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English for International Course Book 4 Miriam Jacob & Peter Strutt yy : Ld Were Soa uy English for International Tourism Course Book a Miriam Jacob & Peter Strutt = Ree Pearson Education Limited Fenburgh Gate, Halo, Essex, CM20 216, England and Associated Companies throughout the word ‘wwurlongmancom (Addison Wesley Longman Linited 1997 ‘Alright reserved. No pat ofthis publication may be reproduced, ‘stored in aretieval system, or transmited in any form or by any means, elecrone, mechanical, photocopying, recording oF otherwise without the prior written person ofthe Publishers First published by Adlson Wesley Longman Limited 1997 Fourtheenth impression 2007 Set in Syrtax 8 75/12pt Printed in Spain by rifca stella 1S@N978.0-582.23753-7 Acknowledgements The authors and publishers would ike to thank the folowing consultants and teachers fr ommenting on te manaseit Sarah Louise Moss, Jolle Bajole, Ana Mara Peduc, Alton Gisvold, Susan Karaska and especlly Dlane Conrad-Daubrah, who provided inspation as well as material forthe book. Also students atthe Unversity of Westminster ané Hampstead Garden Suburb nsttute who piloted materia. \We are grateful tall those working inthe travel business who gave ‘teely of ther time and expertise and wih agreed tobe interviewed for ‘the book. in particular: Chistopher Khoo ofthe Singapore Tourist Board Suzanne Basset, Sales Executive, China rave Serve (UK) Ltd ‘Miss Cumberbatch, Sales Manager, Barbados Tours Authonity, Laudg Sze, Frof Dr Dietich Wing, Curator, Agyptiches Museum, Bertin |W woul tk to thank the following fr proving help and information: David Bar a the Welsh Office, Cara, wal Wills the planning officer for te anbers area, and Arfon County Coun mada Shely ofthe Welsh Tours Sad: John Swarbrick Bodo Hame! ‘ofthe Bertn Tounst Office; ll Smile at Conference Venues, and ‘Dawn Elis and Pauline Thomas 2t Conference Contacts, Andrew Rusack, Sales Manage for East of England, Going Paces: Gary Lewis, Senior Manager, Ground Operation, Air UK Lid, Stansted Aiport: Bl Craig of American Express Training Dept: Emly Face ‘Aso: Bish Tours Board Egyptian state Tours Offie; lsh Tourst (ff; Intourst; New Hampshie Office of Travel and Tourism Development, USA “The authors would aso ke to thank the editonil team, Stephen Nicholl, Sue Ulste, Oavid Riley and Janet Welle, and the publisher, Giian Rodsgues, for their dedication and commitment tothe book We are grateful to the flowing for pemision to reproduce copysight material: Addson Wesley Longman for exrats fom LONGMAN [ACTIVE STUDY DICTIONARY, © 1991 and INTERPERSONAL SKILLS FOR TRAVEL AND TOURISM by Jane Lisa Burton © 1995; American Expres for an adapted traning marwal txt. British Aways Holidays Ld fer adapted extracts fom alter by Bian Eustace, Golf Manager ‘on behalf of sh Aways anda Bish Airways Holiday feedback ‘questionnaire; Bish Tourst Authonty/Englsh Tourist Board for adapted extracts from the aries ‘Value of Tourism nthe UK" & "Tourist Spending eatSown from the leaflet NATIONAL FACTS OF ‘TOURISM, an adapted extract rom BRITAIN'S STRENGTHS AND \WEAKNESSES: GUIDELINES FOR TOURISM TO BRITAIN 1999-1995 land an extraet from the article Docklands turns its attention to tourism ‘growth’ in TOURISM ENTERPRISE, January 1993; Commuter Publishing Partneship for an adapted extrac rom the arele How to ‘rite a CW by Een Kyiacu from MIOWEEK MAGAZINE, 1990; Consumers Assocation for an adapted extract fom