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Stefany Alicea

Facing History reflection

1. Describe the Facing History activity.
At first, the FH class did a presentation explaining what feminism was, and why
people did and didnt identify as being a feminist. This included various videos, from
Laci Green, to random feminist videos. They also played one with BACS students
explaining stereotypes and remaking the Run like a Girl campaign commercial. We
proceeded with a chalk talk.
After this, we went into separate rooms and were asked questions and asked to
2. What did you notice during this activity?
During the activity, the students were separated by gender. They were then asked
questions, asking them if they felt they were treated differently.
3. How did the activity feel?
The activity felt awkward as we were all on different side, which created a
separation in the discussions. I felt that instead of having a clear talk about
feminism, it turned, at least in my group, into a but men are disempowered too. It
seemed that once again, the attention was on guys. It also confused me as there
were many teen girls didnt identify as feminist, in our group alone. Clearly, knowing
what feminism stands for there is little question as to why someone would reject it.
Feminism doesnt require you to give up any significant part of yourself.
4. What did you learn?
I dont know, I have learned much of what I know about feminism I learned through
debate and my own research. Most, if not all, that was talked about I had seen/ read
before. The only thing I learned was what my peers thought about feminism.
5. What did you contribute?
I tried to contribute my knowledge, and share my opinion whenever I could.
6. What are you left wondering about?
I wonder how many of the facing history students (that worked on the presentation)
would refer to themselves as feminist.

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