it~ lf not a beauty spot, is w ithin rang e of the
pop ular holiday de.stination of Summers\'iIle. There are sufficient hotels and
hol iday accom modati on w ithin the penetration area, which is surround ed by a
large resident population.
o There is no other the me pa rk within th e catchme nt area.
o There is ;tlready an e "cdlent in fra ~t ructure of road net",,orks .
o There wou ld be suffi cient numbers of "isitors h.J support the theme park and
make it viable.
R ec:ommend:l.lions
o The site at Produtia wou ld be a suitable location for the theme park

We req ui re confinnation of the'booking w ithin 48 hours and credit card

paniculars to reserve the rooms. In the event of a no-show the client will be
charged a(;commo(l.1tion for the fist ni ght.
We enclose 10 copies of our new brochure, a.s requested.
We look fo rward to welcoming your cl ient to Da\'os in the near future and
trust that we will soon be able \0 be of a:s~i ,tance to you again.
W ith all beSt wishes
Yours sincerely,
Reservations Manager, Majestic Hold

Developing the Topic

a 1927; b Hotel Steiner; c eleven months; d 70; e To keep overheads down;
f Through the Austria Hotel central reservations service;
g On the edge of the pedestrianised centre; h Czech

Guests mainly w ant better service
Facilities or services guests believe to be impo rtant:
solving of gu~s,"s' proble:m" , staff r~COt,l ni5in :! reeular ,!ue5t5, l:>e'fli)

we!Gomdigreetea by ru;cption, '3uar;ln~e i n~ of pre.y-nt level of

commur,icatbt15, i ncr~"e in r,o-smoking rooms
Facilities or services guests dislike:
attito.xlc: of :ot aff, bein;J m.a.:k to pay a d!:P:J5it. for use of fa0having t o wait
while room was checked bebre deposi"!; retumed, lack of p~rxna l
umta::;t/i!'la\;>ility of rec.erruo:'l to ~rec:t you
The type of improvements business t ravellers are uninterested in:
environmental ini'tiativt5: e.g. fewer to;]c:trie5, checking in .;ind out with smart
The changes or developments taking place or likely t o t ake place in the
hotel trade:
televi,,'on ccnscle to Uecome c.!:n t ral focus for c.ommunieZltiofls, entert.:lifllTlCnt
and interactive t.c:ch tlol::l<!y, chec( -in lI5in,! crulit cards with eompuT!:ri5ed room
key~ an d charcard s, automEtul reY-rv.ation5 syst.ems, automatc:J ehuk-in
and e"ed -out, Eutomatui room ~rv:c.e, l:>ede to convert t.o couches, hotel
room t1 h ::oome "n cffi:;:.e-away-from-tJu.:-offi ce, more built-in ~rI::: stat!Otl5 with
f%'wer point:5 a:1d gO:Jd lightin,!

a Kyoto
b 8 storeys

Vocabulary 2

a empower; b emphasised; censure; d enabled; e emerged


a enlarge; b embark; c enclose; d enliven; e enrich

12 Selecting Locations

For donating 40 per cent of the site to create a garden.

Capital of capitals.
Palaces, castles, shrines, temples and gardens
It must be very noisy and very busy w ith thousand s of tourists there.
The rail way station.

13 Things to Do

Language Focus 1



a live wi thin a three-hour journey of the attraction; b domestic, international.
three hour radius; c something in common; d taken a coach trip; e enough
people w ill come; f large enough; g road infrastructure; h asset, destinat ion; i
create the destination; j w eather is too hot

As your c1ient~ do not wish to take advantllgc of our hotd bu ~ we can arrange
with the IlM.:allimousine car seryice to collect them from the railway station
when we have connrrnati un of their time of aIT!V3!. Howevcr, the contract w ill
be with thc (;ar servi(;e and not w ith the hotel and th erefore your client will be
required to settle directl y with the limou sine sen.icc on arrival.


le l l

Developing the Topic


a although; b therefore; c w hereas; d thus; e however

a but; b However; c first; d secondly; e Furthermore


Vocabulary 1
Check this w ith your teacher.

a miniature; b slight; c compact; d minute


a I regret the inconven ience my action may have caused you .

b The breakdown of figures ill ustrates the percentage growth in each
sedor of the hotel market
c We would appreciate payment of you r bill by retum.
d On w riting this report we have taken i nto consideration your reqUirem ents
for a site w ithin clo se proxim ity of a m etropol itan area.
e There has been a radical improvemen t in the standards of service in a
substantial number of hotels.