the article “Tourism the Destoyer «Plans fr tourism development." HOLIDAY WHICH? March, 1950; EM Music Publishing Lid trading as Ehtree ‘Music. London WC2H OFA for words fo the song SUMMER HOLIDAY Words and Music by Bruce Welch and Bran Bennett, © 1963; The Financial Times Lid for an extract from the ate ‘When t pays to complain by Diane Summers in FINANCIAL TIMES 28 uly 1994; The French Publishing Group for an adapted extract from YHR. ‘GRAND LOUVRE GUIDEBOOK by Jerome Coignaré, Jol Girard and CChrstophe Lagrange rans. Nigel Holldge; Guardian Madia Group plc {or a sighty adapted extract from the alice A tae of two cies as, intrepid rio lose aut on American dream by John Minin THE GUARDIAN, September, 1993; Intourst Ltd for an adapted extract from Tallor-made booking request for in the brochure RUSSIA BEYOND 1994/1995; (ynton Cooper Travel London Ltd fr an adapted extrac from the brochure SKI THE AMERICAN DREAM - SKI AMERICA; Miler Freeman “echnical Ld for entracts fom articles ‘Cut-and-thast of contacting and "Room at the top’ in TRAVEL TRADE GAZETTE 14.6 0 & TRAVEL TRADE GAZETTE EUROPA; Pergamon Muscum/Accousiguide GmbH {or extracts antenibed from PERGAMON ENGLISCH ACCOUSTI- {GUIDE (1997) by John ils Norwich; Saga Studio fr an adapted ‘extract rom the Paci Cnise Company’ brochure SAGA CRUISE COLLECTION - March 1994-February 1995; Times Newspapers Lid for an extract from the ale Promotion tothe rank offer fst cass by David Churchil in THE SUNDAY TIMES, 21.1193. © Times [Newspapers Ltd, 1983; United Nations Environment Programe fora ‘ated extract from the ate “Safe Tourism it possible” by Lele {Lela n the journal OUR PLANET, Vol 6, No 1 (7994), We are grateful tothe flowing for permission to use copyright photographs: Alton Towers for page 1b; lve Barda fr page 35t; Margarete Busing/ldarchiy PreussscherKuiturbesit for page 89; The Bridgeman At Library for page 7b. BBbr, 69bm, B9b), /iraudon for page 0; Capital Pictures for page 44m: Going Places for page 30, The image Bank/Usi Denn for page 74, /Tom Owen Edmunds or page 111, /Renzo Mancini fr page 9, /Andea Piste for page 86 ‘The Kobal Colecton for page 20; New Hampshire Tourist Board/Ralph 'Morang for page 82; Pepys Library, Magdelene College, Cambridge ‘or page 8k Pictor International for page 7t, 25,38, 63,73, 84; Portsmouth City Counc or page 878, 872: Sethe Amencan Dream {for page 105m; The Side File for page 23b; Steamboat Ski Crp/Larty Perce for page 109b,109t; Tony Stone Images for page 7b, /Michl fussele for page 11, /Rchard Eliot for page 45, /Suzanne and Nick Geary for page 8764, /David Hanson for page 376, /eremy S Hibbert for page 41, /Smeone Huber for page 107, /Davd Madson for page 45m, /iroyuké Matsumoto for page 8Bbr,/Kevin Mors for page 7 ‘on cholon for page 37br,/Geeg Pease for page 48, /Lomne Resnick for page 18ml, on Rly for page 121, 62; Stowbery Banke ‘Museum for page 82b; Telegraph Colour Library for page 6br, 6m 6, im, 21, 23, 24m, 2a, 2atm, 24, 246, 2am, 2, 351,44, ‘4m, 50,42, 560, 56, Set, 76, 77, 78, bm, BEb, BBA tr, BSE {1118 114, /8 & M Productions for page 12, /Bavala for page 7b ‘Mavaria-Bldagentur fr page 22, /Colorifc for page 18, 44,420 ‘1Colosfic/ Antone Gusamo for page tm, /FPG for page 24m, S6br. ‘ames Kay Photography for page 12, /Mastete fr page 6, 8, ‘dtr, /P Titmuss fr page 87m, VCL for page 34, 108; Keith Totem ‘Associates for page 70; Trip/Dinoda Tor page 37m: Universal Press Syndicate for page SOL; Elzabeth Winting Associates for page 