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Good Habits/Bad Habits

Habits are things you do repeatedly. Most of the time you are hardly aware you do the
habits. They are on autopilot. Depending on what they are, your habits will wither make
or break you. You become what you repeatedly do. Luckily, you are stronger than your
Lets look at some of the good habits you have in your life right now (good habits include
things such as exercising regularly, being a loyal friend, or being on time)
Think About Your Habits
Four (4) of my really good habits are:
The reason I keep these habits in my life is:
___to be hygenic____
_ ______________________________________________________________________
The good result I get from having one of my good habits is: (for example, I have a habit
of being on time, so now people know they can count me to be prompt)
I take a shower so I smell good. I brush my hair so I look good. I brush my teeth so my
breath smells good. I get dressed so I can be warm and be presentable.
______________________________________________________________________ _
_ ______________________________________________________________________
Habits are not always positive. Now lets list some habits that you are not so proud of
Right now my four (4) worst habits are: List one for each category.

School: ___thinking about other things than what the teacher is saying.
Family: __being on my phone when my parents ask me to do something.
Friends: interrupting them when they are telling a story.
Other: being on my phone to much.
The reason I have these bad habits is:
_ _doing them for too long so that they stick with me.
_ ______________________________________________________________________
Ive had these bad habits for (days, weeks, years?)
_ some for months and others for years.
The bad results I get from having one of my bad habits is: (for example, I am late to
school which means I miss class discussion and get a detention)
_ __im on my phone too much so I get in trouble with my parents.
_ ______________________________________________________________________
From each of the bad habits above, list the good habit you would like to replace the bad
habit with.
Good Habit I want to replace the bad habit with:
School: _listening to what the teacher says instead of thinking about other things.
Family: _putting my phone down and do what my parents ask me to do.
Friends: listening to them instead of interrupting them.

Other:__dont be on my phone too much.


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