~ Lane

I is London's ~famous I Sunday market; !land is held in I

M iddlesex Street, I .l..2.o..Q.Qn East, 1 I from.2 a.m. to 2. p.m. I and sells ~
and ~ goods. II ~ I is the old ~ market I in
Commercial Street, I London LllU. II This ~ market I is si tuated on
the.s.[k I of London's ~ fruit and vegetable market. lilt's near ~
Street underground station. li lt' s open I throughout the ~ I selling
~ of I craft goods II but the ~ I to Yi.s.i..t it I is ~ / w hen it's
~ to I Lo ndon's 2.!!ly. organic food market. II


Compare with the tape and the tapescript (page 84).

Language Focus 1
a If you go by bus, it'll only take you a few minutes.
b In the event of an accident. the alarm will sound.

c If the lift doors refuse to open, please press the button.

d Students are allowed into the museum at reduced rates provided that they
have a valid students' card.
e Children are permitted in the bar on (the) condition that they do not disturb
the other guests.
Cheques are not accepted unless they are accompanied by a cheque
guarantee card.
g If you become separated from the tour, please make your way to the coach
pick-up point.
h If you have completed the registration form, I will give you the key.
You can go to the Savoy for dinner as long as you are not wearing jeans. ~2
a If you became the managing director of Forte hotels, what would you do?
If you were to become the managing director.
b If I lost a guest on an excursion, I would ring the hotel.
If I were to lose a guest .'
c If you had a car, you could drive across Europe.
d They would/could earn more money if they worked longer hours
e Sophia would tell day-trippers about the fun fair if she knew where it was.

Listening 1
Places mentioned: Reichstag, Brandenburg Gate, Museum Island, Tiergarten,
Victory Column, House of Culture. Congress Hall, Unter den linden, Opera
House, Alexanderplatz
He advises buying a 24-hour pass as it is cheaper.

Writing 1
Check with your teacher.

Developing the Topic

Listening 2


At Victoria Station, Heathrow Airport. liverpool Street Station, Selfridges
and Waterloo Station.
Three (English plus two others).
Communication skills, foreign languages, listening skills, interpersonal
skills, computer skills, knowledge of UK.

Language Focus 2
a absolutely; b reaily; c very
a really/exceptionally; b absolutely; c perfectly; d slightly; e terribly;
f exceptionally/really; g highly



check room
hatcheck girl
first balcony
orchestra seats

cloakroom attendant
upper circle
dress cirde

a - D; b - F; c - H; d-C; e-A; f-E
Writing 2
Suggested answer:
Dear Mr Howard
Thank you for your enquiry.
We recommend first of all that you visit the Jorvik Viking Centre. Jorvik was the
Viking ,name for York and inlhe Centre you travel back a thousand years to see
not only what York was like but also the Viking treasures that were found in the
1973 archaeological dig.
Then you could take you r son to OUf National Railway Museum where he can
enjoy the trains and learn about British social history at the same time.
No visit to York is complete without a visit to our Minster which is the largest
medieval cathedral in Northern Europe.
Then, if time permits, drop into the Yorkshire Museum where you can stroll in
the botanical gardens before visiting the museum which houses some of the
finest Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Viking and medieval treasures. Or if you prefer you
might like to visit York Castle Museum which depicts everyday nineteenthcentury BrItish life.
At any time of the year York is a beautiful city and at this time of year in
particular a walk around our city walls is very pleasant.
Finally, to complete your visit to York, shop for traditional British souvenirs in
medieval Stonegate.
I hope that these suggestions will prove helpful. II you should require any
further information please dont hesitate to contact me.
Yours Sincerely,
Tourisllnlormalion Clerk


14 Marketing the Past

Everybody over this way. /1'11 tell you a little bit about what you're going to
see / and then we'll head down to the boat ride. 1/ First of aliI I want to tell
you / that you aU look very beautiful / and handsome / in your white coats. //
You're very distinguished-looking. II
OK. / The falls which are dosest to us here / - these are all the American Falls.
// The American Falls stand / one hundred and eighty-four feet high / and go
one thousand sixty feet across. // If you look at the end of the American Falls,
/ you'll see a small island right past them / and there's the little falls / that're
called the Bridal Veil Falls. II In the evening / they'll shine / two white lights
on it / and the water looks like a bride's veil / as it's going over. 1/
Compare with the tape.