71 Designed by Simon Nay, Sage Associates. lystrated by Kathy Baxendale, Richard Coggan, Michael A il Bz Hu, Philp Mount Tin Star. Carbine E, Porter. Debbie Ryser, ‘Michaela Stewart and Katherine Walker Cover photo by Andrew Hall To the learner “This book for you you work he out nds ert you re stng ti provides ele peptone any the ij rapa ‘xaminaton mE Toram nding the ender amt of Commer an nity Engl forte Tours. Industry exams, What isin English for International Tourism? ‘Te Coun ook canta teen nts and te scene, ‘hse on theres fom he tet de nde tps che: + the ec of uri on th ror + how hotels ae manage + how tour epeatos st el ees + how boliaydesnaons ar sete ar promoted What isin the units? ery unt contins the acto Blow. We hve ut he sare hens trougout he book otha you any ko what kindof work you sre gong do, Preview {ach ut opens wit few question. ae fen same pitures, oan you ting abou the hee ou willbe sworn Speaking Spesing sive pent else and mobraingsustont where you cn prasie te ngage you have sled, You ulrake presentations, negate he ers fens, “cis ey sss, ge a are norman, dea wah ‘olan and prom mary othe urate ake Listening, ‘The erate eating eae convertion ne econ nee exper ne ou bade th Armen [alana eer nwrtons accent are feted, hep youundestind how people spek Engh in rent parts of the nen apm of cringe pint on page ‘6-123 ol he Cours Book, “Language Focus Here you wl work on th key specs ot raat ‘trl or rages evel Langage Fo eons ‘eke cer eps and acts to lp you undead and se the nguage five Vocabulary “re Vocabulary scons wit ep yout deve 2 her esd. Tca Soc pret me {nc esprerionsregurné inthe out ny. Awe eof ‘moe tan 100 orem ters ce ne Cours Books fines on pg 1727 nong wh anno en langage. bene ele ie Speechwvork ocd ron wl gh yu ret conbence, whet You at desing with cast, taking partion oF {ing yup ol vton. The Spacer scons wl ge You the stati replat whch the by lo Progress Reading ‘Ton you tmrove your ang is, we have chosen a sarety fuentes fom tu pubes ad Nav {espn pact everest ek you urdesandeg. Writing ne wing scons you wl cry out rel sm the tour worpace Fr eal: wrt ete pes reas, ‘other an eprs There we mode sewer oral he rang ates the Teace' Resour Book. Learning Tips From in ine weiner ad information on how toimprove our maringsraepes and becone mee Independert wen you ty ‘Scenarios ‘Aree fe nts hte ascenar, Tes ate cs sues ‘sh cralnge yout we the gen youve are ea wth authete stations international tur, What about private study? A Wsoak whit ct acon he Ce eck Ths proves et ass for ty at home in dss ronson tie ee sens whee YOU Can Mon Wie vy mcr ape you wl eno sng ps orto A et am cob ete Sat Itinerary a ee ee Sea SG ion sSincaporiem | mantr mores, remeney tan Semacccto © — Sa oe ce [Ea paar a [seecenge | Gee ewe | SS ee aa [Sg new | -peeegorromicn “WT eerreimar | Boscmetettrime © “+ taking ad wit out “Spector: pve ors wth Simmer hay a as en ee eee orto | eae cece)" nt veer Sanne Ne wocter a tena ae | xag tomato tom 2 ‘Speech: — the chan fa 7 etna, : a == 8 a Serco eae ey ‘anor agar rt ee | aces ieee ieee ao = = ee == Se eo = Siu eae eee Siem Stes | Se eters | a | een eto ioe ae eee 8 vo =, ee eee =) Ste | | Ea ao cee 8 | gesopeal ard eccromc = takraartn gui: mers | Language FOC: parti wt ‘Seti Ercan ry Se roo a e ate a 2 i} A os ees “aang a tray “Langage Fon: to part as ‘usa p to eS 2 ie (Beer So og Goes aS eee oe Se ee eee bees os “a eae pt wea — Se ‘| B ae no — | Seeantneves | sect: SRN Inc ae me TE Se | erento) open eee | aon | dow | SRgheegners.| Sener” peadamd torrent | Soioe Eee See ee a | mt eget | | seegenns 28 <| os | | -STmeae | | | | eee | 2 See | opggeenees | eee ee | ee o Thasoon | Sa = facia \eoeenie vo mapiceetge Sac faa | See ae | | [Tea eee nen eee | eam OF sre —" vy caer Sateen OF |i TEER | san pga en eet = ai [S| tains | ate |e ped end | @ Soe So eee | sonore = =a Ee [se i ‘Seg sei aS) sescesaechaten ae mae | Sareea aan Teac ee a Sy? Sims steer | etre we ioe ve ‘ “/- ty sou romance tobe ston Word sre yer important because you place the test nde you Rea the flowing words soul and csty them acording tothe seas ptee ave. mn sdtnwe —engie cxpedson so an ou Se Drotozsoher eet Lee stn and eek you provuncton. Speaking 17 ow fd lie the one eto ine eto he best aia you have vers “hen nt sme merbers a he Whe hd the most exe old? The best vale for O Types ctHoiday reer Means of transport | Activities SiesaSanng | Soba fat aig ‘Value for money Tera Ore Bye OF ced Reading 12 Read these statements about uses ets in Eglsh Ave {they te orale? Oo ote pole inthe cass age with you? What other advice can you pve shut wing eters? When youn st youu yournare stove yer aes, nthe Ud Sates Ap 199 can babii 4199. Wen wing. tet the USA you an begin wth 13 Rade attr on te ee Why i es MeSinerey wing? What information She agi? 4 cea verve ndon Somaya ‘tren aoe ara ath 30 cite 199 ‘Asan entail am vr itr in combining olay abot ih te oppotunty to recew ep tts | ‘ould be gate fy oul sd me erect 0” {pocal inerest gli olay fopebe th Setar anor scmnoton an ay ‘ankyou in advance, 00k foarte hing om youn Hing eater Mesteney ) 1 The abbrevton Mss usd to wre to armen when you do 1 sare appropriate ue comractons It, dnt. when winglets 1 you begin tr with Dew Me Grant you shou en wth Your fay. Vad te reply onthe igh ‘What nfematon sing? ‘meteor eee, Qeat Sudal eee Writing Luter enquiry "Sad the insects Below andes tr fey ‘iether your teacher who wl ever to wether ember ofthe die ‘war Aen 0 pam Erp ts senso st ingots ton ey 9 es “he Fen goverment orto as gen yuan eho mn @G..-... ent fot you wh eh Sepeiieae tne 2B peng rec ges Us ame ke un comperense Drier vee at eal anguage Fam wating to enuiresbout (as rested your avertsoment a ‘woud be tet you cols ook far hein om ou Son Follow-up 171 poe ook pte aa fm ngih-peking ture bdo tr aerator th este UK the USA. (Crud, usta, land or ew Zealand and wie hem © types otoiey eon you Deg, decide on te fling eying ton onary OO aces + Aner al the custons Ge the et lhe inomston bine neds to ake booking endl and poste sea smart parageph oreah reponse to acueton Ue sept ries ar conor ens Deets usc det seal language ‘Thank you for our eto oft). Ince ayo tran ft We speaae mn exteing Pee fig encod yu ned any bar help tomato plate > othesate to contacts oo fondo hing on yo questing fran abot olay you might ke to > ‘onerpromte A Career in Tourism Applying for jobs Preview Workin rps Mate ist fob ites nthe Compare your st wth thos of ther gous. Work wth prtr choot two obs and Ist the tutes they ile Listening Listen sipping abot hos, iat he people er fb es Pret aneper © Contre noater anecholcmanager Teoma Language Focus Simplelcontrucus efor took a hese pan ferences ard ane unos 1 I werkor te Tore Trthrsonpoty orpemanent station? 1 rm ring ret Tos. ‘roa enpocry r Permanent saaton? 24 Wely woutson as ‘ha amp vet olan? 2 evehyngto Dus on ray ‘roar ers pan? 28 Theapm ste cnmg. Vina e The nt tle tp iat ine 464 ies menting a testes ‘ocr oe anos ot? 1 Shes nord arses. ‘octet nna hoster? 