Writing 1
Suggested answer'
Coach trip to Niagara Falls
on Sunday April 14
Escorted tour to American Falls with boat trip under the Bridal Veil Falls to
the Canadian Horseshoe Falls . lunch in Canada.
Dep. 9 a.m.
Return 7 p.m.

TIckets from Maggie in reception.

Language Focus
a In Iron Age times large defensive earthworks, which are now beneath the
castle, were built to protect against invaders.
b The Romans built two lighthouses, one of which still stands today in the
castle grounds.
c St Mary-in-Castra, which is in the castle grounds, is a Saxon church.
d The keep of Dover Castle, which was built in 1180, is one of the most
imposing and impregnable fortresses in Europe.
e The underground tunnels, which were built in the thirteenth century,
were used as air-raid shelters during World War II .
a The group that was due to visit the port this afternoon has cancelled
the trip.
b The port of Dover, which handles about 5 million travellers each year, is the
busiest passenger port in Britain.
c The huge outer harbour, which was built at the beginning of the twentieth
century, is now used in summer by windsurfers and dinghies.
d The custodians who work on the gate need more patience and tact than
the others.
e Peter, whose job it is to run workshops for school children, enjoys his work
very much.
The building which stands on the white d iffs above the town is Dover

Check this with your teacher

Developing the Topic

a - 3; b - 5; c - 1; e - 6; f - 4; g - 2
d corresponds to none of the speakers.

a - F (this is the place you meet grumpy visitors); b - T; c - T; d - T;

e - F (it is something you can strap a wheelchair to); f - T;
g - F (there is a sense of satisfaction)
Vocabulary 1
Middle Ages
g~ ley
chain mail

20th Century


Writing 1

Discuss this with your teacher.

~ Suggested answer:
Dear field
The Grande Canyon Hotel opened last month. We are 3 luxury business hotel
set in a landscaped park on the outskirts of Zurich. The site gi\-es the
appearance of seclusion :md solitude but we Me ....ery close to the Zurich St
Gallen motorway interchange and a mere 25 km from the centre of Zurich.

great hall

W e are able to offer conference faci lities for both residential:md

non-residential conferences, ho ..... e \er large o r small your meeting might be .
Each of our conference rooms i ~ fully equipped to the highest standard for
your comfort.
Should you require accommodation, all our pri\ate rooms are deluxe doubles,
permitting the busy business executi \e space to unwind in and relax after a
heavy day.


Writing 2

W e enclose our brochures and standard rates. As you can see our rates are .... ery
competitive and we are always inlere~ led in di .scu~~i ng with ou r clients the ir
prec ise requirements .

Suggested answer:
In the Middle Ages everyone ate in the Great Hall. The Lord and his Lady sat
at high table_ There were no carpets on the floor but rushes - that's dried
reeds and grasses. E"en the dogs came in to eat what was thrown on the
floor. At night everyone except for the Lord and his family slept in dormitories.
Children did not go to school as you do. Instead the Lord's sons were trained
to become knights. They learnt to ride and fight, while the girls learnt
needlework and how to run a house.
The castle was the centre of local life. The farmers would store thei r crops here
against attack from other lords. when an army approached , the drawbridge
would be lowered and the castle would prepare for a siege.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for all yo ur conference



faithfully .

Sales Assistant

Developing the Topic

a - l; b - 4; c - 2; d - 3; e - 5.
a delegates; b auditorium; c sound-proofed; d acoustics; e closed-ci rcuit;
f syndicate; gaudio-visual; h exhibition

R eading
a They were uninteresting, badly organised, dirty and silent.
b They have become user-friendly, interactive and hands-on.
c They are no longer the centres of conservation and research that they once
were. They are also becoming inaccessible to all but the well-off, and only
w hat is considered popular or can gain sponsorship is displayed.