1 When ou pnd a peing oe mange ul be po a cnt ene 1 Wenyou phones peo ema i Be pon ca tert toners? Practes ead his extract roan nti which woman laing about her ver Pat he eben brackets nt the caves ters. Then wrk witha purine and compare your eolee. 1 have) eosin my if 0 fs (ton) na Onereas Reprsntt Tia, Grr and Aseria ad then I (ork) rua AuitantRewrt Manage fr tart Jn Tre 1 (ead) en fo prmaton chen | (decide). late ren ar family Anos, new Tabak nok and fr tela ‘marth 1 (cor) na a Contras Eseaive 0 sally I Gpend) lof time with baal mangers and (gta. cota fr hte ears and rere. On 1p of hat le). new rr and aon Ae the moment Te got a nee with me who (dee some rare ito" 2 has your secpation? What doer vole? ‘re you wong on ay patel prj atthe moon? 7 Speaking 1 Aonlyng for Jobs Wore in rps. css these questions. om do you od tsb sence? Ham doy app? ‘Hey ver api fo 08? What yourave to? ‘nerd t apply fo ajo you usualy hae to se ‘rela tae (CV) ~in th USA clea su an ovr flr: pe decane etry bp ec ‘hoy artes mprescon you give Wot in raps Res he statment about Vs and covering etes O th us o owkoledge aed ‘penne, dc you see wih om ‘enema more acceptable itis hané-rter, ‘coving shoud be hand-witon. ‘You shoud ana nce photograph ‘The longera CV the eter A. shout ist exerene in cronolge oder lesbertto epi fon guniestors an ge an {proce satin the cot io whch you are Ping Theres no gata mentioning oui aces, babies, ach CV shold be cata for te ob you a epi Perec po expected note am prety scope, Use space constcvey dot enti flues or ideant erence oninude your previous sry ray opts, ess requested Youn eon 26 hay eer nd ct np ny gain te dates rol be enlinn, siento send the CV by fale requested so. Asay ate followup pare ca few days oer serog of your cv @Acareerin Tourism Reading ows 6 worcwith a parts, Stunt Ate the ate “How 0 ‘te CV" bow, Student 8 end the ale “The White Way oFind 20D" 0 page 10, srupewr Tell your pater what recommendation Hew to Wit a mata bau 1 peonlinemation and exponen 1 byt language ard se hich ofthe ten pits on exis 8 ae mentioned inthe utile? HOW TO WRITE A CV ining oo nwa wih me of oer cet, Se yor CP ip nero wil decide wht ttf oon the seg of ti yo bre wrtten Donal thnk fen fii lump pr itil ir “ncn of our erent and wi Content + Wincril impatient Tao ke or a hoe wb al forall Inoee stab Ghetto Forme + Son wth marca st wor dad 2 tne ton Wyuna ence Se eye eon eh et Be tt your'e ern wl 1 Daeg ee snp ob en ardey Et Kin ed Lak tke Morimers CV a answer hse questions ‘Whatmore poet CURRICULUM VITAE | RO, Fede tabanen, isa | oucaTion | + sonst Conn ome ak Meme Scat fer j + concn mei Hewes | ‘ese amet Donat Tousmand | ‘Singer Was + onn-oavo HIE xa oa ine rene Cheats, | Eg rmatne, Nocbomictant | + mores ROSE Cpl Soe kin sein TANGUAGHS 1 ENGLSIL moter oes 1D RRENGHL leo 1 SPANISH seem EMPLOVMENT EXPERIENCE IENVENUE THEME PARK {hee poco tacos and Conair 2 pay eee «Compe si ranged Say Opening Pcie er «+ Mtongepye’ aly atl rd ele 1 Aono eget of jr rat ne Park Inyo epnon CV wel wer? Hot wha hanes would you rake? * Candie te sow gy, eek Inte Speier {Pam and presided ovr Special VIP Evens * Sone aig a epee peng Invernatinal tral rprsnatie + Grad gues sn spre gins { Jeckimemen ef eck erga shop days * Orgies ctl cache cee {HE NEWDERS GROTTO Nowter North snd ose ‘Toor intro AsitanGrete Tour Gade item pres a ee 1+ Tatted new employee onal pests fave ping INTERESTS + Folk mii d,s ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REFEREES eset Ain ‘hae es SSmeteluPue ree The Newt Gato say re {sey Be @ A carer in Tourism Writing 1 Os Choose oe othe advertisements and imagine you ae a ada forth post. ak st of ‘he uations and petoal gate tht rgd odo the jo. Dei your CV Wanted CABIN CREW Sy hoopponiar ai cow wl espn [te aly, candor and exon fhe png on oer cu otro whemlnaig a ere} Hp nod Aotrerce Tour Operator Marketing Bssatice oyu aged 21-35 of bean 180 em ot 180m inh, alone ieee Doyorkone nim ol fow GCSE anhalt cng Inverness to Naples an ce Badepes 0 a eda Ls for ina Amer nee octets raReyaiarermiae see ‘We sek esourcefl welled du you nto onion wr eet ( ‘ppc who ox ol ae inbound oe Do ah epic lg th el tet your ane ya,an ten fo er nayand nmin uly of ori, cf + econ ry cperting experience but as he anion and sbi tn cen ay ranageet le “The ideal applicant must have WP sly be comment tool . + exalan caer pega or ering 1 he oppo wa fe dame propesie rate and mamerte accurate and rate and havea rel apetie for acd : oe theron Ten plone wnt OMS, wi CV, ond ‘ Sin sendecn tarp cede: Amvad(otind hapanenisan) [P| Ti eae ww ACY Chasey ad tr yer ‘Tie Magog ania ae A. eae amo Pay ane Bei ORB 4G eer SS Soho TRAVEL-TRADE SALES EXECUTIVE — tuscan rn ie scling Se eee ce eee seas ‘he sespostliy yout, The edom joey. delet pn Ms you la co moe a ee eens oa ie ea nila ey pets ele Sapeienegeee eed ses an yon ones sks esi rea sally mien SE fre npr Decne cy pore ten a getoe meeceal SITTERS a SEN het E SSTFE neomch myhe iay cag er eared) at ped —| Aca mao ternational ate rp, we ve 250 hres tnt tr et Orel le ‘We are omy thing steste wh these quae tel poms stage to moor or opr: The ke ies pony ha edo wal. Tenet iludiog a fally expensed car and acts seem 1s we your Mf hens) pee wre wi it Peel Jubtcuriraee 2,308 Ber, Swern Writing 2 ‘The eaverng eter formal an inform language 9 Te leters blow dono contin any eos bute wir ae Duar br, edn aceortance with yor stead repute father fe our kdeghon conversion of 125 Myer and the adverionunt which Appeared sn The ones of 24 Tverbor sas, “have the hove fo ont Beenie 8 omy | mg carrie ste an mad besech yo aan ysl wth a contents then that shal be fomnred with an ‘erin wih vie mg aplication in father ded of bag remain, 11 You ave deco pp) for one ofthe os adver on Fag 15 ter the came one or which you prapred a CV or Lent one. ‘Wirte the coving eter to accompany your cariclamtae ‘Werk pet nd cotter yor tes. ‘hie eter the bterimprncon a hy? "2 Math te wort ihe bo wth the defitons. Vocabulary Vir ain remuneration ‘hee things. ua nbuon vou or Fee mes ‘urn, over and above the bc py ‘roey pall every mrt, btffeed aan canis aid te professional and manager staff trey pall oa rofesionl arn, 8 dot ar amer leradvce even ene pao «mana wore, usy eles Ry 3 away ooo ‘money ded o py, uly ga or ood wrk on ‘none tt ait torent how of were cer me ‘rene eae a2 propria of he gods sie sl by nie 9: fo "Sepa the larg Inthe sentences wth weed om thebox She et sha wthout any quan then got fctoy ob but werent vey good fe, “he baemnertne gh but eam 155 very tou sso @ Acareerin Tourism Speechwork Word stress {An employe wl probably mato atom ameone who: alte contents mele Inevete—compaerseate Game ctor, nse opie create fcc Spite Match he gates sve with hse deaton- 2 iabletowseinlrmaton «6 gdh fgues, oom aap ati a sake) ae ee panes te pee hoes aac ae rare 5 Undetine the ses lal in each uly. What ae he ‘cereus orwore ening sea Rend ie woes loud © tisten and cc our rout. 16.Usng te sue able descbe someone we: * youcan canton canst workatonce 1 ren are kes + cosponstthe ab sing macy proie ‘sya cept ei he ofa cr) Whew ith stn ch dL ad hc tnd eager et ran rt “estan $38 000 pu ing 40.200 eer two yen i ‘We gee the gue pod nea he made he wat 0 eestng ‘ oe “The company psi each employee 2260 Cisina rots never ben 0 hgh hey wekona Sunday hey et whi is doe hi ou ateofpay. OVE Fyne 4 4 z Speaking 2 so neces "7 Sudet A tvoner: Stes e inenewes You ung tbe nerd font ob “retaeon page 9 (om et tl you wich ee) ale st ne ules you Wk he scr Cine sh ave Terme 1 your go Pos {de prepared ta lyon athe non Tn oe ‘Berton th never wi ak ou ae gn ou Sihwut ott henerionen ‘Ante an fot 09 lee jo end Steen rt Follow-up 19 Type weed proces ofl your CY nd show tt your Trends in Tourism Descring patterns of change in tourism Preview 1 Work witha pare, Look at thee pce and ay what Winds wove ey show ‘Make a ist of 5 mary types of tava you can. ‘Compare yor with hws fata peopl the cs. 2 wat oyu thnk the eter beeen tal, 2 vntorand tur We i fintons of ech word and cis hem th ou pte. Listening 1 Defi of urs ©! Lent profane wit Abo Cac who wos re We Tot ‘rpanaton Healing hut owt cfs he wore vee toed ‘ren protic sis on nteraton avetAsou ite wee wr at {ering tom te hart nd for eto (Din eo bow Yo il nnd trorethan rend in some ge 1 Temporary imma 2 5 Member fh em ‘The World Tourism Organisation's Cassifation of Toursm “Tear cmrses he aces of pens waelng oa) plies ote et) Tornotmore than) eorgcuve (forte and ote pups Ug) iol eget of aven cou traveling ol wi ther bn cy 10) voles non ree wavaing te gen sou. + Imoles eset fae county Navel to aot oun. @ Trends in Tourism Vocabulary Comment conksed words 4 some words Snr aig. nd grat Selaow uly when wir sn how Yue en Ths ue ry way cactbg how weg om ne pac ttn oats ty home Longa ‘trator neue Dinar eprerd oaeg f ‘RAVE ache etn compote tae tnteers 2 yx ving May gn ay. 1b Then we dee eat {Engin oxo Thess ont fy a yh 1 Thea. Hom Mast Bngsre ae creole The Taco te men. {wot naar até ators nthe cur? Terese enon an they wart ot onnoaston 1b Tre cen rt bt tet oman es When recording vocabulary you can: | + esi wor networks orword wees, + neue gratia nloson | 1+ se phonetic ep ryour on aster. 1+ wie asamp sentence osreb ming 1 re an acute tanaton + dean apie. Word tates Wisk nous. A as many words 1s posable to this -netert an erate ne branches Use tony ‘cesta Some words have ben given eat ou fh > a ae types of explore y Listening 2 x i 6 stent song sg in 1963. SUMMER HOLIDAY ty atin pop sar cals t Per Hag ook bw on zs ord ate in edge in aces eae oe aveeanded and te wo ri ke 1963 ‘wate cg ons Pi” 03 pop, ht Rare tsa 16 ba a moe Line enange ong ae on ee The ae he vs ky yey‘ te tn ws ie ss beet Aro "eo ago ie pcs ache sd a sont you asa ra amas ay oars en 8 te mores Ford aie tests Cops ‘Math hie ndings wh owe gen br Sas oe, fe nore atime lage og esha han no geal. | Sam ec Tis mas eae et la a tees eee book Sons tre ts Yo es Fe he Fe ite suns 2) prosaic earn oi. Note wore © meer Frutti te oy dro ws swe, Ir ena Ee once eer acs Ke cc) TR Het tp et bn i oe | were ne ° ok 9p E218 tease new eate iene ss 1 dr sd oss ma Nas pe fae ge IEEE eben ea Fehon ie nara 98 we aya te Samer ; amines was won £1.05 / @ Trends in Touro Language Focus Vv weeps ee os Seca Saiesansean pe ee cE eee, = eer eee oeeeere = See =a Decide ifthe statements a te fae. 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