1 NI)rr:b~r of delegate!!
2 Type ofconferenu

b03rd meeting
53ies laun~h

Vocabulary 2

requi rement~.

rCijuest is too small.

t.rainir:q session

.3 Length of st.ay
4- Time ofytitr
5 Tr:ms port re'1uiremer: t~;


Victorian: academic,
.Q.ir:ty., d.inu, .d.Y.!I, free, .ffiI.!..ili., real,.iile.nt,~,
subsidised, unattractive, ~, uninteresting, authentic, .oo!.d
Modern-day: accessible, attractive, authentic, bright, commercial, eKciting,
hands-on, interactive, lively, realistic, user friendly , welcoming
The underlined words give a negative impression .
The italicised words a positive impression .

a ir cor.nect ior:s
r8 :[ cor:necuor.s
roa.:J connect ions'

pOlrkirrg faciNtie5

6 Nam6 of payttr
7 The CQ:1ferenu room layout:

Writing 3

eqUipment: overhead projector

- Rip charts

informal 5tyie

Suggested answer:

with desks

lecture theatre style

Come II) K.,nt ....,]l Hal! in SufTolk :ond see a ~iJlt~.-nth.ant "ry "orling fartn in actioll.
Only auth.,ntic <"<iuipm.,nl aml proceSSor. u .. U$ctl .
WalCh th .. kit<hen . ulfprepar., th~ f,,<.><l ~$ it wu d<>ne in Eli:ulot"'th I's tim c:'.
Then enjoy thi s r"od from the farmhou!iC kitchen in the p ;u-lour.
Se ent.,ruineU in Iru., Eliu[..,tlun ra.h.ion],y authentic sixtc.'"t"nth.centufY suIT.

!!Iiae projector!!


type: 5yrrdicate room5

8 Rdrujhment:s in/outside conference room
9 Oinin9 r~(.'irement.s
- private dininq
- publiC re5t.SllJrant

!'U f.umIWlds llld ho u!'C still" drc.....,d ill puiod rosturn" .

Op"ll dolily throughout Junc l nd July.
EntrMlC<:: adul u (9 .00 dlildren (6 .00 f.uni.ly tickd HO

- sal_
- buffet 5ervice
formal dinner
finger buffet

!O Accommodation



15 Business Travel



pub visit
di5CoIcss i.'1o

a cereal; b aisle; c ate; d course; e crews; f fair; g principal; h steak
a We need to i m~ all our fruit and vegetables at this time of the year.
b The Imports were delivered to the warehouse on time.
c Most of our business clients are members of the fre.quent-flyer programme.
d It is inadvisable to fre~ that area of town after dark.
e The flight to Capetown flies over the Sahara ~rt.
f ~ Don't desert me!" she cried, as the taxi sped away.
g "Please transru my account to your New York branch."
h The !@m.ferwas made by phone.

Language Focus
a w ill; b should/could/might; c must; d won't; e could/might; f can't;
g could/might; h might; i should; j won' t
a The price of business hotel accommodation will definitely rise.
b There is little likelihood of their holding the convention in Alaska.
c In all probability the y'll ask for a gala dinner on the last night.
d It's almost certain that the businesswomen will require rooms near to the lifts.
e There's hardly any likelihood that they'll find a guest speaker at such short
notice.!lt is hardly likely that they'll find a guest speaker at such short notice.
f There is no way we can provide a fu ll table d'h6te dinner at that price.
g It's just possible we'll make a profit on our catering this week.
h There are bound to be 300 delegates at the convention.

Note: a finger buffet means food that can be eaten with the fingers,
e.g. sausages, vol-au-vents etc.

Writing 2
Suggested answer:



I . First find out how many delegates wi ll be altending.

2. Check on the type of conference required . For instance , will it be a board
mee ting, a sales launch or a training ses.~ i on?
3. Decide on the length oCthe conference.
4. Decide on the time of year for the conference, as this can affect the activities
and functions included.
5. Check delegates' transport requirements. If delegates are coming from our
ove~a.s branches, then the venue needs to be reasonably close to an airport
with good ra il and road connections. For delegates travelling from our d ifferent
national branches there will need to be good rail and road connections. There
must also be ample parking for cars.
6. Check whether the company is paying for de legates oc not. If we are paying,
check what we are paying for. Remember that we do not usuall y cover
delegates' bar or tele phone bills.
7. Decide what size room or rooms will be requ ired and how these should be laid
out. Is an infonnal style of sealing required. are delegates going to sit at desks,
or is a lecture theatre style preferred?
8. List the equipment required, such ~ overhead projectors, flipchans and slide
9. F ind out how m id-session refreshments should be served. W ill these be eaten
in the conference room or outside?


10. Check the dining requjrement.~. e.g. public or private dining (i.e. ..... ill the
delegates cal in the rcstaurant wilh other gue.<;l~ or will they eat in a private

11. Decide cmlchec k the different re-quircments fO( lunch and dinner. For lunch our

delegates are usually only gi\"cn forty-five minutes and SO " buffet is likely.
Sometimes this means 11 finger buffet rather than sandwiches Of a sit down meal.
In the c\'cning delegates have time for a more formal meaL Find out if :I gala
dinner is required on the last night.
12. Check how many of the delegates will require residential accommodation, and
of these find out how many win be VIPs wi th better accommodation than th e
ordin ary del egat es.

13. L3.Uly org::aniM: leisure activ ities: coach trips. pub visits, 0( sports for the: free
aftemoons and;1 disco or trip to a casino for the e venings.
Box 1 - E; Boxl - A; Box3-D; Box4-C; Box 5-B
a 75 per cent of women business travellers.
b Security awareness of staff and room service late at night.
c Hilton National and Sheraton ensure that staff are trained to take security
precautions; Holiday Inn has developed Ten Absolute Standards aimed at
making women more welcome; Hyatt is providing more imaginative and
lighter room service menus and two tables in the bedroom; Forte Crest
have special Lady Crest rooms.
d The hotel restaurant
e She plans her campaign in advance, telling the maitre d'hOtel that she is
paying before her gue5ts arrive.
The captain's table and women-only hotels.
The article was called Rooms for improvement.

Review 3: Units 11- 15

Language Review
11 Hotel Facili ties

a Incorrect: The two colourful shopping baskets were hanging outside the
small craft shop.
b Incorrect: The dynamic young businessman walked into the luxurious
en-suite bedroom.
c Correct.
d Incorrect: The thoughtful Portuguese maid brought three large crystal fruit
bow ls into the room.
e Incorrect: There was a large French Impressionist painting in the new
executive suite.

12 Sel ectiog Locations

a First; b Secondly; c Also; d besides; e In additionfThirdlyfThen; f However;
g For instance; h But; i For example; j although

13 Things to Do
a You are allowed to work as a foreign national on the condition that you
have a green card.
b If you arrive after 8 p.m_, you will need to ring the hotel bell for assistance.
c Unless you have a valid visa and the stipulated vaccinations, you won't be
allowed entry.
d If you want to get around London cheaply, you should buy a travelcard.
e If I' d known you knew the manager, I would have asked you to introduce
As long as you book the table before you go, there won't/shouldn't be a
g Entrance to the museum is free, provided that you have a student card .
h I wouldn't have gone to the station at 5 p.m., if I had known that the train
wasn't arriving till 8 p.m.
i We won't hold the room after 6 p.m., unless you let us know that you will
be delayed .
If I had my own private plane, I would spend my weekends flying around
the world .

14 Marketing the Past

a The Pergamon museum, which was completed in 1930, is in Berlin.
b Athena, whose father was Zeus, was the goddess of war.
c Visitors to London can spend a day in the Tate Gallery, which contains
exhibitions of Modern art.
d The British Museum, which was completed In 1843, houses the Rosetta
e The guide gave the porter, who was a student doing a holiday job, a
generous tip.
a The state of Goa, which is in western India. was formerly a Portuguese
Napoleon Bonaparte, who was born in 1769, was educated in Paris at the
expense of Louis XVI.
c Elizabeth I, who was the second daughter of Henry VIII, became Queen of
England in 1558.


d Hampton Court was built in the sixteenth century by Cardinal Wolsey who
gave it to King Henry VIII as a present.
e Rome, which is said to have been built by Romulus and Remus, is on the
banks of the River Tiber.

15 Business Travel
b They can't possibly allow him to travel without a ticket.
Irs impoSSible for them to allow him to travel without a ticket
c If we are lucky we may be able to arrange the meeting for tomorrow.
There's a (slight) possibility we may be able to arrange the meeting for
d The maitre d'hOtel should hand the woman the bill.
There's a good/strong possibility that the maitre d'hotel will hand the
woman the bill.
e I hardly think they'll want the large conference room with only six guests.
There's little chance that they'll want the large conference room with only
six guests
The plane is bound to have landed by now .
The plane is sure to have landed by now.

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